Knight on Time

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"Anything to drink?" She asked. Mariland just smiled a bit. She didn't know what to drink and let Joel handle it.
"Just water, thanks."
The server nodded. "I'll bring out your drinks and appetizers in just a bit!" She said before walking away.
Joel thanked the server, trying to think of something to say. "So..." He tapped the table with his hands, racking his brain, but nothing was coming up besides Eric over there. And he definitely did not want to talk about him.
Mariland felt the tension and let out a sigh. "Well......why don't you tell me more about the food here?" She offered. It seemed like relevant information for her.
Joel nodded. "Well, I think it's good. It's definitely more authentic than most places claim to be."
"Well that sounds good. Do they serve desserts?" She felt a bit curious about it all. She was managing to ignore everything else at least for the moment.
He nodded. "The tres leches is soooo good here. And get this," he added, grinning. "It's cake. They have tres leches cake, cheese cake, and flan."
"Oh I love cake! It's almost like bread." She giggled slightly, happy to see him excited about something. "May we try some? I would really like that I think."
"It's so much better than bread," he replied. "And, yes, of course, we will try some. What kind do you want to try? All of them?" He asked, his grin remaining.
"I want to try them all." Mariland nodded with a smile. "I never had the opportunity to try new foods before! What a time you live in!"
Joel nodded. "Yeah, I think it's pretty safe to say that more variety is available to just about everyone now than it was available to an honorable knight back then."
"Then I cannot wait to try them all!" She said. Their waitress came back withtheir appetizers and drinks.
Joel thanked her, motioning for Mariland to try it first.
Mariland looked at the food and decided to try it. She seemd to think over the first bite.Their waitess smiled and let them eat.
Joel slightly tilted his head to one side. "Well? What do you think? And then you should try it with the hot sauce, see if that makes it better or worse."
She tried a second bite with hot sauce and her face turned a bit red. It was very spicy and she drank some water. "Th-that is hot! Very hot!" She said.
Joel tried so hard not to laugh, putting a hand over his mouth and looking just about everywhere else in an effort not to laugh. "I, heh, I tried to warn you!"
She ate some more with a bit less hot sauce and seemed pleased with it. "That's.... better." She said with a nod. "It's very strong but good too!"
Joel let out a chuckle. "You're lucky that tamales aren't spicy. Not the ones I got you, anyways."