Last One to Post Wins Volume 3

  • So many newbies lately! Here is a very important PSA about one of our most vital content policies! Read it even if you are an ancient member!
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Nope, we won't bring it up.
So close to 8000 posts.
Oh wow, rad.
That's a lot
How the hell do you even manage that. You must post a shit ton around the site.

I've only got, like... Not even 1000.
Then again. I'm barely active anywhere, so eh...
I mean I was a part of a few very active series and then my own RP is 44 pages long, so there is also that. And I played these games a lot.
Oh wow, yeah. That would explain it, aha...
I think my longest RP is only 26 pages long, but it's in PM's so it doesn't count boo
pms are alright. I don't know how many people read other rps they aren't in, anyway.
Yeah. That, along with the fact that I'm slow as shit so everything would get archived, is the main reason I don't use threads.
people work and are in different time zones and should try to balance online and offline social life. people busy mang.

some don't understand it, which is sad. I remember playing D&D once a week with people in the same dorm was a stretch.
Hey, what's your problem with people that read roleplays they are not in, fam? I do that. Some roleplays are so good that it feels like reading a fucking book.
Hey, what's your problem with people that read roleplays they are not in, fam? I do that. Some roleplays are so good that it feels like reading a fucking book.
there's no problem. I just didn't think peeps did that sort of thing.

well ok.

which rps should i read.
Any roleplay with an interesting title like a do? xD
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