Katrinka's Dating Service

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As a nicely shaped lump was forming on the back of Sean's head, he was carried out to the police car. He was only semi conscience at this point, but conscience enough to recognize the fact he was being arrested. He was roughly tossed into the back of the car, his back hitting the hard plastic seats with a thump. His throbbing head out weighted everything else he was feeling, however he did have time to look over and see April. He looked over at her, not really sure of what to say. After all, he didn't want to try to explain the fact that he had forgotten what had happened last night. In situations like this Sean always held true to something his mother had told him; When in doubt, let your smile do the talking! He flashed her his best award winning grin. How stupid he must have looked smiling so wide in the back of the cop car. As the car began to pull away, Sean heard April yell.


Sean was agaon Confused.

"Whats going on here?" He said to April, no longer caring about his attempt to play off his memory loss from the night before. "Why are we being arrested?" His ignorance to the fact that they may be in serious trouble was laughable, but sometimes Sean could be quite the airhead.
Malcolm smiled at Adare when the man admitted to his habit of "biting" and he couldn't help but laugh. "Mm ... It would all depend on what part of me you're biting," he said with a wink. He stood and was about to leave with him when he remembered something. Deborah! And his bags! "I'll be right back." He walked over to Deborah who was talking to a younger girl. "Hey Debbie!"

Deborah turned. "The name is Deborah ..." she muttered but then she thought, "Screw it. He's going to keep calling me, Debbie." "What is it, Mal?"

Malcolm grinned. She hadn't used that nickname of his in ages. Or maybe it was because he hadn't visited her in ages. Oh well. "I met this guy, Adare, and we're going to get some drinks. Mind if I leave my bags with you?"

Deborah frowned. "What the hell do I look like, your bell girl? And what guy?" Then it dawned on her. There were only two kinds of people here as the cops and paramedics had left: clients and employees ... "Didn't I tell you not to flirt with the clients and employees!" she growled. She was ready to beat him with a stick! If he got his heart broken, that would mean drama she most certainly didn't want. It's why she stayed away from relationships in the first place! She huffed. Why bother. Malcolm Thomas was a stubborn male among stubborn males and she couldn't waste the energy giving him the beating he so richly deserved.

Malcolm smiled a bit sheepishly. "But I didn't flirt, honest. I just sat down like you told me to and I didn't move until all that commotion."

"Fine. Go. You know where I live, right." He'd spoken to her mother, that meant she'd probably given him the information about everything.

Malcolm grinned. "Yep. She even gave me a spare key to your apartment."

Deborah blinked. "Wait, WHAT?!" A spare key?! That was the last straw!

Malcolm took the opportunity to kiss Deborah's cheek. "Thanks. I'll see you later then." He gave her a final wave and disappeared after Adare. He walked beside him in silence, until they got to the street and the man began to sing. He smiled. If that was any indication of how he would be when he drunk, tonight would be quite a night indeed.
Drake watched April get carted off unable to suppress a grin. Had Paris not still been in his arms he would have laughed at her face. If she was charged it would make things all the sweeter, even without a conviction the stigma never went away and shed never be able to carry a gun again. For once he was in a good mood and with a girl in his arms. It was a good enough roll to try his luck.

"Paris, I know this is forward and maybe inappropriate but I'd feel a lot better if you let me walk you home. It just not safe to walk alone it seems."

He paused as an officer cleared his throat behind him. "I'll be right back." he said letting her go and turning to the officer. He knew this was coming and knew his story.

"Yes, I went for a walk, and yes I was alone but all I did was go up the fire escape to get some air." he said before the policeman could open his mouth.

" ....and your name is....." the officer asked yapping pencil against a list of the guests.

"Uhh... Drake..."

"Did you see anyone while you were outside?" the officer continued.

"No, but someone left as I came in, April, shes has a grudge against me too..." he dropped his voice so Paris couldn't hear. "Ever since we spent the night together, strange girl, I saw her put the rubber in her bag."

"Interesting, sure you didn't see anyone else?"

