Kat's First Test Thread (No posting please)

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The constant reassurance swayed her to stay by his side. Seth was right about the guards. They never found her, they never found him. She always found herself in the garden at the most fortunate of times, or the bath. Osiris never seemed to suspect what truly was; She hoped he never did. It would be traitorous. She would be stoned to death if he found out, or her head, hacked off. Her heartbeat resumed a normal pace, the hair on the back of her neck rising as he took a whiff of her. She enjoyed it when his fingers touched her hair, playing with it, tugging at it.

"He dared cross your path," she murmured, splaying her fingers over his chest and running her fingernails slightly over his new heart, "But you took back what Osiris tried to take away. He is far too ambitious." There was no offhand response. Osiris was Pharaoh, but that didn't mean his wife wanted him on the throne. She held a mocking tone, a veneer of indifference, but that changed promptly when Seth took her face in his hands again and she felt warmth radiating from yet another kiss.

Isis couldn't help but laugh, interrupting the few moments of silence. "You kiss me far too much," she teased, running her fingers through his hair. "Allow me, Pharaoh." She swiftly rid herself of the cloak she'd forgotten about and grinned coyly, gently pushed down on his chest. He fell back onto the couch and she hiked up her dress, finding comfort on top. "You deserve far better than my lips." Isis leaned down, her hair moving to one side as she breathed into his ear and her fingers danced dangerously along the edges of his shendyt. "Don't you believe so, my love?" She kissed the side of his face, and the two fell into sin once more, bodies entwined.

Isis left far later than she'd expected, but it hadn't swayed her plan upon return to the palace.
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If there was anything Nephthys was currently worried about, it was Isis' disappearance and more importantly, Isis herself. It weighed heavily on her conscious, but she forced herself to be positive. Didn't her dear young sister always come back? It was difficult however, when Osiris was placed into the picture. She knew how much he cared for Isis and it pained her to see him in such a state of turmoil. Nephthys could only offer Osiris a small smile. "Do not fear, dear brother. She will come home soon. The journey here was lovely. I enjoyed seeing the fairy dusters and apricot mallows bloom in season." She chuckled a bit, sandals touching the golden floor as she paced around the area. She needed some red wine or an abacus; something to keep her mind off Isis.

"The pink and orange flowers, I mean." A sigh left her lips. "Perhaps Isis is simply worried about you. You have many duties as Pharaoh. The upcoming banquet may be on her mind as well. You know how she loves throwing extravagant parties for the Gods." Nephthys wandered aimlessly before fetching herself the young servant Bahiti to prepare her a batch of various fruits and cheeses, as well as wine. Nephthys took a seat on the chaise nearby. The red silk pressed to her thighs gave her the feeling of comfort. She bit her lip. Bahiti was back in no time and set the fancy silver tray down on the table next to her, then poured the aging wine. Things were changing, Isis was changing. It had been abrupt for her to suddenly fall ill and unable to eat properly. She rarely got sick.

"I can't think of anything else. She worries too much, perhaps. I recall her complaining of a headache last time and being unable to focus. She will come back though. She always does. There was never a time when she didn't." Nephthys sifted into the moss green and white cushions, a blast of air falling down on her as she laid back and grabbed her glass of wine. The gust of wind led by the large feathered fan settled her bones for a bit. She was tired of this. Did Isis really feel that trapped to disappear whenever she felt like it? She seemed to be happy around her husband when they were having dinner with the family or playing games in the garden.

Osiris' consistent contemplation for Isis' safety only made Nepthys' nervousness grow. The tension was unbearable, she knew this. "Just think happy thoughts. It'll all go away and before you know it, Isis will be back today." Nepthys threw that out there, in hopes that her brother would calm down. Things wouldn't get better if they both continued to act like this.
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Anastasia Vasilyeva
Location: Envy Corporation
Interaction: Asmodeus
Mention: None

Anastasia quirked an eyebrow at Asmodeus. His vague answer gave much to the imagination, but it wasn't what she wanted. He wasn't being a huge help, just like always. That wouldn't sway her from her goal. He would surrender and answer her truthfully. Her chest tightens as he lights up a cigarette, then offers her one. She wanted to take it, but she controlled her instincts and all other impulses.

