Last One to Post Wins Volume 3

  • So many newbies lately! Here is a very important PSA about one of our most vital content policies! Read it even if you are an ancient member!
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I'll be on the lookout for fantastic titles.
*stares at @foodforpigs latest describe a plot badly* Is your pattern real obscure, real common and then real obscure medium... because I'm stumped again.
more like I swap between 90s anime and real common. hint: the one I posted is an anime.
more like I swap between 90s anime and real common. hint: the one I posted is an anime.

I figured as much since my anime knowledge is so limited.
big hint: it's a Rumiko Takahashi notable work
that's not a hint...
I narrowed down all of 90's anime to like 5 animes. it's a hint.
Yup, it is a hint definitely.
Antagonize innocently. Those sound like words that go quite well together.
Just realized we pass the 2,000 replies. HOLY COWS, THEY ARE REAL.
Damn, rad. That's a hell of a lot of replies

Dammit I fucked up, now I bubble when I breath what the fuck. Stoooop
And we are over one hundred pages in too.
3 volumes of L2PW? Jeez, I've never seen one get past 8000!
It's only volume 3 because volume 1 had the user disappear and volume 2 was closed down because of the month time span limit.
Ah. How many posts total are there then, if you know?
With this post, we are at 5,442 posts across the volumes.
Ah. That still is no small amount. I mean, it's 5443 now.
Yup, it is a nice size number.
And now 5445! So symmetrical! Palindromic!

Apparently "palindromic" is a word, and that makes me happy.
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