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  • So many newbies lately! Here is a very important PSA about one of our most vital content policies! Read it even if you are an ancient member!

    A site made for roleplay is way cooler we promise <3
[MENTION=4880]Eve lilith Angelson[/MENTION]: Alright, thank you, the help would be greatly appreciated~! c:
No worries I will help as much as I can, but right now I should go get some sleep as its gone 5:30 in the morning here. So I hope to chat soon.

Take care.
[MENTION=4880]Eve lilith Angelson[/MENTION]: Oh, okay then!
Sleep well, hope to talk with you soon~!
Um, I still want to be in this group! I'll go with your ideas instead because I got back in late.
Any one else like the ideas so far? or have anything they would like to add? my brain has gone on vacation after reading another's problem with there writing or there pc or what ever it was she was having trouble with lol
I am open to democracy, whichever is most popular is the one we will go with.
I will make the thread once we decide :)
How many people are we looking to have?
Sounds like a plan to me and I have no idea but I think around 10 maybe that last thing we need anyone to feel is left out so I don't think to many would be good but then again I'm happy with what ever. :)
I was gonna go in detail with the drug. :/
Cut me some slack, you guys went over-drive so it's pretty hard to catch up.

The zombie thing is caused by a drug, I got that much. May I ask for a summary? O.o