Laser 'Lightning rods' channel electricity through thin air

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Blind Hemingway

Ancient Iwaku Scum from 2006.
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I am just wondering how it is possible that Almost Anything.. Comes from the USA?

Almost every discovery or whatever is, all Must Happen in the states.. I just find it funny.

Regardless the article.. Not so impressive. I mean, I am sure they will Find something better soon enough to entertain us.;)

Heated plasma.. Hmm. I wonder what's gonna be next xD
The United States of America.

Testing things because we can.
Meh. Screw lightning guns.

You gotta go with railguns.

Or mass drivers.

Launching shit without gunpowder ftw.
I think it would be neat if they used this to make a generator.

Such as in controled cobditions clouds can form inside rooms. Through a chim process would it not be possible to creat a lightning storm inside the room? So that you are creating power over a large area via lightning. If this is possible you could also use thermodynamics to power something else, or even provide heat for the whole area being powered.

It was just a side thought I had today, and I think it would be really cool, and could if possible replace some power sources.
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