Name: Alek (full name Aleksei)
Gender: Male
Race: Werewolf
Age: 18
Appearance: Alek is one hell of a looker. If his disarming smile, dark deep set eyes or chiseled features aren't enough to win your heart, then his well built, rock hard body certainly will. Standing at a broad shouldered, imposing 6'1", Alek nevertheless manages to convey an open, friendly demeanor. He moves with a certain awareness and confidence, and most always has a mischievous glint in his eyes.
His wolf form is above average in terms of size and very well built, a thick grey coat covering most of his back and a paler grey on his underbelly. His face is a mask of dark slate, almost black fur, with dark amber eyes watching the world alertly.
Abilities: Alek has two passion. The first is hand-to-hand combat, and as a result, he's a flexible fighter with incredible stamina who can pack quite a punch. The second is women. Yes, ladies, he is quite the heart-breaker. There are few who can resist his playful charm, his naive love of physical activity, his big brown puppy eyes...
Weaknesses: He's completely useless at: strategizing, unless it has to do with one-on-one or hand-to-hand combat, using a weapon (brandishing a sword will most likely result in self-inflicted injuries), planning ahead, magic, cooking, reading, sitting down and listening for long or short periods of time.
Weapons: His fists!!
Character: Always ready to laugh, play and get into mischief, it would seem that Alek still hasn't quite given up puppyhood. He's quite simple-minded in that he lacks any cruel or manipulative streak, and is rather open and straight forward with his intentions. Though mellow and friendly, he
is confident, and holds his place without resorting to his fists, but wouldn't hesitate to pick a fight if necessary.
History: Alek was the biggest pup of his litter, and was always the favored one growing up, though he was a handful (was it any wonder?), being the hyperactive little pup he was. His restlessness and willingness to act on any given idea meshed well with Rowan's more forceful, driven character. Due to their closeness in age, they became fast friends, and one was seldom seen without the other. As they grew older, pack responsibilities took over most of the time they used to spend together, but Alek remains devoted to Rowan as ever. He knows that within the pack, many view him as a possible candidate to the alpha position (in a few years, perhaps!!) due to his combat prowess, but he would never dream of overstepping his best friend. He supports her in all her decisions, even the crazy ones like
leaving the pack!!! (he wasn't too thrilled about that one) and fully believes that she'll be a great Alpha. One day.