Jack flinched a little as the Neake waved at his soul, he could feel it moving, no, being shifted. Giving a small jolt he willed his soul back into place just as the Neake let go, the result being it returning to place a little more suddenly than Jack had expected.
Jack heard the words the Neake spoke, though didn't register them straight away. "W-wait what!? I'm yours?" He gave the Neake a strange look, which he then shifted to Norman and Gary, hoping for some support with the strange situation.
Norman smiled and rose to his feet, making for the partial kitchen. "Take a seat Jack, I'll get you a cup of tea, he said as he opened the cupboard and retrieved a fourth cup and saucer. "I think I can clear this up."
Norman set the cup down in front of the now seated and slightly dazed Jack "I'm terribly sorry Jack but, the cupboard with your mugs in it was one of the uh.. casualties of the arrival of the temple"
"They are probably in the Grey Space" The Neake offered, which recieved a puzzled and annoyed glare from Jack. The Neake did not seem to notice what it meant. Norman began making a cup of tea as he spoke. "You see, our new friend The Neake here is, a God, though as I am to understand it a fairly weak one, no offence meant"
"None was received" The Neake said, mildly puzzled about the comment.
"He is not just any god however, but the god of things that do not belong. And it would appear that his powers have crossed over into Iwaku with him. Now your-"
"Yeah, my exclusion from the cycle means he's got power over me cos I don't belong.." Jack said, gulping down some tea and sighing. "So I'm really not important in Iwaku obviously.. it's not been a good day" Jack said, more to himself than to anyone else.
"Ah well, guess that means I don't have any obligation to help out, since I cant!" Jack said, with a forced smile as he stood up. "I'm.. gonna go change, I think I need it." he said as he walked off, taking his tea with him.
Norman watched the young man go, mildly concerned for him, but decided to leave it be for a small while. "So" He said, turning to the Neake "Tell me more about this temple of yours. I have to say I'm finding it rather fascinating."
Jack pushed the door to his room open, skulking in gloomily, he didn't even notice the missing wall as he made for his wardrobe. There were several strange orbs on the floor, but Jack just ignored them as he opened the wardrobe door… and was assaulted by a ton of them.
Pulling himself up out of the mound of soul orbs, he had another look in his wardrobe, which was revealed to, on closer inspection, not be much more than a door, which now seemed to lead into one of the temple's many massive rooms.
"Where the hell is this Grey Space and how do I get to it!?" Jack said impatiently as he came storming down the stairs. "It has my mugs AND my clothes! and I want them back!"
The Neake, a little perplexed by the human's manner answered nonetheless "Well you take a right at the Nexus and…" He appeared to remember something and took a second, apparently to process the thought "Oh dear.. the playdate"
This comment was met with blank and curious faces all round.
[Norman explains some stuff about the Neake and Jack, discovering that his clothes and mugs have ended up in the grey space asks where it is. The Neake remembers about an appointment he had.]