Instead, she snatched the cigarette pack out of his hand and tossed it into the black trashcan nearby. "Envy has a no smoking policy," she stated flamboyantly, lifting her chin slightly. "Throw your cigarette away or I'll do it myself." She wasn't going to let him break the rules just because he was an old lover of hers. "Now." Her voice was stern, yet it held some sort of frisky undertone. A smirk briefly tugged at the edges of her lips as she stared down the demon. There was no way he would refuse her.
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Aleksia Kapllani
location: penthouse
interaction: sandro + valentina
mention: verona

She threw a shirt at him, in hopes of the red cotton hitting his face. "It's been a few seconds already, Sandro. Get your ass in gear," Aleksia commanded sternly. "I'll help Valentina. You're shitting up the place." She immediately went to the kitchen and got a glass of water, as well as a banana to help soothe the headache. Advil was important as well. "I can only imagine what you did last night, Val," Aleksia spoke calmly, suddenly back to normal. She handed her four pills and the glass of water. "Got drunk, huh? I'm betting Sandro did too. Everyone had a wild ride last night." Aleksia focused on her sister, giving her a big grin.

"I ended up crashing at Verona's place. Where'd you go afterwards, Val? Sandro, be quiet. I already know you went here. I can smell the blood from a mile away." All three of them were way too predictable. Aleksia was ninety-eight point ninety-nine percent sure Valentina ended up sleeping with someone. It was, after all, in her nature to do so after parties like the Masquerade. Aleksia half-wondered if she would have to end up canceling the event planning to make sure order was restored to the penthouse. She was like queen, if not the maintenance kind. "I'll be heading out in a few. Sandro, when I get back, this penthouse better be spotless, you hear me?"
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Welcome to Westfall Creek!

Main Genre: Murder Mystery
Subgenres: Suspense, Action, Romance, Drama

The very loose plot idea is that seven people go on a camping trip. They could be going as a family, friends, or individuals. Everyone gets to know each other in the Mojave Desert. You could bring tents or an RV, though RVs are limited. So, these people are having fun, then one night someone decides to throw a bonfire party. This leads to the murder of someone. The cops are miles away so they're absolute shit at this point and the people decide to take things into their own hands for whatever reason. They each come from completely different profession fields, so one could be like an artist, another a cop (oh, the irony), one a scientist, and another a botanist. They each have to apply what they know as a person to find the murderer, if they can... without dying themselves, perhaps. By the way, there's no water available, so pack those suckers up.

Vehicle Slots:
RV - Reserved by me cus I'm meanie head and trash
Another RV

Slot 1
Slot 2
Slot 3
Slot 4
Slot 5

wtf am i doing here
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Afanasiia Sokolova

NAME: Afanasiia Sokolova
NICKNAME(S): Invidia (former), Zayka
➥ 25
GENDER: Female
POSITION: Right Hand Man
➥ Purgatory Syndicate
➥ Procuress for Six Feet Under

➥ Conceited & Hostile

Afanasiia has a tendency to believe that she's better than everyone else, though this does not extend to Kane. Her high position gives her power and promise, so she takes care to not spoil this. She's extremely protective of her people (especially Kane) and will lash out, should any opposing syndicates or persons give her a reason to hunt them down. She does not trust easily and should she need to tolerate rivals in any way shape or form, does so, unless provoked.

Astute & Resourceful

Many years working underneath the Reverend, and now Kane, Afanasiia has learned many things by way of her Mom's absence. She has become adept in obtaining information needed to move forward, be it from extortion, blackmail, or some ungodly form of torture. She's keen on reading body language and natural instinct proves to be helpful in her line of work, especially the dirty parts. She's a quick thinker and uses logic more than emotion where due.

Forthright & Cynical

Due to her upbringing and becoming involved with the drug dealings at a young age, Afanasiia has become a rock hard, no nonsense individual. She has a cynical outlook on life and only extends friendship to those closest to her and Kane. Afanasiia is blunt and stubborn, set on getting things done and being active. If someone does not take her leader's word for what it is (or hers, if she is granted that power), expect censure and extreme disapproval.

➥ There was hardly anything to celebrate about Afanasiia's birth. Mom already had three children and Afanasiia was only the beginning. No one had the same dad; No one knew their biological dad, and Mom was always too busy getting high and whoring herself. Afanasiia matured faster than the other kids in her age group. She got involved in the dangerous works of night life and willingly developed street smarts.

Over time, the Reverend began to see potential in Afanasiia and took her under his wing. She learned different styles of fighting and began helping out with the distribution of his new drug, Synthia. Eventually, she made it to the top as his right hand man, but a few years later, things changed when the Reverend passed away. War broke out and Afanasiia took part in spilling blood, murdering Gula in the process.

