Last One to Post Wins Volume 3

  • So many newbies lately! Here is a very important PSA about one of our most vital content policies! Read it even if you are an ancient member!

    A site made for roleplay is way cooler we promise <3
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No, you retarded corn.
I-I don't know, man... M-Maybe I drank used all of your meds and my brain is now in some kind mental joyride.

Woop woop! Yee-haw, cowboy!

Ya better not hold on my horses because I'm on my way to the lazzo some milky cows!
We've lost him :c Oh no
What the fuck...
Do you mean... All of your meds?
Because if you had all of my meds you'd be dead, in a coma, or suffering from severe organ failure which doesn't sound very fun.

He's clearly broken, I think it's best if we put him down and release him from his misery.
Maybe I'm already dead and y'all just talking to a specter.

I did said I would haunt you after my death, Straix, so now, suffer, bitch!

Ok... But why would I be suffering because you're dead? Wouldn't I be, like, partying or something at that news instead?
Damn it, Icey...
Hmmm.... *strokes face like my gif avatar*
You need to move on from Shazam stuff, Lucky. Stop living un the past.
Nope, never moving on. I'm actually running a Shazam roleplay discord. I'll move on when you move on from cat-people. :P @Shinku⭐Kun
Seems like an obsession to me.
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