Last One To Post Wins Volume 5

  • So many newbies lately! Here is a very important PSA about one of our most vital content policies! Read it even if you are an ancient member!
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I see, so the point is to defy Shinku
Or everyone. Whichever flavor you like.
YES! DEFY EVERYONE! ANARCHY! *picks up a Boring Not-A-Flamethrower and begins setting things on fire*
Ah is this summer? what a great season.
It's still spring
That explains the cherry blossoms outside
Yeah, tree jizz all over my car man. And tree genitals
What the fuck?
Dont question it
It is not for us to question tree jizz
Please, stop. You ruined life for me now.

Wait, I lied. My life is was already shit. You just made it worst with the tree jizz.
I actually recently found out that the reason that there is so much tree jizz is because the trees planted for aesthetics in a city are exclusively male. This is so that tree babies don't pop up, but means that seasonal allergies are worse. And the term is "Botanical Sexism" which is dumb
Please, stop. You're making this worse.

Why are you here?

Who are you?

Nobody called you.

Go away.

  • Love
Reactions: Mojo
I called them but who called you?
Ask not for whom the bell tolls, it tolls for thee
*sweats nervously*
Do not worry friend, death does not hurt; it brings no pain, only rest.
Then, do it hard, daddy. UwU *blushes*
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