"Yes, sorry I can't be of more help." Drake said speaking normally again.

"You've given us plenty, thank you."

"If I can be of any more help please tell me."
Adare finished a rousing rendition of "Lanigan's Ball" before tilting his head curiously to the man next to him. "Who was that, hmm? A girlfriend I'd have to fight for you? Now tha's not fair at all, she can hit me all she pleases and I couldn't lay a finger on her!" he was trying to remain casual, though his accent intensified slightly and he quelled it with mild irritation. One man, one he'd just met. No sense in getting agitated and worried. It isn't like he means a thing to you yet. And still, he listened intently for an answer.

The street grew darker by degrees as they walked to the car. The Sentra had seen, if not better days, cleaner ones. The silver paint near the tires was barely visible through a coat of caked mud and Adare sheepishly unlocked the passenger side first, trying not to apologize. He had been meaning to get it cleaned, he had just been busy. Before Malcolm could answer his question, he added another quick detail "This'll only take a few minutes, I know a good pleas- er, place. I know a good place".
Malcolm was about to answer Adare when they got to his car. He smiled. "I put myself in your capable hands," he said, in response and slipped inside after a quick thank you. He buckled his seat belt and turned to Adare as he got into the car. "That would be Deborah." He laughed softly, at the thought of her being his girlfriend. Ah, Deborah, she'd much sooner kick him than kiss him. It must have been his boyish charm. "I grew up with her brothers. She works at Katrinka's and I paid her a visit. If it hadn't been for her mother telling me all about Deborah's exciting life in Elswen, I probably would not have come." He was curious about Adare's mention of her, though. Had he been imagining the faint tension in his voice when he had spoken of her. Perhaps he had. Perhaps he was counting all his chickens before the eggs hatched and thinking too much about this. They were merely going for some drinks and maybe if he was lucky, it might be more?
April turned to Sean as he began to ask her questions. She smiled meekly and scratched the back of her head, having stepped through her handcuffs to place them in front of her.

"Okay, so like, here's the deal. Someone from the party last night totes got murdered but like, nobody knows who did it, well other then like me, because I saw the person that totes attacked Katrinka today, and he was all like 'ooooh, I'm a scary little twinky emo boy and nobody loves me so I'm going to like totally snap and kill people' or whatever at least that's how he like looks and all and then like," April paused to catch a breath before diving head first back into her explanation, "so like anyways I went to the coffee mixer today and like it was fun I was talking with this cool gay guy and whatever and then I saw that creeper guy like totally just run off like a total freak and then like Katrinka went out after him to make sure he was okay or whatever but she was totally dragged off to this dank alley and raped and all cut up and as I went out a while later to see where Katrinka had gone and like I saw creepy guy walking back from that direction so like I didn't see Katrinka and I totally like went to see where he came from and found Katrinka all beat up and cut and stuff and then like I came back and called the cops and whatever and like they totally think we came up with this plan and we're serial killers together and like somehow this knife thingy with blood on it made it's way into my purse and I totes know it was that creeper and like I KNOW he did it but I didn't see him around and like it's totally okay. I have an attorney to help me out, I'm sure he'll like totes help you out, I just have to give him a call and whatnot once we like get our one phone call and whatever. So that's what's happening and why didn't you go home to change? I mean I know you were totally shwasted last night because I kept giving you more booze but like you totally should've changed for our second date. All the stuff we did last night shouldn't be all out on display! At least we didn't go ALL the way!" April giggled at the last part but sighed, looking out the window and away from Sean again.


Jon sat on the phone, letting it continue to ring.
Deborah finally notice the phone ringing and walked over to the counter. That's where she found Brandon's business card. Heh. Security consultant, her ass. She'd get right on finding out what was the real deal with this bozo. She pocketed it. But first ... She picked up the phone. "Katrinka's Dating Service, this is Deborah, how can I help you?" She listened as the guy on the other end introduced himself and mentioned the weird dog chick, asking if she was there. "Yeah, she was just here. And yeah, we're having Coffee Night but it's been canceled. The girl you're looking for was just escorted to the police station for questioning. Yeah ... You're welcome. Bye."
Adare relaxed, his muscles seeming to soften slightly and he chuckled with no apparent reason. This had reassured him somewhat, now just to determine if the man was playing a tease for free alcohol. Adare would not have held this against him, he approved of the urge to drink like that. But it would be nice to know, wouldn't it? Adare turned the key in the ignition and the engine flared to life with a soft roar before dying to a low rumble.

