Looking for ideas/possible co-GM

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カンザキイオリ - 不器用な男
Original poster
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  1. Look for groups
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  1. Multiple posts per day
  2. One post per day
  3. 1-3 posts per week
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  1. Intermediate
  2. Adaptable
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  1. Primarily Prefer Female
Horror, Scifi, Fantasy
I've been doing some worldbuilding and have two worlds that I'm interested in possibly turning into RPs in the future, but I suck at plots so would need ideas and most likely a co-GM.

First world: Google doc link
This one is more complete than the second one. I am also bad at summarizing but it's a world that's heavily based around the magic system, which revolves around the use of magical runes and circles. There is a major magic university, but I think school RPs are a bit boring which is why I haven't done anything with this one yet. I have another idea for a plot but not sure if I like it or not. I haven't finished coming up with are details about the various countries (thinking about having anywhere from 3-5).

Second: Google doc link
This is one I just started a few days ago so it's not as fleshed out as the one above. To summarize briefly it's world where the magic you use is based off of the god you worship. Right now looking for some ideas for more minor gods and names. Also right now I have this set as a single country, but have been considering playing into the idea of introducing others with different beliefs and how that would affect how magic works. Ideas for plot are also welcome but I feel like it might still be awhile until I have the worldbuilding to a point where I think it's ready to be used.

You can comment here or on the document or add/message me on discord @Itari#5964
>X< I'm really interested in both of these concepts; they're really cool! Are you still looking for someone to help with them?
>X< I'm really interested in both of these concepts; they're really cool! Are you still looking for someone to help with them?

Yes I am still working on them!
what's your preferred method of communicating?
what's your preferred method of communicating?

Discord would be easiest for me but I'm open to other options if that doesn't work for you!