INVICTUS || .character index [CLOSED]

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Original poster

Premise: Superpowered and Supernatural peoples are forced to join
a secret organization as agents in order to fight and maintain the natural
order on Earth. They exterminate, rehabilitate, or contain any supernatural
entities that threaten the peace among the ignorant common populace.

If you've made it to this far, then congrats to you! This thread is for ACCEPTED CHARACTERS ONLY! You MUST first apply and once your character has been approved and accepted only THEN can you post your character's sheet here. PLEASE KEEP IN MIND TO USE THE ORIGINAL LAYOUT THAT DAO MA MADE. I want all the character sheets to look uniform, and so I would like them to remain unaltered.​
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#242424 Atticus James Quinn
Nickname: Atty for those who know him well, Dadicus in jest
Codename: Crisis
Age: 35
Gender: Male
Race: Cybernetically Enhanced Human
Division: Recon
Rank: New Recruit
Clearance Level: 1

Atticus is a rather normal looking man with no real distinguishing features. He has an oval face with little stubble, and bright blue eyes that seem a little more blue than they would be naturally. They almost appear to glow.
His hair is a sandy blonde, a head-hugging cut, usually a bit shaggy and casual in appearance. He stands at 178 centimeters and weighs roughly 72 kilograms. His body is toned from years of construction and mercenary work. He has moderately tanned skin. When clothed, there is nothing significant about Atticus other than his slightly unnatural eyes.

When he has his clothes off, however, it is quite obvious that he is no regular human. Along his spine there are metal plates and small wires looping from badly scarred skin into the metal spine. Scar tissue is built up around the metal. This metal spine goes from the coccyx to the base of his neck before it disappears. On his chest, there are more wires travelling from his sternum down to the sides of his abdomen. He has similar small wires along his biceps and thighs.

Please click image thumbnail for other appearances.

[fieldbox="PERSONALITY, #242424, solid, 10"]

+Thoughtful: Atticus is a very thoughtful man, and tends to see things through a more patient lens than others. He sees the fine details of things instead of rushing forward. He makes a wonderful recon agent because of this. His use as an assassin earlier in his life helped him to keep himself alert and aware of his surroundings. He is also a moderately thoughtful and considerate person, and puts others in his mind before himself. Specifically his family.
+Idealistic: Atticus believes that anything is possible given enough time. Even though life has beaten him down time and time again, he truly does believe that whatever ideals anyone might have, they are completely possible to achieve if they try. Of course, not everyone will succeed, but he has hope in the human race.
+Responsible: Any actions taken by Atticus are to be claimed by him and only him. He takes punishment when it is due and when he understands why, but can become bitter if punishment is handed out without explanation.

±Casual: Despite his cold and callous exterior while on duty, Atticus is actually quite a casual guy. He isn't always doom and gloom, and isn't always alert and in fight mode. He likes to relax every now and again, especially if he has a good book to read or music to listen to.
±Obedient: Atticus likes to follow certain procedures. He doesn't like to draw outside of the lines. Lines were put there for a reason. He follows his orders like a good boy, and doesn't like to divert from the norm. However, he is only willingly obedient to those he sees can be a good leader. He is only begrudgingly obedient to those who are not, and will only remain so until he can find a good out.
±Stern: While he is currently a soldier, Atticus is first and foremost a father. He looks to those younger than him as kids who need protecting. He will chastise them for doing something he doesn't agree with or if they are doing something dangerous. This can get him in trouble with some of the more youthful immortals.

-Blunt: Atticus is not one to beat around the bush. If he sees something wrong, he will call the person out. He will not usually lie for the sake of another, unless under very specific circumstances. He is always truthful in trivial matters, and doesn't understand why people would choose to white lie.
-Moody: Because of the rewiring of his brain, it can be hard for Atticus to really keep track of his emotions. He can change at the drop of a hat, which is annoying to everyone including him. Especially him. He doesn't understand most of the emotional switches, so he can end up a bundle of nerves trying to calm himself down.
-Sly: Atticus is a sneaky bastard. According to him, he always has been. Growing up in poverty, he had to be. He isn't above stealing to survive, and he is incredibly good at sneaking around. He can get people to tell him information he needs just by using simple misdirection and some faux charm.​
Atticus was born in New York and was the oldest child out of 4. His family was working class, and nearing poverty. He was forced to work to help his family survive. When he was 18 years old, he met her. His wife to be. Marilyn. It was love at first sight for the two. They adored each other, even if they were worlds apart due to social class. Atticus was working class, Marilyn was from an upper class home and was an only child. Her father practically forbade the two from marrying, but they ignored his wishes and married within just a year of knowing each other. With her access to money, they soon had their own house.

Three months after they were married, they conceived their first child. Nine months later, they gave birth to a healthy baby boy who they named Avery. Two years later, they had a little girl named Tiffany. They were a happy little family. Atticus had found a good job working as a construction worker and Marilyn had found a way to work from home and also take care of the children. All in all, it was everything Atticus could ask for, and he was happy.

When the children were 8 and 7 respectively, disaster struck the Quinn family. Atticus lost his job due to an injury that left him in the hospital for a few weeks, and Marilyn couldn't keep the family afloat with her online job. Atticus couldn't find a job that would take him, forcing Marilyn to ask for money from her father. He relented, keeping the couple comfortable for a few months. However, it was soon after that her father became terminally ill, and died only three months after prognosis. Atticus and his family had to sell their home, and move into a small apartment just to make ends meet. They also had Atticus' hospital bills to worry about.

It was around this time that Atticus started to go to street fights. Not to play, but to compete. He was strong from his old job, and his injury was nothing that kept him from fighting. He quickly rose in ranks and became a crowd favorite. He was earning good amounts of money, and also catching someone's eye. It was then he entered his regretful life of mercenary work. He was given weapons and told to provide muscle to his boss, a mobster who was famous on the streets. He became good. He became very good.

Marilyn never approved of his line of work, but wasn't able to do anything. The two still loved each other and their children deeply. She became his weak point. He threatened to leave mercenary work if his pay wasn't increased- he had a family to think about after all. Instead of increasing his pay, they took out his family. He came home to find them gone. When he confronted his boss, he found they were alive and well, and would stay that way so long as he played along. He had no choice.

Demands became increasingly harder, and he was basically becoming an assassin, taking out marks so he could see his family for an hour that night, and to keep them alive. The final nail in the coffin is what officially sealed his fate and got him noticed by INVICTUS. He was given two options: go free with no strings attached and forsake his family, or have cybernetic surgery and let his family go free while he stayed behind and became a personal bodyguard to his boss. He of course chose the latter. He was surprisingly able to have a short and final farewell with his family. He went into surgery the next day.

Atticus came out of surgery with a new spine and nerves. These let him control magnetic fields around him. He was appointed to protect his boss, and did so for roughly a year. During this time, he worked on trying to find his family and to get out of working for this man. While he never was able to find his family, an opportunity to escape came quickly enough. It was explosive and violent and he killed many of the people he had worked with over the years, but he was finally free. He went into hiding, following a lead that lead him towards Texas, but he did not hide enough. INVICTUS found him and recruited him only a couple years ago. He hopes that in this organization he can find his family and finally live in relative peace. He was just transferred to the Recon Division a month ago due to his mostly stealthy abilities.

Atticus only speaks English and is not fluent in any other languages.
Atticus has never pursued a higher education than high school. Even though he is lacking in education, he has a decent handle on tech because of his time as a mercenary.
Atticus wears a lot of non-magnetic materials to keep himself from being affected by his own abilities.
His fears include losing his family, returning to life as a slave, and very small spaces.
His aspirations include finding his family, returning to a normal life, and having more children.
Atticus has a slight New Yorker accent.


[fieldbox="WEAPONS, #242424, solid, 10"]
Atticus has no natural weapons, and carries the normal loadout typical of every new recruit in recon.​
Ability Name: Magnetic Manipulation [active]
Description: Due to his cybernetic installation, Atticus has the ability to create magnetic fields in his hands. While he can only affect those wearing metal or metal objects, it is quite effective in disarming foes. He can throw and move metal objects, so long as they don't weigh too much. He has been known to lift things up to 136 kilograms, but usually he can only lift things around 90 kilograms. He uses this ability for stealth by wearing metal plates on the bottom of his shoes, and allowing for the magnetic field to make it so he is basically walking on air. He can also shoot "balls" of this magnetic field to push back anyone wearing magnetic items. This is an active ability, meaning it is not always "on". He has to activate his cybernetics in order to use these abilities.
Strengths: Can lift metal objects he normally wouldn't have the strength for, can easily disarm foes from a distance, can make his footsteps silent, can divert metal objects from hitting him directly.
Weaknesses: Using his ability too much can scramble his brain and leave his nerves burnt out, leaving him not only vulnerable to attacks, but also unable to form coherent thoughts. He can easily overuse this by lifting too much weight. This doesn't work on non-magnetic things.

Ability Name: Magnetic Manipulation [passive]
Description: Atticus' cybernetics not only allow him to tap into them to use them, they also provide him a passive ability. There is always a slightly more powerful magnetic field surrounding him than others. While this is not enough to stop a bullet, it can usually stop metal objects from doing as much damage to him when thrown, such as throwing knives.
Strengths: Always has a small amount of protection around him.
Weaknesses: Has an annoying side effect of ruining his use of compasses, and can pick up small metal objects and cause them to float around him. It is common for him to find random pins and metal shavings floating within arm's reach. Doesn't work with non-magnetic things.

Ability Name: Magnetic Shielding
Description: By expending the majority of the power stored inside his cybernetics, Atticus can make a decently large force field of pure magnetic power. The magnetic power of the force field is so great, that it repels even a normal human's natural magnetic field. This is only a last resort ability, as he will be utterly useless until his cybernetics recharge once again. This can cause him lasting brain damage. He has used it twice, once while defending his boss, once while escaping.
Strengths: Very powerful, can stop anything with a magnetic field, can slow bullets to a point that they are rendered useless.
Weaknesses: While it does repel attackers, allies also cannot move through the shield. It is a "final attack" scenario that will leave Atticus unconscious, it will send metal objects flying and potentially hurting other allies outside, it will repel those inside the shield if they are wearing magnetic metal.
  • Love
Reactions: Jinx and GuanYue

#242424 Adam Kane
Nickname: Kane, Kuro
Codename: Akira
Age: 24
Sex: male
Race: Human / werewolf hybrid
Division: Fieldwork
Rank: Junior Agent
Clearance Level: Level 3


Wolf Form
Werewolf Form

-Adam Kane is a 6'3" man weighing 187 pounds with an athletic build and black hair. His eyes are a dark brown, his skin color is a light. He has numerous scars running up and down his body which he covers up with a bandages or a long sleeve clothes.
-Kuro is a Dire Wolf. weighing 165 pds, brown eyes, black fur.
-Akira (werewolf form) is a 7'4" werewolf with bright yellow eyes, with a massive build. He has dark black hair covering his entire body.

[fieldbox="PERSONALITY, #242424, solid, 10"]

Adam is a Strong, loyal, Quick minded man. It was as if he was built for Invictus, he is the perfect agent. He follows orders to the T, never leaves an agent behind and can fulfill any mission no matter the changes or unknown variables. He tends to be somewhat solitary when not on missions, Quiet and brooding at times but as soon as he is given a request he flips to a proper junior agent. He has his negative traits as well. He tends to take on to much on his own. he feels as though he has to put himself in harms way more than his fellow agents and always volunteers for the "suicide" missions..​

Adam's parents were private researchers since before he was born. They were considered brilliant for their research and had made numerous contributions to the supernatural society. As a young man Adam was kept in the dark about what his parents did they used to say they were researchers for a pharmasutical lab, this was to keep him from finding out about the things that go bump in the night. they were a relatively happy family that would spend time together quite often.

When Adam turned 14 his parents stopped coming home in the evenings. He was left alone for 3 years until one day when he was coming home from school he noticed the front door was open, he walked in to see two masked men in black ransacking his home. He tried to fight them off but was beaten pretty badly and questioned for his parents research. Adam knew nothing and was on the brink of being beaten to death when his father rushed in and paralyzed the attackers. Adam had received a few cracked ribs, laserations to the body and face, bruised organs/punctured lung and was on deaths door. Adam was dying in his fathers arms, that's when his mother came running in with a few glowing vials. His parents made a rash decision then and there they decided to use their research to save Adam's life

When Adam was revived he was in a strange facility hooked up to wires and tubes. He was in a clear room and on the other side was his parents. He tried to pull the wires out but found that his hand full of fur, he freaked out and started ripping all the wires out, as he did something in his body felt hot. He fell to the floor and was transforming into a werewolf, his body grew more muscle and fur as he continued to change. He jumped toward the glass and scratched and clawed at it trying to get to the people starring at him. His mother buried her face in her husbands chest as she Cried out "what have I done to my baby."

Several weeks had past where Adam was taught how to control his new ability. He was able to transform into a wolf or a werewolf on command. He was constantly visited by his parents and the top brass at Invictus who added Adam's parents to the staff at Invictus where their research and family would be safe. Adam and his family continued to live in Invictus, his parents would contribute to Invictus' science department and Adam was accepted into their training program. by the time Adam was 18 he was admitted as new recruit in Invicuts, under the supervision of the top brass making sure to keep and eye on the potential time bomb.

When Adam was finally promoted to Junior agent he left for a mission which he was trusted to go on without supervision. upon return he learned that his parents had been taken while out on their approved outing. Adam spent the next 3 weeks looking for his parents and when he finally found them they were dead, along with their kidnappers. To keep their research and Adam a secret they created a type of mustard gas and killed them and their captors. Their research died with them on that day. Since then Adam has called Invictus home and has given his all to keep people safe from anyone who would hurt them.


He has almost total control over his ability to transform. he only loses control when he is Angry or while he has nightmares.


[fieldbox="WEAPONS, #242424, solid, 10"]
Adam has a standard issue Glock that he carries on his waist, along with 4 clips, a knife and collapsible baton. While transformed he gains razor sharp claws and fangs as well as the strength to rip a man in two..​

Ability Name: Werewolf transformation
Description: Adam is able to transform into a wolf or werewolf on command
Strengths: Adam gains razor sharp claws and fangs, durable skin, regeneration, and 20x his strength. He is an excellent marksman and a master in hand to hand combat. He is trained in Guerilla warfare.
Weaknesses: Silver

#242424 Leo Giovanni De Luca
Nickname: Leo, Vanni
Codename: Gunslinger
Age: 35
Gender: Male
Race: Meta-human
Division: Investigations
Rank: Senior Agent
Clearance Level: Level 3

Leo is an Italian-American with shoulder-length wavy brown hair and bright green eyes. He stands at 5'11" with an average but muscular build. Occasionally he will wear glasses for reading, but otherwise doesn't wear them. He has no visible scars, no tattoos nor piercings, but does have a beauty mark (which has been playfully called his beauty curse) under the outer corner of his left eye. He usually has a little bit of scruff for facial hair.

Usual attire consists of a loosely put together suit including tie, though the tie tends to come off quite quickly. Other occasions he might wear dark jeans and a nice dress shirt. Maybe even cowboy boots if he's feeling particularly casual that day.