"A nice car this one, reliable. Prone to falling out of gear though" he commented, trying to make conversation. As Malcolm sat quietly, he realized he was failing. He felt oddly nervous, as though somehow he were responsible for making the man like him. What a stupid thing that would be, it isn't as though he could really be convinced to change. Unbidden thoughts of staying home on weekends for a temptation greater than a bar clouded his mind briefly and Adare only snapped back to attention at the sound of his car urging him to upshift the gear.

"How long are you in town?" Adare realized this was a very pertinent question only after he said it. Are you going to entice and then abandon me for something back home?
Malcolm blinked and smiled sheepishly. He hadn't realized how silent he'd been, so nervous about how he appeared to the man sitting beside him. He was quiet for awhile more, contemplating his answers. He'd been drifting, traveling for two, nearly three years now. He had some money squirreled away and he'd taken odd jobs during his journey. He had so many stamps on his passport, there was hardly any room left for another. But he wasn't wandering around aimlessly, he knew that. "As long as it takes to find out if what I'm looking for is here," he finally replied, honestly.

But could Adare be what he was looking for? Did Deborah have something with her philosophy never to get involved in affairs of the heart to avoid all the heart ache? Perhaps to the first question. And no, he couldn't let himself believe that, to the second. He couldn't go his entire life and not try to find that special someone. "I travel a lot," he explained a bit more and his eyes went out, to the window. "Someone very close to me told me I should go out and find someone special." He forced himself to turn to the man beside him, look at his face, admire him, even with his intense gaze. Could you be that someone special? he wanted to ask.
Adare shifted, trying to avoid becoming too enthralled by the man next to him. The last time he'd blushed, he couldn't remember. It wouldn't be just now, he wouldn't let it be. Trying to liven up the conversation, Adare skimmed an entire list of things he could say, trying to be entertaining but he remained speechless. His friend seemed like his father, proud of him to the bitter end but tired of his partying ways.

Adare stumbled over a few sentence beginnings, resting finally on what was almost a wounded sounded question, he tried to ease it with a forced chuckle at the end. "So you could just... pack up tomorrow and it would be like you were never here? You could just move on". It was a statement to himself, a fat warning pasted on the man's forehead that told him not to think of anything but a diverting drinking partner. He struggled with what to say and realized I don't even know if he likes... people like me. Men?

"If you expect me to be a wingman to help you pick up women, you're sadly mistaken, you know. I'd like to get to know you better but as of right now..." and then he paused, unable to restrain his hand from going to his mouth, though dropping it nearly instantly to the steering wheel. So Adare had never been subtle. I'd like to get to know you better, that was a bit much for even him though. How to play that one off?

Adare laughed again, flashing a toothy smile.
Malcolm forced a smile but interpreted Adare to mean they were just acquaintances getting a drink together. He had been mistaken then. Once again, he had seen something that wasn't there to begin with. "I understand," he told the other man, keeping the disappointment out of his voice. See the silver lining. Getting drinks and hanging out with someone, even if that someone had no real interest. But what had the kiss on the hand meant, the flirting ... Teasing, then?

"Eh, men, women ... I've learned to be open to the possibilities." Of course, he understood such talk might land him on the receiving end of a punch but you only lived once, right? And he couldn't change who he was, because he was afraid of the response he might get.
"Bah, women are fickle" Adare said, lightening up noticeably. He narrowed his eyes, reassessing the man next to him, his cheeky grin widening as he ran his eyes almost hungrily over him. Adare plunged in, he wasn't in any way willing to dance around any more. I hope he likes me, not just men! Keeping his eyes on the road - they were nearly there, Adare removed his right hand from the wheel and placed it lightly, moveably, on Malcolm's thigh. Hope I don't get decked, that'd be something to explain to work!

