Justice: Reborn (OoC)

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Image of Character:

Name: Keziah Lois Holt

Alias: Supergirl

Age: 20

Race: Human-Kryptonian

Powers/Abilties: Superhuman Strength, Speed, Invulnerability,senses and intelligence. Alisha compared to the average Kryptonian is only 1/4 as powerful and lacks abilities like heat vision and X-Ray vision. She also can enter a mode which she believes can put her on pare with Superman or the very least Wonder Woman. By putting her Kryptonian cells into this uses more solar energy then she can absorb increasing her power for a short time but leaves her powerless and in a overexerted state for 12 hours.

Skills: She was taught by Mr. Terrific in hand to hand combat and is extremely intelligent which comes as no surprise since she was raised by the 3rd smartesrt man in the world. She is able to hack computer Systems and create programs.

Weapons: Herself.

Bio: Alisha is a clone of Superman's daughter that never was. She was scrapped off the fetus of this daughter by Ray Palmer, Also know as The Atom. With the help of his friend Micheal Holt, Also know as Mr Terrific. Together they had planed to create a physiological weapon that would send superman into insanity. She was also attended to be as powerful as him threw her rapid growth. Together these to factor would annihilate superman with the help of the insurgency.

This plan was actually kept secret from the insurgency, including Batman who would not approve. 5 years into this project which was finally blossoming Ray suddenly realize the cruelty of this. Reviving a man's dead daughter that he was trick into killing seem unethical, Even if the man is Superman. Ray left this project leaving Micheal alone. He continued this project for a few month until he started to think the same thing. He originally planned on killing this clone but with it being in it's infancy he took pity on her and decided to raise her as a daughter to take responsibility his creation. He was also hesitant to waste such a potential weapon...no Hero.

(Not Finished with Bio)

Weaknesses: (At least 3. We all have a weakness of some kind, be it physical, emotional, or psychological).

Other: (include any additional information you want. Maybe a catchphrase that your character says, or any pets they may have).
@mr_pibbs here just need to finish it up when I get home from work, no pics or anything here so I can't do the appearance bit and looking for a couple good demony pics as well to be a different looking Etrigan
Are we waiting on anyone else? Or are we good to go?
Erm.. May I join? I really love superheros and anything of the sort. This seems like an interesting twist on things I adore so I was hoping it wouldn't be too late. I can make a character quickly if that is an issue. I just want to join.
Sure! We're still waiting on people anyways


Princess Cheolphy

[pronunciation: Chi-El-Fee]

Chloe Blackwell



  • Tamaranean Physiology: Tamaraneans constantly absorb ultraviolet radiation and convert it to energy.
  • Linguistic Assimilation: Another feature of being Tamaranean means she can learn any language by kissing another person native to that area.
  • Flight
  • Superhuman Durability
  • Superhuman Strength
  • Starbolts: She can shoot green energy blasts from her eyes and hands. Due to her experimentation she can also create a sort of nova blast but that requires her to be almost as hot as the sun and most times leads to her unconsciousness from the physical requirements. More of a last resort, one and done kind of thing even if its not very effective.
  • Hand to Hand Combat: Cheolphy was trained by the skilled elites of Tamaran. She knows many forms of fighting techniques but since her training was abruptly ended it is not likely that she will actually use them.
  • Battle Instincts: Tamaraneans are required to know battle like the back of their hand from practically out the womb. All things considered she definitely knows her way around the battlefield. Her intuition is very spot-on in most cases.

Cheolphy was born into the royal family that current ruled over her homeworld, Tamaran. The planet was filled with prosperity and brotherhood. The Tamaraneans valued love and community above all else but the inhabitants were still known for their war-like behavior. Tamaraneans were trained to be skilled warriors from adolescence. This was no different even for a princess. Cheolphy had the most top of the line trainers instructing her under the careful watch of her father. Much like any other Tamaranean, the thirst for battle came naturally and she flourished on the field.

While still in the early stages of her adolescence her planet was attacked by the Citadel. The war began to seem hopeless as their army dwindled down. The King then proposed a deal to the leader of the Citadel. His daughter Cheolphy in exchange for peace. The Citadel, gladly accepting his offer, took her away where she was a slave for many years. She endured seven years of torture until she was then sold to the Psions along with her sister. During that time she was exposed to all kinds of experimentation that augmented her powers, making them stronger than her natural limits.