[fieldbox="PERSONALITY, #242424, solid, 10"]
There are two major spectra of Leo that people may often run into: charming and grumpy. Much like a cat (despite hating cats), one minute he could be sweet and alluring. The other minute, his mood could sour and he could become grumpy, distant and stubbornly dejecting.

From his roots, he has learned the trade of being an Italian Casanova: an elegant, charming and chivalrous man that could easily swoon with his slanted smile. He prides himself in his family heritage and what the double lion family crest represents. That pride is shown through characteristics of a bleeding heart and innate need to protect, regardless of his disposition on a matter. He's a fan of intellectual conversations rather than meaningless chatter and is more inclined to give a genuine smile and notion of interest if he is able to hold a conversation.

On the flip side, Leo is incredibly stubborn and set in his ways. He is incredibly instinctual despite being very thought conscious and will 8 times out of 10 follow his gut instinct rather than a voice of reason. This has not only caused him a lot of pain and suffering, but also allowed him to do things that he never thought he would be able to push through. Because of this, he knows the world for what it is, and knows what it will be for years to come. He understand that he will eventually stop aging and keep on living, which feeds his more cynical outlook on his own life. He is a man of vices and may find a few to dive into-- in particular drinking when stressed and smoking when angry.​
Shhh coming soon.

• Leo loves to ballroom dance, and he is quite talented at it.
• He associated with Sherlock Holmes stories on an almost spiritual level.
• Steak and wine may be his favorite foods, but a home-cooked dinner may win his heart.
• He loves music ranging from classical, jazz, big-band and blues and swing.
• Leo is ambidextrous.
• He hates to see women cry. It's the bane of his existence.


[fieldbox="WEAPONS, #242424, solid, 10"]
Besides the standard issued equipment, Leo has twin custom revolvers in which he lovingly calls Dulce and Maria. He claims that the two revolvers have personalities of their own, even though they aren't particularly special other than their customization. Leo says that Maria is the hotheaded temperamental one (trigger happy) while Dulce is the calm and collected, yet deadly shot.

He also has a shotgun that had saved him on several occasions that he likes to call Guadalupe.
Ability Name: Molecular Regeneration
Description: On a molecular level, Leo can regenerate from any wound or even death.
Strengths: So long as there is one piece of him remaining (regardless of him technically being dead or not), he will be able to reform and regenerate.
Weaknesses: It is automatic and can't be turned off. He can normally feel pain when he is being pulled back together and it is extremely painful. He cannot regenerate in freezing temperatures or if there is no physical damage (so things like lack of oxygen or perpetual drowning). Also, if he is completely incinerated to the point where there is nothing left of him, he cannot regenerate.

#242424 Yunerivyrn Penellon-Gallan Veraj
Nickname: Yun
Codename: Mark
Age: 21 | 240
Gender: Female
Race: Elf
Division: Magic and Occult R&D
Rank: Division Supervisor
Clearance Level: 5

A part of a breed of elf that does not age, Yun is forever 21 and has the soft, untouched, pink skin to prove it. She stands at 5'8'' and is very slim. Her eyes are a deep red that gets lighter as the amount of light decreases. She has pointy ears and in contrast to her son's black hair, Yun has white hair, that comes down to her butt. Her proportions are pretty modest, but she holds herself like such a boy it wouldn't matter anyway.

She only wears dark colored clothes and often she wears the same thing. Her usual outfit consists of a cloak that seems to be alive as it moves around unnaturally as she moves, baggy red cargo pants with plenty of pockets to carry things in and are normally full of some kind of creature or reagent she needs, several belts, some for functionality and some for style, bulky hightops because she hated the look of the thinner ones with her cargos, fingerless gloves that extend halfway up her forearms, and a black, cropped, long-sleeved shirt.

However, when she enters the lab, she strips all this clothing, revealing her tattoos and slipping on what could be described as a black one piece bikini, but it has holes all over it to expose her tattoos to light. She also keeps her cloak on.

This is not to say she won't wear other things, it is just common to see her in these things.

[fieldbox="PERSONALITY, #242424, solid, 10"]
Yun is a bossy woman who uses her status, powers, and skill to justify why others should listen to her. She can be very showy and likes it when others look her way, but beneath this appearance is a very fragile woman. She hurts inside and doesn't know how to contain it and would bawl her eyes out all day if she could. She likes to hide in her son's room, wrapped in his blankets to get a sense of security. However, she is naturally inquisitive and snoops around, finding trash and whatever else lying about and then judges him, despite her room looking exactly the same, but female crap littered about. Being in charge allows one to be very hypocritical, not many can call you out on it.

Though, despite these weaknesses she works hard everyday to make sure people--who entrust their lives to whatever little book or lines of fancy weapon she gives them--don't die. She moves throughout the days carrying heavy information and even though she might wanna fall over and cry so she doesn't have to deal with it, she deals with it. It'd be false to say she is a woman without flaw, but she is strong none-the-less. She's also a mother that loves to take care of others and can show compassion even when she is being harsh.

Besides these things she is a super nerd who knows just about anything there is to know about Magic. She can be very boyish, throwing whatever she's used where she is, lounging wherever she sees fit, etc. Yun can also be very excited when she accomplishes things, celebrating anything is common on her part.​
Yun was born outside of INVICTUS as a magician for an occult of Dark Elves. These elves summoned demons with sacrifice to further the goals of a tyrannical human leader. The elves were strictly female so that their male leader could use his dominant physique and magic to control them if they got to rowdy. This is how she grew up. Forced to study magic and demonic arts her body became riddled with curses as the elven blood in her naturally rejected the magic, but as they built she began to control it. Naturally, this group was in INVICTUS' line of sight, but at the time the group was able to evade their attempts at capturing them. The demons Yun summoned would kill high value targets, a term she would forever have to know, and wreaked havoc wherever they were.

Time went on and this group continued to work with the humans until they and their leader were caught. Free the elves split and ran off to hide, using their demons to protect them, but Yun grew attatched to her demon as they were on the run and eventually they had a child. The timing of the child's birth was horrible though. They were tracked and captured, but the demon fought back, losing his life as a result. Yun didn't resist when she saw him die and just hugged her baby tight as they were taken to INVICTUS for questioning. She was an open book at the time, she was giving them all she knew so she could see her baby again. After assessing her skills and checking what she said with what they knew she was told she had to join INVICTUS and did so without question.

Yun was a meek girl at first, she didn't talk and she didn't disobey, but when she saw the other end of the horrors that groups like hers could unleash she became much more assertive all of a sudden. She became a demon slayer and was put with recon for a time and put out in the field whenever a demon was spotted, but eventually INVICTUS saw that her talents in enchanting her own body and items around her would be more useful in creating weapons for their soldiers to fight with. Yun was given a reassignment to the R&D Magic and Occult branch where she proved her genius in enchantment and summoning.

And while she was doing all of this, she still managed to care for Rostam, she sacrificed sleep to teach him and play with him. She was determined to raise the child and it eventually paid off. Rostam soon grew old enough to be taught under an instructor, taking some of the burden off of Yun, and he would talk to his mom, sometimes it was heavy and others it was fun, but she just loved that he talked to her. Then it was like magic he grew up and she had shot through the ranks, she didn't even notice it happen until it did. She felt she could finally breathe out and became the crybaby she is today.

Yun once locked herself in her office and cried for a solid three hours while working at the same time. Someone told her that Rostam broke an arm while in combat.


[fieldbox="WEAPONS, #242424, solid, 10"]
Blood Weapon: All over Yun are various tattoos that look like simple designs, but flare up when exposed to light. These are marks of demons and the effects of demonic magic like Necromancy rejecting her. While, painful the marks imbue her body with a strong magic which strengthen it to endure the blood sacrifice of summoning a demon, but now that she doesn't do that anymore it just makes her really friggin strong and fast, she can also summon blood/shadow weapons with it, but the blood ones in particular are quite painful to use. While the shadow ones are simply using the mark as a point of reference to eject from.

Sigma: Two swords imbued with holy magic, but they glow red, an aesthetic that Yun spent a while on to work properly. This aesthetic though is a small fraction of pyromancy that makes the blade hot.

She also has standard issue INVICTUS weapons on hand.​
Ability Name: Demonic Summoning
Description: Can summon demons to her for a blood price.
Strengths: Demons are empowered by the sacrifice thus making them stronger.
Weaknesses: She can't actually control the demons and she has to sacrifice her own blood to do it.

Ability Name: Demon Marks
Description: Marks that empower Yun so her elven body can withstand summoning without dying.
Strengths: Surviving summons leads to tremendous increases in strength and leaving lasting marks on Yun's body. She will become stronger and faster if she activates these marks. She can use the blood of the fallen to activate her marks.
Weaknesses: The marks use blood themselves to activate and being covered in them will convert Yun into a demon herself. Consumed by madness she will most likely become a threat and a target of INVICTUS. Ironically, the marks need a source of light to activate.

Ability Name: Magic
Description: The general practice of magic, making barriers, sending out orbs of light to dispel darkness, conjuring flames, etc.
Strengths: Very versatile and can be very powerful.
Weaknesses: Often requires incantation and when incantation is not necessary often requires some sacrifice such as life, stamina, or blood.

#242424 Kris Kringle
Nickname: Santa Claus
Codename: Secret Santa
Age: Forever 71 | Actually 993
Gender: Male
Race: Meta-Human
Division: Recon
Rank: Agent Handler
Clearance Level: 5

Santa is a pretty average guy in height, standing at 5'9'', but he makes up for it and sheer body mass. Weighing at 256 pounds, Santa is all candy and protein shakes. His gut has turned into a hardened ball of fat and the rest of him is just massive muscle, condensed by his height, making it appear even bigger. He has pale white skin to the point that his face turns into a tomato when angry and his cheeks turn rosy red when cold. He has a thick white beard and mustache, but no hair on the top of his head, only the sides.

Due to no longer being in the North Pole he doesn't wear around his big jolly coat, but rather a smaller, sleeveless version of it to keep the image of Santa going. He wears red finger-less gloves because he feels being a secret agent means wearing cool secret agent gloves. On his head is his signature Santa Hat, but when it isn't Chistmas it's a red beanie.

[fieldbox="PERSONALITY, #242424, solid, 10"]
Anywhere Santa goes he tries to encourage joy and laughter to all those around him. However, he isn't just about joking and will often offer his kind word of advice to those who need it too.
[+] Jolly: A trait so well-known it is considered his brand. Santa is, generally, always a happy guy. Being with INVICTUS for so long has created some rough times, but this jolly ole' guy has been able to keep a smile on his face longer than anyone.
[+] Wise: Santa has lived for a very long time, and gone through many things and witnessed many horrors as well as just witnessed and experienced general day to day life as well. With this experience he has been able to aid others and often gives his wisdom out on the simplest occasion.
[+] Giving: Santa isn't one to hog a spotlight, withold information from his friends, or keep the last slice of pizza to himself. He always shares whatever he has because he believes that is his role in life, to give.

[0] Optimist: Santa tries to find the bright side to everything, it helps to stay jolly and if he isn't jolly then who is? Everyone in INVICTUS is much too busy being serious to be jolly, so he has to look on the bright side.
[0] Child at Heart: Santa loves to play pretend and games, even able to call it that himself. His room for many reasons consists of just toys (and other materials he uses for work) that he uses to pass the spare time.
[0] Intelligent: Santa has garnered so much useless information along with useful information he might as well be the internet. Although, he is by no means a super-genius, what he can remember from being alive is rather funny or useful.

[-] Abrupt: Santa has gotten to used to the life of a Recon agent and well, being Santa, and doesn't make a sound wherever he goes. He also never introduces himself to a room so when he makes himself known, he often scares people. He also feels he should always help out so he butts into conversation without warning.
[-] Self-indulgent: Santa has many addictions and often can't help himself when he sees them. The top two on his list are cookies and milk, he must take a bite out of them when he sees them.
[-] Escapist: Santa really hates being in awkward situations and tries to get out of them whenever he can. He'll use work, sudden sickness, or nearby people to evade any unwanted interaction.
Santa Claus has been alive for a very long time, it's hard to say if he or INVICTUS came first, but he has been with them since the beginning of his time. A born philanthropist, ball of joy, and supernatural being, INVICTUS approached Santa about joining their ranks very early on in his career as the jolly old man who gave away gifts. Life didn't change much for Santa then, he became a voice of reason who peacefully dissolved supernatural issues, slowly increasing INVICTUS' ranks. But, as their numbers increased, so did their power, and Santa's help started to be needed more thoroughly and thus he was assigned to the recon division. He was trained to be an excellent spy, already being one as he broke into homes on a regular, and regularly went out on missions by himself.

Santa became legendary, literally bagging crooks, but his heart remained with the children of the world. He requested several things of INVICTUS; a high-speed sleigh, magical reindeer, a factory run by elves, and a spot in the North Pole where no one could bother them as they worked. With this plan he wanted to to deliver joy to children all over the world, originally, this plan took a lot of work and didn't seem to be worth it, but then a fusion of science and magic happened and machines sped up production immensely. Every Christmas, everybody would receive a gift.

Santa has stayed with INVICTUS as long as his factory runs.

Santa has had many Mrs. Claus', 10 actually, and has had a kid with each. He wrote to them until they died and now watches over their many descendants.
Santa's fastest known time to wrap something was .03 seconds. It was a horse.


[fieldbox="WEAPONS, #242424, solid, 10"]
Bag of Tricks: Whenever it is not Christmas, Santa is working for INVICTUS and instead of gifts, his giant red bag is full of gagdets. This magical bag pulls out anything his elves build for him at his workshop and then send through the Bag-o-tron 2. Then just like that, Santa has the item he needed.
Sword of Kris Kringle: This bad ass sword is golden and can slice through just about any foul beast with its enhancements thanks to the Magic and Occult R&D team. If he hits someone with the handle, they'll forget they met him.​
Ability Name: Sleep Awareness
Description: Santa can tell if someone is asleep or not just by being in the same building as them.
Strengths: Keeps Santa from getting caught by children or tell if someone was actually affected by his sleep punch.
Weaknesses: Has no other real uses.

Ability Name: Sleep Punch
Description: Santa can put someone to sleep if he just punches them in the face, but it has to be the face.
Strengths: Instant K.O.
Weaknesses: Small hit box.

Ability Name: Mass Manipulation
Description: Santa can contort his shape, reduce his weight, and all other sorts of things so that he can traverse many difficult floor plans to reach the tree of houses quietly (and for escaping in missions).
Strengths: Able to make escape routes that would not be available to others.
Weaknesses: Isn't an immediate thing, takes a moment.

#242424 Matsui Yuka
Nickname: Yu
Codename: Magenta
Age: 27
Gender: Female
Race: Human
Division: Research and Development: Science and Technology
Rank: Senior Agent
Clearance Level: 4

Yuka tends to not look her age. She has her hair shaved on one side of her head and dyed pink to match her code name. Her eyes are a very dark brown, and pretty obviously Japanese in shape. She wears winged eyeliner on an almost daily basis. She is on the shorter side, standing 160 centimeters and weighing roughly 56 kilograms.

Her features are sharp, and she does not appear to be a "soft" woman. This can make people think she is a scary science lady. Everything about her screams "human", and she is in fact just a human. She is quite a normal looking person, other than her hair. She doesn't have any tattoos, and only two lobe piercings on each ear.

