Legend of Renalta 2: Reborn

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Ferret Dad
Original poster
Invitation Status
Posting Speed
  1. 1-3 posts per week
  2. One post per week
  3. Slow As Molasses
Online Availability
Afternoons and evenings, some weekends.
Writing Levels
  1. Intermediate
  2. Adept
  3. Advanced
  4. Prestige
  5. Douche
  6. Adaptable
Preferred Character Gender
  1. Male
  2. Female
  3. Primarily Prefer Male
  4. Primarily Prefer Female
Fantasy, Science Fiction, Post Apocalypse, Horror, Romance, Survival...
  • Status: Just updated the OOC to accommodate LoR 2's Paths of War. | The IC is about to enter an intermission period, as nations meet to discuss international affairs. | 0 Player Spots Available. | 22 Living Player Characters. | 16 Dead Player Characters. | 25 Total Dead. (Missions only.)

    The IC is located here. | You can find a world map here (6400x4800), for visual reference. | Mission information will be linked here at a later date.

    [warning=red]This role play features plentiful character deaths, stats & traits, and the potential for failure. In exchange, however, the world—in its present state—is nearly entirely because of player-driven actions. The successes, and the failures. If you're interested in joining, beware that this role play can and will chew through the majority of its player characters before it ends.

    Seriously, don't try to join this if your character dying would bother you. There are situations where your character will have to take risks that may not pay off and may result in their death instead.[/warning]
    green "The Escalating War" is dedicated to explaining the changes the RP has gone through.

    "Intelligence Centre" is dedicated towards explaining the current world situation. This is where information about world leaders, world powers, and companions can be found.

    "Registration Centre" is the character sheet. Remember—the queen of an entire country is vetting you. You can be rejected for simply not being fit for the duties associated with being a Queen's Blade—so think what would be acceptable for an agent within the story as well as outside of it!

    "Resources Centre" is where the stat and trait system is located and explained.

    "Master Archives" is where ancillary lore about the world is located. Unlike the Intelligence Centre, this has nothing to do with factions or characters pertinent to the plot. This is historical events, footnotes on races, and so on.

    "Library of Records" is all the miscellaneous stuff. You can find a quick Q&A here. This will be useful for new players and old players who are transitioning to the new system. There's also a death counter here.

    If you have any questions and can't find your answers in these tabs, please ask in the OOC. You will get a faster answer here than most other places.

    The Paths of War

    Ten years ago, after the Gods were banished from the mortal realm by Queen Kouri, the kingdom of Renalta was rebuilt from ashes. As part of this effort, the Queen's Blades were formed under the direct supervision of the royal family of Renalta, to serve as international agents for the crown for the impending invasion by the Nine Hells with the absence of the Gods. Their first missions came recently, after a surprise attack on Arian village. For their first missions, casualty rates were high, and several agents did not survive to see the next sunrise. A defensive strategy had been in use by one of the royal family's advisers for the coming conflict—a woman known as Amanda the Archmage. Now, however, as the conflict ramps up with no aid in sight for the ailing Queen's Blades, the strategy must change. No longer can the royalty stand by and watch its agents suffer under mismanagement by an adviser's poor directions.

    So it will, no longer, be run by those who place their bets on fate and destiny. On the unnatural, weaving plots of entities who may not have the mortal realm's best interests at heart.

    The Queen's Blades have been reformed to meet a new threat, as the hopes of uniting the world against the Nine Hells have been dashed. Treachery has come in the form of a political dagger and cowardice, and though Renalta has stalwart allies thanks to the acts and sacrifices by the Queen's Blades against the coming forces of darkness, it now stands upon the precipice of destruction. The world is but a single stroke away from being delivered into the arms of those who would sell it for their own, vain self-interest.

    The royalty of Renalta—Queen Kouri & Queen Alexandria—prepare all of their forces for the coming war. The entire world of Renalta is at stake as the entirety of the Nine Hells prepares to invade the mortal realm. They'll need as many competent agents as they can get, and though the rigours of a Queen's Blade are difficult, they welcome anyone willing to try.

    Will you become a Queen's Blade, and attempt to stop the incoming demon invasion? Will you help to rally the other nations together under one, common cause? Or will you turn your back on this world, and leave it to its fate?

    • The Queen's Blades are no longer international agents, but are now direct servants of the crown with a chain of command akin to that of their King's Rangers counterparts. They'll be vetted accordingly, with ineffective agents being dismissed and effective agents being promoted. As such, the entire system has been updated to fit the theme of war. Below, you can find a history of influences the Queen's Blades have had up to this point, as well as the chain of command.

      The Queen's Blades are an organization that works for Queen Kouri of Renalta, ruler of the Kingdom of Renalta. They're international agents that hail from homelands all over the continent, and who come from all walks of life. They're agents of the crown, and do mission requests for other nations, in the hopes of gathering allies, bringing stability, and combating corruption. All of these things--diplomacy, warfare, and more--are in the pursuit of their one, ultimate objective.

      To prepare for and then defeat the invasion of the mortal realm by the Nine Hells.

      Beyond this, everything else is secondary, save for loyalty to the crown.

      Each of these actions by the players resulted in changes, good or bad, for the overall story. Some are major, some are minor. Some may never come up again, depending on the path the players take in the story. For new players, this is optional, though perhaps useful reading. For old players, they might be amused to see all they've done and all that's happened already.

      This will be updated when all of the current missions are completed. I can't in good conscience assume to know what players will do, or worse still, railroad their endings. That's not fair now, is it? :ferret:

      Characters who behave well in the IC get promoted. As a general rule of thumb...
      • Don't rambo or try to resolve issues (especially combat) single handed. Use your team, it's what they're there for. Work together!
      • Don't behave like a social neanderthal or make grave accusations against important people for no reason. Committing social faux pas is something Kouri has to clean up afterwards, and this is a quick way to get you thrown out. If your character is an antisocial, hyper-racist, hyper-sexist bigot, they may want to just shut up and keep it to themselves. You're talking to world leaders, here.
      • Beware making deals outside of missions, especially with characters like Sarah Darkhammer or Amanda the Archmage. They can be equal parts useful and compromising.
      • Do acts of heroism, or otherwise doing the right thing.
      • Do express elements of leadership and/or cooperation. If you can work well with others and take the mantle of leadership where necessary, this reflects well on you and ups the likelihood of you being promoted.
      • Do think smarter, not harder. The better and more coherent your plans, the more appreciable an asset your character will become.

      Ranks: You'll be informed what rank your character is in the OOC, and your character's rank will be mentioned beside your character's name in the list of characters. Dead characters prior to this will remain rankless.
      1. Recruit: Your character is fresh to the Queen's Blades. Recruits gain one artifact/manpower slot. Try not to die too quickly.
      2. Regular: Your character has survived at least one round of missions, but hasn't done anything to warrant a promotion. Regulars gain two artifacts/manpower slots.
      3. Veteran: Your character has survived at least one round of missions, and has been promoted once. Veterans can vote for what missions they're going to do next. Veterans gain three artifact/manpower slots.
      4. Elite: Your character has survived at least one round of missions, and has been promoted twice. Elites can vote for what missions they're going to do next. Elites generally have their political opinions taken more seriously than their lower ranked counterparts, and are granted a small estate in any nation they've impressed upon: A mansion estate, typically between 5-10 acres, with anywhere between 50-100 servants and bodyguards. Elites gain five artifact/manpower slots. To obtain this rank, you need to do IC-story related content, and gain the political recommendation of at least one world leader.
      5. Nobility: Your character has survived at least one round of missions, and has been promoted three times. Nobility can vote for what missions they're going to do next and their vote is weighed with twice the value of normal. (1 noble vote = value of 2.) Nobility not only have their political opinions taken more seriously, but are considered members of a political state with the ability to speak on its behalf in a limited capacity. Nobility gain a large estate, between 50-80 acres, and rulership over a small town of anywhere between 500-10,000 people. Nobility gain eight artifact/manpower slots. To obtain this rank, you need to do IC-story related content, and gain the political recommendation of one world leader. Atop this, you need to be given knighthood (or societal equivalent) by that same world leader.

      As you can see, attempting to ascend the social ladder and manoeuvre through the political machine has its benefits. Work hard, work smart, and form relationships. It benefits everyone—but most importantly, it benefits you.
    • This area is divided into multiple sections, as there is a great deal of information on this world. None of this is required reading unless otherwise mentioned, but if you want to better understand the nations you'll be working with and world leaders who will be employing you, look here. Companions are also located here—they work directly with you on missions by request, though that will be explained in greater detail later.

      No, seriously though, you really don't need to read all of this at all. This is reference material, go to it when you need to look something up. Otherwise, trying to read and memorize all of this will probably drive you insane. :ferret:

      Details about the current state of affairs on the nations, as well as further details on each of the nations of note currently at play on the world stage.​

      • Friendly
        Ally/Home State
        Neutral or Distrustful

        The Kingdom of Renalta is the home nation of the Queen's Blades, and should always be friendly towards them as a result.

        The Kingdom of Liveria presently has a positive outlook towards the Queen's Blades, and is on the verge of allying with the Kingdom of Renalta. They are giving humanitarian aid to the Kingdom of Tuleria.

        The Kingdom of Rheinfeld presently have a mixed outlook towards the Queen's Blades: They helped forge a peace treaty between the two rebel factions, but in their hour of need on assaulting the capital, the Queen's Blades turned their backs on them.

        The Kingdom of Tuleria is friendly towards Renalta, seeing them as a close ally, though still recovering from the reshuffling of their government, and all too acutely aware that it was Kouri who chose to save them: Not the Queen's Blades. They are at war with the Free Holds. As the defenders, their quick military reorganization has kept them alive.

        The Free Holds presently have a mixed outlook on the Queen's Blades: They helped assassinate Deimos, but left Rashad in his hour of need, throwing the country back into a state of feuding warlords. Though they've "declared war" on the Kingdom of Tuleria, in truth, it is only a couple of neighbouring holds that have done so, and the rest will only fight on the defensive.

        The Goblin Holds are friendly towards Renalta, having recently received a significant military boon thanks to their help. It also helps that the Queen's Blades honoured one of Kouri's promises, and that Emperor Xixis & Queen Kouri share a long and pleasant history together. They're also delivering humanitarian aid to the Kingdom of Tuleria.

        The Imperium are allies of the Kingdom of Renalta, and will fight by their side to the bitter end of the war thanks to the repeated, unerring assistance granted to them by the Queen's Blades. The fact that Queen's Blades have given their lives in every mission aiding them hasn't hurt either. They have opened their artifacts and manpower resources for them, and have started sending small missions of their own to try and maintain stability in nations around the world.

        The Amazons are part of the Imperium, and fight as a specialized auxiliary force. They, too, have opened their artifacts and manpower to the Queen's Blades.

        The Drow Empire have broken away from the Underdark Alliance and have openly declared war on the Kingdom of Renalta. There are sparse reports of demonic sacrifices imbuing the Drow with powerful, but evil spirits, confirming that they have chosen to side with the demons. It may be possible to sabotage this political alliance, as the Drow are not naturally prone to being in a unitary state...

        The Dwarven Meritocracy are reeling from the broken alliance and are presently testing the waters, seeing if they should bother to take a side in this conflict. Demons could manipulate them to their side if we don't get to them first.

        The Blood Sea Undead have aided the Kingdom of Tuleria as requested, but gained no help of their own. They're highly distrustful of "the deaf" by nature, and while they'll never side with demons, they have threatened to simply attempt mass genocide against neighbouring nations to arm themselves with a corpse army.
      • Demon Invasion Potential: (Very Low, Low, Medium, High, Very High.) (Failed missions, or ignoring mission requests, will generally increase this. If a local demon agent is detected, failing to take this are to be corrupted on a wide scale.)

        Demon Agents Detected: (Yes/No.) (If a Demon Agent is detected, and what type it is. If there is more than one Agent, it will be mentioned. There can be, at most, seven Agents on the field at once, though there can be multiple Agents of a single type operating in different missions. It should be noted that Meryl counts as a Demon Agent by the Mage's Guild, and is the only Agent of Sloth that is known to exist.) mission causes it to spike even higher.)

        Corruption: (Very Low, Low, Medium, High, Very High.) (Same as above, though if a demon agent is detected, they may outright corrupt high ranking officials.)

        Mage's Guild Presence: (Yes/No.) (If the Renaltan Mage's Guild is located here, they can confirm or deny the presence of demon agents, as well as rapidly transport Queen's Blades to and from these locations. Friendly nations or allies who also have Mage's Guilds of their own will usually pass this information along to the Renaltan Royalty.)

        Current State: (Very Poor, Poor, Moderate, Good, Very Good.) (The overall state of the nation, and how they're able to deal with things on a military or economic level. The poorer the state of a nation, the more likely they


        Government Type: (The type of government that runs the nation.)

        Age: (How old this nation is. In the case of Renalta and the Imperium, their homelands do get talked about prior to the existence of those states.)

        Environments: (What the local lands are like.)

        Neighbours: (Who are their neighbours, and where?)

        Culture/History: (What the people and civilization is like, and how it arose.)
      • Demon Invasion Potential: Very low.

        Corruption: Very low.

        Mage's Guild Presence: Yes.

        Current State: Very Good.

        Demon Agents Detected: Yes. Agent of Sloth. (Meryl.)


        Government Type: Absolute Monarchy. (Likely changing to a Constitutional Monarchy soon after the war ends, as the old Renalta was.)

        Age: 10 Years.

        Environments: Rolling grasslands dominate the landscape, with plentiful farmland. There are mountains to the north, swamps to the south, and forests to the east. It is an idyllic land, and though the Kingdom is young, it is quickly growing. Villages dot the land, with Renalta being the only city, and one of the most populated on the entire continent.

        Neighbours: Kingdom of Rheinfeld, across the mountains to the north. Kingdom of Liveria, sharing a grassland border to the east. The swamps to the south are a dangerous zone of time errors, and the forest to the east is known as the Dark Forest—it stretches for hundreds of miles, and there is no documented "other side."

        Culture/History: Approximately four thousand years ago, during the dark ages after the fall of the Imperium, hapless villages were ruled over with an iron fist by vampire lords and bandit gangs. One day, as the ancient stories go, one such village, ruled by an especially powerful vampire lord, was visited by a foreign female knight, named Myria. She met a man, whose name has been lost with history, but who was determined to free his village. The two trained hard, then took to training the populace in secret. They then marched upon and attacked the vampire lord in his dark castle.

        It was at this point that the man was slain, facing the vampire lord valiantly, though he was no match for the vampire's superior strength. The vampire then turned to kill Myria, but before he could break through her stalwart defence, one peasant mustered the courage to interfere, while the rest stayed back, terrified of the vampire lord. This peasant charged from behind and impaled the vampire lord with a pitchfork, killing him. This peasant later became the first King, the village renamed itself after his last name in his honour. The female knight later married the King, adopting his last name.

        The village of Renalta then freed other villages around it, quickly spreading and becoming a full fledged kingdom of tolerance. A place of acceptance, culture, and eventually, the exploration of magic. Though they occasionally were forced to fight wars against Gault (ancient Rheinfeld), they never lost the courage to beat back what was otherwise supposed to be a superior foe. The nation thrived, its monarchy beloved by the people, which lived upon the principle of treating the people well. For, after all, the start of the bloodline was nothing more than a peasant, and a foreign knight. Anyone could become the King or Queen, if they proved worthy enough to marry into the line. Whether or not this legend is completely accurate is not known, but the general premise of it is. Either way, it's generally seen as a good story to tell to children.

        A thousand years ago, the Kingdom of Renalta was destroyed by the wrath of the Gods. Queen Kouri (a princess at the time) had been evacuated from the kingdom and frozen in time. Ten years ago, she awoke while the Gods were weakened and with the aid of allies, banished the Gods from the mortal realm. This is seen with understandably mixed views, though the populace overwhelmingly likes her, as she is seen as a down-to-Earth, compassionate ruler, who has the best interests of her people at heart. The people of Renalta are extremely loyal to their kingdom, their way of life, and the royal family.

        The people of Renalta are a tolerant, peaceful people who pride themselves on being welcoming of immigrants of all shapes and sizes. The idyllic kingdom formed only a short time ago, shortly after the Gods were banished from the world. The largest and most prolific Mage's Guild can be found here, in the form of the Mage's Guild under command of Amanda the Archmage. The rulers of the kingdom are Queen Kouri & Queen Alexandria. There are two heirs to the throne: Twins, who are nine years old.

        The military of the nation can best be seen in their swordsmen and crossbowmen, often backed up by regiments of mages. They're an average, run of the mill military machine whose primary strength is found in its variety of cultures and tactics, and indomitable willpower. There has never once been a battle, no matter how upsetting, that the Renaltan military has ever backed down from unless otherwise ordered to retreat.

        Prior to the revival of the Kingdom of Renalta, the land was simply a series of disparate towns and villages that worked together to drive away bandits and other troubles. They would have likely joined the Kingdom of Liveria at some point, if not for Queen Kouri's legendary return. The cause for the thriving capital being a major metropolitan city is the steady flow of immigrants, drawn to the welcoming culture of Renalta that most other nations can't even feign to aspire towards.
      • Demon Invasion Potential: Very low.

        Corruption: Very low.

        Mage's Guild Presence: Yes.

        Current State: Very Good.

        Demon Agents Detected: Yes. Agent of Envy.


        Government Type: Oligarchic Monarchy. (Monarchy rules for life, but an unpopular or poor monarchy can be voted out of power and replaced by a member of the oligarchy.)

        Age: 150-200 Years.

        Environments: Rolling grasslands, foothills. Mountains to the north, swamps to the south, and a long coastline to the east that runs from the mountains to the swamps. Villages dot the landscape, with only one major city—though it is not as well populated as its ideological rival, Renalta. The architecture is gothic, producing a cold atmosphere that compliments their isolationist views.

        Neighbours: To the north across the mountains is Rheinfeld, and within the mountains a loose collection of orcish tribes. To the west is Renalta, its bigger and yet younger sibling. To the east is the vast stretches of ocean, connecting them to Tuleria, though they prefer to prevent trade rather than endorse it.

        Culture/History: The Kingdom of Liveria arose some hundreds of years after the fall of the first Kingdom of Renalta sent the world into a second dark age. Bandits, vampires, and orcs raided the little villages throughout the old kingdom, though no area was raided harder than the east coast. Approximately two hundred years ago, the village of Liveria allied with its surrounding villages and, one by one over a conflict that lasted several years, beat back the bandits, the orcs, and the vampire lords. They adopted a policy of isolationism, seeing most of the world around them as barbaric and psychotically violent.

        The country as a whole is arranged into certain social classes, though it is most prominently seen as the peasant class who work the lands, the oligarchic nobles who own the land, and the currently reigning royal family who maintains the Liverian way of life against outsiders. They're suspicious of magicians who operate outside of the Mage's Guild, to the point of sometimes hunting them down and killing them if they believe them to be responsible for any illegal acts. Vampires are loathed, as are orcs, though while the lower classes feel nothing but hatred for them, the upper classes tend to feel some level of pity. Especially towards vampires—who typically never had a choice about becoming what it is they are.

        Ultimately, as part of their isolationist views of the world, Liverians typically subscribe to their own version of stoicism. Liverian stoicism is about living through pain. Unless the wound is lethal or crippling, they will typically reject magical healing for it and will instead allow the body to naturally mend it by itself.

        The Kingdom of Liveria is in a very confused relationship with its neighbour, the Kingdom of Renalta. Families live on each side of the border—it is rare for someone living in either country not to have family on the other side. Yet, Renalta's culture of tolerance towards everyone and open door policy on immigrants doesn't mesh with Liveria's culture of self-protection through isolationism and historic xenophobia towards certain races. The issue is further exacerbated by the fact that the Liverian oligarchy generally doesn't recognize the marriage between Queen Kouri & Queen Alexandria as legitimate, and this includes Crown-Prince Xavier, who has propositioned Kouri for marriage and been rejected years ago.

        Their military is best expressed in their Witch Hunter units: Small squads of highly trained, very well armed light troops that can quickly take down powerful enemies, hunt targets down, and so on. When the country itself is threatened, they tend to resort to mass peasant levies as cannon fodder while the Witch Hunters take out important targets. Their military objective is survival, not conquest. However, where it comes to battlefield manipulation through commander assassinations and cunning ploys, none can best them. After all, an army without generals is often nothing more than a disorganized rabble.
      • Demon Invasion Potential: Low.

        Corruption: Medium.

        Mage's Guild Presence: No.

        Current State: Moderate.

        Demon Agents Detected: ? (No Mage's Guild!)


        Government Type: Anarchy. It is presently divided between the Rheinfeld Republic rebels, and the Templar Order—who wish to establish a monarchy which is kept in check by the Templar Order. The remaining Papal Forces have been shattered across the western half of the country.

        Age: 400 Years. It has been ruled by the Papacy for this entire duration, until very recently.

        Environments: Rolling hills, grasslands, and farmlands stretch as far as the eye can see east and west. To the south is the mountain border with Renalta, and to the north and west is the Blood Sea. To the east, the same mountain border that stretches across their border with Renalta, curves toward the north and blocks natural access to the vast oceans of the east. There are multiple large cities, though Heiligen Stuhl is their capital—where the Papacy had ruled for the past 400 years.

        Neighbours: The Kingdom of Renalta & Liveria are south of Rheinfeld. To the north and east is the Blood Sea, though only a recently discovered neighbour. To the north west is the Imperium, across the sea to the north lay the Goblin Holds, and to the north east is the reforming Kingdom of Tuleria. The Kingdom of Rheinfeld has traditionally been known to be the gateway from the harsh northern kigndoms to the more fertile southern kingdoms, and throughout history has traditionally stood alone.

        Culture/History: Though much history has been lost with time, it is known that there was once an ancient nation known as Gault. Gault rejected the rulership of the Imperium, and some time after the fall of the Imperium, they fell into infighting, as dozens if not hundreds of nobles and messiahs all made claims to the throne of Gault. History gets fuzzy for the next thousands of years, as Gault too suffered through the dark ages that plunged the world into suffering and stagnation. By the time Gault finally defeated its internal threats to become a real nation on the world stage, another southern kingdom had arisen to challenge them: The Kingdom of Renalta.

        They often went to war with the Kingdom of Renalta, as they were embittered ideological rivals. Where Renalta wanted to tolerate, Gault wanted to punish. Where Renalta wanted to spread diplomacy and peace, Gault was only interested in righteous vindication. The two often went to war and peace. At one point, their royal lines even intermarried with one another—only for the two to fall into war again some few decades later. Eventually, when Renalta fell, Gault became the only nation of the south still standing.

        The nation suffered civil wars and riots, but barely managed to keep itself intact. Then, a little over four hundred years ago, the nation ripped itself apart in an extremely violent civil war. There was a faction that wanted to invade and permanently take over the remnants of Renalta, and a faction that declared that such an act would be punished by the Gods, for it was the Gods who had smote the land and its people in the first place to such a weak state. Eventually, after a few brutal years of conquest, the Gods-fearing faction won. This faction installed the Papacy, created the Templar Order as it now stands, and named the kingdom Rheinfeld. While they went on crusades in foreign lands to restore order for the Gods or to attempt to weaken political opponents, they never aimed to capture and hold any further land than what they already possessed.

        The Kingdom of Rheinfeld is and always has been a highly religious nation by its very nature, and the banishment of the Gods ten years ago has done nothing to abate this fact. There are very distinct social classes—between the militarized nobility of the Templar Order, and the primarily illiterate commoner mob of the Rheinfeld Republic. In the past, they went on crusades against lands they felt might be irreverent against the Gods, but in recent years, they've lightened up on their once mercilessly bloodthirsty ways.

        They worship two gods more than any other—The Father and The Mother. The Father is the God of the Templar, known for his honour and courage. The Mother is the Goddess of the priests and priestesses, who is known for her compassion and forgiveness. They are idols that both the commoners and the nobility typically strive to emulate in all ways—though the interpretations of how that is to be done can vary wildly from person to person.

        Ten years ago, when the Gods were banished, it was revealed that the Papacy was not communicating with the Gods whatsoever. The traditionally Gods-appointed position was, in fact, a farce. His miracles were, in fact, magic. The same magic that the Papacy decried and demanded the Templar Order seek out and destroy at all costs. This shook the entire nation, and caused the Templar Order to immediately invoke a crusade against the Papacy—to dethrone them. This, however, also left shock waves within the Templar Order itself: All of its priests, who had been giving blessings, were in fact magicians themselves. This left the Templar Order split on how to handle mages—which it traditionally imprisoned or burned to death—resulting in it being indecisive for its first couple of years of rebellion against the Papacy.

        Meanwhile, the Rheinfeld Republic was ushered to life after the peasant mobs became woeful at being recruited for slaughter by the Papacy against the Templar Order. Riots sprang up in the northern frontier, and upon discovery of a different way of governance by the resurfacing Imperium, they began to seek a new way of life: Not one ruled by merciless dictators or an apathetic, militarized nobility, but one where the commoner would be ruled by the commoner. The Templar Order countered that such a government run by the illiterate could not function, and refused to support the notion that would cause them to lose power.

        Thus, for another seven years, they three sides fought each other, with none of them being particularly decisive. Recently, however, the Templar Order and the Rheinfeld Republic came together to sign a treaty of peace to turn their sights on the real enemy: The Papacy. The Queen's Blades oversaw the negotiation and ensured the survival of the Templar Order's second in command. When the time came for the battle against the capital however, the Queen's Blades failed to show to help.

        Now, the Rheinfeld Republic and Templar Order have captured the capital and driven the Pope into exile. Time will tell if a stable government can be found in this tumultuous land.

        Their military is comprised of heavy shock troops which traditionally excel both on the defence and offence. There is no military in the world with a better equipped force than that of Rheinfeld, even in its currently debilitated state. Their elite soldiers are also typically immune to magic outright, making it highly difficult for mages to even hinder them.
      • Demon Invasion Potential: Very Low.

        Corruption: Very Low.

        Mage's Guild Presence: No, but a local Mage's Tower is present and has aligned its interests with those of the Mage's Guild.

        Current State: Good.

        Demon Agents Detected: Yes.


        Government Type: Oligarchic Monarchy. (Very recent. Prior to this, it was a triumvirate with a military leader, mage leader, and monarch.)

        Age: 1400 Years. (1,000 years as a triumvirate kingdom, 400 years as a series of city states. Only recently became a straight monarchy.)

        Environments: A myriad of lands are present within the boundaries of this land, though most pressingly mountains to the north, desert sands from the eastern oceans to the Blood Sea in the south-west, and swamps to the south. Magic permeates this land, often producing strange effects. Lizardmen tribal encampments can be found dotting the land, and many races call this land home—even races not native to the continent. Humans and Lizardmen are the primary population here, unlike in most nations, were humans tend to be more dominant than any other population overall.

        Tuleria is the capital, and is known for being made out of a mix and mash of cultures. Most of the buildings are made out of limestone. Port Luclin is their primary export and import center for overseas trade goods, though it's not uncommon for captains who leave on adventures to never return, which makes overseas travel dangerous.

        Neighbours: To the north west is the Free Holds, whom the Kingdom of Tuleria are often on icy relations with. To the west, cross the Blood Sea is the Imperium. To the south west is the Kingdom of Rheinfeld. Their eastern frontier is bordered by ocean, and they often find themselves the welcome guests of distant lands, though it is rare to ever learn anything about them, as trade is the priority. It's not uncommon for people to come from distant lands through Tuleria, and settle on the continent somewhere else.

        Culture/History: The Kingdom of Tuleria was originally a series of city states, akin to the Free Holds, though smaller in nature. Trade from the east brought them power and strange innovations, and the local lizardmen tribes caused them to slowly disassociate from the other merchant's holds. Finally, a thousand years ago—shortly after the fall of the Kingdom of Renalta—three factions arose and took power over the land: The military, the mages, and a monarchy. For centuries this triumvirate of leaders maintained control, and defended against aggressive expansionism from the Free Holds and the Kingdom of Rheinfeld's violent crusades.

        When Kouri banished the Gods, the Kingdom of Tuleria was relatively unaffected. They remained a neutral, merchant's nation, even as the lizardmen tribes quietly became more and more irritable with the state of things. Then, one of the leaders of the triumvirate—General Varro—came into contact with a terrible artifact that was later discovered to have corrupted his mind. He was later assassinated, breaking the triumvirate. Before it could reform, the country was then struck by a small invasion from the Nine Hells, who broke through a small tear in reality. The Queen's Blades came to the aid of the Kingdom of Tuleria, and aided in closing the portal while the Tulerian army pushed forward to take it themselves.

        In the three weeks that have followed, the triumvirate has been abolished and replaced with an oligarchic monarchy. King Boann retains his seat of power as the King, with Janelle stepping down from political office to focus on reorganizing the Mage's Tower to work with the military. For the time being, the council that helps guide the decisions of King Boann is comprised of various military and mage leaders, as well as some of his previous advisers. The triumvirate has been broken: Perhaps only for now, perhaps forever.

        Tuleria as a culture emphasizes trade and knowledge, and its people tend to pride themselves on being free to go about their business as they please... Even if their business is not entirely legal. It's one of the most racially tolerant kingdoms on the continent, only putting value to the merits and skills others possess. So long as their ability to trade isn't interfered with, they tend to stay out of international affairs. Celebrations and parties are common. The tribes that live out in the desert sands and swamps, tend to be somewhat isolationist in nature. Many are nomadic, though some have settled down. They, too, enjoy trade, though they dislike the idea of outsiders "settling" amongst their tribes.

        Either way, the Kingdom of Tuleria's military is reorganizing itself to take full advantage of its technological edge in warfare. Cannons and mortars are being produced and salvaged faster than ever, and entire battalions of rifled troops accompanied by mages now line the battlefield. They've done exceptionally well at holding back Free Holder slavers and mercenaries who might have otherwise broken through the weakened Tuleria. The Kingdom of Tuleria is on the cusp of discovering line warfare, and is the only nation to wield firearms as part of its main composition. Lizardmen shock troops are also not uncommon, thanks to them being biologically larger than most humans.

        On the naval end of things, the Kingdom of Tuleria quietly resolved its rampant piracy issue by giving independent captains the status of privateers. The Kingdom of Tuleria pays privateer captains to ransack other nation's merchant and military vessels, then allows them to sell their goods in Tulerian ports without question. Though this practice is more employed in the open oceans to the east, it has seen use in the Blood Sea—especially in times of resource shortages or war.
      • Demon Invasion Potential: Low.

        Corruption: Low.

        Mage's Guild Presence: Yes.

        Current State: Good.

        Demon Agents Detected: Yes. (Agent of Greed.)


        Government Type: City-States Warlords.

        Age: Approximately two thousand years, though much of its history has been lost over time, or rewritten to better service newer warlords over their predecessors.

        Environments: Long stretches of desert punctuated by the occasional magical apparition or oasis. It's not uncommon to find large animals, mutated by magic either. Typically enlarged versions of otherwise ordinary animals—such as worms large enough to swallow men whole, or scorpions large enough to prey on camels and bears. Individual holds are large and most often surrounded by walls, with rooftops connected by planks to allow traffic both on and above the dusty streets.

        To the north lies a magical barrier, and beyond it lies endless snow as far as the eye can see. The magical barrier is normally impenetrable, and though there are sightings of creatures or people beyond the barrier, no contact has been made with cultures beyond the barrier for so long as the Free Holds have existed.

        Neighbours: The Kingdom of Rheinfeld to the south, beyond the Blood Sea. To the east lies the Kingdom of Tuleria. To the west lies the Amazons, now part of the Imperium.

        Culture/History: For the past couple thousand years, the Free Holds have stood as one of the oldest remaining nations in existence, though their history is fogged by constant propaganda rewritings by local warlords. It also isn't particularly a truly unified nation, having no semblance of a federal government. It operates as a series of city-states, each ruled by a warlord. Each city-state is known as a Free Hold, and the local laws (what few there are) vary from hold to hold. Most infamously, slavery is widespread throughout the holds and is one of the Free Hold's most profitable enterprises.

        The Free Holds on an individual level often have their leaders assassinated and replaced save in times of existential crisis. The only time the Free Holds come together to fight is when any foreign nation presents a threat to them through war, conquest, or blockades. They otherwise can be found orchestrating one another's assassinations, bidding on high quality slaves, and evading or preventing their own assassinations. Though often mocked for being named the Free Holds in spite of their slavery, they openly tend to disdain such mockery and point out that any slave strong enough or clever enough to free themselves remains free—there is no state-enforced slavery protections for slave owners.

        Prior to two thousand years ago, the Free Holds were often split into anywhere between two to five smaller nations, squabbling over territorial disputes. They were smaller then, and weaker—often falling prey to crusades from the southern kingdom that existed before Rheinfeld. The desert sands were harsh and bred equally coarse men, who took land from one another time and time again. As time went on, only more nations began to appear—more feuding warlords, often trapped to singular city-states and assassinated by their own advisers for power. New bloodlines ran through the thrones faster than sand caught in a gust of wind.

        Eventually, the warlords finally agreed to unite under the banner of the Free Holds. To create some level of stability, they agreed that no hold could ever rule over another—all holds were equal, and each would be ruled by its own, strongest and most cunning men. Occasionally, women also ascended to the status of warlord, though not as often as men did, in part due to the prolific nature of the sex trade making it somewhat safer than pursuing the warlord's throne of a free hold.

        Eventually, the Free Holds began to grow into a trade power that tried its hand at colonization. This colonization effort later became Tuleria—though the Kingdom of Tuleria denies it, often citing that over a thousand years have passed since that time, and history is often revised in favour of the Free Holds within the Free Holds. Attempts at expansion to the east, through the jungles, consistently failed as the Amazonians there stopped them time and again. There would be no expansion across the Blood Sea either: The Tulerian navy was stronger than their own in most instances, and the southern nations proved far too strong to be inducted into the vastly superior mercantile culture of the Free Holds.

        Yet, the power dynamics changed, as the Free Holds continued on. A thousand years ago, when the Kingdom of Renalta fell, the Free Holds grew and thrived. They became the world's reigning military superpower, with hardened, elite mercenary armies that were quick to mobilize and attack anyone who stopped their economic might. For a brief time, it even seemed they might be able to conquer their long time rival—the Kingdom of Tuleria. Before that could occur however, infighting inevitably came, and weakened them from within. They were a superpower that feasted upon itself more than anyone else.

        As time went on, the last of the kingdoms of the south fell into anarchy, and formed a new kingdom—the Kingdom of Rheinfeld. Beyond it, the Kingdom of Liveria began to stir to life. Where kingdoms rose and fell, the Free Holds lived on. Finally, the last major change came with the banishment of the Gods. The Imperium rose from nowhere to the west, reinforcing and eventually growing to ally with the Amazonians against the Free Holds. The Goblin Holds erupted from the centre of the Free Holds, and ripped through like a whirlwind of pain. The Kingdom of Tuleria unlocked the magic of gunpowder, and the Kingdom of Renalta thundered back—promoting its ever so frustrating cultural motif of "human rights."

        They went from having one direct rival nation to three. Still, their military might allowed them to fend off all three and hold the most important of the Free Holds. Slavery still thrives, though there are whispers of change coming from within...

        The Free Holds' military is known for being comprised of mercenaries, the most elite of which are part of their mass conscript armies. In days, they can fashion a highly skilled and mobile army, capable of many different techniques and strategies at the drop of a hat. They are masters of no particular art of war, but are capable of nearly all of them. They also have large amounts of manpower, as the Free Holds is one of the oldest nations on the planet—in spite of their tumultuous and violent nature, and desert environment.
      • ((@Kadaeux worked on this entry, as Xixis Madheart is his character, and the Goblin Holds was his creation as a result of decisions he made in the first role play.))

        Demon Invasion Potential: Very low.

        Demon Agents Detected: No.

        Corruption: Very low.

        Mage's Guild Presence: No, but a local guild is present and working with the Mage's Guild to report demon agents.

        Current State: Very Good.


        Government Type: Meritocratic Monarchy; Should an heir of the Emperor prove him or herself to have the talent to take the role of Emperor then they're selected as the heir apparent and upon the event of Xixis' death are raised to Emperor or Empress. Should no biological offspring have the talent required, the Emperor may select another of his inner circle who have the talent to take over.

        Age: 10 Years, prior to that they were part of the Freeholds.

        Environments: Predominantly Deserts and Wasteland dotted with Oases.

        Neighbours: Neighbours are Free Holds (north), Imperium (across blood sea - west), Tuleria (across blood sea - east), Rheinfeld (across blood sea - south)

        Culture/History: Following the Banishment of the Gods Xixis returned to the 'Free Holds' with an artefact of great power. A Tome of the Madheart Clan studying it greatly he turned its power into the force he needed to band together and unite orc and goblin tribes and take the first major hold in a storm of Orc and Goblins, a tide of monstrous cavalry and great magic. It was then that the defining moments of the Goblin Holds were made apparent. ALL slaves were freed and the Empire was born. Since then a culture of intolerance towards Slavers, and thus towards the Free Holds. In that time Xixis has taken three major holds and a half dozen or so minor holds.

        All the while declaring his support in all areas for the Kingdom of Renalta, working to ensure a close relationship between the two 'new' nations over their mutual support during the gods conflict. Foreigners are welcome provided they're not from the freeholds. Any slaves that successfully flee the freeholds are freed within the Goblin Holds.

        While the Goblin Holds are predominantly Goblin and Orc, all races are welcome in the Goblin Holds so long as they can obey the simple laws, don't murder people, don't steal from people, don't assault people and don't ever thing of enslaving people. The first and last are punished by impalement, the centre two are punished by 10 years hard labour in the mines.

        The Goblin Holds military is relatively typical at first glance... but only at first. While the expected spearmen, infantry and archers are present, but once you look past that it quickly becomes apparent that it's non-typical. The Cavalry are represented by Goblins on Giant Scorpions and Orks on Giant Salamanders as well as the Worm-Riders. Additionally the Elite Units of the Holds Guard typically have the Blunderbuss as their main weapons and the Khopesh and Shield for close combat. They also use other Goblin or orc Shamans as a regular part of the battle line, when Xixis himself isn't supporting them with great acts of magic.
      • Demon Invasion Potential: Very Low.

        Demon Agents Detected: No.

        Corruption: Very Low.

        Mage's Guild Presence: Yes.

        Current State: Very Good.


        Government Type: Senatorial Republic. The Republic handles the affairs of the state, while the Eternal Empress handles military affairs. The Empress can be overruled by a two-thirds majority in the Senate, but rarely needs to be, as she's generally known as a peace seeker rather than a war maker in most instances.

        Age: 10 Years. Prior to this, the lands they inhabited were controlled only by a few small farming villages, who hoped to remain unnoticed by Rheinfeld and the Free Holds, as they had little protection otherwise.

        Environments: In the heart of the Imperium, deep forests are being cut down day after day to open up more arable land for the two cities that have sprung up. Animus is the capital, and the two cities are often decorated in Imperial regalia. Grand feats of engineering remain under construction, with architecture the likes of which could feasibly challenge even the most beautiful of Rheinfelder temples, or the Liverian capital—once it's finished, anyway. Otherwise, the much smaller farming towns have slowly started to adopt Imperial culture themselves, though hints of their mixed Rheinfeld-Free Hold background can occasionally still be seen.

        To the north, the deep, thick, and dangerous jungles contain the proud Amazonian tribes. These jungles are filled with violent deaths for people, and though the Imperium has begun engineering projects to make them safer, Imperial decrees still require merchant caravans to be escorted by full military guard.

        Neighbours: To the east and north-east, the Free Holds pose an existential threat to their existence. Though the Imperium at one point was briefly winning a war against them—taking and renaming the West Hold Colonia for their own liberation efforts, they were beaten back to the river of blood that flows through to the Blood Sea. The two are no longer officially at war, but border skirmishes still occur from time to time. The Kingdom of Rheinfeld can be found on their more southern frontier, across the Blood Sea. The Kingdom of Tuleria lies far across the east, also across the Blood Sea, though Goblin Hold ports lie between them.

        Culture/History: The Imperium was once the sole light of civilization across the continent. Their empire stretched from the Amazons, through the Free Holds and Goblin Holds, to where the Kingdom of Tuleria now stands. In their time, magic was but a whisper on the wind, mastered and used only by supernatural and powerful creatures who the Imperium battled with regularly. The Imperium itself united the various mortal tribes and kingdoms, stopping their petty infighting to focus on survival against far more powerful forces. They briefly attempted colonization to the south, to try and relieve pressure upon themselves, only for the colonial effort to break away and become the nation of Gault. Before they could send an Imperial army to reconquer it with ease, they became plagued with an internal issue: Mortals were trying to wield magic, and it was often causing more harm than help, as magic was seemingly impossible to control by mortal will.

        Then, ten thousand years ago, their empire came to an abrupt end when Amanda the Archmage unlocked the secrets of magic for any mere mortal to master and use. Magical energies cascaded forth from a hidden well of power, and wiped out most living things on the northern continent. An accident, as Amanda claims to this day. The accident turned the seas into their bloody, twisted state: Making them into a poison where only a few things fished from it could even be considered edible. The once rolling grasslands and farmlands of the northern continent were wiped away, burned into a desert where over ninety eight percent of the population was wiped out in only a few minutes. Only the Amazons were spared, though their nation, deprived of outside help, quickly fractured into tribes and fell backwards in technology.

        The thousands of years of dark ages that followed saw no light from the Imperium, and it faded into memory. Little did the world know, that another young mage, named Maurie, had survived the incident. She was a mage, and had been outside of her country when the disaster hit. Overcome with sorrow, she stole as many soul gems as she could and stored as many souls as she could possibly fit into them from the surrounding area, which was permeated with so much magic at the time that she had no effort in taking thousands of wandering souls in. Mostly military, as chance would have it, including her husband and daughter. She then went into a cavern system, in the mountains bordering Tuleria and the Free Holds, and hid there.

        It was there that she sacrificed her mortal coil after gathering as much magical energy as she could, turning herself into a Lich for the express purpose of using her own body as a spiritual conduit. This spiritual conduit created a small, illusory area, where the souls she had contained were free to exist. Every six months, the illusory area would reset. The souls could never kill themselves—they would only reincarnate in six months. This continued for nearly twenty thousand cycles, sending people into two camps. One camp wanted to kill Maurie, free themselves, and end it all. The other camp wanted to preserve the last spark of the Imperium for however long they could. The camp that wanted to kill Maurie was known as the freedom camp, whereas the camp that wanted to keep the Imperium alive as long as possible was known as the loyalist camp.

        It was at this point that Kouri—princess at the time—encountered them. She saved Maurie from being killed by some of the more unstable souls in the freedom camp, then moved on and banished the Gods. With the Gods banished, the energy of the event flowed in each direction, and Maurie took advantage, finally breaking the bonds everyone struggled under. Everyone was freed, gaining a mortal body once more. Though there was a brief rash of suicides, most of the freedom camp—now free to grow old and die—instead aligned with the loyalist camp, and came out of the cavern system.

        The desert sands at first upset them, though the Free Holds upset them more. Underequipped and badly outnumbered, they opted not for immediate conquest, but to slip away. They stole a small fleet in the middle of the night from one port, overloaded the ships, and sailed to the east. There, they landed and found a few small villages, hiding away from the world at large. The Imperium refounded itself there, the Senate becoming elected a short time later. The first act they did was name Maurie the Eternal Empress, as so long as she had magical energy and life energy to sustain off of, her Lich form would keep her everlasting for so long as she chose to live.

        The Imperium can be summarized by their ultimate, long-term objective: "The Dream of Empire." This dream was one that the original Imperium espoused, as it was the title of the binding treaty that kept the entire known world under their military control. The Imperium behaves as a federal government, though local nations maintain their identity and governance. Monarchies remain monarchies, republics remain republics, and local laws remain as untouched as possible. The Imperium's mission is to preserve local cultures, not exterminate them. All lands and nations under their control instead unite their military under the Imperial banner, forming massive, multinational armies.

        Their culture, therefore, is highly militarized. Duty is core even to coming of age rituals, with the talents of every individual being utilized as best as possible by the state. The senate is also core to their culture, representing the needs and interests of each nation and town under their jurisdiction. There is, however, a small divide between what is known as the "old Imperials" and the "new Imperials." The old Imperials believe that the world and all its nations are simply children of the Imperium that need to be brought under control, one way or another, for the sake of the greater good of all. They also tend to distrust mages, as it was the very unleashing of magic that wiped out their entire civilization. The new Imperials believe that the world will come to its own senses and join the Imperium of their own volition when they are ready, and any idea of outright military conquest of friendly nations disgusts them. They also tend to forgive mages, and thanks to their influence in politics, the Mage's Guild of Renalta was welcomed to aid in the rebuilding effort.

        The Imperial military is built around tight formations, with mercenary units and Amazons serving as specialized "auxilia" that operate outside of those formations where appropriate, to best utilize their talents. Though somewhat outdated in strategy, their armies are well trained and equipped. They do often suffer manpower shortages, though on the defensive this hardly impedes them, as their engineering genius allows them to create cunning defences that typically cause an enemy pause on the offence. They are also quick to adapt to new situations, changing their strategies when necessary, though they still struggle to adapt magic into their combat regiments.

        The Amazonians are only a recent addition to the Imperium. Their Queen joined the Imperium voluntarily after ancient treaties were discovered that linked the two peoples together as close and trusted allies by the Queen's Blades. She maintains power over her people, and the Imperium avoids interfering with their cultural affairs, though at times the Amazonians and Imperials can squabble over what laws should be local and what laws should be federal. As such, while the Amazonians serve in Imperial armies and give their services freely to Imperial needs, the people themselves largely run their own affairs unimpeded by Imperial.

        Amazonian culture is marked primarily by independence and strength. It lives and dies for the hunt. It is matriarchal in nature, with women being the warriors, and men being the caregivers. Amazonian warriors drink treated blood from the river of blood using ancient shamanistic practices. These Amazonian warriors become powerful enough to control their own blood flow, preventing blood from seeping out in open wounds, save if they're knocked unconscious. They also gain unnatural amounts of strength, though their lifetimes are cut in half. Some of the oldest Amazonian women only live to be around forty to fifty years old. Sixty, if they are extremely lucky.

        Their shamans do not drink the blood from the river, as doing so makes them vulnerable to possession by spirits. Instead, they learn how to control and manipulate spirits, animals, and nature. As such, shamans are often the heads of tribes—in spite of their physical weakness, their normal, natural lifespans grant them wisdom that their more aggressive warriors typically do not have. Individual tribes in turn follow the words of the Queen of the Amazons, so long as she proves strong enough to be deserving of the title. At any time, an Amazonian tribe leader can challenge the Queen to a duel to take control. None have tried with this current Queen.

        Amazons are the most outnumbered in terms of military might, but individual Amazonian warriors can only typically be matched by the most elite of warriors from other nations. They struggle to conform to army tactics, being most comfortable in close quarters and in environments such as jungles and mountains. Still, their complete inability to bleed to death makes them extremely survivable, being able to take several arrow hits and keep going unabated. Killing them essentially requires melee combat or magic, both of which Amazonians are trained in from a young age, either as warriors or shamans.
      • Demon Invasion Potential: Medium.

        Demon Agents Detected: ?

        Corruption: Low. (Note: The Blood Sea is very difficult to corrupt, and will likely sooner turn on the nations around them out of mechanical need before corruption would poison them. Though the mere thought of The Choir being poisoned against them does terrify them.)

        Mage's Guild Presence: No. It's unknown if such a thing would even be feasibly practical.

        Current State: Moderate.


        Government Type: Hive Mind.

        Age: No older than ten thousand years, though there is no certainty on when they became conscious.

        Environments: They live within the Blood Sea, at the very bottom. They've built simple but highly sturdy structures there, containing bodies for their own uses. The pressure there is sufficient as to make travel there by anyone other than undead impractical. Their existence wasn't even known until very recently, though sailors used to report seeing their comrades going overboard, being sucked quickly down into the sea. One cannot see beyond a mere half a dozen feet within the Blood Sea, making eyesight nearly useless there.

        If one were to somehow muster the inventions or magic necessary to visit the "towns" of the Blood Sea, they would likely hear an endless array of maddening whispers coming from all directions, and many hundreds, if not thousands of bodies laying around, just... Waiting, for something to use them.

        Neighbours: Every nation on the coasts of the Blood Sea counts as a neighbour. This includes but is not limited to, in clockwise order starting from the top: The Free Holds, The Kingdom of Tuleria, The Kingdom of Rheinfeld, The Imperium.

        Culture/History: It is uncertain what its specific birth point was, however, the Blood Sea Undead became aware of their own existence some time after the Blood Sea came to exist. Many thousands of souls after the old Imperium's apocalyptic fall wandered aimlessly into the Blood Sea. This, eventually, over an unknown period of time, created a self-aware entity, known as "The Choir." The Choir is comprised of thousands of souls, thousands of lost minds, who all merged together to share their experiences and emotions. This Choir became able to split off pieces of itself into individual souls, to inhabit the bodies of the dead.

        This Choir, though it possessed the experiences of thousands of lost souls, had no real ability to comprehend the individuals who lived on the surface. They appeared only momentarily during the dark ages, and quickly came to the conclusion that the living could not hear their choir until they had been slain and their souls dragged into the Choir itself. So the Choir secluded itself away from what it called "the tribes of the Deaf." From that point forward, all it did was steal corpses wherever it could, to replenish any they lost. They sent spies to analyze the various cultures around them, to acquire new experiences through the occasional kidnapping in the middle of the night.

        When it felt the Gods become banished, it felt the oncoming invasion by the Nine Hells. The many thousands of souls within itself debated on what to do. They ultimately came to the conclusion that a mass invasion of another nation was the only logical conclusion: The vastly inferior deaf could not possibly understand them, so the only option was to take as many bodies as possible, and then try to defeat the invasion itself. So it attacked the Goblin Holds, deciding that must have been one of the weaker nations. Queen Kouri was there on a diplomatic mission at the time, and though she was injured by the Choir's military forces, she bathed the streets in fire and purged them of every trace of the undead. What few that survived, fled back to the Choir in shock and horror.

        At the same time, a mission for the Imperium by the Queen's Blades to acquire magical artifacts released some of their trapped brethren from an underground passage. These trapped brethren informed the Choir of something it had thought was impossible: The deaf not only heard them, they did as the trapped souls had asked of them so that they would become free.

        With a great deal of confusion, it sent ambassadors to Renalta. Though its petition for a mission was ultimately passed over by the Queen's Blades, it did as the Deaf requested of it, and sent reinforcements to Tuleria in their time of need. Now, they ready a new set of requests...

        The Blood Sea's culture can be summarized as transfixed around its Hive Mind. "The Choir" is often described as a song of voices and memories by its diplomats. Any undead that leave the Blood Sea from the Choir become disconnected from that song, they become individuals, and while most remain in a fairly simplistic state, its diplomats occasionally exhibit momentary bouts of personality and individuality. Regardless, they often long to return to the Choir, and prolonged time without it can cause them to go mad until they can return to it. They often don't understand how individual people can experience life without a constant stream of thousands of voices in their minds. So many, in fact, that any sense of self is lost within the swarm of thoughts.

        Their speech patterns tend to be very strange. Their diplomats tend to refer to themselves as "We", and put extra emphasis on any pronouns referring to themselves. "We will do things Our way, whether the tribes of the Deaf will bother with Us is yet to be seen." They also tend to unsettle undead not connected to the Choir, and are often extraordinarily confused when they see undead that do not want to join the Choir.

        Nonetheless, their military might is terrifying. Each one of them that is deprived of the Choir automatically forms mental connections with any nearby peers, creating a network of minds that can better process tasks and complete more complicated strategies as a result. These mental connections are telepathic, meaning that they can't be detected by mages, though they can be interfered with. To counteract this, the Blood Sea undead have undead necromancers, whose sole purpose is to act as the central entity to any "unit" of undead. The more undead there are together, the more efficient and tactical their moves become. It is quite possible for them to network a sufficient number of themselves that it becomes impossible to defeat them in melee combat, because they will have absolutely perfect combat skills.

        That being said, their units are typically, physically slower to move about the more of them are connected to each other, and deprived of their necromancers, they become vulnerable to magic. They also can't siege effectively, as their undead bodies start to rot the moment they leave the Blood Sea. It takes mere weeks for their bodies to rot sufficiently that they no longer function. Still, this also means that enemies slain in battle can have their bodies possessed by souls from the Blood Sea and added to the network. If they slay an enemy in exchange for one of themselves, they'll simply take the enemy's body and add it to the network as a replacement for the one they lost. Most of them also cannot suffer morale penalties—they do not fear death, they are death.
      • Demon Invasion Potential: Medium.

        Demon Agents Detected: ?

        Corruption: High.

        Mage's Guild Presence: No. The Renaltan Mage's Guild was ejected after the declaration of war. By "ejected", the mages had to escape and destroy their outpost. Some did not survive.

        Current State: Good.


        Government Type: Heredity Monarchy/Absolute Dictatorship.

        Age: Thousands of years, though the current dynasty of rulers has maintained power for the past 400 years. The Drow are normally not united, often being different, warring towns and cities.

        Environments: Harsh. Very harsh. Crops grown here are strange, thriving off of rocks. Many plants also produce light, being one of the only sources of it in the entire underground system. The Drow tend to live deeper in the ground than the Dwarves do, preferring their isolation from most of the surface nations by nature. The tunnels that wind about and connect the various towns to each other constantly change, and are filled with many dangers that often take the lives of travellers callously. Their capital city is lined with spider imagery, with structures either being built into the winding caverns themselves, or mined out to make room for their ziggurats.

        Neighbours: Their closest neighbours are the Dwarven kingdoms, though they technically have fairly consistent entrances and exits out into the world through any mountain ranges. Meaning that their neighbours can, at any point depending on the structure of the Underdark's tunnel networks, include: The Kingdom of Tuleria, The Free Holds, The Kingdom of Rheinfeld, The Kingdom of Liveria, The Kingdom of Renalta.

        Culture/History: The mythological story of the origins of the Drow is quite simple. A group of men once entered the Underdark and encountered their future goddess, Llolth. Llolth promised them vastly extended lives in exchange for their service, which they gleefully gave, in spite of other, surface religious declaring her to be a false goddess. Llolth gave them their immortality by changing them into the first Drow, who went forth and populated the Underdark, though often with a myriad of failures. The rest of their history is filled with endless betrayals, constantly stopping their empire from ever growing beyond its own bounds. One dynasty falls, another rises, only to fall again. Their recent stability for 400 years has been outright unusual, even.

        Upon the onset of a possible invasion, the Drow formed an alliance with the Dwarves. It was done with the hope that they could curry more favour from the Queen's Blades that way. This alliance was tested after the Queen's Blades passed their request over in the first round of missions, and broke when Queen Kouri intervened and prevented the Queen's Blades from taking on a mission on their second set of missions. The leader of the Drow turned away, threatening revenge against the Queen's Blades and against Queen Kouri. Shortly thereafter, she openly declared war on the Kingdom of Renalta, and it's been confirmed that she is likely working with demons to further her own interests.

        The Valsharess is the title of the Drow leader. Their society is matriarchal in nature, and thus it shouldn't be surprising to learn that the Valsharess is a woman. A conniving, scheming woman, who often betrays her peers without warning or notice, and inspires her subordinates to do the same to anyone who might threaten her rule. For a brief time, it seemed like she could have been reasoned with. That time however has come and gone, and she is now an enemy of the state.

        The Drow military can be summarized with the following word: Invisibility. They use a mix of potent magic and hit and run tactics to bleed an enemy dry before they even get the chance to truly assemble a force to attack them. They also tend to perform well on their home turf, seeming to have a sense of how the caverns will shift and change over time. Offensively, they're somewhat lacklustre due to their lack of disciplined formations, but they are a long lived race, being skilled individuals in combat.
      • Demon Invasion Potential: Low.

        Demon Agents Detected: Yes. (Agent of Gluttony.)

        Corruption: Low.

        Mage's Guild Presence: Yes.

        Current State: Very Good.


        Government Type: Meritocratic. (Three trials judge leadership: Tolerance to poison (alcohol), a challenge of intelligence (typically through a game), and a duel—sometimes to the death. In order for a challenge to the leadership to be verified, at least one thousand people must sign a petition. Rulership cannot be challenged for at least one year, after that, it's fair game... Even by non-dwarves.)

        Age: 650 Years.

        Environments: The Dwarves have two major cities located just underneath the surface, in the mountain range between the Kingdom of Renalta and the Kingdom of Rheinfeld. They have outposts both on the surface amidst the mountains and within the Underdark, and are the only people who can claim to know the safe ways to the Underdark. Their cities, technically within the Underdark, are closer to the surface than they are to the drow's cities, both literally and proverbially.

        The cities themselves are well lit, with furnaces running day and night that constantly melt down precious metals and forge them into new combinations and materials. On a yearly basis, the dwarves find new and inventive ways of making metal in different combinations for different purposes, from shiny things, to brutish things, to shiny and brutish things. Dwarven outposts, on the other hand, tend to be simply constructed into the sides of mountains and underground caverns, allowing them to conceal their true numbers at a distance if necessary.

        Neighbours: Kingdom of Renalta (south—above them), Kingdom of Rheinfeld (north—above them), The Drow Empire.

        Culture/History: Prior to the Dwarven Meritocracy, dwarves wandered as nomadic groups in the mountains and in the Underdark. They competed for space with the drow beneath the surface and the Orcs above it. A couple hundred years after the fall of the Kingdom of Renalta, as the Kingdom of Gault started to fall into decay (which would later become the Kingdom of Rheinfeld), the Dwarven people finally settled down into two cities. From these cities, they crowned rulers by their ability to lead armies and solve problematic situations. Unlike the races of men or the drow, however, who sought to consolidate strength to form empires or dynasties, the dwarves had a different set of ideals.

        They wanted to collect things. All sorts of things. Grand museums were built as monuments to whatever it is the dwarves could preserve that was worth their time. Most strongly, magical artifacts. The two cities of the dwarves—Mok'tal and Tal'mok—constantly compete about who can acquire the most artifacts. They send expeditions deep into the Underdark and across the known world to find more of them to collect. After six hundred years of this, they boast quite the collection—something that both causes envy and worry for the Mage's Guild in Renalta.

