Knight on Time

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    A site made for roleplay is way cooler we promise <3
"I'm not certain it is that. If I am away for too long I feel my strength begin to weaken. So, for everyone's sake, I prefer to stay close." She answered. "I would be far more confused leaving the home over staying there."
He nodded. "Besides, there's that...oh, what's his name...Zach? character," Joel muttered. "I would really prefer you not to get kidnapped."
"Indeed that would be unfortunate....." She agreed with a gentle smile. "For them. If you allow it I will fight with everything I have."
Joel nodded again. "Of course. If you're in danger, you should probably see if you can save your own life before worrying about mine."
Mariland shook her head. "Your life is irreplaceable. I can survive a great deal so long as you are fine." She answered him. "My life is connected to you. Without you I will likely return to slumber within a few days and be vulnerable to death."
"Maybe so," he replied. "Buuuut...since you showed up, I think I've done a decent job of keeping myself out of trouble. So, if your life is in more danger than mine, then take care of yourself."
Mariland smiled and nodded. "As you wish,' she agreed. She was glad to hear he was trying to stay out of trouble.
"Thank you." They finally arrived at the large automatic doors leading into the exponentially larger building. "Are you ready?" Joel asked, grinning.
Mariland looked at the doors and then to Joel. She couldn't help but giggle a bit at him. "Of course. I'm quite excited to see what's inside such a large building." She said. She couldn't help but feel slightly nervous as she still didn't quite blend in yet.
Joel raised his eyebrows. "Everything. I'm telling you, they just about have everything." He dropped their arms before taking her hand in his. "I'll take you straight to the shoes, we'll pay, and then we can leave."
"How would they source it all?" She asked before blushing as he took her hand. "It would be so difficult.....but I will trust you. I would much rather get this over with quickly. I stand out far too much to explore."
"I-" Joel paused. He wasn't exactly sure how Walmarts worked behind the scenes, and he started into the supercenter. He'd have to Google that later. "That's a good question. I don't actually know. Probably very carefully. As for your clothes, this will be a quick trip, I promise." He frowned. "I probably should have thought about this sooner. About you blending in, I mean."
"It's okay. It wasn't immediately on my mind until recently." Mariland nodded and squeezed his hand. She felt comfort from him and the happiness she'd felt was similar to her past where she'd had a sort of crush. He was there for her and cared. It felt great in her eyes.
"Yeah, that's fair." Joel quickly walked past many different sections of the store. The fresh-ish produce was up front, by the doors. Then were rows and rows of freezers containing frozen foods and treats. Then came the nonperishable foods, then, finally, clothes and shoes.
Mariland followed after him, noting the stares but trying to ignore it. She was amazed at all the items around but finally they came to what they were looking for. She looked at the shoes and clothing finding it all interesting really. There were so many styles and different items though she didn't know what they all were.
Joel led her to where the tennis shoes were, of all sizes and colors and, for some, materials. "See anything that catches your eye?"
She started to look at the shoes and blinked. "Err well....hmmm..." She seemed to think about it. "I suppose these?" She indicated a pair of blue hi tops though she had no idea what they were. "Are these comfortable?"
He shrugged. "Let's see." Joel gestured to a nearby seat meant for people to try on shoes. He took the hi-tops off the rack. "Sit, and we'll see if they fit, and you can walk around a little to see how they feel."
Mariland let go of his hand and moved to sit down on the seat. "All right...." She slowly took off her boots and looked at the shoes. "I think I can manage these." She laughed a bit before taking them and putting them on. She tied them surprisingly swiftly before standing up. She blinked a bit and rocked on her feet as if judging them.
Joel nodded down the aisle. "Take them for a little test spin."