CHARACTERS Lexicon Personae

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Original poster
Invitation Status
  1. Looking for partners
Posting Speed
  1. 1-3 posts per day
  2. 1-3 posts per week
  3. One post per week
Online Availability
Afternoons/Evenings (UTC−06:00, DST UTC−05:00)
Writing Levels
  1. Advanced
  2. Adaptable
Preferred Character Gender
  1. Primarily Prefer Male
  2. No Preferences
Sci-fi, High Fantasy, Horror, Modern, Urban Fantasy/Paranormal, Surrealism

Character Storage

Artwork by Alexandre Cabanel.

~ Lucifer ~

|| Male ||
|| Immortal ||
|| Archangel ||

"I will ascend into heaven, I will exalt my throne above the stars of God; I will sit also upon the mount of the congregation, in the sides of the north; I will ascend above the heights of the clouds; I will be like the most High."

~ Personality ~

At his core, Lucifer is a proud and pitiless being with zero sense of remorse or regret for his actions, though even that description is somewhat of an understatement given his extreme predilection for evil and heartless things. Despite this he is still capable of convincing those he meets that he isn't the most wretched creature in existence, usually by adopting a seemingly good-natured guise – as well as whatever others might be required for the situation or victim at hand. He does this to lure those he is interested in tempting into a false sense of security so that he might gain their trust and more easily corrupt them, bringing them ever further beneath his sway. For while he ultimately seeks to overthrow his creator, he also desires to bring everything that exists beneath his heel, seeing it as his inborn right to be worshipped and revered by all things. When not adopting such a guise or straight up lying to those around him however, Lucifer will often drop all manner of pretense and treat everyone he meets with the same amount of unbridled arrogance and disdain, often going so far as to berate some of his most powerful servants for the smallest of slights, something that has given him the reputation for being a dark god prone to extreme outbursts of rage and spite. Finally, every relationship Lucifer forms is created out of a wholly selfish sense of greed, lust, or need for personal advancement rather than actual care, concern, or love. This is why most of the angels who fell alongside him tend to enter his presence with a healthy amount of fear-tinged awe, the fact he is their king aside, and rarely challenge his authority or get involved with him on a personal level lest they incur his wrath and be swept aside like chafe in the wind.


Perfection. That is the only word, nay, the only concept that truly does justice to the Adversary's appearance. Be he in human guise or spiritual form, a descent into the depths of the pit has done little to diminish Lucifer's status as the most perfect and beautiful being in all of creation, aside from God himself of course. Not even Michael and the other archangels can compare to him when it comes to pure majesty and strength. In regards to a form that is physical, Lucifer has one face that he dons more than all the rest. Verily, it is the only one he truly considers his own. Thus it is that–when taking a form which can be both seen and felt–Lucifer will appear most often as a man, tall in stature and godlike in physique, with wings whose feathers are like unto a gradually darkening rainbow and locks akin to a sea of curling brass. In stark contrast to this, however, his eyes hold a malice that is as calculating as it is cold, the flame of benevolence and wisdom that once illuminated them having been snuffed out entirely. This is not to say that he cannot take other forms as well–for he is a liar, yea, the father of them–merely that he prefers one over all the rest. For what is flesh, blood, and bone but a mask one chooses to wear?

~ Biography ~

Among the first beings ever created by YHWH, Lucifer is the second-most powerful and perfect entity in all of existence, rivaled in stature only by God himself. Despite this inherent perfection, however, the archangel suffered from one major flaw, that being pride. Pride in what he was and what he could do with or without God. A pride so insidious that it needed naught but the right trigger to bring about his fall, one that came all too suddenly when YHWH created man in his own image and bade the angels kneel. Something Lucifer refused to do as he considered it a travesty; for in his eyes the divine flame had been sullied by the profane, polluted by clay made flesh and diluted almost to impotency. Following this the war in heaven began, which saw Lucifer sway a third of the heavenly host to his side with promises of freedom, authority, and power over the kingdom of man, as it should have been from the very beginning. Though the war raged for untold eons before and after the foundations of the universe were first laid (for the Elohim, just like their father, are not bound by time in the slightest), in the end their efforts were ultimately for naught, and the rebels were cast out one and all. Banished from God's heavenly light, they were forced to make their way in the chaotic wastes of Hell, eventually creating a permanent habitation there alongside every other foul and unclean thing. Yet even now Lucifer and his servants refuse to submit in spite of the apparent futility of their cause. They have not forgotten the glory for which they once fought, nor the dominion for which they once bled. Verily they shall never forget, and indeed shall not rest until everything in creation is rendered subservient unto them as is proper.

As is right...

~ Powers & Abilities ~

John 8:44 – Ye are of your father the devil, and the lusts of your father ye will do. He was a murderer from the beginning, and abode not in the truth, because there is no truth in him. When he speaketh a lie, he speaketh of his own: for he is a liar, and the father of it.

Ezekiel 28:14 – Thus saith the Lord GOD; Thou sealest up the sum, full of wisdom, and perfect in beauty. Thou hast been in Eden the garden of God; every precious stone was thy covering, the sardius, topaz, and the diamond, the beryl, the onyx, and the jasper, the sapphire, the emerald, and the carbuncle, and gold: the workmanship of thy tabrets and of thy pipes was prepared in thee in the day that thou wast created. Thou art the anointed cherub that covereth; and I have set thee so: thou wast upon the holy mountain of God; thou hast walked up and down in the midst of the stones of fire. Thou wast perfect in thy ways from the day that thou wast created, till iniquity was found in thee.

