Last One to Post Wins Volume 3

  • So many newbies lately! Here is a very important PSA about one of our most vital content policies! Read it even if you are an ancient member!

    A site made for roleplay is way cooler we promise <3
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We've already had this discussion :I
Happy Birthday, my dear enemy. *hugs tightly*

This lil fella here also wants to attend your party. It even brought its fancy hat! :o
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SHINKU YOU LIL BIT-..... The noodle is kinda cute. Moppsi approves.

And tenk you, enemy ♡
Can i bring my chese boiis?
I'm not surprised then. o. o

I have discussions about danger noodles and spiders with many many people. I just cant ever remember who.
The poor noodle just want to be free! Amd maybe just want to say hi to you.

I cri evri tim too.
why you do this
Hmmm... should I change my avatar to something new.
hmmmmm yes.
you shiuld all s
thank my step dad cuawe he stayed up with me qhilw u qss drubk and couldnt breath ;S

cause sok e isiot whi lad lizarfs kelt buying me deinks
Okay, I'll take the advice of drunk straix.
I think that's drunk Greek.
lay ouyay eoplepay eednay otay elaxray
I started watching it, but got interrupted on in the half of the movie because I had to go to work. FUCK ME.

Guess I have t wait for Sunday to watch and finish it at 10AM again.
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