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*distracts Daughter-Face and runs past!*
Distracts Zyph....

*Runs toward finish line*
*drew the finish line*
*puts Vay in the naughty corner and leaves him behind!*
*puts Vay on the naughty stool and steals the finish line*
*puts up a mind block and rides past Vay on a rainbow*
*makes Angl get off and cook bacon with her frying pan and continues riding the rainbow past her*
*knocks zyph off the rainbow with a my pretty pony action figure and then drives past in a barbie convertible*
*uses the pot of gold from the end of zy's rainbow... STOP TAKING EVERYTHING I SAY AS SOMETHING DIRTY... to bride the police to confiscate all plastic convertibles*
Bride the police eh? I hope you all are very happy together! *showers Vay in confetti while riding past on the back of Angl's barbie convertible*
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