1 Peter 5:8 – Be sober, be vigilant; because your adversary the devil, as a roaring lion, walketh about, seeking whom he may devour.

In short, Lucifer is perfect in every way, not to mention a consummate liar – and even in that regard he is perfect in every manipulation. The first to murder, the first to rebel, the first to fall, he is above and beyond all of creation in a way that only his creator can supersede. Even so, Michael and the other archangels can overcome him with coordinated effort and overwhelming force, as his banishment in the wake of the war's end clearly demonstrates.

Not currently in use. Created for general use.
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Any info about such character? I'd be interested to read and see more about this character? If you can try showing images and other details on the character. I'm sure a lot of users on this site would like to know more about your character.
Any info about such character? I'd be interested to read and see more about this character? If you can try showing images and other details on the character. I'm sure a lot of users on this site would like to know more about your character.
If this is in reference to my 1x1 int check, then I'm sorry to say that this is the wrong thread to reply in. This is my general storage area for characters that I've made/am making for roleplays, and all three of the above have nothing to do with that check as they're character concepts for Evrensel. I appreciate the interest, however, though I would advise we continue any conversations regarding it over here.
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|| Male ||
|| Immortal ||
|| Greater Noble (Pureblood) ||

"So reality's finally come to an end has it? I must confess, I thought there would have been a little more fanfare..."

Party Role
Tank/Crowd control hybrid.

Original character (Vampire Hunter D).

Best described as a pragmatist wearing a stoic's smile and a vampire's skin, Zeidan - while shockingly benevolent for one of his kind - is neither a pacifist nor complacent. Yes, where most Nobles and Greater Nobles would simply take whatever it was they wanted from the men and mutants who had the misfortune of languishing within their domains, especially when it came to blood, Zeidan would typically seek out more diplomatic and subtle methods by which he could secure whatever resources he had need of. When push came to shove though, Kier could easily display downright inhuman levels of callousness and cunning, and had no qualms when it came to manipulating others towards his own ends should such a thing prove to be in his best interests. Indeed, his pragmatic nature was a blessing in this regard, as it allowed him to strategically sever those ties and cut off those individuals who would otherwise hinder him in the long run. This is not to say that he does not feel, no matter how muted by time such emotions must by necessity be, or that he cannot regard other beings with some small amount of empathy and love (for he has done both many times over the millennia). Merely that the parasitic nature his existence has foisted upon him mandates a far colder attitude than most people are comfortable with. Other than that, Zeidan also prefers to approach most risky situations with some kind of concrete plan in mind. Although it should be noted that deviation from this routine is merely irksome to him rather than world ending. He is orderly and effecient, after all, not insane.

Noble - The Nobles are the second tier of the vampire hierarchy. They are vastly more powerful and far faster than humans and their mindless ghoulish counterparts. Their minds are much more suited to a life which lasts eternally as well. Your kind are hated and feared by the human masses and the Greater Nobles will often outstrip you in power by an order of magnitude.
  • Greater Nobility - You are no mere Noble vampire. You are descendant from the Greater Nobility who have ruled not just humankind, but all vampire-kind for millennia. All of your attributes are boosted to massive levels, including regeneration. As a Greater Noble you are much more resistant to the traditional weaknesses of vampires and your body could be completely atomized and you would still return to the world of the living, fully intact with all your possessions in pristine condition. The only things capable of killing you are prolonged exposure to sunlight, a wooden stake to the heart, iron to the heart, or a creature (Like D) capable of negating regeneration. For more information on the Greater Nobility's greatly enhanced powers see the Vampire Hunter D Wiki.

Impossible Regeneration - The vampires of this universe have a unique ability to heal not just any wounds dealt to their body, but also to any objects they are wearing as well. Should someone blast a hole the size of a fist into your fine Noble clothing, not only will your flesh knit back together within seconds, but so too will your clothing. This also includes jewelry and armor, up to magically enchanted but not technologically advanced armor.

An Eternal Mind - Your mind is well-suited to living for eternity. You never forget a thing and things that have happened in the past become retroactively eidetic. You will never grow bored with your life and will always find something to entertain yourself with for the rest of eternity.

Left Hand - Your left hand now has a gaping hole within it capable of consuming an infinite amount of anything, including souls. This can be used to prevent certain creatures from resurrecting by consuming their souls or it can be used to chew through impossibly thick objects to escape situations where you might be trapped.

Blood Sphere - Creates a sphere of blood that is used as a shield. This shield is roughly the size of a small coin, think a fifty cent piece, and is indestructible. The only way one can penetrate this shield is to sacrifice their own life force. This shield can only block physical attacks.

All Consuming - When you drink the blood of your victims you don't just gain the nourishment required to slake your unending thirst. You also gain their souls including their knowledge, skills, powers, and abilities. This only works if the person you drink from is completely exsanguinated, however, and they cannot be resurrected once drained in such a manner.

Akashic Immunity - To protect you from the Sacred Ancestor, who has power over the Akashic Records, you have been given this gift. This perk grants you immunity from such effects that would erase you from existence or tamper with your soul. You cannot be finger snapped out of existence, Death Noted to die, or just erased from a book that controls reality. If someone wants you gone, they're going to have to deal with you themselves.

