Love and Justice!

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"I-I guess.... more like college, honestly... uhm... though I go to this boarding school, so we have uniforms. Uhh... I-I'm 19 years old..." Kirara felt strange saying that. He did not feel like a 19-year old. He wondered if Kyoya had feared he was younger. After all, he could easily be mistaken for being 15 or something of the like. "W-well... I-I guess I don't live up to my age, at all. I-I'm so awkward, and all that... I take honors classes but I don't have any friends... uhm..."

"W-well! That's enough about me..." Kirara blushed slightly as he covered his face with his hands (more like the sleeves of the cardigan at this point), looking to the side. "I-I don't really think my life story is all that interesting..." He didn't want to be a bother, but at the same time, he wanted to just keep on talking to Kyoya forever. He didn't know where to draw the line, and so far he had gone back on almost all of the things he had said. He didn't want it to be like this, but everything in him was screaming at him to take it slower.
At this point Kyoya was sitting comfortably, one of his hands under his chin as he watched the boy. His smile deepened when the boy covered his face. He really was too adorable for him to handle. Kyoya kept listening intently until he heard the part where the boy had no friends. A sad look quickly swept onto his face as he stared at the boy, his eyes full of love. How could someone so adorable and kind have no friends...? he thought, wanting to ask but got interrupted by the boy stopping himself.

He opened his mouth, about to speak before getting interrupted by the waiter. He had brought the sandwiches and placed them on the table. After doing so, he asked if there was anything else they needed and left when Kyoya answered no. When he left, Kyoya turned back to the boy and stared once more, speaking in a more gentle tone. "No no, don't worry! I'd love to know more about you." he spoke, trying to comfort the boy. It was true that he wanted to know more about him but he feel what's more important right now is to express that thought so that Kirara does not think that he was bothering him.
Kirara's blush intensified as he stared down at his sandwich. I'm really falling hard, aren't I? Is it because he's treating me kindly?... no... that's not it... it's just that he... I want to know more... I want to see more... I want his everything... Kirara's eyes focused on Kyoya once again, getting lost in the contours of his face, the way his eyes lit up with that gentle smile, the curve of his mouth, the firm line of his jaw... everything was flooding his mind and being printed into his memory so that he would never forget.

"About... me? There's really... n-not much..." His eyes were filled with emotion as he looked down again, the image of Kyoya's face still burning on the inside of his eyelids. He would probably not forget that face for a long while to come. "Uhm... I-I... I first discovered magic when I wasn't very old, but I never thought much of it... like, like it was just my imagination. But... electricity isn't exactly a power that can go unnoticed, and when I accidentally caused myself to go to the hospital, stunned, I sort of realized that what I was doing wasn't normal, so... I-I distanced myself from people. N-now I'm like this. S-stupid, huh?" His eyes were sad and lonely.
Kyoya was watching him and could only smile happily at his reactions. It was extremely adorable to him that someone like this can be so shy and embarrassed. He was glad that he had met this boy and couldn't wait to know more about him, feeling lucky to have a partner like him. When he first was told that he got dispatched to partner with this boy due to their elemental matches, he was thinking of a strong, much more mature man who was buff and tall, seeing that electricity needed a lot of energy and concentration. He was first surprised at how young the boy was, then the surprise completely turned into liking as the boy was much more adorable than he thought.

He listened on silently and allowed him to finish. He lowered his head and thought for a bit before looking back up once again, reaching out his hand. "Then from now on, we're not only the best partners, we're also the best of friends, okay?" he spoke, a carefree smile on his face. He couldn't bare to see him alone, he couldn't bare to see anyone that way. After saying so, he waited for him to shake his hand, staring at the boy in front of him with hopeful eyes.
Friends.... huh? Kirara's smile was genuine, but bore the slightest of sadness, when he shook Kyoya's hand. I thought so. I was the only one all along. I shouldn't get my hopes up... The taste in his mouth was bitter, and he was relieved that they started eating almost immediately after, taking away some of the bad taste in his mouth. Somehow, he felt like he had wronged Kyoya. That falling for him had been something horrible of him. He couldn't help this feeling and it kept enveloping him to the point where he could barely keep a smile on his face. He decided to not look at Kyoya so that his raging emotions would not show on his face. He felt guilty about them in the first place, so this wasn't any better.

