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Little Surprises

Rin had been carrying four books and was searching for two more. Out of nowhere someone bumped into her, causing her to drop all her books. She gasped slightly and quickly turned around in panic. She saw a cute boy with blue hair.

She listened as he apologized twice and was a little surprised when he suddenly took her hand and shook it as he introduced himself. "It's alright. I've been there. And uh, nice to meet you. I'm Rin Kirigawa." She said and smiled kindly. She removed her hand from his grip and ran it through her long purple hair before she turned her back to him and squatted down. She began picking up the books she had dropped. Once she finished she stood up and turned to him. "So, find any books yet?" She asked.
Caleb shook his head in rejection. "I got taken in by the spectacle of the library moreso than actually reading. Though I suppose I should start looking for a book to read since I'm here. Any suggestions, Miss Rin?" Caleb asked politely as he gazed at the pretty woman in front of him. He knew nothing of relationships, but all he could fathom was that she was attractive, as a female. "What do you enjoy reading?"
"Your family is going to be more protected here in the town. You're not from around here, are you? It's obvious. Number one, I don't recall your faces. Number two, you don't even know the underground structures, and lastly, you're not aware of that simple fact that supernatural creatures like us are more protected by blending in with humans." Arc shook his head as he drank the tea completely. "If I have to guess, I'd say you're still one of those creatures who still live in the forests. If so, you must be aware that the killings begin in the forest? Do you know why? The hunters believe that the supernaturals still live there. Let me tell you this, Aluro, unless you want your family to be made into pin-cushions by silver bolts, I suggest you move them here. Under this city guardian's care. You'll be given a home to at least live decently."

Arc got up as he began to walk towards the door. "Have you ever questioned why a lot of these creatures here, although forest dwellers, opt to come out, and live in the city? The answer is simple. The woods aren't safe anymore. They know that they have better chances of survival here. It's still your decision though, but if you ever want to reconsider, you can always find me in the library. Good day, Aluro, and Thorn. Survival isn't about escaping anymore... it's about blending in."

With that, Arc went out of the restaurant, breathing a huge gasp of air. "It's never easy to move out from one's home. Trust me... I know." Arc mumbled to himself... remembering how he was cast out of Heaven. It was a long way down, though. From Heaven to Earth, it was a huge shock for him. He knew how hard it was to adjust. He knew the pain, trouble, and... benefits of it.
"You may not recall us, but it's not as if we're going to trust anyone that offers an outstretched hand and meat for us to feed on instantly." Thorn exclaimed seriously for a moment, mild anger clouding his expression. "I didn't realise you would be so ruthless in your inquisition. I don't make the decisions. That is and has been the job of Aluro. I just sit back and let fate steer it's course. My answer is Aluro's answer. As long as she is happy, I am happy."
The alpha was getting more and more fed up with this man. His condescending, know it all tone was just insulting to her. "We have a home." Aluro snapped sharply at the man before storming out of the restaurant. Her temperament would have gotten the better of her, and she doubted that shifting into a snarling wolf would have been beneficial to the already somewhat tense situation. She knew that Thorn would follow.
Rin found it enjoyable to talk to Caleb. He was kind and not to mention cute. "Yes, the Library tends to do that to people." She chuckled. At his question about suggestions she placed her index finger on her plush lips and looked up. "Well, Pride and Prejudice is a good book." She told him. After he asked her about what she enjoyed reading a light blush found it's way onto her soft cheeks. She put her hand down and looked at Caleb. "I-I-I like to read about romance. Of course, I would prefer the book to have some action, adventure, and drama along the romance. It makes the book much more entertaining." She said, her eyes lighting up and a bright smile plastered on her face. "Of course, that's what I like to read. What about you?" She asked him, quite curious now.
"Of course. I was never hoping that you would trust me in the beginning. Rather, I intended to give you a taste of how blending in with humans would feel like." Arc smiled to the duo as he pulled out a toothpick, and placed it inside his mouth. "You must know that there are more opportunities here in the city for you and your family. However, I also understand if you are unwilling to leave the shades of the trees of the forest yonder."

Suddenly, Arc's glare became serious and cold. His smile was gentle yet it revealed a glint of malice from just its sincerity. Many would guess that Arc wasn't staring at a person, but the soul within. The wind blew harshly, ruffling Arc's blonde hair. The fallen angel took a step towards the duo as he took out the toothpick from his mouth.

"Just know this... if you should do anything that will endanger the creatures of this town, my town... I'll make sure that the humans won't be the only thing that you and your family will fear." Arc growled as his gaze shifted to the human child across the street who was holding a balloon. In a flash, he flicked the toothpick, popping the child's toy. "Don't take it personally. I'm not your enemy, but if you endanger this town, I will avenge it seven-fold. Just my responsibility... as its guardian."

Arc shrugged his shoulders as he turned his back on the duo. "You're free to come back. I always welcome every creature. The forests aren't as safe as they used to be. Just remember, while other supernaturals clamor to get out of the forest and avail of a decent life here, you and your family are betting blind within the woods. Don't think about yourself. Think about them."

With those words, Arc smiled gently as he bowed lightly to the two. "I hope to see you soon, my dears."

The fallen angel crossed the street without looking left or right. His silent steps echoed throughout the silent halls of the library, a silence that meant a sanctuary for the oppressed, and the melody of fear for the oppressors.
Aluro's fists trembled with rage as Arc continued to speak to them. Her short black hair stirred in the wind and the untamed spirit of the wilds gleamed in her eyes as she met his glare. He might be the guardian of this town, but she was the guardian of her family and the traditions of the pack. Coming to this place would eliminate the traditions that created the pack. How would the pups go on their first hunt in the city? How would the pack still live together as one unit? Werewolves were creatures on a hairpin trigger. If a human were to piss anyone off, there were no guarantees that they would keep their human form- especially with the pups, considering how unstable they are. She silently stalked away from the man, heading back towards their true home.
Name: Anieceana (a-niece-a-nuh)
Appearance: 16
Specie: Hellion (earth bound devil)
Powers: conjures green hellflames at will, manipulates people by using their shadows. Can only use the flames at night and can only use shadow manipulation on humans.

Anieceana walked through the underground alleyways at a brisk pace. She didn't mind the twists or turns of the path she was on, nor did she mind the musty smell of the garbage that assaulted her nose. In fact, at present, the only thing she was concerned over was the fact that she was late to her appointment with her benefactor. Walking past darkened windows, she noted her appearance. Long, red strands escaped from her ponytail and cascaded down her back. Deep emerald eyes peeked out beneath the fringe of her bangs. She sneered at her self reflected. She fit all of the human standards of beauty, but being a female of the Hellion race, she felt very insecure. A devil should reflect his or her madness in their appearance. While her case was a special one, she knew she had to look more like a devil and less like a human if she wanted to impress her benefactor and secure money for next month's rent. Only five minutes to go and she arrived around the corner from the underground restaurant. As she walked forward, something caught her eye. There was a man with blond hair standing with two others by the doorway. Normally, she would have disregarded all others, but this one was impossible to ignore. Not because he was attractive, but because he shimmered ever so slightly with a bright aura. This aura was not new to Anieceana. She knew that glow meant he was from Heaven and she hid in the shadows waiting for him to depart. She waited until he and his associates were out of sight to enter the restaurant. An angel...great. Just when she thought it was only her past that needed to be faced.