Please click image thumbnail for other appearances.

[fieldbox="PERSONALITY, #242424, solid, 10"]
+Loyal: When Yuka finds something worth her loyalty, she is unwavering. This applies mostly to INVICTUS itself, but can apply to friends and family as well. She is unshakable in her loyalty to INVICTUS.
+Cheerful: Yuka thrives on staying happy. She loves to make others happy and is always optimistic about things. She will do everything in her power to make sure people don't have a terrible day.
+Focused: When she is focused, nothing can tear her away from her work. This can be very unhealthy for her, but it is mostly a positive. Her android keeps track of her so she doesn't get hurt.

±Casual: Yuka isn't one for treating people differently depending on their status. She is a very casual individual, and will treat everyone about the same. Of course, some minor respect goes towards the higher ups, but she otherwise treats everyone like a buddy.
±Sarcastic: Yuka would absolutely never be sarcastic. She's not sarcastic in the slightest, not at all.
±Tough: Mostly only bravado, but Yuka isn't one to cower in fear when someone more powerful is threatening her. She's intelligent and can make the best out of the worst. She is seemingly emotionally steeled.

-Arrogant: Yuka has always been considered one of the smartest people. She is highly intelligent, and doesn't mind letting other people know. Especially when pertaining to her field, she is the first to speak up about what she knows, and gets defensive when people question her knowledge.
-Repressed: Despite being a seemingly tough girl, Yuka hides her emotions and bottles them inside of her. Her family was not one for showing emotions, so she hides behind a facade of jokes and a take-no-bullshit attitude. Her emotions can wear down on her and she can spiral into depression pretty easily.
-Thoughtless: Being raised in the harsh environment of INVICTUS, some of her social skills are a little rusty- or nonexistent. She can say things she doesn't mean or say things that shouldn't be said. She doesn't see the harm in most things, and is still struggling to learn some more complex social skills.
Yuka was born in Tokyo, Japan to Matsui Ayame and Matsui Ichiro. Agent Hane, her mother, was also a regular human. Yuka's father, Agent Oni, was a superhuman. He had the ability of super strength. Yuka quite obviously took after her mother, and shows no signs of superhuman abilities. Yuka grew up inside of INVICTUS her entire life, and knows very little about living outside of them.

Yuka's life was very uneventful. She took after her mother in profession, and became interested in robotics at a very young age. She excelled in school, and was the top in her classes through her school life. She was tested often for signs of superhuman intelligence, but they never found anything. She was simply a smart kid. When she was 19 years old, they put her through an IQ test, and she managed a score of 143. Recently, she attempted another and got a score of 159. Her parents were incredibly proud.

When Yuka was 20 years old, she wanted to transfer to America. She chose the Texas branch, and her paperwork went through quickly, considering she was an INVICTUS child. When she transferred, she was of course assigned to their Research and Development team. It was at this time, she started making her own personal androids. They were never very fancy, but she enjoyed the work.

Three years ago, when Yuka was 24 years old, she made her first fully functional android partner, Tomomi. Tomomi was created to play music, hold tools, and be Yuka's personal computer and search engine. Tomomi can project images and holograms, and has some basic fighting capabilities found in an average human. Pleased with her work,
she was instructed to start working on personal robots that could be given to all agents. Thus began the work on Puchi, her current project. At the moment, Puchi is no more than a small, mobile turret that is merely an advanced alarm system, but she's hoping to have it weaponized within the year.

The rest of Yuka's life is quite normal. She has no siblings, and her parents are still alive working in the Japanese branch.

Yuka loves cats.
She has a crippling fear of heights and hates flying.
After being transferred from fieldwork to research and development, she has not been on a field mission.
She talks to her parents monthly.
She is fluent in Japanese, German, and English. She knows conversational Korean and Hindi.
She has a Japanese accent.


[fieldbox="WEAPONS, #242424, solid, 10"]
Yuka has some basic weaponry for an INVICTUS agent, including a sidearm pistol and a taser. Also beware of her wrenches, she has a good aim.​
Ability Name: Tomomi
Description: Not a power, but a robot. Tomomi is Yuka's companion android. Unlike what many assume, Tomomi is not an AI. She has a limited amount of responses, even though there are many. Tomomi's main purpose is to help Yuka work. She has some tools stored inside of her made for quick repairs on robotics. They are smaller tools, and thus not made for large scale projects. Tomomi also has a wireless link to the internet and can search anything with an authorized voice command. She can project holograms and plain images and videos. The cat ear headphones are made to project sound, and the headphone pieces allow Yuka to talk to her remotely. Yuka is the only person who can command Tomomi, but she can transfer command to someone if she needs to. Tomomi has a kill switch that can be activated remotely or manually to keep INVICTUS secrets out of the wrong hands.

As for fighting abilities, Tomomi was not built for combat. She does know basic Aikido, but not enough to be put into a combat role. If given a gun, Tomomi will shoot at targets that Yuka tells her to, however because Tomomi is not an AI, she has a limited ability for this. For example, if Yuka were to tell her "shoot anyone who comes through here", Tomomi would do just that; friend or foe. Yuka cannot tell her to shoot enemies, because Tomomi does not know who is an enemy and who is an ally. For this reason, it is best to keep Tomomi out of combat.
Strengths: A walking personal computer.
Weaknesses: Not good for combat.

Ability Name: Puchi
Description: Again, not an ability, Puchi is Yuka's current project. It is a small robotic turret about the size of a basketball. It is mobile, and can move to a position, and it can also anchor itself to a position for full turret abilities. Currently, Puchi is not lethal, and is mostly an advanced alarm system. It can spread an electromagnetic "net" in a five foot radius, and if the net is tripped, it will sound the alarm.

Even though Puchi is not lethal, it isn't defenseless. Yuka can set it up so anyone in its line of sight will get struck in the face by a blinding laser, and will attempt to hit their eyes using facial recognition technology. It doesn't do permanent damage (as far as she knows) but it can disorient and hurt like a bitch. As of now, Puchi is not voice activated, and can only be controlled manually. She can maneuver and arm it using a controller, or she can place it somewhere herself and put it into turret mode.
Strengths: Can blind people, good alarm system.
Weaknesses: Easily destroyed, pretty useless in every other vein, can't be voice controlled, is a rough draft of a finished product so sometimes malfunctions.

Nickname: Mili, Mel
Codename: Pandora
Age: 130 || Late teens - early twenties
Gender: Female
Race: Human (???)
Division: Department of Defense
Rank: Supervisor
Clearance Level: Level 5

Melisent is of a petite frame, standing at a height of 5'0" and weighing in at 110 lbs. on average. Though with an hourglass shape her figure is delicately so, giving her an almost adolescent appearance on the visual front. Orange-red hair falls over and past her shoulders in what she called a "princess fashion", toning her fair skin with a sunny glow and helping her golden eyes gleam. Her skin is mostly unmarked by damage or skin-related conditions, save for a few small marks on her hands and several long marks across her back and on her sides. She covers them well enough, favoring to wear gloves and tops/dresses with closed backs.

[fieldbox="PERSONALITY, #242424, solid, 10"]
Domineering and decadent, petty and possessive, sly and a little bit sadistic - and so the tales tend to start. Indeed Melisent views herself royalty amongst peasantry, shackled with the duty of forming those in her care into useful tools for the "greater good" they had deemed so. As such she expects perfection or the pursuit of perfection from those in her care, as well as those not in her care. Some of that may include how to brew her the perfect pot of tea, how to prepare and serve creme brulee, and how to develop the proper technique in which to carry her around. One's capable of turning her more selfish requests down, but one should be prepared for the slow-acting venom of her vindictive nature. She does not forgive and forget easily, if at all.

Amongst the collective aspects of an entitled view, there is some evidence that she was placed in this position less for others to watch her and more because she has some semblance of wisdom. Melisent is an observer; both of what is before her and what is underneath and beyond. She uses her ability to snoop on the hidden aspects of an agents to address things that may hinder an agent, and she does so with a surprising lack of sass. Though she verbally demeans and condescends those under her care, she's also fiercely protective and will turn her ire tenfold upon those who mess with "her subjects". This goes for those whom she marks as her superiors as well - normally beings older than herself. For these few she speaks rather cordially, goes out of her way to please them when she's in their presence, and overall treats them much like a little sister would treat their idolized older sibling.

In certain scenarios in which Melisent is in contact with an intense amount of negative emotions, or if placed under intense stress, sometimes occurrences called "snaps" will happen. In these moments Melisent's personality is pushed back, her thoughts and actions instead being dictated by the other entity living within her. Signs of this include a more confidently manipulative nature, a sense of deliberate grace in her languidness, hints of morbid humor and a playfulness akin to a predator playing with prey. The entity is known to both try to create and feed instances that may lead to melancholic and/or violent behavior, and in instances where it has become excited, will openly attempt to attack other individuals.​
Melisent was born to a pair of mothers; friends for many a year. When one found themselves in a relationship that quickly became toxic, the other helped and accompanied her in fleeing to the United States. There the two started a new life together, supporting one another along the way. They got jobs, bought themselves a humble little home and furnished it with simple things. They even went so far as to marry for the benefits spouses have. By the time Melisent came around the two had formed a secure family life to bring her up in, which she would be raised in for the next seventeen years without incident.

During her senior year of high school her birth mother began receiving letters. In them were pictures of the small family on outings; the two women shopping together, Melisent hanging out with friends at the mall, and other similar things. They were always unmarked, and even after going to the police about it there was very little that could be done about the situation. All they had was the feeling deep in their guts that he had finally found them. To combat it the two women uprooted and moved, but even after settling in a completely new state it didn't take long before there were envelopes with more pictures in their mail box. This went on for months more until one day the pictures found included writing, implying horrible things being done to them.

Almost immediately after Melisent's second mother was struck by a car and hospitalized, the assailant still at large. In an act of desperation her birth mother gave Melisent the address for somewhere, some food in a backpack and a little money, and told her to hide at that place until her mothers came for her. Melisent protested, saying that she wanted to stay with them, but in the end she did as she was told. She took several bus routes, an attempt to try and throw off anyone who might be pursuing her, and eventually ended up at the place her mother specified: an old house on the outskirts of town. According to her mom it had been abandoned since she could remember, which was something most folks didn't do for that house.

Hours turned into a day, a day turned into days, days turned into weeks. When the food started running low she began rationing, sometimes only having a granola bar as her meal for the day. Luckily the water still ran at the house, perhaps due to an old system attached to a well, but the old pipes left the quality wanting. Eventually, from her weakened state from mild malnutrition and ingesting questionable water, Melicent fell ill and eventually was bedridden. There, in her feverish dreams between moments of lucid consciousness, she met someone. This person spoke to her, feeding the yearning for contact that isolation bred. Melisent spoke in turn and the two of them found a commonality within their loneliness. Then he introduced her to the realm he was from.

Though it looked like the world she knew it was different - dark and twisted. She encountered horrific beasts and human-like being of intelligence, and her acquaintance always seemed to make them flee with a comment or a single display of power - terrifying power. It was enough to where when he said that she could help them escape, and that they so desperately wanted to live on the other side where she was, she was inclined to sympathize. He even went so far as to promise to help her with helping her mothers. "You deserve better. You have the power to erase those that wish harm to you or those precious to you. I can help you realize your greatness. All you have to do is let me in."

On the third day of her delirium, the day that Melisent awoke once more, five miles of suburban housing were engulfed into a realm of nightmares.

It took INVICTUS nearly twenty-four hours to find and contain the source, bringing Melisent to the nearby headquarters in Texas and placing her into quarantine. She remained there for several months as they gathered data on the young woman. It would seem that the person she had welcomed in had merged with her psyche, embedding itself and using its power to make Melisent a gateway between realms. What use to be the girl and what was part of the creature was nigh indistinguishable, and attempts as separating the two were met with nigh catastrophic results. In the end they concluded that sedation was best, limiting the influence of the other being on what remained of Melisent's identity. Over time she was given clearance to join the ranks of INVICTUS's agents, using fieldwork as means to see if she could properly control what she could summon. After a while, when she began attracting larger and more powerful creatures when summoning, she was switched to Department of Defense, where her heavier summons were restricted to use only in defense of HQ. There she remained, effectively the Texas branch's guard dog, until eventually coming into the position of Supervisor over the Department of Defense about a decade ago.

Φ The choker that Melisent wears is actually a device that delivers injections of sedatives when her neural signals become a 70% match to what has been recorded when the entity begins exerting its will over her own.
Φ Melisent doesn't know what came of her parents, mentioning them bringing about irritation and possible "snaps".
Φ The entity in Melisent has given no name, but interaction with summoned entities have lent them the title of "Nightmare Lord".
Φ Her favorite tea is a peach milk tea, her favorite snack is fruit tarts, and her favorite band is a group from the early 2010's called "Pentakill".
Φ Speaks both Italian and English fluently.
Φ Will actually attempt to call those she treats more formally as "big brother" and "big sister".
Φ Has a tendency to try and take naps in "acceptable" places, sometimes including those of Defense members.


[fieldbox="WEAPONS, #242424, solid, 10"]
Skeleton Keys: The physical manifestation of the beasts she has bonded with in the past, each one holding a different shape and design to represent the creature it's connected to. Using them as a medium allows her to summon them much more reliably.
Armatix iP9: A .22 semi-auto long rifle pistol. Just because she prefers to let others do work for her doesn't mean she can't pop a bish.​
Ability Name: Aging Suspension
Description: Melisent's connection to the creature and the realm it comes from has given her a form of immortality.
Strengths: The passage of time does not affect Melisent, be it natural or imposed by supernatural means.
Weaknesses: All it really does it keep her from aging or dying of old age, not from dying of things such as disease and bodily harm.

Ability Name: Fear Empowerment
Description: The being connected to her enjoys feeding off of negative emotions, being especially attached to fear and panic. Strong instances of these empower the entity to a degree, and as such empower Melisent in turn.
Strengths: Sources of fear and panic empower Melisent, enhancing her physical and supernatural capabilities the more there is.
Weaknesses: If in the presence of a strong enough source Melisent's identity may take a backseat to the entity attached to her, resulting in strong personality shifts and erratic - sometimes violent - behavior. In such scenarios the sedative device may not be enough to bring the entity back under control, thus demanding some agent intervention.