It's not like it was unexpected, a guy like him is bound to have a girl he loves... someone who will give him much, much more than me, the "best friend"... Kirara sighed a little bit, realizing that he had just been staring at his half-finished sandwich for probably minutes now. He quickly started eating again, pretending that nothing had happened. He was probably ruining their good time together. What should he do? He didn't want it to end on this note. He didn't know what to do. Before he could stop it, he set down his sandwich and slight tears formed in the corner of his eye, a single one escaping down his cheek. He hurriedly wiped his eyes, hoping that Kyoya didn't notice him. What am I thinking, of course he did, he's looking directly at me, of course he'll notice...
Kyoya was happy that the young boy agreed and had started to enjoy the sandwich with him. He finished one of his sandwiches before noticing that the boy had been staring at his own for a while. He tilted his head and continued observing as the boy quickly started stuffing his face again, but it seemed to him that the boy wasn't enjoying the sandwich at all. Shock took over as he saw the tear escape his eye, the fear of him doing something wrong crawling up his chest. It was suddenly hard to breathe and he quickly spoke. "I-I'm sorry.... did I... do something wrong?" he stuttered, a worried look on his face. Oh dear... oh dear oh dear oh dear... I made him cry... he thought to himself as he panicked. He did not understand what was going on but he knew that he had did something wrong. "I'm really sorry! Please don't cry! T-Tell me what's wrong? Please?" he asked while comforting the boy.

Then it struck him. An idea that he hoped would cheer the boy up. He reached for the box and pushed it forward on the table, still stuttering. "H-Here! I got you something! I don't know i-if you'll like it but... uhm.. I hope you like it!" he spoke while fumbling with the box, opening it finally after quite a while. Inside the box was a Red Velvet cupcake but there was something else. A chocolate decor was on top and it had marked 'I like you.' and Kyoya had just noticed it. W-Wait what? I did not order this! W-Why is this here?! he panicked, a blush evident on his face. "Well.. I uhm... this isn't what it looks like... though I do kinda like you... but... that's not the point! I uhm... I did not order the decor..." he mumbled, unable to keep his cool any longer.
Kirara was, mildly speaking, bewildered. He looked down at the cupcake in his hand, his face blazing with embarrassment. He slowly put it down on the table, careful not to let anything happen to it (it was really cute, and he would almost feel bad eating it, but that was for later). Then he slowly processed Kyoya's words, one after one, and finally realized the nature of his words. He looked in shock, pale eyes going wide as the tears started to fall more freely. But he didn't look unhappy. It was written all over his face; he was hopeful, and extremely so. The waiter had picked up their plates beforehand, and they were just sitting at the table now, with their drinks. He blinked as he put his hands on the table (more like curled his fingers around the edge of it, but whatever), and slowly processed how he should respond to something like this. Kyoya's face looked incredibly honest. Obviously, he was not lying...