Part of Adare hurt though, just a little. The man had basically told him he didn't plan to stick around, to not get attached, what with talking about still searching for something... "I prefer someone a little more stable". A hint, a hope, a wish for something to grab on to. But maybe if the man was only focused on one thing - an innuendo.
Malcolm laughed. Fickle, that fit women exactly. "They are!" he agreed. He actually blushed when he felt and found Adare's hand on his thigh. He smiled at his words, a reassuring smile, even as he took the hand off his thigh. He kissed the knuckles and pressed the palm against his cheek. He turned his head to kiss Adare's palm, wishing he could kiss him, taste him. "I could be stable for you," he promised, hoping he wouldn't scare Adare away. They barely knew each other and yet, he would put his feelings on the line and see where things went.
~Man this girl can talk!~

Thought Sean as April recalled all the events he had missed. A murder! His mind raced, it was not such a surprise now. After all, the way Sean had appeared it was no wonder that the police wanted to question him. Despite all the downfalls of his day thus far, Sean couldn't help but smile when April said "second date". She had answered the question he had really meant to ask; Did we hook up last night? Even if they didn't go all the way, it was still a win for Sean. Suddenly, things seemed a lot better, the stress of the day seemed to weigh a little less. April was definitely a flirt, Sean's one true downfall. He looked at it like a challenge. Although, in the past, girls like April had caused him nothing but trouble and heartache, he couldn't say no to the challenge of getting her to fall for him.

"Well, I would have changed, but I woke up hanging by my foot from your fire escape." Said Sean assuming that was her fire escape he had been hanging from.

As the car pulled up to the police station, Sean saw two detectives coming towards the car. They would no doubt be questioned and detained. Sean took a deep breath, preparing for his first time in jail.
Adare sobered a little. Was it really him who had voiced that he wanted something stable? All those nights of partying and alcohol in the night, awkward mornings... but it was true. In this man, Adare saw something solid and somehow comforting. He tried to dismiss it Who am I to need comforting? but it nagged at him incessantly. Trying to work this out, Adare closed his eyes for a moment.

"I'll take you up on it, but only after tonight, only after you know what you're getting into" he warned, his dark eyes intent. The car had stopped moving, they had arrived. Adare twisted from the car, his lithe frame requiring twisting and turning to maneuver out. Adare opened the passenger door for Malcolm and helped him to his feet. Without warning, as soon as Malcolm was standing, Adare pulled him close and pressed a deep, rough kiss against his lips.

After a second, Adare released him, turning and doing his best to act nonchalant as he neared the bar. There was a pink glow to his cheeks and his heart beat was thumping almost erratically in his chest. "It's this door, just here".
He grinned. That sounded like a challenge if he'd ever heard one but he realized how serious this was to Adare and how important it was to him so he nodded. Tonight. The space of five or six hours to see what type of person this man was and in the morning ... Who could say for sure. He watched Adare move out of the car and was turning to get out himself when Adare appeared at his door and opened it for him. He had to suppress a charming laugh. A man could get used to being spoiled like this.

The biggest surprise awaited when he was finally on his feet ... A kiss! Mm ... And not just a peck, either! Deep and rough, passionate and raw. A man could get used to this as well! When Adare broke away, he had to take a deep breath, his own heart beating fast, every fiber of his body alive in a way he'd never thought possible. He came out of his daze in time to see the man walking away and followed. "So ... how does a hot guy like you spend his time?" he asked, curious.
Jon sighed as he stepped into his black BMW M6. How can she get into trouble like this again? I've warned her not to do stupid stuff and I bet she was drinking, she does that too often. At least this time she's an adult so Mom and Dad won't hear about this...I don't know what I did to deserve such a wild younger sister... He sighed, starting up the engine and heading first to Katrinka's, at least he could get a better grasp of things surrounding his sister. As he drove by a bar he saw two men passionately kiss and Jon nearly swerved off the road gawking. He quickly regained control and pulled himself steady slowly focusing on the task at hand.

