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Living with a Snake Demon

Doesn't have to be terrorists. :P Though to be honest I don't know what it should be...

Also, sorry I took so long to post. I've been sick the past few days. Brother caught something then passed it on. ;_;
Well... eh, me neither. lol. But terrorists seems quite unlikely and unusually well-timed. Do you suppose just one or two deaths could provide enough magic to at least speed up the healing process?

That's fine. Life's getting a bit hectic for me anyways, so take your time. Get well soon! :3
I guess. Maybe a robbery in one of the apartments? A homicide after a domestic dispute?

She's also a patron of vengeance, so a vengeful spirit would work.

And thanks. I'm feeling better now. :)
A vengeful spirit, eh? That gives me a few ideas... >:3

Also, sorry I wasn't able to post today. Writer's block for some random reason. Blegh. -_-'
Let's see... I'm thinking I could create a character who has a serious grudge against Hisao for whatever reason. That could probably be an interesting character to have around for later in the RP too. It's kind of a vague idea at this point, but I'm thinking either a classmate, or a landlady. I don't really have a motive for the classmate scenario, but the landlady would hate him because obviously he can never pay his rent. lol. Perhaps the only reason she lets him stay is because she's friends with his foster parents or something.
Sorry I haven't been able to post. Haven't had the time to just sit down and focus on it. :| I'll probably be able to get something down this weekend. Maybe. Still doing stuff but I'll try to make time.