        Culturally, the dwarves focus on personal strength. That strength is most often expressed physically, but it is sometimes seen as the intelligence of a person, or their courage. Indeed, the legends about the ancient kingdom of Renalta, and how princess Kouri stood up to the Gods, impressed dwarven children for many generations for her strength in valour, even if they believed her to be dead for centuries. It should come as a surprise to nobody, then, that in that time, the Dwarven Meritocracy has seen a couple of human rulers pass their tests before. They never lasted long, but they did manage to pass them and briefly rule the Meritocracy. Unsurprisingly, they also have a strong alcoholic culture, having managed to brew drinks so lethal, that only they could drink them.

        The Dwarven Meritocracy is the only nation that trades regularly with the mechanists. From there, they distribute and export such goods at a higher price in order to import foodstuffs they can't grow on their own—primarily to make new kinds of alcohol.

        Militarily, they often are quite conservative on the offensive, preferring to dig underneath their opponents rather than charge them head on. Nonetheless, there are few groups in the world that can boast the sheer constitution of a dwarven defence, as dwarves have been known to survive for several days without food and still fight vigorously. Their advanced metalworking allows them to forge unusual and stronger armour, and sharper weapons. Still, dwarves prefer not to wage offensive wars, and will need to be shoved hard to agree to fighting on an enemy's terms rather than their own.

      Details on the important people in each nation, and any important people not affiliated to a nation. Consider these small details, and mostly common knowledge about each character which you can exploit for your own purposes. All of this information was made possible thanks to Mikan gathering it for you. Characters are categorized based on which nation they've sworn allegiance to, and characters who belong to no nation state can be found in the "other" category.​

      • Name: (Their name.)

        Role: (What it is they do that generally makes them important. Some people are important because they're useful. Others, because of hereditary characteristics.)

        Age: (How old they are.)

        Sex: (What their physical gender is.)

        Appearance (Various physical characteristics. Nothing too detailed in general.)
        • Height:
        • Weight:
        • Hair colour:
        • Hair style:
        • Eye colour:
        • Skin colour:
        • Normal Dress:

        Facts (Quick list of facts about the character. Can range from something as important as "banished the Gods" or "uses pyromancy" to something as random as "likes cheese made from the farms of Veritas valley.")
        • Fighting Style.
        • Reputation.
        • Family.
        • Et cetera.
      • Name: Kouri of Renalta.

        Role: Queen of Renalta, head of the Queen's Blades and King's Rangers.

        Age: 29. (1,029 if you count the 1,000 years she was frozen.)

        Sex: Female.

        • Height: 5'11".
        • Weight: 135 LBS.
        • Hair colour: Blue (dyed), black (natural).
        • Hair style: Long and well kept, down just past her shoulders.
        • Eye colour: Dark blue eyes.
        • Skin colour: White, sometimes outright pale when she is driven to exhaustion.
        • Normal Dress: Dresses, typically well made, but not overly extravagant. When leading forces into battle, it's not uncommon to see her wearing specially made half-plate armour, though she's generally not a front line warrior.

        • When in combat, she typically uses tactics and her great skill with pyromancy to deal with opponents. She avoids the front lines, as that is not the place for a member of the royalty.
        • Beloved by her people, though nobility tend to have mixed views. Some like her, especially the chivalrously minded. Other, more conservative nobles who ended up losing overall power within their respective villages when she rose to power, view her with suspicion.
        • Queen Alexandria is her wife. She has two children, both nine years old. There are also rumours of an uncle or older brother who survived and is being kept in secret, but such rumours are unfounded, as the ancient tales tell of no older brothers, and Kouri can confirm that she only had two sisters.
        • Kouri was the one to lead a small force to banish the Gods. In the end, she succeeded. Some have blamed her for the invasion of the Nine Hells, though it's often argued that such an invasion was inevitable, as the Gods were weakened. If it weren't Kouri, someone else would have likely banished them anyway.
        • Tales of her legendary beauty were not exaggerated, and it is not uncommon to find nobility and knights propositioning her, for one personal act or another. They're all rejected, as she's quite happily married to her wife.
        • The Kouri Plushie is a real commodity, that was sold prior to her reawakening. It's still sold now.
        • This person is essentially your boss. She can dismiss you from the Queen's Blades at any time, should you prove to be more destructive than helpful to the cause. She can also ultimately veto any promotion or executive order. In essence: Don't behave like a monster, or Kouri will deal with you like her servants deal with the trash.
        • She is essentially a fairytale princess turned queen: A living legend. Wherever she goes, she's immediately recognized, and there are few people that hold opinions other than "a menace" or "a saviour."
        • Queen Kouri has a potent bloodline (refer to "bloodlines" in the Master Archives for more information), but it does not seem to further deteriorate over time. This bloodline only seems to have minor effects with some ancient artifacts and certain kinds of spells. Her soul has extra protection against possession attempts, for instance. This unknown, royal bloodline is passed down to each child in the line.


        Name: Alexandria Sumera Nebacaesar, of Renalta.

        Role: Queen of Renalta, head of the King's Rangers. Though not officially the head of the Queen's Blades, she can issue orders to them all the same.

        Age: 31.

        Sex: Female.

        • Height: 5'9 (Human), taller as a Lycan.
        • Weight: 190 LBS. Heavier as a Lycan.
        • Hair colour: Chestnut/mohagany red. In lycan form, her fur has a slight red tinge to it.
        • Hair style: Down around her shoulders, though her bangs are cut to keep them out of her eyes. In lycan form, her fur is thick and protective.
        • Eye colour: Sea green?
        • Skin colour: Tanned, light shades of brown.
        • Normal Dress: The kinds of clothing one might expect a Prince to wear. Tight leather pants and puffy white silk shirts are normal. This drives some fashioners crazy, as they'd rather see her in a dress, but she's comfortable in more practical clothing. Her clothes and armour on a battlefield are both enchanted to mold with her lycanthropy, preventing her from shapeshifting back naked. She wears a collar around her neck, that allows her to retain control over her shapeshifting.

        • In human form, she uses a bow, and can switch to a one handed sword to engage in melee duels with great competency. In lycanthrope form, she has a pair of claws. Use your imagination.
        • An ex-pirate who served aboard an infamous pirate ship known as The Felidae, and a lycanthrope. Needless to say, she's not popular among some nobility. The commoners however view her as a symbol, that anyone can obtain greater things in life, and reform themselves to be better people. She's known to be very affectionate and protective towards her family, and isn't shy to show it around some of the more conservatively minded nobility.
        • Queen Kouri is her wife, and she has two children—though neither are related to her by blood. Her family lives in Arian village, and it's not uncommon to see her visit them from time to time, or for them to visit her in the capital.
        • Still worships the goddess Morgana Le Fay, the one who created lycanthropes. By what little knowledge can be derived of the political state of the Heavens, Morgana did not take a side in the conflict between Kouri and the King of Gods.
        • Extremely uncomfortable around undead, almost to the degree of constituting a phobia.


        Name: Hanus Wolfsblood.

        Role: General of Renalta, old vampire, Drow noble.

        Age: 800+.

        Sex: Male.

        • Height: 6'2".
        • Weight: 230 LBS.
        • Hair colour: White-silver.
        • Hair style: Kept short, for simplicity's sake.
        • Eye colour: Silver. (Trait of Vampirism.)
        • Skin colour: Black as the night.
        • Normal Dress: He goes everywhere in half-plate armour. A plate mail chest piece with chain mail on underneath, a gambeson underneath that, metallic wrist, forearm, ankle, and thigh pads. On the rare occasions where he can be found out of his armour, he wears simple, white silk garments.

        • He's a berserker vampire who wields weapons imbued with living souls, that are capable of minor magical feats. It's equally common to see him lead charges, or direct them from the back line.
        • Among the Drow he's considered an oddity. Though he's a member of nobility, he hasn't bothered with Drow politics in hundreds of years. He was a wanderer for ages, and now serves Kouri and Alexandria until the end of their days, at which point, he believes he will end his own life.
        • He has no known family to speak of. Even if he did, he hasn't interacted with them in centuries.
        • The people of Renalta regard him as an eccentric curiosity, but one that is loyal to the throne, and is a prime example of their world famous cultural and racial tolerance.
        • Any affairs concerning the military of Renalta typically go through this man.


        (Created by @Orion as this was originally his character in Legend of Renalta 1.)

        Name: Dean Hansen

        Role: Diplomatic Liaison to the Imperian and Famed Hero of Renalta

        Age: 33

        Sex: Male

        • Height: 5'10"
        • Weight: 190lbs
        • Hair colour: Brown
        • Hair style: Shortly cut, kept neat and proper
        • Eye colour: Brown
        • Skin colour: Pale White
        • Normal Dress: Light plate armor, emblazoned with the crest of the Renaltan Kingdom

        • Raised a common Farmboy in what is now the grreat city of Arian, but was in his time just a village
        • Wields the Magic Warhammer Godsplitter, taken from a Lich
        • Dean is used to fighting in larger scale battles. Fighting as opportunities present themselves for clean efficient confrontations.
        • HIs mother lives in Arian village
        • Has 2 Sisters
        • Helped bring the Imperian out of their magically induced stasis
        • Fought in the interests of the Renaltan Kingdom in gaining the Imperium a foothold on their colonies
        • Helped banish the gods
      • Name: Xavier Goushard.

        Role: Crown-Prince of Liveria. (Ruler.)

        Age: 32.

        Sex: Male.

        • Height: 5'10"
        • Weight: 180.
        • Hair colour: Black.
        • Hair style: Short, prim and proper with each and every day.
        • Eye colour: Green.
        • Skin colour: White.
        • Normal Dress: Well made silk shirts and pants decorate this man's wardrobe, most often in a mix of black or red colour schemes. If he expects combat, he dons an old but still functioning set of half-plate: A plate mail chest piece without shoulder pads or a neck guard, which has his family's crest upon it. His family's crest is also often embroidered onto his silk clothing. It is a rather simple looking crest: A simple, green leaf, with jagged edges.

        • In combat, Xavier will generally prefer to avoid the front line and use a crossbow instead. When pressed into melee, he holds his own remarkably well, having been trained from birth in the art of duelling, though he can be overwhelmed by masterful opponents. Most often, he is a tactician, who prefers to keep a couple witch hunters close by to strike down any who he becomes engaged in melee combat with.
        • Xavier is known for being cold, though generally fair. He shows a healthy Liverian disdain for the lesser, more bestial races, but not so much so that he's incapable of seeing their strengths, or working with them from time to time.
        • Helénē, his daughter, is the only other surviving member of the current royal family. All the others died of old age or disease, except for Helénē's mother and Xavier's father, who were both assassinated at the same time only about a year ago.
        • His father took the throne after deposing the previous ruler for incompetence, making Xavier the second of his line, and his daughter, Helénē, third. If Helénē manages to ascend to the throne, the Goushard family will be the longest lasting royal family in Liverian history.
        • Years ago, as the Kingdom of Renalta was reestablished, Xavier offered Kouri a hand in marriage in order to try and strengthen his own royal line. Kouri rejected him for a commoner she had been travelling with, named Alexandria. This left Xavier with something of a political mess, which he ended up resolving, though which has haunted him. Xavier has professed a great deal of affection for Kouri, and this affection has not seemed to have dulled with time.


        Name: Princess Helénē.

        Role: Heir apparent of Liveria.

        Age: 16.

        Sex: Female.

        • Height: 5'7"
        • Weight: 135 LBS.
        • Hair colour: As black as a raven's wing.
        • Hair style: Sweeping just past her shoulders.
        • Eye colour: Green.
        • Skin colour: White, sometimes outright pale.
        • Normal Dress: Black and red dresses, often of a silk variety, though sometimes of plain looking cloth. Some are more practically designed, while others exist solely to accentuate her beauty for prospective suitors to notice.

        • Helénē is not trained in combat. She barely understands even the basics to swordplay, or archery. This is made up for with her magic, however, as she can abandon her physical form, turning it into a decoy to become an ethereal spirit. In spirit form she cannot pass through solid objects, though she can possess anyone she chooses and control them. The more powerful their will or control over magic, the harder it is for her to maintain control. Upon leaving a possessed person, her ethereal form reverts to a physical one. This allows her to escape trouble in the body of one of her potential assassins, if need be.
        • She is seen as a warm, loving, gentle soul, in great contrast to her father. Though she can wield Liverian skepticism and is a practising politician, her empathy far outstrips that of most of her peers. After the death of her mother and grandfather, however, she often keeps to herself, and avoids sharing intense emotions with most others.
        • The only other surviving member of her family is her father. All others died of old age, died of diseases, and in the case of her mother and grandfather, assassination.
        • It is rumoured that, prior to her assignment to the Queen's Blades, Zoe Vasilios was one of Helénē's personal protectors, and that Helénē is one of only two people to know what Zoe looks like underneath her mask.
        • Helénē is often propositioned by knights and other nobles, but seems to have picky tastes. Nonetheless, it likely will not be too long before she is to be married to someone. Perhaps one of the nobles who is courting her...
        • Helénē's skin is sometimes pale and her health sometimes poor, leading many in Liveria to wonder if she suffers from a disease of some sort. It wouldn't be the first time someone in her family died of a disease, either.
        • It is well known that Helénē grew up with tales of the legend of Renalta, and as such she looks up to Kouri as a heroic figure in her life. The fact that Kouri rejected marriage to her father has not dampened such admiration, either.
      • Name: Emil Landsteiner.

        Role: Second in command of the Templar Order.

        Age: 28.

        Sex: Male.

        • Height: 6'2"
        • Weight: 220 LBS.
        • Hair colour: Blonde.
        • Hair style: Kept tied back in a pony tail.
        • Eye colour: Green.
        • Skin colour: White.
        • Normal Dress: Found in the standard dress of the Templar Order--that is, heavy plate mail. His family's crest, a simple, lit wax candle, is adorned upon the chest piece, and upon his shield.

        • A brutal hand to hand combatant who relies on his strength and shield to fight defensively. He is known for drawing fights out to long lengths of time, so as to fatigue an opponent, then take advantage of a weakness. Prior to his recent promotion to second in command, he also had experience commanding entire groups of Templar.
        • A well educated if somewhat boring fellow with no particularly exemplary traits that stand out being exceptional competency at everything he does. Perhaps the only remarkable thing about this man is he has been happily in wedlock for four years, but has failed to produce offspring as of yet. Ideologically, he is probably the perfect example of a standard noble Rheinfelder. At least, by the views of the Templar Order which he serves.
        • This man is second in line for heir of his family's fortune and fame, only playing second fiddle to his older sister, who is the head of the household. Both of his parents are dead.
        • He dreams of one day visiting the stars, somehow, as he believes the Gods are somewhere out among the stars... Just waiting to be found again.
        • He is a man easily fascinated by other cultures, though distrustful of foreigners. A strange combination to be sure.
        • During the slaughter of the Papal Forces, Emil Landsteiner was busy bringing wounded Templar and Rheinfeld Republic soldiers to the back lines, where they could receive medical attention. He did not participate in the slaughter, though he has kept his mouth shut on how he feels about it.

        Name: Davian Valorious.

        Role: Templar Order leader.

        Age: 23.

        Sex: Male.

        • Height: 5'8"
        • Weight: 195 LBS.
        • Hair colour: Blonde.
        • Hair style: Short, prim and proper.
        • Eye colour: Light Blue.
        • Skin colour: White, often like the snow.
        • Normal Dress:Akin to most other Templar, he wears white robes when off duty, though his are adorned in his family's noble crest. A blue blood through and through, his top notch armour is perhaps only matched by that of Taigyn's in the Templar Order.

        • An aggressive and arrogant man, he often fights on the front line, surrounded by other Templar. When pressed into a fight alone, he demands codes of chivalry be followed, or else otherwise refuses the fight and beats a hasty retreat. This man is also somewhat tactically inept, with the only strategy in his repertoire seeming to be "charge wildly in the general direction of the enemy."
        • A snobbish though well meaning man, he grew up with a silver spoon in his mouth. He generally considers the peasantry to be an inferior mob of ill educated, illiterate fools, and the mere idea of granting the Rheinfeld Republic their democracy appears to make his stomach turn. Even towards Queen's Blades, he will generally regard them as little more than good servants to the crown of a foreigner. Nonetheless, he doesn't disdain commoners, and wishes only to ensure their efficient use and for them to have reasonably good lives.
        • He has a pair of sisters, two parents, four grandparents, three uncles, two cousins, and one aunt. Most of them are irrelevant, though his parents do still technically retain ownership over the family estate, in spite of Davian being the one to manage it.
        • Davian is a well educated nobleman, though his education lies more in the area of politics and social affairs, rather than in warfare. Nonetheless he has routed out multiple witches in the past, and has taken great delight in their executions. He tends to loathe mages, and only barely represses such loathing with a thinly veiled guise of civility. To mages, he is a wolf in sheep's clothing. In spite of this, he does not kill Mage's Guild envoys and punishes anyone who makes attempts at slaying foreign guests who have magical talent.
        • Davian is set to inherit his family's fortune, though he is an active suitor, attempting to find someone with which to breed and share in his wealth with. Time will tell if the marriage he is seeking with someone is out of love or out of necessity.
        • Like all Templar, he is immune to magic, and can detect its use or presence at certain distances.


        Name: Alida Spiegel.

        Role: A leader among the Rheinfeld Republic movement. Ex-Templar.

        Age: 41.

        Sex: Female.

        • Height: 5'7"
        • Weight: 185 LBS.
        • Hair colour: Black.
        • Hair style: Kept tied back in a ponytail, with her bangs cut off to allow her to see clearly at all times.
        • Eye colour: Brown.
        • Skin colour: Black.
        • Normal Dress:Outside of combat, she typically wears plain, peasantry dresses that were sewn for her by some of her friends. In combat, she wields the gear of a Templar: Heavy plate mail, from head to toe.

        • More of a symbol than anything else, her presence inspires a sort of divine fervour in all of her allies fighting with her. Still, having been trained as a Templar years ago, she retains knowledge of effective melee combat techniques, and can be found at the front line with her fellows, hacking and slashing away.
        • Honourable, trustworthy, and remarkably well educated for a peasant. Her leaving the Templar Order has not particularly soured her relations with them, making her the perfect segway between the desires of the Republic, and the diplomatic compromises needed with the Templar Order to get there.
        • Her father passed from this world years ago. Her mother however still lives, kept in secrecy to keep her safe. She was an only child for the pair.
        • Her parents were immigrants to Rheinfeld from a distant land, though they spoke little of it, and Alida knows nothing of it. She grew up a Rheinfelder to the core, in spite of her exotic skin tone in comparison to many of her more paler compatriots.
        • Her and Davian are known to share a venomous dislike for each other, as Davian believes her leaving the Order should be considered dishonourable, while she finds his pompous ways frustrating to deal with.
      • Name: Boann of Tuleria.

        Role: High King of Tuleria.

        Age: 32.

        Sex: Male.

        • Height: 5'10"
        • Weight: 170 LBS.
        • Hair colour: No hair.
        • Hair style: Bald.
        • Eye colour: Black.
        • Skin colour: Blue, like a gemstone.
        • Normal Dress: Primarily desert robes and the like, though jewelry can often be found adorning this man's fingers and around his neck. Tuleria is a rich nation, and he, a rich King. In combat, he can be found in a mix of light and heavy armour.

        • In combat he uses a staff, though he typically prefers to avoid the front line where possible. He also wields blackpowder rifles, which he feels more comfortable with.
        • A somewhat reserved High King who is rarely seen by his people, though known for seeking the best for his people according to his vision of a Tuleria free to trade. He is one of the main forces pushing behind Tuleria's recent technological innovations, hoping to give his kingdom an edge against the Free Holds.
        • His wife, Queen Jezmin, though she typically avoids the political spotlight, and thus has little particular meaning for the Queen's Blades unless otherwise noted. She is a human. Beyond this, he has no living family.
        • He belongs to an ancient race, which has been dying out with the procession of time. They once held great influence in Tuleria, and now, King Boann is one of the last, as many have been going infertile over time. There seems to be little difference between them and humans, save what can be visibly discerned from on the surface. It is unknown if King Boann is infertile, but he has yet to produce any offspring.
        • Similar to Renalta's nomenclature, Tulerian royalty's surname is adopted after the name of the country, often replacing or displacing the original last name of the person who once had it. There is no precedent for why this is, and may not continue to be used in the future by other High Kings, who are free to dismiss it on a whim.
        • His reign during the era of the triumvirate was one infamous for little consensus and fewer things still getting done, due to constant blocking by Varro and Janelle. This new government gives him more power than he had before, though he has yet to be tested with it.


        Name: Janelle.

        Role: Archmage of the Tulerian Mage's Tower.

        Age: 36.

        Sex: Female.

        • Height: 5'5"
        • Weight: 135 LBS.
        • Hair colour: Brown.
        • Hair style: Long, flowing down to her shoulders.
        • Eye colour: Blue.
        • Skin colour: White.
        • Normal Dress: Often found wearing orange robes, with the emblem of the Mage's Tower stitched onto them. Beyond this, she wears jewelry, much like other wealthy Tulerians. In combat, she wears no armour, and depends entirely on magic to protect herself.

        • Typically not found in the battlefield to begin with, though when forced into a confrontation, she is well versed in whipping up storms of sand and wind, to rip through entire lines of men and send them scattering in every direction like puppets.
        • Often compared to Archmage Amanda of the much larger Mage's Guild. Janelle, however, is known for being extremely inquisitive, and quite friendly when she isn't preoccupied with orchestrating experiments using members of the Mage's Tower to help her.
        • Her family lives somewhere in the Free Holds. Beyond that, she says nothing, for very understandable reasons.
        • Rumour has it that she was forced to step down from her political position on the once mighty triumvirate, rather than doing it by choice. Regardless, she has great political influence, and multiple members of the oligarchic advisory board for the High King were hand picked by her.
        • She is married, officially. A forced, arranged marriage, with someone from the Free Holds. She has since rejected it time and again, not that it has stopped a certain, rich, fat bastard in the Free Holds from constantly claiming her as runaway property. Not even the Free Holds takes his claims seriously.
        • As one can surmise, she was originally born in the Free Holds, and as a child, was smuggled into Tuleria. Political opponents have often tried to put into question her loyalties, but if the mountain of dead Free Hold spies has anything to say, it's that she loves them about as much as she loves the bloodsucking parasites that live within the swamps.


        Name: Marcela Adrianna Otis.

        Role: Admiral of Tuleria.

        Age: 26.

        Sex: Female.

        • Height: 5'9"
        • Weight: 165 LBS.
        • Hair colour: Brown.
        • Hair style: Long, sometimes unkempt.
        • Eye colour: Green.
        • Skin colour: Heavily tanned, giving her quite a healthy glow underneath the light of the sun.
        • Normal Dress: Leather pants and cloth shirts adorn this woman's wardrobe, as she was born with the soul of a sailor. In combat she often wears only light armour, as in long ship battles, heavy armour would typically fatigue her too heavily to use it properly.

        • Fighting Style.
        • A youthful, idealistic woman, who has an incredible track record with putting unwanted piracy down. Only The Felidae—a pirate ship that Queen Alexandria once served upon—still manages to elude capture to this day. Once this war is over, many believe she will make it her personal quest to see the Felidae brought to justice, rather than pursuing a more political career.
        • Two brothers, one sister, and a set of living parents are part of this woman's family. Miraculous!
        • This woman was going to become the new head of the military part of the triumvirate, however, given the state of the country, the triumvirate proved to be—at least for the moment—an untenable proposition. She was one of the people who pushed to disband the triumvirate, at least temporarily, in order to prevent leadership deadlock during these extraordinarily dangerous times.
        • She often imports goods and weapons from distant lands, being particularly fond of those from a land known as the "Kingdom of Dreams."
      • Name: Rashad.

        Role: Warlord of a major hold.

        Age: 25.

        Sex: Male.

        • Height: 6'0"
        • Weight: 170 LBS.
        • Hair colour: Black.
        • Hair style: Short, though often messy.
        • Eye colour: Blue.
        • Skin colour: Heavily tanned, differing from the natural whites of the southern countries.
        • Normal Dress: Various desert robes, often enchanted with magical properties, as he is a mage. Beyond this, he tends to dress fairly innocuously, so as to avoid attention in some situations, and give assassins false hope in others.

        • Rashad is first and foremost a cunning political figure, and thus his greatest tool for combat are his assassins. Secondarily, he is a competent mage, who can surprise his opponents with sudden, vicious gusts of wind. He's also fond of mechanist trinkets, and items imbued with illusory properties.
        • A savage political animal who nonetheless commands the respect of many other warlords in the Free Holds. He has time and again slaughtered any assassin who has come for him. His surprisingly apathetic views towards slavery have won over some within the Free Holds, and some outside of it. If anyone were to end up uniting the Free Holds, it would be this man.
        • If Rashad has any family, he has cleverly disguised any connections he once had with them. He has even gone so far as to obfuscate his surname, often adopting fake ones from time to time just to further throw off his assassins.
        • This man is the one that managed to orchestrate a peace agreement with the Goblin Holds, as part of his attempts to appease the Queen's Blades for help.
        • As part of his more forward-thinking, liberal politics in the Free Holds, Rashad refuses to employ or sell sex slaves. He simply either liberates them or finds new tasks for them to do instead. This is greatly agitating to some of the other warlords, who gain a majority of their profits on the sex trade, depending on where the trade winds blow.
        • After the Queen's Blades failed to assist him on his last request, he has mysteriously gone missing. Some wonder aloud if he has been slain, or kidnapped by demons, though Tina claims to know his whereabouts.


        Name: Tina Yusaf.

        Role: Warlord of a minor hold,

        Age: 19.

        Sex: Female.

        • Height: 5'11"
        • Weight: 155 LBS.
        • Hair colour: Blonde.
        • Hair style: Military cut, short as can be.
        • Eye colour: Blue.
        • Skin colour: Primarily white, though a somewhat darker shade of white than is usual for the southern countries.
        • Normal Dress:

        • An ex-assassin, she uses daggers and perfidious trickery in combat with opponents. She also typically carries poisoned throwing knives, with poisons she has built up an immunity to.
        • She's often seen as a lapdog to Rashad, though she has her own political interests. Being a woman, she didn't acquire power over an entire hold by simply asking nicely, and so she is seen as a competent scrapper as much as she's seen as a sycophant.
        • Most of Tina's family is dead. There are some rumours that she murdered some of them herself.
        • Unlike Rashad, Tina does happily sell and employ sex slaves at her hold. She has even indulged in some of them herself. His more liberal views have not rubbed off on her.
        • She is a half-elf, though she appears to age at the same rate as humans do. Some wonder about why her elven side would willingly throw away immortality to die in a Free Hold. True love? How ludicrous a concept!
      • Name: Xixis Madheart.

        Role: Emperor of the Goblin Holds.

        Age: 26

        Sex: Male

        Appearance A Goblin in 'arabic' style dress.
        • Height: About knee-high to a Troll.
        • Weight: None of your business!
        • Hair colour: Black
        • Hair style: Shorn with ritualistic patterns.
        • Eye colour: Red
        • Skin colour: Green
        • Normal Dress: Arabic Leader, medieval.
        • Notable Markings: A significant amount of ritualistic tattoos.

        • Helped Banish the Gods
        • Tamed the Great Sand Worms
        • Freed tens of thousands of slaves
        • Possessor of the Sacred Tome of the Madheart Clan
        • Has seven wives.
        • Has thirty-five children. *Only three have proven capable of Shamanism.*
        • Fights dirty. (Seriously, sand magic is dirty stuff..)


        Name: Kregg Nskulla

        Role: General of the Regular Forces. (IE: Not the Mages)

        Age: 43

        Sex: Male

        Appearance Ork
        • Height: 6'7
        • Weight: 'Fit'
        • Hair colour: Hair?
        • Hair style: As above.
        • Eye colour: White
        • Skin colour: Green/Grey
        • Normal Dress: Arabic Warlord
        • Notable Markings: Ritualistic Scarring, full-body.

        • Excellent Orc Warrior
        • Uses a broadsword and shield with chain armour.
        • Was one of the Slave freed by Xixis.
        • Excellent Strategist
        • Has no wives.
        • Has no children.
        • Has a tab at Maude's House of Elves, yet none of the female whores can ever remember servicing him. (Xixis disapproves, I mean Elves are virtually beastiality...) Such a regular the Madame who runs Maude's has a "10th service free" deal going for him.
      • Name: Maurie Merryweather.

        Role: The Eternal Empress of the Imperial Republic.

        Age: 10,043. (Though for most of that time, she was trapped.)

        Sex: Female... Ish.

        • Height: Repressed: 5'8". Unleashed: 7'5".
        • Weight: 385 LBS. While Repressed, she appears to be 140 LBS.
        • Hair colour: Repressed: Brown. Unleashed: None.
        • Hair style: Repressed: Long and flowing, often with a flower or two in them. Unleashed: None.
        • Eye colour: Repressed: Brown. Unleashed: None.
        • Skin colour: Repressed: White. Unleashed: A ghostly blue, incorporeal spirit... So no skin, really.
        • Normal Dress: Repressed: She often appears in the clothing of nobility, wearing Imperial regalia. Eagles adorn the shoulders of whatever she wears, often darkly coloured dresses and the like. Unleashed: A suit of armour which she ordinarily keeps repressed under a field of magic.

        • Maurie is a Lich, which means she sacrificed her mortality and life to become an undead creature, whose soul is bound to a phylactery. Her physical body can be destroyed, and so long as she is given a sufficient amount of time and protection, she will be gradually restored at the location of her phylactery. In combat, this means she can wield her most powerful though ultimately self destructive spells, from her deep knowledge of necromancy.
        • Often seen in a positive light by the senators of the republic, as she rarely issues military decrees that would circumvent the economic decrees of the senate. Some, however, see her as an unholy abomination. Especially since the only thing that keeps her alive is by feeding off the energy of many hundreds of trapped souls in an artifact she wears, known as the Eternal Soul Gem. An artifact which the Queen's Blades retrieved for her by request. It is not known if she will willingly relinquish her immortality at any point.
        • Florence Merryweather is her husband, officially. She also has a daughter, though after events that transpired ten years ago, she has evaded the political scene to become a farmer instead, disavowing any claim to the throne. This means that when the Eternal Empress passes on, there will be no hereditary replacement.
        • In her repressed state, she manages to maintain a human-like appearance and composure. This taxes on her magical ability, preventing her from casting overly complex spells until she abandons the disguise. Other undead and mages can often see through the guise, which is only maintained for the sake of comfort. Unleashed, she no longer maintains this guise and reveals her true form: A spiritual essence embodied within a suit of armour, which hovers just a half of a foot above the floor.
        • She was married to Florence Merryweather before the apocalypse destroyed her nation. The two are sometimes on icy terms presently, as she belongs firmly to the New Imperium, while he often remains trapped within the mindset of the Old Imperial mindset.


        Name: Florence Merryweather.

        Role: General of the Imperium.

        Age: 45. (10,045 if you count the time he was trapped in Maurie's spell.)

        Sex: Male.

        • Height: 6'0"
        • Weight: 180 LBS.
        • Hair colour: Brown.
        • Hair style: Short, military cut.
        • Eye colour: Brown.
        • Skin colour: White.
        • Normal Dress: Often found in official military uniform, in high quality armour. Outside of that uniform, which is a rare occasion, he wears simple clothing, far more befitting of a peasant than a general of a nation.

        • After spending thousands of years honing his skills, his hand to hand combat is nearly unmatched in the entire world. Nonetheless, his true calling is in tactics and strategy, as he has yet to lose a battle from which he has led forces. His age is slowly catching up to him, slowing him down gradually, bit by bit. As well, while he is an excellent fighter, his survival instincts have been dulled, and he sometimes forgets to avoid blows that cause injury.
        • Seen as and supported by the majority within the Imperium outside of the senate, he is often looked upon as a national symbol of what it means to be part of the Imperium. Florence lives, breaths, and eats all in the name of the Imperium. He generally espouses directives of honour, and extreme loyalty towards the empire.
        • Maurie Merryweather is his wife. His daughter has become a farmer, disavowing any political claims of her own to either of her parents.
        • Florence sided with the loyalist camp for many thousands of years, but eventually defected over to the freedom camp. This is still sometimes a sore spot between him and his wife.
        • He does not trust mages. He sincerely believes that all mages should be held under strict control, and often advocates that the Imperium form its own laws about magic, and its own organization to control mages.
        • He is an Old Imperial, and as such he believes that all of the other nations are ultimately "children of the Imperium" that he must not only strive to protect, but eventually incorporate within the Imperium... One way, or another.


        Name: Queen Ethlinn.

        Role: Queen of the Amazons, part of the Imperium.

        Age: 21.

        Sex: Female.

        • Height: 6'2"
        • Weight: 210 LBS.
        • Hair colour: Red.
        • Hair style: Long and often wild looking.
        • Eye colour: Green.
        • Skin colour: Tanned, much like the standard of the Free Holds.
        • Normal Dress: Leather armour covers only the necessary places for this woman, as she lives in a jungle. Outside of that jungle, she will often wear more socially appropriate leather garments, so as to avoid luring more stares from foreigners than she already does.

        • Quick, aggressive, and opportunistic. She wields spears in battle, having a great deal of strength and speed with them. There are stories of her piercing armour as thick as plate mail with them, and doubtlessly, it is within her capacity.
        • Her people are still highly uncertain of their new queen, and only tentatively follow her into the future. She is seen as being somewhat weak willed and unready for leadership, as her mother perished abruptly and tragically before she could fully finish teaching her daughter the ways of the Amazons. Still, as an individual warrior, she is admired for her strength, and often sought out as a partner for certain other activities by her peers.
        • Ethlinn's father lives and is very proud of her, though her mother died a short time ago. The Queen's Blades helped her in a hunt to slay the demonic corruption-infested creature that slew her.
        • She is an Amazon, and thus, she drinks from the river of blood that is connected to the Blood Sea. This gives her control over her own blood flow, though it has halved her life expectancy.
        • Queen Ethlinn is the one who led her people into folding into the Imperium. This decision has come with mixed feelings from her people, though she has retained absolute control over the Amazonians. She has the ability to simply veto any Imperial decree she disagrees with. There are rumours that she and Florence sleep together, but such rumours are unsubstantiated, as such behaviour would be politically disastrous for both parties.
      • Name: Valetorias Merra.

        Role: Speaker. (Ambassador.)

        Age: ? (Unknown.)

        Sex: ... Male?

        • Height: 5'9"
        • Weight: 200 LBS.
        • Hair colour: White.
        • Hair style: Long and dead looking.
        • Eye colour: Empty, pale, and dead. May have once been brown.
        • Skin colour: Pale white.
        • Normal Dress: Ancient armour from more ancient times decorates this figure, though nobody is certain which kingdom it came from. Their best guess is that it must have come from a kingdom that was once subjugated under the Old Imperium, ten thousand years ago. His blade has a royal seal on it, but there is little else to be known of it, for now.

        • Unknown combat style. There has never been a recorded instance of a Speaker engaging in combat. It could be quite deadly, or entirely harmless, and there is simply no way of knowing without challenging it.
        • This entity has utterly no sense of humour. Its attempts at it are often painfully macabre. It can, in fact, be best described as a puppet with only a minor level of self-awareness.
        • If one counts The Choir? Thousands.
        • Valetorias believes that the form he occupies was once a prince, however, due to his long time spent within The Choir, he is uncertain which memories are his, and which memories are those The Choir gave him.
        • He always identities himself as "itself", and typically refers to himself as "us" or "we" when speaking from a personal perspective. He only addresses his physical form from the perspective of an object, and doesn't seem to truly identify with it.
      • Name: Arduran Kenate.

        Role: Valsharess (Queen) of the Drow.

        Age: 894. (Elderly.)

        Sex: Female.

        • Height: 5'8"
        • Weight: 175 LBS.
        • Hair colour: Silver-white.
        • Hair style: Long and flowing, often well kept for purposes of seduction.
        • Eye colour: Red.
        • Skin colour: Black.
        • Normal Dress: Often found in seductive looking dresses, embroidered with spider paraphernalia and symbolism. Even in combat, she typically remains unarmoured, as it tends to aid in her magic.

        • In combat, the Valsharess uses her unnaturally attractive form and magic to hypnotize and seduce victims. Much like the spider queen she worships, she uses this to manipulate others in her webs of lies and false promises, before slaying them herself. She has been known to seduce assassins and then send them back to kill their masters in suicide-homicide pacts. Without this, she is quite vulnerable, and has little else to back her up.
        • A vicious powermongering whore who ultimately seeks out power for her own craven ends. Having been abandoned by the Queen's Blades once, then forcibly barred from help by Queen Kouri on the second call for help, it's of no surprise that she's decided to try and help herself. She will likely do anything it takes to win, it's in the nature of the Drow to do so.
        • She has three daughters, with three different husbands. They are all dead. It is best not to ask how.
        • She gained complete control over the typically feuding Drow with promises of protecting them from being obliterated in the invasion by the Nine Hells. It is very possible that she could interpret that to mean allying them, atop declaring war on Renalta.
        • It's not uncommon for her to keep warrior and assassin concubines with her at all times. They, too, are deceptive in their mannerisms, though most do not serve her of their own will.
      • Name: Duncan of the Rocklover Clan.

        Role: Champion of the Dwarven Meritocracy. (Ruler.)

        Age: 224. (Adult-approaching middle aged.)

        Sex: Male.

        • Height: 4'6"
        • Weight: 340 LBS.
        • Hair colour: Red-brown.
        • Hair style: Long, braided, wild. His beard could house a bird's nest.
        • Eye colour: Brown.
        • Skin colour: White.
        • Normal Dress: He is almost always dressed head to toe in some of the heaviest and highest quality metal plated armour that his people can forge. He is extremely proud of it. Outside of it, he "feels naked", even if he's wearing the soft silk of a nobleman.

        • A violent, brutal front line fighter, who often laughs and enjoys himself while fighting. He wields a hammer made out of "enchanted rocks", a family heirloom of some sort which reportedly petrifies any targets it strikes. He's also incredibly, maddeningly strong. He once dead lifted a grizzly bear just to prove he could.
        • A perfect ruler for the Dwarves, at present anyway. He has both diplomatic and military sense, and he knows how to have a good time with alcohol. This man isn't liable to lose his post anytime soon by natural means.
        • His family is far, far too numerous to mention.
        • Duncan has ruled for twenty years. Straight. This is highly unusual for the Dwarven Meritocracy, who normally go through rulers on a yearly basis. Some have contemplated whether any ruler deserves to rule for twenty years, though.
      • Other important characters who are not affiliated with any major faction. They may hold preferences for some factions over others or exert political power, though they hold no official political position in any particular nation.

        Name: Amanda. "The Archmage."

        Role: Archmage of the Mage's Guild, the largest and most influential group of mages on the continent.

        Age: ? (Unknown.)

        Sex: Female.

        • Height: 5'8"
        • Weight: 155 LBS.
        • Hair colour: Blonde.
        • Hair style: Long and flowing past her shoulders.
        • Eye colour: Blue.
        • Skin colour: White.
        • Normal Dress: Simple if somewhat eloquent robes. Always in deep, dark hues of purple, with the symbol of the Mage's Guild embroidered onto her shoulders. She typically carries with her an enchanted mage's staff, though the staff changes from time to time.

        • If one were to somehow actually end up in a battle with Amanda the Archmage, it would last all of about five seconds. She is one of, if not outright the most powerful mage on the entire continent. There are simply too many ways to list how she could do battle to feasibly leave it as a simple note, though they all involve magic.
        • Enigmatic is the best descriptor for Amanda in the public view. Mages who are part of the Guild tend to find her a very trustworthy and supportive sort of person. People outside of it barely accrue her notice, and when they do, she only seems interested in discussing magic or finding ways to acquire more magical artifacts—from the weakest of trinkets to the strongest of weapons. The fact that she was recently thrown out of Kouri's court doesn't help matters.
        • Her family are all long dead.
        • This woman has appeared multiple times throughout history, which is immeasurably perplexing to all involved, even other mages, who cannot explain what it is she does. She simply appears in certain points in history, does something to force changes on the world—typically small ones, at that—then disappears, only to reappear at a new point in history. Some ponder if she is even truly human anymore, as all one can detect from her is a presence of magic.
        • Amanda was the one to awaken magic into the world, to unleash it so that any mortal could learn how to wield it. The price was the destruction of the old Imperium, and the creation of the Blood Sea. She insists that it was an unintended consequence, something she never knew was possible at the time.
        • Depictions of her in ancient tales often involve her wearing rather provocative and impractical clothing, such as mini-skirts and vests that only barely concealed her chest. Such rumours are often considered overblown, and she herself denies these things, though certain members of the Immortal Legion of the Imperium state that such things were true.
        • Becomes politically motivated for magic, and little else.


        Name: Myria of Renalta.

        Role: Archangel.

        Age: 1,033.

        Sex: Female.

        • Height: 6'2".
        • Weight: 180 LBS.
        • Hair colour: Blonde.
        • Hair style: Long and flowing, unnaturally smooth.
        • Eye colour: Gold.
        • Skin colour: White.
        • Normal Dress: Always found in plate armour, angelically imbued with blessings to strengthen it against corrupting forces. She carries no physical weapons as she simply summons golden, glowing equivalents into her hands when in combat. In rare occasions amongst only other angels, she can be found in nothing more than white robes.

        • An ancient being that wields both magic and melee skill in equally high ability. She's a guardian at her core and always has been, being able to withstand hits and forces that would break every bone in a normal man's body, so long as she's blocking the blow. If nuclear devices were a thing in this universe, it's very possible she could survive one.
        • An enigmatic soul known for being somewhat cold in spite of her chivalrous words. Myria perpetuates and embodies the stoic ideal of law and order before all other things, and has intentionally situated what shattered remnants of her people exist many miles away from any nation of mortals. She will protect the innocent, but beyond that, she seems to hold no love for her duties.
        • Queen Kouri of Renalta is the only surviving member of her family. The two have disavowed any inheritance either way, else, Myria could claim the throne by legal right of being the older sibling of the family.
        • A thousand years ago, only a few years prior to the fall of the Kingdom of Renalta, princess Myria disappeared. In truth, she was taken by the violent and abusive archangel, Typhon. She was trained to become an angel herself, and to serve Typhon's every wish or need, and soon became a guardian angel. A God, Merlin, took her into his own realm get her away from Typhon. A thousand years later, during Kouri's quest to banish the Gods, Archangel Myria was ordered by Merlin to take her side in the final conflict.
        • This Archangel is the last remaining of what was once a council of seven. She gave up her immortality to bring her sister back to life. Though offered a place within the Kingdom of Renalta as a reward, she declined political power to maintain angelic stoicism. She then gathered what few angels remained, and brought them to their new home.
        • Named after the foreign knight who became the first Queen of Renalta, four thousand years ago.


        Name: Sarah Darkhammer.

        Role: Information dealer, legendary assassin.

        Age: ? (Unknown.)

        Sex: Female.

        • Height: 5'7"
        • Weight: ? (Unknown.)
        • Hair colour: White, brittle and often dead looking.
        • Hair style: Short in most cases, though she sometimes wears it long. It seems entirely based on her mood.
        • Eye colour: Pale, dead. They may have once been green.
        • Skin colour: Pale, white, and dead. Yet, without any scent of rot.
        • Normal Dress: Thick brown robes which never seem to inhibit her movement cover her from head to toe, with a cowl that keeps her entire face from view. Underneath this she wears a sort of leather armour, made from a creature that none can identify, which seems impenetrable to nearly any ranged weapon, save perhaps a cannon. She carries a bow and a quiver made out of shaped bones, which some rumour are those of people who once angered her.

        • None have ever lived long enough to truly report what fighting her is like. Nonetheless, she wields a strange and ancient magic, that allows her to attach chains to her arrows or to anyone who comes into contact with her. These chains are then drawn to a person's soul, though they are ethereal and invisible unless she wills them to be seen by others. She can then pull on the chain and rip the soul out of someone's body, killing them instantly and optionally capturing this soul for her own uses if she so wishes. Only magic or distance in excess of a hundred feet can break the chains. Her bow and arrows are also enchanted with deadly poisons, that on simple contact, typically paralyse their victims. A few minutes without a cure causes the paralysis to creep into one's lungs, then turn into an acidic compound, melting away one's lungs from the inside out.
        • Atop all of this, contact in excess of a couple seconds causes her to start draining life out of her victim. In mere seconds, her victim will die. The longest record of survival she reports is one minute, twenty six seconds. This means she can never touch anyone, nor be touched by anyone, for any reason, without death soon following if that contact is not immediately severed.
        • She is undead, and makes effort of hiding this. She possesses her soul, and though she is unsettled near necromancers or other such undead-controlling magics, she rarely seems to be even remotely influenced by their attempts. Mainly because she instantly turns to killing them before they can be completed.
        • Seriously, if you make it your objective to kill this woman, don't be surprised if you never succeed.
        • This woman is seen by others as essentially being the incarnation of death. Whether or not she was ever once human is often disputed. She is many thousands of years old, possibly older than even the Old Imperium.
        • Her father, a once legendary paladin, died thousands of years ago. Her mother is dead as well. Of her two siblings, only one survived: Malaki Duralus. The two have separate last names because of their family's way of naming children: Males took the father's surname, and females took the mother's surname.
        • This woman is a legendary figure, and is often called the "Abomination's Wife." She is Malaki Duralus' lover, and makes no attempt at hiding it.
        • There are rumours that this woman has been slain and utterly destroyed before, only to return some few years later. It is unclear if reports of her death were mistaken, or if she somehow cheats death on each occasion. Either way, it only feeds into the reputation she has of being an incarnation of death.
        • It is unclear what, if any, long term goals this woman has. Yet, she offers sensitive information in exchange for political or personal favours on a regular basis, and enforces such deals with the penalty of death on each and every occasion.
        • During Kouri's journey to banish the Gods, Sarah Darkhammer once gave her information in exchange for the assassination of the Warlord of Southblood. It is unclear why this happened, but some wonder if Sarah Darkhammer's recent, more public appearances, aren't due to the fact that the Gods are no longer present to stop her from spreading whatever disorderly sedition she pleases.


        Name: Malaki Duralus.

        Role: The Abomination. (Mass murdering immortal.)

        Age: ? (Unknown.)

        Sex: Male.

        • Height: Varies in accounting. Claims in excess of eight feet can be discounted.
        • Weight: Varies.
        • Hair colour: Black.
        • Hair style: Wild, long, and unkempt.
        • Eye colour: Silver. He is a vampire.
        • Skin colour: Pale.
        • Normal Dress: Varies in accounting, but typically some leather armour much like that of Sarah Darkhammer. He's often described as being more animal than man.

        • A vicious, berserker psychopath, who carves through men like butter. Accounts have told of him blowing apart stone walls, ripping through multiple lines of plate armour without pause, and taking blows that would end most people with a sadistic laugh instead. Hurting him only seems to make him stronger. He can bring about wings to fly at rapid speed, and his hands can turn into claws that can rip through blocking weapons, shields, and people. He also wields an ancient magic, one that allows him to control blood. If an opponent has even so much as a cut or a scrape, he can rip the blood out from them and turn that blood into armour piercing daggers, shields to block magic, or to simply feed himself.
        • He is a Pure Blood: One of the original six vampires. His domain is over strength, and he has personally killed two of the other Pure Bloods.
        • He destroyed a mountain once. If you're dreaming of killing him, you should stop that, for your own health. Though it is, technically, possible to kill him.
        • Known as "The Abomination." He has personally seen to the downfall of kingdoms by slaughtering their leaders. Wherever he appears, mass destruction and genocide typically follow. He has exterminated entire races which he felt might threaten him before, though that was back in the era of the Dark Ages, when "kingdoms" were little more than overly large towns.
        • Sarah Darkhammer is the only surviving member of his family, being his sister. The two are lovers, as well.
        • He once spared Kouri on her journey to banish the Gods. The reasons for this are unknown.
        • His activity in recent years has been limited, leading some to wonder if he's saving his strength for the coming invasion. It's quite possible he may simply be taking a break, and doesn't care for the plight of mortals. It's also possible that he's waiting for the mortal realm to exhaust itself fighting the Nine Hells before returning. Too many possibilities, truly, to know what it is he plans.


        Name: Molkar Zenistrad.

        Role: Shaman of one of the Mountain Orcish Tribes.

        Age: 29.

        Sex: Male.

        • Height: 8'3"
        • Weight: 325 LBS.
        • Hair colour: None. He is bald.
        • Hair style: None. He is bald.
        • Eye colour: Red.
        • Skin colour: Green-Brown.
        • Normal Dress: Animal skins and hand-sewn mage's robes. Some of his older robes have the symbol of the Mage's Guild upon them.

        • He uses telekinesis to pick up objects, such as boulders, and throw them at opponents. He can also slow and sometimes outright pick up targets with his telekinesis, and in his mountain home, this is typically all that is necessary to be deadly. After all, throw your opponent off a cliff, and he can never threaten your rule again.
        • A reasonable sort, though prone to his more Orcish instincts and culture. It is unclear whether or not he is a friend to outsiders, though he's often willing to work with Queen's Blades. He retains a hatred of the Kingdom of Liveria, like the rest of his people.
        • Family is generally not important to Orcs, and as such, Molkar has no idea where his family is, or if they're even alive.
        • He was not always of the Orcish Tribes. At one point in his life he left his people to hone his magic talents at the Mage's Guild. A few years of this, and he returned to his people, quickly becoming a shaman of a tribe with his well educated background proving an edge against the brutish thugs who once controlled it. As such, he is also one of the only one of his people who is literate.


        Name: Meryl Slothschild.

        Role: Agent of Sloth.

        Age: ? (Appears 12-14 years of age.)

        Sex: Female.

        • Height: 5'4"
        • Weight: 135 LBS.
        • Hair colour: Brown.
        • Hair style: Short and childish, wild and unkempt.
        • Eye colour: Brown.
        • Skin colour: White.
        • Normal Dress: Common peasantry clothing, like leather pants and a cloth shirt. She looks like a normal, human girl, and would maintain this if not for her manic laughter and wild look in her eyes.

        • She uses illusion magic and can make her illusions corporeal—physical. Thus, she can imagine a dragon, and make it real. She also seems uncannily able to weave biological material, such as turning hands into claws, though she needs physical tools in order to do so. Most of this magic is out of her control after she uses it.
        • A strange and terrifying little girl by the standards of the peasantry, most of which want to see her imprisoned in the dungeon forever. The nobility, however, look upon her as something that can be civilized, and made into a perfect example of Renaltan culture.
        • It is clear that she was once human, and kidnapped from her family. She has no idea who her human family is, and often refers to Sloth as her father.
        • She was involved in the terrorist attack on Arian village, though she didn't appear to understand the consequences of her actions. It was only recently that she learned of how death is a finality for mortals, which is strange, seeing as how she herself is a mortal who can be easily slain with a blade or a fireball.

      These are companions you can choose to take with you on missions. Only relevant after mission selection is complete. Think carefully about their nationalities before pulling them into a mission. Some will get along easier with the locals than others. They're always about on par to the strength of PC's, so never worry about them becoming too weak or too strong: They're there to help you, not solve your problems for you, nor be bystanders you need to save.​

      • This is just to show you what each field means, in case there is any confusion. Companions are agents sent from other nations to work within and alongside the Queen's Blades. They can fill the void left by groups of PC's. So if you have a lot of damage dealers, grab a tank. If you have a lot of tanks, grab a healer. So on and so forth.

        Name: (Their name.)
        Age: (Their age.)
        Sex: (Their physical gender.)
        Homeland: (Where they come from/from which nation they represent.)​
        Appearance (Various physical characteristics. Nothing too detailed in general.)
        • Height:
        • Weight:
        • Race:
        • Hair colour:
        • Hair style:
        • Eye colour:
        • Skin colour:
        • Normal Dress:

        Strengths (Their primary abilities and talents they bring to aid you.)​
        • (Ex: "I hit things good", "I have a way with words", "I look attractive.")
        Weaknesses (The areas where they'll struggle the most. In most cases, not every weakness will be listed.)
        • (Ex: "I hit things poorly", "I barely understand the common tongue", "my appearance causes people to fall into hysterical fits.")
        Facts (Non-combat related stuff about them. Use this to gauge their personality.)
        • Ideology.
        • How many missions have they completed with the Queen's Blades?
        • Et cetera.

      • Name: Nyla Valerius.
        Age: 16.
        Sex: Female.
        Homeland: The Imperium.​
        • Height: 5'8"
        • Weight: 210 LBS.
        • Race: Human.
        • Hair colour: Chocolate brown.
        • Hair style: Kept short, as per military protocol.
        • Eye colour: Brown.
        • Skin colour: White, though heavily tanned from constant training under the sun.
        • Normal Dress: Imperial regalia decorates her shield, and she carries with her to every mission a pair of pilum and a gladius. Her tower shield is made out of metal, and covers her entire body from harm if she leans behind it. She wears thick leather armour, from head to toe, and wears a metal breast plate over-top of her chest. She also wears metal pads around her ankles, thighs, wrists, and forearms.

        • Tank. This character is a bread and butter tank, whose entire way of combat and tactical thinking revolves around her tower shield.
        • While she only has room for two, her pilum are exceptional armour-piercing weapons and are short range throwables. They cannot be thrown back once they make contact with a target or the ground.
        • She is militarily trained by the Imperium and has gained combat experience with the Queen's Blades from the very onset of the invasion. There are few tricks demons can wield that will surprise her now, especially since she has been trained in tactics by Florence Merryweather himself.
        • Used to fighting in formation, she can make her way across battlefields to reach allies in need of protection with ease, so long as she isn't already locked down. This also makes her last a little longer against multiple opponents at once, especially if fighting in a closed corridor rather than out in the open.
        • Being a soldier of the Imperium, expect her to react very poorly to the desecration of human beings or Imperial regalia. War is one thing, slavery is another.
        • Being young does sometimes make her headstrong and unable to see the bigger picture, both in battle and in politics. If it doesn't involve a straightforward brawl, expect her experience to be limited.
        • Nyla is dedicated and loyal to the Imperium's "Dream of Empire." She hopes to one day see the world united under a single government. In some cases, she would be glad to see it done at the end of a sword. Nonetheless, she tends to respect the cultures of others, so long as those cultures respect the value of the individual.
        • She has completed two missions with the Queen's Blades, one as a companion. During that time she's grown closer to the cause and quite fond of its general set of ethics.
        • While not always part of the Imperium, she was brought in at a young age. Questioning it often incites looks of disapproval unless the points made are so bluntly valid, that even the most faithful soldier would have to acknowledge it.
        • "Imperial Lectionem." She can read, write, and speak in the ancient Imperial tongue, as well as the tongue of the commoner which she grew up with.
        • She tends to be neutral towards mages, unlike some of the Imperials she grew up with, and views them as decent people just trying to make it through life like anyone else.
      • Name: Listener Unamo. Outside of Amazonian society, she prefers to be called Unamo rather than Listener.
        Age: 22.
        Sex: Female.
        Homeland: The Amazons. (Now the Imperium, though she has sworn no loyalty to them.)​
        • Height: 5'4"
        • Weight: 115 LBS.
        • Race: Human.
        • Hair colour: Black.
        • Hair style: Long, well kept.
        • Eye colour: Blue.
        • Skin colour: Heavily tanned, from generations of living in the hot, humid jungle environment. (Hispanic equivalent.)
        • Normal Dress: Though she has left the Amazons, she continues to wear ceremonial furs and leather as part of her dress. It provides only minimal protection from outside threats however, as a serious set of armour might prevent her from moving about.

        • Unamo is reasonably attractive and "exotic" thanks to her background and skin tone. She draws the eyes of many men and even a few women, and has learned a few tricks in how to be manipulative with it since coming to the world of outsiders.
        • Her shamanistic magic allows her to summon spirits and hear their calls. This magic is quite versatile, and allows her to do things as varied as scouting ahead with spirits, setting up deadly traps that rip out a person's soul, and using them like projectiles.
        • Part of her ceremonial practices involve knowing how to mix and match chemicals. She can detect and create poisons, and healing herbs if no healers are around in tight situations. Her healing herbs are no replacement for real healers.
        • She can use her spirits to imbue animals and take control over them, allowing her to "recruit" and use animals of all stripes, shapes, and colours. This is especially powerful in forests, jungles, and other areas with a plethora of animals. It does cost her magic to maintain the control however, and possession of people is extremely taxing.
        • She tends to use a lot of her energy rapidly in combat, meaning that in long engagements, she struggles to remain useful.
        • Her Amazonian upbringing leaves a lot to be desired in terms of social etiquette, and this can offend and upset the upper classes of society.
        • Ideologically, Unamo is a curious soul, compelled to seek the truth in all things. To her, knowledge is paramount and sacrosanct, above all other things.
        • Unamo has completed one mission with the Queen's Blades. During that mission, she's come to have mixed feelings for the whole operation: Liking some aspects of it, and disliking others.
        • Wears a Rat Skull Charm around her wrist. It doesn't particularly mean anything, and has no magical power, but some rumour that a powerful goblin magician once visited the Amazons, and left this to her at a younger age as a gift for her curiosity about the outside world.
        • During the civil dispute in her homeland, between remaining independent or joining the Imperium, she was among those voices who wished to remain independent. Now that the Imperium has taken control against her wishes, she disavows any loyalty to the Imperium—irrelevant of the fact that she is now technically a citizen of it. She is, essentially, homeless.
      • Name: Fahim.
        Age: ???
        Sex: Male.
        Homeland: The Free Holds.​
        • Height: Varies based on form. Default: 6'3"
        • Weight: Varies based on form. Default: 220 LBS.
        • Race: Automaton. (Golem—Shapeshifter.)
        • Hair colour: Varies based on form. Default: Black.
        • Hair style: Varies based on form. Default: Short, well kept.
        • Eye colour: Varies based on form. Default: Brown.
        • Skin colour: Varies based on form. Default: Deeply tanned (middle eastern equivalent).
        • Normal Dress: Varies based on form. Default: Wears loose fitting, brown and white robes. Something which typically doesn't draw attention in the Free Holds, and can be worn by many different sizes of people... Important for him.