Afanasiia took Ira's side while the Saints were still together and pledged unwavering loyalty. She became a procuress for Six Feet Under, and naturally, a spy and interrogator in the long run. However, her spot as Ira's right hand man did not come easy. As with any high position, Afanasiia took many bullets for Kane before she finally managed to win his trust and respect. This rang true when a new recruit, ex-Vanguard, decided to join the Purgatory Syndicate.

Afanasiia was assigned to keep watch on Circe at all times when Ira wasn't around, readily assessing her and making sure she didn't take advantage of his compassion. About a month passed, and Afanasiia's forced "partnership" with Circe has become more tolerable. She is still weary of the ex-Vanguard, but conversations have grown to be generally civil and somewhat friendly between the two, despite past rivalry.

➥ Relationships
Kane Maddox-Solano (Leader, Respects)
Circe Norwell (Acquaintance, Tolerates)
Anastasia Kuznetsova (Mom)
Aleksandr Sokolov (Afanasiia's Biological Dad)
Aleksandra Chernova (Half-Sister)
Alyona Matveeva (Half-Sister)
Annushka Nikolaeva (Half-Sister)
Abram Petrov (Half-Brother)
Alexei Volkov (Half-Brother)

➥ Height: 5'10"
Weight: 120 lbs
Eye Color: Green
Hair Color: Light Brown

➥ She eats an apple a day.
Her favorite color is Royal Purple.
She's done Synthia before.
Neon City is beautiful.
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Name: Hecate
Voice: Pinelopi Plaka
Age: Immortal
Height: 5'6"
Weight: 119 lbs
Hair: Light Brown
Eyes: Light Brown
Tattoos/Markings: Moon Phases
Bio: Hecate was born the bastard child of Asteria and Perses. As a child who barely served as part of her parents joy, she was often envious of other Gods and Goddesses, but stood tall as her parents ruled her life with respect and fear. She learned many different types of dark magic and other hobbies to pass time. When she heard of Persephone's rise to the Underworld throne and becoming Hades lover, she turned cold and unfeeling, plagued with a need for revenge against the Goddess of spring.
Sexuality: Unknown
Features: Multifaceted, Industrious, Compassionate, Assertive, Precise
Flaws: Cynical, Ruthless, Frank, Ambiguous, Unpredictable
Interests/Hobbies: Witchcraft, Shadows, Cold Water, Black Magic
Likes: Pomegranates, Death, Waterfalls, Cheese
Dislikes: Spoilt Wine, Pollution, Ignorance, Child Abuse
Weaknesses: Self-Indulgent, Blind Love for Hades
Strengths: Magic, Holistic Medicine, Stamina
Talents: Harp, Manipulation, Archery
Fears: Not being good enough, Hades rejecting her love for him
Secrets: She wants to destroy Persephone and seduce Hades into letting her onto the throne of hell.

Relationship?: Currently Single
Crush: Hades oops
Friends: Ambrogio
Enemies: Persephone

Favorite Song: The Devil Within
Pets: None
Extras: #VampireGod
Love Conquers Shit All
"Forever One Soul."
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Eris, Goddess of Chaos,Discord and Strife

Name: Eris
Voice: Vicky Papadopoulou
Age: Immortal
Height: 5'6"
Weight: 114 lbs
Hair: Dark Brown
Eyes: Dark Brown
Tattoos/Markings: Skull
Bio: Eris was born into a harsh reality. Her parents didn't want her; They felt they had better things to do than occupy their time with a child. She lived on her own for most of her life and experienced much abuse from her fellow Gods and Goddesses because her parents threw her out. She was scared and lonely, but had to toughen things out and learn how to navigate the Underworld on her own. It was frightening, but she quickly matured to the point where it didn't matter anymore, where people didn't matter. She could do whatever she wanted within reason, and so she did, but she wanted more. She wanted love.
Sexuality: Unknown
Features: Amiable, Flexible, Attentive, Warm, Expressive
Flaws: Eccentric, Bold, Unconventional, Secretive
Interests/Hobbies: Poker, Kickboxing, Horseback Riding, Drinking Games
Likes: Dark Humor, Cheesy Horror Stories, Whip Cream, Peppermint
Dislikes: Humans, Ginger Tea, Egotism, Irrationality
Weaknesses: Prideful, Unreliable, Self-Indulgent
Strengths: Charisma, Love of Learning, Persuasive
Talents: Violin, Manipulation, Holding her Alcohol, Gambling
Fears: Being Judged, Getting Diseases, Snakes
Secrets: She's afraid of making real friends, hence why she doesn't have any.

