Last One To Post Wins Volume 21: Spring and Summer Edition

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I mean... bacon can be pig-free. I think there's vegan bacon.
Okay, but did anyone see Gordon Ramsay's documentary in which he fed pigs only beer for their meat? What would happen if a pig was only fed human meat and blood? Not to inspire any potential serial killers into claiming they were merely conducting experiments, but, you know... Curious.
vegan bacon? pls thats disrespectful 😭😭😭😭
I have not.

I mean...hmmm...
Would that make any consumer of the meat a cannibal? Or is this literally the Demon Pig of the Fleet Pen?
pigs have no reason to trust us either tbf.

if we can eat pigs, pigs should be able to eat us.
Your threats of equality make me concerned for how we treat ants and rats.
The circle of life
I was thinking what would happen if the animals rose up and then I remembered there's this book called Animal Farm. XD
  • Haha
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The book on communism
a very thinly veiled allegory of the Soviet Union for sure.
And the rise to power of McDonalds.
Have you guys tried the Grimancr shake?
I had a friend text me about that today. Is that a McDonald's thing now?
Yeaah its apparently trending everywhere
Hoo dear, that's gonna be something.
Yeaaah its an interesting trend
What is it? Is it something I wanna look up?
its just a shake but the meme makes it out to be bad-tasting/sinister.
I haven't had it, but I also haven't been to Mcs in years.

Vanilla ice cream
Frozen blueberries
Strawberry jam
*waves to everyone with my new avatar*
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