Last Poster Wins: Doomsday Edition

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*keeps driving and watches all the people talking about naughty actions*

Rawr rawr rawr
*stares at the guy*
You can't join the yuri time moahhahah
*Watches Red, Kisha and Ai-chan*

You really should be nicer to Kisha, Red. Not all girls like the idea of being a part of yuri stuff. You ought to respect her feelings on the matter.

Being so pushy regarding sexual actions is really no better than your own self image of what men are like. Which I can only assume you see us as being perverted sex fiends.
... It's not like I think every guy only think about sex and women, it's just that I don't like guys ^^ hehehhe
I'm just simply mean xD
I never said i wanted to be a part of your yuri circle shenaningans. I just said rawr three times.
It's okay Kisha, Chrona is on your side so Red will lay off and the topic will pass.

*Looks around*

I wonder where Ai-chan went.
Red listens to her. And what's with that giant creeped out face? Is it about my wondering where Ai-chan went?
*lands next to the Kisha*
Krosis, Red is sinically insane about stealing people's virginity. o___o
*has horrible flashback of red*
.....witch. -___-
Okay, okay. We're all making Kisha feel uncomfortable.

So, what would you like to discuss?
......i wan't talking about that. and i'm not telling anyone what i was ACTUALLy talking about either >_>

..........fluffy bunnies.
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