Ability Name: Summoning
Description: Melisent has a special connection to a parallel dimension she calls "The Wake", allowing her to call upon creatures that call the plane home. Using herself as a form of bait she can lure entities forth, and by giving over a part of her consciousness she can bind them to do her bidding for a time. Smaller things she can summon and maintain easily enough. Larger ones require more time and effort both to lure and to bind, demanding that a manifestation of The Wake be present for them to come forth. Some common ones seen in use by her are:

Φ Grasping Hands - Dark ethereal arms that inhabit Melisent's shadow. Normally hiding among tall grass in The Wake, waiting to snatch and strangle anything weak enough to not break their grip, Melisent maintains a cluster of these most always to aid her in menial tasks she deems to be "below her" - if she can't get one of her subordinates to do it.
Φ Beady Eye - Small creatures capable of flight, the most marked aspect being the single, large eye that makes up the majority of their faces. Melisent has the ability to tap into their vision, allowing her to see what they're seeing. She says she uses them for monitoring others in the base who're known to cause trouble, but has mostly been known to use them to gather dirt on those that she feels have slighted her.
Φ Paladin Beast - Medium-sized dog-like creatures with an emaciated appearance, pasty skin pulled taut over spiked bones, long snouts holding rows of sharp teeth and their head holding multiple sets of eyes. Melisent says that they are creatures left behind in The Wake by violent religious zealots. Supposedly they grow to be much larger than the ones that she summons regularly.​

Strengths: She is able to summon a variety of entities from The Wake to do her bidding.
Weaknesses: All entities above a Level 1 classification (things she can be seen summoning around base) require express clearance from her superiors, Level 3 entities needing direct authorization from Upper Management. Entities from The Wake are not a fan of sunlight nor the atmosphere of the human plane, and as such tend to stay within the sphere manifested from Melisent during daylight hours. The stronger the entity the more of her conscious self she has to give over. If she gives over too much, a sufficiently powerful being could potentially strain and break the bind that it places on them, thus allowing it to run wild(er) as it so pleased. If such a scenario were to occur, it's theorized that this might cause more damage to the identity of Melisent than what is already in place, potentially threatening to give full agency to the other presence inside her.

Ability Name: Nightmare Eyes
Description: Melisent is able to switch her vision, allowing her to see the world as it's reflected in The Wake according to the entity she's connected with.
Strengths: As The Wake is a reflection of the human realm, by finding people and places within it one can find emotional imprints in various places throughout; the stronger the emotion the larger the imprint. For Melisent in specific, fears, phobias, manias, even dark thoughts and dark deeds from one's past can be picked up on and revealed to her eyes.
Weaknesses: As it is but a switch of her vision, Melisent must be in the presence of a person or thing to be able to see how they are represented within The Wake.
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#242424 Albert Fieraru
Codename: Nightshade
Age: Appears to be late 60's but is actually 750
Gender: Male
Race: Ancient Vampire
Division: Fieldwork
Rank: Senior Operative
Clearance Level:3

Albert stands around Six Foot Two with long white hair and very pale skin. He has very bright Hazel eyes and sports a rather musculature physique. He has a penchant for dressing in somewhat archaic clothes that he has kept around for several centuries as the word "Inconspicuous" is not the highest on his list of preferred vocabulary. However on occasion he will dress in a more casual modern manner.

[fieldbox="PERSONALITY, #242424, solid, 10"]
On the surface Albert is a difficult individual to get along with. He is sarcastic,insensitive, confrontational. and down right and asshole. He looks for reasons to poke fun at just about everyone who crosses his path and will usually stop at nothing to get a reaction out of them. That isn't to say he is all bad. If someone manages to stick around and actually get to know him, or if they simply are a persistent bastard they will find that he isn't all that bad. Albert at his core is a very protective individual and he takes pride in his efforts to keep others out of harms way. He is rather knowledgeable about a great many things thanks to his age and he is willing to share his centuries worth of knowledge with those who are willing to ask.​
"Alright so seven hundred and fifty years is a looooooooong time to pick through my brain and tell you all the things I have done so I'm going to make it simple for you. INVICITUS hasn't always been the same organization hanging over your head every second of every day. Before they were around there were a plethora of other people who did the same jobs as INVICITUS does now and some might argue they did them better. Any who before I was part of INVICITUS I was a simple smith, working out of a forge in Provence, a small country just south of France.

It wasn't anything special and life was simple. Until it wasn't. SO one night I am tending the forge right and this stranger comes riding into town. Me being the magnanimous individual that I am offered the stranger a place to stay in the spare room I had in the back. So long story short the stranger liked my shit and they wanted it and I took exception to that. Fighting ensued, there was blood and I didn't exactly end up on the winning side being as old as I was. So long story within a longer story short I was laying on the floor of my shop bleeding and this woman walks in. I don't remember her too well since you know, I was dying.

The woman looking down over me made me an offer I couldn't refuse. She could save me for a price. I didn't think to much about it before I accepted. Next thing I know I am up and about perfectly healthy. Well sort of. I was a vampire now. It was odd but at least it beat the alternative. So now that, that was a thing the woman told me that I would owe her three favors that would be collected on at a later date. Again I agreed and the first thing on my list of things to do was track that fucker down. So I did. Killed him too. It was a bit to easy but oh well can't complain.

So skip a few centuries and I floated about the world, going here and there, learning this and that. Met a silvered haired gunslinger, she was fun~ Any way so Throughout my travels I hunted down different creatures and what not until one day I stumbled across Ye olde INVICITUS. Skip to Today and here we are. Been with them ever since. Not like they gave me much choice in the matter once I joined but hey it's a living. And its always fun to mess with the young folk.

Prepare for Jokes


[fieldbox="WEAPONS, #242424, solid, 10"]
Albert Likes to keep his load out simple. He carries a sword with him that he has had for centuries. It has been reinforced several times with various forms of magic. It is extremely durable and capable of interacting with magic and incorporeal beings. Aside from this he usually carries a pair of standard Issue INVICTUS side arms.​


Ability Name: Vampiric Physiology
Description: Being a Vampire Albert gains all the benefits and Hindrances that come with it.
Strengths: Albert enjoys much higher strength, speed, endurance, reflexes and senses than a normal human being as well as lacking the need for food or sleep. Albert can see in the dark as it were normal day time and is keenly aware of spiritual happenings going on around him.
Weaknesses: While the benefits of being a Vampire are numerous there come with it several draw backs. Albert needs to feed on blood at regular intervals or see himself weakened until death. The Sun will burn his skin without properly protecting himself with clothing and being sufficiently fed. Being undead Albert is weak to most holy magics that provide protection from them as well as deal damage to them.

Ability Name: Combat Expert
Description: Having been alive for as ling as he has Albert has picked up on a wide variety of different combat abilities and styles ranging archaic European Sword styles to Modern day martial arts.
Strengths: This makes Albert very versatile in most any given situation and allow him to react in ways that would be unconventional for most fighters.
Weaknesses: Albert usually tends to let his near immortal body take most of the punishment while in combat and so while he is skilled in many forms of combat he lacks in defensive capabilities more than most other combatants.

Ability Name: Vampire's Intimidation
Description: This ability allows Albert to force his will onto other mortal beings and force them to bend to his will.
Strengths: This makes Mortal beings bend to Albert's will and he can give them commands that they will follow.
Weaknesses: This ability doesn't work on people with exceptionally strong wills and even for those who are effected Albert can not issue them orders that are completely against their nature or that goes against their sense of self preservation.

Ability Name: Life-Force Absorption
Description: With being a Vampire Albert has the ability to ingest the "Life Force" AKA Blood in order to heal his wounds and to boost his abilities in large doses.
Strengths: When at peak ability Albert can boost his strength, speed, endurance and reflexes when he ingests the life force of another living being. And when he is injured he can redirect that energy to heal himself.
Weaknesses: This ability does not work on beings who are undead in nature for obvious reasons. Secondly when he uses this ability to boost his own abilities he can over work his body by using to much. If he over gorges himself this can lead to shutting down of his body which makes him lethargic and slow to react.

Ability Name: Darkness Manipulation
Description:User can shape and manipulate darkness and shadows. By itself, darkness is mostly used to cloud everything into total darkness, but by accessing a dimension of dark energy it can be channeled to a variety of effects, both as an absence of light and a solid substance: one can also control and manipulate the beings that exist there, create and dispel shields and areas of total darkness, create constructs and weapons, teleport one's self through massive distances via shadows, etc
Strengths: This power is extremely versatile and can be used to all manner of effects ranging as far as Albert's Imagination can reach. This ability is also empowered at night when Shadows are more prominent.
Weaknesses: The main problem with the power however is that it requires shadows to be present in the environment as it can not generate them itself. It is also much weaker during the day time as the presence of the sun diminishes it significantly.


#242424 Yuri Zotov
Nickname: Scarface, Cut Up, Comrade Yuri
Codename: Hunter
Age: 25
Gender: Male
Race: Human [Werewolf]
Division: Fieldwork
Rank: In Processing
Clearance Level: 0

Yuri stands at 5'10 and weighs about 160 Ibs. Featuring a slim athletic build. His uniform/outfit mainly consists of a slightly worn and torn brown duster coat that currently had tears and claw marks from an unknown animal and has a grey hoodie underneath the duster, brown pants, grey hiking boots and leather gloves. He is also seen wearing either a modified gas mask, or balaclava to hide his face. But, when not wearing said facial items, he is extremely pale with five large scars on his face. The scars go from above his left eye and all the way down to the bottom of his jaw. His hair is almost always shaved or a tight fade that is black in color, eye color is a brownish color.

[fieldbox="PERSONALITY, #242424, solid, 10"]
Yuri is someone that prefers isolation, preferring the sounds of nature to the sounds of city life. While he is a person that keeps to himself, he will not push people away if they try to talk to him. Just be sure not to insult his way of life, and maybe you might become friends with the man, or get him to tell one of his many hunting stories. Or stories of his family hunting.

[+] Yuri's lifestyle of hunting has taught him to never rush in without caution. As that would lead to a painful death, patience helps him discover behavior patterns, movement, the necessary details that he needs to be a successful hunter. Yuri understands that everyone comes from different walks of life, and thus have different views on things. He will be considerate of others views, feelings and everything so long they are considerate of his. And lastly, he is determined. Give him a task, and he'll try to complete it to the best of his ability.

[=]Yuri is the type of person who will help someone with a problem, or teach them something. But he is not going to hold that person's hand through everything. He believes everyone needs to complete certain things on their own if they are to become greater. He is also the type to not sugarcoat things, no matter how grim or nasty something it is. He'll speak the truth. And in kind, he'll expect the truth. Finally, he is what some would call a bit stoic. While not emotionless, he won't be laughing out loud, or tearing up when something sad happens.

[-] Unfortunately, Yuri's lifestyle may have caused him to get a good trait, it has also given him some bad ones. For one thing, he is paranoid. All it taking is something to seem off, and Yuri is immediately thinking of what can go wrong, or worst case scenario. He also has nasty habit of getting too focused on his work. Sure, some would call it an obsession. He just likes to call it something a little bit more pleasant. Like "Work motivated." Lastly, he is stubborn, so much so that it is near impossible to get him to change his mind if he has already decided, or get him to use new methods or gear.​
Yuri was born to a family of hunters, farmers in Russia, Omsk. The type of people who prefer the old ways to the new. His childhood was somewhat uneventful, save for at age fifteen, he had helped his uncle and cousin in taking down a bear after they had taught him how to shoot. Years would go by until Yuri was old enough to hunt on his own. Which he did mostly for sport, or food for him and his family. Life was simple, and he enjoyed that life. However, fate had something else in mind.

On the night after his birthday, Yuri decided to do some night hunting. Claiming that night was when tougher prey came out. Once he was out and about, he noticed that the wildlife had gone quiet. To the point he could hear his own heart beating away and every sound was louder.

This had freaked him out enough to make him want to turn back and to the safety of his home. However, he was curious and excitement to override fear. For if something had spooked the wildlife, it must've been worthwhile to hunt. Taking his rifle and gear, he scoured the forest. Until he found the beast. Whatever it was, the creature looked like an overgrown black bear that had a wolf's head. It was feasting on the carcass of some animal. It was distracted, and he had the jump on it. However, when he fired. The beast didn't fall right away. It still had a fight in it. Soon enough, it was about to tear him apart. Thankfully, the wound he given it hindered its movement. Said wound saved Yuri's life that night. With no options, he retreated. And the beast gave chase. Yuri, using his knowledge of the land and what firepower he had. He managed to kill the beast. But not before the beast had took a bite out of his shoulder.

Tired and wounded, he wondered what type of creature this was. Until he heard someone yell something to him. Not sure if it was adrenaline or his instincts kicking in. He ran. Despite the protests of whoever was calling to him.

Arriving back at his home. He quickly told his family what had happened. His grandmother then told him what this meant. The beast had been the wolf-man. Whose bite meant a curse for the victim should they live. So, with a heavy heart, he said goodbye to all of his family. As he was going away for their safety. Taking a few supplies, he ran away and into hiding. Later taking a plane to America as a bid to make his way to somewhere isolated. Where he couldn't harm anyone. At this point, it is unknown what happened in the weeks that followed. But, INVICTUS agents found him on the brink of death during a investigation of rumors of a wolf-man being in the area. They took him to a medical facility where a close eye was kept on him. They did notice that he had frequent nightmares and kept on muttering something about the moon in his sleep. That and the bite on his shoulder has led the organization into concluding that Yuri was the one responsible for the rumors...

In terms of employment time to the organization. Zero. In terms of being in their medical care. Three weeks, only now after he had recovered, that he is being moved to processing. Meanwhile, Yuri is both confused and wary of what INVICTUS has in store for him.

lorem ipsum


[fieldbox="WEAPONS, #242424, solid, 10"]
Standard issue handgun. An old Mosin Nagant that his father had given him. Beyond that, he carries a simple hunting knife.​
Skills: Years of hunting and practicing with a rifle has made Yuri quite the marksman. It has also made him skilled at tracking and stealth. If it breathes and you want it dead and have it not know where it was shot from, Yuri is your guy.


Ability Name: Transformation
Description: Every full-moon, Yuri will transform into the Wolfman.
Strengths: Enhanced speed, stamina, strength and senses.
Weaknesses: During this time, he will not have complete control over the beast, and thus can be dangerous to friend and foe alike. And silver can severely injure him or kill him in this state.

(you can add more abilities using the same structure above)

#242424 Jet Celeris
Nickname: J, Celery, Little Gem
Codename: Celerity
Age: 23
Gender: Male
Race: Soulsteeped Human
Division: Fieldwork
Rank: Junior Agent
Clearance Level: 2

Jet, being of athletic build and standing at a solid 6 feet tall, could be considered among the more of attractive agents, despite his complete cluelessness towards it, and general dismissal of it. His messy hair is so pale that one would only be able to tell it was platinum blonde if they were able to catch it in the right light. His eyes are, usually, a piercing sky blue, giving him an easily distinguishable look. His fashion sense might lead one to believe he has a "edgy" personality, but he just enjoys the color black. The real tell, however, is that he always wears light, breathable clothing, with the exception of his signature leather jacket, giving him both a generic look and a distinct one at the same time.
[fieldbox="PERSONALITY, #242424, solid, 10"]

Optimistic: Jet is constantly focused on the positives in any given situation. He will go above and beyond to try and see the bright side, no matter how bad things get. While some might see it as bravado, Jet's sunny disposition has raised group morale more than once on a mission.

Strong-willed: Jet's not the kind of person to give in to goading, as one of the first lessons he learned was that "He who boasts of a coming victory has already lost." So he ensures that he's never the one to lose a battle of wills.

Energetic: Hyperactive is an understatement for Jet. Since his body requires so little, Jet is constantly filled with energy and vigor, which he uses to the maximum possible effect and efficiency.

Social: Jet has a love of people and will always do his best to interact with anyone around him. Sometimes this has gotten him into trouble, but he always believes that the day he stops trying to make friends is the day he dies.

