Knights Of New Gotham

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Yo @Red Knight V , mind if I ask what Metal looks like right now in the streets? I was wondering if he's in his armor or not since I was thinking on having Daniel and him meet up right now.
Imma swap Majin Eve out for this =)

*editing in process

Name: Grace Summers.

Super Hero/Villain Name: Supernova.

Gender: Female.

Age: 19.

Species: Human Seijin Hybrid.

Appearance: Grace stands under five feet tall with a lithe build, she has black strait hair that reaches twenty inches long which frames her face in a complimenting manner. Her eye's are light blue and seem to glow during the day, her light peach toned skin never seems to become sunburned no matter how long it's exposed to the suns rays. And in case anyone was wondering her bust size is C. Grace normally wears a black tee-shirt with black shorts that reach down just above her knees, as well as black running shoes and socks.

Solar Form: In this form Grace becomes enveloped in an aura of blue transparent fire, her irises turn white and become outlined with black, and her hair turns into blue flames. Though it may be easy to miss her muscles become more defined.

Personality: Intelligent, reasonable, calm but determined. When someone she cares for is in danger, Grace is a very mature, and formidable person to go up against. Though she can be carefree she can quickly turn to serious if need be.

Seijin Physiology — Seijin powers resemble psychokinetics with enhanced combat abilities based on the movement and throwing of sunlight converted into Seijin energy. Seijins, whose powers are fuelled by sunlight, are limited by this mechanism. Their powers can only be used while the sun is above the horizon, and wanes during the day with the height of the sun. Though there are acceptations, Seijins could store their power gathered throughout the day and use it at night if need be, though if they didn't store power from the day, on nights with a full moon it's been known that Seijins have been able to retain a small portion of their power from the sunlight reflecting off the moon's surface.

Photosynthesis — The power to absorb and store sunlight to power Seijin abilities. It is possible to adsorb a tremendous amount of solar energy through artificial lighting, but this is extremely dangerous.

Superhuman Strength — Through absorbing sunlight, like plants that get energy from it, so do Seijins, which in turn fuels their strength.

Photonic-pojection — The ability to manifest light-constructs, with the ability to impact physical matter. Generally limited to more powerful or trained Seijins.

Photonic Blast — A burst of raw photonic power, akin to a Hadouken or Kamehameha attack.

Photonic Barrier — A shell or screen of concentrated photonic energy, used to stop weapon fire and photonic blasts.

Flight — By channelling solar energy Seijins can levitate and fly through the air by projecting their energy from themselves.

Pyrokinesis — The Ability to create fire from solar energy, and control said fire.

Solar Form — This ability is a transformation, while in this state the users strength, speed, durability and abilities are increased, but while in this state it burns through their energy even if they're in direct sunlight albeit at a slower pace, when they exhaust their energy they'll revert back to their original form so they can recharge.

Equipment: Nothing aside from her clothing.

Weaponry: None.

History: N/A
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Yo @Red Knight V , mind if I ask what Metal looks like right now in the streets? I was wondering if he's in his armor or not since I was thinking on having Daniel and him meet up right now.
NVM on this. I decided to post anyways and go with what information I was given on your profile. If I was wrong and Metal Knight was actually in disguise I'd be more than willing to edit my post.
Heey Key! How's life? :3
Just the person I was hoping to see here. xD

How've things been KKL?
Oh glad I can appease XD though I guess you can thank Stryder since he asked me to check it out.

Been busy military life and all. But nothing I can't handle.

Heey Key! How's life? :3
Well hello their nightingale how has your adorable self been x3 *Snuggles*

Mr. Fox XD

So I assess you want the mana's to jump into this?
Oh glad I can appease XD though I guess you can thank Stryder since he asked me to check it out.