Five years later her sister's followers broke her free but left Cheolphy behind. This caused a stint of resentment to grow toward her sister. Eventually she did break herself out of their captivity and decided to take refuge on Earth to escape the grip of the Psion. Who would have guessed that she picked a planet in a war with an almighty dictator. Later on she was found by the Insurgents who asked her to join their cause. Seeing the state of the world reminded her of her own homeworld and how she didn't want the same thing to happen here, so Cheolphy gladly agreed to join their revolution.

As she began to learn some of the Earthly customs, Cheolphy decided to take on the name Chloe Blackwell to blend in with the earthlings since her real name was too hard to pronounce. While on duty as the 'hero of the world' she took on the name Starfire because of her forced ability to shoot energy blasts.

  • Unruly emotions: Tamaraneans are known for their intensity not only in battle but in personality. Her personality just so happens to go from one extreme to another in times of distress. She can't control them very well but she certainly feels remorse for any hindrances the team may encounter.
  • Incomplete knowledge: Born and raised on Tamaran means that her knowledge of Earth and its customs is limited.
  • Mental fortification: She is vulnerable to mental attacks and manipulations just as any other race. She's an alien not an all powerful immortal. On that note she also tends to let her emotions cloud her judgment when scenarios get the better of her.
  • People: Seeing others in pain causes her some distress given how she was once a princess who cared for her people. She would rather die in place of her comrades suffering.
  • Troubled past: Seeing or hearing certain things can 'trigger' the past tortures she went through causing her to break down or freeze up.
Her hair can turn into fire if she is enraged or if she gets hot enough and she hates her sister.

Alright looks good! Glad to see another Titan joining the ranks!

How many more sheets are we waiting on? Three/Four?
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Alright I'm gonna try to have the IC up soon, I'll let anyone else who we're waiting on join as the RP progresses. I'll probably let a few more people in, maybe 1-2.

So to recap our characters, we have:

Robin, Supergirl, Dr. Fate, Captain Marvel, Terra, a reserved character for @Archer, Starfire, and it looks like we'll have a Raven as well.
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Name: Raven Roth
(Anyone who ever gets really close to her sometimes calls her Rae)

Alias: Raven

Age: 19

Race: Azarathanian

Powers and Abilities: The basis of almost all of Raven's powers are derived from her soul-self.

Astral Projection: She is able to project her soul from her body into corporeal form using it to interact with the physical world, affect others mentally, and to traverse through time-space. Her soul-self takes the form of a double of her own body, or more commonly, a large black raven. She is capable of changing its shape and mass at will, and can alter her own appearance with her soul-self, to a degree.

Projection of Thoughts and Will: She is able to project her soul-self into the minds of others to communicate, facilitate calm or to force people into submission with a devastating mental attack. Though normally composed of energy that is colored black, Raven's soul-self can change color depending on her emotional state, manifesting as red or white.

Advanced Telekinesis: Raven can merge a small part of her soul-self into objects in order to take control of them, with the object essentially becoming an extension of her soul-self; this may be the reason why she prefers to take control of inanimate objects rather than people. The limit to how much matter she is able to control is unknown, though it ranges well into hundreds of tons, allowing her to hurl city buses, mounds of rubble or even uprooting whole slabs of pavement. Whenever she takes control of something, it is covered in the same dark energy that composes her soul-self.

Creating Solid Constructs: With her soul-self able to be molded into any shape, Raven often creates simple domes or walls that act as barriers against attack. She can project solid bolts to be used as projectiles, or a steady stream of solid force. She has been shown making razor sharp blades to cut through obstacles, claws that can restrain foes, and floating platforms to ride on.

Interdimensional Teleportation: Raven's soul-self is able to envelop her (along with at least four other people) and transport her to other dimensions, primarily Azarath. She can use this technique to travel vast distances on Earth, or to teleport by momentarily displacing herself and then re-appearing in another location. She can pass through walls and obstacles by simply teleporting past them, giving the illusion of intangibility. At times, Raven has been shown creating portals with her dark energy in order to travel, rather than utilizing her soul-self.