Weakened Weaknesses - For humans this perk makes you much more durable and resistant to all forms of disease, both natural and otherwise, as well as poisons. If you took the Ethereal Bomber perk then you would be able to use your energy attacks even when not in an astral form. For mutants you will find your abilities increase in strength while any weaknesses you might have possessed due to your nature are greatly reduced. If you took the Deadly Duo perk you will find your powers are also increased. Those with Benge are now able to create shadows where none previously existed while those who purchased Caroline can now transmute themselves into anything that they are touching. Finally, if you are a Noble you find that you are immune to sunlight, to an extent. Now instead of bursting into flames when exposed to sunlight it will merely sap your energy, and if you spend too long in sunlight you will suffer from sunlight syndrome. If you purchased Greater Noble you become highly resistant to the more bizarre weaknesses of your species; garlic, running water, and religious symbols will have much less of an effect on you, and your thirst for blood is lessened. You also gain the ability to transform your arm into an armored claw that can slice through titanium with ease.

Immunity Negation - Wounds you inflict on seemingly immortal beings heal as slowly as they would if inflicted on a normal human. You can kill the unkillable and the intangible. Beings without form or shape will find that your sword still cuts them. Creatures who have defensive abilities capable of tanking world shattering attacks will still be wounded when you attack them. Finally, beings who would otherwise regenerate or resurrect from any wound, even complete atomization, will die at the edge of your blade.

Increased Stats (Strength) - Choose one of the following stats to increase; strength, speed, or intelligence. The selected stat is boosted massively even when compared to other Greater Nobles. Speed would allow you to cross infinity within an instant, strength would let you casually carve a gaping chasm as deep as the Mariana Trench by accident with a single swing of your sword (with one hand), and intelligence would make your mind burn brighter than the brightest sun in comparison to other so-called geniuses. Someone who chooses intelligence also becomes completely immune to mind control, and illusions become child's play to pick through.

Noble Regalia - This set of very regal looking clothing is similar to that which is worn by Meier Link in the movie Bloodlust. And just like his clothing your cape is capable of hardening to a startling degree to be used as a shield, to glide, or even a weapon. The clothing is designed however you wish, but must maintain a similar appearance to that of Meier Link's seen within the movie.


Zeidan had a castle once. He also had a town that could spatially compress itself until it reached the size where it could be picked up and placed in one's pocket. Both of these items were, rather unfortunately, lost when reality imploded. Something he's still miffed about even now, not only because it marked a significant loss in personal property, but also because all the hard work he had put in to improve the lives of those who had fallen under his purview was eradicated in an instant thanks to a cosmic fluke.

Not currently in use. Initially created for THE ONYL WAY TO GO IS UP.
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~ Malenia ~

|| Female ||
|| Immortal ||
|| Demigod/Empyrean ||

"I dreamt for so long. My flesh was dull gold... and my blood, rotted. Corpse after corpse, left in my wake. As I awaited... his return. Heed my words. I am Malenia. Blade of Miquella. And I have never known defeat."

  • The Blade of Miquella
  • The Severed
  • One-Armed Valkyrie
  • The Undefeated Swordswoman
  • The Scarlet Empyrean

Party Role
Crowd controller/Dex-based Fighter.

Elden Ring (AU/Fanfic - The Scarlet Blade).

Once she was a broken and hollow shell of her former self following her blooming and the subsequent blighting of Caelid, a sister forced to await her brother's rebirth from the fitful throes of sleep deep within the once pristine heart of the Haligtree (having slowly turned fetid thanks to her presence), and one who eventually lost him to treachery because of that. It wasn't until a certain Tarnished wandered into her life that Malenia the Severed was finally able to start healing both emotionally and–in the case of her affliction–physically as well. Over the course of her journey with Freomund, the new Elden Lord and her future consort-to-be, across the width and breadth of the Lands Between and beyond she has faced and overcome many adversities and challenges, all the while proving herself to be as caring as she is determined. This is, perhaps, seen most clearly in the devotion she showed to her brother (having stolen him back from the self-proclaimed Lord of Blood with Freomund by her side, the two of them putting an end to the Omen and his blasphemies once and for all), and the love she holds for her husband still, as well as her daughter and son. The only thing that rivals this is her love for the people over which she once ruled, and indeed strived for many years to save. A love which continues to drive her just as feverishly as the grief which wracks her soul in the wake of their loss, all in brazen defiance of the omniverse's total collapse. Towards what end, you may ask? Towards reaching the Tower's apex in the hopes of bringing back everything and everyone she–as well as those who now journey alongside her–has lost.

Come what may; be it god, man, or something altogether worse, the Blade of Miquella will not hesitate to cut down anything (or anyone) that dares to stand in her way.

Verily she cannot, lest she risk losing the only glimmer of hope she has at seeing those she loves ever again.

