Kiss [or] Kill

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**Swoops up Iliana into a princess carry and smooches her cheek**
sorry nothing personal : D

*uses fryingpan of doom and sends Foxy flying*
This shall be a slow death.... *Sucks out all the oxygen from the room*
*Kisses and gives and air hug*
*grabs the Sarah and flings her into a freezer, to freeze to death.* nothing personal.
*kisses passionately, then jumps into a helicopter and absconds*
*Quickly kisses cheek then turns 20 different shades of red as I run away from embarrassment and hide under the bed. The blush not going to fade soon.*
*Her blush deepens but kisses her hand and hides her face.*
Thar be too much kissin'. *makes Angelic_Devil walk the plank!*
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