Determined: Once Jet puts his mind to something, few forces in the world can stop him. He will ensure missions are completed and will fight to the last if pushed. On occasion this has been Jet's downfall, but a refusal to give up is a powerful asset to any Agent.

Diligent: If Jet is not otherwise engaged, he is more likely than not to be found in the simulation room. While many people would see Jet as an accomplished fighter already, to him, training never stops, as you can always improve.

Short-sighted: Jet's focus tends to be something that blinds him, as once he begins something one way, he looks no further than the carrot on the end of the stick, totally blind to the rapidly approaching cliff.

Aggressive: Jet is first and foremost, a fighter. He revels in combat, as he claims it is when he feels most alive. Often times he can be found trailing after other powerful agents, pestering them to spar with him.

Simple-minded: In line with his shortsightedness, Jet struggles to see varying solutions to things. Once he starts a plan, he sticks to it, as he genuinely is unsure how else to proceed in most cases.​
Jet's history actually goes back to his father, Jenma Celeres, and his mother, Peanut Whisper. Long before Peanut and Jenma had ever met, Peanut worked as an exceptional assassin. Personal, Professional, Political, the type of kill never mattered to her as long as the money was good. Not long after she had begun her career, the underground was abuzz with talk of one Lady Whisper, one of the deadliest assassins of her time. Her famed skill even pulled her to the more secretive world of the supernatural, something she took to without hesitation. Eventually, one mark involved a slight miscalculation on Peanut's part, and she wound up pregnant with her first child, Beryl. While Peanut was a ruthless assassin, she would never allow herself to be called an unfit mother. She took her fortune and retired for a time, opting to raise Beryl in comfort in Morocco. It was there she met Jenma.

When Jenma and Peanut met, they fell for each other in an instant. Peanut for the kind heart and good looks Jenma had, and Jenma for the potential Peanut held. Jenma, as it turns out, was not the total altruist he pretended to be. In fact, Jenma was little more than an ill moraled scientist who used Peanut and Beryl as a testing bed for his hidden arcane powers. Little by little, Jenma experimented on Peanut and her daughter without their knowledge, testing the extent of his abilities, and seeing what they could do. Eventually, this experimentation took its final turn when Peanut gave birth to her son, Jet.

When Jet was born, Jenma saw his opportunity to fully test the extent of his magic. One night, as an exhausted Peanut settled in for the night, Jenma snuck to Jet's crib and performed his greatest feat yet. Rather than cast his magic on the body of the infant, he poured his magic into the entirety of Jet's being, polluting his pure, infant soul with raw arcanum, essentially steeping the boy's soul in pure magic.

Jet grew up fairly normally, but as he reached the hormonally unstable ages, and his emotions began to swell, the results of his mana steeped soul began to manifest. With each emotion, Jet's natural abilities became supernatural, granting him increased power, speed, reactions, and more. Unfortunately, this sudden growth in power did not go unnoticed. In the middle of the night, a group of unknown thugs came, stole Jenma from his bed, and fled into the night, leaving a distraught family behind. Why Jenma was taken over Jet, who had been more visibly showing vast growth in power, is still an unanswered question, but thankfully, it was likely to never be answered. Recognizing Jet's supernatural ability, Peanut ran through a series of her old assassin contacts, eventually winding up in contact with an agent of the shadow agency Invictus, who, according to rumor, dealt in the supernatural. In Peanut's mind, it would be better for them to take care of her son, while she took her daughter and fled off the grid, vengeance boiling in her heart as she sought those who had broken her family. Despite insisting she also join Invictus, she vowed she would get her own answers first. After which they could have her and her daughter. Jet, on the other hand, quickly became involved in Invictus, as he felt it was his duty as he, in his words, "had the power to help people, and those with power are tasked to use it."

Much of the time Jet spent as a fresh recruit was spent on teaching him to control his extreme power. In order to teach him discipline, he was taught many forms of martial arts, and, under the guidance of a rather shin kickingly wise master, he gradually began to learn to control the flow of strength within him. As well, he learned to be wary of his emotions and to tap into them, rather than let them flow wildly. By the time Jet became a full agent, he was more than ready to prove he had learned what was taught to him. While his somewhat reckless nature was still there, his potential and sense of duty and loyalty were very clear. In fact, he became so proud of his progress, he developed a habit of parroting the teachings of his master onto new recruits behind him, trying to inspire and empower them. Of course, this earned him more shin kickings, but to him, it was a mark of progress.

Over the six years of Jet's involvement in Invictus, Jet has grown into a reliable, if eccentric, agent, proud to serve, and more than happy to help more rookie agents grow into their own.

=> Jet is well known for his love of combat, and will frequently ask people to spar.
=> Jet owns a pet Turtle named Marie Shelly
=> Said turtle has a variety of tiny turtle costumes for parties and holidays
=> On many occasions, Jet has had his abilities likened to the powers in some kind of television show, but no one will explain to him why the people in it want the little orange balls


[fieldbox="WEAPONS, #242424, solid, 10"]
Jet relies solely on his martial arts, a combination of Boxing, Kempo, and Iron Body, for defense, as well as attack.​
Ability Name: The Show Must Go On
Description: The Show Must Go On is the collective term for the primary result of Jet's empowered soul. It is the basis for all of Jet's other abilities as it grants him access to his signature "Act" forms based on his emotions. At base, Jet is considered to be in a perpetual state of "Act 1", explaining his superhuman speed and strength, as well as some of his more fantastical abilities. Every Act, excluding Act 1, is accompanied by a colored aura of energy, with each color associating with a different emotional state. Act 1 is roughly twice the performance of a peak performance human being.

Act 2: Act 2 deals in the base emotions (Anger, Joy, Sadness, etc) that a person can feel. By tapping into these emotions, Jet can greatly increase certain abilities based on the emotion in question. For example, Anger makes him vastly stronger, and much more offense focused, while Joy makes him faster and more defensive minded. Act 2 is twice the performance of Act 1. Currently, Jet only has access to Anger, granting him increased power, and Joy, granting him increased speed.

Act 3: Essentially Act 3 combines two Act 2 forms together and boosts them somewhat. Of course, completely incompatible emotions, such as being Angered and Joyful at once, are quite difficult to maintain, and are easily overtaken by one or the other without concentration. This can lead to the dangers of Act 3. If Act 3 is dominated by one emotion, it becomes extremely difficult for Jet to come out of said emotional state. For example, if Jet were to achieve Act 3 in Anger, he would be extremely aggressive and short tempered until meditation brought him to equilibrium once again. Fortunately, Jet will still have all his mental faculties in this state, so he's not a threat to other agents. Act 3 is five times the performance of Act 2
Strengths: Grants Jet multiplicative increases in ability, usually in the form of more strength and more speed, though Act 3 has seen low level flight become possible.
Weaknesses: The further into the power Jet goes, the more at risk of faltering he becomes. If used recklessly, it can even destroy him. Additionally, Jet requires significant rest periods (two to three days for Act 2 alone) between uses, as the strain on his body is intense. Finally, because of the intense power from Act 3, Jet requires express permission to engage it in field, and to inform someone if he is going to use it in training.

Ability Name: Soul Arts

Description: In tandem with the Acts, Jet can use his empowered soul to access special abilities similar to the ideas of Ki, though instead of being based on one's life force, they are manifestations of the arcane power of his corrupted soul. Essentially this allows Jet to manifest his soul's power in the form of pure energy, most notably his varied array of energy blasts, such as his signature Bolt 45 attack.
Strengths: While this can increase the power of Jet's strikes, it more aptly supplements his limited range as a martial artist, granting him energy blasts to launch at distant foes.
Weaknesses: Just like the Acts, the Soul Arts put a strain on Jet's body, often leaving him exhausted after a barrage of shots. Additionally, the sheer force of the attacks forces Jet to shout their names as he does theme, heavily telegraphing his attacks.

Ability Name: Soulsteeped

Description: A byproduct of having a soul infused with magic, Jet's body is constantly in peak physical condition. It grants him immense endurance, rapid healing, and beyond Olympic performance in any physical activity. Jet is, for all intents and purposes, enjoying the perfect human body. However, he is still susceptible to all the weakness of the standard human body. While he may not need as much, he still must sleep, drink, and eat. It simply maintains his body at the peak of human physicality, for a martial artist at least.
Strengths: Jet has the perfect martial artist grade body, with exceptional healing, strength, and speed, while needing less resources to keep it running.
Weaknesses: While Jet's body is the peak a human can reach, it is still human. It's just as vulnerable as any other human's. Additionally, while Jet's body doesn't need as many nutrients to keep it running, when he does eat, he requires an extensive supply of calories to not drain his body of energy. Finally, since Jet's soul was polluted with the arcane when it was still pure, the corruption causes his soul to be unrecognizable as a mortal soul, barring him from the benefits of having one.

#242424 Eliza Moira Bitter
Nickname: Eliza, Liza ("If yer too fockin lazy to pronounce the fockin e")
Codename: Wormwood
Age: 24
Gender: female
Race: 100% human
Division: fieldwork
Rank: new recruits
Clearance Level:level 2

Full size image:

Eliza is a smaller woman standing at roughly five feet and two inches tall, maybe even a little bit under that. Eliza is lithe and of a rather fair complexion. With blonde hair and hazel eyes she can appear rather delicate but in all actuality she's far more gruff than one might glean at a glance. Despite being mostly adjusted to the new era she has found herself in she still tries to dress in the fashion of the past. That being said she tends to wear very conservative clothing that can prove to be comfortable and combat savvy. "Can't kill demons if yer fockin arse is hangin out. "

[fieldbox="PERSONALITY, #242424, solid, 10"]

More Specifically:
+ Motivated: If one thing is certain about Eliza it's that she's a determined individual on a mission. Once she get started on something it'd take the world and then some to put her down and make her give up. She's not inflexible in her endeavors but her desire to get things done will keep her on track to her goal.
+ Generous: Despite her usually unfriendly disposition and her biting commentary she has a heart of gold deep down. Eliza is a sucker for a sob story, provided it stands up to reason, and can't help her self but to try and do the right thing for people. Even if it means making sacrifices she genuinely seeks to do good in the world.
+ Candid: While she doesn't exactly wear her heart on her sleeve, Eliza tends to be rather honest and upfront in just about all of her endeavors. Eliza is nice deep down but she won't sugar coat anything for anybody, she views it as pointless and damaging. So if you need someone to be honest with you on something she's your gal, but remember you might not like what you hear.

0 Conservative:Just because she's starting to adapt to the new time period doesn't mean she's lost the prudent nature of the 19th century. Eliza isn't one for modern fashion or how people tend to conduct themselves. Outside of swearing she tends to see more modern sensibilities as being as a fair bit too ripe for her.
0 Proud: Possibly one of her more potent traits is Eliza's pride. Her hubris knows very few bounds and she doesn't take kindly to having this sense of self worth put in question. Even if her life is on the line one can expect her to hold her head high and deny being coddled like a child. Her dignity is everything to her, second to none on her ever shortening list of priorities.
0 Asocial: Plainly put Eliza isn't very friendly to about eighty five percent of people she encounters regularly. Very few enjoy an sort of warmth from her and even then it might be described as tepid at best. That being said she typically refrains from socializing all that much.

- Bellicose: Possibly her second greatest feature is her sheer aggressive nature. Eliza is always ready for a confrontation and she sure as hell isn't quite about it. Therefore she often laces her speech with copious amounts of insults and threeats. She's loud and proud and ready to kcik someone's ass if they so much as look at her the wrong way, especially if they're, "some fockin' inhuman gobshite!"
- Prejudice: Having been brought up in an era and a society not exactly keen on folks being of an unnatural persuasion Eliza has developed a not so subtle hatred for anything that isn't a human. Specific breeds of as she calls them "unholy abominations." She doesn't have any issues with her fellow humans but boy howdy does she have it out for everyone else. This of course makes her job a lot more difficult seeing as how back in her day they used to kill the supernatural not make friends and work with them. That being said if they're old enough some of the supernaturals today might recognize her if they hung around London at the time.
- Stubborn: While its not impossible to get her to change her ways, Eliza is as stubborn as they come. Set in her ways can sometimes seems like an understatement. People have to practically beat new ideas into her to get her to at least try to look at things from a different angle.

Generally: Prideful, plucky, and generally miffed are just some of the many names Eliza has been called. They're also among the words people have used. Generally she's a pleasant lass if you enjoy someone with a bit of an edge to their voice no matter the situation or you fancy bein' scowled at, perhaps even staring down the barrel of a gun. One thing is for sure she's the type to have her head held high no matter what and typically wont accept anyone's aide willingly. Some would say she's rather spirited and stubborn, she prefers to call it survival instinct as she is the sort of person to more often than not, stare death in the face and mange to walk away mostly intact. Eliza's number one flaw, according to some people, is her rather short temper. She's dealt with a lot of bullshit in her life and so she's had to toughen up and learn how to deal with it. As it turns out this means being angry and reacting as explosively as possible when shit goes down. It's worked thus far so why change? For the most part this is really only about 60% of her personality but she rarely gets a chance to put her guard down and relax. As much as she would love to just sit quietly and enjoy the company of others , she's been roped into a shit-storm that requires lots of yelling and bullets. This mess has been something she has had to deal with her whole life and now that her sister has been murdered and she's been pulled into a practically different world, she's turned the rage meter up to 11 and everything looks like it could do with a bullet hole or two. .​
Eliza was born in the 1820's in the lands of Northern Ireland. She grew up along side many siblings, her being the youngest of the bunch along side her twin sister, Aileen. From a young age she was exposed to a different world from your standard folks in that day and age. The Bitter family was one of a few to be part of an at the time, sacred organization of the Protestant faith, under the jurisdiction of the Anglican church. This organization had many names but she had always known it as The Order of the Seraphic Vigil. Her parents as well as her older siblings were soldiers of a kind, holy knights that under cover of darkness cleansed the streets of that which went bump in the night. Be it a vampire, lycanthrope, demon, or some magical nutter in a robe they were there to stop them. That being said Eliza was exposed to the supernatural since she was very young and like all who had come before her was groomed to be able to enter combat with such things and hopefully come out alive.

She grew up learning about the super natural, specifically the creatures and how to effectively slay them. Know thy enemy, became a phrase she held near and dear to her heart. As she grew older the lesson soon went from mere theory to live practice. Combatives and weapons training became key. Eliza was seventeen when her family deemed both her and her sister ready to officially join the order. To be inducted into the order they would need to partake of an important ceremony in the birthplace of the organization. So Eliza and her sister were shipped off to London, England to partake in the ceremony and hopefully emerge proud defenders of the people.

They arrived and went through the induction process and became a force to be reckoned with, twin huntresses of the vigil assigned to protecting the denizens of the city of London. With the aide of her sister, Eliza eked out a place in the order as possibly one of the most brutally effective but perhaps the most crude of the vigil's hunters. With her years of building up her reputation for getting the job done, it came as no surprise when Eliza received orders to dispatch a cult that had weaseled its way into the heart of London. The cult as it happened was on the verge of summoning something particularly vile and so they had to be dealt with. Eliza and her sister formed a plan, they let the cult gather themselves in once spot, Aileen posing as one of their ranks and then spring a deadly trap before they could bring their demon into the world. All seemed well at first but Aileen had gone dark, she ignored her dead drops and missed rendezvous. Something was seriously wrong and so Eliza was forced to act alone.

