Iron Hearts - Original Setting Anime-Style Mecha RP

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Freaking hell! I am in! It's mecha and its anime-style.. I have seen one too many mecha animes. Count me in!
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They secretly wish they were giant robots obviously.
Well, I'd like at least three people before I consider actually running the game with a full sign-up. So we got two so far. ONE MORE.
Figured I'd bump this up again, see if anyone is interested.
I actually wanna do this. Can my character be neutral or does he have to be on someone's side?
I'd love to make neutral characters, but unfortunately, the plot demands that you are in either faction.
Okay,okay,I think I'll go with the Unaff faction. I'll do my character and mech bio later.
Well, wait a second. I'm not actually gonna make this game until we have at least 3 people on one side. Preferrably three on each.
This sounds like it could be interesting. If you don't mind a newbie to the site jumping in, I could come up with a character for either side, as needed.
Or maybe we can add in characters as we go. It's pretty fun since you can revolve between different characters and then make your character and another one that you control interact and react how you want.
well,here's my character bio.

Name:Eyon Fastia
Affiliation:Unaff Elite Piloting Core or U.E.P.C.


Appearance:5'7", light grey hair, and dark purple eyes. wears an old WW2 pilot's jacket, a white t-shirt, and jeans unlike most Unaff pilots who were the Standard Unaff Mecha-Pilot uniform.
Personality:Very mysterious, which has his loyalty constantly questioned by other pilots and he's a great friend.
Beliefs:none that he's ever expressed before
Piloting Style:Is defensive at first but once he finds out his opponent's strategy, no mecha is safe. he is better at close-quarter combat than any other Unaff pilot
Talents:Agility, very useful in and out of a mecha.

Mecha Bio coming up next
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