Empathy and Healing: She has the psionic ability to sense the emotions of others, allowing her to gain insight into their thoughts and intentions, and even experience their own feelings. This also enables her to sense the mental state of others, as she has stated that she would know if someone's mind had been tampered with. Raven can absorb the pain of others into her own body in order to induce rapid healing for them, and can heal herself by going into a trance of emotional calm. She can receive precognitive flashes of the future when exposed to extreme emotion. By using her empathy to guide her, she can track others with her soul-self.

Levitation: Raven can levitate off the ground and fly, without visible projection of her dark energy as is shown when she utilizes telekinesis. Her power is also sufficient to enable her to counter the gravitational pull of other planets


Above average Agility, strength etc: Raven meditates to control and focus her abilities. Though not the most physically talented, Raven is nonetheless a fairly skilled and proficient hand-to-hand fighter, having received at least some degree of physical training. She has been shown briefly overcoming the peak-human, Speedy, engaging Jinx in hand-to-hand combat and also quickly delivering flying kicks to Monsieur Mallah.

Multilingual: Raven is also a skilled polyglot, capable of fluently speaking English, German, Latin, Romanian, Rumanian, Ancient Sumerian, and Sanskrit.

Arcane Magical Knowledge (Light&Dark): Though only occasionally used, Raven has displayed a wide arcane knowledge, possessing a vast library of mystic tomes, books and scrolls. She has been shown making potions, using mystical objects like charms and talismans, and has performed elaborate magical rituals. She has also been shown being able to directly absorb the knowledge from the pages of scrolls and tomes to her mind fairly quickly.

Post Cognition: The ability to visually perceive information about past events of a particular object, person, or anything in between without any guessing based on deductive reasoning and current knowledge.

Background and Hero Origins:
Arella, Raven's mother, was chosen to become the bride of the demonic Trigon. Abandoned by the demon rather than her becoming his queen, Arella was bent on suicide when she was taken in by the pacifistic disciples of Temple Azarath, a group who had centuries earlier forsaken life on Earth to pursue their own nonviolent lifestyle.

In their inter-dimensional world, Raven, Arella's daughter by Trigon, was born. Fearing that the child would bring evil among them, Juris, a magistrate of Azarath, attempted to cast the infant Raven into Limbo, only to be destroyed himself. Azar, the spiritual leader of the temple, then took the young Raven under her personal tutelage, instructing her in the truth of her parentage, and in pacifism, meditation, and the submergence of her emotions to resist Trigon's influence, while perfecting her powers of teleportation, astral projection, and empathic healing.

Later, after Azar's death, when Raven was plagued by prophetic dreams of Trigon and, defying her teachers, she confronted her demon father in Limbo at his bidding. Trigon spared her and Arella after satisfying himself that, upon his return when she reached 18 years of age, he could force Raven into becoming his ally. When Raven turned fourteen, she sensed Trigon's power returning and fled to Earth, where she found her place among superheroes saving people and trying to atone for the ultimate sin she would commit by allowing her father to destroy the earth using her as a portal. However, when her 18th birthday did come to pass, The One Earth Government somehow caught wind of Raven's fate to destroy the world and captured her to exploit the connection between her and Trigon on the day the prophecy was to come true. They did this as a way of threatening the Insurgents because if Doomsday could be controlled, then Superman could convince Trigon to join with his cause by allowing him to cross over and give him a parallel universe to rule over, but the Insurgents stopped the demon from returning in the first place using Raven's telepathic connection with a select member of the Insurgents and he was banished to Limbo forevermore. Raven was rescued by those she now considers family and now free of her father's influence, she could truly start to experience her own emotions in full. She has become much stronger since then and has been a loyal part of the Insurgents both because of how grateful she is to all of its members and because she truly believes in their cause.

Raven's main weakness is letting go of her emotions, especially rage. Even though her rage seems powerful, it could potentially corrupt her, leaving her very vulnerable to attacks with more power than her own. She can keep perfect control of her powers while exhibiting her emotions, but if she tired to hide them, for example, if Raven suppresses her fear, she is unable to connect with her powers until she admits she is truly afraid.