Relationship?: Currently Single
Crush: None
Friends: Thanatos
Enemies: Almost everyone probably

Favorite Song: Somebody's Watching Me
Pets: None
Extras: #VampireGod
Love Conquers Shit All
"Forever One Soul."
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Afanasiia "Invidia" Sokolova
Afanasiia Sokolova Invidia, Zayka 25 Female
Right Hand Man The Purgatory Syndicate Procuress for Six Feet Under She/Her
Astute ○ Resourceful ○ Attentive ○ Fiercely Independent ○ Forthright ○ Cynical

Afanasiia has come a long way from appearing vulnerable on every doorstep. Her days are numbered, but urban street life has taught her many lessons, and so has Luxuria. Over the years, she has gained a complimentary set of skills. Distribution of drugs has taught her to be more attentive, and the world has granted her favor with being astute. The only way to get around is to survive and Afanasiia has since long learned that you don't get anything you want, much less need, by being polite.

She pays attention to details, but is more experienced at seeing the bigger picture. Afanasiia is also known to be a fiercely independent, no-nonsense individual. This, unfortunately, sometimes creates conscious barriers in communication. Her mind is hardwired to be unconventional and to go her own way. This leads to Kane sometimes having to have a friendly little chat with her and remind her not to fuck up anything, and make sure she knows, it's his way or the highway. Those don't come too often though, as she is loyal to a fault and extremely honest. Afanasiia might appear a bit intimidating to others; She's cynical of strangers and only really has an "inner circle" that she interacts with on a daily basis within The Purgatory Syndicate, and doesn't really try to make friends outside of that. Everyone else is just a second class minion, in her opinion.


There was nothing pleasant or unsatisfactory about the fourth child of a whore and a father who wasn't active in her early years. She was just a baby, that's all. Her mother was indifferent about her birth; She already had a son and two daughters; Afanasiia was just another child thrown into the pit. Anastasia Andreyeva, the second oldest daughter, took care of Afanasiia most of the time when she couldn't take care of herself. Their mother, a prostitute at a gentleman's club, and a drug addict, came home once a week to see how everyone was doing, then left just as quickly to smoke a joint. This never-ending cycle was reality. The two eldest siblings, Aleksandr Nikolaev and Alyona Nikolaeva, were the ones who bared the grunt of the work. Aleksandr and Alyona held two part time jobs, and even then, it wasn't enough to take care of three children, including themselves. They were always below the poverty line.

Debt crushed the family to pieces when Afanasiia was only seven years old. Everyone became homeless and their Mother didn't have a home to return to after that. Afanasiia began to live on the streets. She continued to receive education throughout middle school and high school, but she was never emotionally-invested in learning, which lead to many problems during her youth. She often skipped classes to roam the streets and ended up dropping out at thirteen. Afanasiia turned to a life of thievery and by fourteen, was gambling and selling drugs to make profit. Materialism became the catalyst for superficial affection, as a result of the mother and father who neglected her. She felt comfort around money and expensive items, such as diamond rings and red wine from France. At fifteen, Afanasiia got involved with the black market and that was when she met Beau Eustis, a street fighter.

Afanasiia was smart, but she wasn't street savvy, and she most certainly didn't have enough experience to handle dangerous situations involving firearms and pocket knives. She stole a gun from a gang, then took off. It didn't take long for them to find her though. Afanasiia was beaten to a pulp when Beau came in and saved her. She was intimidated by how angry and forceful he appeared, but also thrilled and surprised by his fighting spirit. Afanasiia didn't receive much eye contact after the men cringed under pressure from the injuries they'd accumulated. Beau only extended his hand to the poor soul and a simple, yet stern, "Stay away from them" before he left her in the dust. Afanasiia's stomach knotted tightly. She wasn't sure if it was anxiety or wonder; She just knew she wanted to find him again. Circumstances worked in her favor. A couple years later, when she was seventeen, she met him again in a bar.

After sort of reuniting with Beau again on coincidence and getting scolded by him in the back for persuading some person to buy her an alcholic beverage and underage drinking, things changed for Afanasiia over the next couple years. She built a bit more responsibility and common sense around her new acquaintance. Beau even offered to show her a few sparring techniques and Afanasiia's constant visits led to a great friendship, then the abrupt notion of what one could consider complicated feelings for a best friend. While Beau was off doing his own thing, Afanasiia went into drug dealing under the Reverend to try and deal with her emotions and hopefully gain more profit for herself in the wake of still being incredibly poor.