"S-so... you... you... l-like me?" He couldn't hide the anticipation, the hope that his feelings would be returned. But just looking at Kyoya made it obvious that Kirara was not the only one having these sorts of thoughts. He released his fingers from the tables, wiping his eyes as a small voice escaped him. "I-I like you too... I-I don't... want to be stuck as your.... "friend"... I-I'm horrible...!" He still feared rejection. His voice was quiet, and since they were sitting off in the corner it wasn't like anyoned paid them any mind. "I-I'm a guy, you know? I-I feel bad... for putting this kind of burden on you... I-I mean, I might be feminine, b-but... I-I'm a guy y'know? Y-you shouldn't... f-fool yourself... i-isn't it a girl... t-that you want...?" The words were spilling from his mouth, all of the pent up feelings about his sexuality that he would've preferred to never face in his life.
Kyoya could only stare at the boy and his reactions, hoping that he did not make him hate himself. He did have an interest in him and he was not afraid to admit it. After all, he did not care for girls at all. However, he had been unable to find a partner and had many unrequited loves before meeting Kirara. The fact that Kirara did not even show any hate or disgust after the weird confession of his shocked him. It was out of his expectations. He was sure that Kirara would just be disgusted and start avoiding him. Seeing the tears that start to stream down his face, he panicked, worried that he hurt him, but then realized the hopeful look on the young boy's face. Realizing what was happening, he stayed silent, watching the young boy with a slight blush on his face.

He stayed silent and waited for the boy's reaction. Hearing the boy speak made his heart tighten. He listened intently and allowed him to finish speaking. He continued to stare at him for a bit before smiling gently, nodding to the sobbing boy in front of him. "I know you're a boy, and I know clearly what I'm doing. I like you, and I am fully aware of what I'm feeling. I have an interest in you and I just can't stop it." he explained, scratching the back of his head. He looked away before looking back at him once more, chuckling a little. "Thank you for feeling the same, let's get to know each other more okay?" he said before reaching his hand out with an embarrassed smile on his face.
Kirara was so shocked that he stopped sobbing, though the tears were still fresh on his face, and he looked up, wiping his eyes with the back of his hand. He blinked. Once, twice. Three times. All while trying to comprehend what Kyoya had just said. Then tears flowed again. He wasn't able to hold it back this time either, and he frantically tried to wipe at his eyes. Though, there was something vastly different about it this time. Kirara had a smile on his face. He was smiling, even if he was crying. He was so incredibly happy. This was the first time that he had ever been accepted for who he was, and not only that, but it was also the first time that he had ever expressed his feelings and actually feel they were reciprocated. He blushed as he reached out one of his hands, looking at Kyoya.

He slowly put his smaller hand on top of Kyoya's outstretched one. Kyoya's skin was warm against his fingertips. He smiled through his tears, face red with adoration, embarrassment and absolute joy. "Y-yeah. T-thank you... so much..." Somehow, he knew that this wasn't the kind of situation that warranted them thanking each other like this, but maybe Kyoya was the same as him. Maybe Kyoya had never been in love before either, had never had his feelings returned. In that moment, Kirara felt like they held a deep understanding for each other, and it made him happier than anything in the world. He wanted to know everything there was to know about Kyoya by this point.
Kyoya smiled once again at Kirara's joyful tears, his heart skipping a beat. He allowed him to cry happily as he watched with caring eyes. He was about to say something after Kirara managed to calm down but was once again surprised when the boy spoke before him. Hearing the genuine (and adorable) response from Kirara, he blushed a deeper shade than usual, feeling the tiny palms of the boy's on his own. He could only stare, frozen solid at the cuteness that was presented in front of him. He felt a sudden warmth in his nose and quickly lifted his head. Oh no... this better not be.... he thought as he felt liquid flowing down his throat with his head facing upwards. Yeap... a nosebleed... how embarrassing... he thought to himself once more before lowering his head down again, grabbing the napkin and covering his nose and nostrils to avoid the mess.

