Looking for.... Something!

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Name: Levari Aihn Decosarin.
Nickname: Ain. "Ay-n"
Race: Heath. [spoili] A Heath, is the unnatural offspring of a Demon and Angel. As Angels and Demons cannot reproduce, it is rare for one of these spawns to appear in the world. Most are through twisted rituals involving a mostly unwilling human subject. A heath had the ability to choose between their Angelic or Demonic side, but will often have trouble with the other surfacing.

Due to only having about half of each blood base, a Heath is generally weaker than a full blooded Angel or Demon, but usually have perks and mutations that either do not have.[/spoili]
Age: Appears to be 18-21 human years. But is well over 100.
Gender: Female.
Morality form: Angel.

Position:[spoili]As a Heath, Ain is shunned by both Angels and Demons. However, she does her best to aid those in need, preferring the life of a Guardian.[/spoili]
Specialization:[spoili]Ain practices a wide known, but misunderstood skill. Telekinesis. Which is often confused as shear magic.

Telekinesis is actually a form of advanced Physical Alchemy, called 'Banding'.
Banding is the art of projecting one's own physical strength, into a invisible link toward an object, similar to magnetism.

The person or thing, that attempts to use Banding, must have an extreme amount of Mental power, for the bond between the two can be extraordinarily difficult to control.

A few examples: One could form a Band with a small rock, and simply bring it toward them with little effort.
One could form a Band with a boulder, but they will tire normally, and the muscles that would normally be used to move it would tire.
One could form a Band with a cliff, they will tire as normal as anyone else would that's insane enough to try to push a cliff, and can actually harm them self like any other would.

The mental effort is a completely different story.

It varies by the weight of an object, how big it is, and how far it is.
The higher these numbers go, the more deadlier the personal affect, and the lower, the lesser.
These can varie from dizziness, confusion, and sometimes a state similar to a coma, called "Banding Chill" where most of its victims freeze to death.

Though there is another form of banding, called "Binding". This is what Ain uses.

Binding is nearly the same as Banding, but instead draws on the force of power. Heat, as it is the most powerful energy, is mostly used as the source.

Binding does require much more mental training to manage, but less physical strain.
One could use the heat from a small candle, and life a boulder nearly half their size, provided that the small flame does not go out.
When using the energy of a heat source, it transfers that heat into the force required to life that object, thus cooling it in the process.
If one were to use their own body heat, could easily kill them in minutes. 'Binders chill' is a much more severe form of Banders chill. Where its victims will loose control of their body entirely, resulting in seizures, comas, hallucinations, and near instant death.[/spoili]
Description:[spoili]Wears elegantly decorated armors. Consisting of Skirts:[spoili]Mostly silver/chrome, Ain will normally wear these during day to day activities. Generally with a curved, point ending texture along the sides With large varied crystals embedded into the metal, reaching just above her knees in the front and split down the middle for better maneuverability, while the back can extend down to her feet. Normally, these extensions are light metals, feathers, cloths and furs.

While traveling, these skirts will decrease in bulkiness, becoming smaller depending on how far, and how fast it takes to get to the destination. Reducing weight.[/spoili] Chest covering/Straps:[spoili] Stretching from her collar bone, to ending of her chest bone. These armors are normally devoid of decoration, consisting of a single jewel on her collar.

The straps are mostly for travel, and are made from thick furs to avoid any 'attractions'. The furs themselves varie in color, often matching her general look.

Both the armor, and the straps are connected to the bony hinge of her wings that protrude from her back.[/spoili]Shoes/Boots:[spoili]Ain is normally barefoot, though she tends to keep her feet extremely clean.

Though on certain occasions she will wear a pair of boots. These boots will often reach just below her knees, and have the appearance of heels. They are normally dark in color, or chrome along with the rest of her outfit. The heels however, are large enough to not create a major problem, and are just as fit as a normal knights boot. [/spoili]Braces/Gloves:[spoili]These may either completely metal, or simple cloth. Mostly beginning at her elbows and shoulder, and ending at her hands. The metal is chrome and the cloth varies in color.[/spoili] Head/Hair:[spoili]Ain's hair is naturally black, but she will often use the paste of certain flowers to dye it purple.

Normally she wears nothing otter than her natural hair, but during certain times (Such as war, impressions) she'll have a helmet based off a White Knight, pointed in the front and branching off the sides and toward the back.[/spoili][/spoili]
Kin:[spoili]Being a Heath, Ain has no siblings. Her father was a Demon, and her mother an Angel. Though their story is unknown to her.[/spoili]

Where they were born:[spoili]Ain believes she was born somewhere on earth, having no memories of heaven or hell.[/spoili]
General personality:[spoili]Ain is normally a quiet, lonely, and otherwise completely human girl. Socially awkward, and hates large crowds. Though she is fierce when protecting her loved ones, and values loyalty and honesty above all else.[/spoili]
Inner personality:[spoili]Constantly at war with her demonic half, Ain will at times have a twisted sense of humor and judgement. Often behaving in ways she normally does not.[/spoili]

Allies:[spoili]Being a heath, normally all Humans, Angels, and Demons avoid her. Though she does have a 'friend'.