Fearing the worst and letting her ire get the better of her Eliza blindly rushed into the cult's ritual. Daggers soared through the air and Eliza fired damn near every shot she had, carving a bloody path through the lichyard. Her anger lent her strength and speed but could do nothing for her when she stumbled across her sister's ritually sacrificed corpse. Consumed by a whole new torrent of emotion she went for the kill on the cult leader who cackled as she languished over her loss. A brutal beating ensued, her fury spurring a more personal confrontation. Unfortunately for her, right as she went for the coup de grace her pistol pointed at the man's skull her chance to end the conflict was stolen from her.

The demon they had been attempting to summon had indeed found its way to this side of reality, and worked its foul magics on her from the shadows. Before she could squeeze the trigger the demon banished Eliza from the graveyard with the intent of sending her elsewhere. However it would appear the demon hadn't changed where Eliza was, but when she would be there. She was shunted through time far far away from the victorian era, reemerging on the other side hundreds of years later. Her appearance as it happened, seemed to coincided with a local funeral. Eliza popped up seemingly from nowhere a sneer on her lip and tears streaming from her eyes, screaming savagely. She only realized she was no longer staring down a bloodied cultist but your modern day priest delivering the eulogy just before she fired her weapon.

Eliza instead stumbled backwards into equally shocked attendees of the service. Eliza whirled around confused, furious, and despondent. With this whirlwind of emotions as well as the aftershock of being shunted hundreds of years through time she was caught so off guard by the new and perplexing sights she had seen. After maybe a few seconds of panicked swearing she dropped to the ground like a stone and passed out. While she was unconscious someone called authorities of some variety and while that was getting sorted out that was when she was picked up by Invictus. Once she regained consciousness she wound up having some long rather interesting conversations with a representative or two. After a few shattered coffee cups, some swearing with liberal use of the words fuck, shite, and demon, she calmed down and began the long process of being brought up to date.

It was decided during her discussion with Invictus representatives she was to become a part of their organization, she volunteered for it in fact. Eliza was upset to say the least but there was no going back that she knew of. With that in mind she knew that this organization was more or less what she had devoted her life to prior, and likely her only chance of righting the wrong that had gone many centuries far too long without being rectified. So once again she had to learn the ropes, a process that would take months and even then, some things wouldn't settle quite right with Eliza anyway. After spending a little over a year, give or take a few months she was relocated from her original place of operations to another one in some place called Texas.

Random factoids: Eliza always tries to have her back to a wall, will only shake hands by the wrist, and twirls her guns every time she holsters them. Additionally she's also a fair bit miffed that the dashing young hunter she had been courting back in her time is long gone and she wont be able to see that through now.


[fieldbox="WEAPONS, #242424, solid, 10"]

* Several silver plated throwing knives
* A holy feckin bible
* A pair of highly customized pistols, complete with laser sights, integral suppressors,and extended magazines.
* A couple of extra magazines.
* Her trusty old flintlock pistol: while it may seem like it'd prove ineffectual, it's actually loaded with a single heavily blessed round. The enchantment done to this round is particularly old but incredibly strong to boot. That being said it would more than likely slay unholy entities with extreme ease if it hit them. The one caveat being she only has one of these and is saving ti for the demon that ruined her life all those years ago.
Ability Name: Human
Description: makes one an actual factual, for real and not for fake, human being.
Strengths: you can drink holy water and probably not die, among other neat human traits that revolve around not being a demon or something.
Weaknesses: getting shot in the head and or other vitals means you're like super dead


#242424 White Foster
Nickname: Doc
Codename: Ianuaria
Age: 30 Appearance | ??? Actual
Gender: Female
Race: Celtic Goddess
Division: Medical
Rank: Division Supervisor
Clearance Level: Level 5

Long platinum blonde hair is usually straightened and made into a loose braid, which helps give White an even more slender look to her 5'10" frame. She has light freckles that cross over her cheese and the bridge of her nose. They seem to get darker in the winter seasons instead of the summer. Her eyes are a crystal blue that may change more gray or green depending on what the lighting and color of the room she is in.

White wears very plain clothes. Usually something like a nice blouse and skirt covered in a doctor's coat.
She's often alternate between pants and long skirt, but they're always something relatively comfortable and easy to move in. She just about always has her doctor's coat on and half the time she probably has it buttoned up all the way with a high collar.

[fieldbox="PERSONALITY, #242424, solid, 10"]
With a complaisant outlook but an intimidating demeanor, White Foster is a whirlwind of vibes when you first meet her. She may seem domineering by just her aura, though her words may be more kind and considerate. There seems to be a conflict between the energy she gives off and the sweet tone in which she addresses people by--and that gives hint to the type of person she really is. Someone incredibly powerful in her own right, but someone controlled just enough to present what needs to be presented. Though, her happy and cheerful motherly temperament does not easily over the excitable sadism. She finds enjoyment in other's pain, though one could suggest that stems from the very nature of her abilities. She has a tendency to subtly condone violence, and shows little interest in actual healing procedures despite the nature of her work. Overall she is genuinely a good person that means well (most of the time). She is capable of keeping her composure in even the most stressful situations, and knows when to make a call despite someone's moral objections. She is a hands-on person, and may often appear on the field if she is able to leave the Infirmary. She isn't afraid to dirty her hands if it helps out others. Away from public view, White tends to get lonely quite easily, yet tries to keep it to herself. She hides away her anger and frustration and takes it out on the furniture in her residence later.​
Soon™, soon.

• It seems that White has an affinity to playing panpipes and flutes.
• Her first (and consistent) on-and-off boyfriend happens to be the Roman god, Mars (Ares in Greek).
• Her favorite month is January, in which loosely derived from her name.


[fieldbox="WEAPONS, #242424, solid, 10"]
Normally, your medics don't like to carry around weapons--especially if they've made their medical vows. Some do though, just in case. White is one of those people. But what exactly she carries around varies and it's anyone's guess until she pulls it out of her large handy dandy sharp and metal medical suitcase. Don't worry, it won't cause injury if she hits you with it.... It might sting though.​
Ability Name: Healing Touch
Description: White can touch, hit, bite, or by any means of forceful physical interaction, is able to heal a person. The harder she hits or intents to inflict damage, the more she heals.
Strengths: She can heal quite a lot. This also applies to any object she is holding or using. So if she uses a knife to cut into someone, it will heal them instead of cutting them. The same concept applies to projectiles. If she touches a gun and shoots someone, they will heal instead of get harmed. However, if someone else uses the gun after her, the effect does not remain.
Weaknesses: She can't actually harm anyone. In this regard, she requires an assistant if she wants to properly do medical procedures that require surgery. However, if the person is undead (or considered as such), she will have the opposite effect and harm them.

Ability Name: Immortality
Description: Because of White's status of being a goddess, she naturally has immortality, in the sense that she will never die of age, illness, or normal mortal wounds.
Strengths: She can potentially live on forever.
Weaknesses: Like many other gods in the universe, she has the possibility of dying through supernatural means the same way other gods may be able to die by supernatural means. Also, by not being able to die by natural causes, forces her to outlive anyone she may have ever known. This makes her lose track of time sometimes. A year may seem like a minute at times, and ten years could seem like an hour despite her being able to keep track of time fairly well.

#242424 Yakov Iziaslav
Nickname: Yakov
Codename: Silver Ox
Age: Appearance 50s, actual age ???
Gender: Male
Race: Ethereal Being
Division: Dept. of Defense | Corrections
Rank:Asst. Supervisor
Clearance Level:5

Yakov is a very large, bulky man. A healthy kind of bulky thanks to his wife. Towering at about 6'7'', built like an ox. A Russian ox. His hair has long since turned a mix of greys and whites, his beard matching in color. He generally dons a nice suit, unless it's an off day then it's just cargo pants and a T-shirt. He's got one scar over his eye, which makes his eye looks cloudy and scarred as well. He's got a flask on his person at all times. Preferably full. If it's not full, it's a bad day.

His Ethereal form is almost liquid in density. It looks similar to black tar and oil. He can manipulate his tar-like form to take on many other forms, though none are complete or perfect.[size]

[fieldbox="PERSONALITY, #242424, solid, 10"]
Yakov is a strong, dominating personality who demands respect from those around him. While he might seem crude and rough at all angles, he does have an astounding respect for women, almost to a white knight like undertone. This still comes off rough though, but he does treat women differently. Probably something his wife trained into him. He expects the best and most out of everyone, since he gives his best and most in everything. There's no such thing as half-assing anything. Surprisingly enough, regardless of the amount of alcohol he drinks, he never seems drunk. Or maybe he is in such a state of constant drunkenness that one cant tell the difference.

Yakov has been around for a very long, long time. Just like his father before him, he has the responsibility of keeping the balance between light and dark/ good and evil in this world (as well as a few parallel others). In the works of that, his family has been one of the strongest and most influential families in Russia. Eventually when the responsibility of balance was passed from father to son, so were those of the family. All of which Yakov handled with a heavy hand and a firm grip. In time he married a timeless witch (Roksana) and with her he had two sons and a daughter. Nikolai, Yoseph, and Niraskova.
When Yakov was given head of the table, his father disappeared (Yakov knows he is somewhere within Invictus, but far beyond reach… not that Yakov wants to, He doesn't really care.) The Iziaslavs have been in relations with Invictus for a very long time, though mostly doing missions and living offsite. Once his sons were of age, and Yakov deemed they could handle the responsibility (questionable but Roksana had a hand in this) he handed over the reigns and followed his fathers footsteps to work solely with Invictus. While he does go home at times or when needed, he remains within the agency for the majority of it.

lorem ipsum


[fieldbox="WEAPONS, #242424, solid, 10"]
While he has access to any standard issue weapons Invictus offers, he generally doesn't use them. His abilities as well as two very large fists and bear-like arms suffice well enough.​
Yakov manipulates/ filters energy. By energy, this means the forces of good and bad. Positive energy is the good (like someone who heals often, or positive experience in the world) and negative energy is bad (like a murderer, or critical bad experience in the world.) The energy he is constantly filtering is never seen, but whats left over when hes recycled it is what he uses. (hes a living briita filter)
Ability Name: Ethereal Manipulation
Description: Since positive energy is easier to push out in the world, negative energy gets filtered and recycled. The black tar in which Yakov uses is what gets filtered out of that energy before it is returned as positive energy. Yakov can manipulate this in a physical form to create appendages, weapons, and smaller, short range creatures.
Strengths: These appendages, weapons, creatures are faux so they do not directly hurt him. They have their own damage threshold separate from him.
Weaknesses: These are all one use only kind of uses. If Yakov uses the tar like an armor, it will eventually dissipate, or get destroyed.

Ability Name: Ethereal Form
Description: The human form in which Yakov normally wears is actually more of a mask to contain his natural form. This form has no steady or solid appearance, but looks more like a glob of tar, and/or oil. He is much stronger this way, and can manipulate his "body" as needed.
Strengths: This form is intangible, and can be morphed into any size, shape, structure- though always looks like it is dripping with grotesque tar and oil.
Weaknesses: His human form is utterly destroyed when he transforms to Ehtereal form. It takes time for both recreation and recovery to get back to full human form.

Ability Name: Pocket Realm
Description: Every one of his kind has access to this realm. It is a universe that is in between all other realms, also known as the Twilight Realm. Within it everything is motionless, and without color. Yakov can go in and out of this place as he pleases. If he brings someone into it, they would feel almost like there is a numb blanket being wrapped around them. No sound, no breeze, no temperature. It is a realm of absolute and nothing.
Strengths: He has a whole realm at his fingertips.
Weaknesses: If someone else manages to get in past him, they would be stuck there until he lets them out. He has used this as a method of interrogation.[size]
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Nickname: Mister Crowley, Crow, Crowley (no one calls him by his first name)
Codename: Eagle Eye
Age: 40
Gender: Male
Race: Human (Magic User)
Division: R&D: Magic & Occult
Rank: Senior Agent
Clearance Level: Level 4

Height 5'10
Weight 165lbs
Hair Color: Salt & Pepper
Eye Color: Silver (left eye, however, seems slightly duller than the other)

Keeping up appearances is important for a man like Mister Crowley, especially as time ticks away. A regular exercising regimen helps retain the appearance of a strong and "rugged" older gentleman. Rather than dying his hair, he embraces the "silver fox" appearance. Most of the time, he sports a five o'clock shadow that shares the same color scheme as his hair. Mister Crowley prefers the "low maintenance look," pulling off a suave, casual, and approachable image for everyone to enjoy. There's no hiding the wrinkles around his eyes and forehead and become rather noticeable when he's expressing his emotions.

The full extent of Mister Crowley's body modification is extreme in terms of execution and reason. Just about all of the markings present have to do with magic. Each mark serves its unique purpose for the magician, acting as a catalyst in most of his spellcasting. He has underwent extensive tattooing, scarification, branding, and piercings to achieve the level of protection and quick spellcasting. All the scarification are different forms of protection charms and spells against anyone that wishes evil on him. The tattoos are different types of spells to aid him in self defense. Every pierce jewelry is present to boost his magical prowess in emergency situations. The areas most covered in different marks are the lower and extremities. His feet are especially covered with a particularly elaborate design carved into the bottom of his feet. Every few years (or if the marks are destroyed), he has replaced the worn markings. The following is a general list of piercings Crowley currently has:
  • 2 lobe piercings (1 per ear)
  • 2 rook piercings (1 per ear)
  • 1 tongue piercing
  • 1 tongue webbing piercing
  • ██████████████████
Mister Crowley is somewhat healthy… with his bad habits overshadowing his overall health. Despite his exercising regimen, all it does it give him the illusion of physical strength. In all actuality, he can't throw a punch to save his life and take a hit like a tough guy. Rather, he's the worst person to bring to a fisticuffs match. Worse, is the ever persistent battle with the growing ponch on his lower stomach. When it comes to sickness, he takes the lazy route and make a potion to cure his illnesses, leaving his immune system on the weak side. If there was a contest for the worst sleeper in the world, Mister Crowley would be in the running. His sleeping habits are TERRIBLE and runs the man ragged pretty quickly. The lack of sleep stems from the night terrors Crowley suffers from. They can range from rough tossing and turning, talking/shouting in his sleep, and, to the extreme, harming himself and others in his sleep. He does suffer from cat allergies.

[fieldbox="PERSONALITY, #242424, solid, 10"]
Mister Crowley is a man of few words… few too many to be exact. Charming. Debonair. Sophisticated. Downright fabulous. He is the epitome of a showman, able to entice, entertain, and entrance most that come under his gaze. There's something magical in the way he can slip into any conversation and become the center of attention. All eyes are on him. Enchanted. Hypnotized by the stranger turned friend in less than a few minutes. The man oozes confidence that tends to rub off on other people. Even his ego is impenetrable. Most can't chink the armor and get under his skin. He just shakes it off and continue to deliver his honeyed words. However, for how much of a talkative and smooth charmer he is… there's little that people can say they know about the guy. But, WHO is Mister Crowley? Who is this enigmatic man that came from out of the blue?