        • He is a shapeshifting automaton, and one of the only of his kind. He is his own greatest weapon, and can take many different forms, though he cannot gain or lose mass through shapeshifting. If he shrinks his height too much, he must put that extra mass somewhere. He can separate himself into smaller pieces, but he loses control of all but one piece if they're not in physical contact with one another.
        • He is a skilled and well trained assassin, and knows how to look for trouble. He's been looking for it his entire life.
        • He has connections with underground, unsavoury elements, and can often bring them to bare in cities or towns.
        • In combat, he is extremely intimidating. Few opponents ever get to witness what it's like to face someone who can be the blade that impales you, the axe that cuts you through, the mace that breaks your bones, or the rope that constricts around you until your eyes pop out of their sockets.
        • He cannot ever wield magic, nor magic immunity. Thus, he can be quite vulnerable to mages who catch him off guard. This proves doubly true for pyromancy, as fire damage is effectively permanent for Fahim during a mission.
        • Changing out of human form, even partially, causes Fahim to start losing his mind. The longer he has to maintain it, the harder it is for him to maintain his psychological coherence. In other words, he can have psychotic episodes if he loses too much of his humanity.
        • Ideologically, Fahim believes quite firmly in the way of life he "grew up" with. Slaves are free if they choose to resist, and thus there is nothing inherently wrong with slavery. The weak are trained to be strong by the way they live, and the strong decay into weakness. Thus ensuring that the strong survive and rule, that those who deserve power through their cunning, looks, or strength, get it. It is essentially laissez-faire Capitalism taken to an extreme.
        • Two missions. He's come to greatly enjoy the organization he is part of, as it caused his liberation from slavery under Rashad. Not that Rashad ever treated him poorly.
        • When Fahim loses human form for more than a few minutes at a time, he sustains severe, systematic memory loss throughout his entire person. He was found in the desert, by an oasis, disguised as a boulder by Rashad. It took many hours to encourage him back into a human form, and years to train him to be human-like again.
        • Fahim has an instinct to mimic his environment. He "feels comfortable" doing so. Expect him to mimic the appearances of nobles at a ball, of savages in a jungle, or even soldiers in a column.
        • He is a Mechanist construct, an advanced and eventually abandoned project by them to craft the perfect assassins. It turns out they performed their tasks too efficiently, and left many Mechanists dead before the majority of them could be destroyed. A few, however, escaped into the environment. Fahim is presumably one of them, even if he remembers nothing of his past.
      • Name: Zoe Vasilios.
        Age: 19.
        Sex: Female.
        Homeland: The Kingdom of Liveria.​
        • Height: 5'9"
        • Weight: 165 LBS... Ish.
        • Race: Human?
        • Hair colour: Raven black.
        • Hair style: Long and flowing down out of her helmet and mask.
        • Eye colour: Blue.
        • Skin colour: White.
        • Normal Dress: Three layers.
          1. First Layer: High quality, sanguine silk shirt and pants with a lizardskin leather belt cinched around her waist. These offer little in the way of protection beyond against sunlight, but offer plenty of comfort. A pair of white socks, generally afforded only to nobility.
          2. Second Layer: A chain shirt which runs down to her waist and elbows which looks like it was sized specifically for her, made out of extremely high quality material that appears to help the user survive impacts. Plate breastplate, layered out of dragon scale that resists fire. Steel-plated pads for her thighs, knees, ankles, elbows, wrists, and forearms. Only her shoulders remain berift of protection beyond the chain shirt, because...
          3. Third Layer: ...Of a voluminous black cloak which starts around her shoulders and wraps itself all around her in a billowing fashion. It even has a hood, in case her steel open face helmet fails to protect her from sunlight. Finally, there is an intricate mask on her face. With a plain emotionless look to it, it manages to hide her eyes from view with thin slits that she seems fully capable of seeing through with ease. Perhaps she relies on other senses more than sight?

          Overall, despite all of this, the average Rheinfeld Templar has more protection overall. It's mostly used to make it difficult to find a weak point.

          Wears a large mechanical crossbow on her back, and keeps several intricate smoke grenades underneath her cloak to escape or cover the escape of others.
        • An incredible assassin who, once on the path, is rarely ever stopped or dissuaded from killing her target. Her skill with a crossbow is incredible, and the mechanical components of it give her sufficient piercing power to blow through a plate mail target. Cleanly. No doubt this makes her effective at killing single targets.
        • She has many escape and diversion tactics, which include things like smoke grenades, and using the environment against her enemy.
        • Being a well educated, literate assassin, she often researches places, targets, and methods, before ever engaging in a contract. This is no different with the Queen's Blades: She never goes anywhere unprepared, and she willingly imparts this knowledge onto others when asked or when she feels it's most appropriate.
        • She is highly acrobatic and is a natural three dimensional thinker, being able to find ways in and out of a location that nobody would normally think of. This also allows her to shoot in awkward positions, climb sheer walls, or otherwise manipulate environments so as to always give herself an advantage.
        • She's an assassin. Do you think most people will be comfortable in her presence? The answer is generally "no." Leave her out of moralistic discussions unless you're going for the intimidation and threatening routes.
        • Large groups give her a lot of trouble in fights. In most instances she will have to turn tail and run, as she doesn't have the training to engage several targets at once and win, unless she has people protecting her.
        • The objective is always paramount before any ethical quandaries, especially in cases where doing the ethical thing in the short term might cause greater problems in the long term. She isn't completely heartless, but if she believes even momentarily that saving innocent lives would interfere with accomplishing a greater goal, expect her to be quite irritated with anyone who proposes saving a few innocent lives before accomplishing something greater. Killing and death mean little to this woman, and as such loss and tragedy mean equally little.
        • One. She feels indifferent towards the Queen's Blades so far. As a contract killer, it would be surprising for her to become attached over the course of a single operation, even for something as inherently noble as "saving the world."
        • There are rumours that Zoe is a vampire. She makes no effort to confirm such rumours, instead using it as a smokescreen to continue to hide her identity and most of her physical features. It could very well be true that she is a vampire, though.
        • It is unknown why she is working for the Queen's Blades pro bono, when she could easily be charging them hefty fees to take out priority targets an assassin. There are rumours that she directly services the Kingdom of Liveria's royal family, and that she was once tasked with protecting the young princess, but that seems unlikely given her supposed age.
        • She never takes off her mask...
      • Name: Otto Kästner.
        Age: 29.
        Sex: Male.
        Homeland: The Kingdom of Rheinfeld.​
        • Height: 6'4"
        • Weight: 260 LBS.
        • Race: Human.
        • Hair colour: Blonde.
        • Hair style: Extremely short. Sometimes mistaken for being bald at a long distance.
        • Eye colour: Blue.
        • Skin colour: White.
        • Normal Dress: Plate mail armour of high quality, as is usual for Rheinfelder Templar, atop a chain mail vestment. Beyond that, he carries a large, two handed blade, which has his family's crest cast into the handle. At his waist is a smaller arming sword, and a throwing axe.

        • He is a juggernaut of the battlefield, capable of going toe to toe even with mountain orcs in terms of physical strength. He could cleave three armoured men in one, solid swing with his blade. Needless to say, he's an incredible front line fighter.
        • He's well versed in poetry, and is literate. He is easily fascinated by books and knowledge, and seeks it out, though he disdains books on magic that speak on it in any other light than how to defeat it. He's highly intelligent in spite of his brutish ways and can think his way out of problems as often as he can brute force his way out of problems.
        • Being a templar, he is immune to magic. Outright. Go ahead, throw a giant wall of fire at him, he won't care. He can also detect magic in use nearby, friend or foe, and sometimes even discern what kind of magic it is.
        • He berserks on the battlefield, but retains some measure of control. This berserk fighting style lets him resist pain and stay on his feet longer than he normally could, and is quite intimidating to enemies in his war path.
        • To be courteous, he looks like he fell down the ugly tree and hit every single branch on the way down. Don't expect his toothy grin, dented skull, and scarred body to win anyone over in a game of first impressions.
        • He has health issues, genetic health issues. He sometimes coughs up blood and looks ghastlier than usual.
        • Dead loyal to the Templar Order, as his family raised him with a zealous loyalty to The Father. He comes from a noble family, and believes in the old way of doing things: That those with the money and education should take care of the illiterate savages beneath them. He fights, bleeds, and will someday probably die fighting for his cause, which is whatever the Templar Order tells him is right.
        • One. He loved every minute of it, though regrets the high number of losses he has so far borne witness to.
        • He truly is fascinated by books. He has funded the construction of a personal library in his family's estate just for his own personal collection of hundreds of books, most of which he has read. He is fluent in several tongues, including the old Imperial tongue, the language of the Drow, his native tongue of Rheinfelder, the common tongue, and even knows bits and pieces of the Druid's secret language.
      • Name: Mikan. (No surname.)
        Age: 26.
        Sex: Female.
        Homeland: Was born and grew up in Rheinfeld. Her homeland now, however, is the Kingdom of Renalta.​
        • Height: 6'2" (Mechanist bloodline makes her taller than usual.)
        • Weight: 155 LBS. (Naturally lithe. Again, Mechanist bloodline.)
        • Race: Human, 1/6th Mechanist.
        • Hair colour: Green.
        • Hair style: Ponytail, down to her upper back.
        • Eye colour: Green.
        • Skin colour: White.
        • Normal Dress: Often shows skin with simple leather shorts and a cloth t-shirt, providing minimal defence in the event of combat, but sometimes being quite distracting to an enemy. She wears hard leather wrist, elbow, ankle, and knee pads, to protect herself from injuries when performing acrobatics. A pair of short blades remain sheathed at her hips, ready to be pulled out at a moment's notice to be duel wielded in a flurry of blows.

        • Is naturally attractive and takes advantage of it to full effect, having used her more... Private skills to excellent effect as young as fourteen years old. It's not uncommon for her to be able to distract guards, cause opponents to hesitate in combat, and so on, simply by virtue of her looks and how she uses them.
        • Has been a thief since childhood, and knows how to find the best ins and outs of any place. She's also naturally acrobatic and slippery, being difficult to catch and hard to predict in fights.
        • In her later years, she was trained in the art of assassination and duelling. She's an extremely effective one on one combatant, and can dispatch most opponents with due haste and little trouble.
        • She was once the spymaster of Renalta, and thus she knows plenty of secrets. Enough so, that she can weaponize them in conversation. This is especially potent against nobles. This also makes her naturally keen to notice things that others might miss, and point out weaknesses where none could otherwise be found.
        • She's got quite the reputation for being an especially thrilling minx. So much so, in fact, that it's not uncommon for her to meet men and women who don't take no for an answer politely, and will keep pushing the matter. Some to such points as to induce momentary bloodshed in order to cease with their less than savoury thoughts.
        • She has two short blades and no armour. Putting her into a fight with an especially destructive mage is generally a mistake if the mage has range to their advantage, especially if she's already dealing with other opponents.
        • Mikan is a free spirit by nature, though loyal to her friends and associates. She tends to look fondly upon petty thieves and vagabonds, when they're simply attempting to make it in day to day life. She seeks to protect the meek and the helpless, to give to those who have nothing, to seek safety for those who have none. While her goal in life is to enjoy each and every day, to play in banter and word games, ultimately, it isn't uncommon to see her down by local orphanages, teaching them how to read, giving them food via money out of her own pockets.
        • Two so far. She's loyal to Queen Kouri and the Kingdom of Renalta, and thus, she has no other motives than to see the Queen's Blades succeed.
        • She grew up in an orphanage in Rheinfeld, not learning how to read and write until she was sixteen years old. It was there that she learned how to use her body to get things, both in the art of stealing and in the art of the bedroom. It should be no surprise that she has a soft spot for thieves—she was one for several years.
        • She is still technically wanted for several charges of theft and a few charges of assault in Rheinfeld, but due to her status within the Kingdom of Renalta, she's granted diplomatic immunity whenever she visits. She often rubs this fact in by the local garrison commander whenever he's around.
        • Since she was the spymaster up until recently, she read every single report filed about every single Queen's Blade both current and in the past, and has access to the files on future Queen's Blades. In short, she probably knows most of your deepest, darkest secrets. She probably won't tell anyone, so long as she has no good reason to.
      • Name: Gabriel. "Angel of Vengeance." (No surname.)
        Age: ? (Unknown.)
        Sex: Male.
        Homeland: Kingdom of Liveria. (Recent—declared. He has not yet been accepted as a representative of the nation, but there are few doubts about them accepting him.)​
        • Height: 6'2"
        • Weight: 210 LBS.
        • Race: Angel.
        • Hair colour: Blonde.
        • Hair style: Short, as though it has only started growing in the past couple of weeks.
        • Eye colour: Gold.
        • Skin colour: White.
        • Normal Dress: Outside of battle, he tends to wear heavenly, white robes that loosely drape his figure, though he can also be found wearing the clothes of Liverian nobility. In combat, he wears a plate mail chest piece and shoulder pads, though the rest of him is protected by chain mail, save for his head, which he leaves unveiled so he can properly intimidate his enemies by simply glaring at them.

        • Gabriel is an angel, and thus, by nature, he is extraordinarily attractive and possesses a naturally commanding presence. He can be equal parts intimidating and charming, and even incorporates it into his battle tactics. He has managed to intimidate orcs. Recently, his intimidation has been more powerful than his charms.
        • He is a powerful warrior, and his angelic calling was always towards being a dealer of justice. As such, it should surprise nobody that he's an effective sword-and-shield front line tank. He also summons his weapons to his side, meaning that he can't lose them in battle.
        • He possess magic that is specifically and explicitly made to fight demons and corruption. He has recently lost his capacity to heal people, but has gained the ability to project rays of light that burn demonic flesh.
        • Being an angel, he has large, feathery wings that allow him to fly. He also has the ability to detect corruption and malevolence around himself, and can find hidden demons in mortal crowds if he's brought close enough to them.
        • His code of ethics and stoicism prevent him from breaking laws. Any laws. Even laws about slavery in the Free Holds. Don't ask him to commit a crime; he physically can't unless there is good reason to believe that such laws were created by a demonic hand.
        • Gabriel's skills are spread across multiple useful skill sets. As such, one shouldn't rely on him to complete any one task perfectly. He can tank, but not as well as Nyla can. He can cast magic, but not as well as Quar can. He's a hybrid character, best utilized in situations that call for all of his skills, rather than any one particular quality.
        Facts (Non-combat related stuff about them. Use this to gauge their personality.)
        • Gabriel follows the angelic code of stoicism; he keeps law and order above all other values. However, due to recent events, his faith has been completely shaken in Archangel Myria's leadership. As such, he has decided to take a political side in mortal affairs—something that is normally considered a heretical action by their code of stoicism. He has joined the Kingdom of Liveria, where he has already been nicknamed the "Angel of Vengeance." Some wonder aloud if he plans on turning on Archangel Myria when the war against the Nine Hells is over.
        • Two. Both shook his faith in the way Archangel Myria runs things, as he witnessed horrible atrocities committed that he was technically supposed to do nothing about.
        • Gabriel was only recently discovered, trapped within Arian lake. He was freed by Queen Kouri at the behest of a Queen's Blade using her strange, Royal Bloodline. He was banished there after protesting the Gods action of destroying the Kingdom of Renalta.
        • Recently, Gabriel has become a sort of violent vigilante in the capital of Liveria. He specifically keeps watch for law breakers, and mercilessly assaults them. He still shows mercy to petty criminals, but those with more vile intentions than simple thievery tend to find themselves at the hilt of his blade before long. While the Kingdom of Renalta and Archangel Myria have expressed concern at his actions, the Kingdom of Liveria has adored this.
      • Name: Quar Velathari.
        Age: 67 (Young adult).
        Sex: Male.
        Homeland: The Elves of the Dark Forest, though his present homeland which he represents politically is The Imperium.​
        • Height: 5'5"
        • Weight: 140 LBS.
        • Race: Elf.
        • Hair colour: Black.
        • Hair style: Long, kept as a pony tail.
        • Eye colour: Green.
        • Skin colour: Tanned, from many hours spent out in the sun, with nature. Trees n' stuff. Elves.
        • Normal Dress: Is often found in Imperial iconography, wearing leather armour uniforms given to him during his service in their military. He is still technically part of their military.

        • Quar wields druidic magic, allowing him to create and manipulate nature. This is obviously strongest wherever green things can be found, though he can wield it without a single plant being present by simply creating the plants himself. This also allows him to converse with animals and make them obey basic commands, depending on their intelligence.
        • This elf has spent some time focusing on healing magics after his last mission. While he was already able to heal before, it drained him severely to be able to do so. Now, he is both a dedicated healer, and a manipulator of nature.
        • His staff is special, crafted and given to him by his people before he left them. It's made out of a fine, though strange quality wood, and it appears to have a mind of its own. It glows whenever it wants to get his attention, or when he uses it as a conduit of energy for his spells. Using it, he can supercharge nearly any spell, turning a simple roots spell into an extremely violent shredding spell that rips apart stone columns and tears men in half.
        • He's a fairly agile sort, and being older than he appears, he is actually extraordinarily intelligent. He can think his way through nearly any problem, if given enough time and information to figure it out. Puzzles, mazes, deciphering things, gauging situations—all of this, he can do.
        • He is terribly awful at fighting in melee combat. If he somehow ends up in melee combat and doesn't have a spell charged, he will probably die. Don't let him end up there.
        • His spells are a little on the slow side, especially if he's using his staff to supercharge a spell. It's better to use him in a predictive fashion, rather than as a quick reaction to an ambush or something similar.
        • He fervently believes in the Imperium's overall cause and ideology, and works to further it however he can. Beyond this, he does appear to have ulterior motives, which he largely keeps to himself. None of them seem particularly malicious, though.
        • One. It was a hard fought mission, and it only strengthened his determination not to allow a repeat of such carnage.
        • Quar once lived with his people in the Dark Forest. For reasons unknown, he has left them. Based on what limited information is available about the Elven people in the outside world, his mere contact with the outside world for such a prolonged period has guaranteed his banishment from his own people.
        • Other mages have detected that Quar's staff is far, far more powerful than it appears. It seems to grow with his own abilities, never being too much for him, but never needing to be discarded for more powerful things. Such growing artifacts are extraordinarily rare, though he has repeatedly refused the Mage's Guild's requests to study it.
        • He has a thing for Aëyr. A big time thing for her. Like, leaving secret love poetry and flowers kind of thing for her. It'd be almost cute if it wasn't so sadly awkward.
      • Name: Sir Dirge Tyrven. (Self-proclaimed knight.)
        Age: 36.
        Sex: Male.
        Homeland: Kingdom of Renalta.​
        • Height: 7'8"
        • Weight: 430 LBS.
        • Race: Orc.
        • Hair colour: Bald.
        • Hair style: Bald.
        • Eye colour: Brown.
        • Skin colour: Green-Brown.
        • Normal Dress: Plate mail. Lots and lots of plate mail. Thick, extraordinarily strong plate mail, that now carries the crest of the Kingdom of Renalta on the chest piece.

        • He carries a two handed warhammer large enough that the head of which is larger than most small human children. He hits something with that, and he will generally break something. Armoured or not. He's also big enough that it's not a slow weapon in his hands by any means. If he hits something, it will hurt. A lot.
        • He's an orc in plate mail. He can take as much of a dishing as he can deal out, and in melee, he is utterly terrifying.
        • Dirge is tactically competent and a combat veteran, and he can easily figure out where his attention is needed most in a fight. He will fight to protect his friends, and can easily bowl through multiple enemies to reach a friend in need in a single charge.
        • Dirge does not get tired. Not practically, anyway. He could probably fight for hours and still be ready for more. This also applies to pain: Pain just seems to make him fight all the more determined.
        • He has no shield, he is an extremely large target, and he fights in melee only. Ranged, armour piercing weapons can and will hurt him if they aren't taken out first.
        • He participated in James the Illusionist's terrorist schemes that involved planting bombs that would have murdered an entire village. While his loyalty is commendable, expect a lot of people far and wide to look upon him with a mixture of fear and hatred—especially commoners.
        • Dirge is a knight, who follows the classic knight's code. He swears loyalty to a cause and follows it to the bitter end, no matter where it leads. For a long time, this was to serve James the Illusionist—an infamous terrorist in Renalta. He couldn't break away from his oath, but was recently released from it as a result of Queen's Blades actions. As such, he has sworn allegiance to the Queen's Blades.
        • None. He is a recent addition, as a result of Queen's Blades actions. Their mercy to his former master inspired him to ultimately join their cause.
        • Only recently did he shave himself completely bald, as a sign of starting his life anew. He typically wears a helmet though, so it's not that noticeable.
      • tiefling, female, pyromancer-healer.

        Name: Aurora Noire.
        Age: 19.
        Sex: Female.
        Homeland: The Kingdom of Tuleria.​
        • Height: 5'6"
        • Weight: 155 LBS.
        • Race: Tiefling.
        • Hair colour: Deep, Blood Red.
        • Hair style: Long, draped around her shoulders. Her bangs remain unkempt and sometimes get into her eyes.
        • Eye colour: Red.
        • Skin colour: Red.
        • Normal Dress: Brown and grey robes, though she keeps old uniforms from the Mage's Tower around. On her shoulders, embroidered on, are symbols of the Mage's Tower.

        • Aurora is a healer of some renown, who used her talents to mend injured soldiers. Now, due to the soldiers not trusting her, she's taking her several years of experience to heal the Queen's Blades instead. She also knows non-magical healing techniques. Out of all the Companions, she is probably the strongest healer.
        • Pyromancer. An innate talent from her demonic ancestry, she honed it, and now uses it to burn her enemies, and keep her allies warm at night. Unlike what some lunatics like to say, demons are just as susceptible to fire as they are to anything else, so long as they're susceptible to magic at all.
        • Her Tiefling blood gives her an edge in both detecting and resisting corruption. Given only a few moments with a person, she can discern if they've been influenced by demons whatsoever.
        • Naturally acrobatic thanks to dexterous use of her tail, she can easily avoid sword blows or get to hard to reach places each respectively.
        • Systemic racism and the current war with her great grandfather (or great grandmother?) makes it difficult for people to trust her at face value. In fact, depending on whether or not guards are nearby, it may outright cause people to attempt to mug her. Or, perhaps worse. She is, after all, quite exotic.
        • Her healing has less of an effect on herself than it does on others, due to her Tiefling blood. In essence, if she does actually get hurt, it'll take more power to heal herself, than it comparatively would take to heal someone else. Don't let her get hurt much.
        • Aurora was a merchant who used to sell her doctoral services to the military, more specifically the navy. She's served aboard multiple ships, both on the Eastern Ocean coast, and in the Blood Sea. Her motto is generally that if everyone can provide more than they take, than there will be no more poverty that way. Otherwise, she's a fairly reasonable person, who hasn't entirely decided on what her future is going to be like. One constant is that she hopes to end the current discrimination against herself, and by extension, her people.
        • Zero. After Veira left due to complications with the Mage's Guild, the Kingdom of Tuleria offered the services of one of their better healers to the Queen's Blades. She seems eager to belong somewhere where she won't have to watch for a knife in her back.
        • Grew up fairly poor and with no parents, though her magical talents for pyromancy at a young age caught the attention of the Mage's Tower. Thus, in a way, mages are her family, and books are her parents.
        • Prone to doing mischievous deeds from time to time, as for some reason, she feels a compulsion to do such things. She often blames it on her bloodline, though it could be something else entirely.
        • She has a magical familiar, bound to a simple stone which she keeps in her pocket. It doesn't actually do anything of merit. It's a green, ethereal kitten, named Compassion. She grew attached to it in her youth and kept it instead of giving it back to the Mage's Tower.

      That's all for now.
    • Below, you can find a copy-paste sheet to work on for this RP.

      [b]Name:[/b] (Your character's name.)
      [b]Age:[/b] (Your character's age. Keep in mind that the Kingdom of Renalta, the Goblin Holds, and the Imperium, are both only about ten years old.)
      [b]Race:[/b] (Humans are the most common race in the world, but there are many others. While you can create your own custom race, you may want to check the "Races of LoR 2" lore entry in Master Archives.)
      [b]Sex:[/b] (Male? Female?... Tentacles?)
      [b]Appearance:[/b] (Either a picture or text description will do here.)
      [b]Rank:[/b] (If this is a new character, put "recruit" here. If this is an old character reformatted to the new system, part of the re-approval process is giving your character their rank.)
      [b]Homeland:[/b] (Where your character comes from. This may affect their interactions with NPC's in the world. It would be best to pick a nation that is listed in the nations list, under "Nations" in the "Intelligence Centre.")
      [b]Biography:[/b] (Personality/History. I need at least one paragraph from this to determine your writing level.)
      [b]Motivation:[/b] (Why is your character joining the Queen's Blades? What are they hoping to achieve by doing this?)

      (Find out how stats & traits work by looking in the Resources Centre. You start with [b]400 points[/b] to spend in any of the skills below, and can only spend up to [b]80 points[/b] in each skill at present.)
      [b][COLOR=#ff0000]Heavy Stat:[/COLOR][/b] 0. (Every 10 points in a Heavy Skill gives 1 point to the Heavy Stat. Use decimal points if the stat total is not divisible by 10. IE: If you spend 47 on Defender, you have 4.7 in the Heavy Stat. This applies to the Light Stat and Magic Stat as well.)
      [LIST][*][b]Perseverance[/b]: 0.
      [*][b]Defender:[/b] 0.
      [*][b]Heavy Hitter:[/b] 0.
      [*][b]Combat Senses:[/b] 0.
      [*][b]Repositioning:[/b] 0.[/LIST]
      [b][COLOR=#00ff00]Light Stat:[/COLOR][/b] 0.
      [LIST][*][b]Reflexes:[/b] 0.
      [*][b]Cloak of Innocence:[/b] 0.
      [*][b]Rapid Blows:[/b] 0.
      [*][b]Sharp:[/b] 0.
      [*][b]Dancer:[/b] 0.[/LIST]
      [b][COLOR=#00ccff]Magic Stat:[/COLOR][/b]
      [LIST][*][b]Raw Talent:[/b] 0.
      [*][b]Mastery:[/b] 0.
      [*][b]Wells of Power:[/b] 0.
      [*][b]Pattern Weaving:[/b] 0.
      [*][b]Fortitude:[/b] 0.[/LIST]

      [b]Custom Traits:[/b] (Your custom traits. You create these! You start with [b]ten custom trait points[/b] to spend on creating and upgrading custom traits.)
      [LIST][*]Ex 1: Racial?
      [*]Ex 2: Special power?
      [*]Ex 3: Unique skill?
      [*]Ex 4: Magical heirloom?
      [*]Ex 5: Et cetera.[/LIST]

      [b]Story Traits:[/b] (Stuff your character has earned through participation in the story in some way. Typically items or pets. These can be lost as easily as they can be gained over the procession of the story. They're GM-assigned, so if this is a new character, leave this blank.)

      [b]Equipment List:[/b] (List your equipment below. You can list as many items as you like, though if they have magical effects, you will need to spend custom traits on them.)

      [b]Romance:[/b] (Do you want your character to be involved in romantic arcs with other characters? Note, this will only affect NPC's. I can't control the behaviour of PC's, you'll have to ask them to stop yourself.)

      [b]Does the Kouri Plushie Exist?:[/b] (...)

      [b]Signature:[/b] (Type your username here if you agree to the rules of the RP, and give me permission to kill off your character at any time. Don't worry, I don't murder without reason—I just want to make sure I have your permission beforehand, so there's no misconceptions. :ferret:)
    • Stats & Traits below.


      Skills range from 0-100, and fall under three stats: Heavy, light, and magic. You cannot spend custom traits giving yourself stat points or skill points. You invest points into each of the skills underneath each stat, which directly affects dice rolls in those tasks. Every 10 points spent in one skill equates to 1 point in the parent stat. So if you spend 50 points in a heavy skill, your heavy stat will have 5 points in it. Use decimal points: If you spend 47 points in a heavy skill, you will have 4.7 points in the heavy stat.

      0 Points represents absolute, bumbling incompetency. 20 Points represents only a most basic, rudimentary knowledge of the task. 40 Points represents someone who is mediocre at a task. 50 Points represents absolute average at a task. 60 Points represents someone who is above average at a task. 80 Points represents someone who is an expert at a task. 100 Points represents someone who is a master at a task. Enemies also follow his general curve: Stronger enemies will be better at more skills, and weaker enemies will generally struggle to kill you unless you catch you off guard or with some of their friends.

      Stats are visible markers on your character, and are generally perceptible to NPC's. A character who invests a lot in heavy skills will have a high heavy stat, and NPC's will generally notice this. This also applies to the light stat, but not to the magic stat unless they have a way of detecting you. Heavy stats tend to make your character look more muscular, while light stats tend to make them look more lithe. A mix of both can be achieved, but never to any extreme.

      There are in-story ways of breaking the 100 point limit, but naturally, they tend to be exceedingly dangerous.

      To start with, you can only have up to 80 points invested in a skill. As further mission cycles are completed, this will unlock to 90, then 100 with the ability to use story content to attempt to break physical limitations and go beyond it if you should so choose. This is basically just to prevent horribly lopsided min-maxing from happening until it's appropriate. :ferret:

      You may save points to spend later, but it's not recommended. It will intentionally make you weaker in a role play that gives you no plot armour. Basically the equivalent of putting slabs of meat on yourself before walking into a pit full of bears.

      You start with 400 points to spend.


      These are descriptions of the physical stats, along with a few other interactions you should know about. All skills can be used together unless otherwise noted. You can combine Heavy Hitter and Rapid Blows in attacks, or Defender and Fortitude in defence. In fact, for magic skills, combining and weaving skills together is absolutely necessary for success.

      Speed versus Dexterity: Increasing heavy stats makes you faster in a charge or pursuit, whereas light stats make you better able to navigate uneven or difficult terrain, hit precise points, and evade. A thief won't outrun a knight—au contraire, the knight will easily catch up to the thief on flat, even ground! However, a thief can evade a knight's attacks and attempt to hit a weak point, or escape with acrobatics should the terrain favour it.

      Heavy Stat: Improving this stat causes other characters to note your character's physical strength more often, typically. This also affects non-combat tasks, such as attempting to brute force locked doors.
      • Perseverance: This skill judges how much pain your character can fight through, and how long they can last in a fight before fatigue starts to set in. The higher this skill gets, the less likely this character will be affected negatively by their wounds in combat and the more likely they are to survive any wounds they do take.
      • Defender: This skill judges how well your character can wield defensive items such as armour or shields, and how likely they are to stop an attack from causing them damage. The higher this skill gets, the more likely this character will be able to add additional effects atop their blocking, such as knocking enemies away, or resisting heavier blows.
      • Heavy Hitter: This skill judges how effectively your character can resist recoil on firearms. This also affects draw strength on bows and crossbows, and how much force they can throw behind melee hits. The higher this skill gets, the less defensive penalties and fatigue penalties heavy hits give to the user and the more damage they simply, straight up do. It can also include bonus effects, like knocking an enemy to the ground even if the attack is blocked.
      • Combat Senses: This skill judges how efficiently your character can keep track of multiple opponents. As a result, this gives them bonuses in attacking multiple targets and reduces the bonuses of enemies who attack your character in groups. The higher this skill gets, the greater their comprehension of the battlefield becomes, and the less enemies will benefit at all in engaging you in groups.
      • Repositioning: This skill judges how quickly your character can get around the battlefield freely without being interrupted or stopped by enemies. This grants bonuses to charges, moving quickly from one point of cover to another, moving to defend an ally, moving to take a position, and so on. Useful for getting closer to ranged opponents quicker, or getting to a more advantageous point. The higher this skill gets, the faster your character's dashes across the battlefield become, and the more effective their charges become. It also increases the likelihood of them avoiding interception or damage, and affects how many opponents they can get past without interruption.

      Light Stat: Improving this stat causes other characters to note your character's quicker reaction times and more alert look. This also affects non-combat tasks, such as attempting to climb things.
      • Reflexes: This skill judges how effectively your character can react to situations around them, most prominently in dodging attacks or evading traps. As a result, this can also affect their ability to escape pins. The higher this skill gets, the quicker your character's reaction times become—which truly has self-explanatory benefits.
      • Cloak of Innocence: This skill judges how naturally your character can blend in with shadows and use other stealth techniques such as pickpocketing. It also causes enemies to take less interest in your character, as they'll underestimate their abilities until this character causes injury or death to an enemy. This also affects how well your character can escape enemy attention and escape terrible situations. The higher this skill gets, the better your character becomes at all of these feats.
      • Rapid Blows: This skill judges how quickly your character can dole out punishment to enemies. This affects how much quicker your character can attack with melee weapons and how much faster they can reload ranged weapons. The higher this skill gets, the faster your character's attacks become, and the less likely they are to offer an opening to enemies, and the lower the fatigue penalty becomes for rushing through attacks.
      • Sharp: This skill judges how likely your character is to notice chinks in enemy defences and notice things out of place. Naturally, this increases your character's ability to pierce through enemy armour and defences. This also affects how your character perceives things in conversations, such as lie detection, and how likely your character is to notice unusual patterns. The higher this skill gets, the better these effects become, and the more perceptive your character becomes in general.
      • Dancer: This skill judges how efficient your character is at one on one combat and reduces penalties when fighting on anything other than flat, solid ground. This reduced penalty also applies to fighting while pinned, or against enemies who have classic advantages like height bonuses. The higher this skill gets, the better the duellist your character becomes, and the more environments they can fight in without fear of penalty.

      Magic Stat: Improving this stat has no physical effect on your character, though other mages generally can pick up on how much time your character has spent mastering the arts of the arcane. A higher magic stat also affects some non-combat related tasks, though in more abstract and strange ways than with heavy or light, such as moments of intuition or powerful gut feelings.
      • Raw Talent: This skill judges how well your character can manage to control high amounts of power. This translates to how much magic your character can put into a spell without hurting themselves. This also affects how likely your character is to hurt themselves if they overcharge a spell. The higher this skill gets, the more power your character can unleash in a single spell, and the less likely they are to hurt themselves for overcharging a spell.
      • Mastery: This skill judges how much your character understands about magic, and affects how likely they are to recognize enemy spells, enchantments, and so on. This increases their control over their own magic, allowing them to cast more powerful spells accurately, and increases the odds of your character evading spells, dispelling spells, interfering with enemies casting spells, or even stealing spells. The higher this skill gets, the more knowledge your character will have amassed about magic as a whole and the greater the odds of them understanding and evading an enemy spell.
      • Wells of Power: This skill judges how quickly your character can recover magic spent in spells and how likely they are to detect the presence of magic—subtle or significant—in the first place. This also sometimes grants momentary bouts of visions or powerful though often vague gut feelings about the world around them. The higher this skill gets, the more likely they are to detect magic, and the faster they'll regenerate it for use themselves.
      • Pattern Weaving: This skill judges how quickly your character can wield spells, and how quickly they can amass power for spells. This also allows your character to detonate raw magic by gathering it and simply not using it—though this has a very short range and typically hurts your character along with their opponent. Higher ranks do reduce the amount of self-harm sustained. The higher this skill gets, the quicker your character can cast spells and draw power, and the more power they can draw for an explosive detonation.
      • Fortitude: This skill judges how effectively your character can resist all magic of all kinds. If this skill is maxed out, your character will have achieved absolute immunity to all magic, which can itself manifest in supernatural ways. This however affects all magic indiscriminately, and prevents your character from casting anything beyond basic magic. It also stops friendly spells as effectively as enemy spells. This does not interfere with the detection part of Wells of Power, and if you spend at least 50 in this stat, Wells of Power becomes half the normal cost. (Ex: Spending 50 points in Wells of Power would give you an effective score of 100, if you had at least 50 points in Fortitude.) You can take a total of 20 points in this before it will start to interfere with your own ability to cast magic.


      Traits are created by players for their characters. You may have noticed on your character sheet however, two different trait sections, with one being ambiguously called "story", and the other "custom." Custom traits are your own, created abilities for your character. These can be anything you can imagine, though they're first vetted and approved or denied by myself. Story traits are in-universe things your characters have earned or sustained on their travels, and are GM-assigned. Think magical items from grateful allies, or pets you encounter and tame. You can usually lose such traits as well: A pet can die, an item can be damaged or lost, et cetera. Story traits are controlled by players—if you have pets, you control them. Magical items, you control them. Et cetera.

      Keep in mind the following for custom traits.
      • You start with ten custom trait points to spend on creating and upgrading custom traits!
      • The more effects a custom trait has, the less overall effect the trait will have. If you have a trait that specifically and explicitly helps you only to block attacks with a shield, that is one effect and so it will be 100% effective. If you have a trait that helps you block with a shield and block magic with that shield, that will be less effective because it does two things at the same time instead of one.
      • You can invest multiple custom trait points into a single trait to upgrade it. So if you make a trait that helps you block things, you can invest 2, 3, 4, or even 5 points into it to make it better. Heck, even all of your points, if you want to hyper specialize like that. If you're struggling to come up with more custom traits, try investing in what you already have.
      • The sky is the limit on custom traits. Use them on anything you can imagine, and I'll vet them to see if they will fit in the universe. Just don't ask for anything that godmodes—like an instant kill button. :ferret:

      Where it concerns story traits, don't worry about writing those up. Those are awarded to players who role play and participate in the story, do character development, et cetera. They're bonuses I give you when you earn things in the role play where it wouldn't be fair to ask you to spend a custom trait point on it.
    • Here you can find additional information about the world. This information is ultimately non-essential, but useful reference material if you want to properly immerse yourself in parts of the universe. Use it like you would a library: Take out the book you need, don't read the entire library if it seems overwhelming.

      Since Amazons no longer exist as an independent nation, you can learn more about them here. Some of this will overlay with the history entry in the Imperium.

      Amazons are a matriarchal, tribal society. Each tribe appoints a leader—often shaman. These shaman, in turn, hold the power to guide their tribes through the jungles. There is a heredity monarchy that keeps the Amazons all connected together, though should this monarchy ever prove too weak or too corrupt to hold her position, the tribal leaders can vote her out of power and replace her with one of their own.

      Amazonian warriors generally come in two forms. The regular Amazonian warrior is a woman who drinks from the river of blood through highly secretive rituals (as it is normally poisonous otherwise), granting them special powers. They gain unnatural strength, uncanny boons to hunting-related skills, and the ability to control their own blood flow. That is, so long as they maintain consciousness, open wounds simply do not bleed. They can also use this control over their own blood to purge themselves of poisons or venom, so long as they are aware of its presence. This makes them powerful individual warriors, but it comes at a cost.

      Amazons who drink from the river of blood have their average lifespan cut in half. They end up ageing themselves much faster than normal people. 40 year old Amazons are the equivalent of 70 year old elderly women. It is very rare for them to live to see 50, and 60 is considered a once in a century occasion. Atop this, hostile spirits often tend to be more effective when fighting them, for reasons they do not fully understand.

      Their shaman are the other kind of warrior, using their unique brand of spiritual magic to summon and manipulate spirits. These shaman do not drink from the river of blood and thus maintain their natural lifespan, which explains why they tend to end up gaining political power more often than the other Amazonian warriors.

      Amazonian naming nomenclature often confuses outsiders, but it's truly simple once it's understood. There are no surnames among the Amazons, only one's role, and one's first name. Therefore, if you are a hunter, your name is literally "Hunter [First Name]." So for example: Hunter Evelyn, Caretaker Davis, Shaman Rebecca, et cetera.

      The tales of Amazonians being a sexually liberated people are not exaggerated. They live short, often very brutal lives, and thus whatever moments of pleasure they can ascertain, they acquire. It is not uncommon for entire tribes to celebrate extremely successful hunts with mass orgies. Note, however, that while foreigner women are often invited to such occasions, foreigner men are typically pushed away. Not only because men are obviously the inferior sex, but because knocking up half of the tribe with a male who won't even stick around to father his children is a troubling proposition that cannot be tolerated in most instances.

      The Amazonian civilization has existed for many thousands of years, but has tended to be reclusive towards outsiders due to their primary contact with foreigners being that of slavers from the Free Holds trying to gain "exotic merchandise." It has only been recently that they have feigned even a modicum of interest in world politics. There are ancient tales of Amazonians being part of the old Imperium, and of terrifying Amazonian auxiliary armies that were considered small but elite, regimented forces. Much unlike the present Amazonian mindset, where individual strength is valued above fancy formations. This works well within the jungles, but not outside of them.

      At any one time, only a few thousand Amazonians live and breath. Twenty thousand was the population limit for their jungle before the environment lashed out and cut them back down, but with the Imperium now supporting them, it's fully possible that Amazonian Armies may one day be seen again, in all of their terrifying glory.

      Angels were created as a result of souls being imbued into mortal bodies. Souls, being indestructible, needed to be re-purposed by the Gods. The Gods, thus, made them into their own personal soldiers and agents—angels. These angels, having once had mortal lives, at first often succumbed to corruption or power mongering.

      Thus, the more stalwart angels created a creed that they enforced upon themselves: Stoicism in the name of law and order. Essentially, that emotions were secondary, that morality is subjective, but law and order is without interpretation. At first, this meant following the will of the Gods, however some angels became disillusioned with this after a time, and assisted in seditious activities. After the banishment of the Gods, what few thousand remaining angels in the mortal realm came together under Archangel Myria.

      For the past ten years, these angels have attempted to hold the line against the Nine Hells. It was a deal between Myria and Kouri, one which slowly came to light over the years. Archangel Myria would lead the angels to hold the line against the Nine Hells while Queen Kouri would rebuild her kingdom and create a task force to try and bind the mortal nations together. The angels were too few to ever defeat the Nine Hells alone, but with the mortal world behind them, they could feasibly achieve a victory akin to the one against the Gods: Banishment. Possibly even destruction, if other, more secretive parties could pull through.

      Over the past year however, Archangel Myria has recalled what remaining angels there are—only a few hundred now—to conserve what strength is left for the final battle. Having given so much to the mortal realm and still facing certain elements of discrimination for the part they played in serving the Gods, or blind adulation from worshippers who mistakenly believe that they can bring the second coming of the Gods, the angels do not feel welcome in the mortal realm. Archangel Myria often looks down with pity at mortals, and her official, written statements and responses to nations, often use cold, blunt language.

      Angels are generally taller than their human counterparts, and come in many ethnicities, and both sexes. Strangely, they're exclusively modelled after humans. There is no such thing as an "elven" angel or an "orcish" angel, though angels have been known to change their physical appearance to look more akin to the race they once were before becoming angels.

      The blood of angels is known to have inexplicable healing properties when treated with raw magic. This healing property is in itself non-magical, meaning it can heal even those with magic immunity. It can mend any wound, restore lost limbs, restore lost blood, and so on. Thus, angel's blood is a hotly sought after commodity. Even if the blood doesn't come willingly.

      Thus, it should be no surprise that angels have chosen to seclude away from mortal affairs, in the mountains north of Liveria, where the orcs provide a natural barrier against slavers and bandits and assassins. The orcs and the angels rarely communicate, and typically do so only to remind one another not to interfere in the affairs of the opposite party.

      It is possible for mortals to become angels, though the process is long and difficult. First, mortals must become aasimar—a state which one is typically born into through having angelic ancestry. Such a state can be achieved through magical means, though. Secondly, one must understand and obey the tenets of all angels—their stoicism and devotion to law and order above all other things. Thirdly, one must pass a series of trials, some of which are deadly, in order to become an angel. It is only then that a highly secretive and mysterious potion, imbued with the blood of an Archangel, is given to an aasimar. Prior to the banishment of the gods, it was once simply "to service the Gods and be called upon for higher callings."

      Archangels can also be created, though Myria keeps that secret to herself. It is rumoured she also keeps it in a diary, to be released to a select few angels in the event of her death, but none have access to it save for her, as it is kept in a lock box, safe from all but the most powerful of magicians.

      Both sexes of angels can breed, though not with each other. There is no such thing as a "pure blooded" angel, and from all appearances, there never can be, as an angel first requires a mortal soul. Therefore, angels can only produce aasimar.

      Over a thousand years ago, the Kingdom of Renalta was destroyed in a moment of great anger by the Gods. Most of the population was slaughtered, though a few survived—including princess Kouri. She was frozen in time and hidden away with powerful magic, with her planned awakening to be only a few years after, when the Gods would be weakened and the remnants of the kingdom could attempt to banish them.

      Instead, a thousand years passed, and princess Kouri awoke without any of her old allies. She was forced to recruit new allies from those willing to follow her to banish the Gods—a motley collection of people from all walks of life. The Gods, in a weakened state and feuding among themselves, were unable to stop princess Kouri from accomplishing her task of banishing them from the world. Some even say that the timing of the Gods fighting amongst themselves was rather peculiar. It would imply that some of them must have desired to see justice for the mortal realm, and decided their own banishment was worth the price of taking the other, crueler Gods with them.

      Either way, for ten years, the Gods have had no influence on the world. As a result of Kouri's adventures, the Kingdom of Renalta and the Imperium were rebuilt, and people have found themselves with unprecedented freedom to do as they please—no Gods would slay them out of envy or wrath, after all. However, the Nine Hells were also freed to start working against the barriers preventing them from a full out invasion of the mortal realm. There are those who blame Kouri for the impending war, and from some points of view, they could be right. It is unclear whether Kouri knew if the Nine Hells would be freed to attempt an invasion without the presence of the Gods.

      There are those who seek to find a way to bring the Gods back, or at least find a way to communicate with them. These people are generally seen as unsavoury cultists, though the Templar Order from the Kingdom of Rheinfeld tends to look fondly on their efforts—so long as it has nothing to do with magic.

      (Biology 101. Complete fluff. Use it only if you want to.)

      A brief but important note about certain species. It is possible to have disproportionate bloodlines, as some are considered more "potent" than others. That is, they tend to promulgate further in generations. For example: If a Mechanist and a Human have a child, the child will be 3/4 Mechanist, and 1/4 Human. If that child has a child with another human, that child will be 1/2 Mechanist, 1/2 Human. This means that some bloodlines will last longer through progressive generations than others.

      Mechanists, Demons, and Angels have such potent bloodlines. The descendents of angels are called Aasimar, and are often considered a race in and of themselves. The descendents of demons are called Tieflings, and are often considered a race in and of themselves. There is no special title for those of Mechanist descent, though if even a shred of Mechanist bloodline is present, the person will have naturally green hair. Beyond 1/128th, the bloodline is too weak to further promulgate, assuming no further offspring are produced with the potent bloodline in question.

      • Half-blood: 3/4 potent (replace potent with angel/mechanist/demon/et cetera), 1/4 other.
      • First generation: 1/2 potent, 1/2 other.
      • Second generation: 1/4 potent, 3/4 other.
      • Third generation: 1/6 potent, 5/6 other.
      • Fourth generation: 1/10 potent, 9/10 other.
      • Fifth generation: 1/15 potent, 14/15 other.
      • Sixth generation: 1/21 potent, 20/21 other.
      • Seventh generation: 1/32 potent, 31/32 other.
      • Eighth generation: 1/50 potent, 49/50 other.
      • Ninth generation: 1/85 potent, 84/85 other.
      • Tenth generation: 1/120 potent, 119/120 other.

      Beyond the tenth generation, there is no point keeping track.

      (Note: This is only the myth of how the world was created. Characters can hold views independent of this. Some of this is true, and some of it might not be true. It's up to you to decide that for yourself.)

      In the beginning, there was only two forces within an empty universe: Fate, and Destiny. These were not gods, nor living beings as one could feasibly understand them. Fate was simply the incarnation of all the order in the universe, and destiny was the incarnation of all the chaos in the universe. Lacking anything, they ultimately came together to create the Gods. Fate took charge at this point, and created a realm with beings that had great power, immortality, and an inability to die. They could be beaten, repeatedly, endlessly, but they could never be slain. These beings are known as the Gods.

      The Gods existed for many millennial. They had their wars and spats, their bouts of madness and redemption. Eventually, it all became stale. They were repeating the same cycle in perpetuity. So the Gods, united under a King of Gods, banded together to create their own world. Only, they decided to make it different from their own realm. They sacrificed all of their power and immortality, their indestructible properties even, to create the mortal realm. They did not imbue their original creations with souls, nor did they imbue them with the capacity for immortality: Beings were simply born, lived their lives, and died without any longevity or eternity. Mere momentary blips, that would do as commanded.

      Thus, the power of the Gods became inexorably tied to that of the mortals. As the mortals worshipped the Gods, the Gods gained power. Their original intent was to use this power to destroy Fate and Destiny, though it would take them time to gather such immense power. Fate and Destiny, meanwhile, conspired together to prevent this from happening. Fate created souls for mortals, and Fate's Web. Fate's Web is simply that every soul has an ultimate destiny, and though such a destiny can be rejected by the mortal in question and avoided, most mortals blissfully fall into Fate's plans without having a chance to even be aware of how manipulated their lives truly are.

      As Fate went about empowering mortals with indestructible pieces of themselves that the Gods could never manipulate, Destiny went about in a more confrontational manner. He created a realm of his own, more to his tastes than the Heavens ever were. This realm became known as the Nine Hells, and its entire purpose was to constantly attempt to corrupt and assault the mortal realm—the source of power for the Gods. Thus, this would tie up most of the power of the Gods constantly fending off attacks by the Nine Hells, preventing them from destroying Fate & Destiny. More importantly, it prevented them from interfering in the lives of mortals save in the most extreme of circumstances or minor of ways.

      The Gods retaliated by giving mortals the possibility of becoming immortal guardians—angels, who were mainly used to prevent demon incursions, but occasionally were used to enact the will of the Gods upon the mortal realm. These angels, however, possessed the souls of mortals—the indestructible, impossible to manipulate or change souls, that empowered the angels to think with their own will. Renegades came, disorder came, the Gods began to fight among themselves. The final straw came with the destruction of the Kingdom of Renalta, which resulted in the banishment of the Gods a thousand years later.

      Whilst history is a long and fuzzy affair, it is a generally accepted fact among all the nations of the continent that there were four, distinct eras of the past, separate and distinct from the present era. They are as follows.

      The First Era: The Old Imperium
      (10,000+ Years ago.)​

      During this time, magic was not available for mortal use, and supremely powerful creatures ravaged the land. The petty kingdoms of old which used to rise and fall based solely on the mercy of such creatures, became united by a single man, who rather than conquering them all, got them all to agree to unite under an Imperium. The man was a brilliant strategist, though his name has been lost to history. For approximately a few hundred years, this Old Imperium stood and held the line against the powerful monsters at their borders by mass conscripting soldiers from each and every culture and nation under its rule. The fatality rate was staggering, estimates ranged around 30% of the army's forces being "depleted" every single year, sometimes more.

      This ancient rule came to a cascading end approximately ten thousand years ago. Amanda the Archmage, a young woman at the time, struck out to give all mortals access to magic. That magic could be used to defeat the supreme creatures, instead of having a massive fatality rate every year. Though the Old Imperium attempted to stop her out of fear that such change might breed monsters in their own ranks faster than they could ever destroy them, they proved unable to do so, in spite of burning and killing every hint of the Mage's Guild that trained her for the task. With the Imperium stretched thin defending against monsters and fighting with a runaway colony where Rheinfeld is now, this left them with nothing to truly stop the self-proclaimed Archmage.

      This awakening of magic came at a terrible price however. As Amanda lit up each well of power in the world, the overall level of magic in the world increased. With the last well of power, Amanda found herself unable to control it, and unfathomable waves of magic came crashing down onto what are now known as the northern countries. The once illustrious grasslands and farms of the north became the terrible deserts, and the bountiful sea became filled with terrifying monsters as it turned to blood. Approximately 98% of the population was wiped out in a mere hour. The Old Imperium, in the blink of an eye, was vaporized. Luckily, this also seemed to weaken all the super-powerful beasts: They recovered their magical abilities much slower than they had before, almost as though distributing magic to all mortals somehow drew away from their own.

      Nonetheless, this marked the beginning of...

      The Second Era: The Dark Ages
      (10,000-4,000 Years ago.)​

      History during this time is fuzzy, but it's understood that what few survivors of the north banded together into wandering towns, crossing the deserts to find what few natural oasis and springs of life there were to try and settle down and rebuild, ever so slowly. Monsters still roamed the land, though small adventuring groups and self-taught mages were able to combat them much more effectively than before, when coupled with the fact that such great monsters were much weaker than they had been before. In the southern countries, the colony known as "Gault" schismed into extremely brutal and violent warfare, as many declared that the event had been the wrath of the Gods against the hubris of the Imperium, with several supposed prophets appearing claiming to speak the words of the Gods. Perhaps they were all truthful, perhaps they were all liars, perhaps they were all simply mad, but this inspired many to flee Gault and travel further south.

      Across the harsh mountains, fertile land was found, and people began to spread out anew and create small villas and hamlets, surrounded by miles of farms. Yet, such an idyllic place also brought a new kind of monster, one more frightening than in the tales of old: Vampire lords, bandit gangs, orc raids, and so many, terrible things as these took possession over each and every hamlet. For thousands of years, it seemed as though there would be no escape: The northern countries were a hellish landscape that inspired constant, murderous fighting over scraps of food. The southern countries were constantly under assault by immortal tyrants and murderous mercenary bands that were typically stronger than the "armies" of peasants they mercilessly slaughtered.

      This all changed approximately four thousand years ago, with two events.

      First, Gault finally stabilized as a nation, and found two deities to worship above all others: The Father, and The Mother. This allowed their once disparate factions to unite under a single nationality, and pull together a large enough standing army to push back the mercenaries that traditionally ravaged their towns in the name of various political factions.

      Second, and more importantly to the overall state of the world, a little village managed to take nothing more than a foreign knight, and a peasant, to defeat a powerful vampire lord. This little village became the Kingdom of Renalta, and for the first time in the history of the world, an openly tolerant nation erupted with the power to defend itself from outside threats. Civilization had finally been restored.

      This led to...

      The Third Era: Renalta's Golden Age
      (4,000-1,000 Years ago.)​

      Over a three thousand year period, the Kingdom of Renalta advanced the understanding of magic many hundreds of times more-so than any other era combined. Countless schools were mapped out, experiments conducted, and powers tested. The tolerant nation of Renalta grew rapidly, becoming a world superpower that could only be contained by its own ideological values: Renaltan society desired peace above all else, and only accepted defensive wars without territorial acquisitions. The kingdom of Gault, wary of magic and believing it to be the cause of the apocalyptic mass destruction of the northern countries, often fought bloody wars with Renalta, but never won any of them. There were times where Gault was stronger, and times where Renalta was stronger: The two were ever entwined as ideological opposites, battling for cultural supremacy over the southern countries.

      Meanwhile, in the northern countries, the squabbling oasis-towns slowly became the loosely affiliated Free Holds. Unfettered with the constant warfare between Gault and Renalta, and with a complete and utter focus on economic power above all other things, they became the supreme super power of the north.

      These three countries continued to exist with one another, squabbling and fighting, until one day, the Kingdom of Renalta made a terrible mistake: They rejected something that the Gods demanded of them. Specifically, Archangel Typhon wished to take Kouri to become his arranged wife in the Heavens. The royal family, having already lost their eldest daughter, allowed Kouri to reject the proposition, though offered anything else of value or merit to the Gods as penance. It was rejected, and the Kingdom was burned to the ground.

      This started the next era, known as...

      The Fourth Era: The Second Dark Age
      (1,000-10 Years ago.)​

      The Kingdom of Gault was shaken at seeing Renalta become wiped off the face of the planet by the Gods. Once again they devolved into infighting, and the kingdom would ultimately not survive it, as the theocratic, knowledge-phobic reign of Rheinfeld took its place. The Free Holds lost a grasp over some of its territorial holdings, as the Kingdom of Tuleria rose up. Though Tuleria continued the traditions that Renalta had once set out to do, it was under constant threat and pressure from the xenophobic Rheinfeld and slave superpower of the Free Holds to limit its potential, lest it face their wrath.

      The Free Holds became the unquestioned super power of the continent, selling slaves and ultimately degrading some of the progress that Renalta had made in the past. If one were born into this time period, they had a good chance of either being born a slave, or born related to someone who is a slave. If not that, then one would be born and die young, an illiterate member of the mob in Rheinfeld, living off of what scraps the military happened to leave its people. If one weren't born there, perhaps they would be lucky to be born in Tuleria: A kingdom with three dictators who constantly deadlocked the nation into stagnation, under constant threat by its neighbours.

      Nonetheless, time went on, and between the two dark ages, this one was less severe, as nations continued to exist at least. Towns rebuilt themselves where the old Kingdom of Renalta once was, though they were too scared to unite into one nation, which brought back the vampire lords, bandit marauders, orcish raiders, and other such plagues.

      Finally, ten years ago, Kouri returned from an unknown slumber while the Gods were weak and fighting among themselves. She set forth quickly with only a small group of people, and banished the Gods from the mortal realm. When she returned to her old homeland, she quickly began rebuilding her home in spite of the Kingdom of Liveria's discomfort.

      This resulted in the current era, that everyone now lives in today.

      The Fifth Era: Post-Banishment Invasion
      (Started 10 Years ago; current era.)​

      Rheinfeld fell into a civil war between three factions: The Papacy, the Templar Order, and the Rheinfeld Republic movement. The Imperium rose from ashes and rebuilt away from its old homeland. The Amazons finally came out of political seclusion to become a minor world power. The Free Holds slowly started to lose their super power status, as the Goblin Holds rose up from within it as a rebellion force. The Kingdom of Renalta was officially rebuilt and christened, becoming a new nation. A discovery was made quickly and early on in this era that the Nine Hells were starting to mobilize to invade the mortal realm, which resulted in the Kingdom of Renalta forming the Queen's Blades to attempt to unite the world together against the coming fight.

      As for everything else, that has yet to be seen. When it is though, one can only wonder what historians will write about: Saviours, or the apocalypse...

      Over the past few hundred years, the secrets of gunpowder have slowly slipped away from the hands of the Mechanists and into the hands of individuals all over the world. For most of that time, guns could only be forged and sold by Mechanists to the outside powers, as attempts to replicate it failed time and time again. As well, the firearms sold had spirits imbued in them, which often granted additional effects that locally produced weapons couldn't mimic even if they worked. However, of all the nations in the world attempting to unlock the secrets of firearms, the Kingdom of Tuleria has the lead in the search.

      With their imports from distant, untold nations, they were the first on the continent to unlock the secrets of black powder. They used this "black powder" to forge cannons and mortars—devastating siege weapons that gave them total naval supremacy. They learned how to produce grenades shortly thereafter, and sold it to the world for a tidy profit. A few years ago, they began to make crude but functional facsimiles to the firearms the Mechanists produced without the need to imbue spirits into them.