During Afanasiia's time under the Reverend, one of his Saints, Luxuria, was assigned to be her mentor. Afanasiia wasn't too thrilled about a woman teaching her, but gave Luxuria the benefit of the doubt and it proved to be an interesting companionship. Afanasiia was the worst pain in her ass, but she always knew how to get the younger female in line. Over the months, Afanasiia came to admire Luxuria's leadership and see her as a friend, more than a teacher. Luxuria was undoubtedly indifferent about the entire circumstances, and made it abundantly clear many times that she wasn't mentoring her to hold her hand and be there for her whenever she cried; she was there to harden her, to discipline her, and make her an efficient young woman because sooner or later, someone was going to betray her and she wouldn't have anywhere to go if she wasn't serious about working under the Reverend.

The reality stung Afanasiia, but she quit trying after that pep talk. Luxuria was a stubborn, stern, and somewhat patient teacher. Afanasiia learned many things under her; one of the main lessons taught was respect and accountability. "Quote here." Afanasiia took Luxuria's teachings and applied it to what she already knew. The Reverend began to take notice of her after a few years. She was doing much better on her own, bringing in large amounts of profit, and staking those who didn't keep their word. Eventually, she became his Saint, Invidia, but not before meeting Kane, another drug dealer. She'd been watching him from afar, a cute little girl crush manifesting over time. She was jealous and envious of Luxuria for having someone she liked and the emotional connection she assumed they had— something she was not truly capable of creating at this point in time. It still hurt though and the fact that she knew she was somehow a nuisance to Kane anyways, ruined her motivation to try and steal him away like any woman who wanted him would do.

The going got tough (and a little awkward), however, when Kane was sent on a mission by the Reverend. Something in Afanasiia's gut told her it wasn't a good idea. There'd been some suspicious activity around, as of late, and Afanasiia wanted to make sure Kane didn't get in trouble. She warned him, or rather, commanded him not to go. He rudely insulted her, then went on his way, but that didn't stop her from discreetly following after him. Afanasiia kept her distance. She knew why she was following him out into dangerous ground; It was a stupid reason, but it was okay. She didn't want the guy she loved to endure his hardships alone, much less the dreadful possibility of someone sicking a pack of wild dogs on him. The area and the people around it were unpredictable and not exactly trusting. She shook off her thoughts and focused on the task at hand.

The mission went as Afanasiia had expected it to be— he was ambushed by some men who appeared to be followers of Superbia, but she couldn't quite pin their faces to exact allegiances, as she didn't know many people in the Reverend's drug trade or exactly establish eye contact all the time. All she knew was that she had to save Kane or he would die under the pressure of seven men beating up on him. The moment she'd taken her last swing and knocked out one of the men unconscious, she crumbled to the ground, out of breath. A small smile, albeit a little embarrassed, graced her lips as she stood up and walked over to Kane, bruised and bleeding. He rejected her advances at first, but she put on a tough front, grasping his bruised arm while she patched him up. "Stop being such a cry baby," she scolded, and eventually, after a few more petty refusals and giving Kane a good chiding, he finally gave in.

A few beers was enough to lead Kane and Afanasiia down the road to a great friendship. Her mark of bravery and rescuing one of the Saints from explicit danger earned her a spot by the Reverend's side as well. He dubbed her Invidia and Afanasiia took pride in her position. A couple years later, chaos erupted. The Reverend died under mysterious circumstances. This caused brutal tension between the Saints and ensued war between those who supported Superbia and those who supported Ira. Afanasiia took Kane's side without hesitation. Blood was spilled, skin was burned, and Gula was executed by her very own hands. When Kane established a Gentleman's Club called Six Feet Under, Afanasiia took up the job of the main procuress. Despite the rocky road ahead for The Purgatory Syndicate, things go well in business and everything is only just the beginning.

Luxuria— Unaffiliated — Alive
"I won't hesitate to put a bullet through her head the next time I spy her."
Luxuria was Invidia's first teacher and quite possibly, her first girl friend. She was the first person to teach her under the Reverend. Although Invidia was a feisty and stubborn spirit, Luxuria knew how to get her in line and that was how Invidia came to admire the older woman. Unfortunately, their mentorship quickly toppled over when the Reverend passed away and Luxuria decided to stay out of the war. Her decision angered Invidia and the two came at an impasse. Many years of not speaking to each other has raised suspicion in one another and Invidia secretly hopes Luxuria suffers the same fate as Gula for her betrayal.