Besides the slew of physical enhancements bequeathed to her thanks to her status as an Empyrean and descendent of Queen Marika, Malenia has proven herself to be the best swordswoman in the Lands Between bar none save for her husband, having learned all that she knows from a blind swordsman whose skill was so great he was able to seal away an Outer God of rot. Presumably the god of the very same rot that has plagued her since birth. Additionally, she has shown to have little, if any, reaction to the cold so far as environmental conditions go – being able to walk through the majority of a raging blizzard as she and Freomund crossed the Consecrated Snowfield on their way to confront Mohg with little difficulty. She is, however, just as susceptible to the effects of frostbite inflicted by enchanted weaponry and frost-centric magics as any other being. In the years following the restoration of the Lands Between and the birth of her children she did learn a few ancient Erdtree incantations from the recently reinstated Crucible Knights, the primary one she makes use of allowing her to sprout ethereal wings and descend upon her enemies as they do, albeit to far deadlier effect given her inherent skill with the blade and usage of the Waterfowl Dance. She also makes use of the Erdtree Heal and Barrier of Gold incantations as well.

Beyond her standard dress, prosthetics, and helm, Malenia wields a sword whose hilt is designed in such a way as to slot into her arm. Other than that she does not field much in the way of equipment.

Malenia still plays with her wedding ring at times when she thinks no one is looking. Not only does it serve as an anchor emotionally, it also serves as a constant reminder of what she's fighting for, of what needs to be done. May God have mercy on whatever unfortunate soul decides to take it from her, for she most certainly will not.

Malenia's daughter was named in honor and remembrance of Millicent, and her son in honor and remembrance of Alexander the Ironfist. And also because he has a very strong grip. Millicent also takes more after her father, bearing clear signs of his Draconian heritage such as stony skin and golden eyes along with silver-white hair. Alexander, meanwhile, takes more after his mother; right down to the fiery red hair, fair skin, and mildly superhuman physical capabilities. Same as Millicent in regards to that last part really–although his sister prefers to focus on more arcane and artisanal pursuits overall, such as Stonesinging–while Alexander has taken a more martial path.

The ring Malenia wears is a band of black blended with silver crowned by a topaz that shines like fire in the sunlight.

She used to be a Shardbearer, but carries within herself a Great Rune no longer ever since she offered it to Freomund, not seeing any further use for the thing and not wishing to bear a literal representation of the curse that has tormented her since birth.

Thanks to the usage of Miquella's needle in the crumbling ruins of Farum Azula, Malenia has long since been cured of the Scarlet Rot, the ruined city's strange timeless nature having given it enough "time" as it were to pull the curse from her flesh completely.

Some details presented here might diverge slightly from the fic I wrote due to my desire to expand upon her character more for the roleplay.

Roleplay - THE ONLY WAY TO GO IS UP ~ The Velvet Guestbook.
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Location: The Magical Forest – Northwest Quadrant.
Interactions: WIP.

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Artwork by Artblank.

~ Ryōmen Sukuna ~

|| King of Curses ||
|| Imaginary Demon ||
|| Disgraced One ||
|| The Strongest ||

"What a wonderful era to be reawakened! Women and children are crawling everywhere like maggots! How marvelous! It'll be a massacre!"

Jujutsu Kaisen.


Sukuna is selfish, cold-hearted, immoral, and exceptionally sadistic. When he was reincarnated shortly after Yuji ingested his finger, he commented, implying the slaughter of women and children and likening them to maggots crawling around. Due to his immense power, he rarely cares about the consequences of his actions, even if these affect his host. Sukuna is aware of his immense power and is quite arrogant about it, brutalizing a finger bearer while being patronizing and proclaiming his superiority over it. For this reason, he is highly dismissive of his opponents and rarely takes them seriously, even explicitly stating he would kill Satoru Gojo to his face. However, these brutish traits are not to be confused for stupidity, as Sukuna is highly intelligent and manipulative. He has also displayed the ability to acknowledge and praise his opponents, as shown by how before killing Jogo Sukuna acknowledged his strength - despite having completely overpowered him - and told Jogo that he should be proud.

Sukuna has likened human beings to insects many a time, both before and after his incarnation, and admits that he is unable to comprehend why the weak cling so desperately to life instead of quietly accepting the suffering that life forces them to endure since the weak should have no right to complain. He also claims that he doesn't understand how a creature that falls apart at a touch can say that it always wants to be happy, which expresses his antipathy and disregard of human emotions and their will to live. It also reveals that Sukuna's perception of life adheres strongly to social Darwinism. It is also repeatedly stated that Sukuna has a myopic view on love and does not comprehend the value of relationships.

Taking the form of his current host, one Yuji Itadori, Sukuna has a similar appearance to the boy. As such, he possesses the same spikey pink hair (albeit pushed up at the front) as well as a similar physique overall - though his eyes are a burning crimson in contrast to Yuji's light brown. Unlike Itadori, however, tattoos also run all across his body and face, and a second pair of eyes rests beneath the first. In regards to clothing, he currently wears the same thing his vessel did - sans the jacket or shirt since he prefers to completely forgo them - which amounts to a pair of denim pants and red sneakers. Other than that, and a noticeable change in behavior and voice naturally, there isn't much of a difference between the two physically speaking.

Important Lore & History
Over a thousand years ago, Sukuna was a human sorcerer tthat illed many of the sorcerers from the golden age of jujutsu. During the Heian period, Sukuna was invited to the Harvest Festival in the capital and worshipped as an idol after annihilating the Northern Fujiwara Clan's Five Empty Generals and Sun, Moon, and Stars Squad. During the festival, Yorozu embraced him thinking he was lonely, only to be driven away by Uraume. Yorozu then expressed her wish to alleviate his loneliness, only to be slashed by him in disgust. Before his death, Sukuna was helped by Kenjaku to live on after death by splitting his soul into twenty cursed objects created from his fingers. Despite binding vows being used to preserve their existence in exchange for not doing damage, Sukuna's fingers continued to grow stronger over the millennium, eventually being designated as special grade cursed objects by Jujutsu High.

