Life under Her Majesty's Tyranny

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Schiavo was sitting in the corner hugging an old raggedy bear that he found buried beneath the others, he was hugging it tightly and tears roles slowly down his cheeks as he watched the princess cry. He silently sat not wanting to disrupt anything. He wanted to be in there arms as well but he was a servant, not a friend. He continued to hug the bear as Varya spoke and was interrupted by someone who was loud and scary, her voice boomed "and kill you I will, if you take any longer. Your a useless little brat aren't you?" Schiavo though it was talking to him. He tried to hide under the stuffed animals that surrounded him but it wasn't of much use.
Altenna continued to offer support to her traumatized friend occasionally rubbing her back or offering a warm chuckle. A smile was played across her small lips, she thought Varya would be okay after her sobbing and when Varya managed to squeeze some words out, Altenna leaned in closer trying to hear her friends fragile words.

Then all the sudden, loud large resounding words shook the room and all three of them that were in it. Personally, Altenna lunged back as Varya broke their embrace. Goosebumps raced all around her body and her eyes were shocked. That voice was all to familiar, the deepness in the feminine voice, the authority it shouted.

The witch..
Vallerie lay in her bed looking at her scared arms. She had depression because of her sister always putting her down. She tried to stay happy but that was almost imppossible for her. All she wanted was to be accepted by Varya but she always gets pushed away. She covers her arms with the sleves of her dress. "When will sis learn that I love her as family. As much as I hate to say it."
Sivvy was tired. She had traveled so far and knew that she was possibly already late for the Court Hearings. Her tiredness along with this knowledge made her irritable. As she neared the gates, a regular guard stopped her to ask her business.
Sivvy glanced down to make sure she was still in check. The black, detailed leather that covered her body like a second skin was free from any dust, which was surprising since she had traveled by foot. The hood sunk low enough to cast a shadow across her eyes. Sivvy pulled the mouth guard down so she could seem a little less intimidating... which was unlikely.

"I have traveled a long way to see your ruler. It would please me to be escorted inside." Her accent was thick and short, obviously not from anywhere they had heard from. Something about the way she could project her voice without barely moving her lips sent a shiver over everyone within earshot.

The guards lead her into the castle, in a formation that suggested their uneasiness of her. Sivvy took note of the lavish interior of the waiting room they placed her in, no doubt used for nobles awaiting the attention of the ruler's ear. She took a seat, minding to ease her detailed black leather bag to the floor with care. She was to wait until summoned into the throne room to speak.
( @Silvret Of course!)

Varya appreciates the light tugs at her back as Altenna's thin fingers trace comfort across her back. Especially as the booming voice of the witch fades from the room. She continues to sob, her thick tears rolling down her cheeks and onto her friend's chest. She feels horrible for using Altenna as a pillow, but she doesn't have the strength to pull herself away completely. Her friend's warm is a warmth that she cannot find anywhere else.

Varya finds Altenna's eyes. She hears Schiavo whimper and slide under her bed from the corner. The princess -- no, Queen, she reminds herself... she is not a little girl anymore -- fights her uncontrollable emotions. She must be strong. For the boy. For herself. For her kingdom.

Because if she doesn't find a way to pay off the witch, it will be off with her head. And then the kingdom will belong to the cruel old hag.

As its Queen and loving ruler -- she feels guilt rip her heart apart at the thought; she knows no one sees her as loving.. she is as cruel and cold as the dirt that makes up the hillsides, on the outside -- Varya will not let that happen.

She... she can't let that happen.

"If I don't pay her off," Varya tells her best friend, her voice suddenly still and steady, "she will be rid of me... and she will take my kingdom."

Watery, icy eyes find Altenna's. She finds strength in her friend's beady pearls.

"I can't let that happen, Altenna, I..."

She lowers her head. Shame, distress, and overwhelming sadness find her own eyes again.

"... I can't take this​ anymore...!"


Bronzor chews a thick green leaf between his yellowing teeth. He eyes the girl dressed in leather from afar as he leans against the wall, his golden spear resting against the silver plating on his chest. She's a peculiar one, this new woman. She has a unique... essence to her. Something almost otherworldly. If he believed in such things.

He doesn't.

Bronzor munches on his leaf. He pushes himself off the wall. He lumbers in the direction of the waiting woman, his eyes unwavering in their stare.

"Here to see M'lady, d'you say?" he asks, his voice as thick as his round build. "What you in for? Bein' too pretty?"
Sivvy looks to the man from under her hood. She blinks. "Forgive me, it has been so long since I have had to use manners amongst you." Her thick accent ((similar to German)) does not muddle her words, even if spoken quietly enough to be a mumble.

She shifts off her cloak and hood and folds it on top of her bag gently. All of the armor is extremely soft and fitted perfectly to her curvy, yet strong form, but doesn't make a sound. Sivvy sits on a nearby chair with her belongings on her lap, perched on the edge as if she had no actual need to sit at all. She took in the man who had spoken to her. Her eyes were a deep green with a flair of purple around the pupils. Her hair was tied back into a braid that went a little past her waist and onto the chair. It was a light silver that had white streaks of moonlight.

"So 'M'lady' is it? There is a queen ruling now instead of a king." She held no emotion in her face nor the words that passed her full lips. She brought her attention back to the man. "Ah, a plea for forgiveness again. I am the Silvret, but Sivvy is what I am normally called. It has been a long time traveling, and I have not spoken to many people."
Vallerie screams in anger and throws her pillow to the ground. "When will I be noticed by my sister?! When will she give up her selfish ways?!" Starts to cry again.