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  1. Multiple posts per day
  2. 1-3 posts per day
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  1. Intermediate
  2. Advanced
  3. Adaptable
Preferred Character Gender
  1. Female
  2. Primarily Prefer Female
Hey my darlings! I'm back and as desperate as every ;D I decided to pull out some old rps from the dark depths I've left them in. Come check them out, or don't! Totally up to you!!

About me real fast!
I fucking love vampires. They are the best.

I'm learning how to write smut, if you are interested in that please give me time and patience (and possibly pointers)

I love drama, action and most of all romance.

I will only play the female main character and prefer my partner to be male…maybe female?

I prefer our actors 20+ and prefer to write with someone in that age range as well!!

Anyways , allow me to dust these babies off real fast!!

"I am sure the heart I failed to protect/the one I left behind/is still fast asleep/where it's hidden deep/among the forest trees."

Centuries ago, a seemingly small and sleepy town was ruled by a rather cold and calculating lord. A man whom had no trouble cutting down anyone that dared to displease or disrespect him. Often cruel and having a seemingly unquenchable blood lust, people believed him to be a vampire. More often the not the towns people left him alone, afraid of just what he might do. If one were to see him in passing, they would simply turn heel and walk the other direction. Certainly it was was best to keep ones head down and not make eye contact with a seemingly unstable man.

Rumors of him being a vampire had been around ever since the towns establishment. The elders of the village calming he had looked the same for years, never aging or growing sick. Guest of the lord would often go missing when visiting the manor, or they would back looking pale and drained of life—their memories foggy and speech incoherent for a few days. Knowing how unstable he already was, no one had courage to actually question him. So the overlooked disappearances, and questionably unhealthy reappearances went on for years.

That was until a woman, one that possessed more beauty then any in town—most mistaking her for an actual angel with her seemingly otherworldly grace, happened to pass through one rainy night. Seeking shelter she stopped on the lords property, and like most stories disappeared within the manors walls. Months passed and slowly she was forgot about just like the others, that was until something very unexpected and jarring happened. The beautiful angel emerged from the darkness, a bright smile to her face, a cheerful demeanor and without a signal hair missing upon her head. Perhaps she was a tad pale though very coherent and full of life — and strapped to her arm was a sight like no other. The dark lord, the one people claimed was full of bloodlust and that everyone feared stood close to her side. The man looking more pleased then usual, his deep scowl slowly fading away into what some might call a smile.

A frozen, dead heart seemingly thawing.

No longer were people afraid to be in his presence,the woman at his side
seemingly taming what ever beast lived inside his heart . Amazingly an actual peace began to fill the town thanks to this woman. People soon stopped disappearing from the manor, nor did they come back on the brink of death. Prosperity began to grown in the town, the people were happy life was wonderful.

However this story has no happy ending.

You see the woman that seemingly vanished and reappeared was the beloved Princess Athanasia Rose Etruscilla of Obsidian, betrothed to Prince Vakhtang Valudi of Haarton—-and he would do anything to have Athanasia back at his side, even if that meant burning a town to the ground.

After learning of Athanasias whereabouts and learning of the rumors of the town, the prince believed Athanasia was under some kind of glamour for there could be no other possible explanations. Surly it was too dangerous for his men and himself to storm the town, who knew what an actual vampire could do! There was also no possible way he could talk reason into the princess, by now the spell would be too strong. There was was only one thing Vakhtang could do, and that was to gather a professional supernatural hunter to get his wife back.

To keep an already long story short—it's said that the hunter tracked down the couple, watching and studying their activists until he was sure which corse of action would be best. Then on a foggy and moonless night, once he was sure of his plan, the hunter made his attack. Storming the manor with weapons blazing, beginning a rather bloody and destructive battle within the manor walls. Unable to actually kill the vampire the hunter managed to trap the man deep within his own home. The hunter escaping with an traumatized and unwilling princess, one who fought to stay by her lovers side.

It is said the marriage between the two royals did not last long, the princess passing a way just a year after being brought back to the Haarton kingdom. Most say it was due to the spell that was put upon her for so long or perhaps even a curse after she left that town, others deeply believed it was due to a broke heart. Which ever case it was, it drove the prince mad enough to send his army to destroy the town and everyone in it, especially the manor where his wife once stayed.

However, the manor never completely burnt down, and on foggy moonless nights some say they can hear the scream of a man still tapped with in its walls.

Of course that is simply a story to keep children in at night and to keep teenagers and young adults from entering an towns historical building.

Tl;dr grumpy vampire is awaken from his prison and seeks revenge on the world for the lost of his love. Will he be able to heal, or will the world be doomed?

Your character is the CEO of some supernatural firm (vampire, werewolves, demons, etc) however their presence to the world is more hidden. The company disguising itself as a peaceful law firm or what ever you would like to it make it! Perhaps they send out an ad for a new office worker, or maybe by some obligations to my characters parents they decide what to hire her. Weird occurrences happen here and there, perhaps an odd comment of 'you smell really good today' to oddly aggressive behavior before the full moon of that month— to people discussing the last blood ritual they were summoned to—though odd she remains completely oblivious to it.

Eventually she moves to being the CEOs personally assistant. However, becoming a personal assistant is more hazardous than just running to grab a coffee or pick up dry cleaning! Especially when your boss is the one that has to keep peace among the more wicked supernatural beings.

The supernatural are well established in the world now. Many no longer hiding in the dark, living and breathing among humans as they please. Interacting and developing life-long friendships or relationships...even so, they are still watched more regularly than humans.

Though the supernatural and the natural get along well, there are still some that wish to disrupt the peace that has been created. To return to the state of supernatural reigning the night, killing humans that dare get too close to the dark side. Killing that has recently just started, the government doing their best to clean up any messes before too much alarm could start growing.

Oops I guess those are the two I'm most interested in! Hit me up if you wish to give these two a whirl and maybe add your own ideas!!