For those who become quite familiar with the way the magician operates, they're able to see past the curtains and get a taste of the "other side" of Mister Crowley. The charming showmen has a lazy work ethic outside of his field of interest. He'd prefer to watch movies than complete mission debriefing reports. Work for in Invictus is just so bureaucratic and out of his element. This even extends with his living situation, preferring to use magic to do household chores than do it himself (however, this could be attributed with the way he was raised). Mister Crowley is also known for having a bit of a "spoiled brat" streak when it comes to not getting what he wants. He'd push and push and push in an attempt to get his way in most situations. Most of the time, people seem to give up, but there are a few that won't give in to him. For a long time, Mister Crowley had a hard time coming to terms with a few regrets and mistakes in his life, causing him to not form attachments to anyone and cutting ties with those close to him. However, in the last few years, things have started to get better for the magician.​
In the case of agent Crowley, the majority of his public record has been redacted for the purpose of international security and the sensitivity of its content. On public file, Mister Crowley was apprehended by the Invictus' Manchester Branch under suspicions of various criminal activities including: the creation of illegal artifacts and potions, the intent to purchase and sell illegal artifacts, potions, and ingredients, interfering with Invictus' investigations, and ██████ █████ ██ ██████. Through the cooperation of his family and himself, the charges were dropped in exchanged for his permanent services with Invictus. Both parties couldn't answer with a "no." On record, Mister Crowley has worked as an agent of Invictus for about 12 years, refusing to take offers of moving up to a supervisor position for the last year. Rather, his current focus has Mister Crowley trying to get a transfer out of Manchester… and, officially, he's making his way to Texas.

Never offer him coffee.
Mister Crowley is known to have at least 12 to 20 cups of tea a day.
In his spare time, he likes to use the R&D Labs to make his own magical creations for personal use (if he can).
He can personally say that he's yet to meet a "self appointed" God that lived after dealing with them.
Mister Crowley knows several dead languages.
He can dance very well… but he can't sing to save his life. Mister Crowley regularly does both.


[fieldbox="WEAPONS, #242424, solid, 10"]
He is the weapon. However, it doesn't help to carry around magical artifacts from time to time. The most common items he has are various enchanted pieces of jewelry that acts as a catalyst of magic under emergency situations (such as the runes being destroyed/feet are covered). For each spell used through a piece of jewelry, it shatters. Most of these back ups are various piercings that Mister Crowley has. Artifacts and other magical items vary mission to mission (and will be laid out beforehand).​
Ability Name: "Conduit of Magic"
Description: Has made himself an arcane conduit of magic, enabling him to use magic without a catalyst like wands, staffs, tomes, or material components.
Strengths: No need for compontents/catalyst to cast most spells.
Weaknesses: With the way he's set up, if he's not "physically grounded" to the ground aka wearing anything that doesn't allow his feet to physically touch the ground, he can't freely cast without a catalyst. Crow can lose his connection if any of the runes are "destroyed." However, it'd take downtime in order to imprint back on Crow.

Ability Name: "Master of the Basics"
Description: Due to his intense training and focus in the field, he has a grasp of the basics of magic, making mundane tasks easy and comprehending harder spells easier to grasp.
Strengths: Casting magic is easy as pie.
Weaknesses: See first ability's weakness.

Ability Name: "Curses & Anti-Curses"
Description: His main field of expertise is in removal of complex curses. In order to have a proper understanding on how to undo them, he knows the breakdown of how a curse works and is able to use this ability to curse people through touch, range, or through magical items called Artifacts.
Strengths: Got problems with curses? Call him.
Weaknesses: See first ability for weakness.

Ability Name: █████ ███
Description: redacted
Strengths: redacted
Weaknesses: redacted

Ability Name: "Curse/Possession Protection"
Description: Along with making himself a conduit of magic, Crow has various protective seals to prevent curses or attempts to posses, charm, and take over his mind.
Strengths: He always protected from magical & supernatural problems.
Weaknesses: For each attempt, a seal is destroyed. Once all the seals are gone, he comes vulnerable and must get them reapplied.
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#242424 Otto Kraus
Nickname: [By certain other agents.] Domo Otto Mr Roboto.
Codename: Ace
Age: 256/Claims to have been 20
Gender: [Assumed] Male
Race: Spirit possessed mannequin
Division: Fieldwork
Rank: Junior Agent
Clearance Level: Level 2

Otto weighs about 100 Ibs and stands at 6'0. He is almost always seen in the uniform that he "wore" during the first world war. However, there are times where he does wear other types of clothing. These include hoodies or sweaters, cargo pants and gloves so that he can avoid looking at his new "body." His second favorite outfit is a dark green button wool coat, black pants, boots. And a grey scarf, goggles and a black cloth to cover up his head.

When not wearing clothes. Otto's body is a simple featureless mannequin, with strange modifications made to the joints and body that allows full body movement.

[fieldbox="PERSONALITY, #242424, solid, 10"]
Otto is the type of person that tries to make good out of a bad situation. Never letting anything get him down in the dumps. Loving nothing more than to have fun, tell stories and do something 'legendary.' It isn't hard to be friends with the former pilot, but lets hope you can tolerate his mannerisms.

[+] Whether it be ignorance or a large amount of optimism, hardly anything gets Otto down, and barely for a long amount of time if it does get him down. He has shown to be extremely loyal, willing to fight and die for whomever gets his trust and loyalty, and will do anything for his friends. Even if it means his own humiliation. Finally, Otto is an extremely kindhearted individual. To the point that if someone appeared to be sad, he'd do his best to cheer them up, be it in the form of telling them a funny story, or getting them a gift.

[=] Otto is a very loud person, typically how you can tell Otto is in the area is when you can hear him loudly announce his arrival, or hear him singing in German. And make sure to not tell him something surprising without getting his word that he won't telling the entire world. He also tends to be a bit sporting. Giving his opponent equal ground to fight him on. Provided that they aren't a beast or managed to actually get him angry. Lastly, he is very respectful of people and their space. Never daring to mess with someone that doesn't want to joke around or be talked to.

[-] Otto is a bit 'old fashioned' as they say. And while he has somewhat grown accustomed to today's customs, he can at times not know about certain things. And thus, can easily say something that isn't exactly appropriate. Or how tech works for the most part. [On several occasions, someone had to help him figure out how to work a computer.] Otto can easily be distracted by just about anything if it catches his interest, causing him to lose focus on the task at hand, and it will take a second or two of someone trying to get his attention before he snaps out of it. Lastly, he is extremely prideful. Taking jabs at his pride can result in him trying to prove something. Which can result in embarrassing situations. (Refer to the karaoke incident.)​
From what we could gather, Otto was born in May 5th, 1894 in Germany. To a family of farmers, where he was raised to follow in his family's footsteps. However, after seeing a plane in his teens, Otto became nearly obsessed with flying one of those planes. Just to see what it was like up there in the clouds. Eventually, his chance came when World War One started and Germany needed soldiers and pilots. However, his family forbade him from signing up. Not wanting their son to become involved in such grisly affairs.

But, Otto wished to join as to not only defend Germany, but to hopefully join the ranks of the pilots.

So, one night as his family slept, he snuck out and made his way to join up with the military. Under a fake name so that when his family found out, they wouldn't be able to find him.

Once joining up, he was put through training and tests to see if he could earn his wings. Which he passed with flying colors. Soon after this, he was assigned to a squadron and sent into several battles until one day during a major battle in the war. Otto's plane was shot down, crashing in the middle of no man's land. Due to the firefights and confusion, medics were unable to get to Otto in time, and thus he passed away.

And that would've been the end, however six years ago. INVICTUS heard reports of a mannequin running around a museum in Texas after stealing a german pilot uniform from one of the displays. INVICTUS were quick to respond, and despite some resistance from the target, they were able to capture him and get to the nearest facility.

It was here and after thorough interrogation and investigation that INVICTUS soon inducted Otto into its ranks. Not only using his bizarre circumstances for the organization, but to also reintroduce Otto to today's world.

Otto has been with INVICTUS for six years, proving to be a decent agent. And while he doesn't quite understand what is going on. He serves the organization for the sole purpose of maintaining peace in the world. Not wanting another war to break out..

lorem ipsum


[fieldbox="WEAPONS, #242424, solid, 10"]
Standard issue pistol, knife and a luger pistol.​
Ability Name: Spiritual habitation of a mannequin
Description: Otto has gained several good bonuses and not so good bonuses from being a spirit haunting a mannequin.
Strengths: No need for rest, food. Near infinite stamina, and incredible durability.
Weaknesses: He still has human level strength, and while he is durable. Anything that affects his spirit can put him out of action temporarily, or for good. And his mannequin body can be taken apart like a Lego figure, which if he completely taken apart, he can stuck that way til someone puts him back together. This has led to certain incidents. (Refer to: "Keep away with his head." And "He has been disarmed.")

#242424 SAKU
Nickname: Sake (Pronounced Sa-Keh), Saki (Pronounced Sa-Key)
Codename: Nines
Age: 1082, in her most common appearance appears to be in late twenties or early thirties.
Gender: Female
Race: Nogitsune
Division: Field Work
Rank: Agent/Mission Handler
Clearance Level:Level 5

Appearing in her actual form as a white fox with nine tails. Her face is accented by bright red fur that comes off the inner edges of her eyes to a point past the far edge of each eye, stretching slightly down her face. Other than these two red accents, Saku is completely white. When in her actual form she carries with her a white stone, similar to a pearl about the size of a tennis ball either in her mouth or wrapped in the clutches of one of her many tails. In her fox form she normally has three balls of what appear to be blue fire or blue light that seem to dance around her tails at all times.

In her human form, Saku normally appears as a rather beautiful woman at 5'11" and 177 lbs with snow white hair, similar red accents to her fox form around her eyes and fox-like ears atop her head. In her human form she has a tall and a rather buxom figure that through the ages has enticed many. When in her human form she normally chooses to hide her tails from view through the use of illusory magic, but all this does is make them practically invisible to any beholder, meaning the tails still exist and may still be seen when looking at her shadow in the light or if you accidentally walk close enough to touch them.

Wears a fox mask when on missions in her human form and seemingly randomly when at base. Speculated by INVICTUS Agents that Saku may not actually be comfortable in a human form and wants to emulate her fox form whenever possible, all that have asked have found themselves lethargic for a few hours and with a vague memory of the events after they posed the question to the Fox Spirit.
[fieldbox="PERSONALITY, #242424, solid, 10"]
Saku can normally be found talking to any good looking guy in sight of her, playing tricks on others, or sleeping just about anywhere you could imagine. Top of a shelf? Sleeping. Overhead piping? Sleeping. Beneath a table in the mess hall? Sleeping. Many who know her find the fact that she gets all of her work done in a timely and well presented manner to be one of the great mysteries of the world when she seems to be constantly doing anything but.

[+] Cunning - A sly Fox Spirit, Saku is quick to come up with a solution to her problems that normally involve deceiving or avoiding entirely her adversaries.

[+] Lighthearted - Saku has no cares in the world. Her long life has taught her many things, chief among them that problems either solve themselves, or the reasons for the problems will die off long before she will. These facts allow her to normally be playful and cheerful in even the more serious of occasions.

[+] Dependable - Although not exactly trustworthy, if Saku gives someone her word that something will get done; normally upon another's request; it can be very heavily betted on that she will certainly keep her word to that individual.

[?] Dozy - Saku is a tired person, a small animal at heart, she thrives off of short catnaps and actually spends most of her waking time up at night as she is technically nocturnal. Due to the fact that she sleeps for most of the day, Saku completes most of her work during the night when the majority of INVICTUS are turned in.

[-] Mischievous - A fan of trickery and deception, Saku is very often at the head of small conspiracies within the Texas Branch of INVICTUS. Inciting rumors, odd new "trends" and convincing random Agents to do foolish or embarrassing acts are among only a small fraction of the things she gets up to when left alone for too long.

[-] Flirtatious - Although not a bad personality trait for her, Saku is very inviting to most males she meets. A side effect of the fact that she does need to feed off of the life force of others through acts that take place mostly in the dark.

[-] Misunderstanding - Although Saku has been around for over a thousand years, and has a seemingly endless span of time ahead of her to learn trends and common slang of the present, she has yet to even try, meaning that she often misunderstands or misinterprets when people that are culturally adapted to the present are trying to portray things to her.​
Saku, meaning "Harvest" in antiquated Edo-Era Japanese, is not truly her name and instead more of a nickname that she picked up in her many years of being worshiped as a Fox Spirit in rural Feudal Japan. She spent much of her young life bringing good fortune and; unsurprisingly; good harvests to the towns that sacrificed and made offerings to her, with a few of the most prosperous ones even hosting large feasts before the fall Harvests in her honor.

She was content living her life leaching small amounts of life force from humans on rare occasions and simply allowing the sacrifices and offerings sustain her in the countryside of Japan until the Genpei War began in 1180. The villages that gave offerings to her were all but raised in the fighting, the inhabitants slaughtered, and the shrines in her honor were sacked and torched, statues of her being broken and cast into the rivers and lakes by the attackers. Outraged by these events, Saku began to act more along the lines of her fellow Nogitsune, using trickery and deception to seduce the men of these invading armies to their beds where she would steal the entirety of their life force, killing them in the process as revenge for what they had done to her beloved followers. She would continue this act well past the end of the Genpei War, through the Sengoku Jidai Period, the Meiji Restoration, and the ensuing World Wars. In all of these great conflicts, Saku would seduce immoral and lost men who had committed great transgressions against the innocent populace and feed on them until they died.

Present in the countryside of Hiroshima on August 6th, 1945 for the Atomic bombing by the Americans, Saku would move in to the city to try and help those she could from the astounding weapon that had been dropped before her eyes. To her horror she found that much of the populace of the city was simply gone, and those that had survived were severely burned and over the course of the following days would die agonizingly painful deaths. She would save as many as she could, leaching their sickly life force to bring them painless and quick deaths at the cost of her own health as she absorbed much of the radiation in the victims bodies along with it.

It was following these acts, and the spreading of the tales that a woman had gone around bringing painless death to survivors of the bombing that would grab the attention of INVICTUS, who would move into Japan following its surrender and subsequent occupation by the Allies. They quickly followed the stories to Hospitals setup for survivors of the war, where they would one cold night in 1947 find a woman sneaking around in the dark and bestowing a coup de grace on the dying of the hospital. She was approached, and after a long conversation in the dark halls of the hospital, she willing left with the INVICTUS Agents.

She has served INVICTUS as a Fieldwork Agent for just over 200 years, gaining the trust and respect of her peers and higher ups and moving up the ladder of the bureaucratic organization. She has been both an Agent and Mission Handler for nearly twenty years now, renowned for her quick and neat submissions of reports, her ability to manage her mission groups with high efficiency, and seeming ability to get just about anything done no matter how much it seems to everyone else that she is always sleeping.