After about a minute he managed to calm it down, taking the napkin away. He hid the napkin by placing it on his lap instead of back onto the table. The nosebleed had stopped and he was blushing furiously. He usually was not the type to have a nosebleed over adorable things (or anything rather) but the adorable person sitting across the table had just made his blood rise to his brain. He sighed, hoping that Kirara wouldn't think that he was weird. Glancing over at the young boy, he waited for a response from him, unable to voice a word though thoughts are flying in his mind.
Kirara stared in confusion as Kyoya's nose started bleeding. He was a bit worried but Kyoya seemed to be taking care of it himself, and Kirara sat patiently, waiting for a few moments before Kyoya was starting to calm down, removing the napkin from his nose. He blushed lightly as he folded his hands in his lap, rubbing them together nervously. He smiled slightly, trying to ease the tension. Somehow, he didn't really feel that it was something to feel weird about. After all, nosebleeds could just happen all of a sudden sometimes. He had experienced it himself before, but he didn't think that there was anything wrong with that happening, it was the same here, right? He pushed a lock of hair behind his ear as he leaned a little closer to Kyoya, inspecting him a little closer as if trying to learn something. He didn't really know if it was anything recurring, but he didn't want Kyoya to be in a bad shape.

"Are... are you alright? You're not hurt or anything?" After all, they had fought a battle just yesterday. Maybe he had hurt his head or something. Kirara was starting to get a little worried, completely oblivious to the fact that he was actually the cause of this whole mess. Maybe it wasn't a good idea to be leaning in closer if that was the case. But the little Kirara was oblivious - just as usual. He was always like this, never really paying too much attention. He had had little to no idea when he first met Kyoya that they had mutual feelings for each other, and he was infinitely unaware of his own cuteness.
Kyoya remained seated until he realized that the boy had leaned closer to him, making it hard for him to breathe. His cuteness was unbearable and it made him blush furiously again. Oh gosh... I feel another nosebleed... Please no... he thought to himself and took deep breaths to try to calm himself down. While doing so he heard Kirara's voice once more, this time sounding a lot more worried. He realized that the boy had been worried about him because of the nosebleed that had happened and he figured that he had no point in hiding it. He watched the adorable airhead in front of him before looking away, opening his lips to speak but unable to at all as his lips shivered.

Oh my goodness, why am I so affected?! he panicked, trying to calm his train of thought. He was usually carefree and never had to face this kind of stimuli, so being put in this kind of a situation really made his heart beat out of his chest. He paused a bit before turning back to the boy in front of him, trying to think of an excuse as to not seem weird, but as he opened his mouth, he muttered something completely different from what he had planned. "Well... that's because you are too cute for me to handle..." It wasn't long until he realized what he had just said, his face turning into a combination of shock and embarrassment. He cupped his mouth with one of his hands and looked away, his eyes wide from the shock of what he had just admitted. Oh no no no no I did not plan to say that!!!! he panicked internally, though it was pretty obvious from his appearance that he was completely out of control.
Kirara's face went bright red. What should he say? Oh no what should I do he called me cute - I know it's selfish to just accept but I'm so happy... urgh I feel like I could faint. I'm going to die. As he looked around the shop, he realized that people were starting to look at them. This embarrassed him further. "I-I think... w-we've gotta go." He hurriedly, but carefully, put the cupcake into its little box and down in the bag that Kyoya had brought, and before Kirara was even aware of his own actions, they were both walking down the street, Kirara practically dragging Kyoya along. They got to a rather secluded area in a park, and Kirara put his things down only to jump into Kyoya's arms, his hands clenching into the back of Kyoya's shirt. He was so warm.

"I'm happy... so happy... I-I... I just... I can't anymore. I couldn't stand not hugging you like this... I couldn't stand not connecting us together even closer..." Kirara pulled back, taking Kyoya's hand and putting it on his chest. His heart was pounding again. He closed his eyes as his shaking hands pushed Kyoya's against his chest, gently keeping it in place. "I'm burning up inside out... I-I don't know what to do anymore... I-it's not like... it's not like you're the only one affected! I feel like I might just die... from all of this happiness... and it'll all be your fault, y'know..." He was smiling. Smiling like the biggest idiot. His hands cupped Kyoya's face as he gently looked into Kyoya's eyes. "But... I wouldn't mind dying of this kind of happiness... I can feel it now... how your feelings reach me... it makes me so, so happy to feel that..." Kirara lowered his gaze, unsure of where he was going. "I... is it okay... to say "I love you" now...?" He whispered. The words felt so right on his lips.
Kyoya watched as the boy burned up with embarrassment. He felt eyes on both of them but did not care. He only had eyes for the boy in front of him. The boy however thought otherwise as he quickly pulled Kyoya by the arm, dragging him out of the store. "H-Hold o-..." he tried to speak but before he could say anything they were already out on the street. He did not mind as he already paid for the meal ahead of time, though he was still curious as to why the boy reacted this way all of a sudden. It wasn't until half way down the street that he realized how incredibly red the boy's face was. He thought the boy could not get any redder but apparently he thought wrong. He allowed him to drag himself towards wherever they were going, following suit behind.

