Looking for partners!

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Original poster
Invitation Status
  1. Looking for partners
Posting Speed
  1. 1-3 posts per week
  2. One post per week
Online Availability
Erratic. Depends on work schedule.
Writing Levels
  1. Adept
  2. Advanced
Preferred Character Gender
  1. Male
  2. Female
Medieval fantasy (high and low), modern, slice of life... etc.
Well, I'm running short on roleplay partners, so I thought it'd be a good time to start looking for a few more!
Let's just jump right in and start with some things about myself. c:

- Can write 2-7+ paragraphs.
- Preferably PM roleplays.
- I am capable of posting several times a day.
- Requires OOC banter. :3
- May or may not use character sheets; prefers anime.
- I am passive in the plots you make up and am aggressive in the plots I make up. This can change though.
- Lots of free time, on 24/7.
- I am fade-to-black.
- Gore & swearing doesn't bother me.
- Can roleplay male & female equally.
- MxF pairings only.

As far as genres go, I am pretty much up for anything. I have so many interests so I won't bother to list them. xD
I'll list my favorites, cravings, and dislikes however.

Here are my favorites:
- Lots of gore/violence
- Some degree of romance (can be the focus or not)
- Yandere females
- Animal-based

Here are some cravings:
- Yandere female vs. Tsundere female
- Feral/stray dogs
- Demon x Human

Things I don't like:
- Sci-Fi/Aliens
- Mecha
- Historical/steampunk/cyberpunk
- Anything too complicated

I suppose that's it for now.
I really needed to get this posted, so please look beyond the simplicity and comment here, or shoot me a PM! ^^
Got any plots on mind? for the most part I play males but my females turn out to be really bitchy like more tsundre half the time LOL
gore, violence, animals and demons are right up my ally! I would love to role play with you. What do you have in mind. I can post often and am on most of the time throughout the day up until about 7 pm.

So much awesomeness is coming from my computer now!!!
haha viahra we should do a roleplay too :D Im always on speedy poster too xDD
sounds great! Anything you would prefer?
I am best with fantasy and futuristic settings. Sometimes I do other stuff though, I'm open to suggestions.
I'll PM you both. c:
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