      As a technology, gunpowder has always seen limited success in the battlefield due to the potential of mages to totally ruin weapons. The purpose of Mechanists imbuing their rifles with spirits was to prevent magic from having any negative effects on them. However, regular weapons can be imbued with magic immunity, and friendly mages can protect those who use regular rifles. As such, it should come as no surprise that if one wants to acquire firearms or artillery, they should look no further than the Kingdom of Tuleria.

      Grenades are widespread enough of an innovation that most nations have their own variety and purposes for them.

      There are no automatic rifles, nor does the industrial machinery needed to create them exist. All gunpowder weapons are inherently one shot-one reload type devices. It should also be noted that high quality plate armour can resist the impact effect of bullets at a long range, and entirely ignores pistols. It takes a rifle or a blunderbuss at close range to pierce plate mail.

      Still, gunpowder is on the cusp of becoming a refined enough technology to spur a revolution in the way warfare is done. It is not unfeasible at all to be able to acquire and use black powder rifles, pistols, and primitive shotguns, and such weapons are extraordinarily deadly in close range. It's not uncommon for their victims to die of lead poisoning if they should prove stalwart enough to survive the gunshot.

      The Immortal Legion of the Imperium is famous for being perhaps the greatest fighting force in the world. Centuries of practice in immortal battle-games have honed these men into near immortal levels of both individual and group fighting power. However, they can never be replenished, and they have no survival sense: They will happily give their lives away to take an enemy out with them.

      Those who compose the Immortal Legion rarely speak outside of their own. Thanks to the alliance between Renalta and the Imperium, forged by the actions of the Queen's Blades, they are at the disposal of the Queen's Blades as much as they are the Imperium.

      Florence Merryweather is a member of the Immortal Legion. He would technically be their battle commander if not for his other responsibilities first and foremost.

      As a quick understanding of various locations outside of national boundaries...

      Swamps of Time: Located south of Renalta, became as such due to experiments conducted during Renalta's golden age. These experiments were seeking to take control over time, to allow one to go forward or backward in time. Unfortunately, what resulted was a tear in the veil of reality itself, as a terrible discovery was made: There are an infinite number of other timelines, and thus attempting to control "time" is attempting to exert a force over infinity. Before the mages conducting the experiment could realize what they had done, they ended up permanently destabilizing the area. They came out horribly deformed: Body parts and organs were randomly aged. Some mages came out with the bodies of infants and the organs of old men, or the arm of a fifty year old with the torso of a twelve year old. Needless to say, most of them died within hours. Those that survived, lived in agony.

      Now, invisible bubbles of time constantly appear and disappear in the swamps. Only a few animals can detect these points in time, and they are otherwise impossible to manipulate. Walking into them has random and extremely chaotic effects, which can range from taking someone to another timeline at a random point in that timeline, to rapidly ageing them or making them younger, to spewing out creatures that rightfully shouldn't exist. Even dinosaurs have been found here, and they have been extinct for many thousands of years!

      Nonetheless, a few tribes of lizardmen have found a way to make it home, and often avoid contact with the other races.

      The Dark Forest: Stretching out to the west of Renalta and the Imperium each respectively is the Dark Forest. It goes onward for seemingly hundreds of miles, perhaps thousands. It is named as such because after traversing only a few hundred yards into the forest, the temperature within drops suddenly. Only a few occasional shafts of light manage to pierce the thick canopies of trees that span hundreds of feet into the sky, and the woods are otherwise eerily silent in most places. Deep within the Dark Forest is where the Elves make their home, secluded from the other races. There are also strange things in this place, with men entering and often never returning. Those that do, often return... Changed, in ways that nobody can discern or explain, with gaps in their memory. Even Elves sometimes vanish if they stray too far from their own people.

      Oceans of the East: The coasts of kingdoms of Liveria and Tuleria each respectively sit alongside the coast to the vast eastern oceans. Somewhere out there are other nations, and other lands, and aside from the occasional trading vessel, little is known of them. The oceans are a tumultuous and dangerous place, still home to the extremely dangerous monsters that the continent otherwise defeated thousands of years ago. Ships have simply not developed sufficiently to be able to consistently tackle these monsters, and so, anyone who sails out, often doesn't come home. Those few that do, however, are often rich in gold. Sometimes, ships from other places bring people who stay in on the continent, making it their home.

      The Northern Barrier: Along the northern border of the Free Holds is a magical barrier, that separates the northern countries from a frozen wasteland. This barrier is visible—purple in colour, though transparent, as though made out of some sort of super-metal or glass. This barrier may have appeared only after the Old Imperium fell, as monsters were often recorded coming from the north to attack the Old Imperium. Whatever lies beyond, however, is a frozen, hellish tundra. Mysterious people can occasionally be seen on the other side, and though there is occasional interest to make contact on both sides, it never succeeds.

      Strangely enough, there are occasional weaknesses in the barrier, which allow small groups of people to traverse to each side. Unfortunately, these weaknesses are impossible to predict, and due to the insanely harsh weather on the other side, it is impossible to survive for more than a few hours. This means that while Free Hold expeditions have gone out into such frigid lands, they have never returned. Still, it may one day be explored, if one could figure out how to consistently penetrate the barrier...

      A distant land, far to the south, beyond the swamps of time at Renalta's southern border, lies another kingdom. This kingdom is split into three factions, each in an eternal struggle for dominance. This is the land of the katana, of the butterfly sword, of mystical creatures like kitsune. Such a land has many great fables, legends, heroes, and villains in its own right, and though such a place may one day see a tale spun of its own, it is merely a footnote in this one.

      (This is the land of the Asian kingdoms, the fantasy-Asia to Renalta's fantasy-Europe. Though they're not involved in this tale, wanderers do still sometimes stray from these lands, as do unique inventions and weapons sometimes find their way out from this place. Note, however, that one still has to explain how and why a person or item from this land somehow wound up many miles away, on what is an extremely deadly journey, to the lands of Renalta. :ferret:)

      Ten thousand years ago, during the age of the old Imperial Empire, magic was unleashed upon the world by Amanda the Archmage. Since that point it has been used by mortal men of all stripes and walks of life, though never with any certainty. There are five wells of power that funnel magic into the world, and none can be reached through ordinary, physical means. Only Amanda is certain of their locations, and she keeps their location a secret.

      Magic is somewhat confusing. One can never be totally certain of their limitations, as all spells can vary in cost upon the wielder. It is no wonder that many youthful mages do not make it to see their powerful, elderly years. In addition, though magic has unlimited potential, the mortals who wield it do not, and thus there are certain schools of magic and feats with magic that are simply impossible for mortals to achieve or control. At least, not without great cost.

      Impossible: Types of magic which cannot be wielded by mortals in any capacity.
      • Chronomancy: Power over time, in any shape or form, only results in horrible backfires on their users. Thousands of years ago, a group of powerful mages attempted to gain mastery over time in the swamps south of Renalta. All they managed to achieve was their own, grotesque deaths, and turning the swamps into a hellish zone where things, people, and animals, randomly appear from different time lines and different points in time. It is possible to navigate the swamps safely, though it takes specialized tools or well trained animals to do so.
      • Magic Resistance: Specifically, using a "school" of magic resistance. A person can train themselves to resist magic. Locations, items, and so on, can still be enchanted to resist magic or confer the benefits of such to people using them. Outright magic immunity is also possible... However, you cannot immunize yourself to magic whilst using magic. You can use magic to fight other forms of magic, but never to make yourself outright, flatly immune to it. If you wear magic resistance items while trying to use magic, they will interfere with each other.

      Caveats: Types of magic which mortals can wield, but which have grave consequences on their users.
      • Future Telling: The future is not set in stone. Instead, there are many potential futures—some more likely than others—and thus future telling is more akin to reading statistics. There might be a chance that the future you saw was indeed the one you are heading to, or it might be a future that has already been sealed off for you. It takes great practice to truly master this art into something useful for the long term as well. The further in time you attempt to tell the future, the more variables can change, and thus, the less accurate it can be.
      • Mind Control: While possible, it can be resisted by people with a sufficient level of willpower or intelligence. The longer it's exerted, the more likely someone will realize what's going on and resist you as well. Naturally, total mind control is also very difficult to achieve even under ideal circumstances.
      • Shapeshifting: While possible, total bodily manipulation into other forms is exceedingly difficult. It's also extremely deadly: It's completely possible to be interrupted mid-shapeshifting, and if that has anything to do with rearranging your internal organs, you will likely die instantly.
      • Immortality: Achievable through a number of means, though all of them require life for life and are a bit of a misnomer. There is no such thing as "infinite immortality"--only a way to defer the ageing process. Unless you are in a hibernating state of some sort, you will eventually run out of energy, and the spell which keeps you from dying by old age will fail, as all magic dissipates in time. Therefore, to keep yourself going, you have to take life force from others. In some cases, this is a simple and often repeated process—like a vampire drinking blood. In other cases, this is a vicious and violent process—like a lich forcibly taking someone's life to prolong their own.
      • Reincarnation: The dead can be brought back to life at an exceedingly high cost. It usually involves the sacrifice of other lives in order to bring back one person who is dead. In addition, if someone died of old age, and you reincarnate them, all that will happen is they will instantly die of old age again. You can take someone's soul and mind and transpose it into another form, or bring them back as undead—but both of these forms are generally unsavoury, and each still has their own costs, and goes back to immortality rather than reincarnation. It should also be noted that those who have been dead for an extended period of time are more difficult to reincarnate—sometimes, it's outright impossible: They have to want to come back for an attempt to even have a chance of succeeding at that point.
      • Speed: Anything that artificially increases your character's speed in some way. The faster you get, the harder it is for you to perceive what is going on around you accurately. If you move as fast as a blur, odds are pretty good that you also perceive everything as a blur and this will harm your accuracy accordingly. While it is possible to achieve accurate, supernatural levels of speed, it's extraordinarily difficult because it's not just a matter of achieving greater speed—it's also a matter of making that extra speed useful.
      • Telekinesis: While it is possible to use this magic, and some do, it is nearly impossible to hone it to the level of being able to pinpoint specific human body parts. It tends to be more generalized: Exerting force to throw something in a general direction, or to lift oneself in a general direction. It should also be noted that sentient, animated targets are harder to influence than non-sentient, inanimate objects. People can flail in unexpected directions and break the spell, or at least inhibit the speed with which it is cast. Boulders on the other hand are perfectly predictable.
      • Teleportation: Short range teleportation causes debilitating though momentary nausea and disorientation that makes it impractical in combat, except as an escape measure. Long range teleportation requires that the user know the location he or she is teleporting to. In addition, it is possible to teleport inside someone with long range teleportation and cause both parties to die in a rather grotesque fashion. If the other party has magic resistance of any kind, instead of both being combined in a grotesque nightmare corpse, the person attempting long range teleportation explodes violently upon reaching their destination.
      • Undead: Specifically, to create or control undead. Undead that have no will of their own are simply corpse puppets, capable of only simple tasks, and possessing no soul of their own. Undead which do possess a soul can resist the controlling influences of necromancers and other spell casters. The more powerful and/or intelligent the undead, the harder it is to control them. Undead also tend to be weaker to possessions by wandering spirits than normal mortals. Vampires are auspiciously exempt from the possession rule.

      Magic immunity is distinct and separate as a topic from magic altogether, because this describes the interactions magic immunity has with magic. Only the Templar Order holds the secret to obtaining total and absolute immunity to magic, though many near-perfect facsimiles exist. Magic immunity acts as an aura that dispels magic on contact, making it extremely effective in rendering the magic of mages a rather moot point. Summoned creatures simply cease to exist if they attempt to strike a magic immune target, elements created as a result of magic have no effect on magic immune targets, magically created defences crumble when merely touched by a magic immune target, and so on.

      The price to pay can be heavy, however. Magic immunity prevents the target from using magic, or being affected by friendly spells as well as hostile ones.

      Still, even powerful mages tend to fear magic immune warriors... For obvious reasons.

      It should also be noted that locations can be rendered immune to magic, or at least a blanket area of suppression that makes it more difficult to cast spells. The larger the area, the less effective it typically is. Such magic suppression can also be eroded or even destroyed by sufficiently powerful mages.

      Nations and factions have their own symbols, which they place upon flags, embroider into uniforms, and use as their national seals. These are called insignia. The following are brief, simple descriptions of each, broken down into groupings for the sake of categorization. Note, though, that this doesn't explain what they mean—only what they look like.

      Nations: Self-explanatory, one should hope.

      Kingdom of Renalta: A large, blooming tree, full of leaves, with a plain, decoration-less shield leaning against its base.

      Kingdom of Liveria: A raven, holding onto a crossbow bolt in its beak. Among nobility, the symbol takes a subtle meaning with a single variation. If the raven stands alone, that noble is unmarried. If it stands with another in a pair, that noble is in wedlock with another. Among peasantry, the raven always stands alone, regardless of whether they are married or not.

      Kingdom of Rheinfeld: A cross made out of two pieces. The base, horizontal piece is a large warhammer, standing upright. The vertical piece differs in two instances. If one services the Father, it is a shining sword. If one services the Mother, it is a bloody bandage. Either symbol is acceptable on flags. The Templar Order has adopted the symbol of the Father, and the Rheinfeld Republic has adopted the symbol of the Mother.

      Kingdom of Tuleria: The Mage's Tower uses the image of a stone tower with a lightning bolt striking down the middle of it. The Monarchy uses the symbol of a spyglass, looking out into the stars. The Military uses the symbol of a burning fist, though the hand remains uninjured by the flame. All three remain in use in spite of the triumvirate being disbanded.

      Free Holds: Many, myriad symbols represent this place. Each Warlord adopts their own. In general, common themes involve money, masters beating slaves, and images of power. Thrones are especially popular.

      The Imperium: An eagle atop a miniature map of the northern countries, with the words "Imperial Mundi" inscribed at the base of the map. The Immortal Legion's insignia replace the words with "Perpetuo Servaturum" instead. The Amazonian people never used insignia prior to joining the Imperium, but now use a simple spear insignia to represent them in auxilia cohorts.

      Blood Sea: The Blood Sea has no use for such things at present. They're only noted here so one needn't ask if they were forgotten.

      Drow Empire: Spiders. So many spiders. Spiders of all shapes, colours, and sizes, for each politically influential family or group. However, only the reigning ruler may use one with the title "Llolth's Chosen" written at the bottom of it.

      Dwarven Meritocracy: Two mountains standing side by side, with a dwarf standing over-top of them both. In one of his hands, a hammer. In the other, a bag of coins.

      Factions: Independent of nations, but still collective groups in and of themselves.

      Mage's Guild: A dark book, with a hand upon it. Though the hand partially obscures the title, it still clearly reads "knowledge."

      Mountain Orcs: Each tribe has its own variation on what is otherwise the same symbol. This symbol is a droplet of blood, cut in two pieces.

      The races of the world come in all shapes and sizes, with new races appearing and vanishing all the time thanks to the constant presence of magic all across the world. They can come from distant lands, from alternate dimensions or time lines, from magical experiments, and so on. There are, however, a few more dominant races on the world. Before one proceeds, it should be noted that most races have individuals that suffer mutations which exempt them from certain attributes that the rest of their race possesses. In short: Characters do not need to be defined by racial traits, and can typically ignore them of their own free will, if they so wish. Also, if you wish to use beneficial racial traits, you will need to spend custom trait points on them. Aesthetic effects cost nothing.

      It should, however, be noted that any race which lives in excess of six hundred years, typically has odd genetic weaknesses. Excess over a thousand years tends to make such weaknesses exceedingly dangerous. Therefore, if using a less common race or a race from a distant land (custom races), keep in mind that longevity never comes without a price that keeps that race from world domination.

      Aasimar: Descendents of angel-mortal hybrids. These mortals typically have the lifespan of whichever mortal race is most prominent in their bloodline. IE: If you have an angel-human hybrid, the average lifespan will be between 40-120 years depending on environmental and health circumstances. Since angelic blood is more potent than mortal blood, it stands to reason that it has a few extra effects. These effects can vary wildly, with some possessing more traits than others and entire traits skipping generations. This is, however, affected by how much of their angelic bloodline remains, which is affected by how many generations down the line they are from their first angelic ancestor.

      Aasimar typically have blonde or golden hair, and golden eyes. They also tend to be a little taller than human counterparts, but not significantly.

      They have no homeland of their own, and can be found anywhere that humans can be found. The Kingdom of Rheinfeld tends to look upon them in a friendly manner, though the lower classes of other nations sometimes discriminate against them for being related to angels.

      Drow: In spite of their appearances, there is no historical connection between the Elves of the surface and the Drow of the Underdark. Both parties are often offended when the comparison is even drawn in the first place. Drow are often self-centered, deceitful, and distrustful by nature. They don't live as long as Elves, instead living between 500-800 years. Some few live to be almost a thousand years old. Elderly Drow overwhelmingly begin to go insane, committing suicide due to "the compelling whispers in their head" which makes this the most common way for elderly Drow to die of old age. Drow owe their existence to Llolth, their living Goddess, who keeps herself hidden away in the Underdark.

      Drow have green blood, akin to that of the spiders they worship.

      Dwarves: A short, stocky people, known to live between 200-400 years. They are known to have an unusual tolerance for alcoholic drinks. They also seem to have a penchant for collecting things. For some dwarves, it could be buttons. For others, gold. For most however, there is a great interest in acquiring magical artifacts. The older and more powerful they are, the more one improves the state of all dwarves. Beyond that, there is little about them that is substantially different from humans, as several half-breeds over the years have shown.

      Elves: This long lived, fair skinned people often hail from deep within the Dark Forest, west of the Kingdom of Renalta. They are extremely xenophobic to outsiders, often maintaining nomadic outposts to keep an eye out for intruders to their territory. This isn't for paranoid reasons either: The other mortal races are a dirty lot. Elven children take 50-60 years to mature into adults, and have severely compromised immune systems. One common cold can wipe out every infant in a single village in a period as short as twenty four hours. This has often led to elves being called "the tragedy race" by those who know of their terrible curse. Even without disease, infant mortality is higher than it is in other populations, as the long period of time between childhood and maturity presents them far more opportunities for death than in other populations.

      When elves reach adulthood, their immune systems toughen up, becoming able to fight off the diseases of other mortals. However, elven adults can still infect their children with diseases. Therefore, immense precautions are taken in dealing with other races. Speaking at a long distance is common, and any elf that comes into physical contact with another race is quarantined for a period no less than three weeks. Elves who consort commonly with the other races are outcast from their people. Not out of wrath, but out of a sorrowful necessity: Thousands of children are worth more than one elf's social independence.

      Attempts to use magic to alleviate this terrible curse have always failed. There is something about elven biology that even magic seems unable to repair. Diseases can be cured, but by the time a disease shows symptoms in their children, it is often too late to save them.

      Elves who do manage to survive a tumultuous childhood can live to be as old as 2,000 years. However, only a few elves ever unlock the total potential of that lifetime, and it typically takes them hundreds of years to do so. Most elves go through "lifetimes", periods that last between 100-200 years. Each lifetime, an elf's old memories start to degrade to the point that they can no longer remember how to do old tasks or remember the faces of old friends and family. Thus an elf goes through multiple personality shifts and social roles in a single lifetime. Those few elves who do unlock their total potential cease to forget old memories, and become greater than the average mortal could even dream of: These few elves are what keep the race going, against all odds, until they can find a better way of life than what they have now.

      Goblins: A short race of green skinned people, thought to share distant ancestry with orcs. Goblins are naturally scheming and inventive, though physically weak. It's not uncommon for them to scavenge technology and inventions from others for their own uses. Especially intelligent goblins master ancient magics. Most make their home in the deserts of the nothern countries, and under Xixis Madheart, have made a homeland for themselves, carved out of the slaver superstate of the Free Holds. They typically live between 40-60 years, and physically mature as young as 10 years old.

      Humans: Humans are one of the oldest races in the known world. They existed before recorded history, and were some of the first empire-makers. In most nations, they tend to be the most visible population. Humans live in nearly every environment on the planet, and though they may not be as physically hardy as orcs, or as mechanically versatile as the mechanists, they've proven time and time again to wield the best overall attributes for survival. Humans breed quickly, and live to be between 40-120 years of life, dependent heavily on their quality of life. It should also be noted that humans are one of the only races capable of interbreeding with all other humanoid races, and even some non-humanoid ones. Some hypothesize that humans were the originator species for most others, but this is heavily debated, as ancient history is often obscured by propaganda.

      Mechanists: (Not playable, though characters can have mechanist bloodlines, such as a mechanist grandparent.) Mechanists are an extremely reclusive and mysterious race. It is not known how long they have existed, though they have particular talents with their own technology that mystify even old wizards. They're tall, slender humanoids, with bright green hair. Their legs are longer than most other races. Mechanists and those with mechanist bloodlines can simply touch mechanist technology to awaken it and use it. No inherent skill is required to use it—it simply works as intended. This means mechanist rifles and the like always work in the hands of those with mechanist bloodlines, even if they're untrained.

      This does seem to come with a tradeoff. Spirits—especially those which have been trapped in mechanist technology—become extremely aggressive toward mechanists if freed. Even if one freed a spirit, it would often immediately turn on the mechanist and attempt to destroy it in any way it can. Only the most peaceful or powerful of spirits can resist the bloodthirsty urge. Spirits from the Blood Sea's Choir seem inherently immune to this odd quirk as well.

      Orcs: A large and powerful race, but also prone to bouts of extreme aggression or sexual promiscuity. Orcs live to be between 30-100 years, dependent on quality of life. The natural, bestial compulsions of humans are amplified greatly in orcs, making even the most stalwart of them struggle to maintain control in the face of great battles, or extraordinarily attractive persons. On the other hand, when in a bestial rage of one sort or another, orcs tend to be even stronger than they normally are, and immune to most pain or shock tactics.

      Orcs tend to be between 7-10 feet tall. Humans are one of the only races that can interbreed with orcs, as most other races simply prove infertile for their offspring. Orcs have existed for thousands of years, and the orcs that live in the Goblin Holds are usually a little smaller and less aggressive than their more tribal cousins, who live in mountain ranges. In spite of the increased difficulty, orc mages and orc knights have been known to obtain a great measure of self-control over themselves in most situations, given years of training.

      Tieflings: Those whose ancestry includes demonic blood in some fashion. Identical to Aasimar in every way, though Tieflings tend to be discriminated against a little more for what they are. As well, instead of gaining holy traits and effects, they gain demonic ones. Tieflings, however, are treated very poorly by the Nine Hells, and thus it is a fairly safe bet that most Tieflings will side with the other mortal races in the coming invasion.

      Tieflings typically find themselves most welcomed within the Free Holds, which cares not whatsoever for one's bloodlines—only one's capacity to accomplish tasks. Nonetheless, Renalta tends to be fairly welcoming to them as well. Everywhere else is truly hit and miss—even some nobility, otherwise educated individuals, fall prey to disgust towards Tieflings.

      Telepaths can occur in a very small segment of any given population naturally—that is, without the need for magic. If this should occur, then the telepath doesn't need to use magic to use their in-born talent, and can't be detected as a mage with it—since they aren't one, unless they invest into magic otherwise. Magic resistance can still stop the effects of non-magic telepathy, however.

      The population overall is largely ignorant of the existence of non-magic telepaths. If a telepath is discovered, it's simply assumed they're a mage in most cases.

      Though the land is technically connected by land, the far shorter route is across the Blood Sea. When nations are referred to as "northern" or "southern" countries, it refers to older terms by older, generally dead empires—save for the Free Holds and Tuleria, who can still be caught using such terms from time to time.

      The northern countries are generally known for being geographically less hospitable for most mortal races, but being richer in certain other resources, such as spices, and saltpetre. The southern countries are generally known for being geographically temperate, largely unaffected by the magic that has so badly scarred and distorted the biomes of the northern countries—making them typically better for farming. As such, trade caravans heading to the northern countries usually transport food and medicine, and caravans heading to the southern countries usually transport exotic goods, metals, and refined products. In the case of trade from the Free Holds, it can also include the illegal slave trade.

      The Underdark is a vast area of underground tunnels, caverns, and chasms that exist underneath the world. They constantly change in shape, making it difficult for any empire to exist both in the overworld and the Underdark at the same time, as no consistent trade or supply routes can ever be established. It is home to the Dwarves near the surface, and the Drow within some of the larger, more permanent caverns. Mechanists also sometimes call this location home, though always far away from the other civilizations so as to ensure their secrecy and isolation. There are mind flayers and other horrible creatures, though some of them could be called "minor civilizations" in how they operate.

      Though it is underground, there is typically an abundant amount of light to be found thanks to most of the underground plant life exhibiting a tendency to glow. Certain, small creatures also glow, such as cave worms.

      This is a cutthroat land in general, and difficult to live in even for its denizens.

      Beyond ten thousand years ago, six people performed an ancient, forgotten ritual and became the first six vampires—the pure bloods. Each pure blood reigned over a set of abilities or powers. Pure bloods bit people, who became infected and became vampires. Those vampires became known as the first generation. Those they bite become the second, and those they bite become the third, and so on and so forth. Each generation has less severe weaknesses, but less potent strengths to start with, though they can grow their vampiric powers up over time. Eventually, after a certain number of generations, the virus is no longer potent enough to spawn more kin.

      There used to be many vampires in the dark ages, thousands of years ago, though the numbers of vampires have dwindled over the years thanks to systemic racism and violent uprisings against "vampire lords"--vampires who ruled over commoners like cattle for the slaughter.

      There remains only three breeds of vampire, three pure bloods: Malaki, Diana, and Garroth. Depending on which pure blood line a vampire is from, changes what abilities they gain as a result. Malaki's Brood gain superior strength and survival ability, though sunlight agitates them. Diana's Brood gain superior social manipulation and supernatural speed, though sunlight can kill them if exposed for more than a couple minutes. Garroth's Brood gain bonuses with magic, and control over the undead, though sentient undead such as other vampires, and lycanthropes, have an instinctive loathing for vampires of Garroth's Brood.

      All vampires have silver-coloured irises. It's the primary marker for them, as some are capable of retracting their fangs, but the only thing that can cover up the silver in their eyes is magic, or contacts—either of which can be seen through.

      They are tolerated in most societies, though they suffer widespread racism in the Kingdom of Liveria. The Kingdom of Renalta is the only place that vampires are truly welcome to call home, without shame or fear, at any echelon of society.

      Vampires are strictly undead. Vampires can feed without passing the disease onto others, though vampires which are out of control from thirst rarely remember how. The disease gestates for only a few hours, then takes the life of the victim. The victim then awakens a few seconds later, an undead creature that does not rot. Male vampires are sterile, while female vampires can breed up until what is considered old age for their race. In the event that such a birth takes place, the baby will be born without the disease.
    • Q. Can I join?!
      A. If there are available spots, then yes you can join. Just beware the fact that this RP has been going on for over a year, so there's a lot of stuff you'll have to catch up on. Don't be afraid to ask questions.

      Q. I was in Legend of Renalta 2 before, but then I died. Can I rejoin even if the RP is full?
      A. Yes, you can. Your slot is guaranteed once you've been approved once, though you have to go through the approval process again to ensure your character fits in the world and isn't overpowered. :ferret:

      Q. I'm presently in Legend of Renalta 2 and I want to create a new character to replace one I currently have. Can I do that?
      A. Yes, you can. Atop that, your spot is secured—since you're just switching out one character for another, you're not occupying a "new" spot.

      Q. I'm a veteran from the glory days of the Kouri Plushie, barely legal Mikan, and Ishcar's stupid sunglasses. I demand to be allowed access to this RP after my hiatus from it!
      A. A spot should already be reserved for you, just PM me or send me a message over IM so I know you're interested.

      Q. I want to create multiple characters.
      A. New players can only create and use one character. Old players can create and use two at a time. Maybe three, if I'm feeling generous—but don't count on it.

      Q. When can I join?
      A. You can join between missions, or if at the top of the post it says I'm recruiting new players. If a new wave of missions are currently on-going, then nobody can join. If the RP is full, then you can't join.

      Q. What if the RP becomes overly full?
      A. I've intentionally low balled the character limit so we can handle excess. If, for some reason, we hit the hard limit, I'll close the gates and prevent new entries by anyone.

      Q. Can I use a diamond katana, blessed by the glorious Nippon?
      A. Leave. :ferret:

      Q. How fast are posts/what are expectations?
      A. You can post once per round. A round is defined as each time I (the GM) post. Therefore, if I post once, you can reply once. If I post again, you can reply again, and so on. This is mostly to keep order and is a soft rule—you can post multiple times in one round if it's appropriate, but it can negatively impact your odds of success in actions you take for doing so. I only ask for one paragraph per post, nothing more. Some posts will be longer, others shorter—that's just the nature of proper pacing for you. Length is irrelevant to quality—what matters is that I can understand your intentions, nothing more! LoR is welcoming to role players both experienced and new alike.

      Q. (Current Players) How do I account for the changes in the stat system IC-wise?
      A. There shouldn't be many changes at all IC-wise. If you've seriously changed your character's stats around, then maybe your character went through a personal epiphany? This is your job, not mine! :ferret:

      Q. Seriously this OOC is insanely humongous. What do I do with all of this crap?
      A. Read only what you need to. A piece of advice is to start with your character sheet. Every time you reach something you don't know, refer to the info sheet at the top of the OOC to find what you're looking for. In general, you'll likely not need to read much beyond your character's homeland, and the stats & traits descriptions.

      Q. I'm Chrononaut, and I'm going to read all of this because I'm insane.
      A. I know you are. Enjoy.

      Q. I'm not sure I know what to do with my custom traits.
      A. Think about aspects of your character and remember that custom traits can be upgraded. You can (and probably should) invest multiple points into a single trait to boost its effectiveness or give it additional effects atop what it already does without penalty. If you still can't think of anything, it's very possible that your character's history might need expanding to derive additional traits: Were they born with any powers or talents? What did they do for a living? What was their childhood dream? Et cetera.

      Q. I'm scared I'll get rejected.
      A. Almost everyone gets rejected on their first attempt. I always explain what's wrong with your sheet if it's rejected and typically give advice on how to fix it. Don't be shy of rejection—take it as a learning experience. Grow from it. I'm your friend in the character-creation, not your enemy. :ferret:

      Q. I can die?
      A. Yes. This role play features death, and it can be very sudden and brutal at that. Keep in mind that the blade of death cuts both ways: The major antagonist can kill you dead, but you can do the same to them. Use teamwork to lower your odds of death and fight smart. Communicate with your allies. Don't take needless risks, and measure the risks and rewards of every action in combat. Also remember that if you die, you can remake a new character... Usually.

      Q. Can I betray my friends?
      A. No. You would have nothing to gain in betraying them, so creating a character who is not only willing, but outright plans on murdering their allies is obscenely foolish. The enemy is a destructive force of nature that only seeks to wipe out everything on the surface, and what it doesn't kill, it corrupts absolutely. You'd have been filtered out of the Queen's Blades long before having the chance to betray them. There is no PvP allowed in this RP during missions unless that becomes part of the mission text. Outside of missions, you can orchestrate friendly duels, but nothing lethal.

      Q. There are lots and lots of NPC's and nations in this world...
      A. It's a big world, you don't need to know them all and it's very likely your character doesn't know them all beyond simple name recognition.

      Q. I want to steal your system.
      A. Go ahead, steal whatever you like. I don't get mad about that sort of thing. If you do, though, please send me a PM telling me what you're using in.

      Q. Hey, isn't the Underdark a D&D thing?
      A. Renalta was originally made as a D&D setting, so yes. Over time it evolved into its own beast. The Underdark is one of the last remaining pieces of the old D&D stuff.

      Q. Where is the Artifacts/Manpower system stuff on my character sheet?! I lost achievements for this!
      A. Artifacts/Manpower applies during mission assignment. Characters pick a mission and request resources at the same time. All of that information is then kept in the same post, linked in the first post, at the very top, so everyone can see the total sum of resources called in.

      Q. Do you have a physical map I can look at for the world?
      A. Right here. It's linked at the very beginning of this post as well.

      Q. I didn't find my question answered here. Can I ask in the OOC?
      A. Go ahead, please!

      Total Dead: 25.
    Maximum: 20. Current: 22. Reserved: 0. Free: -2.
    Double-Ups available: -2/5.

    Laenaia. Rank: Veteran. Author: Alphakoka.

    Kasim Amibilus. Rank: Veteran. Author: Jorick.

    Esyllt Boudica. Rank: Veteran. Author: Kestrel.

    Aëyr. Rank: Veteran. Author: Holmishire.

    Murderok. Rank: Veteran. Author: Kadaeux.

    Aslo. Rank: Not Yet Retrofitted! Author: Orion.

    Sheriff Cennick "Cen" Greenborough. Rank: Veteran. Author: Snaketoof.

    Abjaar 'Bastille' Korsair. Rank: Veteran. Author: Limeypanda.

    Yuri Elrivvin. Rank: Veteran. Author: Herzinth.

    Armerza Gilkak. Rank: Veteran. Author: Goldmarble.

    Toorg. Rank: Regular. Author: Darog.

    Mars. Rank: Regular. Author: Atlas Child.

    Katinka (Tinka) Nivi. Rank: Recruit. Author: Seba.

    Kria'lotl Abothanys Pholarthagg (Kria). Rank: Recruit. Author: Jorick.

    Kattalin Skorri. Rank: Recruit. Author: HerziQuerzi.

    Bronwyn DeShand. Rank: Recruit. Author: Goldmarble.

    Praxis Madheart. Rank: Recruit. Author: Kadaeux.

    Kirina Hasterly-Umber. Rank: Recruit. Author: Limeypanda.

    Doomfist the Unslayable. Rank: Recruit. Author: Chrononaut.

    Franco Polska. Rank: Recruit. Author: Sisera's Ghost Slade.

    Bartholomew Umber. Rank: Recruit. Author: Snakey.

    Sebastian Gentrase. Rank: Recruit. Author: Maxim.

    Ceann. Author: Andrea/Selvi.

    Draza. Author: Elendra.

    Xerois Pallas. Author: Foxxie Drifter.

    Rayvon Krayvitch. Author: Tempest.

    Maeven Lucre. Author: Tempest.

    Andrea Llolth'Allin. Author: Andrea.

    Child. Author: Hellis.

    Sonia. Rank: Not Yet Retrofitted! Author: Atlas Child.

    Doctor Steven Adian Gremlock. Rank: Not Yet Retrofitted! Author: Maxim.

    In previous incarnation: 'Child' (crushed by Dirge's Warhammer), Dread Fang (crushed by Dirge's warhammer), Thailen Vicarris (Incorrect colour picked: Bomb ending selected), Raen Delaeseris Elvarasi (Wilhelm'd).

    Current incarnation:
    Abida Qisaf. Author: Herzinth. Death: Impalement on a tail.

    Alicia Le'Roux. Author: LimeyPanda. Death: Shanked repeatedly by multiple skeletons.

    Gryff. Author: Kadaeux. Death: Power Word: Kill.

    Naream Baenre. Author: Sarzu. Death: Sparky got him!

    Elrithos "Sand Runner". Author: Rain of the Night. Death: It's a trap!

    Filomena "Yoloyaotl" "Frankañaño" Peláez. Author: Elendra. Death: Cut down by insect-scissors.

    Môrgæn 'Crooked Bitch' Minstrol. Author: Chrononaut. Death: Neck broken.

    Elrbetrt Westfeld. Author: Fubuki. Death: Blood loss.

    Valkyujra. Author: Fijoli. Death: Got lost in the Swamps of Time.

    Daevon van de Scathis Venderland. Author: Kadaeux. Death: Ripped to shreds.

    Zinnarath 'Zin' Corsys. Author: Jorick. Death: Karma's a bitch.

    Arkos Cernunnos. Author: Tempest. Death: A lack of patience.

    Trom (young Imperial soldier), slain by a Skuva.

    Durlon (slave-mercenary), slain by Child.

    Angel (name unknown) (papal faction), slain by Kasim with an arrow to the throat.

    Natalia (angel faction), found dead.

    Deimos (nine hells faction), knife to the heart, and it's too late, Mikan gives love, a bad name.

    Tasha (amazons faction), ripped apart by jaguars.

    Succubi (nine hells faction) (Amazons - The Greatest Hunt), headshot.

    Eric Vadlegarf, chest cavity blown out.

    Mas'ud Campos, died in glorious battle.
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Aww yiss.
  • CTW1dgz.png

  • Age:
    Childs a regular half elf in essence. But has undergone alot of small changes as part of the process in becoming a 'Gods blade'.
    Gender: Everything points to Child being born female. But there is no record of or witnesses to said birth alive. And Child answers to either he or she. Furthermore, Child is disfigured to the point where identifying his or her gender becomes very difficult.
    Homeland: The Free Holds. Born into slavery, Free holds is were Child grew up.
    Child is the product of a great many things. The nature of being a slave, in that she never knew freedom or rights is one. Fantaical devotion and disregard for her own life is another.
    She was taken as a babe, her parents killed immediately after Child was born. Child was gifted with strong but very ambivalent soul, as if it had not finished molding itself. It was just what the people who bought her parents needed. Child was not given a name, nor a title. All Child knew was what they called her, A child. Thus it became her sole frame of reference. The people who bought her parents, and with that, Child; were a cult of some infamy. They were the worshipers of a entity they referred to either as the Weeping Woman or the Mourning Man. A shadowy, dual in nature being that blessed his followers with the gift of true sight, being able to see the spirits of the damned. As it were, the cult had long tried to make their own prophet, one to take the great god inside herself and speak to them. For this purpose they had disfigured children, to make them either more like a boy, or more like a girl. They wished to achieve the same duality as their god, and Child were to be their prophet. She was part of gruesome rituals, her body put trough unimaginable pain and her mind broken and molded to fit the cults needs. Her face was destroyed, her entire body one big puzzle of scars. She had no will of her own and was given a mask to hide her nature further. They believed themselves to have finally found the one.
    As things worked out however, that was not to be the case. Their 'God' was banished like the rest of them and the spirits that came were not that of the great Twin Souls they revered, but damned ones. Theylatched onto the crying child and fed of her misery and anguish. Child was just a child, not a chosen prophet, not a great conductor of the fate itself and now she was suffering a fate worse then death. One particulary nasty spirit steered the child to kill the head priestess of the cult before Child could regain control. Realizing there was nothing for her now that she had killed the very person who by all accounts had made her. Child left.
    Tormented by the spirits taunting her, and without a proper sense of purpose or self, Child drifted. She wandered streets in desperation until one day, she was found by a man called Hedzer Limbrant. A gladiatorial promoter, he happened to come upon Child as the latter was fighting of two very large hounds over a piece of garbage child had intended to eat. Child, possessed by a spirit of rage, tore the very jugular of one dog with her teeth. Recognizing the Mask that by now was to small for Child and hung to her hip and what it meant, the promoter offered to help Child. And so, Child became a gladiator. Using the spirits to her advantage, while having a 'safe' environment to let the nasty ones out in force, she became quite the sight. A terrible, heartless killer of the Arena, Child had no problem with fulfilling her duty. Many were those who had their skulls caved in, their bones shattered or eyes gauged out. At one point, she had earned her freedom without realizing it. When this was made known to the agents of the Queens Blades in the area, they were quick to contact Hedzer. They spoke to Child, and ensured her they would help her get rid of her curse, if she swore to aid them with her talents. She was given a new, beautifully made mask by Hedzer as she left the Free Holds, one that she has never removed since.
    Now the enigmatic gladiator travel as a Queens Blade, and gods have mercy on the being that face her.
    Motivation: Child wishes to find peace and to quell the voices.
    Personal Section:
    I pite the one to hit on someone so broken a person as Child.
    Does the Kouri Plushie exist?: Pretty sure Child will try to eat it. So yes.
    Signature: "I did not come here in vain" -Hellis.

  • Equipment List:
    -Billhook Swords: Her most typical, and least exotic part of the arsenal is the two blades that are strapped to her back. The blades, are made like that of curved swords, but the style and the angle make it more akin to set of hatches or billhooks in nature instead of curving backwards like a sabre, it curved forward in the style of a billhook, ending in a sharp point to penetrate armor with.. They are made to chop things, rather then slice.
    -Modified Tonfas: A spring sit in the middle of the baton, allowing for a hidden metal spile to shoot out with brutal force from the short tip. Used in junction with a strike to suprise enemies wearing plate and armor in general.

    -Cestus: Simply a pair of gauntlets used to beat the ever living hell out of your opponent. Arguably not to effective against armored opponents and the like. Yet, Child has gotten the better of many when it comes down to using them.

    Armor: A set of segmented, hardened leather. Provides some very moderate protection from blades andstrikes, but at least allows for free movement and protection from the weather. Neck is surrounded with light plate that protect her main arteries from stray blades and arrows. Several more plates run down her back and spine. Losely attached and very light as to not to hinder her movements, they are there to protect her spine from stray blows. But are no great obstacle for a properly aimed blade.

    Mask; A mask, white and without any real sense of decorum or features. Without it, Child tend to panic. It fits her perfectly, and is made of metal. So it protects the front of her face from small things and glancing blows.


    Rank 1:

    Rank 2:

    Rank 3:




    Heavy Hitter

    Unique Rank 1:

    Unique Rank 2:

    Unique Rank 3:

    Spirit Host;
    Child was molded to be the cults way of communication with the gods. As all good, fanatical intentions go, if didn't work. The spirits that they called upon were not that of the divine, but of the lost and damned. They clung to the child like leaches and child became something of a spiritual beacon. Child is now tormented by there spirits, all wanting to control her for their own gain. Child learned however, that trough rigorous training as well as torturous rituals, she could control their desires and draw upon their strenght. Child reaches out to one of the many souls and spirits clinging to her and find what primal emotion drives them and becomes a channel for it. A dead warriors blood lust may boost her temporarily in combat or a rogues spirit may help her sneak past some guards. Should she fail to control it however, the spirit might cause havoc on her mentally, and use her Child as vessel to last out on the living.

    Lock Up
    A great way to deal with annoying opponents long reach is to sacrifice a blow for a block. Child has this down to art. By absorbing the blow on her tonfas, weapons made for the express purpose to block weapons, especially bladed ones, she can lock and possibly unarm a opponent using his own momentum. This is of course, very much a double edged sword, and something that needs to work at pretty much her first attempt. The more your oppontent knows your plan, the easier he can counter it himself!

    Style: Gladiatorial Fighting
    Childs life went from bad to worse when she was put in the arena. Fighting for her life, she picked up a highly unortodox and dirty way of fighting. Apt at using short range, very in your face kind of weapons, she is akin to that of a "In boxer" while most knights and warriors would be considered a "out boxer". Her complete disregard for her own aswell as the opponents lives has played heavily in her favor as well as she will risk a wound to be able to get close enough to completely destroy her opponent.
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  • Biographical Section

    Name: Sebastian Gentrase

    Age: 25

    Race: Human (Aasimar)

    Sex: Male

    Appearance: Sebastian is a heavily built man, standing at 5'10" and weighing about 220 pounds. He has brown hair, and unusual golden eyes, betraying his bloodline. The man keeps his face clean shaven, and tries to present a clean, almost professional look. In combat, he wears the typical full plate armor of Templar soldiers (described in a bit more detail in the Equipment section). Out of combat, he wears white robes common of the Templar when they are not engaged in combat.

    Rank: Recruit

    Homeland: Rhinefield

    History: Sebastian was born in the capital of Rhinefield under his parents Noland and Irene. The Gentrase was a noble family, though one of rather little importance to the grand scheme of things. The house had its heyday several decades back as a family of exceedingly talented healers, their family crest being that of the "healing hands", two open hands, one atop the other in an X shape. However, the family's only direct descendant, Noland, eschewed that for a combat role in the Templar Order which (among many other causes, such as typical teenage stupidity), caused much of their political clout to disintegrate.

    Despite this, things were good for the family and Sebastian for quite a few years. Sebastian himself showed interest in scholarly pursuits, which relatives of the family hoped would lead to him becoming a priest that would restore their political influence. However, these dreams were dashed when the Templar Order declared the Papacy unfit to rule and rebelled against it. Noland, being more loyal to the Order than the Papacy, wanted to defect as well, but Irene was far more hesitant. Irene was a priestess who, under the old bureaucracy, hid her especially potent holy magic skills well, under the guise that it was the gods' work. Unusually, she also had an affinity with the Wells of Power which gave her visions. One of these visions seemed to depict her magic being found by the Order, and being violently rejected by them. Noland spent several weeks attempting to convince her that it would be fine and that he could smooth over any complaints if it came to that.

    Eventually, Irene relented, but the time it took for them to come to their decision came at great cost to the family. The Papacy by that time had fully secured the capital, and word somehow got out to the authorities that they were planning on defecting to the Order. The family's assets were seized, and Noland was captured in an attempt to let Sebastian and Irene get away. Sebastian became sorrowful, expecting to hear the news of his father's execution the following morning.

    Just as he was to lose hope, he received unusual news. Ordinarily, traitors such as Noland would be executed, but for reasons unknown he had simply been put in prison for life. Rumors abound about why exactly, the most convincing being that the one charged with ordering the execution was an old war buddy whom Noland saved from being scorched by Queen Kouri during her attempt to banish the gods, but these rumors have never been conclusively confirmed. This gave Sebastian a new purpose in life, to get vengeance on the Papacy, and rescue his father from prison. He signed up for the military, and eventually became part of the Templar Order itself.

    Much of Sebastian's military training was under the tutelage of the Templar Marvin. Marvin was a bit of an oddball for a military trainer, demanding that his men train both physically and mentally. Particularly unusual was his insistence that his men train like mages, though without actually casting spells, so that they can better understand and combat them when the time came. This knowledge proved quite useful for Sebastian, and he took the lessons to heart. Soon enough, he was deployed in several stages of the war, including the treaty signing the Queen's Blades made happen. A fact that caused him considerable joy, as he was sympathetic to the Republic's cause. He was approached by one of the recruiters for the Queen's Blades, but at the time he felt he had to finish the war.

    Some days later, the siege and assault of the capital began. In the middle of the chaos, he directly witnessed Taigyn being cut down by the forces, fueling his rage against the Papacy's deployed forces. This eventually culminated in a raid of the prison his father was being held, where he successfully rescued Noland and escorted him to safety. When he returned to the battlefield though, he found it in chaos. The leadership seemed clueless, and the Order's men were cutting people down left and right.

    Sebastian was horrified.

    He believed that the Templar Order stood for righteousness and the creation of a lasting peace. Why then were they committing a wholesale slaughter of the Papacy's supporters? Why were they, people he knew and had fought with all this time, killing the civilians who had little to do with the Papacy's tyranny? He felt helpless to stop the slaughter, and eventually he received the casualty reports from the battle. Disillusioned, and distrustful of the leadership of the Templar Order, he requested leave to join the Queen's Blades in their fight, hoping that he could make an actual difference to the outcome of the war against the Nine Hells.

    Motivation: "I have seen the difference these Queen's Blades have made in people's lives. I have seen how they created peace between two nations. I want to be a part of that."
    Traits & Equipment


    Heavy Stat:
    • Perseverance: 70
    • Defender: 60
    • Heavy Hitter: 40.
    • Combat Senses: 30.
    • Repositioning: 40.
    Light Stat: 7
    • Reflexes: 0.
    • Cloak of Innocence: 0.
    • Rapid Blows: 0.
    • Sharp: 50.
    • Dancer: 20.
    Magic Stat: 9 (13)
    • Raw Talent: 0.
    • Mastery: 0.
    • Wells of Power: 40 (80)
    • Pattern Weaving: 0.
    • Fortitude: 50
    Unique Traits
    • Aasimar (Rank 1): Having angelic blood in his veins, Sebastian is an Aasimar. Because of this, he has unusual abilities related to the angels. Most notably, he has an increased resistance to the particular form of corruption common in use by the Nine Hells forces. (Is an Aasimar, has especially high resistance to corruption by demonic forces.)
      • Angelic Regeneration (Rank 2): While not as potent as pure angel blood, Sebastian's second generational heritage does provide him with some regenerative properties. This blood is currently unable to heal the wounds of others, but gives Sebastian regenerative properties; wounds will automatically close up, and he is unlikely to bleed out short of sustaining considerable injuries, such as losing an entire limb. (Regenerates due to amount of angel blood, 2nd Generation)
    • Tower Shield Mastery (Rank 1): Normally, especially big shields are unwieldy to use in the thick of combat, and are typically used in very tight formations. With an exceeding effort in training and bodybuilding, Sebastian has learned to use tower shields effectively as an individual unit. (Negates penalties for using especially large shields. Minor bonuses to all rolls involving shields)
      • Stunning Bash (Rank 2): The best warriors know that shields are used just as much for offense as defense. They are huge plates of steel after all. Sebastian in particular has honed the use of shields to give him an edge in combat; he can put in enough force into a shield bash to potentially stun the enemy unlucky enough to get hit by it. (Shield Bashes have a high chance to stun the enemy)
    • Arcane Studies (Rank 1): One of the most important lessons taught to templar initiates is the idea that magic should be prepared for, not only by resisting it, but by learning about it, so that it can be countered. Though study, both required and not, Sebastian has learned how to distinguish between the different "feelings" of spells encountered by the connection to the Wells of Power. He can sometimes discern their effect just by feeling how the magic is being drawn from the Wells. (Increased likelihood of successfully identifying a detected spell.)
    • Crushing Blows (Rank 1): With practice, Sebastian has learned to take any advantage he can get in a fight. A powerful strike, made when a target cannot defend against it, is nearly guaranteed to maim or destroy them. As such, he has focused on making sure that can happen consistently. (Automatic Critical Hit when target is stunned, dazed, or otherwise not anticipating the attack. Small chance of crushing armor to mangle a limb.)
      • Opportune Strike (Rank 2): Sebastian has become adept at looking for the weaknesses of his target while they are unable to react, and to take advantage of those weaknesses (While target is not anticipating an attack, it is easier to detect and successfully hit weak points on an enemy)
    • Templar (Rank 1): During his time with the Templar Order, Sebastian had shown trustworthiness and honor. Thus, he has garnered a minor reputation with people associated with the Order. (Social bonus talking with Rhinefielders aligned with the Templar Order).
      • Devout (Rank 2): Despite the banishment of the gods by Queen Kouri, Sebastian still worships them to the best extent that he can. This makes him favored, and he can, so long as he treats holy relics with respect, touch holy relics and go into holy places without risk of harm...usually. (Can go into holy sites and use holy relics without repercussion)
      • Providence (Rank 3): Due to his devotion to the now banished gods, Sebastian claims that they protect him in his time of need. Others insist that he is merely incredibly lucky. Whatever the case, he has been known to survive almost impossible odds in the field of battle. (Once per mission, gets a reroll on a lethal roll)
    Story Traits:


    Artifacts and Manpower:

    Equipment List
    Templar Mace: A standard issue mace of the Templar Order of Rhinefield. Has a spike on the end of it for piercing attacks, though it's obviously much better at just smashing things.

    Bastion Shield: Some years ago, a particular master craftsman, known only as "The Walrus" created a set of masterwork tower shields known as the Bastions. For reasons not really known, Sebastian came across one of these, and it has served as his shield of choice. This particular one is a very large rectangular design, nearly the size of a pavise shield, and is adorned with a worn family crest: two "hands of healing" coming together in a cross (X) shape. While it is a shield of exceptional quality and durability, there is nothing magical or otherwise unusual about it.

    Ceremonial Knife: A useful tool in many situations, Sebastian uses this as an unofficial sidearm, for when disarmed. Unlike most ceremonial weapons, this weapon has been designed with utility in mind as well, though it does have some decoration.

    Full Plate: A standard set of full plate armor typically worn by the Templar Order.

    Regalia Cloak: A brown cloak with gold embroidering featured as part of Sebastian's armor. Embroidered on the far edges is a line of diamonds, while the center is adorned with the sigil of the Father. Sebastian custom ordered it with a special mechanism designed to make the cloak come off if pulled, to avoid the dreaded cape snag.

    White Robes: Typical civilian clothing of the Templar Order.

    Traveler's Belt: A small belt, with pouches to store personal effects and minor supplies, such as a water canteen and rations.

    Personal Section

    Romance: Opt Out
    Does the Kouri Plushie exist?: Maybe, maybe not.

    Signature: Maxim

  • Biographical Section

    Doctor Steven Adian Gremlock (Real Name: S)

    Age: 25

    Race: Goblin (with Mechanist Bloodline)

    Sex: Male

    Appearance: Doctor Gremlock is a "charming" Goblin who stands at 3'1" tall, taller than most Goblins, but this is due to his Mechanist Bloodline. He has green, shaggy hair, pale skin, and brown eyes. He also wears a fancy cloak, black shoes, and a top hat.

    Homeland: The Goblin Holds

    History: You may wish to grab a sandwich, this is going to take a while.

    Steven was born within the Goblin Holds in a town called Polterblast, so named because of its affinity for all things ghost hunting. He was born to a large family consisting of Morgano, his father, Ithlin, his mother, and about 22 different siblings, of which Gremlock was the 19th. Unfortunately, his parents were not the smartest Goblins around, and thus could only think to give their offspring one letter names. They certainly meant nothing bad by it, but Gremlock did not appreciate the name, so he adopted Steven as a nickname. For most of his life, Gremlock was nothing special, he was simply an average Goblin who spent his days playing games like "Hide and Seek the Lit Fuse" and "Horsebooms".

    As you might expect by a game called "Horsebooms", they were rather lethal games at times. One day, when Gremlock was about 14 years of age, his older brother N was blown up by one of the explosive poultices. After some investigating (trench coat and magnifying glass included), Gremlock found that the poultice had been made by Kolvin, a goblin who was a master alchemist and golemancer.

    A shame Gremlock did not know about that latter part when he broke into Kolvin's store.

    He was not trying to break in to kill Kolvin, all he wanted to do was ruin his store in recompense, but a security golem came to the logical conclusion and kicked him out. Then Gremlock broke in again...and again...and...well if all the "and agains" were written down there would not be quite enough space here. Suffice it to say, on the 72nd attempt, his sibling F, concerned for Gremlock's safety, told him that N had been killed only by stupidity on his part. He lit the fuse while the referee and another player were bickering, and did not throw the vial in time. At that point, Gremlock still continued to break in, though less with vengeance in mind but rather with the intent of gloating of his eventual victory to that stupid golem. After the 112th time, he was finally successful at dismantling the golem and breaking through to the inside of the store. Upon seeing the destruction of the golem (and most of his store) though, Kolvin got especially angry at Gremlock, saddling a huge debt onto him for "damages done to property".

    To pay off this debt, Gremlock became a grunt worker for Kolvin's alchemy shop. His duties included, but were not limited to, holding an advertising sign in front of street corners, even in the dead of winter, sweeping the chewing tobacco off the floor, and beta testing unstable potions. While Gremlock was especially annoyed at this circumstance, he did take an interest in alchemy, though Kolvin would not let him touch anything. One day though, Kolvin came in...well to put it lightly, especially inebriated and with about 24 non-alchemical bottles in tow, and ordered Gremlock to make him potions to restock the shelves. The goblin's first reaction was one of glee for being able to test out alchemy, though that soon changed to a sense of dread when he realized he never made a potion before, and Kolvin was just too loopy to teach him! It took him all night and several failed experiments, but Gremlock eventually succeeded in creating one whole potion! Kolvin, now rather less inebriated, looked at his work (after denying that he had set him to the task in the first place), and was quite astonished and bemused at the success. Somehow the Doctor had made a potion that Kolvin had not stocked before. It was then that he offered to forgive the debt, so long Gremlock became his apprentice and made a certain number of potions for his shop. Gremlock jumped at the chance, and for the next few years he learned the trade from his master Kolvin.

    Eventually though, the Apprenticeship ran out, and Gremlock was now forced to make his own living as a Journeyman. He tried to set up his own shop, but discovered to his horror that he just could not compete with Kolvin now that he had all of Gremlock's formulas. The business ended in failure, and in frustration, the Doctor walked around town when he, by pure chance, came across a certain mage named Sadia. She was one of the higher ups over at the Tuleria's Mage Tower, and something about Gremlock's magical potential caught her eye. After a conversation, Sadia challenged Gremlock to cast a certain spell within a week. He succeeded in doing so almost immediately, which surprised Sadia, and caused her to offer him an Apprenticeship at the Mages Tower. After some heartfelt goodbyes, Gremlock left home and trained at the Tower.

    When he got there, he officially enrolled in the program, but it was his first time in the outside world. Not only did he make some rather nasty faux pas, but also learned the hard way what others tended to think of Goblins, as smelly, crude, and idiotic individuals. Gremlock tried to get away from this by bathing once a day, wearing a fancier outfit, and speaking more like a gentlemen instead of with broken English. While this diminished the taunting, it did not completely end it. Frustrated, Gremlock decided the only option (well, maybe not the only option, but the only sane option) now was to concoct a unique spell or other such thing and rub the accomplishment in his opponents' faces. Months passed with no success, and he briefly thought about quitting and going home, and trying to become an Alchemist again. That thought though gave him his eureka moment. Why not use magic to bolster potions? Several nights later, he came across a conclusion which, while slightly different from his original intention of making potions stronger, was probably much better, storing a spell inside a potion until opened or broken. After conducting tests to ensure repeatability (a topic they stressed highly in classes) and safety, he presented it to his classmates, to the much bewilderment of almost all in attendance.

    Eventually, he decided to use this discovery for a monetary use; Tower classes are rather on the expensive side after all. He started off small, making potions suitable for pranks and the like, but then experimented with his invention "Kaboom in a Bottle", stuffing a fireball inside a potion. However, the invention also made Gremlock discover some nasty downsides to the technique. First, it required the user's mana to fill the potions, which normally would not be a problem, except that outside of a sphere of influence, he can only get that mana back within the period of a few months, both of these led to a production problem; How can he possibly sell these potions if they take all of his mana. Before he could come up with an answer, a few friendly Apprentices asked him to tell them how he did his potion trick. Gremlock was reluctant at first, but then realized something. He could remake his old business, with these guys running branches while he continued his work. Upon telling the Apprentices his plan, some agreed, looking at the money as a potential gold mine. Others simply did not want to leave the Tower. Soon enough though, the ones that agreed left to set up shop in the Goblin Holds, while Gremlock continued his tutoring at the Tower to find a solution.