Another weakness is her dependence on her incantation, Azarath Metrion Zinthos. If a gag is placed over her mouth, she cannot complete her incantation and she cannot connect with her powers as well until the gag is removed, however, she has occasionally overcome this weakness through sheer will.


Raven is allergic to chicken feathers

'Who watches the Watchmen?' in the "Other" section of your sheet
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0 Red 1.jpg

Name: Alexander Woodrow Mercer
Alias: Red Hood
Age: 19
Race: Human
Powers: None
Skills: Martial Artist - Alex at a young age, went to several sources to learn how to fight in Close Quarters, seeing as he didn't know to counter one move from the next. But almost every single source turned him down, save for one. Master Larton. While not being the greatest, he saw something in Alex. Determination, Willpower and something else. Something he couldn't describe. Putting that feeling aside, he took the fifteen year old under his wing. Teaching him several fighting styles, and Alex would most likely turn into a hero like Batman or any other non-powered. Had it not been for some assassin hired to silence Larton....HIs death is one of many that sent Alex down the path he is on. He later devised his own fighting style relying on using handguns to bludgeon people.
Firearms: Alex took almost every single gun book available and studied every letter of them. Learning how to dismantle, clean, build guns. Utilizing them to better suit his needs. It only took him longer to obtain and learn how to proficient with the weapons. Taking only one hundred and twelve bullets to become a decent marksman.
Gadgets: Building several things wasn't difficult. Acquiring the materials to build them was. But that didn't dissuade the man. He built several tools based on other heroes gadgets, such as a Grapple Gun, utility belt. And a Tactical Helmet that displays several things, such as current medical status and x-ray. [Think like the Bat-Vision from the Arkham games.]
Parkour: While not the most typical skill, he learned how to 'free run' from an early age. Not afraid to swing from pole to pole above several hundred feet. He utilizes this skill to make a fast get away from pursuers and to keep up with targets.
Extensive Knowledge in Torture: He learned this skill after kidnapping corrupt officials and criminals. The ones that typical scare tactics didn't even make them sweat. Forcefully resorting to pulling teeth out, performing psychological torture used in wars. Such as tying them upside down, taking a popsicle, and a thing of meat. And a blowtorch. Give the Torture-ee a speech about how it is hot they won't feel it at first for the heat closes the nerve endings. Blah blah, jab them with the popsicle while cooking the meat. Making them think you're making a BBQ out of their fat.
Weapons: Two Powerful Handguns equipped with armor piercing rounds, that can combine to make a deadly rifle.

Added with several knives and shurikens.