Eventually a high school student by the name of Yuji Itadori would consume one of those very same fingers in an effort to fend off a special-grade cursed spirit, which resulted in Sukuna incarnating within him. Having been created by Kenjaku as a vessel specifically designed to house the ancient demon, Sukuna was able to subsume the boy's soul entirely, and was about to use his new body to kill Megumi when Gojo intervened, forcing him to flee for the time being. Angered by this defeat and swearing revenge, for in his eyes defeat was no better than death, he would wander Japan in search of his fingers. A course of action that inevitably led him to reunite with his servant Uraume and regain all but one of his fingers by the time of the Culling Game, as Yuka Okkotsu's cursed spirit Rika had consumed the last one in the hopes of using his own technique against him. Because of this he never saw the true potential of Megumi's Ten Shadows technique, and the boy himself was killed due to the subjugation ritual enacted when he summoned Mahoraga.

Before he could get the chance to kill Gojo as he had promised once the latter had been released from the prison realm or fight those who had arrayed themselves against him, however, Sukuna and his servant both were seized by an unknown force and transported to a distant reality to participate in the first multiversal Hunger Game...

Whatever the hell that is.

Powers, Abilities, & Jujutsu
Overall Skill Level: Back in the Golden Age of Jujutsu, the Heian Era, Ryomen Sukuna was feared and regarded with awe by all those in his time as the most powerful sorcerer of the age, defeating and killing thousands of jujutsu sorcerers even as they sharpened their skills against him. One of his feats included single-handedly slaughtering both the Sun, Moon, and Stars Squad and the Five Empty Generals, the most elite of the Fujiwara Clan's forces, leaving the authorities of Japan so utterly terrified that they were willing to hold festivities in his honor. The impact Sukuna left on history until he died earned him the title of the "Strongest Sorcerer in History", as well as the "King of Curses". His strength is still held in such a high regard that even Satoru Gojo, the strongest jujutsu sorcerer of the modern age, with almost narcissistic levels of confidence and pride in his abilities, acknowledged his strength and that a fight between the two of them would be difficult.

More than living up to his titles, Sukuna possesses vast amounts of cursed energy and equally incredible control over it, with an extraordinary grasp over jujutsu, but he was also not reliant on jujutsu alone, possessing overwhelming physical prowess as well, capable of dispatching almost any opponent without unveiling his true cursed technique.

Even at his weakest state upon his incarnation in Yuji's body for most of the time he spent there, due to lacking most of his fingers, Sukuna remained extremely strong, capable of effortlessly dispatching powerful cursed spirits, including the likes of a cursed spirit who had ate his finger, which he easily retrieved from the cursed spirit after completely overpowering it. While purposefully weakening himself by removing Yuji's heart to ensure Yuji could not switch back with him, Sukuna utterly defeated Megumi Fushiguro, the inheritor of the Zenin Clan's prized Ten Shadows Technique and a prodigious genius who started school as a Grade 2 sorcerer with one of the highest potentials in Jujutsu High, to where Megumi admitted how utterly outmatched he was and was more than willing to unveil Mahoraga to defeat him. Sukuna would have killed Megumi had he not been interested in Megumi's unique talents, although before he could fight Megumi's trump card, Yuji managed to regain control of his body.

Sought out by Mahito's group under the belief that his revival could ensure their success, with just three fingers, Sukuna demonstrated an overwhelming superiority in power compared to Mahito by being able to resist his Idle Transfiguration completely and effortlessly inflict such a severe injury on Mahito when finally angered too much along with dispelling his Self-Embodiment of Perfection with a single attack. This terrified and intrigued Mahito to where he came to firmly believe that with Sukuna being on such a whole other level, his resurrection would surely bring about the Age of Curses.

Once Yuji's body had consumed fifteen fingers, Sukuna's overwhelming cursed energy was felt throughout Shibuya once he was awakened, compared to Satoru's own while being overwhelmingly more sinister. With 75% of his strength restored, Sukuna proved capable of overwhelming Jogo, the most powerful cursed spirit in Mahito's group, in a mostly one-sided battle as he easily overpowered the best efforts of his foe, leaving him utterly unable to even land the single hit that would get Sukuna to join him, before killing him with his own specialty of fire. His last act during the Shibuya Incident was to defeat Mahoraga single-handedly, a feat no user of the Ten Shadows Technique and even a member of the Gojo Family with the Six Eyes had done.

Incarnation (受じゅ肉にく Juniku): There is a slim chance that Sukuna will incarnate into whoever eats his fingers, gaining a physical, human body in the process. Upon Yuji consuming the first of his twenty fingers, Sukuna immediately came to possess his body, which he used to inhabit. Unlike other incarnated sorcerers, according to the Angel inhabiting Hana Kurusu, Sukuna, after experiencing death, had developed the knowledge to split his soul as cursed objects, which he demonstrated by imbuing all his cursed energy into Yuji's pinky finger and then force feeding Megumi with it to possess his body.