    That tutoring was rather short lived though, when he experimented with summoning magic. Apparently, it does not work to stuff a summoned creature in a bottle (unless they're naturally small, like a fairy or such). The creature he tried to stuff into the potion promptly went on a rampage, causing lots of property damage and eventually ending itself by charging into a wall of the main tower, making a hole and dropping to the ground below. Gremlock was expelled for this insanity, making him rather...annoyed. He traveled back to the Goblin Holds to set up the headquarters to his business and see the coffers rolling in.

    One day, one of the recruiters for the Queen's Blades came into his office. At first, Gremlock thought they were mistaken, he was an alchemist, not a warrior, but the recruiter mentioned Sadia recommending Gremlock to them. The Goblin considered this for a long while, while the venture was fraught with danger (the death odds probably resembled the life expectancy of a slaver trying to sell his wares in the Goblin Holds), they were also full of rewards. Given the fame of Queen Kouri, perhaps somewhere down the road he would find the answers to his questions. It would certainly help to stop the demons from burning everything down. He agreed, and packed up to leave for the mythical land of Renalta.

    Of course, once he got there, he learned that the Lesbian Queens of Renalta were not, in fact, myths. This was going to be a long trip...

    Motivation: Although Gremlock's business has done well in the Goblin Holds, he wants to expand the business. Unfortunately, a lot of foreign consumers are not particularly willing to try the "crazy goblin poison". Thus, Gremlock joined the Queens Blades in order to get fame, to build up trust, and to study other cultures so that he can market his products to them. This all comes second, however, to his goal of finding the key to making spell potions without draining all of his magic in the process.

    Traits & Equipment

    General Traits

    • Heavy Hitter (Rank 1): Where some would resort to flailing their arms about in an unsophisticated manner, you've decided that if you can hit something hard enough the first time that it stays down, that you can end fights before they can even really begin. Though, you're still working on that "consistent" part, and not slowing down when you swing harder than usual. In the case of a ranged weapon, it means a larger calibre firearm or larger bow, translating to greater recoil and/or slower fire rate instead. (Basics of doing more damage with each swing.)
    • Apprentice (Fortification) (Rank 1): Combined with Raw Talent, you've learned how to harness that raw magical power into a consistent train of thought. Through studying a few tomes and, possible, learning from the Mage's Guild, you've focused yourself onto a single school of magic. This will help focus your power into something consistent and tangible, but it's only the beginning... (Basics of understanding magic. One school of magic unlocked.)
      • Wizened (Fire) (Rank 2): Having done some study and practice, you can now understand two schools of magic, and understand a greater amount of subtly with your first school of magic. There is now a greater chance of you casting a spell without others noticing, unless the spell is blatant and loud: Like a fire ball. ("Stealth magic" and a second school of magic.)
    • Raw Talent (Rank 1): After a few (or perhaps several) failed attempts at magic, you suddenly found yourself able to bring a raw spark of power to life in your hands. After being awed by it, you found that you could consistently control and contort this power to your will. You could conjure subtle things, flashes of light or wreathing your hands in fire. (Basics of casting magic power-wise.)
    • Awakened Meditation (Rank 1): Through great discipline you have figured out how to tap into the natural magic in the air all around you. It will still take time and practice to master, but nonetheless, this has increased the amount of spells you can cast before you fatigue yourself, and increased the rate at which you regain your energy to cast more spells. (Basics of increasing your magic limitations, and recovery speed from casting magical spells.)
      • Rapid Mental Recovery (Rank 2): You have mastered the art of magic to the point where you can recover fully between battles, and have started to develop a small ability to 'steal' and absorb the magic others throw at you. (Basics of spell stealing (passive), this character fully recovers between multiple battles in a single mission.)
    • Slippery (Rank 1): You are fully aware of what happens if that war hammer the size of a small child hits you square on the chin. You've decided to make it a priority to learn how to never let that happen, and while you're still learning, you understand at least enough to jump back from a blow before it takes off your head. (Basics of dodging and evasion.)
      • Dodge! (Rank 2): As you've refined your instincts, your ability to avoid harm has also grown, and as such whenever an enemy swings at you, there's a solid chance you've already figured out not to be there by the time the swing would connect. (Dodging is quicker and no longer forces your character onto the defensive, and can occur even if your character is caught off guard.)
    • Rapid Blows (Rank 1): Sometimes, it's just better to hit something several times in quick succession, instead of trying to hit something really, really hard, and you understand this. Though you aren't too good at hitting specifically vital points with it yet, or keeping it up for very long. In the case of ranged weapons, one takes a hit to accuracy in exchange for increased fire rate. (Basics of attacking rapidly in an effective manner.)

    Unique Traits
    • Mechanist Bloodline (Rank 1): This character is related by blood to the enigmatic Mechanists whom live within the deepest depths of the Underdark in seclusion. Whilst not a full blooded Mechanist themselves, this character still has their handy knack for technology, and gains bonuses fighting and capturing incorporeal beings such as ghosts and spirits. On the flip side, ghosts and spirits tend to be more aggressive towards those of a Mechanist heritage and in the Free Holds thanks to their strange hair colour and more naturally lithe builds, they tend to be prized slaves for the markets...
      • Knack for Technology (Rank 2): What most Mechanists tend to learn over time is they don't just have a knack for technology, technology tends to like them. In inexplicable manners. Where it concerns technology, especially advanced technology or Mechanist technology such as firearms or ancient ruins, Mechanists are able to wield them and use them merely by touching them as though they completely understood their applications. Ex: Touch a door and it opens, grab a rifle of unknown configuration and you know instinctively how to use it, et cetera.
    • Dr. Gremlock's Amazing Do it Yourself Alchemy Kit (Rank 1): From Gremlock's (in)famous "Kaboom in a Bottle" to "Corruptaway", his potions are known quite widely. Due to his training as an alchemist, whenever he has access to ingredients (typically in a city or town), Gremlock can make a variety of concoctions. Additionally, he has figured out a way to inject small parts of his mana pool into potions. If Gremlock takes some time preparing, he can infuse the "essence" of a spell within a potion, which will activate with it's normal effects either when it's opened or broken. While these potions can be given to friendly allies, they must be used with caution, as if somebody were to drink a fireball potion, it would end very badly for them. Unfortunately for people intending to steal these potions, Gremlock often forgets to label them, so unless he specifies otherwise, the potions will not tell the user how to use them. The big drawback of this way of making potions is that the mana used to make the potions will not be usable until either the effects are used, or until Gremlock uses an incantation (for no mana) to "evaporate" the contents of all such potions currently in existence. This, alas, only works for a certain "sphere of influence", which is estimated to be about the maximum distance of his spells, maybe further given training. Only other thing that needs to be noted is that making potions takes time.
      • Battle Alchemist's Belt (Rank 2): Before heading out to his adventures, Gremlock contacted one of the mages in the Guild about making a Battle Alchemist's Belt. This allows Gremlock to carry 6 Potions and 2 Pistols, and comes with a slight anti-magic aura. What the aura does is dampen the potions so that if they go off prematurely, Gremlock will be less affected by them. The Belt is worn around the waist under his fancy cloak, and this makes it harder for a thief to steal a potion. Finally, this improves his sphere of influence range, potion making time, and potion mana cost.
        • Advanced Alchemy (Rank 3): Where previously Gremlock could not make potions without knowing the requisite magic, some experimentation with the mechanics behind One Thousand Trick Shots has allowed him to put just about anything he can think of in those bottles. It should be noted though that, at present, these potions cannot go above Basic level strength. Additionally, he's looked at using less mana for his potions overall. (Active: Can now put any spell that could normally be cast by a mage into a bottle, but only at Basic strength. Passive: All spell potions cost a little less mana to make)
    • One Thousand Trick Shots (Rank 1): This character can imbue their ranged weapon's ammo of choice with any creative effect they can think of, using small bits of their mana pool. Such as explosive ammo, or rope bolts to climb with, or a deafening shot, or otherwise, even if their skill tree normally wouldn't allow it... Though, in areas which suppress magic or against anti-magic, this doesn't work.
    • Mechanist's Weapon (Rank 1): Gremlock has invested time and money into making a new weapon, realizing that a simple musket just isn't going to cut it. The weapon is a modification of the Trusty Musket, and as of yet, it's main feature is a lever that allows for switching into one of two modes. It either features faster reloading with a reduction to accuracy (Rapid Blows), or a heavier blasting shot at the cost of higher recoil and a slightly lower fire rate (Heavy Blows). While it has no fancy bells or whistles yet, with some modifications it can become quite devastating. (Gives Gremlock access to a custom weapon)

    Equipment List
    Mechanist Musket: A two handed musket wielded by Gremlock. It has been modified from the traditional musket with a lever that shifts between heavy firing and swift firing modes. It is his main weapon, and it comes equipped with a bayonet for stabbing reckless chargers.

    Emergency Pistols x2: Hung around Gremlock's belt, these are basic one shot pistols to which Gremlock carries no ammunition. Basically, they are there in any case where an extra shot is needed, and there is not enough time to reload the musket before bad things happen. (Brought only for Mission 3 and beyond).

    Top Hat: A piece of clothing that does not really have a practical value; it is simply a fashion statement.

    Fancy Cloak: A cloak that shows off his status and (ideally) makes people have a higher opinion of the Goblin. Not much use as armor though.

    Leather Armor: Worn under the cloak, this basic armor helps protect Gremlock from damage, but it is not very strong. It may just defend him from a rabid kitten attack though!

    Alchemy Equipment: How Gremlock makes his potions. Includes such things as a mortar and pestle, mixing bowls, etc.

    Labeling and Contracting Equipment: Paper, Pencil, Tape, and other such things used to attach labels to potions and make merchant contracts.

    Small, One Person Tent: A small tent for longer trips. Cannot hold more than Gremlock. Not that he gets many requests.

    Camping Supplies: Enough supplies to last about a week in the wilderness.

    Guide to Renalta: A guide book that explains Renaltan culture. Looking at this Gremlock can find out any info necessary on how to fit in within Renalta.

    Faction Items:
    Imperial Missive: A scroll bearing the seal of the Eternal Empress. It's a magical item that, when used, causes a small force (3-5) of Imperial scouts to arrive to your location to assist you shortly thereafter. How they managed such a marvellous form of global transportation without the aid of the Mage's Guild speaks volumes about their ingenuity. If used before combat, they're fully capable of setting up ambushes and scouting for you instead. You can only use this once per mission. (Imperium.)

    1. Purple Ribbon: You took a hit for Queen and Country, and have learned how to better handle pain. (Minor bonus to dealing with damage, less likely to fall into shock or succumb to injuries.)
    2. Sherkle's Gem: Named after the magician who created it, the Imperium recovered it as one of a few artifacts that the Blood Sea has given back so far from the ruins. As thanks, the Eternal Empress herself gifted it to Gremlock with the fastest messenger she could send. (Magical artifact that is capable of blocking an incoming physical attack if thrown at the incoming attack. Artifact absorbs force, and sometimes sends it back to the source. It then falls to the ground, where it glows with heat and cannot be immediately retrieved.)
    Elephant Gun: "Elephant Gun?" Elephant Gun. This weapon is a favorite of mine, able to make big big booms! It deal impressive damage, and has a not so bad recoil. The bad news is it takes about a "round" (whatever that means, Gremlock not know) to load a shot. Still, it's one shot, one boom tendency is second to none! (Brought only for Mission 2)

    Why Scrapped?: Unwieldy on a Goblin

    Ghost Sucking Vacuum Cleaner

    Personal Section

    Opt Out

    Does the Kouri Plushie exist?: Plushie!

    Signature: Maxim
Last edited by a moderator:

    • Age: 524
      Race: Dark Elf/Drow
      Gender: Female
      Homeland: The Underdark

      So much had changed, the surface world had been turned upside by a blue haired woman of legend and her band of merry misfits. And in the ever darkness of the hidden world below the surface, the Underdark, eyes that belonged to powerful entities turned to the surface after the gods were banished. One such entity, who can count on the allegiance of a great amount of Drow decided to send several of her agents, her acolytes to the surface, doing it's bidding and seek out this new, true Queen of Renalta and see what fate will determine will fall upon both the surface world... and the world below.

      Motivation: Because she was commanded to by *censored*

      Personal Section:
      I am the creator of the slut sisters... answer enough?
      Does the Kouri Plushie exist?: Oh yes it does
      Signature: Andrea agrees and signs the infernal contract *dips pen in blood*

    • Equipment List:
      A dress that is a mixture of robes/cloth and leather in crimson and black colours, with the leather covering her most sensitive organs.
      A necklace with the symbol of her faith around her neck.
      Assorted jewelry.
      Three small knifes, one disguised as a hair decoration, the other two are divided over her boots.
      A Snake Whip
      Spell Tome, addorned with a glowing soul gem, the book attached with a chain to her waist.
      Strip of clothing soaked with a droplet of Angel Blood (Gabriels)

      Venomous Giant Spider known as Huil

      Magic Schools Known:
      Holy/Divine Magic

      --Purple Ribbon: You took a hit for Queen and Country, and have learned how to better handle pain. (Minor bonus to dealing with damage, less likely to fall into shock or succumb to injuries.)
      --Mistress of Webs: You know exactly how to talk to beasts and animals, especially those related to arachnids in one form or another, and can often soothe them through magic. (Minor bonus to soothing animals, and to taking command of arachnids.) (Note: Webs also make for a useful ropes, or handcuffs...)
      --Spider Companion, during a adventure in Liveria Andrea saved the life of a giant, venomous spider and nursed itb ack to health, since then it rarely leaves her side.
      --Seductress, Andrea has many talents, perhaps greatest among them is using her natural charm and appearance to seduce someone to get what she wants.

      General Traits:
      Raw Talent (Rank 1): After a few (or perhaps several) failed attempts at magic, you suddenly found yourself able to bring a raw spark of power to life in your hands. After being awed by it, you found that you could consistently control and contort this power to your will. You could conjure subtle things, flashes of light or wreathing your hands in fire. (Basics of casting magic power-wise.)
      Power Draw (Rank 2): Regularly pushing to their limits, this character has grown more intimate with their usage of magic, and has surpassed the limits of apprentice spell casters. Given momentary preparation, they can hit someone with the utmost of their capabilities.(Increased spell power, can now spend a post overcharging a spell to use in the next post)

      Apprentice (Rank 1): Combined with Raw Talent, you've learned how to harness that raw magical power into a consistent train of thought. Through studying a few tomes and, possible, learning from the Mage's Guild, you've focused yourself onto a single school of magic. This will help focus your power into something consistent and tangible, but it's only the beginning... (Basics of understanding magic. One school of magic unlocked.)
      Wizened (Rank 2): Having done some study and practice, you can now understand two schools of magic, and understand a greater amount of subtly with your first school of magic. There is now a greater chance of you casting a spell without others noticing, unless the spell is blatant and loud: Like a fire ball. ("Stealth magic" and a second school of magic.)

      Fortitude (Rank 1): Whether or not you are a mage, you can learn how to defend yourself from one, and that is just what you decided to do. After all, how else are you supposed to save the world if you can be cooked in a fireball by a pissed off mage? (Basics of resisting magical spells. NOTE: This is all magic--good, bad, and neutral!)

      Awakened Meditation (Rank 1): Through great discipline you have figured out how to tap into the natural magic in the air all around you. It will still take time and practice to master, but nonetheless, this has increased the amount of spells you can cast before you fatigue yourself, and increased the rate at which you regain your energy to cast more spells. (Basics of increasing your magic limitations, and recovery speed from casting magical spells.)
      Rapid Mental Recovery (Rank 2): You have mastered the art of magic to the point where you can recover fully between battles, and have started to develop a small ability to 'steal' and absorb the magic others throw at you. (Basics of spell stealing (passive), this character fully recovers between multiple battles in a single mission.)
      Slippery (Rank 1): You are fully aware of what happens if that war hammer the size of a small child hits you square on the chin. You've decided to make it a priority to learn how to never let that happen, and while you're still learning, you understand at least enough to jump back from a blow before it takes off your head. (Basics of dodging and evasion.)
      Dodge! (Rank 2): As you've refined your instincts, your ability to avoid harm has also grown, and as such whenever an enemy swings at you, there's a solid chance you've already figured out not to be there by the time the swing would connect. (Dodging is quicker and no longer forces your character onto the defensive, and can occur even if your character is caught off guard.)

      Unique Traits:
      Divine Connection: Andrea's belief in her faith and her goddess while all gods are banished seems idiotic to some. And yet... somehow it seems that at times her spells are more powerful than one would expect. (Can ask her Goddess/GM to 'supercharge' a spell, be it using a minor heal to make a critically injured person or a damage spell that deals much more damage than one would expect, additional GM note, can only be used once in a battle/area and only for Holy/Divine Magic).
      Lollth's Aura: knowing certain her goddess still blesses her Andrea can will people to fear or fall into submissiveness to her by summoning Lollth's strange allure and charisma into being like an aura, but as expected from a goddess who prides herself on Chaos, she is fickle. If Andrea relies too much on this gift, her goddess will have her amusement by making the opposite of what Andrea wants to happen occur
      Snake Whip: either through her magic, or a blessing from her goddess, ignoring any claims that she is death or banished still, her whip has become alive, the length of the whip a sentient, living snake that will bite any target she would hit with it's fangs. With time she hopes to either with her magic or more gifts from Lollth, add more snake heads and perhaps have them deliver poison from their bites (eg with trait upgrades).
      The Many Headed Whip: Llolth favours her most loyal followers even more, adding two more animated snakes to her whip making it a whip with three separate 'strands' each a animated snake which can move independently to some degree (limited due to them being attached to a whip handle) and strike at a target with their fangs.
      Venomous Surprise: the snake heads of Andrea's whip are now infused with poison of a magical kind (since they aren't really alive to generate poison in a natural fashion) which has a paralyzing effect, useful perhaps to neutralize a target to take prisoner, or kill them. A small amount of poison will paralyze someone affected by it over time, depending on their mass and how fast the poison spreads throughout the body from where it was delivered. Too much of the poison will however not only paralyze the target but also make the target stop breathing as the lungs will stop functioning and the heart will pump slower and slower till it just... stops.
      Necromantic Infusion: how she got her hands on it is unclear, but after the death of a certain Drow Necromancer she obtained a soul gem, containing that Necromancers soul who tried to take over her body but had not accounted for the willpower of the priestess who had gotten her hands on him and in the end twisted and forced him to her service, damage had been already done to her however, the power that gave her control over the elements was gone. But some of the souls essence remained, lodged into her and she has instead gotten a large amount of knowledge of the Necromantic arts.
      Soul Power Siphon: Andrea is not the forgiving sort so after mastering the trapped Drow Necromancers soul she used her new knowledge to tap into the soul gem and forcefully bend the pathetic Drow Male to her will, making him give her even more knowledge of necromancy of what he had uncovered before his demise and even helping her power her own necromancy through his knowledge and tapped power from within his soul gem under her control.

    • Age: 232
      Race: Dark Elf/Drow
      Gender: Female
      Homeland: The Underdark

      Ceann was ever the wanderer, either commanded to or on her own she left the Underdark to wander the surface world getting into the role of 'ranger' as the surfacers called it as she preferred to stay on the outskirts of civilization and the wilds. Using the bow as a preferred weapon, she kept in touch with her homeland though, receiving various tasks and orders to perform and execute.

      Now she is tasked with protecting a priestess and joining the Queens Blades, just another part of the journey her life has taken.

      Motivation: To serve House Llolth'Allin and the Goddess.

      Personal Section
      My choice
      Does the Kouri Plushie exist?: yes
      Signature: Andrea (and Selvi who will provide most of the input for this character)

    • Equipment List:
      Dark blue leather armour and black cloak with a hood.
      Hunting bow & Arrow Quiver
      12 Regular Arrows
      6 Lightning Arrows
      6 Fire Arrows
      1 Hunting Knife
      1 Longsword
      Grappling Hook (can be thrown or fired from a bow)
      Flint and Steel

      --Purple Ribbon: You took a hit for Queen and Country, and have learned how to better handle pain. (Minor bonus to dealing with damage, less likely to fall into shock or succumb to injuries.)
      --Sharpshooter: You've become accustomed to aiming, then firing. Nifty. (Minor bonus to accuracy.)

      Rank 1: Rank 2: Rank 3:
      Sharp Investigator  
      Rapid Blows/Fire    
      Unique Rank 1: Unique Rank 2: Unique Rank 3:
      Hidden In Plain Sight II, the way Ceann moves and acts, it is easy to forget or ignore her. She could be standing right in the middle of the room but is not noticed by anyone. She has become so apt to this craft now that she somehow makes people ignore her even while she is in plain sight of them, she could brush past someone and they would ignore her presence as if she is just the wind.  
      Elemental Arrows, crafted for her by her mistress, these arrows are imbued with elemental abilities that take effect upon impact, depending on what element is used in their creation. (Fire, Lightning, Cold or Acid).    
      Shadowstep, the ability to move from shadow to shadow, but not (yet without upgrade) through walls or closed doors.    
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Taking a place for my CS.

Biographical Section
Name: Laenaia
Age: 22(?)
Race: Vampire
Rank: Veteran
Sex: F
Homeland: Wanderer
History: For as long as she remember Laenaia has been living on the road, moving from time to time for one reason or another. Together with her being a vampire, this lead to a hard life and adopting a mostly reserved clothing during the day (like a thick cloak or wide hat, maybe both), although she may wear other clothing during the evening or in-door. She often found patronage in upper class societies wherever she go or whenever she went along with a merchant caravan, given that she manage to keep her status as a vampire initially as the people were usually wary or even downright hostile when they discover it soon after meeting, although they tend to be more...tolerant after awhile.
Things weren't always kind, as several times hunters and Templars had hunted her. Several times she managed to escape, but one time, the Templars had come close to killing her, only for her to be saved by the local crime lord that introduced himself as Alexander Bishop. In return for the help, Laenaia agreed to work for the man, especially since they both shared a common dislike against the Papacy and Templarate, although for a different reason. The work she did in the Underworld served its purpose, as on top of having places she could fall back on and some training on doing dirty work, she had gained a number of 'friends' and contacts that she could rely on during her travel.
Motivation: "Mother's calling my blood." That's my reason and I'm sticking to it.

Traits & Equipment
Heavy Stat: 6.
  • Perseverance: 20.
  • Defender: 0.
  • Heavy Hitter: 0.
  • Combat Senses: 20.
  • Repositioning: 20.
Light Stat: 14.
  • Reflexes: 10.
  • Cloak of Innocence: 50.
  • Rapid Blows: 0.
  • Sharp: 50.
  • Dancer: 30.
Magic Stat: 20
  • Raw Talent: 50.
  • Mastery: 60.
  • Wells of Power: 40.
  • Pattern Weaving: 50.
  • Fortitude: 0.
  • --Vampire; Diana's Brood: Laenaia is a member of Diana's Brood.
  • --Diana's Brood Flash Step: Laenaia can step several feet in any direction as a shadowy blur. However, the short jump leaves her momentarily disoriented and therefore she can't use this offensively.
  • --Hypno Eyes: Diana's Brood standard fare hypno eyes. (Insert the effect from Zin's version here)
  • --Faceless One: Laenaia is able to freely later her appearance, be it coloration of her hair or eyes, skin tone, hair length, height, etc. Limited in that she has to remain humanoid and exactly mimicking someone's appearance is not in her grasp, rough mimic is possible though.
  • --Faceless One (2): Taking notes from Fahim, Laenaia learned how to take her gift further. She can now alter herself much faster and seamlessly mimic another's outer appearance. On top of that, she also learned how weaponize it by making bone growth over her hands and arms. Anything beyond 'unsheating' claws from her fingernails is a slow painful and tiring process however.
  • --Underground Contacts: Laenaia had started to approach and gather favors from the underbelly of Civilization, be it from her old acquaintances during her time with Alexander or new people. (Bonus to interaction and making contacts with those working/living in the darker side of society. Basic Info gathering network)
  • --Mind Dive (+1) : Laenaia flare out with her Mind into another's and (attach/tag/words/blah) herself to it allowing her to fully read what her target was doing, thinking and attached surface memories. During this, Laenaia's body is left in a trance. The process is not as intrusive but prolonged use will still leave both Laenaia and her target with an intense headache depending on how long she Dived and prevent her from doing it again for several hours to days. Too much usage (or hitting the wrong person) might lead to Laenaia losing who she was and needing someone else to break her out of her trance.
  • --Thought Shed (+1): After some attempts, Laenaia figured how to intercept a thought of those she was synced with and insert her own thoughts to be done by the other. She managed to smooth out the process and can influence her target more, although drastic thoughts and decision are still a giveaway. A sufficiently distracted, cooperative or unconscious target and she can start to puppet their body. (Can implant a thought/order and make the person Laenaia syncing with do it. The more specific and drastic the thought/order, the more noticeable that someone was influencing their decision.)
  • Masquerade: Thanks to a mix of battlefield experience and out of battle experimentation during training, Laenaia's body-shaping capabilities can also be applied to her general stature and face. In a matter of seconds, she can change her physical appearance sufficiently that most will mistake her for someone else, and those few that could discern her for who she is, would need to investigate closely. (Can pull off near-perfect disguises. Cannot change gender or impersonate NPC's... Yet.)
  • Diana's Brood: Laenaia's been getting a reputation among some of the quieter elements of society for her further embrace of vampirism. Depending on where she is, this could be a boon, or a con. Diana herself may one day take notice of Laenaia's actions... (Depending on where you are, you may either be stalked by vampire hunters, or watched over by some of Diana's elite guard.)

  • Purple Ribbon:(Minor bonus to dealing with damage, less likely to fall into shock or succumb to injuries.)
  • Inspirational Speaker: (Minor bonus to convincing NPC's to do as you wish.)
  • Untarnished: You got through an entire mission unscathed, not a feat to scoff at leisurely! As such, others tend to be galvanized to your cause by the image of your grand tactical aptitude, whether or not that reputation is well deserved. (NPC's drawn to your cause will fight better, bonus is stronger if you avoid serious injury.)
  • Of Particular Qualities...: You've caught the attention of multiple, powerful entities in a resoundingly positive way. In your darkest hour, you may receive surprising, often indirect assistance from a guardian you never knew you had... (Mysterious aid may come to save you from death.)

  • Clothes
  • More clothes
  • Thick cloak
  • A stabby knife
  • Assortment of various clothes for various events
  • Coin purse
Item List
  • Seal of the Trader: A hard to acquire, nearly impossible to replicate seal that represents one's devotion to the Free Holder code of commerce. It is a magical item that merchants and the underbelly of society both recognize, and using it can generally cause either of these factions to immediately ally with your cause. The more seals a party has, the greater the amount of resources the underground and merchants will devote to your cause. (Free Holds.) (Note: Keep in mind, while not trained soldiers, they're a useful espionage network. Unlike the Imperial Missive, you can repeatedly use this so long as there are merchants or the underbelly of society nearby, from poachers of the wilds to gang members.)

Personal Section
Romance: Don't mind.
Does the Kouri Plushie exist?: Apparently
Signature: Alphakoka here agree to the rules and regulations, and agree that the GM may kill off your characters without your consent. (Unless there's absolutely no reason for it)
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Biographical and Personal Section

Age: 521
Race: Aavikkanian (Desert Elf of the North-Est of the Free Holds)
Gender: Male
Homeland: Freeholds (Where the Blighted Lands are now)
The Aavikkanian people where once a proud, independent culture from the lands up north of the Kingdom of Tuleria that used to belong to the lands of the Freeholds many years ago. The lands could bare the lot of settlements and nomads inhabiting it. The Aavikanian had a hold that could hold its own, although like any other settlement; they needed traded goods, which were often exchanged with those of Tuleria and rarely anyone within the Freeholds. A solid civilization… Until there came the Blight. No one saw it coming, and most of the people who inhabited the lands didn't have time to react properly to the sudden changes in the sands. This led to many deaths across these sandy planes which the Aavikanian were not spared from, causing a large portion of their elders, children and ill people to die rapidly with the lack of resources that came.

These events had caused the Aavikkanians to move slowly towards the west, going into the lands that were control by warlords… Their arrival within these places was well recognized, especially for those slave traders. The Aavikanians, being natural tough and hardworking people, were gems for those who sold slaves. And so, which these cold hearted kidnappings and disappearances of many of their folk around the desert, they retreated to the only place where they would be safe from this. They moved towards the kingdom, their numbers having dropped considerably, and hoped that they could be brought in. Fortunately enough, one of the leaders had accepted their pled, but ask for their complete allegiance and military might to be asked upon whenever he seemed fit and aid from the people. Naturally, the Aavikkanians had no problem with this as it would be somewhere for them to be and continue on their culture.

Amongst this resilient race was Elrithos, a simple military man. He is one of the view that had seen the exile of the Blighted lands and the tragic loss of their people to both these cursed lands and to the slave traders… He is also one of the few who still practices the ancient Aavikkanian arts of desert warfare. He has seen many battles and encounters in his five hundred years of living. He has grown accustomed to the deserts and its mischiefs. With the old council dismissed ever since the exile, he and a few of the elders now speak for their people when consulting with Boann, their current leader they follow under.. He also teaches the old Aavikkanian desert warfare to the soldiers their leader within Tuleria ask them to train his soldiers.

The few years have passed and finally, his military might was recognized by people and eventually, had an invitation to come to Renalta to join the Queen`s Blade. He had discussed it with Boann, which seemed to actually encourage Elithos to answer this invitation with his presence. And so, Elrithos thanked King Boann and went off to Renalta, hoping to honor his people and the King.

Motivation: "My people are the most important thing to me... And with everything happening, I wish to help keep these demons away from those I love.."

Romance: Of course, it is part of life to find love, so why restrict the option?
Does the Kouri Plushie exist?: Somewhere in this world, yes
Signature: I, Rain of the Night, shall abide to the rules mentioned in the intro post of the OOC and willingly accept that my character can be killed off at any time by the GM Brovo under any circumstances.

Equipments and Traits

Take em' (Rank II): As you would expect from an Aavikanian like Elrithos, he was hardened as a soldier of the Council and his remarkable resilience is nothing short of his many years of experience.

+ Basics of taking more damage and resisting pain-related negative effects.
++ Blows which would normally daze or momentarily stun have a chance to be negated entirely.

Dodge! (Rank II): Making sure that one is not hit is much more important than actually hitting your target… Or so say the Aavikanians. Elrithos takes those words and puts them into a fierce battle tactic.

+ Basics of dodging and evasion

+ +Dodging is quicker and no longer forces your character onto the defensive, and can occur even if your character is caught off guard.

Investigator (Rank II): Having lived so many years, Elrithos has learned to read and find holes in both speeches and actions and notice things most other youthful people wouldn't snap right away. You could say that the years gave him an insight with people and to adapt as he needed.

+ Basics of spotting weaknesses and lie detecting
++ Increases chances of finding out of place things and detecting weaknesses in armour. There is a chance that your character will suddenly have a realization about something they didn't understand before (GM assistance).

Rapid Blows (Rank I): When Elrithos faces people who are more lightly armored, he does not need to be exact and precise in his actions and prefers going for rapid blows, bringing the enemy down much faster when slicing them down to bits and moving down to the next individual quickly.

+ Basics of attacking rapidly in an effective manner.

Free Runner (Rank II): Rolling, ducking, jumping, sliding, sweeping, edging--all of these things and more are things you are seasoned at doing. Having obtained peak conditioning, anything beyond this is unnatural..

+ Basics of acrobatics: Climbing, falling gracefully, etc.
++ The environment can no longer be factored negatively against your character--fighting atop a steep slope is the same as fighting on a flat grassy plane, save any advantages. Atop this, your character's acrobatic abilities are at their natural peak: There are few places you cannot reach.

Unique Traits

Aavikanian – Runners of the Desert: The deserts of the Freehold are not on to be easy to live within, especially with the nomadic tribes living in these places. They do not have the might of the savage races around, but they are particularly resilient people, built to last the harshest of conditions and toughest of battles.

+ Increased Senses (Sight and Hearing)
+ Resilient to Extreme climates (Hot and Cold)
+ Increased cardio endurance and energy conservation (Upgrade of Endurance Training)

Ancient Aavikanian Warfare (Rank III): Elrithos is one of many Aavikanian who has gone through the harsh training to become a soldier of the council, basically part of the elite troops of their people. They are taught, first and for most, that survival is the key. If one has to fight to the death to survive, then shall it be. If one has to run. Run. If one has to hold the line until reinforcement, then you fight until it is surely impossible to defend.

++ Advanced combat maneuvering and techniques with single edged blades, double bladed weapons.
______ + Increased Accuracy with these weapons
______ ++ Increased (Defense) deflection/parrying with these weapons against humanoids

+ Increased dodging and evasion when engaged in melee combat. (Upgrade of Dodge!)
+++ Difficult environments (Thick vegetation, sandy floors, slippery ice, etc.) has no effect on Elrithos for movement and combat maneuvers.

Stand Your Ground (Rank II): Amongst one of the important things to know from battle, survival, general things in life, Elrithos knows that once you hit the ground, chances are, you won't stand back up again in most situations. Therefore, one must be able to stay up against most assaults, most situations so that a prone stance doesn't make your chances of survival slim to none.

+ Increased chances of staying on your feet after a misstep, overruns, tripping, etc.

++ Greater chance of avoiding being brought to the ground and higher chance of immediately getting back up to his feet IF he is taken down.

Desert Raider Party Tactics (Rank I): The Aavikkanians have no shame in saying they raid merchants and caravans when the opportunity comes for them to gather supplies, especially after the Exile. And so, they have learned to work in close cooperation which each other to successfully strike enemies or strike back on other raiders attacking them.

+ When in combat with one or more allies versus no more than 2 enemies engaged in direct melee combat, Elrithos offers bonuses to his allies.

  1. Purple Ribbon: You took a hit for Queen and Country, and have learned how to better handle pain. (Minor bonus to dealing with damage, less likely to fall into shock or succumb to injuries.
  2. The Elvish Messiah: Your people have lost their home, most have lost their families. Only a fraction of your people now remain, graciously taken in by the Imperium and Renalta... Many of the elders lie dead, their blood permanently staining the sands they will likely never return to. You are the last of your people, their shining beacon of hope, a representative within the Queen's Blades... Do not let them down. (While the majority of your people went to sanctuary, there are many small time Gypsies and trading caravans that will spare whatever help they can to your cause. Alert them (the GM via PM) and they will attempt to divert resources to you where possible: Manpower, healers, items, campsites, et cetera.)

Equipment List
Chainmail Hauberk
Combat sown desert clothing
Traveling clothes (Desert)
Traveling Clothes (Other)
2 Waterskins (Very Important)

Sandblade (Double bladed scimitar)
Two Elven scimitars
A poignard
A pouch of sand
Amulet of the Sand God

Biographical and Personal Section


Age: 35
Race: Human of the Templar Order
Gender: Male
Homeland: The Templar Order of Rheinfeld
Raised by his mother, a simple priestess of a small town, Donovhan was nothing but a common boy. His father had been a Templar for many years… And still is. The two rarely ever had a chance to see the man, as it was an ever ending occupation and the the would never come the he would come back. Yet, the boy and the mother were happy that their family was graced with the man's name. It was an honor to know that Donovhan was the son of this man. And even the boy was glad, even if he was never there. He even aspired to be one! How to better impress his dad? Following in his footsteps!

And so, when came the age he could join the military might of the Templar Order, Donovhan jumped on the occasion and signed up with his good friend Oleg. Both were trained together, as soldiers, to aspire to become templars. The Duo weren't separated, which was a relief for the both of them. They could grow into men of the battlefield together. But, the least they knew, it wasn't going to be a straight road to the battlefield.

The two were eventually pulled out of the ranks. At first, they thought it was them being stripped away from the military, although it made no sense. They were doing fine in training, why would they be pulled out? Well, it was only a meeting with their supêrior and a man from a special unit of the Order: The Mage hunters. These soldiers had the aptitude to defend themselves more efficiently against the magic of this world. Both Oleg and Donovhan had proved that they were men capable of joining this special unit. They were both brought out to train somewhere else.

And so to say, although they both had rough beginnings, they eventually came to learn about their natural skills and developed them to become exactly what the order wanted. Full-fledged hunters. Although both were unique and strong hunters, Donovhan had risen to a great reputation amongst the unit.

This is when the civil war had started in Rheinfeld… It created a whole within the unit itself, as many had departed from the lands of the Templar Order to join back up with the Papacy or the Republic. It was a very bitter time, as feud between members erupted and opinions on the fact came in conflict. The unit survived, but lost many of its members. Oleg and Donovhan had a strong believe, after what he had heard about the Gods, that the Papacy shouldn't have governmental control anymore and still remain with the Templars.

Eventually, they both risen to Elite Hunters, and with that title, Donovhan was asked to partake in a new ''unit'' to say. One that would mean a great deal to the Templar Order. The Queen's Blade. Of course, Donovhan accepted without question, as he was proud of the Templar Order and would represent them as perfectly as he could.

Motivation: "My skills would bring great help, I believe... And the Nine Hells are an abomination and their beasts should stay there. Oh, and of course, I want to make the Templar proud that they have trained me."

Romance: Of course, it is part of life to find love, so why restrict the option?
Does the Kouri Plushie exist?: Somewhere in this world, yes
Signature: I, Rain of the Night, shall abide to the rules mentioned in the intro post of the OOC and willingly accept that my character can be killed off at any time by the GM Brovo under any circumstances.

Equipment and Traits

Fortitude (Rank II): Whether or not you are a mage, you can learn how to defend yourself from one, and that is just what you decided to do. After all, how else are you supposed to save the world if you can be cooked in a fireball by a pissed off mage?

+ Basics of resisting magical spells.
++ Increased resistance to magical spells.

Sharp (Rank I): You've started to notice how certain people stand, and how others try to keep certain parts of themselves out of harm's way, or try to cover up certain not-so-good looking pieces of armor. Given more time, you could manifest this into a real talent for assassinating even the most armored of targets.

+ Basics of weakness-finding and lie detecting.

Wells of Power (Rank I): Having been born with this talent or having artificially acquired it later on in life, you've connected your mind and soul to the five ethereal Wells of Power, the sources of all magic. You can subtly feel nearby mages and places of magical power, though this isn't precise yet. The more powerful it is, the more likely you will detect it.

+ Basics of detecting magic and mages.

Protector (Rank II): Having grown to know your armour like it's a second skin, you've learned the second step to defending yourself in armour: How to lock an enemy down. When an enemy attempts to attack you, there is a solid chance that you will disable or break their weapon, or at the very least disrupt their combo giving you or someone else an opening to attack.

+ Basics of using shields and armors
++ Weapon deflection and combo disruption.

Power Draw (Rank 2): Regularly pushing to their limits, this character has grown more intimate with their usage of magic, and has surpassed the limits of apprentice spellcasters. Given momentary preparation, they can hit someone with the utmost of their capabilities.

+ Basics of casting magic power-wise.
++ Increased spell power, can now spend a post overcharging a spell to use in the next post

Awakened Meditation (Rank 1): Through great discipline you have figured out how to tap into the natural magic in the air all around you. It will still take time and practice to master, but nonetheless, this has increased the amount of spells you can cast before you fatigue yourself, and increased the rate at which you regain your energy to cast more spells.

+ Basics of increasing your magic limitations, and recovery speed from casting magical spells.

Unique Traits:

Mage Hunter Aptitude - Iron Will (Stage II): The first thing that Donovhan was taught as a Mage Hunter was that their minds must be solid and impenetrable walls for mages. Losing control of oneself meant all their knowledge and experience would be turned against themselves and to allies around. And so, one must make sure that no one takes over their will.

+ Increased resistance against Mind Control, Mind reading and Mental Influence (Upgrade to Fortitude)

++ Can determine the source of the magic trying to influence or read Donovhan's mind.
++ Can attempt to disrupt or lessen the source's magical strength

Mage Slayer Aptitude - Disruptive Knowledge (Stage III): Donovhan went above simply making himself resilient against spells and went into studies of the art of disrupting magic before it even reaches him. This powerful Anti-Magic has allowed to extend his resilience to magical spells to further than his own self.

+++ Highly advanced knowledge of how magic works (Replaces Apprentice + Wizened)
____ +++ Anti-Magic (Disruption) school unlocked, Focused and Specialized (No other school)
____ +++ Knows of how common, uncommon and rare magic schools and types work and their sources
____ +++ Can now "Stealth Cast" Disruption magic

High Ranking Hunter of the Templar Order (Rank I): Donovhan earned his rank as a Mage Hunter, working through from the bottom into the elites of the Templar Order. And it wasn't by sly lies or going around the orders given. He went and came back from every mission asked to be done. It got him where he is today.

+ Good Reputation and Contacts within the Templar Order and the Ranks of the Mage Hunters

Ios, Shield of the Disrupters (Rank I): A technique developed by the Disrupters, one can expend their anti-magic energy and make it "stick" to an item (preferably a shield). Donovhan is no different and applies it for when he cannot react to spells as quickly as raising his arm.

+ Requires a steel shield of any kind. A film of anti-magic energy becomes imbued onto the surface on the shield. Any direct magical attack onto the shield makes it fizzles and dissipates. Magical items striking the shield has its magic temporarily disrupted (2-5 seconds). The shield can take one direct spell or one strikes of a magical item before the magic needs to be put back onto the magic. Can only re-apply outside of combat.

Equipment List
Banded mail armor
Coffin-shaped shield
Heavy Mace
Note book with General Knowledge of many kinds of magic and their sources (Quick reference book in case he forgets details he should remember)
A few sets of clothes
Light Crossbow

10 bolts
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  • Vampire_Wars_by_IronMitten.jpg

    Name: Alicia Le'roux

    Age: Alicia appears to be in her twenties, but is at least a decade older than that.

    Race: Human

    Sex: Female

    Homeland:-Kingdom of Liveria: Liveria is a single city-state with self-sustaining farmlands. They are isolationist in nature and their ruler, Crown-Prince Xavier, rejected the idea of folding into the greater Renaltan kingdom due to conflicting ideologies. Where Liveria wants to be left alone, Renalta wants to swing open its doors. This has led to some friction between the two kingdoms at points, with Liveria claiming total control over the only coastline Renalta could feasible use.

    Liveria is small but determined, and their people tend to be either commoners who work for the rich, or the rich who pay tariffs and taxes to the royalty, whom in turn use said taxes and tariffs to ensure their isolationism remains intact.

    Unlike Renalta's open city architecture, Liveria as a city holds are more gothic architecture, with stone gargoyles and dark stone used in construction one could almost be forgiven for confusing the keep for a citadel of engineering genius. Almost.

    History: Alicia was born the only child of the noble house Le'Roux: a recently risen upper-class family that made its fortunes in the Silk trade. Shortly after her birth, Alicia's mother died and, to his credit, her father entered a stage of mourning that lasted the rest of his life.

    Alicia and her father were very close, as she represented the last remnants of a beloved wife, gone; as well as the only heir to a recently risen house. As such, she was spoilt beyond repair as the 'Le'Roux Princess.' She received tutoring from a great many wise teachers and was taught the prime lessons that any noble should learn: etiquette and poise and talking with other nobles and, perhaps her favourite lesson, the art of combat and courtly duelling.

    Sometime in her teenage years, a man approached Alicia's father and caused a fierce argument that shook the household. The man was escorted off the grounds, only to return the next day, and so on, so forth. To the young Alicia, it was a very confusing time but after a dozen attempts, Alicia's father relented, and introduced her to Jacque: a man that would play a very important role in Alicia's life.

    When she was 22 years old, the gods were made to fall. Everything changed and suddenly, Liveria isolated itself from the world. It was during this period of tremendous turmoil that Alicia's father passed away. The young noble woman inherited the house, and most predicted it would fall within weeks.

    It didn't. Alicia seemed to relish in her role as the house's matriarch. It seemed that being led by a new, beautiful and competent young woman attracted both the adoration of her workers, who increased efficiency twice over, and the attention of courtly investors, hoping to get their hands on a very desirable part of the Liverian court.

    It was at this point that Alicia turned to vampirism. She recalled her father's dying words and remembered his call to 'live on forever.' She took the meaning literally, as she feared both her own mortality and succumbing to age and entropy. She managed to find a Liverian vampire and paid the monster to turn her.

    Alicia woke a few hours later, on the floor and being shaken awake by Jacque, her manservant. There was a worried hysteria on his face, and Alicia feared she would have to kill the man as he might discover what she'd become. In truth, he embraced her: tears in the manservant's eyes that Alicia could not explain. Alicia could not place where this strange loyalty had developed, but it had: and Jacque offered his blood. She accepted, despite the confusing loyalty the man showed and continues to show to this day.

    For the next decade, Alicia lived a comfortable life in the Liverian courts. Her silk farm continued to produce and her goods were sold by trade ships that frequented the Liverian coast. The only issue came when one of the Crown-prince's agents approached her, and demanded she seek an audience with Xavier himself.

    The rest, as they say, is history.

    Motivation: "Well, what can I say. My arm is twisted by a Crown-Prince of a country that deplores my kind. If I fail to comply, I will at best be destitute and at worst, decapitated. Still, it could be worse: fighting demons and parading around the continent does sound rather appealing."

    • Biographical Section


      Name: Having long since forgotten his real name, he goes by the name given by his rescuers: Free.
      Age: Most Trolls live a long enough time that they don't count their years, or are simply too stupid to understand. Free is neither of those things, and claims to be in his roughly Forty years of age.
      Race: Desert-Troll
      Sex: Male
      Homeland: The Imperium - Ten thousand years ago, there was an Imperium that reigned over what is now the Amazons, Free Holds, Goblin Holds, and Tuleria. This Imperium was destroyed, and for ten thousand years a sliver of it remained hidden in a cavern system and maintained by a lich known as Maurie Merryweather. Kouri and her allies discovered them and aided in helping the lich bring back one hundred thousand souls to life by banishing the gods to ensure that they would not be immediately slain for the act of bringing so many back to life.

      The Imperium now is a revived incarnation of its ten thousand year old ancestor. They fled the Free Holds and arrived in a heavily forested area, long ago abandoned thanks to whispers of evil from Rheinfeld priests. Undaunted, they set about clearing the forests and building their towns and cities, with Animus becoming the capital, and finding no evil creatures.

      Their attempts at retaking their old homeland from the Free Holds were only initially successful. Surprising the Free Holds with their impressive one on one combat skills and formation-based tactics, they took one of the holds and renamed it to the West Hold Colonia--their foothold into their own homelands. They lost said Colonia shortly after as mercenaries and others used magic-based tactics, something the Imperium is not familiar with in the slightest, to decimate their legions and force a retreat.

      The government of the Imperium can be summarized as a republican democracy with now Empress Maurie directing the military forces. Their nation, whilst struggling to remain populated, does inspire some fervour for their lucid dream of reuniting the world under civilization, order, and equality. Their architecture is grand and majestic, though not always tactically sound it does inspire their people.
      History: Free was not born in the Imperium, nor did he ever expect to join the ranks of Maurie Merryweather's people. Once upon a time, he was simply a Desert-Troll: A part of a relatively peaceful tribe that scavenged and remained oblivious of the changing world around them. They had no idea what was happening in the world around them. They knew no gods, and they knew no revolutions, and they knew no warlords of the Free Holds. They simply knew the life they had, which was filled with their ideas of life.

      That changed early in Free's life. Sometime during his first ten years of life, a Warlord of the region decided that the Troll population was an abomination on his lands: A blight, if you will. They paid no taxes, they did no work and they attacked any hunters of merchants that stray onto their lands. It was not profitable to keep them alive, so they attacked the trolls: beginning a wholesale slaughter of the Desert trolls through the application of a Troll's well documented weakness: Fire.

      Even amongst his people, Free was a unique troll. He had taken books from the merchants they attacked, and he had started to teach himself the language of the humans. He could not speak it yet, but he could write out messages. It was a strange intelligence that no human really understood, so when Free wrote a message in the sands, asking the attackers to stop, they were justly mystified. No one had expected a Troll to be able to understand anything, let alone teach himself the basics of human communication.

      So they spared Free, and only Free. Shackled up in chains, he was forced to listen to the screams of his people as they were put to the torch and to the sword. Then, they dragged him back to the realm they called home: To the keep that would one day become West Hold Colonia.

      The Warlord of the keep was a cruel man, and saw Free as a trophy or a pet. He brutally assaulted the troll, only to watch as Free's natural regeneration made a wound that might leave a lifelong scar heal in a matter of hours. Indeed, Free lost his very name to that warlord, who tortured him and refused to refer to him as anything other than 'Troll.'

      The next Warlord was kinder to Free…Marginally. He still gave the troll no name, but gave him books to read, so that the Warlord might learn to harnass the Troll's obvious intelligence. Perhaps he thought that Free might be used to subjugate trolls, and lead him to the Warlord's cause. Sadly for Free, that Warlord did not last a long time.

      And so the cycle continued. Year in and year out, Warlords came and went. The politics of the Free Holds made Free's master an eternally shifting concept. All that remained the same was the bars of the cage and the shackles at his wrist. He learned to understand human speech over the three decades behind the bars. It was rudimentary, but he developed an understanding as Warlord or guest spoke out the messages from the books. Soon he too, could speak the language.

      The cycle seemed unending, until the Imperium came.

      It was a strange day for Free. He could not understand what was happening, outside the world that was his cage. He was fiercely confused by the sudden arrival of great warriors in gleaming armour. They surveyed him with confusion, and he watched as they scanned the room. He saw his master hiding, and he pointed out the hiding worm to the Imperium soldiers. Free watched with a curious delight as the man was executed, and then, something strange happened.

      One of the captains opened the door to the cage. The Troll was reluctant to move at first, confused by the act. He had no words for it, for the unchained feeling of…what?

      The captain answered him, his hand outstretched. "You're free now. What is your name?"

      The Troll looked at the shiny man with an obvious awe on his face. He repeated the word, the on-so-right sounding word. "F-r-e-e?"

      Without another word, the Captain led the troll away from the fort, and soon, Free was led back to the Forest of the Imperium, where he learned of their vision of the world: United and free and without the villainy of the Free Holds. Turning to the strange captain, he communicated his intent to be trained and join the Imperium army.

      For the next few years, Free was taught swordsmanship and how to properly fight in armour and to battle like an Imperium warrior. His progress was swift, as was his integration of the Imperium Ideology. He was assisted by his natural Troll abilities though, including his above average strength and his fantastic regeneration.

      Although Free never rose in ranks, he started to gain attention from the Higher-ups in the Imperium as a unique but powerful warrior. He fought harder and longer than some of the veterans of 10,000 years ago, and his intelligence shocked many who thought him naught but a dull brute. Soon enough, he was nominated to represent the Imperium as a champion amongst the Queen's Blades: A symbol that the Imperium was not only a place of warriors, but a place of all races: where champions could be human, or troll: Old or new.

      Motivation: Free is driven by a desire to see the Imperium's dreams made reality. He is unshakably loyal to the ideology of the Imperium, and desires nothing more than to better himself for the Imperium's sake. On a personal level, he despises the Free Holds above all else, and would see them burn if it were in his power.

    • Traits & Equipment

      General Traits
      • --Endurance Training (Rank 1): After training out in the field for hours and hours on ending, you have come to realize the value of being able to simply last longer than your opponent. This translates into taking a couple more hits before you will go down, and having a higher tolerance to pain... Though, getting hit still hurts, quite a bit actually, and you're no god. (Basics of taking more damage and resisting pain-related negative effects.)
      • --???(Rank 2)
      • --Heavy Hitter (Rank 1): Where some would resort to flailing their arms about in an unsophisticated manner, you've decided that if you can hit something hard enough the first time that it stays down, that you can end fights before they can even really begin. Though, you're still working on that "consistent" part, and not slowing down when you swing harder than usual. In the case of a ranged weapon, it means a larger calibre firearm or larger bow, translating to greater recoil and/or slower fire rate instead. (Basics of doing more damage with each swing.)
      • Defender (Rank 1): You could take more hits to the face and become an unrecognizable, horrible mutilated piece of scar tissue on one and a half legs... Or, you've mused, you could probably just stop that by holding a shield and your armour correctly. This lets you absorb harder blows with your shield and armour. (Basics of wielding shields and armour (especially heavy armour) effectively.)
      • --Fortitude (Rank 1): Whether or not you are a mage, you can learn how to defend yourself from one, and that is just what you decided to do. After all, how else are you supposed to save the world if you can be cooked in a fireball by a pissed off mage? (Basics of resisting magical spells. NOTE: This is all magic--good, bad, and neutral!)

      Unique Traits
      • Trollkin: Free is a 100% natural Troll, coming with all the perks and all of the weaknesses. He is naturally strong, a bit ugly and he regenerates faster than nearly any race alive. The downside? He is grossly allergic to fire. The mere touch of flame is agony to him, and he is downright terrified of the stuff! (Effect: Free has an immense rate of regeneration, taking rounds to heal wounds that might take him out of combat. He is deathly weak to fire though, and is still able to be knocked out and dealt a Coup de' Grace, should he be severely outmatched.)
        --Level 2; The Troll with the Plan! – Free has learned to conquer his fear of Fire, and with it, he has also managed to develop some of his other natural troll-ee abilities. Power of the mind, baby! (Effect: Free will no longer suffer a chance to flee in the face of fire. He has also learned to harnass some of his natural Troll strength a bit more effectively, boosting how hard he hits and how hard he can get hit. He still burns like a Ginger basted in Chicken fat, though.)
      • --Trait 2: FREE FIGHT FOR YOU! – Free is motivated to fight by the dream that the Imperium have shared with him: Of a world that is united under a single realm, and that is fair and just and all that shite. He fights because it seems like the right thing to do, and he wants his friends and allies to see that world too. (Effect: Free can make a roll for a combat manoeuvre once per battle, where he will 'bullrush' an opponent that is attacking one of his allies. If successful, he will knock into the opponent or at least attract there attention enough that they target the big mass of metal and muscle that is free, not the squishy mage or the Archer-asshole.)
      • --Trait 3: Imperium Trained – Free has learned to fight with some of the best one-on-one fighters in all of the kingdoms. He spars with veterans of wars 10,000 years gone, and sometimes, he even wins. (Effect: Free gains bonuses when fighting an opponent head on, knowing how to outlast them and out hit them, thanks to fighting much better opponents back home: opponents that, admittedly, weren't trying to decapitate him.)

      Equipment List

      >Imperium Claymore
      >Oversized Kite Shield
      >Oversized Falchion
      >Plate armour
      >A whetstone
      >A totem of his tribe, recovered after the Imperium freed him from captivity, generally kept in a pouch at his hip.

    • Personal Section

      Romance: It seems unlikely that anyone can love a hulking, monstrous Troll…Feel free to prove me wrong, of course.
      Does the Kouri Plushie exist?: FREE WANT PLUSHIE NOAW!

      Signature: I, LimeyPanda, being of sound body and mind, would not mind if Free died as a result of poor decisions from myself, my allies or should Nuffle reject my meagre offerings of Seven goats and roll me Snake eyes…Twice.

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Moving from RPG I see? It's sad that the site has been encountering so many problems, I really liked the layout.

Hope you don't mind me dropping in, if you sadly don't remember me it's because I withdrew after just one IC post several months ago.
Moving from RPG I see? It's sad that the site has been encountering so many problems, I really liked the layout.
Hope you don't mind me dropping in, if you sadly don't remember me it's because I withdrew after just one IC post several months ago.
I remember you Aza! *High fives* How you been man?!
I left RPG myself, haven't actually been RPing since then I just hang around Iwaku because a bunch of friends moved this way. I can see that Legends of Renalta is still alive and well.
I left RPG myself, haven't actually been RPing since then I just hang around Iwaku because a bunch of friends moved this way. I can see that Legends of Renalta is still alive and well.
Only because I decided to take off while I could. Stability is getting bad enough that it quad posted an edit and then the site died for a few minutes. Decided "okay time to migrate." Came here.

I like this place. :angel:
I'll pull my character sheet together soon. Want to reformat it and stuff.

As a reminder, don't y'all forget this 'ere li'l' beauty. I'll update it in a bit.

  • Currently active character.

    • (Basic portrait, ©Holmishire)

      Name: Aëyr.
      Age: 19.
      Race: Selkie.
      Sex: Female.
      Appearance: Dark brown hair, slim build, average height. [spoili]
      Preliminary sketches, ©Holmishire

      The Free Holds.

      Born on a relatively isolated archipelago off the coast of Tuleria, she was captured at thirteen alongside two other selkies to be sold to the Free Holds as slaves. One of the two selkies, an older male, died during the voyage.

      She and her shoal-sister, Eüchia, ended up in Southblood, living as exotic prostitutes trained for merchants and the upper class. They suffered together for several years, healthy in body but broken in mind. At the age of eighteen, Aëyr executed a plan that allowed both her and Eüchia to escape captivity—however, both were caught shortly thereafter.

      Knowing Aëyr to have always been the more submissive of the two, their owner decided to grant her a cruel choice: slay her sister, and be herself allowed to live; or free her, and be left to die in the desert. To her owner's annoyance, she chose to cut Eüchia free, and as such was abandoned in the desert to die.

      By some miracle, she managed to survive long enough to make it to Free Hold, where she was promptly brought back to health by the local goblins. During her brief stay there, she encountered a retired Renaltan knight, who, impressed by her abilities, convinced her to return with him to his homeland.

      They passed first through the Imperium, then crossed the Blood Sea, eventually reaching Arian village, where she was accepted into the Queens' Blades according to Amanda the Archmage's nebulous plan. In her ensuing missions, she killed the ruling lord of Southblood, rediscovered her lost shoal-sister, and fought to save Tuleria from a demon invasion. She continues to fight for the Queens' Blades, with her focus being to ensure the stability of the northern nations.

      [Note: no longer 100% canon.]

      Born and raised in the seas, near an uninhabitated northern archipelago, she learned the ways of survival both above and below sea-level. Her shoal was not large, but tight-knit, and had regular gatherings with other nearby shoals, selkie, merfolk, or otherwise. So far out at sea, there was very little in the way of interference from the landborne races. However, still young, a merchant convoy from the Free Holds happened upon her archipelago and decided to spend some time there resting, restocking, and taking note of the isles' resources and location for future voyages. Finding the selkies residing there, they offered some trade in exchange for some of the precious ores surrounding a dormant volcano. Not valuing the ores themselves, the selkies readily agreed to the trade.

