League of Legends

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I'm on the NA server under the name KingHood. I'll add you guys when I hop on again.

What champions/positions do you guys generally play?
I generally fill for a role, but my main roles are Support, top and/or Jungle.

Here's also my fav champions for each role:
Top: Gnar, Garen.
Jungle: Malphite, Volibear, Jarvan, Yi.
Mid: Fizz, Anivia.
ADC: Ashe, Jinx, Ezreal (dem global ultis :P)
Support: Nami, Lulu, J4 Support, Tank Anivia, Blitzcrank, Leona, Riven support, etc.

*sorry if this is a bit old*
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I am glad I found this thread, instead of just making one beforehand.

I play on NA only and I have 2 accounts:

Gymleader Soraka


I'm a dedicated support main and I usually play Soraka or Janna. I play alot of ARAM as of lately and I've been mastering the basic mechanics of Soraka. Hands down, she's my favorite champion.

Thanks for you time reading my post. I hope we can play sometime.
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