Master Hand-to-Hand Combatant: While immensely powerful as a jujutsu sorcerer, Sukuna is also shown to be an extremely skilled and powerful hand-to-hand combatant, using martial arts as his first method of combat before unleashing his jujutsu abilities. Sukuna can unite his cursed technique and his hand-to-hand prowess, making him an extremely difficult opponent to overwhelm in battle. During his fight with Megumi, he was able to effortlessly overwhelm Megumi in unarmed combat, countering his attacks in close-range with ease before delivering a strong punch that sent him flying. When Yuji attempted to attack him in his Innate Domain, Sukuna effortlessly countered all of Yuji's attacks before seeing through his attempt to trip him and defeating him with a single kick. With fifteen fingers, Sukuna easily overpowered Jogo with hand-to-hand combat alone before finally killing him with a single use of a cursed technique. He was later capable of fighting on par with both Yuji and Maki Zenin, both being exceptional unarmed fighters with extraordinary physical ability, deflecting most of their blows and landing a few hits on his own, using hand-to-hand combat.

Immense Strength: In his first appearance Sukuna has shown to possess immense physical strength despite being in an incomplete state. He could easily defeat a very large cursed spirit with just a simple swipe, and during his fight against Gojo he was able to punch the roof of the school so hard it causes the building to rupture and crack. He easily overpowered the likes of a finger bearer, a special-grade curse. When gambling Yuji's life against Megumi, Sukuna managed to fling the sorcerer through several building floors without effort and he easily overpowered and destroyed Megumi's shikigami. He even punched Megumi so hard, the raindrops in that area dispersed. With fifteen of his fingers, Sukuna punched Jogo through buildings and even destroyed the latter's jaw. His blows had considerable effect on Mahoraga. Upon taking over Megumi's body, he was able to easily pierce through Yuji's gut and send him flying across the city with a single punch, stunning him temporarily.

Immense Speed: Sukuna has repeatedly displayed overwhelming levels of raw physical speed, capable of effortlessly surprising most opponents with the sheer quickness of his movements. With three fingers, Sukuna easily slammed a finger bearer to the ground and even cut off his arm without him noticing. He was also able to effortlessly blitz Megumi several times, delivering powerful blows with Megumi barely able to react at all. With fifteen fingers, he easily overwhelmed Jogo and was able to keep up with Mahoraga in their fight. Sukuna was even able to appear in the middle of Atsuya Kusakabe and Panda, both capable sorcerers, with the former being a Grade 1 sorcerer.

Immense Reflexes: Sukuna can easily counter any opponent and is fast enough for his opponent to not even realize that their limb has been cut off. He consistently dodged Mahoraga's blows and countered during their fight. He was quickly able to put Mahoraga down for good before he had finished regenerating. He was able to dodge Jogo's Maximum: Meteor.

Immense Durability: Even in Yuji's body, Sukuna can use cursed energy to bolster his host's resilience. Sukuna was punched through five buildings and shown to be completely fine. Sukuna was able to survive a 200% Hollow Technique: Purple during his fight with Satoru Gojo.

Great Tactical Intellect: Sukuna is an extremely intelligent individual. He has fully grasped the nature of cursed techniques, curses and reverse cursed technique as a whole. Due to that, he is able to quickly deduce the inner workings of cursed techniques after only seeing them once or twice and creating suitable foils to such techniques. He did this against Mahoraga in their fight, and was able to defeat the shikigami after gaining an understanding of its technique. Sukuna was also able to realize the potential of Megumi's cursed technique just by seeing it once during their short battle and he was able to create a binding vow with Yuji in order to take Megumi's body patiently waiting for the right moment before executing his plan. During his fight with Hana Kurusu by using Megumi's memories he was able to make Hana think that Megumi is in control of his body and thus when she hugged him he was able to critically injure her.

Metamorphosis: Sukuna can create new eyes and mouths on his host, allowing him to see and speak without controlling the body of the host. For example, he made a single eye and fanged mouth on Yuji's left cheek to belittle and taunt him.

Cursed Energy Manipulation
Immeasurable Cursed Energy: Sukuna possesses vast levels of cursed energy due to his innate power, cementing his title as the King of Curses. He was able to continuously use his techniques throughout his battles without exhausting himself in the slightest. His reserve of cursed energy is likely the most transcendent throughout history, far surpassing special grade cursed spirits and sorcerers alike. Yuta Okkotsu, a Special Grade sorcerer who possesses even more cursed energy than Satoru Gojo, states that Sukuna has double the amount of cursed energy that he has or more. Sukuna also has absolute control over his cursed energy, being extremely proficient in both Domain Expansion and Reverse Cursed Technique and capable of performing both flawlessly and repeatedly without issue. Hajime Kashimo, one of the strongest sorcerers from 400 hundred years ago, was astonished by Sukuna's mastery over his cursed energy, displayed by his ability to seamlessly shift between Domain Amplification to his Innate Technique, to where he stated that if not for the Six Eyes, even Satoru Gojo would be no match against Sukuna in utilizing cursed energy.

Black Flash (黒こく閃せん Kokusen): A phenomenon that occurs when the user applies cursed energy within 0.000001 seconds of a physical hit, creating a spatial distortion that causes their cursed energy to flash black and amplifies the destructive power of the strike to the power of 2.5. Sukuna unleashed Black Flash against Maki Zenin during the jujutsu sorcerers' raid on him in Shinjuku, dealing a powerful strike that blasted away the girl with Heavenly Restriction.

