Kaosu No Sekai

  • Thread starter Six Million Dollar Man
  • Start date
As soon as Rika saw John get in the way, she tried to draw back the blade. But it was already in full swing, and while she could lessen the force with which she struck John's hand, Rika could not stop the blow altogether. Seeing the blood gush from his hand brought tears to Rika's eyes. "ジョン。。。血。。。私は馬鹿です!私は自分の少年を傷つけた。。。どのように私できた?" Rika wailed loudly. Through her wet eyes, she tried to rip some fabric off her shirt to bandage John with. Yet she soon discovered it was a lot harder than it was on TV. Mad at her shirt, Rika was considering cutting her own hand too, to show how sorry she was.
Attribute Zone Network; Synapse Moderator OTTAVIA; Activate.

Marcelette Ottavia, designated A.Z.N-S.M of Zone 001 clicked to life in the spinning umbrage of the Free Realm...a place long abandoned by those who had placed her there. Her subroutines detected the functionality of her Moderation Order Enforcer, her weapon and faithful servant, a construct attached to her on an algorithmic level, a tool that was necessary for the application of her will. AINSLEY lingered nearby, in the form of a stylish, if outdated, gentleman's cane, which meshed well with her suit and top hat. She parted her purple tinted lips and opened gleaming azure eyes, drinking in the soothing silence. Nearby, the sound of a man clearing his throat could be heard and Marcelette cringed at the phlegm choked sound.

"Mistress, I believe we have been activated for a reaso-"

"I know, Ainsley."

The device gave a derisive noise and flew into her gloved hand.

"Then you are surely aware that-"

"Yep. Beret shortage in Vector Nine."

"That's not at all-"

"We had best be on our way, dear. Please allocate the appropriate transference node, we have no time to dawdle. This is a serious affair."

Ainsley gave no response, but his form began to glow; lines of acid green characters dancing across the surface of the cane. The Free Zone shifted into a drifting indigo mist, which slowly began to coalesce into a cityscape, plumes of aimless mist formed into towering structures and a bustling city beyond.

"Transference node in Vector Nine activated, sliding initiated. Source of shortage located. Shall I take us closer?"


Marcelette stared ahead, watching the purple mist twist into humanoid shapes ahead of her. She could see the drifting, final lines of code that were the destroyed berets and she moved her dainty, pristine, gloved hand toward the small green swirls. They flocked to her like moths to a flame, dancing around her finger tips as she worked her routines against the dire eventuality that had taken place. The berets reformed, suspended in midair. Ainsley ceased his humming and became lightless once more.

"Berets stabilized. Now commencing with insertion of A.Z.N-S.M; Marcelette Ottavia into Vector Nine."

"Do make certain that the berets make it intact. It would be a tragedy if this shortage were to continue."

"As you say, Miss. Allocating beret data back into corporeal space. They will arrive in Tokyo with us."

With a decompression of space that rocked the leaves on nearby trees, a strange girl appeared, surrounded by a swirl of restructured berets, which, as a result of the spatial decompression, flew in every direction. Her clothes had been changed, but the cane had remained, as she had chosen to don the standard apparel for Vector Nine; a school uniform, with a too short skirt, showing off legs, that were well defined, leading up to wide hips but a narrow waist, a flat stomach and bulging breasts. Black hair draped over her face, a tangle of swoops and slopes that trailed down to her navel. Azure eyes peeked out from beneath at the scene before her. Tears and strife. Blood and thunder.

Marcelette twisted her porcelain face into a pout, running her long tongue over the small swell of her purple lips. She didn't want to make a scene, but, hell, the level of stylish head accessories had to be restored! It had to!

(sorry for the long post. I'd love to be a part of this.)
If Rika wanted to play the summoning game, then so be it - he would attempt to beat her at her own game. He managed to shout these three words, before stumbling back from being jabbed in the throat. Not that he felt pain, but his speech was impeded, to a point where his shouts were temporarily disabled. However, the fez-wearing spirit remained, his target clear. The Ebony Fluff was attacked furiously - the blade of its assailant was slicing at an alarming rate. Its hat luck-reducing powers were powerless before the might of the legendary fez upon the phantom's head, the power held within it that of a legendary hat hero. But, more trouble presented itself in the form of a girl, whose appearance was punctuated by a blizzard of berets. This was unacceptble - and the hero he had summoned seemed to think so too.

Upon John's head, a fez was placed. But this was no ordinary fez - if he was to be outnumbered, then he would level the playing field. Clothes now purely made of red velvet, he put his hand out, seeming to motion towards the two beret supporters.
For a moment or two, nothing happened - but then, the effects of his second phase revealed themselves, or at least, one of them. A thousand different makes of the fez empire, descended upon the berets - their tassels could block out the sun. Countless hats, all disappearing a moment after they it something, but their presence was undeniable. If they wanted war, then war they would get.
Ryan blinked at the fact the blood was really pouring out his palm. He'd remembered something about the atmosphere that he'd applied to the flight he'd taken long ago to get to this country, and considered if it made him suddenly have about as many gallons of blood as a football field stored within himself. Well, he didn't really want to find out about that, seeing as he was able to throw off Kobayashi and prevent Rika from getting ultra-violent.