      A couple years later, when she was sixteen years old, a new, larger, and better-armed convoy arrived at their archipelago. These new men made no efforts for trade, and went straight to mining the ores and cutting down trees for lumber.

      The selkies approached the merchants and their guards demanding they leave their isles alone, but they refused, threatening the selkies if they interfered. Powerless, the selkies could do nothing but observe as their land was pilfered. In hiding, they eagerly awaited the day when the men would leave them to their peace, but when that day came, they were in for an even worse fate than before. A small troop was sent out to find the selkie hideout and capture some of them as slaves. Once found, they attacked and ruthlessly killed six, capturing two girls and one man.

      On the ship, they were chained to the deck and not allowed into the water. Drying up to the sun, it was not long before the three of them had shed their coats. The man, most adept in the use of magic, managed to break himself free of the bonds, but was slain before he could escape with the others. And so it was that they were shipped through Teluria to the Free Holds and sold into the slavery of a brothel in the city of SouthBlood. Trained both physically and mentally, given strict workout regiments and diets—though hers tailored to her amphibious nature—she quickly became one of the many skilled prostitutes of the establishment, often using her empathetic nature to take advantage of her consumers' desires.

      Though she, as the years passed, came to accept the hard life fate had given her, her constant companion Eüchia, the selkie two years her younger who'd been captured alongside Aëyr, had fallen into a deep depression. As such, she resolved to break her out. They made it halfway through the city before being caught. To make an example of them to the other slaves and prostitutes, they strung Eüchia at the end of a dock, gave Aëyr a dagger and three options: slit Eüchia's throat, and keep her own life; cut Eüchia loose into the water, and be banished to the desert; or do nothing and spare Eüchia, but be herself flogged to death on display.

      Taking the dagger in her hands, she cut Eüchia loose.

      They abandoned her naked in the desert, far from other settlements, with no knowledge of where she was. Knowing not what else she could do, she ran in one direction, sleeping during the day and absorbing any moisture she could from the air, with a little help from her meager magical abilities to keep the heat at bay. After three days, she arrived—starved, dehydrated, largely sleep-deprived, and burnt from the sun, at Goblin Hold. They cleaned her up and brought her back to a decent level of health, astounded by her trek across the desert. When she was fit enough to leave, she gratefully took her leave of the Goblin Holds, and with rations to last, she went first to the Imperium, then to the other side of the Blood Sea, and has been wandering since, constantly moving.

      Motivation: After years of slavery, Aëyr wants to regain some sense of self-worth. Benevolent at heart, and choosing others over herself, all she wants is a better world where others, perhaps, won't have to suffer as she did. She chose to join the Queen's Blades to help others.

    • Heavy Stat: 15.5
      • Perseverance: 30
      • Defender: 0
      • Heavy Hitter: 45
      • Combat Senses: 0
      • Repositioning: 80
      Light Stat: 24.5
      • Reflexes: 80
      • Cloak of Innocence: 60
      • Rapid Blows: 40
      • Sharp: 50
      • Dancer: 15

      Custom Traits:
      • Selkie: Amphibious race. Improved swimming, improved eyesight underwater, resistance to high pressures, resistance to low temperatures. Able to hold breath for up to an hour.
      • Improved aim, can hit targets at a long distance.
        • Improved aim when mobile.
        • Can ricochet sling-shots off of walls, ceilings, or other ceilings for a chance to hit targets behind cover.
          • Improved ricochet. Also works with specialized, activate-on-impact ammunition. [spoili](Screw logic.)[/spoili]
      • Chance to reflexively catch dodged projectiles for her own use.
      • Trick shots: Includes flashbangs and knockbacks. Flashbangs burst in an intense flash of light upon impact. Knockbacks contain highly compressed air that is released upon impact, pushing everything surrounding it away. Neither are likely to do any damage, but can be used to disorient opponents.
      • Chemical shots: Includes liquid flame and acid. Liquid flame shots releases a coat of sticky liquid that ignites instantly, spreads a moderate area around the target, and cannot be doused by water alone. Acid shots release a coat of acid that burns flesh and slowly eats away at metal. The former does most of its damage in the initial burst, whereas the latter benefits from sustained damage.
      • Anti-Magic shots: Penetrates and cannot be repelled by magical defences, otherwise act like normal shots.
      • Free running: Can scale walls, jump over barriers, and slide under obstacles without breaking stride or losing speed.

      Story Traits: None.
      [tab=Equipment List]

  • She is the shoal-sister to Aëyr, and both captured and attempted escape alongside her. Freed in the first Free Holds mission, she is now an NPC stationed in Renalta.

    • Name: Eüchia.
      Age: 17.
      Race: Selkie.
      Sex: Female.
      The Free Holds.
      (Preliminary sketches, ©Holmishire.)

Romance: It happens if it happens.
Does the Kouri Plushie exist?: I suspect so.
Signature: Holmishire, should you choose to accept me.[/spoili]
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Only because I decided to take off while I could. Stability is getting bad enough that it quad posted an edit and then the site died for a few minutes. Decided "okay time to migrate." Came here.
I like this place. :angel:
I'm torn, there are a lot of little things about the format that I dislike but the locals seem nice and it's definitely stable.
    • [COLOR=#ffff99]Rayvon Krayvitch[/COLOR]
      Name: Rayvon Krayvitch
      Age: 22
      Race: Aasimar
      Sex: Female
      Appearance: Rayvon stands at approximately 5'11" and weighs in at 133 lbs. Her hair is cut short, framing her face and is black, glinting a deep blue in the light. Her eyes are a deep piercing blue and her face is marked with dark tattoos along her cheeks which, rarely seen, extend along her entire body. Overall, she is of a slender but strong build but can be notably seen staggering from time to time as if she is still not used to distributing her weight a particular way. Notably, down her back, near her shoulder blades, are two large scars with irregular planes denoting where her wings once were.
      Image Credit

      Homeland: Kingdom of Liveria

      Liveria is a single city-state with self-sustaining farmlands. They are isolationist in nature and their ruler, Crown-Prince Xavier, rejected the idea of folding into the greater Renaltan kingdom due to conflicting ideologies. Where Liveria wants to be left alone, Renalta wants to swing open its doors. This has led to some friction between the two kingdoms at points, with Liveria claiming total control over the only coastline Renalta could feasible use.

      Liveria is small but determined, and their people tend to be either commoners who work for the rich, or the rich who pay tariffs and taxes to the royalty, whom in turn use said taxes and tariffs to ensure their isolationism remains intact.

      Unlike Renalta's open city architecture, Liveria as a city holds are more gothic architecture, with stone gargoyles and dark stone used in construction one could almost be forgiven for confusing the keep for a citadel of engineering genius. Almost.

      Motivation: To establish angels as secular of the gods, stamp down scourges of the realm and purge the corruption of both unholy and amoral individuals. It may not be her problem, but she's about to make it so.

      History: Rayvon, born and raised in the capital of Liveria did not have a bad life. Her mother was a notable Witch Hunter and her father, leader of a church. It worked for him, seeing how he was part angel. Unfortunately, when the gods are banished... A lot of people stop going to church. A lot of hatred over what the gods once did starts to bubble over. Descendants of Renaltan lives that sought refuge in Liveria? They held a grudge. They took action, no longer fearing retribution from the gods. Rayvon, just barely into her teen years, was young when it happened. The church her family lived in was attacked in the wake of the news of what the Legendary Princess had been capable of doing. They toppled the statues, broke the stained glass and tore through the place. It was a small band. However, her father was incapable of doing anything to stop them, a simple preacher.

      Her father, he died. Herself? She was attacked for her history. They started by removing her wings. Her pride, the one thing she saw that made her different. The rest, she can barely remember herself. All she can remember was a party of Witch Hunters returning, her mother at their lead... As their cries raised in signal of a triumphant hunt, the attackers scattered. But she had seen the one who lead the attack. She had known him, a friend of the family, a peer to her mother. Davyth.

      When her mother found out what happened, she immediately began a new hunt. The hunt for Davyth. She killed Davyth. Her mother? Delia Krayvitch was tried and imprisoned for her crimes against a fellow Witch Hunter. Rayvon herself carried on under the teachings of her father in the church, cared for by the follower who took his place. Yet, she began to see there was a need for justice in the world. Where the corrupt can go free, and those who seek justice are punished... It was a tragedy and needed correcting. Of course, no one was apparently taking up that mantle for themselves. So, it fell upon her. At first, she took under the training of the Witch Hunters. However, before she joined their ranks, she took her leave in order to be a holy knight. Not for the Gods. Not for honor and fame. For no more than the greater

    • General Traits
      • Defender (Rank I): Basics of wielding shields and armour effectively.
      • Protector (Rank II): Damage negated by a small portion. Weapon deflection and combo disruption
      • HOLD! (Rank III): Gives you the chance to absorb a blow that, by all rights, should send you off your feet.
      • Adrenaline (Rank I): Basics of "last stand" mechanics
      • Charger (Rank I): Basics of dashing quickly and charging into opponents
      • Endurance Training (Rank I): Basics of taking more damage and resisting pain-related negative effects
      • Heavy Hitter (Rank I): Basics of doing more damage with each swing
      • Fortitude (Rank I): Basics of resisting magical spells
      • Raw Talent (Rank I): Basics of casting magic power-wise
      Unique Traits
      • Divine Martyr (Rank I): Natural resistances to Unholy and Corruption effects. At the expense of exposing herself to a degree of the corruption, she can purify an individual.
      • Celestial Repose (Rank II): Rayvon now has a cleansing aura. All things within the area are less prone to the effects of corruption. She herself now naturally cleanses corruption of herself over time.
      • Seraphic Countenance (Rank III): Rayvon is a bastion of purity and reassuring strength. Those around her are more likely to believe her to have good intentions and rally to the cause against evil and demons. Noticeably, there almost seems to be a shimmer of light at her back when one focuses, as if there were wings.
      • Orthodoxy Awareness (Rank I): Ability to sense unholy and divine individuals in a range based upon the strength of their corruption or purity. She will experience a draw in the general direction and be able to sense greater corruption/holiness further out and tell the difference between the two, but slightly corrupted individuals or those able to mask their presence she will have trouble being able to sense without being close or without contact.
      • The Spellsword (Rank I): Rayvon has the talent to imbue raw magic in some form to her equipment. Grants a slight magic property bonus to either attack or defense with the equipment enchanted.
      • The Smiting Fist (Rank II): Rayvon has learned to channel her raw magic into a devastating attack that punishes one she has deemed wicked. She can only affect those she has deemed worthy of punishment and seems to do additional harm to demons and the demonic influenced.
      • Emissary of Justice (Rank I): It is as if Rayvon's hand is guided by Fate and Destiny themselves when she has championed herself to a cause. Rayvon may select one target at a time, enemy or ally and receives a bonus to overcome or defend in turn.
      • Purple Ribbon: Minor bonus to dealing with damage, less likely to fall into shock or succumb to injuries.
      • Purple Heart: Taking injuries in the defense of allies lowers the odds the injury will be lethal
      • Mighty Cleave: Minor bonus to damage output & armour penetration.
      • Immutable Connection: You have cured a wolf of his corruption in a previous mission, though unfortunately the rest of his pack was slain in the conflict. All that's left is two wolf pups which he protects zealously. You found him following you all the way to the Liverian capital, and the Mage's Guild have determined that the magical influences have made him somewhat more intelligent than the average wolf, and that he's formed a bond with you, following you, obeying you, and protecting you. It's possible that further developments will occur over time--if he remains alive--thanks to his genetic code having been permanently set into a state of mutable changes by the prior corruption he had.
      • Vigilo Numen: Winged Longsword, Silver
      • Warhammer: (One-handed)
      • Half-Plate: Gleaming, accented armour with under-laid with chainmail and leather.
      • Crested Shield: A high-quality shaped tower shield made for Rayvon with a crest designed for her, displaying a winged sword with laurel beneath it
      • Dark Cloak: A cloak of dark colour and medium thickness, durable to add extra protection but tears so as to not add unwarranted hazards.
      • Flint and Steel: A way to light a fire
      • Cross Necklace: A cross of gold resting over her heart, rather simple and upon a medium weight chain.
      • Waterskin
      • Travel rations
      • Coinpurse with a few spare coins.
      • Whetstone
      • Polish
      • Angelus Decretum: The Angel's book of prayer
      • Treated Blood Vial: Amazons are known for their bizarre spiritual practices. This vial of blood is treated specifically to allow non-Amazons to use it properly, being a diluted form of what the Amazons themselves drink. Drinking this gives a character a spirit animal of their choice, who will help them with one task (a battle, an investigation, et cetera) before fading back to the ethereal realm from whence it came. The spirit animal is ordinarily intelligent enough to speak telepathically, and is usually one of the character's ancestors or dead friends given animal form.

    • [COLOR=#00ff00]Maeven Lucre[/COLOR]
      Name: Maeven Lucre
      Age: 27
      Race: Mechanist-Human Half-Breed
      Sex: Female

      Appearance: Maeven stands at 5'2" and might weigh 100 lbs soaking wet. If it weren't for her inherited long legs, she'd be doomed to be mistaken for a Desert Gnome. Even living in Tuleria, she has never been and will never be anything but pale. Her cheeks and clear from shoulder to shoulder are dusted with freckles. Both her eyes are a natural light gray, and her long hair is a vibrant green. Typically she dresses in short, light clothes in a manner to accentuate her figure and marks her Tulerian background.

      Homeland: The Kingdom of Tuleria

      The Kingdom of Tuleria is ruled by a triad council, and holds a merchant's culture above most other concepts. They are the masters of trade now that the Free Holds is under attack from multiple angles and tend to stay out of the world's affairs, save where their own survival is involved. Presently, one of the three leaders of the triad council has gone insane with power, and is attempting to overthrow the other two at Barracks Varro.

      The landscape can be summarized as swamps and desert. While they are a trader's nation, this was at first by necessity: They had no farmlands to speak of, and thus had to import food. They began to export specialty goods, and soon enough the "little sister friendly not-slaver culture" to the Free Holds was born. Notable, lizardmen rank as one of the highest demographics population-wise.

      This nation also holds a proud naval tradition, and claims the most powerful fleet in the world. They also tend to be one of the only nations that trades with distant lands, thanks to their natural presence on the ocean, though contact with such peoples is extremely limited.

      Motivation: There are many interesting things in Tuleria, but there are even more abroad. Maeven knows this and believes the gateway to these things is the Queen's Blades. Even she had heard tale of the Heroes of Renalta. What could be more interesting than that. Well, she is determined to find out.

      History: Maeven was born in Tuleria, one of the smaller towns that escaped notice of the drafts. Of course, so she thought. Her aunt was the one who cared for her. Her father served the military demands of Tuleria so she was never the one to have to fulfill the requirements herself. If she ever listened to the woman, she might have known this. Her mother was a flighty woman, a mechanist woman. She was always on the run. Her aunt never knew what from. She used to stop by in her youth with new mechanical wonders for Maeven to play with... But then she stopped coming all together. There was one thing she did bring the final time. One thing Maeven still has today... The soulgem that houses Fafnir.

      Maeven never really knew what happened to Fafnir, she began to grow restless as she grew older and her own mechanist nature began to grow apparent. The gem that housed Fafnir began to whisper to her. She began to craft more and more and found her trinkets began to sell. She moved out on her own, fed up with her aunt and decided to make her own living, plying her trade... But the mysteries of the soul gem were what truly entranced her.

      And it led her down a path for the worst. At first, she developed a body for Fafnir, simply fulfilling a promise an ancestor of hers had failed to keep... But then, she began to wonder what else she could do. She began to find the sick and homeless of the city she lived, capturing the souls and giving them a chance to continue on in a new form, though, she realized too late that their souls were too weak to carry on like Fafnir's... But she was a woman possessed. There had to be a way...

      But she had captured the attention of wealthy noblemen with the failed attempts, the toys and tinkerings that she developed and there was a new demand. A lucrative market... And she wondered if there was any harm. She was doing it anyways, if only by accident, so why not make a little extra coin on the side. She began to sell off the failed mechanical constructs as toys for the wealthy.

      Soon enough, though, the demand began to grow too much, her 'projects' were beginning to grow too few.. She began to branch out... She began to look at first for animals, less sickly men and women of the streets... Frustrated, she began to wonder what was wrong. Were these people not enough. Were they not strong enough, did they not have enough energy. She finally began to branch out even further, and she finally took her knife towards children...

      And from there, it was all downhill. The disappearance of the vagrants could be overlooked, but a child or two disappearing from their home was too much. And that was when it hit her just how far she had sunken. And with that, she abandoned her workshop and all that she had done all except Fafnir, her pistol and her Blunderbuster... and packed up... hoping her past wouldn't catch up with her.

    • General Traits
      • Heavy Hitter (Rank I): Basics of doing more damage with each attack
      • Stealthy (Rank 1): Basics of stealth-oriented tasks and escaping.
      • Playing Dirty (Rank 2): Tools of escape to temporarily blind or distract are more effective.
      • Acrobatic (Rank I): Basics of acrobatics: Basics of acrobatics: Climbing, falling gracefully, etc
      • Free Runner (Rank 2): The environment can no longer be factored negatively against your character. Atop this, your character's acrobatic abilities are at their natural peak: There are few places you cannot reach.
      • Tools of the Trade (Rank 3): Mastery of acrobat's tools. You've mastered usage with basic tools such as grappling hooks and can even use them mid-combat. Atop this, you've also started to master far more advanced tools, ones you can use exclusively, such as primitive wingsuits, or combat foam to soften unintentionally long falls.
      • Sharp Rank (Rank I): Basics of weakness-finding and lie detecting
      • Investigator (Rank II): Increases chances of finding out of place things and detecting weaknesses. Chance to suddenly realize something they didn't understand before
      • Slippery (Rank I): Basics of dodging and evasion
      Unique Traits
      • Mechanist Matron (Rank I): Maeven is proficient in binding spirits to make living creations. Need an example? Meet Fafnir, a mechanical dragon construct.
      • Mechanist Ingenuity (Rank II): Maeven has begun experimenting upon Fafnir in order to make him a better dragon then ever. He now can be customized to better service her needs. Unlocks two customizable slots for him.
      • A Charming Masquerade (Rank I): Maeven has a darker secret and she has long since learned to hide herself in plain sight, being outgoing and pleasing the crowd. Bonuses against her motives being sensed and for charming others.
      • A Keen Eye and a Creative Mind (Rank I): She has a keen intuition for finding bits and pieces that she can utilize in ingenious ways to improve her creations, create new ones and the like. A random chance to find or craft new items beneficial to the party or can be used as parts.
      • The Only Real Power is Firepower (Rank I): While bows and steel are fine, they are inferior to a solid gun. Maevan is a sharpshooter equipped with the best of the best of Mechanist Weaponry (or so she claims), The Blunderbuster.
        Gem Slot: Blunderbuster can have different gems fixed into place. The effects this can have will change as Maeven discovers new crystals.
        Barrel: Blunderbuster has interchangeable barrels that can be swapped out between combat.
        • --Wide-mouthed: Adds a cone-damage effect.
        • --Rifle: Adds an accuracy bonus
        • --Short: Faster reload
      • Innovations in Firepower (Rank II): In the aftermath of the Amazonian events, Maeven has engineered herself a wrist-mounted bow, Spitz, with a series of specialized munitions. Bonus to hiding the weapon when not being actively searched, access to the following munitions variants:
        • --Sleeping Toxin Bolts: A potent toxin that is capable of putting many to sleep, save for the strong-willed and resistant.
        • --Drake Envenomed Bolts: A venom discovered that sears the contacted flesh and causes an entropy of strength as time wears on.
        • --Sparkflash Bolts: A blinding distraction more than anything. As it strikes a surface, the chemical containers smash and mix together, forming a cacophonous flash of light and sparking
      • Interchangable Parts (Rank I): Maeven has begun to better understand her mechanist talents. She now has the capability to overhaul her creations completely outside of missions. Inside missions, she can do on the fly repairs and alterations outside of combat. This ranges from swapping out soulstones to change the effects in her gear to changing out parts to change the function of her equipment. This talent also applies towards other mechanist items that she comes across, given her cursory knowledge of what makes creations tick.
        Soul Gems –
        • Dragon - An ancient spirit capable of powering complex constructs. It has a strong will of its own. Fixed
        • Fire Mage - A mortal spirit capable of powering intermediate constructs. It adds a fire based element to whatever it is socketed to.
        • Golem - A mortal spirit capable of powering intermediate constructs. In a weapon, it tends to add more knockback.
        • Animal - An animal spirit capable of powering simple things. In a weapon, it tends to silence it.
        • Succubus - An immortal spirit capable of powering complex constructs. It has a strong will of its own and can be quite dangerous. Used in a weapon it seems to corrupt a foe with desire. It still has unknown properties.

      • Mechanical Apprentice: One free upgrade to Fafnir.
      • Playing Possum: Minor bonuses to escaping the attention of enemies.
      • Sharpshooter: Minor bonus to accuracy.
      • Wild Woman: You've gained a certain reputation for being indiscriminate in who you display your most energetic affections for. In short: You're a slut, and everyone knows it. On the bright side, flirtations from you are more promising and more likely to inspire allies, convince neutral parties to do as you ask, and cause enemies to hesitate.

      Blunderbuster – Special
      Spitz - Special
      Upper-Class Clothing (Tulerian)
      Flintlock Pistol
      Powder Horn
      Empty Spirit Gem
      Control Ring - Fafnir
      Journal & Charcoal
      Tinker Toolkit
      Loaded Die
      Cheater's Cards

      • Grappling Hook: A Mechanist creation, it is a device with a hook at the end that shoots out with a chain attached and retracts, either drawing the holder to it or the object to the used.
      • Bolos: A thrown device that ensnares an enemy and trips them up.
      • Wrist and Ankle Catches: In case of an emergency and there is no time to grab a bottle or other such devices, there are small hooks (that could also double as tearing weapons) on Maeven's ankles and wrists to catch her.
      • Bottled Cloud: In case of an emergency fall, she can drop this. As it interacts with oxygen, it foams up and produces a vast foam protective padding in an area.
      • Sparkwhistler Bombs: Bombs that she throws down in front of enemies that emit a shrill noise and a bright flash of fire in order to daze and disorient in order to escape.
      • Shadevenom Smoke: Choking smoke bombs that can be deadly if people stay in the smoke too long, but ultimately used to distract and dissuade pursuit.
      • Lockpicks: The keys to the city.
      • Caltrops: The quickest way to slow them down.
      • Disguise kit: Now you see me, now you don't.
      • Glass cutter: Just another way in.
      • Oil Flasks: A quick way to grease Fafnir, or to throw into an enemy fire and set them ablaze or to make a torch.
      • Flint and Steel: To start a fire.
      Requisitions List
      • Angel's Blood: When treated properly via secret magical processes, the blood of an angel can mend any wounds, and cure nearly any disease. It does not bring back the dead however. Naturally, with the lacklustre angel population in the world, these aren't common, and are distributed on a very cautious basis. Last thing anyone wants is people poaching angels out of the skies now, right? (Liveria.)
    • [COLOR=#ff0000]Fafnir the Father[/COLOR]
      Fafnir the Father, self-acclaimed father of dragons and old enough that maybe he was. Unfortunately, even dragons were not privy to immortality. So what does a dragon do when he realizes his best years are behind him and the Great Hoard in the Sky was before him? Start making deals. Unfortunately, not many people are happy to make deals with dragons. Something about looking like crunchy little snacks. Fafnir, however, was lucky enough (or cursed enough in his words) to meet a Mechanist long ago who had the perfect solution: Let the little squishy-morsel pop his soul into a hand-dandy shiny and he'd make him a new, improved, ageless body!

      The cheeky green-haired rat was a liar. He turned Fafnir's spirit stone into a pretty family heirloom.

      Well enough, though, a young woman finally inherited the shard and the familial history passed down by it. She grew fascinated by the idea of a personal dragon... Obsessive, even. To Fafnir's later dismay, however, she understood the hazards of such. Scaling his size down and stripping some of his capabilities... As well as integrating a means of control, enabled her to bring to life her first creation: The snarkiest, most irritating dragon companion ever to exist.

      Fafnir decided that was not fair, though, seeing how he only stood a meager 7" tall and 10" in length, incapable of flight and only capable of blowing hot air. Sure, feeling no pain was a perk, and the metal razors filling his mouth and talons were nice, as well as the steel and bronze body, but it was still no comparison to his former glory. If it were not the inhibitor engineered into him, he would have eaten the little green-haired rat kin. Shame. Now he has to suffer her using him as a mount.
      Image Credit

      • Slot 1 - Augmented Voicecaster: Fafnir has a terrifying roar. In fact, Maeven has attempted to make it even more terror inducing. Fafnir has a chance to fear his enemies when he begins roaring.
      • Slot 2 - Protected Fuel Lines: Fafnir now has protected fuse lines. He is less likely to be disabled due to leaking fuel. This grants a moderate bonus to defense against high damage.
      • Slot 3 - Razor Edges: Fafnir has sharpened claws and fangs at this time, able to pierce armour better.
      Unequipped Augmentations:
      • Mouth Extended Torch: Maeven has found a chemical she can spark temporarily to create a fire-breathing effect for Fafnir. This, for brief periods of time can be used as a fire breath attack by him. Extended use could risk doing damage to his own structure or heating those upon his metal surface as it heats up.
      • Reinforced Metal Wings: In lieu of the ability of flight, Fafnir has been equipped with fortified wings in order to offer fortified shields upon his sides to offer greater protection to himself and his rider.
      • Leather Wings: Fafnir is now made with leather wings enabling him the ability to fly. This in turn also grants him higher agility and movement speed, at the expense of some of his protective capabilities.
      • Hydraulic Pump System: Fafnir creates greater force behind his limbs and jaw attacks, doing more damage. He is also now harder to knock back at the expense of being slower.
    • [COLOR=#993300]Arkos Cernunnos[/COLOR]
      Name: Arkos Cernunnos
      Age: 39
      Race: Oread-Human Half-Breed
      Sex: Male

      Appearance: Arkos stands approximately 6'5" and weighs in at around 210 lbs, having a well-muscled frame. He is a deep tan, though how much is from the grit and dirt constantly present on his skin is not well known. He keeps his torso free from restraint, but wears a hood and horned skull headdress most often. Beneath this fearsome mask, though, if you could remove it, is the face of a man with doe eyes of baby blue, rather unusual on his chiseled aquiline face, with curling locks of dusty brunette. Draped at his waist is a wolf's fur, he wears cotton pants of white, though he can never keep them clean, and he wears leather boots.
      Image Credit

      Homeland: The Kingdom of Renalta

      The Kingdom of Renalta was restored by Queen Kouri ten years ago, prior to this, it was a series of villages and towns that mainly kept to themselves. This Kingdom is perhaps the most idyllic in belief and in practice, with the concerns of the people often directly addressed by the royalty themselves, a great deal of emphasis is placed upon keeping the commoner fed, clothed, and housed, with ample opportunities for work at every corner. Often times the royalty themselves can be seen, sometimes even without bodyguards, walking the streets like any regular commoner. This has earned them the reputation of being both trustworthy and zealously adored by the majority of the people.

      The culture of Renalta is openly tolerant, though there is still some underlying dislike of the now banished gods whom punitively destroyed the kingdom one thousand years ago. Their military is zealous and loyal, but untested in real warfare and relatively small in comparison to the other major world powers. Religiously, they tend to scatter across several religions. Racially, they tend to be the most diverse nation, though this sometimes causes friction between two immigrants whose homeland kingdoms are at war.

      In general, most of the land is farmland, rolling grassy hills, hamlets, and rivers, with foothills and mountains to the north, and forests to the west and south. East they have a direct border with Liveria, which has little in the way of trade due to the sometimes tense relations between the two kingdoms. Renalta is the only significantly populated city, but it is one of the most populated on the planet, easily spanning several kilometers in every direction and boasting large, open streets for trade with open, welcoming architecture. The recent population explosion from refugees is making even this city however a little crowded.

      Motivation: In order to combat the increasing signs of demonic influence and its impact on the natural world.

      History: Once, there was a King's Ranger by the name of Eildwig Cernunnos. As the stories once went, there was a time when Renalta was but the whispered name of a long forgotten kingdom, laid to waste by the vengeful Typhon, granted power by the gods. In the time since, the King's Rangers were devastated and scattered, but there were those who remained true. Their legacy persisted, for nigh 1000 years, as they passed on their duty in wait of the return of the missing princess and Renalta to raise once more. Eildwig was one such ranger who bore this duty and wore the mantle his father passed down to him from his father, who received it from his father before him, who in turn received it from his father and so forth. Eildwig, however, was not one to chase after fables and quickly lost faith in these fables his father reared him upon. So it went that Eildwig the ranger set off from the lands of his father and ventured forth into the wilds to the north, seeking better lands and following wherever whimsy took his feet.

      This did not last forever, though. Eildwig soon found himself at the mercy of the wilds, his leg broken as he fell from a crumbling mountain path. He waited a day and night before anyone found him, and to his surprise, it was a maiden of the mountains, an Oread by the name of Irsa. Irsa took pity upon the ranger and nursed him to health. Thus began the romance that brought Arkos into this world.

      Eildwig was scarce permitted in the mountains Irsa's kin inhabited and they looked upon the child bore of their love with uncertainty, for surely he would be as so many outsiders were. So it was, then, that the three settled their lives at the edge of both worlds, away from the cities of man and the Oread people.

      Arkos grew, learning of nature from his mother and the ways of the Ranger from his father. It was a strange balance, as his father taught him how to disguise himself and hunt off the wild, his mother taught him to protect and nurture all living things. Always, though, the nature of his mother's kind would shine through, making itself known in his natural affinity for the mountain and its cold stone.

      They would conflict from time to time, but it was a happy life that continued well into manhood. His father, though, did not have the longer life that was bestowed upon them, though, and had lived as a hobbled man with the leg injury he had sustained. He grew ill and weak and soon found himself victim to a hungry wolf on an excursion of his.

      Arkos hunted the wolf down, despite his mother's earnest pleas for him to reconsider. Yet, just as he took after his mother in some regards, he took after his father in others. To his mother, it was the fears of her people come true. He must surely be too destructive to live as one of them. The loss of her love, her son full grown, and seeing that even a life at the brink of humanity was one far too filled with destructive tendencies, his mother left back to her people.

      Arkos was alone. He knew nothing of either world and continued to live at the brink, developing his connection to the world around him. He learned the harshness of the wilderness, no longer protected by mother and father, and it drew greatly upon him. It was not until late into his 20s that he even wished to approach humanity, and only because he began to notice a rippling change throughout the world that was urging him onwards. There was a darker looming that sent the world around him cowering.

    • General Traits
      • Apprentice (Rank I): Basics of understanding magic. School unlocked: Earth Magic
      • Wizened (Rank 2): "Stealth magic" School unlocked: Druidic Magic
      • Raw Talent (Rank I): Basics of casting magic power-wise
      • Power Draw (Rank II): Increased spell power, can now spend a post overcharging a spell to use in the next post
      • Awakened Meditation (Rank 1): Basics of increasing your magic limitations, and recovery speed from casting magical spells.
      • Wells of Power (Rank 1): Basics of detecting magic and mages.
      • Defender (Rank I): Basics of wielding shields and armour (especially heavy armour) effectively
      • Charger (Rank I): Basics of dashing quickly and charging into opponents
      • Smash n' Grab (Rank 2): On successfully charging into someone, you have a chance of disarming them, grappling them, pinning them, or stunning them, depending on what their size is and whether or not they're wielding a weapon, and have a greater chance of avoiding harm while charging into someone or something.
      Unique Traits
      • Snap Magic (Rank I): Arkos possesses the ability to instantaneously expel vast quantities of magic. Be this raising enormous spikes of earth, donning a suit of earthen armour or the like.
      • Intuitive Casting (Rank II): Arkos has the ability to cast magic on the fly, as if just another reflex of his body. In the event of an ambush, countering or defending, Arkos might sling his spellcraft.
      • Nature's Boon (Rank I): Arkos draws from the earth, born of the soil and hearing its call. He inherently draws magic from nature to add to his own reserves.
      • Nature's Guise (Rank II): The things he wears are not just to look good. The mask he wears presents a haunting visage, unnerving and intimidating those about him, the pelt of the wolf he bears might assist him in going unnoticed in the wilderness, being mistaken as a creature of the wilderness or unsettling enemies as they take in the form of some wolf-man monstrosity. Bonuses to stealth in the wilds and intimidation.
      • Oreadian Might (Rank I): Arkos is solid as the mountains themselves, stronger and more enduring. He can take a punch and deal one out just as well.
      • Oreadian Resilience (Rank II): Arkos' skin is unnaturally tough and he can endure more than the average mortal before falling. Bonuses to damage resistance and taking more damage.
      • Son of the Wild (Rank I): All he knows in life is nature and he has come to know it intimately, coming to register signs from the world around him and picking up on oddities in the flora and fauna.

      none as of yet

      Bladed defender's sleeve (Pauldron, Gauntlet)
      Horned Skull Headdress
      Wolf Pelt
      Herbs and salves
      Various dried meats
      Ceremonial knife

      • Magic-Breaker: A small, harmless looking gemstone that, when placed into an amulet or similar piece of jewelry, can absorb the negative effects of a spell. It can be overpowered in which event the gemstone shatters (though it does block the entirety of the spell's effects!), and it can only block one spell. The more powerful the spell, the longer it takes the item to recover. It should also be noted that these items occasionally have a slight glimmer in the presence of powerful illusory magics. These are normally handed to priests so as not to interfere with their holy magics, but the Templar Order is willing to part with a few for the Queen's Blades.
    • [COLOR=#99cc00]Lana Leilani[/COLOR]
      Name: Lana Leilani
      Age: 193
      Race: Elf (Cleanblood)
      Sex: Male
      Appearance: Lana has swarthy skin and a well toned, graceful body. His hair is a sunbleached blonde that is usually in a messy, carefree disarray, just jaw length. He has a shaggy look to him, having a little bit of stubble and a bit of a goatee going. His features are narrow and angular, without being overly feminine. Overall, he is fairly attractive, speaking volumes for his heritage and breeding. However, even with that, there is an unearthly alluring quality to him. He has a sun tattoo on his left shoulder as well as a large scar from a beast.

      As far as his attire goes, he often wears light, breezy clothes, particularly favoring well-fitting vests. He has a piercing with feathers hanging from his right ear and studs in the left. He almost always is wearing a crystal necklace along with various beads. From time to time he can be seen wearing an islander dancing outfit of island grasses and light cloths. He also possesses a wooden mask of an island god. Always he wears a moonshell bracelet.
      Image Credit 1 | Image Credit 2

      Homeland: The Kingdom of Tuleria

      The Kingdom of Tuleria is ruled by a triad council, and holds a merchant's culture above most other concepts. They are the masters of trade now that the Free Holds is under attack from multiple angles and tend to stay out of the world's affairs, save where their own survival is involved.

      Presently, one of the three leaders of the triad council has gone insane with power, and is attempting to overthrow the other two at Barracks Varro. The landscape can be summarized as swamps and desert. While they are a trader's nation, this was at first by necessity: They had no farmlands to speak of, and thus had to import food. They began to export specialty goods, and soon enough the "little sister friendly not-slaver culture" to the Free Holds was born. Notable, lizardmen rank as one of the highest demographics population-wise.

      This nation also holds a proud naval tradition, and claims the most powerful fleet in the world. They also tend to be one of the only nations that trades with distant lands, thanks to their natural presence on the ocean, though contact with such peoples is extremely limited.

      Motivation: To answer the call of the forces that resonate with his being and seem to guide his footsteps. Wherever that may guide his next step, there is a way, a path, and Fate takes him. A great many others may be affected by this, but he will follow what may become of this, he is a host, a vassal.


      Temple Records from Alaka'i Keon: The First Era
      Approximately ages 0 to 90

      He was born Leilani to the royal family upon the tropical isle of Alaka'i Keon, just east of Tuleria. He was one of the many carried, one of several born, one of few to make it into adolescence, but the only to reach adulthood. The fatality rate for his siblings was staggering and disheartening. It made him cold. It hardened his heart. It made him a stoic man, but reassured him of one thing: the gods were with him. He had tattooed upon his breast the sign of the god of fire and sun and devoted his life to fire and worship.

      He became a priest and learned the rituals of the island, leading the island in their rituals and practiced with the arts of his favored god, playing with fire to paint a picture to them of the god in embers, ash and smoke. He sparked a religious fervor in his people, their moths frothed with prayer and the coffers overflowed with tribute.

      There came a time that a chieftain from a neighboring island sought to wed his daughter to Leilani to produce heirs for them both and establish trade between the two. However, his heart only burned with religious fervor and there was no room for this. He scoffed at the offer. The gods had blessed their island well, anyways, they lived well and wanted for nothing.

      It led bad blood between the two. The other island led raids upon them.

      Leilana stood strong and showed them the fury of the gods. His smoldering rage punished the transgressors and scarred them, marking them for what they had done. His efforts in protecting his people earned him recognition among his people. His parents, who had begun to enter new Eras, stepped down from their lead and he took their place.

      A young priestess named Amada came to him and talked to him in the future, a human woman who had washed ashore there from far away. She talked to him about how he would need heirs eventually who might take his place and that the gods did need more followers. She made a compelling argument to him and convinced him of her devotion to the god, that they would make strong, devoted children and it would please the gods.

      They had three children: Hawika, Makana and Koa.

      A Well Worn Journal: The Second Era
      Approximately ages 91 to 180

      The first many pages of the journal are filled with sketches of the positions of island dances, then sketches of two women and a man of elven man with largely scrawled "DO NOT FORGET" at the end.

      As he crossed into his second Era of life and began to forget much of his earlier life and knowledge, his children were full grown and living their own lives. Amada had grown old and died: a sad thing, since he had grown attached over the years. His fire had died, he could no longer bring them to life as he had forgotten how. His mind had become a sieve for so many things. His mother's face, she had left, he remembered that, but what she looked like, he could hardly remember. In this age, he began to seek the next name he would take on, as was customary and found as he found his inner peace and acceptance with what was occurring: Lana.

      Still, growing accustomed to his new self, he acknowledged that he could no longer stay the head of his people and passed on the mantle. He thirsted for adventure. At first he started close to hope. He explored the partially submerged temple at the center of the freshwater lake that took up much of the island. There, he found the strange totem artifacts that he possesses to this day. He would spend a great deal of time studying them and trying to understand their secrets.

      It was not enough to crawl in the dirty temple so close to home, though. He needed to go further. There was a restlessness growing in his bones that demanded he go further. It was just his luck when the Tuleria navy landed their ships upon their shores one day to stock up on supplies. He joined them on their voyage back and became well acquainted with the crewmen while aboard and became quite close friends with many. In the end, the experience of being on the high seas drove in him a desire to sail the seas. However, his nascent magic capabilities that were manifesting once more in capabilities with the wind, the crew was forced to push him to turn him over to the mage's guild as they arrived in Balor Bay--later to become Port Luclin.

      As he fled, he fled far into the deserts of Tuleria and stowed away with a caravan that made their way traveling to the Free Holds to make trade. They made their way to South Blood, under new rule of yet another new upstart warlord who had seized control of the hold by spilled blood and sheer force from his foolhardy predecessor who thought he was too strong to fail. On his journey to the hold, in the midst of the desert on the night of the full moon, Lana fought for his life.

      He was attacked by a great beast, armed with tooth and claw and natural plated armour. It snapped and charged and hounded after him relentlessly as he skirted across the desert, bending the wind to his will to rip and tear at the beast, blind it with sand, and whisk himself to safety. He managed to drive it away at last, but not without sustaining a deep injury to his right shoulder that would nearly kill him. It was only thanks to a kindly half-elven woman who practiced blood magic that he even managed to recover. He writes it down in his journal: Teila. They arrive in South Blood together.

      When they arrive, she teaches him the basics of blood magic, he writes it down in the journal, it seems like a useful skill to have in the future. For a time, he stays there with her, helping her set up her shop and learning the business of healing and herbs. It was useful when he began to go through the changes. He needed the brew to keep him sane lest he go through a rampage through the hold. Not that he much thought the people of South Blood deserved much better than that. He writes how he still longed to travel and sail.

      It was some years before he finally pursued that dream. There was a young man seeking to start a ship of his own. He had his young wife with him, belly filled with his young. He called himself Jack and he was eager to set this life behind him and sail the Blood Sea as pirates. Lana thought him mad. The Blood Sea of all things was filled with untold mysteries and dangers, but the more he thought of it, the more he was entranced. Soon, he found himself following this young Jack and joining him on his crew, offering to fill his sails with magical winds. No other ship would be able to catch them. He showed Jack his strength, his ability to heal, that he would be a valuable asset--and he was.

      In the years to come, Jack would become a name of infamy over the Blood Sea. He was Dreadlord Jack, captain of The Felidae. As he passed, the title of captain passed on to his daughter, Bloody Val, who followed in his path as the most infamous captain on the Blood Sea until her demise.

      Lana had kept an eye out for her, but he had only stayed until Jack died. Upon the death of his friend, he could not bear the burden of staying on the vessel. It was time to move on from this place and continue on. He had seen that the ship had grown, and it was time for a new legacy to begin. The time of young Val was arising. Instead, he departed the ship in Liveria and made his way through to the lands of Renalta. He wanted to see mountains.

      Current Era
      Approximately ages 180 to present

      His memories had begun to fade once more as he walked the mountains between Rheinfeld and Renalta. He came to a place where ancient magics decayed and grey unstable. Out of necessity to protect himself as he wandered his way back towards the lands that were once Renalta, his old knowledge faded and made room anew to that of abjuration, to deconstruct the old magic and protect himself.

      As he came to Arian, he made his home in a small shack at the lake's shore for a few years. It was much to his surprise that he would meet none other than his son, Koa, one day as he went to shop one day. He was a much older man, silver run through his black hair as he studied his father in his shack. Lana was shocked, to say the least. Sure, he was hard-pressed to remember the face of the child he bore, but this was certainly not the boy whose face was in his journal. Still, he listened to his tale about how the island was now a barren in the years since the gods were banished. He heard tales of the ship his father had been upon and how they were dogged by the navy at every turn, struggling since the fall of their captain.

      It pained the heart of Lana to hear that the work of his past two lives had been for naught since the doings of the Queen. In his heart of hearts, he knew that the twin sisters of Fate and Destiny had not abandoned this realm, though. He was sure Fate guided his steps as he lived and breathed and had a purpose for him, yet. What, though, he was unsure. With his mind deeply stewed in thought over these matters, his son departed. He had a family of his own in Liveria and was just in the kingdom on business.

      Lana brooded on many things, waiting on fate to guide his feet on the path she wished him to take. He even considered the name he might take for this new era, but none yet leaped out at him, he had not yet done or achieved clarity as to who he was yet. When it was clear, when his path was clear, he would become who he was meant to be.

      It was the day that illusions seized Arian that things began to make sense. James had taken hold of the lakeside town. He witnessed the queens take on the horde of James' crows and the Queens' Blades in action. Fate gave him a nudge in the right direction.

    • General Traits
      • Apprentice (Rank I): Basics of understanding magic. School unlocked: Abjuration
      • Wizened (Rank II): "Stealth magic" School unlocked: Hydromancy
      • Raw Talent (Rank I): Basics of casting magic power-wise
      • Power Draw (Rank II): Increased spell power, can now spend a post overcharging a spell to use in the next post
      • Awakened Meditation (Rank I): Basics of increasing your magic limitations, and recovery speed from casting magical spells.
      • Wells of Power (Rank I): Basics of detecting magic and mages.
      • Magisync (Rank II): Magic detection more precise, built-in compass, magic detection extended to artifacts.
      • Slippery (Rank I): Basics of dodging and evasion.
      • Dodge! (Rank II): Dodging is quicker and no longer forces your character onto the defensive, and can occur even if your character is caught off guard
      Unique Traits
      • Aloha! (Rank I): Tiny tiki totem artifacts in which mana is used to temporarily activate them, a spell effect can be added on to create an aura effect upon this totem as well. When activated they must be thrown, at which time they begin rapidly growing in size to a massive totem and plant on the ground. The aura effect applies in the area to affect enemies or allies. This costs the initial cost of the effect the caster wishes to apply, ie) 1 dose of strength of the bear on the totem would be made into the aura
      • Deluge of Power (Rank II): The totems now have a natural rejuvenating quality, refreshing mana to ally (including self) mages and stamina to warriors. While in their presence, Lana receives a bonus to the power of his spells as if they were a power font.
      • BITTEN! (Rank I): Lana was bitten by a therianthrope and is now afflicted by the disease. He has a slightly stronger constitution than the typical elf now and a greater regenerative capability as well as heightened physical capabilities across the board, though his human form is not as capable as his animalistic one. When he transforms, he has the boon of natural weapons and superior natural armour as he becomes a massive weremadillo. There is a chance of him losing control under extreme emotional duress or fatigue, but normally the moon madness is under control by the moonshell artifact that he wears about his wrist. He, however, may stir mistrust if not aggression in some animals and people, has the typical deadly silver allergy and has a strange craving for bugs.
      • Bloodfunding (Rank I): Lana can draw his own blood or the blood of those who have WILLINGLY offered it to fuel his magic. This opens up a greater pool of mana to cast from at the risk of incapacitation if not outright death to the one being drawn from. Spells being fueled by blood magic require a lesser price than normal, however, as this method appears to be more potent.
      • Clean Blood (Rank I): Lana is a clean blood. That is, he is 100% elf, there is no trace of anything except elven blood in his background at all, since the begin of time. Due to this, he has an unnatural alluring quality that is thought to be attractive by most. Vampires and werewolves and other supernatural beings would be drawn more strongly to him. Magical artifacts resonate more strongly with him. Any other effects of this are determined by the GM.
      • Elven Blood (Rank II): Born of elven blood, Lana is more graceful, more dexterous, more swift and more beautiful. However, he is far more prone to immune system problems and a bit more fragile. There is a reason pure bred elves breed are so rare, after all.
      • Bombing the Harbor (Rank I): Much like the majestic drop bear, Lana can drop a whole lot of weight on an enemy all at once, just when it comes to magic. Instead of overcharging a spell over a turn, Lana can cast it all at once at twice the cost.
      • None Yet: none
      • Barbed Koa Spear: A very dense wood capable of puncturing and killing many a foe. The barbs break off inside of the enemy upon puncturing. It is about 5.5' in length.
      • Throwing Axes: Small balanced axes for throwing and wounding the enemy or culling the herd of lesser foes before running in.
      • Shark Tooth Dagger: A dagger of dense wood, pointed and serrated with razor sharp shark teeth on each side.
      • Alaka'i Keon Tribal Mask: A wooden mask of the fire god of the Alaka'i Keon Isle, carved to be fierce and terrifying.
      • Koa Leather Shield: Though not typically used, he possesses a shield of wood and stretched leather the he often wears on his back. It affords at least some protection.
      • Lightweight Clothes: Lana likes to wear lightweight, cool clothes that are easy to shred. This typically consists of a pair of silk pants and a matching vest, often in rich colours such as yellow and purple.
      • Bolos: A thrown device that trips up the legs of the victim.
      • Moonshell Bracelet: An artifact with an enchantment that appears to help keep Lana from succumbing to moon madness during the full moon but may have additional effects.
      • Crystal Necklace: A crystal necklace discovered during his years as a pirate upon the Blood Sea. Its mysteries are still unknown.
      • Ancient Totems: Ancient totems found within a sunken temple at the lake on Alaka'i Keon. They appear to spread the effects of magic and have untapped potential.
      • Well Worn Journal: Lana's personal journal chronicling his journeys and his life so that he might remember what he has done and what he finds important to him even as the years go on and he forgets.
      • Tribal Dancing Outfit: Lana possesses an outfit for performing his ritual dances in when he feels the need to.
      • None Yet: none
  • Romance: I'm all for potential romance blossoming, so long as it develops naturally over the course of the roleplay.
    Does the Kouri Plushie exist?: Yes
    Signature: I, Tempest, hereby agree to the rules of the roleplay and that my characters may be killed off at any time.
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      • Protector Yuri (Female Human) - Art by Devon Cady-Lee

        Rank: Veteran
        Age: 31
        Additional Appearance Notes: Hands and forearms liberally coated with scars due to her sacrificial healing, their web-like pattern reminiscent of a second set of veins. Armour more closely resembles (X - Ashley Walters)
        Homeland: Amazon/Imperium
        Yuri was a young woman born and raised an Amazon, learning how to merge their unique control over blood with the healing arts. She was a quick learner; not a prodigy like some others, but definitely nothing to scoff at. And more than most, she was willing to pay the blood price to strengthen her healing magics.

        Then the gods were slain, and the Imperium brought back from death. Virtually overnight, there was suddenly a new power to the south, one with thousands of years of military experience. It was a worrying change, to say the least.

        Worried about the potential of an Imperial invasion attempting to recreate their old Empire, Yuri left for the Imperium to act as a kind of impromptu ambassador. Hoping that learning parts of their culture would let her find a way to mediate between them and her homeland should the need arise. She joined their army, so that she would at least have a purpose during her time in the Imperium, and in the hopes she'd know of any aggressive movements early.

        The first few years were difficult, her Amazon individuality clashing with military regimentation, but as time went on she began seeing her fellow soldiers as much her family as those back home. Even the idea of home began to grow blurred, as she adapted more and more to Imperium society. She still returned to the Amazons for a month or two a year to visit friends and keep up with her healing training, but most of her time was in the Imperium barracks, training and socializing with her comrades.

        In very recent history, when the Amazon's officially joined the Imperium, Yuri realized the war she had been fearing was further than ever from happening. And it was due in large parts to the influence of the Queen's Blades. Conflicted between whether she belonged in the Amazon or the Imperium, she elected for a more neutral option and left for Renalta alongside the Imperium delegation in order to join the Queen's Blades. With her homelands safe - for the moment - it was time to confront the more global threat.

        Motivation: In part to protect her two homelands from the demonic threat, as well to gain influence to help ensure the continued peace between the Amazon and the Imperium.
      • General Traits
        Heavy Stat: 27
        • Perseverance: 80
        • Defender:70
        • Heavy Hitter: 25
        • Combat Senses: 55
        • Repositioning: 40
        Light Stat: 2
        • Reflexes: 20
        • Cloak of Innocence: 0
        • Rapid Blows: 0
        • Sharp: 0
        • Dancer: 0
        Magic Stat: 11 (Healing Magic)
        • Raw Talent: 60
        • Mastery: 30
        • Wells of Power: 0
        • Pattern Weaving: 0
        • Fortitude: 20

        Unique Traits
        • Immovable Force: Sometimes you do not need to defeat your opponent, only stop them from advancing. Yuri gains a large bonus when trying to hold her position, especially if said position is in a narrow corridor or other such space.
          • Disruptive Force: Yuri's training is mostly defensive in nature, but that does not mean she can be simply ignored in battle. When left to her own devices, Yuri is more than capable of getting in the way of opponents movements and sending them off balance.
          • Regimented Force: Imperium training means fighting as a whole, not as an individual. Yuri gains extra bonuses when in combat alongside allies, especially those who also have Imperium training.
        • Gift of Blood: Yuri can pay sacrifice from her own health to fuel healing magics, sharing the burden of wounds between her and those she heals.
          • Gift of Breath: Severely damaging to herself, Yuri can temporarily grant a corpse enough life to speak and recall it's memories by purposefully spilling some of her blood on it. The more wounded/rotten the corpse, the harder this becomes.
          • Gift of Longevity: Even the faintest of beating hearts still beats. As long as there is some vestige of life remaining in someone, Yuri can temporarily cripple herself to stabilize even the most mortal of wounds.
        • The Burden is Mine: It's often better to catch an arrow on your shield than in the eye of your allies. Yuri gains a bonus to reflexively protecting allies from incoming harm.
        • Runic Steel II: A special set of plate armour that Yuri had made after the events in Tuleria, it serves two purposes. Firstly, it protects her from the sun. Secondly, the armour is able to absorb the negative effects of spells up to a point and then either let that magical energy fade away over time or act as a second reserve of energy for Yuri. Once it's reached its limit, however, further incoming magic is unaffected and the armour will only protect Yuri from the mundane until the magical energy has bled away.
          • Bloodied Clothe: Her forearms and hands however are largely unarmoured, and are clad instead in red clothe. This both frees her hands to use her healing magic on others, as well as enables a newer ability that's recently arisen. With her vampirism combined with her already existing blood magic, Yuri is able to draw energy from freshly spilt blood nearby, rejuvenating her.

        Story Traits
        • Vampirism: The cold embrace has overtaken Yuri, and yet, such curses do have their silver linings. (Malaki's Brood Vampire. Gains bonuses to strength. As she's been recently inducted, she hasn't unlocked any of its powers yet, but when wounded, she has to repress the urge to berserk, and she fights better while wounded.)

        • Heavy plate armor (X - Ashley Walters)
        • Backsword (single-edged, single-handed sword; knuckle guard)
        • Scutum shield (large rectangular curved shield)
        • Red cloak
        • A pair of punch daggers (One at waist, one strapped to right leg)
        • Civilian clothes (simple long-sleeved red and brown dress)

        Special Items
        • Vial of Angel's Blood

      • Kattalin Skorri (Female Human) - Art by Olga Orlova

        Rank: Recruit
        Age: 26
        Additional Appearance Notes:
        Homeland: Liveria
        Kattalin was born and raised a Liverian noble, the second of three children and the only daughter. Her father was a dominating, though not unkind, presence amongst the family. Strong, decisive, and clearheaded, he was a well respected man. His wife was far less prominent. She was quiet and often anxious, but her cunning and insightfulness let her offer excellent advice from the background.

        When Kattalin turned 15, she was given a gift by her father. A magical ring, said to have been created by a being of pure starlight named Nthanda. Many generations past, the Skorri family had claimed to be descended from this being, but by the time of Kattalin's generation, they had not only abandoned that claim but rarely thought of Nthanda as anything more than a local myth. The ring, however, was very real, and a treasured family possession.

        Only a year after she was given this gift, her father began to waste away from a coughing disease. As he grew less able to rule the estates, more responsibility began to fall upon Kattalin's stressed mother to manage the land and peasants in his stead. The pressure of dealing with those who would try and take advantage of the family's moment of weakness proved too much for her, and the family concocted a lie that the anxiety had driven her mad, thus letting her quietly retire into obscurity within the family keep.

        Meanwhile the father finally succumbed to his illness, passing away after months of sleepless and pained nights. The eldest son rose to take his place. While he took after their father in terms of strength and decisiveness, he was lacking in kindness and restraint. He kept the family weighed down under his rule, driving his and Kattalin's younger brother to leave for the Dark Forest in search of adventure and to find his own way.

        Over the next few years the Skorri family withered under the eldest brother's harsh command, until Kattalin finally decided to take matters into her own hands. Just before her brother left on one of his hunting expeditions, she replaced the shaft of his favoured hunting spear with rotten wood. When he went to take the honour of slaying a wild boar, the shaft shattered, barely slowing the boar's charge. According to witnesses, the splintered shaft of his own spear killed him before the boar even reached him.

        Kattalin rose to rule the Skorri estates, combining her father's strength of will with her mother's cunning. While she didn't hold her father's imposing presence and was to a lesser extent prone to anxiety like her mother, her mix of their traits still let her shore up the weaknesses that had arisen during the family's extended period of tribulation. This continued for several years until very recently, when she received word that her younger brother had returned from his travels overseas. Worried that he would try to impose male inheritance, she declared him acting Lord before he even arrived and left to join the Queen's Blades, hoping that by preemptively granting him a temporary title it would undermine any attempts to remove her from her position of power.

        Motivation: To buy time and solidify her position as Lady Skorri as opposed to her younger brother potentially usurping her. After all, everyone respects a war hero.
      • General Traits
        Heavy Stat: 12
        • Perseverance: 0
        • Defender:0
        • Heavy Hitter: 0
        • Combat Senses: 60
        • Repositioning: 60
        Light Stat: 28
        • Reflexes: 50
        • Cloak of Innocence: 50
        • Rapid Blows: 70
        • Sharp: 70
        • Dancer: 40
        Magic Stat: 0
        • Raw Talent: 0
        • Mastery: 0
        • Wells of Power: 0
        • Pattern Weaving: 0
        • Fortitude: 0

        Unique Traits
        • Nthanda's Ring: Local legends claim the Skorri family is descended from Nthanada, a being of pure starlight who lived many ages ago. Almost certainly pure fantasy, but the enchanted ring named after her - passed down from generation to generation - is most certainly real. Beyond returning to the owner when lost, the wearer can use it to summon a magical weapon. In Kattalin's case, this is usually bow, though when push comes to shove she can also use a short sword.
          • Nthanda's Eyes: Guided by a magical force, the arrows fired from the bow rarely miss their mark.
          • Nthanda's Mirage: The ring allows Kattalin to obscure her own presence (physically and otherwise), making it hard for others to focus on her and letting her fade into the background.
          • Nthanda's Touch II: The arrows fired from the bow are as cold as the night sky, freezing the area immediately around whatever they hit (as in striking someone in the shoulder will freeze that part of the shoulder, not the entire person). Also applies to sword blows if being used in that form.
        • Noble's Coin: When dealing with others, especially those of the lower echelons of society, it can be helpful to have a few spare coins to grease the wheels of negotiation.
          • Noble's Seal: For the higher echelons of society, however, the contents of a purse may not be as enticing. A signed contract however, marked with a noble's seal, may do the trick in it's stead.
        • Stalking the Prey: Kattalin often went hunting in the woods around the estate, and as a result has learned the talent of tracking things by footprints left in the dirt and marks left on the underbrush.
          • Scouting the Prey: Kattalin's falcon, Nico, has been trained to look for large animals and people sneaking around, and mark their location by circling high above them.
          • Blinding the Prey: With two sharp whistles, Kattalin can order Nico to briefly fly in the face of whatever she points to in order to distract them.