As they reached a park and sat down at a bench, he looked over at the boy, wanting to ask if he was alright. He did not mean to make him so embarrassed and he felt a little bad. To his surprise (once again), Kirara threw himself on Kyoya, completely catching him off guard. He let out a yelp as his face became tinted with a hint of red, freezing in place and unable to move. He felt the boy's tiny little hands grasp the back of his shirt and he held his breath. Kirara felt like a beautiful figure made of glass and he was so afraid that he would crush him if he wasn't careful. He listened to Kirara's confession, his heart beating out of his chest. As Kirara looked into his eyes, he stared back lovingly, wondering how much more adorable this boy can get. When asked the important question, he stayed silent for a second and looked at him. Enough is enough.... he thought to himself before leaning closer to Kirara's ears, whispering "I love you." before kissing it and quickly pulling away, avoiding his glance. What did I just do....?!!
Kirara's face reddened further, and he was standing as if nailed to the spot. His hands were shaking as he held Kyoya's arms, his mouth hanging open like a dying fish. Wait wait, rewind. What did he just do....? D-did he just?! Kirara shut his mouth firmly, trying to will his blush to die down. He leaned in a little closer, his head pressed against Kyoya's chest as he breathed in, slowly, and then out, just as slowly. His heartbeat was going crazy, face extremely red with embarrassment. He wrapped his arms back around Kyoya, taking in his confession. He didn't just kiss my ear... he also confessed, didn't he...? What should I do... he's being way too perfect... Kirara blushed deeper as he looked up at Kyoya again, starting to lean in a little closer. He was even surprised at his own actions right now.

"I love you... I love you so much," He didn't know what drew him to Kyoya. Maybe it was their magic pulling them together like magnets, he didn't know. But he felt an eternal kind of bond to this man. Like he was just meeting someone he had known forever. He brushed his fingers against Kyoya's shirt, standing on his toes. Why is he so tall, geez... crane your head down a little, you jerk... The thought made him fist his hand in the front of Kyoya's shirt, pulling his head down a little bit. He was way too embarrassed for something like this... he closed in on Kyoya, slowly starting to close his eyes. Before he was even ready, he felt Kyoya lean forward and press their lips together. Something inside him clicked in that moment, and he knew there was no going back after this. He had no way of predicting this feeling. Kyoya's lips were warm and soft against his own, filling him with love and affection. His hands slowly loosened in Kyoya's shirt, wrapping his arms around Kyoya's neck instead. He didn't care in the least if anyone would see them like this. He didn't care.
Kyoya thought this would be able to render the boy speechless, finally making him the victor. He was feeling quite defeated because he wanted to be the one who lead this relationship. Thinking he finally won, he had a smug smile on his face, expecting Kirara to finally admit defeat. He felt the boy's head on his chest, which made him look back down at the top of his head. The smug smile on his face grew wider, feeling proud of himself as he allowed Kirara to calm down. Suddenly feeling Kirara's arm around him and seeing him tiptoe to reach him, his urges could no longer be controlled as he leaned down as well, kissing his lips gently with his own. He stayed for a bit before feeling the boy wrap his arms around his neck. A surge of feeling rushed through him and erased all thought as he pushed the boy against a tree, deepening the kiss.

-to be continued-
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