He stared for a moment at the torn rag that covered his hand. It'd do until he'd get some pressure on it. And found it he had, when he used his bleeding fist to take Rika's hand, proceeding to sprint out of there as fast as he could, eventually having to pull Rika onto his back from his sheer super speed.


(Nonsense Sleep. Your post was brilliant. :D)
"Miss Ottavia, there are several anomalies; phase variants of existing-"

Marcelette huffed, twirling the cane as he continued to speak, his tone undulating in pitch as the silver ball that served as his communication orifice rotated in a half-solid streak before her.

"head arrays on rapid approach, I suggest-"

She knew what he would say and opted for a more direct course of action. The silvery streak of her whirling M.O.E ceased, though it was obvious, evidenced by the myriad ghostly outlines that now followed every move and twist of the cane that she had activated one of her synergies with Ainsley.

"Rectification Shift! Activate 'Fencer's Promenade'!"

The cane shifted shape immediately, though the weathered device retained its color scheme, shifting into an elegant length of gleaming atramentous steel, topped with an incandescent silver pommel. With impressive coaction, Marcelette and Ainsley struck forward, catching the the fez that had been aimed at her with a serpent's speed and inhuman precision. As they collided with the dancing weapon, the fez disintegrated rapidly; almost too quickly for the A.Z.N-S.M to follow the data purge that denoted the complete removal of the dangerous attack from corporeal space.

Her pout became a grimace as she slashed at the air, unscathed by the attack and annoyed by the impunity with which mortals would attack such a superior being.

"Rectification Shift; Deactivate! Assume 'Proper Form'."

"As you wish."

The rapier became a cane once more, the ghostly outlines sinking back into the surface of the tool. She smiled widely at her fez wearing assailant, and lowered the still raised Ainsley to her side, taking a moment to watch as the others fled. Wishing silently that she had been granted the opportunity to speak to the owner of the berets. Instead, the errant headgear began to orbit around her, drifting in from nearby nooks and crannies; vanishing after a single orbit.

"I have no quarrel with you, stranger. I am the Attribute Zone Network Synapse Moderator. Designation; O.T.T.A.V.I.A. You may refer to me as Marcelette!"

"Beret data stored in P.D-Designation 'Inventory'."

"Thank you, Ainsley."

"Certainly miss, I am prepa-"

Her attention was focused on the man in front of her, solely and completely as she chose to reveal her true colors. An adumbral contrast to the red velvet her attacker wore, her tophat appeared on her head; a proud and noble character accent. She traced her fingers along the solid brim and winked at the man.

"Your manipulation of the fez's spatial and corporeal data is impressive. I haven't seen such a barrage in several cycles! You must tell me your name!"
"私は後であなたと戦うために継続していきます!今のところは残さなければならない。しかし放課後、ベレー帽は勝利を持たなければならない!" Rika yelled, as Ryan dragged Rika off. How Rika wished to meet the girl who seemed to be another beret lover- yet for now her boy friend was dragging her off somewhere. Rika wanted to be able to run with him instead of being dragged, but she'd never be able to keep up with his pace. Still, she had no complaints, since at least she got to hold her boy friends hand. Except...she did wonder where they were going. The American was new to town, so how would he know where anything is? "ええと... どこで私を取ってていますか?" Rika questioned, gasping for breath when she tried to speak at such speed. ((Her large boobs bounced about more with the momentum of the running.))

((OOC: Last part in brackets, as I wasn't sure whether to include it or not.))
Pausing for a moment, John deliberated over whether to speak, or whether to speak or present his ID card, stating his purpose for not using his voice. in the end, he decided to murmur his name, if only to display the fact that he couldn't speak. he had to make an example - he wasn't just fez and velvet.
"John. John Kobayashi."
The ground shook beneath their feet - not much, as he was using only a fraction of the power his sensei had infused in him, so as not to create a crater where the newcomer was standing. He was only murmuring, but the power that could be realised by him was tremendous. That aside, she was donning a top hat. That, he supposed, allowed her to not be ripped limb from limb - for now. He respected the top hat - the pinnacle of classy headgear, rivalled only by the simple, yet elegant bowler hat. John bowed slightly, towards his would-be assailant, showing no reaction other than caution.
"Saaaaaafety!!!" Explained Ryan rather loudly, as he stopped just several feet from a wall, before putting Rika down, and huffing a bit. That mad sprint had taken much of the energy out of the boy, as he turned around to realize that he had in fact gotten to the school building. He stopped to look at his phone's digital clock to get an idea of how late they must have been. Needless to say, they had… actually gotten in just in time for class.

