Let the Stars Fall Down (Sci-Fi Fantasy Fun~<3)

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No, I mean, One would play a goddess which has no specific sphere of influence, which means she was able to do anything she wanted. The other was a jedi dragon which was infusing magical abilities with force abilities. See the issue?
HUE. With so much combat power in each character, I'm surprised that it didn't just turn out to be an Arena RP, revolving solely around gratuitously detailed combat.
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HUE. With so much combat power in each character, I'm surprised that it didn't just turn out to be an Arena RP, revolving solely around gratuitously detailed combat.
Under natural circumstances, it WOULD, but with the power of a goddess, she would taunt the characters, then remove their memories of it ever happening.
I might join for this. ^^ Haven't really tried anything involving mecha, but there's a first time for everything.
Wow, I wonder...is there literally no one here that's like 'WOOHOO, TOTES GUNNA JOIN'? XD
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I'll give this a go. I might have to take some time to formulate my thoughts and ideas, but it's definitely a neat set-up. Also, I love the epic, sweeping intro that's completely irrelevant.

I'm certainly curious about some of the planets and cultures, since they might give me a couple ideas. Though if we've got free reign there, maybe I'll just go nuts with one or the other of the sort of things I like. But, let me see if I have any particularly useful ideas or concepts for characters kicking around...

- Some sort of android other PCs find and who joins up with them. Advanced military spec that crams something similar to a mecha's firepower in a human-sized frame (plus additional armor bits). Shamelessly inspired by Busou Shinki. (Alternatively, a cyborg doing much the same).
- Someone who is perhaps suffering from "poisoning" or overexposure to Ley ore/metal. Possible ZOE parallels.
- A reincarnated hero from a golden age...whose current incarnation happens to be a young girl. Powered armor, hot-blooded heroism, and conflicting memories of past lives abound.
- Some sort of concept based around a culture that went full biotech. Probably considered something of a sociopath by their peers because they're fine with going out and traveling with others, etc. Many inspirations depending on how this goes.
- Some other take on the sort of genre of magical girls who are totally not wearing ridiculous powered armor.
- A reyvateil

Hm...that list ended up longer than I thought. But I'm sure things can be pared down or combined in bizarre ways as needed. Giant robot adventure seems like one thing I never get to see (unless I GM it, but even then I'm the only one really big on it).
I am very sure to myself that I, perhaps will join this
Sci-fi Fantasy- wait Fantasy you say?
Then it's a yes.

I felt like someone needed to say it after all that, but this message is useless because all I'm really saying is that I'll be jumping over to the OOC now!
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