A female tropical Griffin unofficially named "Sauro". Although tropical. these griffins are normally found throughout the world, and relocate to tropical regions during times of breeding and converse.

It is known that griffins of all types have a social structure similar to common humanoids, though all attempts at a connection between the two have all failed. However, Griffins are very intelligent creatures, and often understand what a person is trying to say, their feelings, or simple things that they try to get through.

Tropical griffins are easily distinguished between male and female.

Male Griffins are much larger, and are very colorful. While Female Griffins are generally smaller, and have darker feathers.

Sauro will often visit Ain on a weekly basis, staying for only a day, or years at a time. The griffin is about 50 years of age, though has another 100 left to pass.
Enemies: Darker Heath. Demons. Priests.
Weapons: A staff.
Rune:[spoili]A rune, is a type of carving that can be used to heighten the abilities of a creature or thing.

Most runes are drawn by using heated object and forming the design with the leftover material. (charcoal, burnt flesh, ect) In order to create a rune one must have a significant amount of teaching with Binding, and even more knowledge with the actual rune. All runes are naturally invisible, and will begin to show as they are being used. (save for the markings) When the rune is drawn, whatever force is being projected into the creation is taken from the caster.

Example: A rune to prevent excessive pain; the caster will feel the pain that is being used to prevent it in the future.
A rune of awareness will temporarily weaken its caster during the time being, potentially mending them paralyzed when finished. But after a good rest they will be perfectly well, and have free will to use the rune as necessary.

Ain primary uses only two runes. On her right arm, just below the shoulder joint, is a rune of awareness, perking her overall senses when desired.

On her left shoulder, is a rune of control. Which aides her in preventing herself from loosing control of her demonic half. As she gets closer, the rune weakens and becomes more noticeable, mostly more black.[/spoili]
Past history:[spoili]Having been raised by a human mother, and a human father. Ain once viewed herself no more than another girl in her village. Though most of the children didn't age at the fifth rate of a human, and were born without wings.

On her twentieth human year, a local priest had claimed that she was a Heath, and at the moment nearly the entire village had turned on her instantly.

Having fled from the town, Ain wandered the world as she does now, taking any attempt to prove her alignment with the Angels.[/spoili]
Present:[spoili]Currently, Ain has been doing the same thing for the past eighty years. Though right now she scours the land for the lost Heirs of the throne, in an attempt to restore the lost peace.

She now considers herself independent, due to the Angels showing no interest in peace, and no attempt to help the suffering of the world.

She still continues to silently battle with her demonic half, which has risen only a dozen times.[/spoili]
As with all people, Ain will at times experience a mental breakdown. These can occur over time, or suddenly.

The general cause of this can be from stress, sadness and depression, and anger. During this state Ain will loose control of her dominic half and it will surface on its own free will. During this state, it is best to allow it to diminish on its own, though simple logic may help as well.
Overtime, Ain will become more and more dark, her appearance slowly changing to reflect her feelings.(Actual descriptive detail will be added if it happens, but in the end she'll look something like this)
Ain's demonic nature is ruthless, un-forgiving, and basically a demon. She'll likely ignore everyone, and attack those who try to force her to listen.
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Had issues posting it, so sorry this is so late.

I followed your guideline, but added/changed a few things.
No problem. I'll post the thread as soon as I can stop staring at the kitten. It has...mind seducing powers that prevents one from not gazing at it...for hours...and hours....

Where do you want this roleplay at?
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I forgot to add something into the character sheet before, so I just got done updating it.

Here's what I added.

Rune:[spoili]A rune, is a type of carving that can be used to heighten the abilities of a creature or thing.

Most runes are drawn by using heated object and forming the design with the leftover material. (charcoal, burnt flesh, ect) In order to create a rune one must have a significant amount of teaching with Binding, and even more knowledge with the actual rune. All runes are naturally invisible, and will begin to show as they are being used. (save for the markings) When the rune is drawn, whatever force is being projected into the creation is taken from the caster.

Example: A rune to prevent excessive pain; the caster will feel the pain that is being used to prevent it in the future.
A rune of awareness will temporarily weaken its caster during the time being, potentially mending them paralyzed when finished. But after a good rest they will be perfectly well, and have free will to use the rune as necessary.

Ain primary uses only two runes. On her right arm, just below the shoulder joint, is a rune of awareness, perking her overall senses when desired.

On her left shoulder, is a rune of control. Which aides her in preventing herself from loosing control of her demonic half. As she gets closer, the rune weakens and becomes more noticeable, mostly more black.[/spoili]
One thing I will say to prevent any arguments is that with her powers, please have a cut off switch on them. Like using too much power makes her tired or something like that. I really love your character, but I also want the fight to be fair if our character fought or if they all faced a foe the battle isn't over in a snap.
Of course, she's just the same as everybody else. She gets tired, hungry, sore, all of it. Just about everything she does contributes to that.

I try not to make them too powerful, there is always a loose string or two.
I have several threads in the Medieval Horror category. Let me know if you're interested.
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