Ira — The Purgatory Syndicate — Alive

"I'd die for you, I'd cry for you! I'd do anything, I'd lie for you! You know it's true, Baby I'd die for you!"
Invidia met Ira when she was a horrible singer back in the day. Just kidding. It was actually a bit rougher than that. Needless to say, Afanasiia was a bit of a nuisance to him when they first met. She was shy, if not obedient around him. They didn't speak to each other all that much, and despite his consistent rudeness to her, Invidia developed a puppy dog crush on him. However, she never told him about these feelings, as she strongly felt they wouldn't be reciprocated. The two developed a much stronger bond after she rescued him from an ambush. A few drinks and friendship was on its way.

Avaritia — Vanguard — Alive

"Listen, I think you're cool and all, but stay off my boss' turf. Got it?"
Topping sesame snaps wafer tootsie roll jujubes sweet carrot cake biscuit. Marzipan tart macaroon sweet roll. Cake halvah brownie I love jelly beans powder. Toffee sweet roll chocolate jelly. Chupa chups bear claw marshmallow candy jelly beans donut lollipop. Lemon drops jujubes jelly beans I love tootsie roll pastry dessert.

Superbia — Vanguard — Alive

"I don't care. I just don't care anymore."
Pie lemon drops cotton candy jelly donut cheesecake. Apple pie cheesecake sweet apple pie soufflé. Tootsie roll candy canes bonbon cake. Toffee chocolate lollipop dessert icing. Pudding muffin ice cream I love wafer chocolate. Lemon drops I love donut pastry halvah fruitcake. Apple pie chupa chups tiramisu topping biscuit cupcake toffee I love tootsie roll. Bonbon carrot cake jelly-o I love bear claw sweet dragée.

Beau — The Purgatory Syndicate — Alive

"I don't know... I'm kind of... He's cute?"
Beau means everything to Afanasiia, even if it doesn't appear to be so. She's practically an enigma around him. They met when she was fifteen and he saved her from a small gang after she stole one of their guns for protection on the streets. He left her, but his fighting spirit flickered a spark of hope inside her. Beau was her first role model. The two became close over the years, eventually getting to the point where she shared her first kiss with him. Afanasiia isn't sure what to think of him now that he's Ira's bodyguard and she has her own duties to fulfill as well. Beau is kind of distracting, but in a good way.

Circe Norwell — The Purgatory Syndicate — Alive

"How on Earth I actually manage to tolerate her is beyond my brain's comprehension."
Circe is a stray kitten Afanasiia has to babysit while Kane's busy doing his duties as leader of The Purgatory Syndicate. He brought Circe in and since Afanasiia was his right hand man, she kind of got the job of protecting Circe when he wasn't around. Afanasiia wasn't too thrilled about babysitting an ex Vanguard, but tolerating her kind of came easily because of her loyalty to Kane. She has never harmed Circe and makes sure that no harm ever comes to her as well. It's dirty business, but babysitting strangers is nothing new to Afanasiia.

Alexei Volkov — Zenith — Alive

"We used to be sort of close until he joined the wrong side."
Alexei never knew Afanasiia was his half-sister. In fact, he never knew any of the kids he usually played with were his brothers and sisters. That was the traumatic part for Afanasiia. Everyone thought he had amnesia, even his mom. Afanasiia was never truly close with Alexei, no matter how much she willed it. However, because of their similar backgrounds, they stuck together with the rest of the family. When the Reverend died, Afanasiia stuck with Kane and encouraged Alexei to join the syndicate, but he had his sights set on a different goal at the time. Afanasiia was devastated to hear about Alexei joining Zenith with Galloway, but kept it a secret, fearing that one day, she may have to end his life with her own hand.

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Anastasia Vasilyeva
Location: Envy Corporation
Interaction: Asmodeus
Mention: None

"Oh? And what if I didn't?" Dinah latched onto the clear topped desk beside her as Asmodeus suddenly stood up against her, tall and intimidating, compared to her tiny frame. She had to do everything in her willpower to not stumble back from his abrupt change of position. The intoxicating poison that seeped through his words was enough to make her fall prey. "What would you do? Bad boys deserve to be punished, you know." He never ceased to amaze her, even in the moments she didn't want to see him. Dinah had to think fast, but the words that slipped from her lips weren't exactly a match made in heaven, at least for her.

