Last Poster Wins: Doomsday Edition

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I can become your servant instead of him wifey ^^
*Runs up and tackles Red in a playful manner, hugging her and nuzzling her chest with a big smile*
*gets tackled*
You are a bad litle girl surprising me like that ^^
I think I must punnish you *evil, playful grin*
You tackled and surprised me ^^
*lifts Chrona up and goes to the closest bedroom*
Time for punishment :D
Hmmm.... So far I can't tell if this really will be punishment or not...
Hmm.. I think its a punishment as long as I enjoy it ^^ If you is tortured or enjoy it doesn't matter to me xD
I think I have become Miriam xD
*Giggles* I don't know what you have planned, but it's possible I could enjoy it.
*puts a don't disturb sign on the door then noises of pleasure comes from the inside of the room*
*Ten hours later*
Now I'm satisfied ^^
*gives a round of applause*
You broke your record :)
*burns their room*
Now burn. ^-^
>_< *was sitting in mah bedroom that's next to their room the entire time*

If you were so close you should have joined us :o
Not you though tenchi-roku I don't like guys xD
Someone hasn't discovered the beauty of Yuri time :o
poor poor girl
We should teach her sometime, right Chrona and Angel? Whenever you guys will come back xD
You will love it once you do it :D
We can have a foursome ^^ Much better than threesome ;)
And only girls :D
Bad red! *protects Kisha using her invincible holy shield* keep out you wretched fiend!
Buuuut :o
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