Last One to Post Wins Volume 3

  • So many newbies lately! Here is a very important PSA about one of our most vital content policies! Read it even if you are an ancient member!

    A site made for roleplay is way cooler we promise <3
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No. Fucking millennials kids are fuckers that born on 2000 and over. My sister born on 2004. The bitch doesn't know what a Super Nintendo is... Or a Nintendo 64... Or a GameCube. It breaks my heart...

She also says the this Mario is the best, but, boi, she knows shit about the old school Mario. Should I fucking set her on fire?

Shinku, we are millenials/gen y. Half certain shes gen Z. Unless we're both part of Gen Z. We're definitely not gen X. The lines in between is blurred.

$80 isn't that expensive anyway. If she lived around here, I'd give her access to Nike's company store and give her all the deals. Idk the hype either.
Hol' up... You work with the company?
No. Fucking millennials kids are fuckers that born on 2000 and over. My sister born on 2004. The bitch doesn't know what a Super Nintendo is... Or a Nintendo 64... Or a GameCube. It breaks my heart...

She also says the this Mario is the best, but, boi, she knows shit about the old school Mario. Should I fucking set her on fire?

Shinku, we are millenials/gen y. Half certain shes gen Z. Unless we're both part of Gen Z. We're definitely not gen X. The lines in between is blurred.

$80 isn't that expensive anyway. If she lived around here, I'd give her access to Nike's company store and give her all the deals. Idk the hype either.
Hol' up... You work with the company?

Nah. I have connections with someone who works with a company that works with Nike. They give me access a few times a year. I just never bothered going because they have some weird rules. Like they wont let you in if you're wearing stuff from another company like Adidas or something.

Adidas store is less picky. They're nice.
Like, duh. That's like a golden rule for a lot of companies. They don't want you walking into their places 'promoting' stuff from the competition. Look, I work on a pharmacy, and I don't dare to walk in into a Walgreens wearing my uniform. It's just not cool. XD
Like, duh. That's like a golden rule for a lot of companies. They don't want you walking into their places 'promoting' stuff from the competition. Look, I work on a pharmacy, and I don't dare to walk in into a Walgreens wearing my uniform. It's just not cool. XD

Do it
feels good, do it.
Yhea i ordered one already. Been looking at it for a while should be here ether tomarow or tge next day
RIP Favorite Chair. Your death won't never be forgotten.

Alexa, this is a sad moment. Play D E S P A C I T O.
can you at least get EI? waiting still sucks though. ;(
Yikes. I do 30 hrs. weekly. XD
I work more than 40 hours with two jobs. Then again I have no life.
Fuck you, man.
So ummm..theres like a group people that have just been standing outside my house for the past hour, what do i do?
call 311 if not an emergency
call 911 if an emergency
Thankfully the patrol officer came by (gated community) and they left but tomarow im gonna tall my parents
that's sensible
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