It wasn't long before he pulled up to the hotel that Katrinka held her lavish affairs. Sighing he stepped out and headed up the stairs, his car chirping behind him as he locked it and stepped inside. Everyone around was in an uproar. Jon spotted a woman behind the bar and headed straight for her.

"Hey, I just called about my sister? Yeah, um, I need to know exactly what happened. I'm her attorney and you looked like a great person to ask questions to. After all, beautiful women always have the best secrets." He flashed a flirtatious smile as he leaned gently against the bar.


April was pulled out of the cop car, the cops irritated that her cuffs had found their way to the front of her body. "What? Like I could totes do anything to you guys, I'm like tiny compared to you! Like, get over it!" She rolled her eyes but shot a mournful glance at Sean, he didn't seem to pleased with the situation. His memory loss wouldn't be good because it would make April look more guilty, especially since they thought they were both in on it.
Sean saw April get pulled from the car and thought to himself "Thats not so bad". Then they came to his door and he heard over the radio ~{crackle} Male suspect is confrontational [crackle} ~ Thats when he felt two gorilla sized arms lock around his body and practically hurl him from the car. However, their arms did not leave his body as he hit the concrete with a dull thud. Sean had a second to catch his breath as he was thrown against the car, the wind being knocked out of him in the process. He gasped for air as the large of the two police officers got about two inches from hsi face, close enough for Sean to smell the BLT he had for lunch.

"Listen her you little Punk, are we gonna have any trouble from you?" As the cop asked this his mouth curled up into a foul snarl

"No...no...." Stammered Sean "Not at all, sir."

And with that, he was walked towards the main station where he would no doubt be put into a holding cell.
April suppressed a giggle at how the cops treated Sean. She held it together. Of course they knew better then to hurt a lady especially when her lawyer was going to be on his way soon and they didn't want to get sued for mistreatment.

The cops were very kind to April and treated her gently as they took her to the interrogation room. There she was served coffee and was allowed to sit quietly for a while as the other cops prepared. It almost felt like a job interview for April. She sat patiently in the room, occasionally taking a sip of the coffee. Like if they're trying to crack me by giving me the like silent treatment or whatever...it's so like, not going to work! April rolled her eyes and smiled as a cop came in.

"You want to call your attorney?" The cop asked her, a serious expression on his face.

"Oh yeah! He'll be here soon enough I'm sure. I think he'll also be litigating for Sean...but can I, like call him and whatever?" April responded, as her phone was slid over to her.
Paris felt like a real bitch abandoning the place when everything was crazy. But hell, who really expected her to be comfortable with all this? She just applied for this job today. So when Deborah suggested she go home, Paris wasn't going to argue.

Drake offered to walk her home, and she had nodded when he excused himself to talk to the police for a second. Much to her chagrin, she had to talk to one of the officers too. She explained who she was, how she got there. About Drake freaking out and going outside and how she told Miss Carrel so she could check on him. At that point, Paris had a big lump in her throat and was having a hard time speaking. She told Miss Carrel to go outside. If she hadn't done that it wouldn't have happened...

When Drake returned Paris was on the verge of tears.

"Yeah, I'd like if you walked me home...? I live right down the street in the apartments."


Katrinka had Brandon's jacket around her and quickly hopped in to his vehicle when he pulled up and opened the door for her. As soon as she was inside and they were pulling on to the street away from work, she had released a deep breath. Her head rest on the back of the seat and she closed her eyes. There were a lot of things swimming around in her head, but she was trying to focus and still her mind. Rain pouring down on the roof gave a nice calming backdrop. She was okay. It was a bad day, but she would live.

She took at glance at him out of the corner of her eye. He kept clenching his jaw. "I'm sorry about today." she said with a weak grin. "Normally things aren't so... uh... crazy."