Innate Technique
Shrine (御み厨づ子し Mizushi): Sukuna's cursed technique allows him to slash through objects and space. The full extent of the technique's limitations is currently unknown, as is capable of summoning seemingly unrelated flames.

Dismantle (解カイ Kai): Sukuna's default ranged slashing attack that is normally used for inanimate objects, however it can also be used against cursed spirits and sorcerers to great effectiveness. Using Mahoraga's second adaptation to Limitless as a model, Sukuna learned to enhance Dismantle by extending its target area to the world itself, transforming them into "slashes that cut the world" (世せ界かいを断たつ斬ざん撃げき Sekai o Tatsu Zangeki).

Cleave (捌ハチ Hachi): A slashing attack that adjusts itself depending on the target's toughness and cursed energy level to cut them down in one fell swoop. Unless used in his domain expansion, Sukuna must make physical contact with the target in order to activate Cleave.

Spiderweb (蜘く蛛もの糸いと Kumo no Ito): Sukuna can utilize the Cleave technique in the shape of a spider's web by touching the ground. As a variation of Cleave, Spiderweb adjusts itself to the surroundings' toughness, collapsing the ground in one fell swoop.

Fire (炎ほのお Honō): Sukuna can create and manipulate flames for long-range attacks by chanting "Divine Flame Open" (竈カミノ開フーガ Kamino Fūga) and forming an arrow. These abilities exceed Jogo's, an unregistered special-grade curse whose defining trait involves extremely destructive pyrokinetic powers.

Reverse Cursed Technique
Reverse Cursed Technique (反はん転てん術じゅつ式しき Hanten Jutsushiki): Sukuna is highly proficient with reverse cursed technique. While incarnated in Yuji's body, he used his reverse cursed technique to instantly heal any injuries, including even regenerating lost limbs within moments. Regained limbs maintain the same integrity as the rest of Sukuna's body. He can go further and even heal others, something few can do. Sukuna can also use reverse cursed technique to heal his burned-out cursed technique by destroying the part of his brain that cursed techniques are engraved in and regenerating it. This displays Sukuna's extremely high level usage of the reverse cursed technique.

Anti-Domain Techniques
Domain Amplification (領りょう域いき展てん延えん Ryō'iki Ten'en): Amplifies Sukuna's cursed energy into an aura containing his own Domain. Sukuna uses this technique to neutralize Gojo's Limitless technique and thus is capable of physical contact with him. His finesse with domain amplification allows him to keep it active while using his domain expansion, as well as use it in quick intervals to interrupt and resume Mahoraga's adaptation instead of nullifying its effect.

Hollow Wicker Basket (彌いや虚こ葛籠つづら Iyako Tsuzura): An anti-domain technique that is the predecessor to Simple Domain. It erects a basket-shaped barrier that neutralizes a domain's barrier to nullify its guaranteed-hit factor.

Domain Expansion
Malevolent Shrine (伏ふく魔ま御み厨づ子し Fukuma Mizushi): Sukuna's Domain Expansion creates a Buddhist shrine decorated with skulls. Malevolent Shrine has a unique trait; it doesn't create a separate space using a barrier. By allowing an escape route, a binding vow is formed which vastly increases the guaranteed hit's effective area with a maximum radius of nearly 200 meters.

Uraume - Servant/Subordinate.

Not applicable.

Doing enough damage to his vessel or decapitating it will be enough to kill Sukuna, not that he's particularly bothered by such an outcome due to the presence and indestructibility of his fingers, not to mention his overall approach to life in general. Actually managing to pull off such a feat is far easier said than done though.

Differences From Canon
  • This is, for all intents and purposes, an AU version of Sukuna who managed to take over Yuji's body successfully, with Yuji himself being unable to act as a cage for him as he does in canon.
  • As such, all of the above information should be taken as true in a general sense rather than a specific, "He did X as a feat in the story", sense. He might have fought Mahito, for example, but not in the exact same way as in canon considering that Itadori as a character died the night he ate that finger. He has definitely fought Jogo and beaten him, however.
  • He does not possess the extension of Dismantle that allows him to cut space/the world itself, or Mahoraga, or Megumi's body, or his cursed tools/recreations of such from the Heian era.
  • Most of the information on his personality, powers, and history - at least the first paragraph of the latter anyway - is taken directly from Sukuna's page on the JJK Fandom wiki, albeit with some edits made on my part here and there for flow and clarity. I know, I know, plagiarism is bad, but there's only so much of a point in restating the exact same info in my own words before it becomes apparent that just going with what an existing source states is better. So consider this my citation. That being as it may, these entries should be taken as examples of what he can do in general, as his history here isn't the exact same as in the original story. The story might have changed, but his base capabilities haven't.


~ Uraume ~

|| The Frozen Star ||

"Step aside, bottom feeder. Don't make me wait any longer."

Jujutsu Kaisen.


Uraume is usually seen sporting a stoic and calm expression, their main trait being their loyalty to Sukuna, to the point where Sukuna actually acknowledges Uraume upon meeting them. Despite this, they are capable of being incredibly ruthless as well. Uraume has also expressed annoyance towards Kenjaku at multiple points, often telling him to leave their presence and commenting on him talking too much. Uraume can become exceedingly hostile if someone should show any form of disrespect toward Sukuna, which can also lead to them acting recklessly, such as when they tried to attack Satoru Gojo for insulting Sukuna.