Been busy military life and all. But nothing I can't handle.
I noticed. Glad he was able to persuade you to come back man. Getting the old gang back together again for the RP would be quite nice. xD

So I assess you want the mana's to jump into this?
We'll need to talk if this is the case since Sinna was a part of said Mana arc from the old RP and I have major plans for a future one, once this one is finished. xP
Sirius Nevermore

[BCOLOR=transparent]Hero/Villain name:[/BCOLOR]
It is the hero name human's have apparently given to the mana entity which Sirius has no problem with in fact that's how he got his last name.

Technically he is 50 years old which is still considered a youngling in terms of a mana's time span. His human body however is only 19 years old though physically his body will not age any further since its a waste of mana to update it past that point.

Bird Mana of the Tengu Kingdom

[BCOLOR=transparent]When in human form Sirius's wings transform into a shrouding cloak with a hood that's usually up except for when he is around people he knows. It strangely give a gothic feel for a very happy go creature. [/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=transparent] Mana Knight form:[/BCOLOR]


~Tengu Mana~
Also known as the Third Arcane houses numerous abilities three of the most well known being Wind Manipulation(Self Explanatory), Blue Mana(The life blood of a Tengu Mana), and Mimicry Eye(The ability to mimic other Mana abilities by seeing it long enough to scan its existence).

Any Tengu Mana can master wind manipulation seeing how they have been birds their whole life. It comes to them naturally like the ability to fly. With this ability comes a form of sensory. Feeling the wind all around them a Tengu Mana can sometimes predict what direction a attack from a unseen enemy is coming from this is however only useful against physical attacks.

Blue Mana is a Tengu mana's blood, and their source of energy type attacks the more it is use the longer recover a Mana will need after a battle. Small uses however recover without much time at all why combative uses last for hours. The most dangerous thing about Mana's fighting in insane battles is Mana's cannot register pain since they are not living creatures anymore. Instead when a Mana is wounded they do not expend blood, but mana that seeps out of their body to try and close the wound. When a Mana can no longer heal their wounds its considered to be in near death state.

Mimicry Eye the unique magic that only Tengu Mana's can use. Basically by analyzing a opponents magical attack(with enough time depending on the intensity of the ability) a Tengu Mana can perform that attack. However their is a snag they can only retain other Mana attacks in their mind. Any attack that is not of Mana origin can only every be used once by a Tengu Mana thus once they use it they forget it, and can never perform it again. Also a Tengu Mana can only perform a attack if it is within their current skill level of power thus some attacks they may never use.

♠Tengu Mana♠
♥ Apparently he makes a good parent for demonic children XD ♥

The Fourth Feather of Lord Calcipher
~The Spear Atlamilla~

The Third Feather of Lord Calcipher
~The Sword Eromreven~

Also his own feathers can be removed, and used as daggers.

"I don't understand this question... Mina what is gear?"
Runs off to find his adoptive daughter/sister.

Quite the chipper bird as ironic as it sounds. Despite his human age this Tengu Mana is still quite young in comparison to a Mana's natural life cycle, and thus it really shows in a very childlike curious nature. However at the same time his animalistic nature does come out during battle in a cold stoic manner revealing how much of a animal he still is. Yet when it comes to Mina no matter what is happening he always has a smile on his face for her, and does his best to help her in a brotherly light, thus also he is very protective of his "nest".

Ill get on this later sleepy time a coming XD

[BCOLOR=transparent]Should have time to finish it this weekend until then be patient x3[/BCOLOR]
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I dunno if I missed something or not, but my alerts were not telling me anything about what was happening in this thread.
It's all good. I posted as did Chev in the IC thread for you. Chev, Stryder and Minami all also posted a bit in it as well an may be coming our way soon.

I do ask Mina to hold off on teleporting there, maybe voidwolf has a general idea where they are but no exact pinpoint and thus they need to fly?
I'm concocting a reply right now. Sorry if my skill is a little low, and my posts short.
hey guys. I am really sorry for going AWOL for most of April. It was a completely shit month and I hated just about everything during it. Been doing some rearranging to my everyday life and I hope to get back into this.
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