Looking for 2-3 People to RP With

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Are banshee's in this world only female as well? (I want to make a female one, but I was just wondering :P )
yep!! unless someone really wants a different gender banshee~
I will start with the Witch and then maybe add another character later, It has been a while and I'm not sure I can keep up if I have more than one right now.
Name: Jenna Ann Cross
Birthday:April 24th
Long black hair normally worn pinned to the side with a clip. Golden brown eyes, Mid-sized build. 5 5
Personality: Jenna is very trusting and innocent. Often gets pick on or taking advantage of because she wants to always see the good in people.
Other: Jenna's gift is intuition. This means she can start to tell when people don't mean to good help. or are just picking on her. This leads to some major anger issues and a personality shift as the girls find out more about themselves and how to use their gifts.
Her secondary power is sensing people. This will develop into tracking or hiding from people if needed.
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Are we ready to start? I think I'll make the banshee after I understand the world better :P
@adabotcon @KThorn

i'm sorry for the late reply! my internet has been very unstable lately!
i will make my character and after i post her we will start! ^u^
Yay! It's fine RL gets in the way sometimes.
I'd love to get a link to your plots, and I have a few of my own if you're willing to listen!
I'd love to get a link to your plots, and I have a few of my own if you're willing to listen!
are you interested in a one on one, or are you asking to join the group rp??? and of course i'd be willing to hear your plots!! ^u^

not rl so much as a depression episode hit me and it's really hard to get myself to do anything lmfao
i will be working on my character now though!
I only do one on one's. :)
Name: Julie
Gender: Female
Age: 16
Status: Witch
Powers: Her primary power is telekinesis, and her secondary power is teleportation (only able to teleport to places she can see).
Appearance: 5'5", skinny, flat-chested. Pale-skinned. She has long and straight light brown hair that she keeps in twinbraids over her shoulders. Dark brown eyes.
Personality: A quiet girl who appears emotionless, she is always on the look-out for any threats, but never asks for help and keeps to herself. She's shy and distrusting and can come off as rude since she tries to avoid others and isn't good with teamwork. She's very resilient and can withstand any type of abuse. She's hardheaded and stubborn, with little patience and confidence. Gets jealous of others really easily, especially if she sees friends hanging out together, she is lonely but won't admit it; to Julie, protecting herself is top priority. Of course, if she sees anyone else in danger, she'll do her best to save them, but keeps her walls up if anyone tries to befriend her.

If someone is able to break through her walls, she becomes really sweet and protective of them, always doing things for them and unconsciously looking for praise and affection. She still gets jealous, though, if her friend hangs out with someone else, but since she hates manipulative and abusive people, she will refrain from voicing her jealousy or keeping her friends from hanging out with others. However, she might end up disliking someone who is friends with her friend. She also has trouble differentiating from romance and friendship, so if she ever falls in love with someone, she'd probably be oblivious for it for a long time.
Other: Demisexual and demiromantic. Her soul-bound weapon is a dagger, and has a topaz ring.

Name: Alexandra
Gender: Female
Age: 17
Status: Banshee
Powers: Her primary power is osteokinesis (often sharps teeth and nails, etc.), and her secondary power is illusions (only auditory).
Appearance: 5'7", average weight, c-cup, has big hips and thighs, skinny waist. Tan-skinned. She has short black hair that is cropped and angled, with longer strands framing her face, and blunt bangs. Light brown eyes. Mole under left side of lips.
Personality: Alexandra, before becoming a banshee, was a popular girl with boundless humor and kindness. As a banshee, however, her personality has rotted; her humor is now black, deriving from the pain of others and hurting them, and she is no-where near kindness. She is very smart and manipulative and is good at tricking others into thinking she is an ally. She is super greedy and throws tantrums if she doesn't get her way. Wily and loves doing dangerous things.
Other: Soul-bound weapon is two chakrams, no longer has a ring due to becoming a banshee.
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Just warning all the groups I'm with, I won't be able to post tomorrow because of hand surgery, but I should be on by Thursday!

not rl so much as a depression episode hit me and it's really hard to get myself to do anything lmfao
I completely understand! Just get yourself back up when you can, no pressure ;) I hope your feeling better soon.
i will be working on my character now though!
Yay! I saw her she's awesome and your banshee is making me want to create one :P
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