        Story Traits
        • N/A

        • Medium leather armour
        • Falconry glove
        • Magical ring
        • Male falcon (Nico)
        • Quiver of arrows
        • Small knives (One in right boot, one tucking inside falconry glove)
        • Rich clothes (Grey base with blue and green highlights)

        Special Items
        • N/A

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        Thailen Vicarris (Female Human)

        Age: 28
        Additional Appearance Notes: N/A
        Homeland: Kingdom of Liveria
        Before the fall of the Third Age, the noble Vicarris family of Renalta gave birth to a girl, with hair as strikingly red as her father's; and his father's before him, back for uncounted generations. She was raised to follow the religious principles of the twin Gods Erri and Inmi. Principles of devotion, duty, and strength in the face of uncertainty. She followed the scripture as diligently as her parents demanded, and then some. Her family ruled with an unmoving sense of responsibility, and combined with a strong intuition for the fiscal, slowly gained in power and influence. That is, until Queen Kouri banished the Gods from the mortal realm and founded the Kingdom of Renalta.

        With the prospect of serving under a blasphemous Queen in contrast to their previous freedom, the Vicarris's made for Liveria. With Erri and Inmi now lost, they vowed to keep the scripture and values that they followed alive in the new age, and began to follow them even more strictly than ever before. They were able to instate themselves as nobles once more in Liveria using thier previous fortunes and influence, but were unable to achieve the same level of power that they used to hold. They were mocked for their continued worship, seen as outsiders, and were often accused of being Renalta loyalists.

        Angered by the shame and distrust poured onto her family, Thailen began to train in the ways of battle and leadership, seeking an outlet for her frustation. She lashed out at those who denounced the Gods, and distrusted other races, who she saw as mockeries of the images and intentions of Erri and Inmi. So when word reached the family of a band of tiefling bandits on their land, she was the first to draw her sword and lead a group of soldiers to deal with the criminals.

        She and her men spent weeks searching for them, until one night Thailen was struck by a strange intuition. A feeling that compelled her to head West. Within hours, she came across the tiefling camp, and waded into battle. Neither she nor her soldiers dealt in mercy that night. Afterwards, she removed the tails from several of the corpses and had them made into a cat o'nine tails, which has been her weapon of choice ever since.

        Motivation: Raised from birth to follow the virtues of duty, she believes that those who still follow the path of the Gods should fight in their absence; even if it means serving under the Queen that banished them in the first place.
      • General Traits
        • Adrenaline I
        • Charger I
        • Rapid Blows I

        Unique Traits
        • A Devil's Tail: Her cat o'nine tails is crafted from the tails of recently slain tieflings. The blood of demons imbues the whip, causing it to radiate a ferocious heat that can sear flesh.
        • A Fel Heritage: Unbeknowest to Thailen, the blood of demon's and tieflings flows through her veins. It is the source of her red hair and fierce temper, but it also gives her a natural sixth sense for things demonic. Such as sensing when they are close, and tracking them even if no normal tracks are left.

        • N/A

        • Leather armour
        • A longsword
        • A cat o'nine tails crafted from tiefling tails
        • Noble's clothing
        • Prayer beads
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        Abida Qisaf (Female Elf)

        Age: 24
        Additional Appearance Notes: Tattoos are now a far deeper blue, and sparks of blue light can be seen in her eyes.
        Homeland: Free Holds
        Raised from birth as a slave in the city-state of Saylihold, Abida was treated as a personal project of her master's. She was taught by talented swordsmen how to fight, while also lectured in the ways of propriety and class. She was to be his pinnacle of creation, regarded as a living masterpiece of art.

        The burden of slavery nor the temptation of freedom lived within her mind; she accepted her place in the world, and came to see it as a near mythical fate. Not a fate specific to herself, but a fate that dictates the order of the world; those who rule, and those who are ruled. Slavery, as she came to see it, was the natural extension of that universal fate.

        So when a party of Goblin Hold soldiers crossed the nearby borders to wage battle with Saylihold, Abida followed the order to fight them off without hesitation, joining alongside the city's soldiers to keep the invaders out and fleeing slaves in. For that was the fate of the world, and she was determined to keep the order intact. As a reward for her obedience, a mage marked the area around her eyes with tattoos into which he wove spells of sight and vision.

        Now her master has sent her to join the Queen's Blades, because she of all his slaves will remain loyal despite the easy to attain freedom. As to why he sent her, a hand in every change can mold the world to any vision.

        Motivation: "The master commands, a slave complies."
      • General Traits
        • Heavy Hitter II
        • Acrobatic I
        • Slippery I
        • Raw Talent I

        Unique Traits
        • Elvish Strength I: The blood of elves long used to the harsh deserts of the North runs through Abida's veins, making her stronger than most ordinary humans while still keeping a lean physique.
        • An Unnatural Vision I: Pale blue tattoos frame Abida's eyes, and are in fact magical in origin. They let her see when vision would normally be obstructed by such things as darkness and weaker illusions.
          • An Unnatural Vision II: The tattoos have deepened in colour, and a faint blue hue can be seen flickering behind Abida's irises. Now anything in her field of vision, even at great distances and in her periphery vision, can be seen in remarkable detail at once,without needing to focus on one thing or another.
        • Stutter Step I: Abida can shift herself a few feet in any direction. Similar to a teleport, except for the fact that she still traverses the distance between the two points. Just really quickly. And yes this includes up. Leaves her feeling disoriented and nauseous afterwards.

        • Mighty Cleave I: "With one great swing the King laid dead, and all his kingdom mourned. With a second great swing, so too did Kyria, and that ended any hope, of a land: Forsworn." Like the mighty Archangel Typhon, you have a potent swing, and put a little more strength into it than most do. (Minor bonus to damage output & armour penetration.)
        • Teamwork I: You work well with others, and are growing accustomed to doing so. You have a greater chance of success in any action if you perform it with an ally, rather than alone. (Minor bonus to anything when done with a compatriot, to a reasonable degree.)

        • A heavy greatsword
        • Light, non-movement impairing clothing fit for a noble. High-collared, usually in tones of rich brown.

Personal Section
Romance: Opt-in
Does the Kouri Plushie exist?: Exist?

Signature: Herzinth
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    • Name: Kasim Amibilus
      Age: 24
      Race: Human
      Sex: Male
      Image borrowed from showmeyourmoves on deviantart.
    • Rank: Veteran
      Homeland: The Goblin Holds

      Biography: Kasim was once a slave in the city of Kinghold, set free by the goblins when they conquered the city. He was either born into slavery or taken at a very young age, for he knew nothing but servitude in the time before the goblins came and he never knew his parents or land of origin. He was owned by an aging merchant woman who was fairly kind as far as slave owners went, only rarely ordering whippings and being frugal enough to feel that working a slave to death was a waste, but Kasim could never work his way around to being happy about his lot in life. The merchant woman mainly used him for simple manual labor, hauling heavy crates of goods to load up her wagons, but once she realized that his strange statements about other people originated from a rare telepathic talent she wisely put his skill to use: she had him serve food and drinks during business meetings at her estate, just happening to make fleeting skin to skin contact to read the surface thoughts of her guests and then discreetly relaying that information to her. She kept his talent a secret of necessity, for if other merchants found that she was using a telepath in such a conniving way she would lose all trust and trade agreements, and perhaps her life. As Kasim grew older she started to take the young man (though he could have accurately been called a boy when it started) into her bed to fill the void left by the passing of her favorite bed slave. He didn't really fight against this, and definitely enjoyed it on a carnal level, but he had enough presence of mind to be disgusted by the knowledge that he was being used like an object. Vague stirrings of wishing for freedom, and hatred for his owner, swirled around his mind without being given any critical examination for years.

      The minor seeds of rebellion in Kasim's mind finally and suddenly sprouted when he was 15, when the goblin Xixis Madheart's surprise attack on Kinghold sent the guards from the merchant's estate running off toward the newly made hole in the wall around the city. With the merchant woman left with nobody but her slaves to guard her, Kasim found himself drawn to the then deserted guard quarters; time blurred as if he was in a dream, and the next thing he was aware of was a bow and a few arrows clutched in his hands. He'd always been fascinated by bows, but this was the first time he ever held one. Kasim took the weapon inside the main building of the estate, up into the merchant woman's bedchamber, and found her hiding under the covers like a child. She looked hopeful for a moment, as if the slave come to protect her, but that notion was soon dismissed as he raised the bow and inexpertly nocked an arrow. It took him three of the four arrows he'd brought before he finally hit his target from a distance of no more than ten feet, during which time she sat there frozen; when the arrow struck her in the gut she finally screamed and writhed in pain, and the frozen state seemed to transfer to Kasim. He stood there for a few minutes, shocked at his own actions, before dropping the bow and walking forward. When he reached the bed the merchant woman flailed at him, screaming for him to get away from her. Upon her hand touching his arm, his telepathy gave him a flash of her thoughts: she thought of him as a traitorous wretch, scum who she had always known would betray her, a spray of mental vitriol that rocked Kasim to his core. He had only a moment of hesitation before using the last arrow gripped in his left hand to stab the woman to death.

      When a troop of goblins made their way around to check the estate they found Kasim sitting with his back to the wall beside the open gates, his arms and torso caked in dried blood. When they inquired and learned that he had killed the slaver merchant and set the other slaves free, they congratulated him and told him to come celebrate his liberation with them. A night of drinking and revelry later, Kasim was initiated into the army of the Xixis Madheart alongside many other freed slaves who wished to aid their fight against the Free Holds. He stayed with them for three years, learning the way of the bow from Morilab, an orc who wielded a massive greatbow that Kasim struggled to lift using both hands. The orc's style of strength being equal to finesse in archery was picked up eagerly by the young man, who was fairly strong after a lifetime of hauling crates and loading wagons. He also learned a lot about thrown weapons, with a preference for knives, and a little about using a sword from the various goblins he befriended. Over the course of the many battles he fought as part of Emperor Xixis Madheart's army, Kasim learned how to dodge and weave to stay alive and how to spot a weakness. Lots of gambling taught him the basics of spotting a liar. After a couple years using a handed down bow, Morilab taught Kasim how to make one of his own, and so he made a heavy yew greatbow with some bits of metal added on to make it a serviceable melee weapon in a pinch; that was another trick handed down from his orc mentor, which he found rather useful at times.

      Kasim parted ways with his abolitionist compatriots due to a simple realization: he'd never seen the world outside the desert lands of the Holds, and he very much wished to. He had heard of the world from campfire stories, tales of adventures and heroes round the world, but he'd never seen such things for himself. He traveled to the city of Tuleria, where he stayed for a couple years and at the age of 18 (shortly after he first arrived) discovered that women tended to find him attractive, and that he was fairly skilled at convincing them to join him for an evening of entertainment (which was a large reason why he stayed so long despite his aspirations to see the world). His time spent in Tuleria was a period of self-discovery in many ways: he found that he had a great capacity for cruelty, which he tried to suppress and bury because it frightened him; he discovered in himself a strong affinity for the weak and downtrodden of all sorts, ranging from the poor and sickly to the criminal elements of the city; he quickly picked up on the fact that these same people placed an inordinate amount of trust in him, that they seemed to view him as some kind of natural kin even without knowing his story. Long story short, Kasim ended up working for a gang of sorts that extorted money from merchants of middling wealth through threats of violence, as well as engaging in a variety of other illegal activities for profit and entertainment; Kasim specialized in using of his telepathic skill (which he kept secret from others) on carefully selected and subdued targets to gather information, which he then sold off to whoever he felt would pay the most, and once in a while he also telepathically tortured these poor bastards to let out his pent up urges to harm others. He pulled up stakes and left Tuleria after an extortion scheme went sour thanks to a trap set by the city guard, which was set up when the merchant target begged for their help, which Kasim only escaped thanks to being one of the men on lookout.

      Over the course of the following five years, Kasim made his way from city to city, hiring on as a guard for merchant caravans and one ship to travel and climbing easily and familiarly into the underbelly of the cities he spent extended time in. His wandering took him back for a brief stay in the Goblin Holds (which he thinks of as his homeland) when he was 21, thenafter a short stay he headed to Port Luclin where he took a ship down to Liveria, then up into the lands that were once a unified Rheinfeld, from Veldhausen to Heiligen Stuhl before he finally headed south into Renalta at the age of 23. He found the city to be quite interesting in its differences from other places he'd visited, somehow managing to be crowded and bristling with racial tensions but remaining peaceful and quaint in its own way. Despite this genial atmosphere, Kasim quickly found his particular talents to be of lucrative use in the nebulous and volatile criminal element in the city of Renalta, which was mainly made up of smuggling operations and territorial spats between various factions that still hadn't found a comfortable balance after the massive influx of refugees.

      Within the past few months Kasim was caught using his telepathy in very unscrupulous ways. Due to the laws being hazy about the legality of such things, and the inability of the authorities to pin any clearly illegal activities on him, they were forced to let him go with a stern warning. Some members of the Queen's Blade heard of his relatively rare talent, did a little bit of snooping to scope him out, and approached with an offer to join. Their pitch was convincing, for Kasim had been growing tired of remaining sedentary and his particular sense of justice places demons in the same hateful category as slavers.
      More recently, over the course of a few missions with the Queen's Blades and a bit of hobnobbing at a major social function, Kasim has found himself undergoing some rather startling changes. What was a simple pickup attempt on a cute princess turned into a serious conversation about marriage and a man's worth, and he ended up somewhat smitten with the girl and pledged to become a better man and become worthy of her hand in marriage. Things have been very strange for Kasim as of late, but he's working hard to keep to that promise as best he can.

      Motivation: Kasim has a grand sense of adventure and wishes to see more of the world, from tiny villages to grand cities and all that lies between. He also has a firm hatred of demons and their ilk, so if he can work against them and also go on adventures, it's a win-win as far as he's concerned. Recently however, a new motivation has come to the forefront: to prove to Princess Helénē of Liveria that he can be a good man worth of her hand in marriage.
    • Heavy Stat: 17.
      • Perseverance: 30.
      • Defender: 0.
      • Heavy Hitter: 80.
      • Combat Senses: 30.
      • Repositioning: 30.
      Light Stat: 23.
      • Reflexes: 80.
      • Cloak of Innocence: 0.
      • Rapid Blows: 30.
      • Sharp: 80.
      • Dancer: 40.
      Magic Stat: 0.
      • Raw Talent: 0.
      • Mastery: 0.
      • Wells of Power: 0.
      • Pattern Weaving: 0.
      • Fortitude: 0.

      Custom Traits:

      Non-Magic Telepathy:
      Kasim is one of the rare individuals who was born with telepathic powers. The most basic use of this allows him to communicate telepathically with others over short distances. He can also read surface thoughts of those he makes skin to skin contact with, or with prolonged contact he can dig for deeper thoughts and pry out their secrets. This process is rather uncomfortable for both Kasim and the one whose thoughts are being read. With this mental mining, Kasim can mentally harm and torture people and leave behind horrible nightmarish thoughts, and this can be done to the point of leaving them a drooling vegetable (if given enough time with someone with a weak enough mind). Those with strong minds are less affected by and better able to resist all uses of telepathy. Since it is a biological phenomenon rather than a magical one, use of telepathy cannot be sensed by those trained in sniffing out mages. (Telepathic communication and mind reading/torture ability.)
      -Subliminal Messages (Rank 2): Through a lifetime of use, Kasim subconsciously developed a less blatant use of his telepathic abilities. He has refined his telepathic skill to send out subliminal messages to everyone around him, urging them to like him and help him with whatever his goals may be at the time. This effect cannot coerce people into doing anything that goes against their morals or beliefs, since it's just an impulse to be helpful and nice rather than some kind of mind control. (Subliminal telepathic messages make non-hostile entities more positively inclined toward Kasim in all things.)
      --Unnatural Charm (Rank 3): When it comes to charm, Kasim is a prodigy. It helps that he has an unfair advantage in the form of subtle telepathic manipulation, of course, but that alone isn't enough to explain his ability to make people love him. This level of influential ability does almost seem like mind control at times, but it is not quite that: he simply makes people like him so much that they'll do things that might otherwise seem completely out of character for them. (More powerful urge for non-hostile entities to like and help Kasim.)
      ---Everybody Loves Kasim (Rank 4): Kasim is such a beacon of natural (and unnatural) charisma that he can break through rage and bloodlust and make someone intent on his death simply change their mind and decide he's too great to harm. It doesn't always work of course, but when it does it might cause an enemy to leave him be in the heat of battle, simply stop fighting altogether because they're just so pleased to have a chance to chat with Kasim, or perhaps even turn their coat and attack Kasim's enemies if they are rather weak to this sort of compulsion. Everybody loves Kasim, even the people who want to kill him. (The capabilities of the previous ranks in this chain of traits now applies to hostile entities too.)

      King Braggart: Kasim has developed his bragging and bravado into something approaching an art form. His bold declarations of skill can get under the skin of even the most stalwart opponents, his abrasive confidence can assure the fearful masses of their safety even as the city burns down around them, his tales of his own prowess on the field of battle have a way of making women (and some men) fall head over heels in lust with him, and his own words are so powerful that they inspire him to do better than his own self-styled storied past in order to create new heroic tales to tell others about. Or at least that's how he'd describe his own bragging powers, which makes for something of an infinite recursion loop of braggadocio. Kasim is a swell guy like that. (Mechanically it's just bonuses to doing things whenever he brags about being able to do them well.)
      -Gods' Honest Truth (Rank 2): As fun and easy as empty bragging can be, Kasim has found that conservative use of the truth can do wonders for his credibility. Now every once in a while he'll actually tell the truth while bragging, or at least something with a kernel of the truth in it. So what if he wasn't actually in the middle of a hurricane on a wildly rocking boat with a blindfold on when he shot that angel in the throat? He shot the angel in the throat, and that's the gods' honest truth. Everything else is just, you know, narrative license. (Large boost to King Braggart effect when he brags about something that actually happened in the RP or his bio.)

      Archer's Form: Kasim has discovered an unfortunate truth about a bowman's needs in smaller scale combat: he must actually have some level of accuracy to be effective. Having learned the way of archery from a military-minded orc, and having largely gotten used to the idea that just shooting in the general direction of the enemy was good enough, he rather neglected the finer points of shooting a bow. Lately Kasim has put a lot of work into tightening up his form in order to improve his accuracy, so now he won't have to rely on sheer dumb luck to hit things. (Bonus to accuracy with a bow.)
      -Archer's Figure (Rank 2): Kasim's bow is disgustingly huge, and using it for any length of time constitutes a pretty strenuous upper body workout. After years of use and practice, especially the more intense regimen of recent days, he has accrued some benefits that one usually doesn't associate with an archer. His arms are pretty noticeably muscled, his pectoral muscles have actual definition, and even his stomach has gotten some love. Kasim isn't going to be cracking skulls with his bare hands any time soon, but he's stronger than you'd expect from an archer and he looks pretty damn good as well. (Bonus to upper body physical strength. I guess also tangential potential bonus of being more attractive to some people, depending on their tastes.)

      The Unlikely Leader: Despite his very checkered past and upbringing as a slave, Kasim has learned how to lead others without resorting to coercion or manipulation (though he may still use those sometimes if he's feeling saucy). His swaggering arrogance can at need be tempered into the more serious confidence that people look to for guidance, and his many fights and exploits have left him comfortable with all manner of stresses. Few would have guessed to see a little slave boy grow into a man worth following, but it seems to have happened all the same. (Bonus to getting NPCs to do what he asks or orders.)
      -The Inspiring Leader (Rank 2): Something about Kasim in a leadership position simply compels others to do their best no matter the circumstance. Perhaps his Subliminal Messages affects them so strongly that they can't stand the thought of disappointing him, or maybe his godlike physique gets their adrenaline pumping in overdrive, or it could be that they simply can help but feel invigorated by his affable nature and charming bragging. Whatever the case may be, when Kasim tells a person to do something, they find themselves doing it well. (Bonus to the success chances of others, NPCs and PCs both, whenever they're doing a specific thing that Kasim asked or ordered them to do.)

      Story Traits:
      1. Would-be Consort: Kasim's attempts to infiltrate Helénē's heart and loins have not gone unnoticed by Liverians, or the nobility. In fact, it's commonly talked about. The serfs are a fan of him, but the nobility, not so much. (Potential to become Prince. Can likely ask for additional favours from Helénē, anytime he wishes.)
      2. Touched by Darkness: He made a deal with the abomination's wife and held up his end of the bargain. She appreciates this. In her own, strange way. (Sarah Darkhammer has a working relationship with Kasim.)
    • Equipment List: Self-made Yew Greatbow - Rather heavy, has some metal plates for emergency protective and offensive purposes in melee range.
      Various bow-related equipment - Quiver full of arrows (holds 30), a bundle of 30 extra arrows in his pack, extra strings, wax to keep the string dry, so on and so forth.
      1 shortsword
      6 throwing knives
      1 knife not meant for throwing
      Light leather armor
      Other boring stuff like food and water
      One golden ring with lines etched into it, pilfered from an angel's corpse.

      Romance: Sure, romance is fine as long as it's not forced nonsense.
      Does the Kouri Plushie Exist?: Yup.

      Signature: Jorick hereby agrees to all rules and regulations, and he gets style points for signing in the third person.
    • Name: Kria is how he introduces himself. Full name is Kria'lotl Abothanys Pholarthagg.
      Age: 33.
      Race: There is no name for what he is, but it's part elf and part... other stuff.
      Sex: Male.
      Appearance: Kria might pass for a high elf on first glance. He is tall and slender, his skin is pale enough to seem almost translucent, his dark green eyes match those that one might find among elves, and his ears are pointed. However, unlike an elf, he is thin to the point of apparent emaciation, the flesh of his face pulled so taut that he could also be mistaken for a corpse were he not up and moving around. He is completely bald, lacking everything from hair to eyelashes that could be found on the head of an elf. His teeth are all sharply pointed, the teeth of a carnivore, and his fingernails are thick and pointed as well, not quite claws but very reminiscent of them.

      Kria wears simple, durable clothing with no real care for how they look. No matter what the outfit happens to consist of, another odd feature tends to distract observers: he has ghostly green chains wrapped all around his body from the neck down, some laying tight against him and obscured by clothing, others moving more freely and floating inches away from his body at times. They are all very fine chains, like one would expect to find holding a noble lady's locket, and they do not interact with the physical world in any meaningful way. They give off no light and can be hard to see in low light, but they're quite hard to miss out in broad daylight.
    • Rank: Recruit
      Homeland: A vastly different timeline, via the Swamps of Time. Currently a new resident of Renalta.

      Biography: Kria is not a natural denizen of this timeline. He appeared from a time bubble in the Swamps of Time, battered and bloodied, and he required many weeks of recuperation in the hands of some kind rangers before he could relay his tale. His own timeline was a dark and twisted thing, a version of the world that had been conquered by demons long ages past. The mortal races had become chattel and playthings for their demonic overlords, and only a scant few bastions of freedom and resistance remained, though that survival often came at a steep price. Kria's people tried to empower themselves by magically melding their own flesh with magical entities of various kinds, including lesser demons, and most of the time it ended in agonizing death. Kria himself came from a line of those who had successfully fused themselves with quite a few magical entities, the end result being a powerful natural gift for magic and some abnormalities that couldn't be avoided in the process.

      His clan of resistance fighters had been a thorn in the side of the demons for a long time, so when their hideout was discovered it was raided immediately. Most died, a few were captured, and fewer still made it out free. Kria was one of the captured people, intended to be an object of study for some demonic lord. His magical talents were too powerful to be left alone though, so a binding enchantment was placed on him to seal his power away. It took the form of ethereal green chains wrapped around his body, holding his internal power at bay like real chains would hold a person immobilized. A few days later, as they were being transported around a swamp that made even the demons uneasy, those of the clan who had broken free of the assault on their enclave made a desperate attack on the demons to try to save their people. Though he had been brutally tortured in the intervening time, Kria was able to get free in the struggle, but he saw that his few people were no match for their enemies so he ran into the swamp. Curses and threats and a few projectiles were hurled at him, but none of the demons entered the swamp itself. For a short while after he got away he thought he'd found a true safe haven, but he wasn't able to enjoy the thought for long: he stumbled into a strange patch of air that suddenly spat out a giant reptile, then ran from it and into another strange patch and found himself still in a swamp but feeling as if he had traveled a great distance. He kept moving and eventually found an edge to the place and got out, but he didn't make it much further before his wounds caught up with him and he passed out.

      As he was informed later, Kria slept for four whole days after being rescued by rangers hailing from a land called Renalta. At first he thought that was just a delusion caused by his weakened state, as Renalta to him was a name out of ancient legend, but as he recovered and asked questions he figured out what had happened. The name 'Swamp of Time' hadn't survived the ages in his own timeline, at least so far as Kria knew, but it became obvious that the swamp he'd fled into was essentially the same place and he'd been transported to another timeline and into the distant past compared to his own. Once he had recovered, the rangers decided it would be best if he was brought to Renalta and given into the care of someone who would know how to help him or what to do with him, and so off he went with one ranger to escort him there.

      Being the the ranger encampment hadn't been too strange: it was hidden and the rangers were on high alert at all times, all fighters, and that was pretty much what Kria had been used to. Coming to Renalta was like walking into a fairy tale. People walked around in the open without a care in the world, making lots of noise and not even looking around to make sure there were no demons around. They seemed safe and secure and happy, and that was something Kria had almost never seen before. He was brought to the castle that overlooked the city and spoke to Queen Kouri, telling her his tale and learning of the current plight of her own timeline. Kria did not hesitate to offer his services to fight the demonic threat, and so he became a new member of the Queen's Blades, hoping to be able to prevent this timeline from ending up like his own.

      Motivation: Kria has seen the result of the demons winning, and he would rather die than see this timeline fall to the same fate. He has a hatred for demons and their ilk for which the term 'genocidal' is the only apt descriptor.
    • Heavy Stat: 5.
      • Perseverance: 0.
      • Defender: 0.
      • Heavy Hitter: 0.
      • Combat Senses: 50.
      • Repositioning: 0.
      Light Stat: 8.
      • Reflexes: 50.
      • Cloak of Innocence: 0.
      • Rapid Blows: 0.
      • Sharp: 30.
      • Dancer: 0.
      Magic Stat: 27.
      • Raw Talent: 80.
      • Mastery: 80.
      • Wells of Power: 60.
      • Pattern Weaving: 50.
      • Fortitude: 0.

      Oh, and since there's nowhere conveniently available to list this, Kria knows three schools of magic: lightning, water, and anti-magic.

      Custom Traits:
      Mutant Physiology:
      While Kria is clearly of elf stock, he's also got some strangeness in his bloodline that can do some odd things. His body regenerates and heals damage at a rate much faster than that of a normal elf. Flesh wounds heal fairly quickly, and broken bones a lot faster than normal people but still not anywhere near instantly, but damage to vital organs cannot be healed this way because he'll be dead before healing can occur. (Plain old regenerative healing shenanigans.)
      -Tainted Blood (Rank 2): Another strange facet of Kria's odd heritage is that he almost literally has demon blood running through his veins. This of course has an impact on him, and not just by way of self-loathing because he is filled with the essence of the enemy. Thanks to the demonic taint being part of his biology, Kria can sense the presence of demons nearby. When it works, Kria can get anything from a general sense of a demon's approach to knowing the exact pinpoint location of it. Sometimes it does not work though, and he figures that some demons can mask their presence more effectively than he can sniff it out, but it's a useful skill nonetheless. (Ability to sense demons.)
      --One With The Taint (Rank 3): Loathsome though it is, the demonic power in Kria's blood is damned handy for the cause of fighting against demons. Where others may succumb to their corrupting influence, Kria has a natural resistance to such things. One would think that demons could more easily call to their own blood, but apparently the presence of such a taint in him from the womb allowed him to develop a natural tolerance to it and thus an ability to shrug it off. Of course, a concerted effort by a powerful demon could probably break through and corrupt him anyway, but he hasn't yet run into that problem and hopes he never will. (Resistance to demonic corruption.)

      Five Chains of Binding: Where once there were ten chains binding Kria's magical power, now there are only five and the power is starting to seep through. After his arrival in this current timeline of the world he was able to do some studying and get some assistance to break the first five, some by brute force and others by simple disenchanting and curse breaking powers. While the maker of the seals could undo them in an instant, unlocking them manually requires a different method for each chain, and discovering how exactly to break it requires study and experimentation. If it were not so damnably frustrating, Kria would be impressed by the complexity and strength of the binding. As it stands, he's just pissed off and wants to get rid of the things as quickly as possible. (Boost to general magical strength.)
      -Four Chains of Binding (Rank 2): The inner five binding chains have proven to be more difficult to break, but after bathing in fragrant oils and burning them off with magical fire, followed by fasting for two days, then filling his belly with clean water, the strange requirements of the sixth chain was fulfilled and it was broken, freeing yet more of Kria's power. Only four remain to be broken. (Another boost to general magical strength.)
      --Three Chains of Binding (Rank 3): Just before going on active duty as a member of the Queen's Blades, Kria was able to break another chain through the use of an archaic ritual involving a runic altar and the live sacrifice of a lamb, one of the more involved chain-breaking processes so far. Now left with only three chains to go, his quest to free his true magical strength is well under way. (Yet another boost to general magical strength.)

      Wrath of the Heavens: Though he knows a few schools of magic, Kria was drawn to those elements that came from the skies. From a young age he always wished he could control the heavens themselves to rain destruction down upon the legions of the demons, torrential rain and punishing lightning to fry them all and send them back to the dank pits from whence they came. Unfortunately, he was forced to settle for mastering the schools of lightning and water magic and making use of them to sweep clean the demonic filth of the world. Through vast training and experience, Kria figured out the best ways to direct these magics against many foes at once, allowing him to quickly wipe a field clean of petty opponents to allow him to focus on throwing stronger attacks at the real threats. (Bonus to using offensive magic against groups of targets.)
      -The Storm's Fury (Rank 2): Lightning alone isn't quite enough to take down some persistent foes. However, thanks to his knowledge of water magic, Kria has found a natural and elegant solution to that problem. Water makes a fine conductor for lightning in nature, but when both parts are generated by magic it does a bit more than a little extra jolt. Kria has adapted his water spells to work well in tandem with his lightning, making his already massive magical muscles pack an even bigger punch when the need arises. (Things struck by Kria's water magic are far more susceptible to damage from his lightning magic as long as they remain wet.)

      Demon Slayer: One does not survive as a free man in the timeline of demonic supremacy without learning how to kill the damned things. Kria lived more than three decades in that timeline, two of them spent truly actively fighting demons for survival. By killing and watching others kill, he was able to glean effective ways of dealing damage to certain types of demonic enemies, where to strike to hit weak spots or avoid tough armor. Few people, especially in this more pleasant timeline, can boast such a personal trove of demon slaying knowledge. (Bonus to attacking demons.)

      Reactive Water Shield: A dead mage is a worthless mage, so any worth their salt prepare defensive measures before venturing out from whatever hiding place they spent the night in. Or, well, at least that was the case in Kria's timeline, and he learned such behavior from mages who knew how to stay alive. Every morning, before doing anything else, he always sets up his personal wards that will activate a defensive shield of water magic whenever they detect a threat coming his way. The ward does not require Kria to notice the danger himself, since part of the spell is magical vigilance for such things, but it can be circumvented by things moving too quickly for the shield to block them, attacks powerful enough to shatter the shield with little effort, or anti-magic to disable the ward entirely. The warding spell does not drain Kria at all to remain active, but it will dissipate if he loses consciousness or falls asleep and the creation of the water shield itself does pull on his magical reserves, using easily twice as much power as it would require for him to consciously make a water shield of the same dimensions and potency manually. (A spell that watches out for incoming threats and automatically creates a water shield around Kria if any danger to his person is detected.)

      Story Traits: None currently.
    • Equipment List: Just basic clothes and food/water supplies as needed.

      Romance: If it makes sense, okay, why not.

      Does the Kouri Plushie Exist?: Yarp.

      Signature: J-Rizzle. It's my street name.

    • Name: Kasim Amibilus
      Age: 24
      Race: Human
      Sex: Male

      Image borrowed from showmeyourmoves on deviantart.
    • Homeland: The Goblin Holds

      History: Kasim was once a slave in the city of Kinghold, set free by the goblins when they conquered the city. He was either born into slavery or taken at a very young age, for he knew nothing but servitude in the time before the goblins came and he never knew his parents or land of origin. He was owned by an aging merchant woman who was fairly kind as far as slave owners went, only rarely ordering whippings and being frugal enough to feel that working a slave to death was a waste, but Kasim could never work his way around to being happy about his lot in life. The merchant woman mainly used him for simple manual labor, hauling heavy crates of goods to load up her wagons, but once she realized that his strange statements about other people originated from a rare telepathic talent she wisely put his skill to use: she had him serve food and drinks during business meetings at her estate, just happening to make fleeting skin to skin contact to read the surface thoughts of her guests and then discreetly relaying that information to her. She kept his talent a secret of necessity, for if other merchants found that she was using a telepath in such a conniving way she would lose all trust and trade agreements, and perhaps her life. As Kasim grew older she started to take the young man (though he could have accurately been called a boy when it started) into her bed to fill the void left by the passing of her favorite bed slave. He didn't really fight against this, and definitely enjoyed it on a carnal level, but he had enough presence of mind to be disgusted by the knowledge that he was being used like an object. Vague stirrings of wishing for freedom, and hatred for his owner, swirled around his mind without being given any critical examination for years.

      The minor seeds of rebellion in Kasim's mind finally and suddenly sprouted when he was 15, when the goblin Xixis Madheart's surprise attack on Kinghold sent the guards from the merchant's estate running off toward the newly made hole in the wall around the city. With the merchant woman left with nobody but her slaves to guard her, Kasim found himself drawn to the then deserted guard quarters; time blurred as if he was in a dream, and the next thing he was aware of was a bow and a few arrows clutched in his hands. He'd always been fascinated by bows, but this was the first time he ever held one. Kasim took the weapon inside the main building of the estate, up into the merchant woman's bedchamber, and found her hiding under the covers like a child. She looked hopeful for a moment, as if the slave come to protect her, but that notion was soon dismissed as he raised the bow and inexpertly nocked an arrow. It took him three of the four arrows he'd brought before he finally hit his target from a distance of no more than ten feet, during which time she sat there frozen; when the arrow struck her in the gut she finally screamed and writhed in pain, and the frozen state seemed to transfer to Kasim. He stood there for a few minutes, shocked at his own actions, before dropping the bow and walking forward. When he reached the bed the merchant woman flailed at him, screaming for him to get away from her. Upon her hand touching his arm, his telepathy gave him a flash of her thoughts: she thought of him as a traitorous wretch, scum who she had always known would betray her, a spray of mental vitriol that rocked Kasim to his core. He had only a moment of hesitation before using the last arrow gripped in his left hand to stab the woman to death.

      When a troop of goblins made their way around to check the estate they found Kasim sitting with his back to the wall beside the open gates, his arms and torso caked in dried blood. When they inquired and learned that he had killed the slaver merchant and set the other slaves free, they congratulated him and told him to come celebrate his liberation with them. A night of drinking and revelry later, Kasim was initiated into the army of the Xixis Madheart alongside many other freed slaves who wished to aid their fight against the Free Holds. He stayed with them for three years, learning the way of the bow from Morilab, an orc who wielded a massive greatbow that Kasim struggled to lift using both hands. The orc's style of strength being equal to finesse in archery was picked up eagerly by the young man, who was fairly strong after a lifetime of hauling crates and loading wagons. He also learned a lot about thrown weapons, with a preference for knives, and a little about using a sword from the various goblins he befriended. Over the course of the many battles he fought as part of Emperor Xixis Madheart's army, Kasim learned how to dodge and weave to stay alive and how to spot a weakness. Lots of gambling taught him the basics of spotting a liar. After a couple years using a handed down bow, Morilab taught Kasim how to make one of his own, and so he made a heavy yew greatbow with some bits of metal added on to make it a serviceable melee weapon in a pinch; that was another trick handed down from his orc mentor, which he found rather useful at times.

      Kasim parted ways with his abolitionist compatriots due to a simple realization: he'd never seen the world outside the desert lands of the Holds, and he very much wished to. He had heard of the world from campfire stories, tales of adventures and heroes round the world, but he'd never seen such things for himself. He traveled to the city of Tuleria, where he stayed for a couple years and at the age of 18 (shortly after he first arrived) discovered that women tended to find him attractive, and that he was fairly skilled at convincing them to join him for an evening of entertainment (which was a large reason why he stayed so long despite his aspirations to see the world). His time spent in Tuleria was a period of self-discovery in many ways: he found that he had a great capacity for cruelty, which he tried to suppress and bury because it frightened him; he discovered in himself a strong affinity for the weak and downtrodden of all sorts, ranging from the poor and sickly to the criminal elements of the city; he quickly picked up on the fact that these same people placed an inordinate amount of trust in him, that they seemed to view him as some kind of natural kin even without knowing his story. Long story short, Kasim ended up working for a gang of sorts that extorted money from merchants of middling wealth through threats of violence, as well as engaging in a variety of other illegal activities for profit and entertainment; Kasim specialized in using of his telepathic skill (which he kept secret from others) on carefully selected and subdued targets to gather information, which he then sold off to whoever he felt would pay the most, and once in a while he also telepathically tortured these poor bastards to let out his pent up urges to harm others. He pulled up stakes and left Tuleria after an extortion scheme went sour thanks to a trap set by the city guard, which was set up when the merchant target begged for their help, which Kasim only escaped thanks to being one of the men on lookout.

      Over the course of the following five years, Kasim made his way from city to city, hiring on as a guard for merchant caravans and one ship to travel and climbing easily and familiarly into the underbelly of the cities he spent extended time in. His wandering took him back for a brief stay in the Goblin Holds (which he thinks of as his homeland) when he was 21, thenafter a short stay he headed to Port Luclin where he took a ship down to Liveria, then up into the lands that were once a unified Rheinfeld, from Veldhausen to Heiligen Stuhl before he finally headed south into Renalta at the age of 23. He found the city to be quite interesting in its differences from other places he'd visited, somehow managing to be crowded and bristling with racial tensions but remaining peaceful and quaint in its own way. Despite this genial atmosphere, Kasim quickly found his particular talents to be of lucrative use in the nebulous and volatile criminal element in the city of Renalta, which was mainly made up of smuggling operations and territorial spats between various factions that still hadn't found a comfortable balance after the massive influx of refugees.

      Very recently Kasim was caught using his telepathy in very unscrupulous ways. Due to the laws being hazy about the legality of such things, and the inability of the authorities to pin any clearly illegal activities on him, they were forced to let him go with a stern warning. Some members of the Queen's Blade heard of his relatively rare talent, did a little bit of snooping to scope him out, and approached with an offer to join. Their pitch was convincing, for Kasim had been growing tired of remaining sedentary and his particular sense of justice places demons in the same hateful category as slavers.

      Motivation: Kasim has a grand sense of adventure and wishes to see more of the world, from tiny villages to grand cities and all that lies between. He also has a firm hatred of demons and their ilk, so if he can work against them and also go on adventures, it's a win-win as far as he's concerned. Recently however, a new motivation has come to the forefront: to prove to Princess Helénē of Liveria that he can be a good man worth of her hand in marriage.
    • Standard Traits
      Sharp: You've started to notice how certain people stand, and how others try to keep certain parts of themselves out of harm's way, or try to cover up certain not-so-good looking pieces of armour. Given more time, you could manifest this into a real talent for assassinating even the most armoured of targets. (Basics of weakness-finding and lie detecting.)
      --Investigator (Rank 2): Where others might struggle to put the clues together, this character's eyes have grown used to looking for the out of place or abnormal. Chinks in the defenses are easier to locate, and things that aren't natural or off-kilter and relevant to your character's curiosity are easier to detect and find. (Increases chances of finding out of place things and detecting weaknesses in armour. There is a chance that your character will suddenly have a realization about something they didn't understand before (GM assistance).)
      --Occam's Razor (Rank 3): "The simplest answer is usually the truth." When confronting someone with a theory, if all or part of the theory is true, even deceptive characters will typically give a conversational 'tell' saying so, whether or not they verbally confirm it. (Truthful accusations are easily confirmed.)
      --Focus (Rank 4): Continual honing and focusing of one's mind typically extends into other facets of life, and this character can focus on a specific task to ensure it gets done right. On the flip side, they do this at the sacrifice of peripherals. (Can focus on an action intently to gain bonuses on any action, however all other actions for that round aren't as effective. This translates to things like guaranteed critical hits at the cost of dodge potential in a counter-attack.)

      Slippery: You are fully aware of what happens if that war hammer the size of a small child hits you square on the chin. You've decided to make it a priority to learn how to never let that happen, and while you're still learning, you understand at least enough to jump back from a blow before it takes off your head. (Basics of dodging and evasion.)
      --Dodge! (Rank 2): As you've refined your instincts, your ability to avoid harm has also grown, and as such whenever an enemy swings at you, there's a solid chance you've already figured out not to be there by the time the swing would connect. (Dodging is quicker and no longer forces your character onto the defensive, and can occur even if your character is caught off guard.)

      Acrobatic: You understand the basics of climbing ropes, ascending walls, jumping across rooftops, and rolling when you hit the ground. On the other hand, you've only really grasped the basics of it, so jumping a twenty foot chasm while being shot at is not recommended. (Basics of acrobatics: Climbing, falling gracefully, etc.)

      Heavy Hitter: Where some would resort to flailing their arms about in an unsophisticated manner, you've decided that if you can hit something hard enough the first time that it stays down, that you can end fights before they can even really begin. Though, you're still working on that "consistent" part, and not slowing down when you swing harder than usual. In the case of a ranged weapon, it means a larger calibre firearm or larger bow, translating to greater recoil and/or slower fire rate instead. (Basics of doing more damage with each swing.)
      --Crushing Blow (Rank 2): You've learned that against enemies who are pained or slowed, you have even more time to swing and aim, hitting them with the maximum potential force possible. (Automatic critical hit against enemies that are stunned, dazed, unaware, or otherwise not expecting the attack. Small chance to crush armour in such a way as to mangle a limb or cause internal damage to a target through armour.)

      Unique Traits
      Non-Magic Telepathy: Kasim is one of the rare individuals who was born with telepathic powers. The most basic use of this allows him to communicate telepathically with others over short distances (or at a greater distance with other telepaths). He can also read surface thoughts of those he makes skin to skin contact with, or with prolonged contact he can dig for deeper thoughts and pry out their secrets. This process is rather uncomfortable for both Kasim and the one whose thoughts are being read. With this mental mining, Kasim can mentally harm and torture people and leave behind horrible nightmarish thoughts, and this can be done to the point of leaving them a drooling vegetable (if given enough time with someone with a weak enough mind). Those with strong minds are less affected by and better able to resist all uses of telepathy. Since it is a biological phenomenon rather than a magical one, use of telepathy cannot be sensed by those trained in sniffing out mages.

      Subliminal Messages (Rank 1+2): Through a lifetime of use, Kasim subconsciously developed a less blatant use of his telepathic abilities. He has refined his telepathic skill to send out subliminal messages to those he feels a level of kinship with, urging them to like him and help him with whatever his goals may be at the time. Anyone who Kasim views as weak, downtrodden, oppressed, or part of the lower dregs of society will find themselves very much inclined to help him in any way they're able; furthermore, this subconscious communication also comes into play with people who Kasim has had prolonged contact with, once he starts to view them as friends and companions and the like. This effect cannot coerce people into doing anything that goes against their morals or beliefs, since it's just an urge to help rather than some kind of mind control. (Rank 1 gave the ability with some awkward limitations, Rank 2 removed those limitations.)

      King Braggart: Kasim has developed his bragging and bravado into something approaching an art form. His bold declarations of skill can get under the skin of even the most stalwart opponents, his abrasive confidence can assure the fearful masses of their safety even as the city burns down around them, and his tales of his own prowess on the field of battle have a way of making women (and some men) fall head over heels in lust with him. Or at least that's how he'd describe his own bragging powers, which makes for something of an infinite recursion loop of braggadocio. Kasim is a swell guy like that. (Mechanically it's just bonuses to social things whenever he brags or talks about how great he is when trying to taunt, coerce, inspire, flirt, etc.)
      --Gods' Honest Truth (Rank 2): As fun and easy as empty bragging can be, Kasim has found that conservative use of the truth can do wonders for his credibility. Now every once in a while he'll actually tell the truth while bragging, or at least something with a kernel of the truth in it. So what if he wasn't actually in the middle of a hurricane on a wildly rocking boat with a blindfold on when he shot that angel in the throat? He shot the angel in the throat, and that's the gods' honest truth. Everything else is just, you know, narrative license. (Large boost to King Braggart effect when he brags about something that actually happened in the RP or his bio.)

      Archer's Form: Kasim has discovered an unfortunate truth about a bowman's needs in smaller scale combat: he must actually have some level of accuracy to be effective. Having learned the way of archery from a military-minded orc, and having largely gotten used to the idea that just shooting in the general direction of the enemy was good enough, he rather neglected the finer points of shooting a bow. Lately Kasim has put a lot of work into tightening up his form in order to improve his accuracy, so now he won't have to rely on sheer dumb luck to hit things. (Bonus to accuracy with a bow.)
      --Archer's Figure (Rank 2): Kasim's bow is disgustingly huge, and using it for any length of time constitutes a pretty strenuous upper body workout. After years of use and practice, especially the more intense regimen of recent days, he has accrued some benefits that one usually doesn't associate with an archer. His arms are pretty noticeably muscled, his pectoral muscles have actual definition, and even his stomach has gotten some love. Kasim isn't going to be cracking skulls with his bare hands any time soon, but he's stronger than you'd expect from an archer and he looks pretty damn good as well. (Bonus to upper body physical strength. I guess also tangential potential bonus of being more attractive to some people, depending on their tastes.)

      Purple Ribbon: You took a hit for Queen and Country, and have learned how to better handle pain. (Minor bonus to dealing with damage, less likely to fall into shock or succumb to injuries.)

      Lucky Ego: You don't care about the odds, you know you see an opportunity, and things line up just the right way to make it happen so you can justify being a braggart... (Minor bonus to spotting opportunities, such as weaknesses in enemies, or holes in the walls, etc.)

      Bard's Tales: The braggart's tales of boisterous bravado burst bravely forth! Bards throughout the lower mainlands sing the songs of the man who stared the Heavens themselves in the face, and fired a hailstorm of arrows into them with the same kind of courageous nobility as that of Kouri herself!... Or so the stories go, anyway. (Will often encounter fans who will sing your praises, especially among the lower classes, and who will do anything to impress you. May not be the bravest troops in the face of danger.)

      Conqueror of Venus: Broad shoulders, tight trousers, and a deep voice with eyes of equal depth leave many of the fairer sex gob-struck and heart broken... Careful, Lothario. (Women tend to be more cooperative and open to propositions, both of business and pleasure. This can also incur the wrath of jealous men & women...)
    • Equipment List
      Self-made Yew Greatbow - Rather heavy, has some metal plates for emergency protective and offensive purposes in melee range.
      Various bow-related equipment - Quiver full of arrows (holds 30), a bundle of 30 extra arrows in his pack, extra strings, wax to keep the string dry, so on and so forth.
      1 shortsword
      6 throwing knives
      1 knife not meant for throwing
      Light leather armor
      Other boring stuff like food and water
      One golden ring with lines etched into it, pilfered from an angel's corpse.

      Requisitioned Item: Treated Blood Vial: Amazons are known for their bizarre spiritual practices. This vial of blood is treated specifically to allow non-Amazons to use it properly, being a diluted form of what the Amazons themselves drink. Drinking this gives a character a spirit animal of their choice, who will help them with one task (a battle, an investigation, et cetera) before fading back to the ethereal realm from whence it came. The spirit animal is ordinarily intelligent enough to speak telepathically, and is usually one of the character's ancestors or dead friends given animal form. (Amazons.)

      Romance: Sure, romance is fine as long as it's not forced nonsense.
      Does the Kouri Plushie exist?: Yup.

      Signature: Jorick hereby agrees to all rules and regulations, and he gets style points for signing in the third person.
    • Name: Zinnarath Corsys, goes by Zin
      Age: 43, though appears mid-20's due to the perks of vampirism.
      Race: Vampire of the human variety.
      Sex: Female

      Minus the weird red bits of hair. Image borrowed from Silkspinner on deviantart.
    • Homeland: Kingdom of Liveria

      History: Zin was born to a very wealthy merchant family, the eldest daughter and second of three children. Torwen and Leilinna Corsys were devoutly religious and horribly xenophobic people and they attempted to instill those beliefs and values in their children, but they only succeded with their eldest child and only son, Alesander. From the time Zin was old enough to form her own opinions, she had seen far too much of the negative impacts of the gods to be able to place her faith in them and far too much good in the people outside of Liveria to see them as evil threats. Her younger sister, Allyria, was simply a rebel at heart and fought against anything authority figures of any kind tried to push her toward. Luckily the education of the Corsys children was not solely religious and xenophobic, and Zin learned quite a bit about the merchant business and all it entailed as she grew up.

      Despite her initial apathy toward them, some pieces of the beliefs espoused by her elders managed to make an impression on Zin, though not at all in the way they would have liked. Their religion preached the standards of a glorious afterlife for the faithful and suffering for heretics, and Zin's parents were very fond of using this concept plus the notion of dying without being redeemed to try to control her with fear. She was indeed affected by fear, but not the fear of death without salvation: she feared death itself. In her mind the promises of an afterlife were a sham, there was nothing to come after death, it was just a cessation of life and nothing more, but she grew to be terrified of the idea of dying nonetheless. Most young people thought themselves invincible, but was Zin utterly aware of the frailty of mortality from her young teen years and onward. A sort of benefit of this abiding fear came in the form of Zin's peculiar outlook on life: since everyone only had their one life, life itself was precious and should be made as joyous as possible before it is ended, thus harming others in any way was a grave evil. She resolved early on to never hurt anyone, and eventually became such a pacifist that she would flee from threats to her life unless absolutely and assuredly cornered with no other way out but to fight.

      As the daughter of a wealthy merchant family, Zin was taught the ways of ladylike behavior and was a frequent attendee of various social functions held by the wealthy and noble classes of Liveria. She was presented to the city as an eligible maiden from the time she was old enough to marry, but suitors tended to lose their interest in her as they learned of her markedly un-Liverian beliefs, and so she made it into her adulthood without becoming somebody's wife. This plus the common knowledge that Allyria Corsys had left home to go "adventuring" with a sleazy cargo ship captain made Zin something of a conversation piece at social gatherings. During one such dinner party when she was 24 years old, near the end of the affair, Zin wandered out into the host's garden to escape the whispering and found a woman frantically waving her hands in front of her face and staring into the water of a fountain. Upon investigating this curious sight, Zin discovered that the woman, who was a merchant and a common sight at social gatherings, had the silver eyes of a vampire. The woman panicked when she noticed Zin and turned to run, but the girl told her it was okay and that she wouldn't tell anyone what she had seen. The relieved vampire managed to use illusion magic to alter her eye color as she sat and spoke with Zin, and she seemed rather pleased to have found someone in Liveria who didn't lust after the blood of her kind.

      They became fast friends and had further conversations frequently over the next few months. Eventually, after Zin had learned of the nigh immortality of vampires and their ability to feed on non-human blood to survive, she asked her friend to share this gift and turn her into a vampire as well. It took a lot of convincing, and the woman demanded she learn the basics of illusion magic (which Zin turned out to have a natural gift for) for the purpose of disguise before she would even consider it, but eventually she gave in. All seemed well and good for a month or so after that, but then the woman's illusion powers failed her at an unfortunate time and the Liverian Witch Hunters found her and murdered her. While grieving her friend's death, Zin forgot to disguise her eyes one day and her parents saw her silver eyes. Though they were horrid bigots they loved their daughter and did not want to see her killed, so they instead forced her into something of an exile for her own good, though they made it clear they very much disapproved of her life choices and that she shouldn't expect anything in the way of support or inheritance. Zin left Liveria with a mixed bag of emotions-sadness both fresh and lingering from her parents's words and the death of her friend, exitement over the prospect of seeing what the world outside Liveria was really like-and headed west.

      She eventually came upon a small town called Brecken and was accosted by bandits. They were strange bandits though, in that they demanded a specific amount of money from her and did not threaten her. She paid them and asked about the strange theft and was met with outrage; it was not theft, they said, it was the traveler's toll that the town had agreed upon and written into law. This intrigued Zin and she decided to stay a while and learn more. As it turned out, the town of Brecken was run by a group that outsiders called bandits, but the residents seemed to have no issues with them. They did indeed have a law that said travelers must pay a fee to use their lands, and a greater toll for merchants moving through the area, with greater monetary penalties for refusal to comply, which sometimes demanded that they take the money or goods by force; these fees being levied was viewed as banditry by nearby villages, somewhat understandably. Zin learned that there were many such places in the land of Renalta where there was no central authority to keep things in order, towns and villages run by bandits and raiders of all kinds, though the Brecken group was one of the few benevolent bandits to have taken over a settlement. Zin settled in and lived there for nearly a decade, and she learned that the people of the town largely didn't care that she was a vampire; they provided her with cattle blood when she needed to replenish herself from using her vampiric powers, which was not very often. She went out with toll collectors oftentimes to help cool down situations before they turned violent, and she learned a great deal about the art of stealth in these outings.

      This peaceful life was interrupted by the banishment of the gods and ressurection of the Kingdom of Renalta. The bandits were non-violently removed from power by the Renaltan forces that moved out to secure their lands. Many of the people of Brecken moved closer to or into the revived city itself, and things simply were not the same in the town after that. Zin held no ill will for Renalta over these changes, not even when she returned to Liveria briefly and learned that her brother had died resising their efforts to banish the gods. Her parents had grown mildly less hateful since their last time speaking to Zin and informed her that due to the death of their only good child (Allyria had by then gotten up to all sorts of behavior that was even more shameful to their parents than being a vampire) she would by law be their heir, but that she should still get lost for her own good and shouldn't expect so much as bit of copper until they were dead in the ground. Zin took their advice and left once more, this time heading north.

      She moved around Rheinfeld for a while, staying in the Republic area rather than risking run ins with templars, though that turned out to not be enough of a precaution. After having to flee for her life from some men who discovered that she was a vampire, Zin headed south to the city of Renalta. There she found the people even more accepting of her vampirism than the people of Brecken had been, and so she settled into the bustling city. She acquired work helping a minor merchant, a fellow named Corval; it started with bookkeeping to begin with, but that soon enough turned into her becoming a partner in the venture as she remembered what she was taught about the business as a young woman. This kept Zin more or less occupied for the past half a dozen years, and in that time she helped the business grow from a struggling one man startup with no focus to a moderately profitable textiles trading operation with a dozen employees. Corval and some of his employees willingly donated blood for her to drink when she needed it after using her vampire abilities, though it took them a long while to convince her that it was better for her than cow blood and that they were doing it because they cared. One of Zin's hobbies in this time was sneaking around the city to keep her skills sharp, and eventually she started breaking into buildings just for the thrill of it; she never stole any belongings, but sometimes she read through papers lying on desks and one time even found something that was of minor help to her day job and was thus able to somewhat justify her nefarious nightly activities.

      About a year ago Zin caught the eye of a mage knowledgeable in the powers of Illusion, and he just so happened to be a member of the Queen's Blades. The mage noticed her casting an illusion to change her eye color and struck up a conversation in which he learned that she only knew very basic appearance altering spells. The mage took a liking to her and taught her something new and more complex, and she was able to pick it up perfectly after just a few times struggling to cast it. With further testing over the following months, he found this to be the case with any illusion spell she could manage to cast in the first place, though some spells eluded her due to their complexity and she was absolute garbage with other kinds of magic. After a little consultation with other mages, he declared that she was a savant of illusion magic and asked her to join the Queen's Blades; after hearing of their noble cause, and being assured that they weren't just a military group, Zin joined without a second thought.

      Motivation: Zin doesn't like the idea of demons taking over the world and killing everyone. Though she abhors the idea of actually fighting these threats directly, she is determined to do whatever she can to stop them.
    • Standard Traits
      Apprentice: Combined with Raw Talent, you've learned how to harness that raw magical power into a consistent train of thought. Through studying a few tomes and, possible, learning from the Mage's Guild, you've focused yourself onto a single school of magic. This will help focus your power into something consistent and tangible, but it's only the beginning... (Basics of understanding magic. One school of magic unlocked.) -- Illusion magic
      --Wizened (Rank 2): Having done some study and practice, you can now understand two schools of magic, and understand a greater amount of subtly with your first school of magic. There is now a greater chance of you casting a spell without others noticing, unless the spell is blatant and loud: Like a fire ball. ("Stealth magic" and a second school of magic.) -- Healing magic

      Raw Talent: After a few (or perhaps several) failed attempts at magic, you suddenly found yourself able to bring a raw spark of power to life in your hands. After being awed by it, you found that you could consistently control and contort this power to your will. You could conjure subtle things, flashes of light or wreathing your hands in fire. (Basics of casting magic power-wise.)
      --Power Draw (Rank 2): Regularly pushing to their limits, this character has grown more intimate with their usage of magic, and has surpassed the limits of apprentice spell casters. Given momentary preparation, they can hit someone with the utmost of their capabilities.
      (Increased spell power, can now spend a post overcharging a spell to use in the next post)
      --Overwhelm (Rank 3): There are rare moments with spellcasting when a mage has absolute clarity, and in these moments, spells you cast have added, unintentionally beneficial effects. (Upon critical hit with magic, additional beneficial effects are granted at random, at no cost to you.)

      Awakened Meditation: Through great discipline you have figured out how to tap into the natural magic in the air all around you. It will still take time and practice to master, but nonetheless, this has increased the amount of spells you can cast before you fatigue yourself, and increased the rate at which you regain your energy to cast more spells. (Basics of increasing your magic limitations, and recovery speed from casting magical spells.)
      --Rapid Mental Recovery (Rank 2): You have mastered the art of magic to the point where you can recover fully between battles, and have started to develop a small ability to 'steal' and absorb the magic others throw at you. (Basics of spell stealing (passive), this character fully recovers between multiple battles in a single mission.)

      Wells of Power: Having been born with this talent or having artificially acquired it later on in life, you've connected your mind and soul to the five ethereal Wells of Power, the sources of all magic. You can subtly feel nearby mages and places of magical power, though this isn't precise yet. The more powerful it is, the more likely you will detect it. (Basics of detecting magic and mages.)