"You know exactly what I would do." She suddenly reached up and tried to rip the cigarette from his lips. If circumstances worked in her favor, that cigarette would be reduced to ashes right between her finger tips. If not, only God knew what might happen. Asmodeus was an unpredictable demon; Dinah didn't know what he genuinely planned for next, only that she had an idea, and it wasn't a professional way of telling an old gal to fuck off. She was sure she knew what he came for, but maybe that was just the lust speaking for her. He was an extremely attractive man; Dinah had to play hard to get for as long as she could, until he finally gave up, but who was to say the demon of lust actually gave up? Dinah knew he didn't take no for an answer, but that kind of game was what kept her heart pumping.
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Ysabel Giuliano
"I am no bird; and no net ensnares me: I am a free human being with an independent will."
Charlotte Brontë, Jane Eyre

Ysabel frustratedly took the bucket of water and mop when it was shoved towards her. It didn't look like fresh water; disgusting. All of them were, but she reluctantly complied and set the heavy bucket down on the deck. Her arm was already strained from carrying it, but she didn't say anything as she dipped the mop in the bucket. Ysabel supposed it was okay that she at least knew what to do. She'd seen the maids do it all the time. It was just dreadful to be reduced to such a station. "Damn pirates," she mumbled under her breath. Was it a really good idea to have her? Apparently not, if they intended on torturing her like this. The noble cringed. She felt like she was being watched.

The little kids, not far from where she was cleaning, talked about her as if she wasn't there. A third pair of boots entered the scene. He walked past her and gave a wave to Connor and Juan. Sammy, the boatswain of the large naval ship, was exhausted from a long day at work. He needed a break as well and went to join the two on the rails. "I hear ya both talkin' from a mile away," he exclaimed heartily, placing his hands on his hips and giving the little lad and lass a big grin. "What's this 'bout? The pretty lady over there?"

Sammy took out a pipe, stuck some tobacco in there, and struck a match, then inhaled and blew out. He gave a huge sigh. It seemed Connor and Juan may have had a bit of an aversion to her being on board as well. Sammy had more a brighter outlook on it. "Mos' don't think it was good to bring her on board. She a frail thing, they say. Can't handle no winds or pirate life. What ya say? I say it's okay, so long as she does the work she's given and don' talk back to the Cap'n." He took another puff of smoke, took off his jacket, and leaned back a bit. "That's to be determined though, isn't it? How was she on the tour, Juan? Did she find her way around alright?"

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Tara settled back in her chair, fingers rhythmically tapping the counter as she quickly proofread everything on the computer and saved it to the database. She flew out of the room to meet up with some more patients, some having check ups, others getting some kind of diagnosis. It was straining work, but she enjoyed helping out people nonetheless. It was like a gift to watch ill persons be brought back to life after going through her. Tara sat down on her chair more than once, distributing advice and referring a diverse range of people to different specialists, others therapists.

She looked at a woman's name on another clipboard handed off to her as she traveled lightning fast down the hallway. One of the hospital staff were at her side, a registered nurse.

"Who is this?"

"Someone due for surgery this afternoon."

Tara glanced down at the clipboard, full of papers. Mastectomy, 35 years old, female, born May 31st. Good lord, the poor thing. "And she's seeing me before going into surgery. Got it." The hospital staffer left and Tara's heart filled with compassion. How many times had she gotten breast tissue removed? So many surgeries.

Location: Hospital
Interacted: Hospital staff (Npc)
Mentioned: n/a
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"Chidananda roopah shivoham shivoham."

► Saanvi Kapoor

► 167 years old

► 27 years old

► Affiliation: No one

► Alliance: Neutrals

► Personality

► Weapons: Katar, húdié shuāngdāo, Bagh naka, Pata, Bow and Arrow

► Places Traveled: Persia, India, China, Nassau, Romania

► Religion: Hinduism

► Hobbies/Interests: Odissi, Belly Dancing, Yoga, Cooking, Weapons, Kuchipudi, Sacred Chants
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► Name: Saanvi Kapoor

► Age: 167 years old

► Age (Turned): 27 years old

► Affiliation: No one

► Alliance: Neutrals

► Personality: Enigmatic, Idiosyncratic, Reactionary, Gracious, Callous, Flamboyant

► Weapons: Katar, Húdié Shuāngdāo, Bagh naka, Pata, Bow and Arrow

► Places Traveled: Persia, India, China, Romania

► Religion: Hinduism

► Hobbies/Interests: Odissi, Belly Dancing, Yoga, Cooking, Weapons, Kuchipudi, Sacred Chants


