Knight on Time

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"hmmmm so your chemists create some sort of thing that is solid versus potions. I see....." Mariland nodded, this she seemed to understand a bit better. "Such a strange time I have awoken in. I am glad you seem eager to share in the knowledge you have."
"Yeah. You need to be caught up; otherwise, everything might just...overwhelm you. By the way, the life expectancy of people now is about 80 years. So if you see any old people, don't just assume that they're witches or something."
Mariland couldn't help but laugh and smile. "My previous charge lived into his 90th year. That is fine. I would only assume they were a witch if they looked as I do at such an age." She said warmly before a sad look crossed her eyes. She quickly shook it off knowing that she could not let her guard down.
Joel definitely noticed the flash of sadness, but he wasn't really the prying type. "So...does that mean that you're a witch?" He asked, feigning shock with raised eyebrows and wide eyes.
Mariland smiled warmly and shook her head. "No such luck I am afraid. I am simply a cursed knight," She answered, "If I were such a witch I believe I would not be wielding such heavy armor and weaponry."
"A cursed knight? Huh. That's kind of weird. I'm glad I'm not cursed, knock on wood." He walked in silence for a second before asking, "would you rather have been a witch instead of a knight?"
Mariland's eyes seemed to change a bit and she shook her head. "No." She answered simply. She had no intention of saying more on the subject as she seemed to turn her thoughts inward. It reminded her of what caused her curse in the first place. Harming the wrong person at the wrong time.
He nodded. "Alright, then." Joel was silent for the rest of the walk, which wasn't too far. He stopped at an apartment building. "Well, home sweet home." He opened the door for her.
Mariland stopped when he did and looked at the building. "This is...a grand building." She said softly before bowing slightly to him. Despite her armor she was quite light in step and stepped in. "Oh, is this like a boarding house? Many people living together?" she asked as she took stock of her surroundings.
"Yeeeap. Not quite as grand now, right?" He smiled light-heartedly. "I'm up on the third floor. There's this moving box that will take us up quickly. I'll show you." He shut the door after he went in, leading her to a pair of elevators.
"Not at all. Tis better than living out of Inns your whole life." She answered with a smile. She nodded a bit and followed him to the elevators. "What do they call these things? It seems you have found ways to deal with your tall buildings. I suppose it does make sense."
"They're elevators. Some are faster than others. Usually, they're pretty safe." He pressed the call button for one of the elevators. "Slow or fast, they're usually time savers." He continued to ramble on. "Not nearly as much exercise as taking the stairs, though."
Mariland listened and nodded. "Well I can see how one would not want to take many many flights of stairs," She agreed. She was interested in the lights now, she looked at them and seemed to be accepting things fairly well for being as old as she was.
Joel watched her, wondering if she was so overwhelmed that she wasn't taking anything in. Or if she was actually understanding and taking things well. Or if she could have a breakdown at any second. The elevator dinged, signaling the doors opening. Elevator music quietly drifted out.
She was startled by the ding and jumped slightly. Her head tilted slightly as she heard music and she looked confused. However she didn't ask anything and simply looked to Joel, watching for his lead and instruction. She'd learned some time ago to simply roll with the changes. She'd have time, after all she'd slept for nearly a thousand years. What was a little more time to discover what this world now had to offer?
Joel gestured or her to go first. "Into the elevator. Just make sure the doors don't close on you." Honestly, he was surprised that nobody had come out of the elevator. Usually, there was at least one.
Mariland nodded and carefully stepped into the strange small room. It was small and peculiar and yet she could feel there was something about it. The room had a sort of slight bounce when she stepped in.
He followed her into the elevator, pressing the button for the third floor. The doors closed a few seconds after he had pressed the button. The elevator music was a little louder now. "'s it feel?"
"Strange. like there is something pushing down on me." She answered. "Everything is so different. This world.....this time. So strange. Tis the only word I have at the moment." The knight was the picture of calm and she was just focused on her surroundings.
Joel chuckled. "Yeah, I'm sure. I get a feeling that's definitely the nice way of putting it." The elevator dinged each floor they went up, so twice. The doors opened once more, revealing a hallway with a few doors on each side.