      Stealthy: Every journey begins somewhere for the avid stealth expert, and yours is about on par with that of a cut-purse or a minor bugler. You have the basics down, but to learn more will take time and practice. (Basics of stealth-oriented tasks and escaping.)

      Unique Traits
      Vampire of Diana's Brood: Vampirism makes a person immortal, in a cruse sense, and causes their eyes to turn silver (among other possible changes). Diana's brood is subtle and cunning, they are injured by sunlight and killed by it within minutes of exposure, and cannot heal in sunlight either, though clothing which covers their skin, interiors of buildings, or shadows cast by large objects can protect them from sunlight. They wield potent mind control and illusion powers to remain out of sight to all but those they wish. (description ripped from Brovo's explanation of Diana's Brood in original LoR 2's traits stuff)
      --Hypnotic Eyes (Rank 2): The next stage of Vampirism grants this character a greater sphere of influence over others: Hypnotic eyes. Yes, that classic vampire power, that allows you to entrance victims into willing servitude. There are limitations, but you will have to figure them out. The only thing you know thus far about it is it, like all vampire powers, does cost you blood to use it. (Your character's body consumes blood and expends it to fuel powers.)
      --Supernatural Allure (Rank 3): An almost surreal beautiful quality surrounds this vampire with their pale soft skin & strange eyes, and they can use it to cause enemies to hesitate or convince people of their friendly nature. The more times the Vampire uses this power in a mission, the greater the blood cost becomes. It's alarmingly more effective when used with other deception-type powers, though that also increases the blood cost.

      Illusion Savant: Zin has firm the potential to become a master of illusion, though she currently suffers from a lack of training. She was until very recently unaware of her own gift in this area and mainly used appearance altering illusion magic on herself, as that was the only magic she knew and she did not have any reason to seek out more knowledge. As it turns out, she is so naturally gifted with the powers of illusion that she need only successfully cast an illusion spell a few of times to learn it so thoroughly that she is able to cast it perfectly every single time when experiencing little or no distraction, and she is much less affected by moderate or severe distractions than a normal mage would be when casting these familiar spells. Zin's speed of casting and the toll such efforts take on her body are unaffected by her affinity for illusion.
      --Illusion Mastery (Rank 2): Now that Zin has gotten a little more accustomed to her illusion magic, she has found that atop her skill at learning illusion spells she is simply good at making them as well. Her illusions are more credible and realistic than someone with her limited training really ought to be capable of, which is really the key to the whole illusion business. Unfortunately, she's somewhat lacking in finesse and can't exclude specific targets from believing in her illusions, but she'll think of a way to work around that. Probably. (Bonus to others believing her illusions are real.)

      Entry Artist: Being an escape artist is all well and good, but getting into locked and secured places is far more fun and potentially more rewarding. Zin has a knack for getting into such places, be they buildings or safes or small locked containers or anything else that is clearly meant to keep people out. She is quite good at spotting exploitable weaknesses like unlocked windows or rusty hinges or holes in a guard perimeter, and she's also very skilled at lockpicking and even breaking locks open while leaving the rest of the mechanism in working order when push comes to shove. She tries her best to keep quiet and unnoticed when sneaking into places or opening locks, and she's had a lot of practice at that too, but it's never a sure thing. (Mechanically it's bonuses to getting into secured places and lockpicking and such, also minor stealth bonus only when she's doing the aforementioned breaking and/or entering).

      Tunnel Vision: One would normally expect a cowardly pacifist like Zin to fall to pieces and be unable to use magic in high pressure situations, but oddly enough she has found the opposite to be true. She only made it through long years clawing through fear and panic by developing a peculiar coping mechanism: focusing extremely intently on one thing at a time in order to dull or block out whatever else is going on. This hyper-focus that when Zin wants to cast a spell she's able to block out all but the most pressing of distractions if she uses this tunnel vision, though it leaves her rather vulnerable since she's purposely blocking out her senses to focus on the magic. (Large reduction of distraction penalties plus plain old bonus to casting any spell when she concentrates solely on doing so, but this means she's basically just standing still and totally unaware of what's going on around her for the duration.)

      Inspirational Speaker: You've convinced NPC's to do something for you, and as such, you've figured out that talking is sometimes superior to just genocidally killing everything. Neat! (Minor bonus to convincing NPC's to do as you wish.)

      Bullshit Detector: "That is not a Ghost! That is an illusion! Also, God is dead, Santa Claus isn't real, the tooth fairy is actually a pedophile, and keep your children away from candy dealers!" Needless to say, you have an uncanny ability to tell when a con artist is performing their trade. (Minor bonus to detecting lies and illusions.)

      Lady of the Night: Betwixt the powers of abyssal eyes and a slit open dress, silky smooth thighs and a cool touch; life is exchanged, and a man betrayeth his colleagues the pitiful weakness of men: Flesh. (Improves use of vampirism powers and basic seduction to convince people to do as you please, doubly so where it involves those attracted to you. This does include demons.)

      Untarnished: You got through an entire mission unscathed, not a feat to scoff at leisurely! As such, others tend to be galvanized to your cause by the image of your grand tactical aptitude, whether or not that reputation is well deserved. (NPC's drawn to your cause will fight better, bonus is stronger if you avoid serious injury.)
    • Equipment List
      Basic set of lockpicks and other burglary implements
      1 knife used for cutting food and such
      A book on basic Illusion magic
      A book on basic Healing magic
      Other boring stuff like food and water

      Illusion Savant Spell List - AKA illusion spells Zin has actually practiced

      Eye color change
      Hair color change
      Clothing color change
      Fire illusion - just the appearance
      Fire illusion - visual and heat
      Invisibility on self
      Invisibility on other person
      Invisibility on object
      Make single target see only black
      Very bright flash of light for single target
      Fill single target's hearing with loud screaming and shrieking
      Make single target feel like they're being strangled and suffocating
      Make single target feel illusory stabbing pain

      Requisition Item: Magic-Breaker: A small, harmless looking gemstone that, when placed into an amulet or similar piece of jewelry, can absorb the negative effects of a spell. It can be overpowered in which event the gemstone shatters (though it does block the entirety of the spell's effects!), and it can only block one spell. The more powerful the spell, the longer it takes the item to recover. It should also be noted that these items occasionally have a slight glimmer in the presence of powerful illusory magics. These are normally handed to priests so as not to interfere with their holy magics, but the Templar Order is willing to part with a few for the Queen's Blades. (Rheinfeld.)

      Romance: Romance is cool as long as it makes sense given previous character interaction and such.
      Does the Kouri Plushie exist?: Yup.

      Signature: I, Jorick, hereby agree to abide by the rules and not complain like a little bitch should I do something stupid and get my character killed.
    • Name: Kria is how he introduces himself. Full name is Kria'lotl Abothanys Pholarthagg.
      Age: Unknown.
      Race: Unknown.
      Sex: Male.
      Appearance: Kria might pass for a high elf on first glance. He is tall and slender, his skin is pale enough to seem almost translucent, his dark green eyes match those that one might find among elves, and his ears are pointed. However, unlike an elf, he is thin to the point of apparent emaciation, the flesh of his face pulled so taut that he could also be mistaken for a corpse were he not up and moving around. He is completely bald, lacking everything from hair to eyelashes that could be found on the head of an elf. His teeth are all sharply pointed, the teeth of a carnivore, and his fingernails are thick and pointed as well, not quite claws but very reminiscent of them. The least obvious but likely most disturbing difference is found in those deep green eyes: for all their surface similarity, they are not at all human or elven or anything of the sort. Where persons of differing sapient races can look one another in the eye and find level of familiarity, perhaps even a bit of kinship, this is not possible with Kria. He looks upon all living things as lesser entities, insignificant pests to be ignored or destroyed at will, and there can be no empathy for such an alien mind.
      Kria wears whatever is provided to cover his body, for he dons the garments only because it is required of him. No matter what the outfit happens to consist of, another odd feature tends to distract observers: he has ghostly chains wrapped all around his body from the neck down, some laying tight against him and obscured by clothing, others moving more freely and floating inches away from his body at times. They are all very fine chains, like one would expect to find holding a noble lady's locket, and they do not interact with the physical world in any meaningful way. They give off no light and can be hard to see in low light, but they're quite hard to miss out in broad daylight.
    • Homeland: Renalta, for now.

      History: Kria is a creature of another time, perhaps another plane of existence if his hazy recollection is to be believed. He cannot recall many details, only that in this world he was always viewed as other, a foreign entity that was not to be trusted. Though he is humanoid in shape, he has no memories of this fact granting him acceptance into the societies of other humanoid creatures. His most recent attempt to live in harmony with such beings ended with them turning on him, trying to kill him, and sealing him deep in a crypt when they found that he would not truly die for all they did to mangle his body. Hundreds of years passed as he laid in the darkness, hopeless and helpless, and he suspects that it broke his mind many times over, thus leaving him with a shattered memory. Very recently, Kria was discovered and freed by a Renaltan treasure hunter who struck a simple bargain with him: go to Queen Kouri and do whatever she requests in exchange for freedom. Kria did exactly that, being incapable of reneging on a bargain, and after careful questioning and consideration and consultation Kouri decided to enlist him in the Queen's Blades.

      Motivation: Kria cares not for this conflict, but he is compelled to aid the Queen's Blades as the result of a bargain made of his free will.
    • Standard Traits
      Combined with Raw Talent, you've learned how to harness that raw magical power into a consistent train of thought. Through studying a few tomes and, possible, learning from the Mage's Guild, you've focused yourself onto a single school of magic. This will help focus your power into something consistent and tangible, but it's only the beginning... (Basics of understanding magic. One school of magic unlocked.)
      --Wizened (Rank 2): Having done some study and practice, you can now understand two schools of magic, and understand a greater amount of subtly with your first school of magic. There is now a greater chance of you casting a spell without others noticing, unless the spell is blatant and loud: Like a fire ball. ("Stealth magic" and a second school of magic.) -- Healing magic
      --Overwhelm (Rank 3): There are rare moments with spellcasting when a mage has absolute clarity, and in these moments, spells you cast have added, unintentionally beneficial effects. (Upon critical hit with magic, additional beneficial effects are granted at random, at no cost to you.)

      Aeromancy: Manipulation and creation of air.
      Decaying Magic: Mainly focused on making things decay and corrode; causes biological material to wither and rot, causes metal to rust. Secondary abilities to generally weaken creatures or things, and to create or enhance the effects of diseases and illnesses.

      Raw Talent: After a few (or perhaps several) failed attempts at magic, you suddenly found yourself able to bring a raw spark of power to life in your hands. After being awed by it, you found that you could consistently control and contort this power to your will. You could conjure subtle things, flashes of light or wreathing your hands in fire. (Basics of casting magic power-wise.)
      --Power Draw (Rank 2): Regularly pushing to their limits, this character has grown more intimate with their usage of magic, and has surpassed the limits of apprentice spell casters. Given momentary preparation, they can hit someone with the utmost of their capabilities.
      (Increased spell power, can now spend a post overcharging a spell to use in the next post)
      --Overwhelm (Rank 3): There are rare moments with spellcasting when a mage has absolute clarity, and in these moments, spells you cast have added, unintentionally beneficial effects. (Upon critical hit with magic, additional beneficial effects are granted at random, at no cost to you.)

      Awakened Meditation: Through great discipline you have figured out how to tap into the natural magic in the air all around you. It will still take time and practice to master, but nonetheless, this has increased the amount of spells you can cast before you fatigue yourself, and increased the rate at which you regain your energy to cast more spells. (Basics of increasing your magic limitations, and recovery speed from casting magical spells.)
      --Rapid Mental Recovery (Rank 2): You have mastered the art of magic to the point where you can recover fully between battles, and have started to develop a small ability to 'steal' and absorb the magic others throw at you. (Basics of spell stealing (passive), this character fully recovers between multiple battles in a single mission.)

      Wells of Power: Having been born with this talent or having artificially acquired it later on in life, you've connected your mind and soul to the five ethereal Wells of Power, the sources of all magic. You can subtly feel nearby mages and places of magical power, though this isn't precise yet. The more powerful it is, the more likely you will detect it. (Basics of detecting magic and mages.)

      Unique Traits
      Otherworldly Physiology (Rank 1):
      Kria is of a species not quite like other humanoids. Aside from his various physical oddities, he does not require food or water to survive. His body regenerates and heals damage at a rate much faster than that of a human. Flesh wounds heal rather quickly, and broken bones a lot faster than humans but still not anywhere near instantly, but damage to more important things like internal organs can take literally years to heal, which is sort of better than them not doing any healing at all, right? (Plain old regenerative healing shenanigans.)
      --Ironclad Bargains (Rank 2): Another strange facet of Kria's odd species is that they simply cannot go back on a bargain struck of their free will. For a deal to count as a bargain it must be an exchange of mutually beneficial acts that can be reasonably fulfilled: bets on the outcomes of an action are not bargains, agreements on the price of wares are not bargains, and bargains with infinite terms (such as "never kill orcs") do not count. Should Kria try to get out of fulfilling a bargain, intentionally work against fulfilling a bargain, or become utterly incapable of fulfilling a bargain, then he will die instantly. On the plus side, when working to fulfill the terms of a specific act agreed upon in a bargain he is naturally much better at accomplishing those actions than he otherwise would be. "Help me build a barn" would get this boost, but "help me become king" would be too vague and require too many intermediary steps to get the boost. (Deadly bargains, bonus to success chance when working to fulfill specific act of a bargain.)
      --Gaze of the Abyss (Rank 3): Some sights are not meant for mortals. Kria's eyes are the gateway into his inhuman and frankly unhinged mind, and anyone lacking very strong mental fortitude will find it hard to look at his eyes for more than a moment. However, Kria can use a limited form of telepathy to compel a target to stare into his eyes. Should a sapient mortal being lacking in great mental strength stare into his eyes for too long, they risk anything from emotional breakdowns to full mental snaps to simply dying of a heart attack due to the terror. (Super limited one trick pony telepathy and terror gaze that can mindfuck people.)
      --Life Eternal (Rank 4): Kria is effectively immortal, because his physiology simply does not follow the same rules of death as humans and the like. Should he take wounds that would kill lesser beings, he instead goes into a coma state until he is healed by another or his natural healing (see rank 1 of this trait) works for long enough to get his body back into working order, which may take many years depending on the extent of the damage. There are only three ways to truly kill Kria: obliterate his body so no piece remains large enough for the regeneration to work, intentional suicide, or forcing him to break a bargain (see rank 2 of this trait). (Does exactly what it says. Totally not overpowered, shut up.)

      Knowledge of Eons (Rank 1): Though his memory is a broken and mangled thing, Kria has been around for a very long time and has quite literally forgotten more than most people ever learn. He has traveled around the land and seen many things, and once in a while he actually remembers them. Whenever he encounters new magical objects or spells or anything that is very old (>500 years), he has a chance to remember potentially useful things about them. (Basically random GM assistance for old stuff and magic stuff.)
      --The Gift of Tongues (Rank 2): Ages of traveling and learning has made Kria something of a savant with languages. It also helps that even if he hasn't heard a certain language before, at some point he probably knew precursor languages that it evolved from, and knowledge of languages seems to come back to him quite easily. No language is too tough or too alien for him to understand, given a little time to warm up. (Can come to understand any spoken or written language after some time studying it or hearing/seeing it in use.)

      Nine Layer Seal (Rank 1): When Kria was freed from his centuries of imprisonment, he found that his magical strength was greatly impeded. Those who trapped him in the crypt had planned for the eventuality that he might escape, and so they placed ten layers of sealing magic upon him to contain his own vast well of magical power. The seals take the form of ethereal chains that are attached to his body but do not interact with anything else: they go through clothes and steel with equal ease, and no magic seems to be able to affect them. Luckily, however, Kria has found their weakness: they can be broken from within by being overloaded with magic. So far he has only broken one layer, leaving nine more sealing most of his power away, but the breakage was enough to let a bit of it seep out through the metaphysical cracks in the seals. IT is only a matter of time until they are all broken and Kria regains his true might. (Plain old boost to raw magical power.)

    • Equipment List
      Requisitioned Item: TBD

      Romance: Well, if you're into otherworldly entities that border on the monstrous, go ahead and give it a try. Mikan might be game.
      Does the Kouri Plushie exist?: Yup.
      Signature: Jorick agrees to the things.
    • Name: Gork the Crusher
      Age: Unknown, but many decades. Roughly the equivalent of human early thirties for Ogres.
      Race: Ogre
      Sex: Male

      Image borrowed from Hamsterfly on deviantart.
      Gork stands at about 8 feet tall when slouching as he normally does, though he'd brush 9 feet if he stood up straight. He's heavy with huge rolls of fat as well, such that he'd easily crush even an ox if he attempted to use it as a mount.
    • Homeland: The Underdark

      History: To be fleshed out if Gork ever comes into play. Short version is that he doesn't remember much past a few years ago, just vague memories of living and fighting in the Underdark and finding strange things there that made him feel funny or made pretty lights (the sources of two of his unique traits). He went to the surface when he was driven away from a dwarf encampment, came out in the mountains between Rheinfeld and Renalta, wandered around and got into trouble on the surface for a couple years, then wound up getting recruited to the Blades by someone or other.

      Motivation: A Queen's Blades recruiter told Gork that demons were going to kill everyone and ruin the world, and that the ogre should help them to fight off the otherworldly menace. Gork took the recruiter's words quite literally and joined the Blades purely because he was told he should do so. He doesn't really understand the stuff about demons and saving the world, but the job comes with enough food and fighting to keep him interested and the direct orders to do things keeps more or less on task.
    • Standard Traits
      Endurance Training: After training out in the field for hours and hours on ending, you have come to realize the value of being able to simply last longer than your opponent. This translates into taking a couple more hits before you will go down, and having a higher tolerance to pain... Though, getting hit still hurts, quite a bit actually, and you're no god. (Basics of taking more damage and resisting pain-related negative effects.)
      --Endurance 2

      Heavy Hitter:
      Where some would resort to flailing their arms about in an unsophisticated manner, you've decided that if you can hit something hard enough the first time that it stays down, that you can end fights before they can even really begin. Though, you're still working on that "consistent" part, and not slowing down when you swing harder than usual. In the case of a ranged weapon, it means a larger calibre firearm or larger bow, translating to greater recoil and/or slower fire rate instead. (Basics of doing more damage with each swing.)
      --Crushing Blow (Rank 2): You've learned that against enemies who are pained or slowed, you have even more time to swing and aim, hitting them with the maximum potential force possible. (Automatic critical hit against enemies that are stunned, dazed, unaware, or otherwise not expecting the attack. Small chance to crush armour in such a way as to mangle a limb or cause internal damage to a target through armour.)
      --Heavy Hitter 3

      Something a lot of people don't seem to realize is that the more muscles you have, the faster you are. Sure, perhaps not dexterous, but certainly faster. While you have only begun to learn the true meaning of land speed and would still be caught and killed by a tiger, you are capable of a short distance charge that can knock opponents down and catch the unwary by surprise. (Basics of dashing quickly and charging into opponents.)
      --Charger 2

      You are fully aware of what happens if that war hammer the size of a small child hits you square on the chin. You've decided to make it a priority to learn how to never let that happen, and while you're still learning, you understand at least enough to jump back from a blow before it takes off your head. (Basics of dodging and evasion.)
      --Slippery 2

      Unique Traits
      Big Dumb Brute: Gork is an ogre, and a specimen on that large side at that. He has a much longer reach and greater physical strength than smaller humanoids, and his thick and heavily scarred green hide provides protection from various damage on par with studded leather armor, plus some lesser resistance to fire and extreme temperatures. However, being an ogre, Gork is at a great disadvantage when it comes to the social and mental arenas. Most people have extreme biases against ogres and are rightfully afraid of them, so getting people to do anything for him other than run away in terror or attack him is just not Gork's forte. Being of lesser mental fortitude than others, Gork is extremely susceptible to mental manipulation of all kinds; magical manipulation is probably the most reliable method, but even a moderately persuasive speaker working their charms can screw with Gork's mind very easily. To top it all off, Gork is pretty damned stupid. He is incapable of reading or writing, and his speech is primitive at best. He cannot do even basic math. Big words confuse him, and if he suspects the speaker is using them on purpose to mock him he tends to become enraged. Magic users confuse and scare him. He holds a strange reverence for those who demonstrate skill in the aforementioned arts of literacy, mathematics, speechcraft, and magic. He is trusting of anyone who claims to be his friend or ally, despite obvious signs to the contrary. Basically, Gork is the type of arguably sentient creature that the phrase "dumb as a rock" was made for. (Thick hide protects against attacks and fire and extreme temperatures, huge penalty to social interactions other than scaring/intimidating people, huge penalty to resisting manipulation both social and magical.)
      --Bigger Dumber Bruter (Rank 2): Gork is an ogre, and ogres are known for their strength. This is one of the very few areas in which Gork does not disappoint. (General physical strength bonus.)
      --Biggest Dumbest Brutest (Rank 3): Gork is an ogre, and that means he's basically a walking siege weapon. Some dim part of his mind has realized this, or at least realized that smashing things can be almost as fun as smashing people, so he has done a lot of it whenever he's not fighting. Smashing rocks is grand fun as far as Gork is concerned, and this hobby sometimes comes in handy on the battlefield. (Bonus to breaking objects of all kinds, but for the sake of balance let's say this doesn't apply to armor or weapons someone else is currently using.)

      Greasy Sweat: Heavy perspiration is normal for ogres, but Gork is a bit special in this area. He is capable of sweating copious amounts of a thick and greasy substance all over his body on command, making it difficult for anything to get a grip on him and causing glancing blows to slip aside and do little to no harm. Creating a coating of this sweat is somewhat tiring, as if he had run at full lumbering speed for about half a minute. Contact with this substance causes no harm, and it doesn't even irritate Gork's eyes like normal sweat could do; it might as well be plain old water as far as touching or ingesting it is concerned, though obviously with a very different consistency. Nobody, not even Gork himself, knows how he came by this disgusting talent, but odds are good it came from contact with some magical artifact or entity in the depths of the Underdark. (Sweaty coating that gives a passive boost to causing enemy grabs and slashing/stabbing attacks to do only glancing damage or slip and fail entirely.)
      --Thick Sweat (Rank 2): Gork has attained a level of mastery over his nasty little talent and is able to coat himself with even more of this slick sweat without any noticeable additional toll on his stamina. In doing so, he has found a way to make it heap up on his skin in much thicker layers, and it can stay there without dripping away like normal sweat. On top of improving what it already did, this lessens the impact of blunt weapon attacks as well. (Sweaty coating lessens damage of blunt weapon attacks.)
      --Toxic Sweat (Rank 3): The sweat was already thick and disgusting and got all over grappled opponents, so of course the next logical step was to make it harmful to those enemies who got coated in it. Gork did not consciously realize this, however. It just sort of happened. Now his sweat acts as a weakening agent, up to and including fully paralyzing an enemy if they get enough contact with the stuff. Being his own biological creation, Gork is immune to the poisonous effect, but his allies should probably be careful. (Sweaty coating physically weakens others on contact with their skin, and it works far faster if they happen to ingest some or get it in wounds.)

      Unshakable Grip: Gork has large, strong hands, and they have been scarred and calloused from years of living in the dark caves of the Underdark and fighting other things that lived there. It also helps that they've been magically enhanced in some way, as evidenced by the way the scars glow a faint blue in dark areas. This combination of rough strength and magic has left Gork with hands that can hold on to damned near anything his size or smaller no matter how hard it struggles, and he's got a good chance of holding on to larger and stronger things anyway. Gork's supernaturally aided grip also means his Greasy Sweat does not inhibit his grappling ability even when it gets all over his hands and/or opponent. (Unaffected by grappling problems caused by Greasy Sweat, bonus to keeping hold of anything he has grabbed.)
    • Equipment List
      A tattered leather loincloth
      A small (for Gork, meaning it would be a large backpack on a human) bag hanging from the side of the loincloth containing shiny things that have caught the ogre's interest
      A large (for Gork, meaning large enough to hold two grown men with room to spare) bag of various foodstuffs

      Romance: I absolutely demand romance for Gork without a single shred of sarcasm. ^_^
      Does the Kouri Plushie exist?: Yup.

      Signature: I, Jorick, hereby condemn Gork to his own follies and failures and probably inevitable death.
    • Name: Darri Ironheart
      Age: 137 (Dwarves being long-lived, this is equivalent to about 43 in human years)
      Race: Dwarf
      Sex: Female
      Appearance: I'll leave this for some future date when Darri might actually become active.
    • Homeland: Renalta

      History: Won't go into depth unless Darri becomes active, but the tl;dr version is she comes from a colony of surface dwarves, tried to find her roots as a young dwarfette by going into the Underdark but found she didn't like it, got interested in magic, got into golemancy, spent a lot of time tweaking her golems to suit her purposes, took up work as a caravan guard and saw the world a bit, didn't get involved in the events of LoR 1 because the gods had never directly caused her any trouble, joined on with the Blades recently because she grew tired of caravan guarding after realizing that it wasn't testing her abilities at all and also the Blades pay better.

      Motivation: Darri is proud of her golemancy and she likes money. The Blades both pay well and offer ample opportunity for folks to test their mettle, so they looked like a good career choice.
    • Standard Traits
      Endurance Training (Rank 1): After training out in the field for hours and hours on ending, you have come to realize the value of being able to simply last longer than your opponent. This translates into taking a couple more hits before you will go down, and having a higher tolerance to pain... Though, getting hit still hurts, quite a bit actually, and you're no god. (Basics of taking more damage and resisting pain-related negative effects.)

      Raw Talent (Rank 1): After a few (or perhaps several) failed attempts at magic, you suddenly found yourself able to bring a raw spark of power to life in your hands. After being awed by it, you found that you could consistently control and contort this power to your will. You could conjure subtle things, flashes of light or wreathing your hands in fire. (Basics of casting magic power-wise.)
      --Raw Talent (Rank 2)
      --Raw Talent (Rank 3)

      Apprentice (Rank 1): Combined with Raw Talent, you've learned how to harness that raw magical power into a consistent train of thought. Through studying a few tomes and, possible, learning from the Mage's Guild, you've focused yourself onto a single school of magic. This will help focus your power into something consistent and tangible, but it's only the beginning... (Basics of understanding magic. One school of magic unlocked.) -- Golemancy

      --Apprentice 2
      Earth magic

      Awakened Meditation (Rank 1): Through great discipline you have figured out how to tap into the natural magic in the air all around you. It will still take time and practice to master, but nonetheless, this has increased the amount of spells you can cast before you fatigue yourself, and increased the rate at which you regain your energy to cast more spells. (Basics of increasing your magic limitations, and recovery speed from casting magical spells.)
      --Awakened Meditation 2

      Unique Traits
      Golem Suit 1.0 - Bulwark: Darri has modified her golem summoning to allow her to, if she expends some extra energy (about half again the magical cost of summoning a normal golem), summon a golem around herself as a suit of rocky armor instead of as a minion. These specially summoned golems are basically just normal ones with a special cavity in the chest and in the arms and legs to allow Darri to fit inside it. They have the same strength and motor ability as a normal golem, but Darri is able to silently and subconsciously control their movements through magic, though it requires almost zero magic power to do so thanks to long practice so she can keep it up almost indefinitely so long as she remains conscious inside the golem. The downside to this is that Darri is unable to effectively summon any other golems while she is occupying a golem suit, because trying to summon and command another golem at the same time is too taxing on the mind and will cause the golem suit to crumble away into lifeless rocks. (Golem suit that gives physical defense at the cost of mobility, costs a bit more to create than a normal golem, can't summon/command other golems while using it.)
      --Golem Suit 1.1 - Fortress (Rank 2): After much trial and error, Darri found some ways to improve utility functions of her golem suit without lessening its defense, strength, or the magic power required to control it. A small shaft in the rocky body going from the chest cavity to the head of the golem allows Darri to breathe (where before she had to make a hole right in the golem's chest and expose her own flesh to attacks) and to speak and have others hear it. By putting a little extra power into the golem summoning, she can also make it have working fingers and magical "veins" that run through its body to allow her quicker and more accurate control of all the golem's movements; the cost of this is about a third again the cost to summon the golem suit without these extra features, meaning in total that for the same magical cost it takes to summon the golem suit with working fingers and better motor control Darri could instead create two plain old golem minions. (Golem suit with utility boosts to communication and fine motor skills, costs a bit more than the Bulwark model.)
      --Golem Suit 2.0 - Rock Solid (Rank 3): With the addition of earth magic to her repertoire, further experimentation has led Darri to even greater improvements on the golem suit. By reinforcing the golem material with earth magic, it becomes far more resistant to damage while retaining all the utility and mobility of the Fortress model. It's a bit more taxing, of course, but progress always takes extra effort. (Defense boost to the suit, more draining to create than the Fortress model.)
      --Golem Suit 2.1 - Warlord (Rank 4): Darri has found that she can set a routine of earth magic to maintain some of the basic functions of the golem suit without needing to actually think about it. Thanks to this nifty innovation, she can now create/command one other golem while using her suit. As with previous upgrades, adding this little feature into the suit takes a greater toll on her magical reserves than the simpler models. (Can make/command one golem while using suit, costs a bit more to make than the Rock Solid model.)
      --Golem Suit 2.2 - Champion (Rank 5): After lots of thought, Darri realized that her golem suit was missing something: weapons. She was like a knight who put on full plate armor and then went out and punched people instead of using a proper weapon. This was easy enough to fix, just the creation of additional objects using the same material and reinforcement as the suit, though given her limited familiarity with weapons she decided to keep her selection simple: a longsword, a one-handed mace, a kite shield, a greatsword, and a halberd. Of course, the addition of crafting golem-sized weapons along with the suit itself makes it a bit more taxing to create, but that came as no surprise. (Can summon appropriately sized weapon/shield of a limited selection for the golem suit upon creation, costs a bit more to make than the Warlord model.)

      Specialty Golems: In her efforts to create a semi-sentient suit of armor through golems, Darri learned a lot about modifying golems. Most golemancers stick to just pulling together big hulking rock things in a humanoid shape and focusing on making use of just their strength, but Darri long ago realized that much more could be done. She can make specialized golems that serve purposes other than "smash that guy" for the same magical cost as it takes to make a standard golem, as all she's doing is shuffling their make-up a bit to focus the magic on things other than offensive strength. The alternate golem types that Darri has experimented with enough to be able to make in the field are thinner and faster golems that don't hit as hard but have much better mobility, immobile shield golems that sacrifice mobility and offense for a harder defense, and tiny one foot tall golems that can't fight normally but can self-destruct to send rock shards all over the place. Any attempts to make other kinds of specialty golems that Darri hasn't already extensively tested and perfected like those above invariably end up as non-functioning wastes of magical energy. (Can make weak speedy golems, immobile shield golems, and suicide bomber golems instead of plain old golems.)

      Dwarven Heritage: Though she came from surface dwarves rather than the normal subterranean kind, there are some things that are almost universal for the species. Darri has an iron constitution that makes her more resistant to pain and to poisons and toxins of all kind (including alcohol, thus the dwarven reputation for being able to drink a lot). She also has rather good night sight, making darkness less of an impairment for her than it is for humans and such. (Pain and toxin resistance, improved night sight.)
    • Equipment List

      Does the Kouri Plushie exist?:

    • Name: ???
      Age: ???
      Race: Human
      Sex: Female
      Appearance: ???
    • Homeland: ???

      History: To be fleshed out should she come into play. Family died in some tragic way when she was young, because I enjoy killing off character families. Was taken in by some secretive monk type people, learned their ways, decided the monastery life wasn't for her and took off. Traveled around honing her art, including a highly successful run in the non-slave fighting pits of the Free Holds. Built on what she learned from the monks to become even more badass, did some solo adventuring stuff, found a cursed bracer that became bound to her, started sacrificing things to the entity that inhabits the bracer in exchange for more (temporary) power. Joined the Queen's Blades because it's a good place to find worthy new opponents to test and improve her skills.

      Motivation: She wants to become stronger and to defeat strong opponents. Demons are supposed to be pretty strong, and the world would suck hard if they took over and subjugated everyone, so she's down to wreck those chumps.
    • Standard Traits

      Endurance Training
      --ET 2
      --ET 3

      Heavy Hitter
      --HH 2

      --D 2
      --D 3


      Unique Traits

      Art of the Empty Hand (Rank 1): <Name> was trained in the art of fighting unarmed, but she is no less deadly for the lack of a weapon. Her hands and feet are hardened and calloused by heavy use, and her attacks are driven by an unstoppable will that sees steel as a mere annoyance. Oh, and there's also the bit about how her attacks are also infused with a non-magical form of spiritual energy that she learned to harness through long years of training with secretive and reclusive masters of the art of unarmed combat. That probably helps too. It also makes her attacks about as draining as swinging a weapon would be, so it probably evens out in the long run. (Basically just a big ole boost to all unarmed attacks.)
      --Art of the Unmarred Form (Rank 2): Most unarmed fighters forgo wearing armor, and <Name> is no different. However, that's only because actually wearing physical armor would be extremely redundant, not because she prioritizes speed over defense. From the same non-magical source of inner energy that fuels her attacks, <Name> is able to sheath herself in ephemeral golden mist that takes the form of suit of plate armor. It provides the same defensive strengths and vulnerabilities as a real suit of plate armor, and it weighs on her in the same way a real suit of armor would do; the only effective difference is that <Name> can summon and dismiss this armor at will. (Non-magical shenanigans plate armor, acts exactly like real heavy armor including bonuses from the Defender general trait.)
      --Art of the Liquid Grace (Rank 3): The monks that taught <Name> the Art of the Unmarred Form told her that it was meant as a desperate defense rather than something to be used constantly, because such heavy armor does not mesh well with unarmed combat. Through years of work, <Name> has done away with that restriction, surpassing that which the monks taught her in a way she suspected none of them had ever tried. The armor was created as a manifestation of her will, so she reasoned that all she had to do was will it to weigh nothing. It was harder than it sounded, but she managed it nonetheless. (Shenanigans armor is weightless but still confers plate armor qualities, pooooooossibly OP as a rank 3 trait, haha.)

      The Body is a Temple (Rank 1): Maintaining peak physical form requires significant investment and unwavering dedication, and such are the offerings <Name> pays to her temple. Such constant training and exercise does wonders for the body, but the greatest of them all is the simple boon of heightened stamina. Where others fall to exhaustion, <Name> strides forth unwavering, just as indomitable in flesh as she is in spirit. (Plain boost to stamina, takes a lot more effort/time for her to become winded or exhausted.)
      --The Might of the Devoted (Rank 2): Constant training requires constantly pushing oneself to greater heights, lest laziness and weakness creep in. The unending uphill battle is grueling, but it is not without rewards. <Name>'s muscles are not massive, but they are deceptively powerful thanks to a lifetime of work, making her much stronger than the average person. (Plain boost to strength.)

      Cursed Bracer (Rank 1): <Name> found a curious bracer sitting on an altar in an abandoned temple in the Underdark. Anyone of a cautious disposition or possessing a knack for spotting trouble might have realized it was a bad idea to disturb the artifact, but she lacked those things and just picked it up to examine it. She immediately felt the thing latch onto her in a non-physical way, and heard a voice speaking directly into her mind. It named itself <???> and said it had been trapped in solitude and darkness for ages, and that it would help her in exchange for her helping it attain its freedom. After many attempts to throw the bracer away, which she found she simply physically could not do, she agreed to the deal just for the sake of getting rid of the thing. Since then, strange visions and bits of knowledge sometimes come to <Name>, usually helpful in some way, frequently of a disturbing and chilling nature. (Visions and such intended to be random bits of GM-provided info in the same vein as the Investigator general trait, but of a more spooky nature.)
      --Render Unto Oblivion (Rank 2): The voice of the bracer soon enough began to demand sacrifices, for it told <Name> that only a great volume of sacrificial power dedicated to it would be enough to free it from its prison; living sacrifices would of course be preferred, but the destruction of anything valuable would contribute. She didn't like that much at all and refused at first, but then the bracer started bombarding her with nightmarish imagery; trained though she was for all manner of physical danger, the mental assault was altogether different. Eventually they reached an accord: for any sacrifice made, the voice of the bracer would funnel a small portion of the sacrificial power into <Name>, giving her a temporary boost to her speed and strength commensurate with the value of the sacrifice. This made the whole thing a lot more palatable to her, so the sacrifices commenced and have not stopped since, but <???> says there is still much to be done before it is free. (Sacrifices of things and lives for temporary power boost, whee. Kills in battle won't count, but killing a prisoner or surrendered enemy totally would. Sapient beings > monsters > regular animals for power boost strength. Non-living things of monetary, sentimental, or historical value can also be sacrificed for a boost, though they're always going to give less than the boost from sacrificing sapient beings or monsters, and it would take a lot to equal a living animal sacrifice.)
    • Equipment List

      Does the Kouri Plushie exist?:

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Twenty-Nine year old human male, hails from the Kingdom of Tuleria


Motivation: Greed.


Light from the noon sun permeated the thin cloth curtains and filled the room with a dim ambient glow. Old rickety boards covered the floor and shrieked with each step, and all around furniture was pushed against the walls of the decrypted house. The room smelled of mold and stale air and a young man sat squarely in the center of it all, with his elbows on his knees and his chin resting on his clasped hands. He wore a white, long sleeved, cotton shirt which was tucked into his pale brown trousers; he smelled like saltwater.

"It's been a while, huh?" he said slowly, exhaling as if a weight had been lifted from his chest.

"Too long," a weary voice replied. It came from a woman, middle-aged but with skin weathered long beyond her years. Her eyes had sunken into her skull and dark rings surrounding them, and her cheeks were concave and all throughout her face her bony structure revealed itself. She lay a sickly skeleton on the bed.

He could feel her eyes on him, but he kept his own gaze fixated on the floor. This isn't how he imagined a reunion.

"You were such a sweet boy. Mischievous and impossible to handle, but sweet." He felt her hand run through his hair. "You take after your father. When your father and I married, he would take me to the sea. We would stay on the water for days with only each other to keep company. I remember the sun, the warm ocean air and turquoise waters rocking the ship," she said to herself, her eyes glazed over and staring blankly to some image she had conjured in her mind.

Mars began a word but stopped and kept quiet. He thought of spitting on his father's name, but his mothers fragile nature dissuaded him. His old man had apparently been lost to the sea some years prior.

"Sounds nice."

"When you ran away, we heard word you had left with a trader. Boarded the ship and never came back"

"I did."

"Tell me about it."

"I slipped out my window and ran to the docks. Elijah Morrison, do you remember him? He was about to set sail but was short and looking for more hands. I offered him mine and we left."

Her eyes finally broke away from the ceiling and turned to match his own. She had always had beautiful blue eyes, but now they looked distant and hollow. She spoke, "No, tell me about from then to now."

Mars sighed and leaned back in his chair, resting his hands on his thighs, "Well, first we sailed south, to Rheinfield. At the time, I thought it was so exotic. Grass so green you'd think they had painted every blade, and the churches there were so massive I swear they disappeared into the clouds. Rheinfield was incredible, truly."

She was listening intently.

"It was such an experience, but looking back it was all hardly exotic. After a length of time trading between Tuleria, Rheinfeld and Liveria, we set sail across the ocean. I remember looking at the map with Elijah and asking where we were sailing to. He pointed to some half drawn scribbles a world away, land so unknown he actually couldn't find a map of it in all of Rheinfield." Mars chuckled to himself.

"We sailed for months and through storms so fierce we thought the gods themselves had condemned us. Great waves ripped over the rails and tossed our ship like a child tosses a toy. I tell you I had never been so certain of death as I was in my first storm."

Mars' voice gradually quickened with excitement, "Lightning cracked around us and the decks were soaked with seawater and piss -- we were all scared. Elijah though, he clung to the edge of the bow and shouted to the gods 'Kill me! I dare you! My spirit will fuck your shrines!'" Mars said shaking his fist as Elijah had done, a smile on his face. Then he stood and began to pace the room.

"Well we pulled through, and when the storms had cleared, we found ourselves off the coast of Nimera. A land of desert much like or own, but I swear the water there was so blue and crystalline you could see the ocean floor as if you were looking through glass. Great fish swam and the ocean floor was covered in a colorful kind of smooth rock; the kind noble ladies pay a great deal for here in our country. The people there too! They had porous skin and spoke of how their ancestors had been able to breathe in the water as surely as they now breathed on land! I had never seen people so Bizarre. We gave them all the commodities of our lands, Iron and Emberstone and in return they gave us riches: Smoothstone and Pearls. Of course the entire time we were racing against the competition, other sailors who were trying to carve out a fortune. Elijah taught me how to handle them civilly and avoid conflict."

By holding them up.

"But every now and then some of them didn't want to cooperate, and just wanted conflict."

So we killed them.

"Well, during all this we sailed along the coast and watched the sands turn to savannah, and there we traded seeds and gold for Jade and Ivory. We sailed further and traded for silks, perfumes and spices, further still we came to the biggest city I had ever seen! Great walls enclosed the bay made of stone so white it burnt the eyes when it caught the sun. There they made what Elijah called white gold, and they molded vases and plates out of it. Lords and Ladies from half the world over paid a small fortune for but a chest load of it all."

Mars chuckled to himself, "Later we discovered the white gold was crafted from heated clay, and they had such an abundance of it they might as well shit all over it for as common as it was. Wouldn't that be a site! Selling shit stained dinnerware to a fat noble lord."

"We were never in any rush to come home. For all the stories of savages the world over, you'd be surprised how hospitable most of them were. We stayed at a single village once for nine months. Eventually though, It was time to leave, and after our ship was nice and stuffed Elijah spent some days studying the stars until he was convinced he knew how to get home. You see, you can use a contraption called a Sextant, and wh-"

Mars stopped once it became evident his tangent was only confusing his mother. "Well we sailed home," he began with a sigh, "but a month or two into the journey pirates happened across us. They boarded and we fought and somehow by the grace of the gods we won, but Elijah had been killed by a crossbow bolt through the chest."

"I wish you didn't tell me that. I don't want to know about the violence."

The room was quiet. But soon curiosity got the better of her, "What did you do when your captain died?"

"Well, we discussed who should be his successor. The first mate was mean enough but was hardly more of a sailor then a child whose never seen the ocean. Of course every man wanted himself for captain, myself included."

"Mean enough? You were traders."

"Rambunctious traders."

"Well who did you decide on?"

"No one. We all drew swords," he lowered his voice and spoke coolly, "Greed got to our heads."

"Mars, that's horrible, what happened next? Was anyone killed?"

"A man named Lendin Shrine eventually took control, him and his supporters. After they outnumbered the rest of us they gave us all the option to jump to the water or be branded Pirates as mutineers and hauled back to Tuleria in chains, convicts who'd never sail again."

Mars pulled off his left glove, revealed a P burnt into the flesh, "Some swam. In the end it didn't matter."

"You're not a pirate though," His mother said, coming across as more a question than a statement. "Why didn't it matter?"

"They chained us together to the mast, then lit the whole ship on fire and sailed merrily away. They left a handful of weapons among the lot of us so we could die like men."

"My gods.... how did you escape?"

" We broke the chains with our weapons and sailed a lifeboat away."

The chains were too strong to break, and we panicked. Someone starting sawing someone elses foot off, then eventually we all started killing each other until I was the last left, I sawed off their feet as the ship burnt to the water. Eventually I saw land, and by the grace of the gods was washed ashore with a throng of empty shackles tugging at my ankle.

"When we were home, I decided I ought to make amends with my family," Mars said plainly. He could scarcely believe she was his mother at all as frail as she looked. Other than that, his lifetime away from her had left him with such a disconnect that only the mental reminder that she was indeed his mother kept him grounded with her.

She was quiet for a moment, letting it all sink in. Finally, she said, "We've all made mistakes. What are you going to do now?"

"Well," he began, "I suppose I'm going to stay to look after you until your health is back."

Until you pass away.

"After that, well I heard the Renaltan queen is recruiting anyone who can handle themselves. I also heard they're paying fairly well. Maybe I'll earn some money there. I don't feel like sailing again for some time."

Until I can buy a ship to hunt Lendin.

"Mars, I'm so sorry. For everything. You should of grown up with us," she said teary eyed.

"You did nothing wrong, I chose this life."


- - - / + + +

Abida Qisaf / Neutral: She never made much of an impression on me.

Abjaar / Neutral: I like him because he's a slaver but I don't trust him because he's a slaver.

Aeyr ++ Respected: She's got balls.

Andrea - - Loathed: I hate religion and I hate fanatics. I hate them even more combined.

Aslo + Liked: He seemed decent enough from what I remember.

Ceann - Disliked: She was with the priestess.

Child / Neutral: Never left much of an impression on me.

Mikan + Liked: I fell for her but my time away has cleared my mind.

Rayvon - - Loathed: Templar. Just as bad as the Drow.

Zin / Neutral: Too quiet.

Traits and Equipment

General Traits
400 total

Heavy Stat: 10
  • Perseverance: 20
  • Defender: 0
  • Heavy Hitter: 30
  • Combat Senses: 0
  • Repositioning: 50
Light Stat: 30
  • Reflexes: 80
  • Cloak of Innocence: 0
  • Rapid Blows: 80
  • Sharp: 60
  • Dancer: 80
Magic Stat: 0
  • Raw Talent: 0
  • Mastery: 0
  • Wells of Power: 0
  • Pattern Weaving: 0
  • Fortitude: 0

Custom Traits: (Your custom traits. You create these! You start with ten custom trait points to spend on creating and upgrading custom traits.)
  • Opportunist (Rank 3) - Bonus to actions performed against off guard or wounded characters.
  • Sleight of Hand - Mars is particularly good at making things appear or vanish in his hands.
  • Smuggling Experience - Mars can sneak stuff into just about anywhere, or keep things hidden during a pat-down. If it is small enough to fit in his pockets then chances are you won't see it until he wants you to.
  • Parry - Increases chance to parry and Mars will choose to parry a blow in lieu of dodging it in situations where that would make sense.
  • Disarm - On successful parry, or when weapons are locked, there is a chance he can disarm the foe.
  • Smooth Talking - Mars has a silver-tongue that he usually uses to acquire golden coins. (Bonus to persuasion)
  • Alchemy (rank 1)- Mars has an urge to collect valuable things. Beyond the mere greed this trait gives him, it has also taught him a few things about the value of various flora. On occasion he would see rare plants and herbs fetching exorbitant prices: Seeds demanding a fistful of gold and mere petals selling for a diamond's worth. Since then he has gained a grasp on the flora of different regions, their value, and what is particularly valuable about them. These skills combined has given him a novice understanding alchemy. It has also become a hobby for him, in which he actually enjoys learning and creating for purposes other than gold.
(rank 2) - Mars' hobby in alchemy has extended his knowledge beyond the creation of basic concoctions. Parts of certain creatures or exotic flora may contain dormant magical properties. He has gained a very basic understanding of this and with the assistance of a mage can create potions which utilize these features. (Allows him to create potions more magical in nature. Such as a potion of scrying or a potion which emits brilliant sunlight when the vial is broken. As this is a newly learned skill he doesn't have any actual recipes yet. He will also need the assistance of a mage to 'unlock' the properties of the ingredients.)

At any rank, Mars may only bring two potions to a mission and they must be listed in his inventory before mission start.

Recipes Known:

Numbing - Numbs the nerves of the user, useful for easing wounds or the ability to resist pain in a fight, however the potion does not actually do anything to improve or prevent wounds so caution is advised.

Turn Stomach - A tasteless liquid that, when ingested, causes the user to vomit profusely. Useful if something poisonous has been consumed. Can also be applied to weapons

Remedy: A potion which can be used to fight venomous toxins in the body. The potions resulting effect is up to GM discretion.

Dragon's Tongue Powder: A powder which can be blown into an opponents eyes to cause extreme swelling and irritation, severely hampering vision. Especially useful against clusters of foes.

Datura Extract: A poison when can be applied to a weapon and causes the central nervous system to shut down when entering the bloodstream. It's effectiveness depends on dosage and targets resistance to the plant as determined by GM.

Ambrosium Essence: Another toxin that when consumed causes severe hallucination, impaired motor movement, and dissociation. The toxin isn't fatal but has long lasting effects, making it useful for subduing a target. Tribes across the ocean have also used this potion for shamanistic purposes. (In a calm environment, magic users can use this potion to see a glimpse of what might be. What is shown is of course up to the GM)

Story Traits: (Stuff your character has earned through participation in the story in some way. Typically items or pets. These can be lost as easily as they can be gained over the procession of the story. They're GM-assigned, so if this is a new character, leave this blank.)

Equipment List
  • Buffcoat​
  • Flintlock Pistol
  • Sabre​
  • Notebook
  • Skinning Knife
  • Flask​
  • Whetstone​
  • Loaded dice
  • Deck of cards
  • Tobacco Pipe

Romance: Sure
Does the Kouri Plushie exist?: Sure does.

Signature: Atlas Child​
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EDIT: Now with tabs.

  • Name: Esyllt Boudica
    Age: 21
    Race: Human
    Sex: Female
    Appearance: Without armour, with armour
    Rank: Veteran
    Homeland: Renalta
    Motivation: Oath of loyalty to the royal house of Renalta, as well as a devotion to it's ideals.

    For years, there has been tension on the border between Renalta and Liveria. Edmundal and Pennwic, respectively were two towns on this border where the possibility of conflict constantly cast it's shadow over the civilians. The lord of Pennwic desired the farmlands of Edmundal, and because of his greater wealth, he had greater military power and pushed forth into Renaltan territory. Edmundal could not fight on equal footing with it's Liverian rivals. At least, not traditionally.

    Enter Cynbel Boudica, a young man known as one of many urchins in the streets of Edmundal. Cynbel had lost his parents to the conflict between his hometown and Pennwic. As Edmundal grew more desperate, Cynbel sought to experiment with his birth-gift; that of magic. Although he had received minimal training, Cynbel was prepared to risk his body and mind to turn the tide. He studied golemancy from books and scrolls he'd stolen from a passing merchant. He'd study them deep into the night, and in spite of many experiments having blown up in his face, the (now charred) hands of Cynbel created his first golem after a mere two months. Although it was but an inch tall, this would spell the beginning of a new resistance.

    While he had used the souls of small animals for his first experiments, to create a golem that could be deployed in combat Cynbel required souls of something larger and smarter than alley-cats. Human experimentation, however, was outlawed. When Cynbel presented his designs to the court, he was denounced as wicked and locked away. However, one of the Edmundal lord's sons saw potential in Cynbel. Even imprisoned, this son saw to it Cynbel had materials to experiment further as well as access to prisoners of war and covered for Cynbel in order to not cast suspicion on him.

    When Cynbel created his first golem fueled by a human soul, he was brought back to demonstrate it's power. The golem was stronger and more resilient than any of the lord's men, and as their battle was a losing one, the lord gave in to desperation and allowed Cynbel to pursue his research and the creation of more warmachines. Under the condition his work was kept underground.

    Thanks to the golems, Edmundal gained the upper hand. They drove Pennwic from their lands. However, it did not end there. Edmundal gave pursuit and many skirmishes were fought until Pennwic surrendered. Edmundal demanded a portion of Pennwic's lands to pay for it's damages, which it received. The population was exalted, as not only had they extracted their revenge; their market had conquered the share of a competitor. Wealth laid in prospect and all the credit for it went to the lord. Cynbel's involvement was forever kept a secret to the general populace.

    Perhaps this was for the best for everyone. The civilians knew too little about magic to suspect the true nature of golemancy. Not only had prisoners of war been used to fuel their victory, they had picked urchins off the streets and used fatally wounded soldiers from their very own army. It was the darkest secret Edmundal had ever had, and the name Cynbel Boudica faded into obscurity.

    As time passed and the heroes of Renalta returned and reformed the kingdom, the lord of Edmundal did not fit in the queens their new vision. He was replaced by his son, adourned Wulfric the second, who did remember who they owed the war to. He searched for Cynbel to bestow upon him the honour of knight, but to the young lord's surprise, Cynbel was nowhere to be found.

    Having died to the wounds of his experiments, what was left of Cynbel's legacy were a widow and a daughter. Lord Wulfric, indebted to the man, took both women in his care and made them part of his household. The girl, Esyllt, was treated as one of the lord's very own daughters. In her father's place, she was taught the ways of a knight and received the title to accompany her training. However this was but the beginning young Esyllt's journey.

    When she was taken in, the then thirteen year old girl was quickly discovered to have peculiar gifts. She could occasionally foresee the future and telepathically share her thoughts with others. This lead the Wulfric to recognise she had inherited her father's talents and he assigned sages to teach her to wield her gift. Esyllt's life was filled with training in various disciplines; her divination, telepathy, golemancy and swordsmanship were all to unfold, and additionally she was taught etiquette, the harp, the managing of a household, and many more skills that would be expected from a noblewoman. Esyllt studied obediently, thankful for the kindness of lord Wulfric and remembering the alternative of having lived in the slums with her mother, had the lord not found them.

    When Esyllt turned sixteen years of age, lord Wulfric deemed her old enough to learn the truth about her father and her gift. When she learned of the inhumane her father had practiced before her, Esyllt began to develop a duality towards her gifts. She continued her studies, struggling to learn how to extract souls and deploy puppets. At her twenty-first, she was knighted and finally became independent. Although Wulfric had much more knowledge to offer her, Esyllt decided she had to put her mind at ease.

    The new knight put her skills to the test. She took her duty of protection her lord and the civilians very seriously and joined squads that defended settlements from beasts and bandits. Being able to be of assistance without relying on her forbidden gift, Esyllt became much more at ease. She had even planned to return to Wulfric's side to continue her studies in the arcane. However it would not be, as the Queens of Renalta had sent word of an invasion... And requested Edmundal's help.

    Edmundal had forged great relationships with the royal family and as a token of that, Wulfric dispatched many of his knights to join the Queen's blades. Including his own sons and Esyllt. Along with her fellow knights, Esyllt swore an oath the the queens and their ideals, and so signed to fight for not only the sake of Edmundal, but for that of all Renalta. Perhaps even the world...

  • General
    Heavy Stat: 9.
    • Perseverance: 20.
    • Defender: 50.
    • Heavy Hitter: 0.
    • Combat Senses: 20.
    • Repositioning: 0.

    Light Stat: 2.
    • Reflexes: 20.
    • Cloak of Innocence: 0.
    • Rapid Blows: 0.
    • Sharp: 0.
    • Dancer: 0.

    Magic Stat: 29.
    • Raw Talent: 70.
    • Mastery: 80.
    • Wells of Power: 60.
    • Pattern Weaving: 60.
    • Fortitude: 20.

    • Pocket Dimension: Enables the wielder of this trait to store objects and (willing or unconscious) creatures in an ethereal plane and summon them by her side at will. Time stands still in this plane and is sealed so that none but it's mistress can access it; a seal that can only be broken by death.
      • Rank 2: Extra Planar Amulet. Naraem's amulet has been integrated into Esyllt's pocket dimension. This gives her access the laboratory once owned by Naraem's uncle Harrad and it's resources; including many different types of undead creatures and a wealth of knowledge on the subject of necromancy. However, like Naraem before her, Esyllt cannot enter the laboratory while engaged in combat, or otherwise stressful activities.
    • Non-magic Telepathy: Telepaths can communicate over long distances with other telepaths or short distances with non-telepaths. They can read the surface thoughts of people they come into skin contact with, and can "mine" for deeper thoughts if they can hold a person down for a few minutes, though this is generally uncomfortable for both involved. Telepaths are also capable of leaving thoughts of torture, pain, and nightmares using the same "mining" method, and in this way can turn some people into deranged vegetables. Most importantly, because it's a biological defect and not a magical one, this does not set off the senses of nearby mages.
      • Rank 2: Can now telepathically communicate with souls bound to her (either a character making that contract voluntarily, or through a soulstone). This allows Esyllt to see or listen through the senses of another.
      • Rank 3: Host-mind. Esyllt may now set up a network between the participants of a mission, allowing a team to communicate telepathically. Esyllt can manage permissions within the telepathic chat-room. On the flipside, she needs to be concious to maintain this telepathy and cannot dig or employ the senses of others while upholding it. Also, if Esyllt is under the influence of a spell that targets the mind, the effect can jump to others that are making use of her telepathy.
    • Venatrix: Amazons are awe-inspiring warriors, with skill far surpassing the average soldier. Despite having fallen, Tasha proved too valuable to be lost to the grave. By the powers of Essylt's combined sorcery, the Amazon's fighting spirit has been preserved as a soulstone. It contains all of Tasha's skill and experience as a warrior. Additionally, a special body has been crafted for Tasha, reborn as the golem Venatrix she possesses far greater strength and endurance than in life, and can only be killed if the soulstone is destroyed. However... In spite of Esyllt's dominance over Venatrix' lingering will, the limited conciousness that dwells in the stone curses her own fate. And as a magical construct, she can be detected by mages and is vulnerable to anti-magic.
      • Rank 2: Amazon Instinct, Tasha's soul rekindles her talent for awareness of the battlefield. This emphatically transfers to Esyllt and enhances her own, as long as the Venatrix is in play.
      • Rank 3: Harder Better Faster. Esyllt studied the mechanist technology found in the mines below the Goblin Holds and with it made improvements to the Venatrix. This has greatly improved the golem her physical capabilities.
    • Spellforge: Allows you to imbue your equipment with known magic. In Esyllt's case, this allows her to mold armour in shape as if it were a golem and even make it move as one or add leeching or infective effects to her equipment.
    • Necromantic Infusion: Esyllt's necromancy teacher returned to her in mysterious ways. Courtesy of Kasim, Esyllt obtained Naraem's soulgem. It contains Naraem's necromantic knowledge, providing Esyllt with a level of insight disproportionate to the amount she has studied the art.

    • Not like the rest!: Esyllt's peculiar gift for telepathy and future telling has evolved somewhat thanks to her combat experiences. After watching others fall in battle, she has become more attuned towards predicting her death in the last moments, and buying herself a little more time. (Once per mission, an attack that would normally kill Esyllt instead only wounds her, as she unfathomably manages to evade at least part of the attack instead.)

    • Sword
    • Shield
    • Full plate armour
    • Private dimension carrying various items and building blocks for golems...

  • Romance: Whatever happens happens. Hate to use the cliché but I prefer to go into the game open-minded.
    Does the Kouri Plushie exist?: For now...

    Signature: Kestrel
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