Last One to Post Wins Volume 3

  • So many newbies lately! Here is a very important PSA about one of our most vital content policies! Read it even if you are an ancient member!

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What phrase? I just said true facts... *shows off a Snapple bottle cap* See? This shit never lies.
Mussels are great, how dare you! And Lobster is tasty.

Besides, cockroaches are cool, so who cares really. Tsk.
No... Just... No... Seafood and cockroaches will burn in a thousand suns.

However, the fact that some cockroaches are able to develop goddamn wings is actually cool, so I guess I have to give this to these bitches.
LMFAO! x'D Okay! Good luck devouring those disgusting sea creatures, my dude. They will hunt you down in your dreams. maybe suck out the soul and brain out of you.
Well, thanks.
I don't have a brain or a soul, though. I'm a lifeless sack of potatoes so I wish them luck with that endeavour.
I love me some good music.
there is no such thing as bad music, only music I'm not particularly a fan of.
Oh god, the Band's Visit is great and is so different from everything else nominated for the Tony's. Like both musically and lyrically.... and I like it.
*super gasp* The almighty wizardly demon has changed his card trick profile's picture!!! IS THIS THE END OF THE WORLD OR WHAT!?
Nope. It is not.
he just went from a wizard guy to a disappointed guy. Just changing which side of the show he has his profile pic of.

he just went from a wizard guy to a disappointed guy. Just changing which side of the show he has his profile pic of.

Yup, disappointed guy is my reaction to the series finale cliffhanger for wizard guy,
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