Original poster
Hello to everyone! I'm new to the site and have just joined. Call me Kaine. Not much to do in the way of nicknames with that, but if anyone wants to give it a shot go for it!
I am Male, 16 (17 in a month), aaaand... Shy as hell. ._.
I haven't done enough RPing to decide on my favorite for certain, but I'd say either Scifi or Fantasy.
I have a few characters of very different style, morality, and personality. I'd say I prefer my True Neutral Magi, Regol. Or my Neutral Evil Jack-of-All-Stats, Kaine.
Give me zeh Wolfies. OwO (Random question/intro point is random. XD)
Fav song... Ehh... The issue there is it has no lyrics. So no singing, sadly.
Well, now that I'm done following the intro instruction thing word for word, I'd like to say I do have some RP experience with other people, but most of my characters have never seen the world beyond RPGs like The Elder Scrolls or other such games. While I have been part of an RP for the last two years, it is a fantasy kitchen sink where it is difficult to do anything without it being reeeeeally strange. And despite being in Fanfiction's Legend of Zelda section, having no9thing to do with LoZ.
So... Yeah. Hi.
I am Male, 16 (17 in a month), aaaand... Shy as hell. ._.
I haven't done enough RPing to decide on my favorite for certain, but I'd say either Scifi or Fantasy.
I have a few characters of very different style, morality, and personality. I'd say I prefer my True Neutral Magi, Regol. Or my Neutral Evil Jack-of-All-Stats, Kaine.
Give me zeh Wolfies. OwO (Random question/intro point is random. XD)
Fav song... Ehh... The issue there is it has no lyrics. So no singing, sadly.
Well, now that I'm done following the intro instruction thing word for word, I'd like to say I do have some RP experience with other people, but most of my characters have never seen the world beyond RPGs like The Elder Scrolls or other such games. While I have been part of an RP for the last two years, it is a fantasy kitchen sink where it is difficult to do anything without it being reeeeeally strange. And despite being in Fanfiction's Legend of Zelda section, having no9thing to do with LoZ.
So... Yeah. Hi.