► Name: Saanvi Kapoor

► Age: 167 years old

► Age (Turned): 27 years old

► Affiliation: No one

► Alliance: Neutrals

► Personality: Enigmatic, Idiosyncratic, Reactionary, Gracious, Callous, Flamboyant

► Weapons: Katar, húdié shuāngdāo, Bagh naka, Pata, Bow and Arrow

► Places Traveled: Persia, India, China, Nassau, Romania

► Religion: Hinduism

► Hobbies/Interests: Odissi, Belly Dancing, Yoga, Cooking, Weapons, Kuchipudi, Sacred Chants
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do not post here! you may, however, use the resources, like fonts, symbols, coding quickies, and pictures. ask permission through pms first before using anything else and do not steal, claim, or replicate anything of my own making! — isla
Fancy Fonts

Testing Forte font
Testing Calibri font
Testing Script MT Bold ***does not work, defaults to TNR***
Testing Britannic bold font ***does not work***
Testing Constantia font

Testing Aharoni font
Testing Magneto font
Testing Mistral Font
Testing Parchment font
Testing Ravie font
Testing Stencil font

Test Broadway font

Testing Copperplate Gothic Light font

Testing Brush Script MT font

Testing Freestyle Script font

Testing Harlow Solid font

Testing Informal Roman font

Testing Viner Hand ITC font

Testing Harrington Font

Testing Bradley Hand ITC font
Testing bold Bradley Hand ITC font

Testing Parchment font
Testing bold Parchment font size 7

Testing Playbill font
Testing Playbill font size 7

Testing Franklin Gothic Medium font
Testing Franklin Gothic Medium font size 7

Testing MS Gothic font
Testing bold MS Gothic font size 7

Testing Berlin Sans FB font

[FONT=forte]Testing Forte font[/FONT]
[FONT=Calibri]Testing Calibri font[/FONT]
[FONT=ScriptMTBold]Testing Script MT Bold[/FONT] ***does not work, defaults to TNR***
[FONT=britannicbold]Testing Britannic bold font[/FONT] ***does not work***
[FONT=constantia]Testing Constantia font[/FONT]

[FONT=aharoni]Testing Aharoni font[/FONT]
[FONT=magneto]Testing Magneto font[/FONT]
[FONT=mistral]Testing Mistral Font[/FONT]
[FONT=parchment]Testing Parchment font[/FONT]
[FONT=ravie]Testing Ravie font[/FONT]
[FONT=stencil]Testing Stencil font[/FONT]

[FONT=broadway]Test Broadway font[/FONT]

[FONT=Copperplate Gothic Light]Testing Copperplate Gothic Light font[/FONT]

[SIZE=6][FONT=Brush Script MT]Testing Brush Script MT font[/FONT][/SIZE]

[SIZE=7][FONT=Freestyle Script]Testing Freestyle Script font[/FONT]

[FONT=Harlow Solid]Testing Harlow Solid font[/FONT][/SIZE]

[SIZE=7][FONT=Informal Roman]Testing Informal Roman font[/FONT]

[FONT=Viner Hand ITC]Testing Viner Hand ITC font[/FONT]

[FONT=harrington]Testing Harrington Font[/FONT][/SIZE]

[FONT=Bradley Hand ITC]Testing Bradley Hand ITC font
[B]Testing bold Bradley Hand ITC font[/B][/FONT]

[FONT=Parchment]Testing Parchment font
[SIZE=7][B]Testing bold Parchment font size 7[/B][/SIZE][/FONT]

[FONT=Playbill]Testing Playbill font
[SIZE=7]Testing Playbill font size 7[/SIZE][/FONT]

[FONT=Franklin Gothic Medium]Testing Franklin Gothic Medium font
[SIZE=7]Testing Franklin Gothic Medium font size 7[/SIZE][/FONT]

[FONT=MS Gothic]Testing MS Gothic font
[SIZE=7][B]Testing bold MS Gothic font size 7[/B][/SIZE][/FONT]

[FONT=Berlin Sans FB]Testing Berlin Sans FB font[/FONT]
My Graphic Requests

do not replicate or copy any of these beautiful graphics made by these lovely people! they worked extremely hard on them and it'd be sad to see that happen. furthermore, do not use them for your roleplay or anything else and do not ask me if you can use them because they are for my personal use only! — isla






sword & rose full header set/mirinae title set made by @WhisperingWillows



avatar and signature set made by @monopoisoner


sword & rose ad banner made by @Kythera


ES character banner made by @Viscera


one x one redstar ad made by @Soulserenity20


signature made by jurate from cttw