Bio: A cold hardened individual, who is willing to do whatever to complete his mission. Though this doesn't mean he has no soul, he just buries it underneath sad memories and hate filled quips at thugs and 'bad guys'. He does his best to protect the innocent, particularly children. Seeing as they have a future, a future where hopefully they can live freely and don't have to go down the path like he did. A path of vengeance. Though when not out patrolling or on a mission, he tends to keep to himself in his hideout. Not leaving unless it was to acquire supplies for his survival and his 'job'. He does care for other vigilantes, even if they don't agree with his methods. Often acting like a brother, although a bit less showy. EX: Handing a sandwich to someone who's been on so many missions and hasn't grabbed a bite. But, there's a secret he keeps to himself. Seeing as it could lead to him being kicked out or worse. But when he was starting out in the Insurgency. He was confronted by someone that scares him. Superman. Though, the Man of Steel wasn't there to kill the young man, but rather to make a offer. One to join him. "Should you feel that you'd rather join the winning side, and actually help people. Just go to an open area, and blow this whistle. Only I can hear it, and when or if I do. I'll know you've made the right choice." And like that he left. And with that, left Alex in a rather tough conundrum. Join Superman, and betray the people who were like family to him. Or stay and risk his life...
Weakness: [Physical] While armor does protect him from small to medium arms fire, it doesn't mean it'll protect him from something like a .50 Cal round or someone known for being stronger than a locomotive. Other weaknesses include: Mind control, Massive Explosions, High Falls, and other things that can kill a human being. Something he doesn't deny. [Emotional] He can be sent into a depressive state when reminded of Larton or his orphaned past. Of which he can emerge in a rage filled state, causing him to act impulsively. And since he's isolative, he hasn't any notion into social skills. Meaning he can perceive things differently, such as a minor critique, he sees as a insult. Or a flirt can send him into silence, unable to respond and making him thankful he wears his mask so much. This does allow him to somewhat manipulated. [Psychological]: He tends to have extremely bad nightmares or hallucinations. Many involving him being there as Larton died, seeing his friends die. Or one re-occurring nightmare, where his friends were dead, with him being the murderer. All the while certain people watch with approving stares, and with him wearing a suit unlike any other.
Backstory: Alex was like any other kid, ones without parents. Going from orphanage to orphanage, he would've continued this little cycle of sadness. Had it not be for a 'tragic' fire that claimed the orphanage. Being at the right age to legally considered an adult at 17. Soon after he returned to the place he was born, he noticed how downtrodden everything was. People were either getting mugged by surviving thugs, or being harassed by Police Like figures. It was there that he decided to become the city's would be protector. But in order to do that, he needed to learn skills. Picking up Martial Arts from the late Larton, Gun Knowledge from books, and free running from days spent learning how to evade people he stole food and clothes from. Training for a few years. Now at the of 19, he takes up the mantle of the Red Hood. One of Joker's former personas before being "Joker-fied." and dying at the hands of Superman. He went to work almost immediately, hoping that his escapades would be minor enough to not warrant either Superman's nor the Insurgent's attention. But much to his displeasure. Having the headline be "RED HOOD KILLS CRIMINALS AT DOCKS" doesn't help with staying hidden. Now, here is what he didn't have in mind. One: Getting confronted by Batman. Two: Being strong armed to join the Insurgents. Three: Being offered to betray the Insurgency by the Man of Steel after being in it for a month...Oh how fates loves to mess with people.
[A work in progress.]
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Image of Character:
His costume
Alexander Joseph Luthor Jr


Race: (Human, Kryptonian, etc).75%human 25% kryptonians

Powers/Abilties: (Does your character have powers? If not, just say so).Genius Level intelligence, Luthor is as smart, maybe even more so.
Due his small ammount of kryptonian DNA, he is stronger then a normal human.
He lifts a car, run fast asa motorcycle, bullets and knives wont hurt him

Skills: (What are they good at? If they don't have powers, tell us what they can bring to the table here). Skilledin martial arts, he has multiple privates tutors, though he wouldnt say he is on the level of Batman.
He is skilled in multiple fields of science.

Weapons: (What does your character bring into battle? If they don't use any, just say so).
Two guns, one with regular bullets and oen with regular ones.
He also has his own war suit, and has a button on the warsuit, and he has a button which makes his warsuit stronger, he calls this the Mega Suit
Normal suit

Bio: Luthor suspecting he would die at the hands of the high counselor, made a plan, and raised a sun in secret. He used his DNA and bits of kryptonian DNA to make this child. The kryptonian DNA belong to non other then Superman. Luthor planned on using this clone of himself and Superman, to defeat Superman.

Luthor taught his 'son' all he was knew about science. He wanted his son to help the insurgents. However he was raised as a life under the one government. It wasnt till 17 when Superman knew of Luthor's son. His father lied saying he kept Aleander a secret because he didnt want Alexander to be raised in a life around violence.

Then the day the high chancellor killed his father, and Alexander swore reveng. He took his father's place in the one government, and was now adopted by the high chancllor. However he was also helping the insurgents.

Unknown to both sides though Luthor is planning on taking down both. He blames both sides for the death of his father.However he hates Superman more then anything. And plans on killing him last

Weaknesses: (At least 3. We all have a weakness of some kind, be it physical, emotional, or psychological).
Luthor has a anger issue, due to seeing his father become killed, he is prone to more outburts of anger, which will cause him to overlook problems in his plans
Luthor's mega suit while powerful, drains power, and isnt as fast as his warsuit
Luthor isnt weak to kryptonite, but kryptonite weapons, like knives or bullets will pierce his skin
Other: He is working with th one earth government and the insrugents
Who watches the Watchmen?
Alright, so everyone's still down for this correct? Sorry I haven't posted, trying to get back into the swing of things after the holidays.
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