"Uh, Rika?" Began Ryan, as he busted out the translation dictionary from his inventory, and began to flip through to a phrase page, and asked 'would you guide me?' to his sorta kinda girlfriend, before proceeding to read the dictionary over a bit to absorb some of the language.



An angry fish monger with two cleavers suddenly appeared, behind him, about a dozen other stall owners glaring angrily at Ryan and Rika.

"You bastards ruined my stall!" He roared furiously. "Either you pay up for the Sashimi, or I TURN YOU into Sashimi, you little shits!"

"Ah…" Ryan attempted to begin an excuse. "Well, funny thing about that, friend. I haven't got any money, and…well…Okay, I can cover about a pound of fish, but that's it. Can I pay you back the rest later?"

"One Pound Fish?…. ONE POUND FISH?!"

As if he and his honor had been insulted, the Fish Monger charged at Ryan, who was getting pretty sick of all these confrontations. He figured it wouldn't hurt to give up his previous deal of avoiding danger and conflict at all costs, as he stomped into the ground, and preformed a chambered punch that helped to launch a small chunk of the pavement like a makeshift projectile, his sheer strength allowing him to remove the chunk and hit it bare handed, as it flew into the left fist of the fish monger.

"Rika! Be Careful!"
Rika dodged out of the way of the projectile. Two words her English teacher had drilled into her head were 'safety' and 'careful', due to Rika's tendency to be around trouble. "あなたも、帽子で支払われるに値しません!愚かな魚男!" Rika yelled at the fish monger. This time she drew her sword for well justified protection. "ジョンは、今夜私たちは一緒に寿司を持ってみましょう。私はあまりにもあなたの日本語のお手伝いをします。" replied Rika, to John's earlier question.
"Uh, Sure!" Replied Ryan, who happened to be blushing at the fact she just asked him out, promising sushi and him learning the language, or whatever she meant, considering he was going through one hell of a rough translation. A Cabbage vendor was utilizing his ki to turn his cabbages as hard as iron, and wielding them like boxing gloves, as he swung wildly to try and knock Ryan's head clean off, until the american boy had forced two palm strikes onto the greens of doom.


And then, both Cabbages exploded. Ryan then followed this up with a furious karate chop to the face!


"Yama Te Ha! (Mountain Blasting Wave)"

"Your name is John, you say?"

Marcelette steadied herself after the rumbling subsided, an unrestrained grin forming on her face. Something about him interested her greatly, whether it be his obvious mastery of fezbilities (or fezalities, if you prefer) or his cautious demeanor; the O.T.T.A.V.I.A construct felt that she and the stranger in front of her shared a common bond. With the hat situation in the early stages of rectification, she pondered the possibilities of recruiting John Kobayashi for her own ends.

"Tell me, John. I do hope it is permissible to refer to you without an honorific, as it would not do to have you shouting at me over something so trivial. But, as I said, please, if you would be so kind, tell me as to what happened here? The disturbance I detected...what brought me to this place, wasn't just your battle with the Beret Disciple. Something far darker is at work, here, I can feel it in the molecular crossbreeze."
She tilted her head at him, finally returning his bow with a fluid curtsey, lifting her skirt at the hem, revealing just the edges of a frilly pair of panties.

"I will need the assistance of everyone who was here today. The residual data from your confrontation has yet to disperse and I fear that if such battles are to continue at such a pace...this area may be facing my moderation."

She rose from her gracious gesture, her eyes focused on John Kobayashi, watery with overwhelming righteousness.

"If we can not correct this. All of Zone 001 will need to undergo correctional action..."

A tear slid down her cheek, tracing the gentle curve of her chest.

"Please help me, sir!"

"Miss Ottavia, do you think it is wise to beseech this human for help? He is obviously partnered with other forces that lend him at least part of their powe-"

"Silence, Ainsley. I have already said 'please'. There is no turning back now."
John was cautious, even when her eyes watered - crocodile tears were something he was extremely wary of. However, no matter what type of training he had gone through, and no matter how much he could restrain his power, he was still a teenage boy. One going through the pains of puberty at that. As such, the fact that a small trickle of blood emerged from his nose upon catching sight of her underwear was a fairly expected reaction. He had managed to tear his eyes away from her breasts as well, but only because he had convinced himself that there would be a time and place for staring. Likely when there was a hot spring – because, if he knew one thing, it was that hot springs were always involved.

With some degree of hesitancy, he nodded, slowly and deliberately. It was evident, from this gesture, that he was willing to assist this stranger in her quest – whatever it might be – but his demeanour suggested some degree of distrust. Only natural – he had grown up without much contact, and was practised in a ki art that would tear someone to shreds if he coughed at the wrong moment during a conversation. It was a rare and impressive art, resulting in people only befriending him to use him. He didn't expect anything else this time, though he figured this might be his chance to finally get his hands on a decent pair of breasts.