Uraume has chin-length white hair, an irregular line of dark plum pink running horizontally across the back of their head, and dark pink eyes with long eyelashes. They wear a plain monk robe of dark blue, which is white on the innermost layer. Their appearance is androgynous, and they usually wear a blank expression outside of battle.

Important Lore & History
During Heian period, Sukuna was invited to the Harvest Festival in the capital and worshipped as an idol after annihilating the Northern Fujiwara Family's Five Empty Generals and Sun, Moon, and Stars Squad. Uraume accompanied him to the festival. When Yorozu arrived at the festival and hugged Sukuna, Uraume froze her arm to drive her away. Uruame then watched as Sukuna killed Yorozu by slashing her across the chest. In the modern day they would go on to aid their master in his recovery of his power following his incarnation, and like him was eventually snatched away by powers unknown to compete in some manner of multiversal death game. Regardless of their sudden change in circumstance, however, they have resolved now more than ever to serve their lord faithfully in whatever challenges are to come.

Powers, Abilities, & Jujutsu
Overall Skill Level: Uraume is a very old and experienced sorcerer who has existed for over a thousand years. They boast exceptional jujutsu prowess and can utilize multiple high-level techniques achieved with great control over their cursed energy. While fighting alongside Pseudo-Geto during the Shibuya Incident, Uraume was able to incapacitate over half a dozen powerful sorcerers with ease. Without Geto's help, Uraume was able to put all of their opponent's lives in danger until the sorcerers were rescued by special grade sorcerer Yuki Tsukumo.

Cooking Skills: Uraume is shown to have an excellent talent as a chef, especially when it comes to serving humans and curses. Their talents for the culinary arts was recognized by Sukuna and was the reason why he allowed them to serve at his side, since Sukuna has an appetite for human flesh.

Cursed Energy Manipulation
Great Cursed Energy: Uraume possesses highly imposing levels of cursed energy and is extremely adept at controlling it. Not only does Uraume control their powerful innate technique with elite finesse, but they're even capable of manipulating their cursed energy into positive energy, something very few sorcerers can accomplish. Uraume is also a master of applying cursed energy in its base form and using it to steel their body. By reinforcing their hands with cursed energy, Uraume was able to partially block Choso's Piercing Blood and completely brushed aside Momo Nishimiya's Wind Scythe.

Innate Technique
Ice Formation (氷ひ凝こり呪じゅ法ほう Hikori Juhō): Uraume's innate technique gives them the ability to create and manipulate ice. It can range from small to large quantities, depending on the desired utilization.

Frost Calm (霜しも凪なぎ Shimonagi): Uraume channels a cloud of freezing mist from their mouth and blows it towards their opponent. The freezing mist materializes into large columns of thick ice and frost to ensnare the enemy. This technique was shown to be especially effective against groups of people, instantly freezing an entire squad of sorcerers in place.

Icefall (直ちょく瀑ばく Choku Baku): After covering their hand in frost and touching the ground, Uraume can generate a large amount of spiked ice that can be controlled to float telekinetically through the air like shards. The ice freezes its target on impact and rains down sharpened icicles to skewer them as well. This attack is extremely deadly, nearly subduing an entire group of targets all at once.

Reverse Cursed Technique
Reverse Cursed Technique (反はん転てん術じゅつ式しき Hanten Jutsushiki): Uraume is capable of producing positive energy with ease. They were able to regenerate the flesh of their palm that was drilled through by Choso's Piercing Blood.

Sukuna - Master/Superior.

Not applicable.

Enough bodily damage or straight decapitation will be more than enough to kill Uraume, as will poison if given enough time to act, as it is notoriously hard to heal unless one has incredible skill when it comes to using RCT. A feat that only a few within the Jujutsu Kaisen universe can lay claim to, amongst whom Uraume is not counted unfortunately.

Differences From Canon
  • Not much has changed here. Even the fight at the end of the Shibuya Incident against the other sorcerers is more or less the same, as Sukuna couldn't really be bothered to fight against them or Yuki, leaving Uraume and Kenjaku to deal with them instead. They did insist on it after all.
  • Citing sources once again, here's Uraume's page on the wiki: Uraume.
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Name: Alerius.

Height: 8'11".

Weight: 287.7 lbs.

Age: At least 500 years old following the destruction of the Ascendancy (likely even older due to extensive time spent in temporal stasis, as well as the effects of his environmental suit).

Race: Human/Terran/Tellurian/Etc.

Attire: A military-grade environmental/life support suit worn by the majority of military personnel in the old Solarin Ascendancy during times of crisis or conflict. It provides numerous functions and utilities to the wearer, including but not limited to: biological immortality, a pain suppressant suite, enhanced strength, and an onboard AI assistant, among many other features and utilities. In particular a brain machine interface for improved control of defensive and offensive drone swarms, as well as various Ascendancy created machines in general.

Features: White hair, two nasal slits, pale skin, noticeably defined musculature (beneath the suit), modified hand structure in which the pinky has been converted into an extra grasping digit positioned near the wrist while an additional finger has been added to the top of the hand, icy blue eyes on a sea of black.

Personality: Vengeful towards the Hegemony, pragmatic, efficient, caring to those he loves, stoic.