  • Fluent in Japanese, Chinese, Korean, and English. Retains a Japanese accent when speaking in English.
  • Her tails are extremely fluffy and soft. Many like to attempt to touch them when possible, Saku does not normally object to such things, finding it cute that other beings are so enthralled with them.
  • The balls of blue fire that dance around her tails can and will burn anyone stupid enough to try and touch them.
  • Afraid of dogs and anything resembling them, Saku has on many occasions been so scared by INVICTUS working dogs, Werewolves, and other dog-like creatures that she has turned into a fox upon spotting them and ran off to not be seen for hours.
  • Deeply distrustful of Werewolves for the reason above, Saku will become territorial upon the arrival of an untransformed Werewolf and does not get along well with them at all.
  • If a particularly clever and sneaky individual were to steal the pearl that Saku carries in her Fox form (And hides when in her human form or wears as a piece of jewelry), they very well may be able to get a wish granted by the Fox Spirit in return for the pearl.
  • Saku long ago forgot her true name, and hasn't been bothered by the fact since, taking quickly to the name that she was called in Rural Japan for the longest time.

[fieldbox="WEAPONS, #242424, solid, 10"]
Stuck in the olden days of Feudal Japan, Saku believes that her standard issue firearm is a dishonorable and deceitful way to fight, even for a trickster Fox Spirit. Anyone who knows better is aware that Saku actually just can't stand the noise.

Claws - In her fox form, Saku does possess sharp claws that can cut deep into most but not all organic flesh.

Fangs - Her mouth in both her Fox and Human form possess razor sharp teeth, capable of ripping, tearing, and cutting many materials. They come in handy at close range no matter her form.
Ability Name: Heightened Senses
Saku's hearing, Sight, and sense of Smell are all heightened due to the fact she isn't actually a human but rather a predatory animal.
Able to see crisper and farther than the normal human in daylight and nighttime, can hear the tick of a watch at 36 meters or the squeak of a mouse at at 100 meters. Her smelling, although better than a normal human, is actually worse than most dogs.
Her eyes are severely sensitive to sudden changes in light or flashes and she can easily become disoriented due to such events. Saku's hearing is both a blessing and a curse. She is often seen jumping when a pot or pan is dropped down the hall in the kitchens, often folds her ears down in crowded areas like meeting rooms or the mess hall, is deathly afraid of firearms and can go temporarily deaf if too close to them when in use and prefers to sleep in dark, secluded areas to avoid most noises.

Ability Name: Low-Light Vision
Possessing the eyes of a nocturnal hunter have their perks, namely being able to see in the dark as if it is day out or an old timey black and white movie.
Saku can see in near perfect darkness as if it is daytime up to 15 meters away in full color and definition and up to 60 meters away in black and white with good depth sense.
Once her eyes have adjusted to the darkness, she can be easily blinded at night by something as simple as shining a flashlight in her face.

Ability Name: Life Drain
A Nogitsune, Saku possesses the ability to drain the life force from other beings either with the help of illusory magic or through constant touch; normally in the form of intimate relations with another to feed her own life force from theirs.
Allows Saku to drain life from others. While draining life her wounds will heal quickly, her strength will come back to her, and her senses will for a short time after (less than thirty minutes) be heightened beyond her normal. Can kill a person if used to its full extent.
This ability takes time to use, a heavy amount of concentration, and a sufficiently lively individual. If Saku is pressed for time she may not finish and end up with less energy than she may need to be at her best. If she is distracted she may not be able to even start the process of draining another's life force. In the interest of not killing INVICTUS Agents regularly, Saku only drains her… companions… at a fraction of what she normally would have before she joined, which means she must feed far more often than normal, three to four times a month.

This process also leaves the drained individual lethargic, with a foggy memory, and weaker than normal for commonly half a day.

Ability Name: Illusory Magic
One of her magical abilities is that of being able to cast illusions. Mainly used to hide her tail.

During the late 12th century, Saku used to use illusory magic often, luring men to her den and casting her magic on them, the men would believe that they were living out a wonderful life with a family and a well kept house and farm. All the while she would use these men as a renewable source of energy, slowly draining them over time.
Allows Saku to cause other beings to see things that simply aren't real and trap them in a trance like state in which they may think they are moving and doing things when in reality they are most likely just laying on the ground or standing in place. Can also be cast as a line of sight illusion to cause anyone that looks her way to see or not see something, namely her tails.
Requiring her constant attention, the more complicated the illusion the more tiring it is to perform and the more she will need to feed later to recuperate. If her focus is broken during more complicated illusions the entire thing will fail. Line of sight illusions have limited use, do not get rid of things such as shadows and mirror reflections.

Ability Name: Spirit Fires
The blue balls of fire that are always visible in her fox form can be used in her human form as well. Able to wield them in the palm of her hand or floating above her head in a half circle stretching down to her shoulders.
Burning surprisingly hot, her fox fires are able to melt just about any substance known to man. Can be molded into specific shapes for specific jobs. Tend to explode upon impact.

Average temperature of fox fires when in their ball form: 490-600 degrees Celcius, or the minimum ignition temperature of Propane gas. Imagine turning your gas burning stove on low, that's how hot the Spirit Fires are when not being focused.
Maximum Focused Temperature: 1425-1540 degrees Celcius, the melting point of Carbon Steel. Only achievable when her fire is focused into an extremely precise point akin to that of a welding torch. Expends massive amounts of Saku's own life force.

Limited range of around 15 meters. Drains her life force the more and longer it is used. Saku tends to avoid using them at all due to high energy expenditure of her own life force.

#242424 John Blund
Nickname: Jon
Codename: Sandman
Age: Appearance 24 actually as old as dirt.
Gender: Male
Race: Ancient Being
Division: Medical - Field Medic
Rank: Junior Agent
Clearance Level: 3

Jon has a rather frail looking appearance, what with his blond hair and fair complexion. His eyes make him stand out, their color glowing a piercing hue of golden brown. He has a thinner build, and comes up to about average height for a male, around 5'10''. His clothing is generally colorful and covering most of his body. He favors hoodies, mostly because they are just fluffy and comfortable. Some would say he dresses rather kid-ish, but that's how he likes. He will dress more formal if need be.

[fieldbox="PERSONALITY, #242424, solid, 10"]
One of the most prominent features of Jon's personalities would be the fact that he never speaks. It's not known for sure if he has the ability to do so or not, but he never says a word. Instead, he uses a tablet and stylus to write out what he wishes to communicate. However, if someone were to sign to him, he would get overjoyed and start aggressively signing back. Other than that, Jon is pretty calm, warm and caring. He rarely gets overly excited or anxious, finding it best to always stay calm and relaxed. Almost like that's all he knows. He can get along with almost anyone, almost. With some people, he can't help the bits of sass. Short remarks, snobby faces. He has his moments just like anyone else.​
Jon has been around for centuries aiding humanity and the like through every night. While his tales are mostly known for young children, Job has been busy at work for far more. He has been a more benevolent being so he didnt draw too much attention. It was probably why Invictus hadn't caught him sooner. That and he avoided their clutches for as long as he could. He had been along for most of his life, making friends with those who had no idea he was around. It was what he was used to, though, so it never bothered him. He had a job to do, so he did it.

As he grew older, he grew stronger. In time he was able to have longer lasting effects for peaceful nights. Eventually learning new abilities like creating sand proxies of himself to monitor the world as it slept. This allowed him more free time. In which he managed to somehow render to Invictus. Whether he stumbled, or let it happen, he was taken in by the agency and utilized in their ranks. It was something of a shock for him, meeting all new people and actually having to communicate. He was given the tools to do just that, the tablet that held his voice.

It has been a while now that he's been within Invictus, but he has lingered within the same low profile as if he'd just recently joined in the past decade. As of the very recent history, he's just been transferred to a new facility. Mostly upon request, since Sandy has some personal business to settle in the US and its south western states.

He loves music, and gets a tad excited when people introduce him to new music.


[fieldbox="WEAPONS, #242424, solid, 10"]
Not so much a weapon, but Jon does have his tablet. This gives him access to what he needs to use, as well as a means to write out what he means to say to others. He prefers not to be violent unless needed. For those unfortunate times that he needs to, he is equipped with standard issued weapons, a handgun at most.​
Ability Name: Sand Creation
Description: Jon can generate sand at will. However, his skills have been honed in defensive or passive ways, known only to support life and never take it. Jon never uses his abilities offensively with a means to hurt. The following abilities are sub-abilities of this skill.

Sub-ability Name: Sleeping Sand
Description: Probably the most well known ability of Jon's, as its how anyone who knows of The Sandman knows him. Jon creates a sand to which is dusted into the face of his target. This particular sand forces the target into a deep sleep, and generally with pleasant dreams. If the person sleeps until they wake up naturally without outside help, they will feel incredibly rested and recharge mentally and physically.
Strengths: It will put anyone to sleep, regardless of age or will. If it touches skin and/or is ingested, the target will sleep.
Weaknesses: The sleep is not permanent. It is like any other kind of sleeping and the person can be woken up like normal. Just depends on how deep the person falls asleep.

Sub-ability Name: Healing Sand
Description: If used in the same way as the previous skill, this sand heals instead of putting to sleep. However, if the person is asleep by sleeping sand, the healing is faster.
Strengths: can heal most wounds at 5x the rate of a normal human healing (for larger wounds). Small cuts and scrapes will heal quicker.
Weaknesses: Jon has to have a constant flow of sand over the wound. As soon as he stops flushing sound over it, its effects wear off.

Sub-ability Name: Silent Sand
Description: Jon creates a cloud of sand that swirls around the target, negating most abilities. Works like a nullifying skill for any casting like abilities.
Strengths: Most casted abilities and mental skills are nullified.
Weaknesses: Physical abilities are excluded. Strength, transformations, anything that manifests in physical form does not get effected.

Sub-ability Name: Guarding Sand
Description: The sand comes together like a solid wall and acts like a shield. This can be formed into any size or form, and is stronger against physical damage.
Strengths: so long as Jon continues to sifts sand into it, the armor will stay strong.
Weaknesses: The larger the radius of the shield, the weaker it is as it would take more sand.
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  • Love
Reactions: GuanYue

Nickname: Feral Terror, Vig, Vigs, Viggy, Viggy Smalls
Codename: Berserker
Age: Twenty-five
Gender: Female
Race: Human
Division: Fieldwork
Rank: Rookie
Clearance Level: Level 1

Coming in at about 5'10" and having a well-toned body of 165 lbs., Vigdis is already physically over the average of a female of her origins. It's assumed that her unnatural hair color is some form of side effect from the pact she has made, but she claims that it's "all natural". Her eyes are normally a lighter grey color, but turn a rather stereotypical red when under the berserker influence of Garr. Much of her wardrobe is made up of mostly pants, shirts, boots and long coats. Almost all tops are meant to showcase her upper assets.

[fieldbox="PERSONALITY, #242424, solid, 10"]
Vigdis is a loud, proud and rowdy gal with a few violent habits. The majority of her time is spent hopping around from place to place, trying to find either someone to mess with or a party to join in on. A fairly normal practice, if one's definition of a party is normal. Vigdis is a fan of fighting, which should be obvious just by looking how she interacts with others. On normal grounds with normal folk she is more likely to instigate a fight between other individuals. Sometimes it's intentional, lots of times people have started throwing tables before she realizes what she did. Either way it proves to amuse her quite a bit! Throw in some cuties and a few drinks on top and she calls it a good night.

What gained her the name of 'Feral Terror' is her etiquette out in the field. You know that energetic, tomboyish, carefree nature she has normally? That changes very little when transferring over to a battle. Vigdis treats cleaving an opponent in two and tossing his halves into other enemies like it's as normal as mowing the lawn. She even goes so far as to crack jokes and sing casually as the body count rises. Something is definitely wired wrong in this woman's brain, but that doesn't make her unintelligent. Vigdis has strong and sharp instincts. She may not be able to read a book very well, but she sure as hell can read a situation and react without much buffering. She is a rather curious creature though. If one were to catch her attention and keep it they could gain a very powerful ally.​
Vigdis was born and raised in Norway by a stern father and a strong but doting mother. At the age of ten her mother suddenly disappeared, leaving her father to raise their only daughter by himself. For about five years the two made things work the best that they could. While her father went off to work she would remain at home, where she would do all of the cooking and cleaning around the house. Well, what she believed to be cooking and cleaning. Her father was not a very good cook, and with her mother gone most of their dinners ended up being made at a little less than desirable levels. It was nowhere near ideal, but the pair were getting along just fine as they were.

When she reached the age of sixteen, her father pulled her aside and told her that it was time that she knew a little something about their family. He gestured towards a door in their house - one that Vigdis had never been allowed to go near since she could remember. She was ushered into it, and it was then that she figured out what had really happened to her mother. There was a series of circles drawn into the ground, each one traced and connected with runes sketched with chalk. At the far side of the room was a single chair with a dark stain below it. Her father spoke of her mother, how she had been a part of a grand ritual but had not been strong enough to be the completing factor. That job would now be passed on to her.

Vigdis was bound to the same chair that her mother had sat in, and with a cocktail of fear, sorrow and disgust she watched as her father began his chant. The tone of his voice droned on for what felt like forever, and slowly Vigdis felt her mind beginning to grow numb to her situation. Her mother had gone through this too, right? Then if she were helping her father, why should she be scared of the same thing? Despite the tears that fell Vigdis' mind became calm for the rest of the ritual. Even when the runes ignited into a pale green flame and a figure began to ascend from the center, then shot out and impaled her father, her mentality did not waiver. Leaving a large hole in his chest, the figure pulled itself free and turned towards Vigdis.

Feeling that it was her turn, she smiled and waited for the final strike. Instead she heard a voice inside of her head - almost like gravel in a blender coming from another room. 'Child, thou will become my anchor to this realm. If thou would refuse, thou will join thy father soon enough.' To this Vigdis laughed and told him to say please. Contrary to popular belief, this actually amused the creature enough to spare her its wrath. That marked the day that Garr formed his pact with Vigdis. For nearly seven years she traveled around with him, running rampant across the Scandinavian countryside while picking out 'Outworlders' to feed to her new companion - at least until Invictus wrangled her up about a year ago. It took several months before she was deemed fit enough to start taking on fieldwork, where she has been doing her thing under heavy supervision.

Roughly a week ago, Vigdis and Garr went missing during the pursuit of a target and haven't been seen since.

⊠ Enjoys making her own versions of songs, usually involving some rather morbid lyrical substitutions.
⊠ She tends to try and set up "dates" between Garr and other sentient artifacts that she comes across.
⊠ Likes playing "Hold Garr For Me" with new people she goes on missions with.
⊠ Has a fairly varied knowledge of supernatural creatures, though the depth varies from creature to creature.
⊠ Was a part of an experimental task force in the New York branch before she went MIA.
⊠ Has a pretty intense interest in/love of jackalopes.


[fieldbox="WEAPONS, #242424, solid, 10"]
Garr - A sentient bio-weapon that was first summoned from elsewhere by Vigdis' father years ago. In order to remain in this realm he must devour still bleeding flesh, as well as form a pact with a creature from that realm. Any non-pacted creatures that attempt to handle Garr find him to be just heavy enough to not be lifted, no matter how strong said individual may be. Normally he remains in a state of slumber until he feeds. In his waking moments he's mentioned that he was made for a specific purpose, but what that purpose is has been lost to him.​
Ability Name: Superhuman Physique
Description: Due to her pact with Garr, Vigdis is clocked in at being stronger, more durable, healthier, and overall more athletic than the average human being.
Strengths: Has the effective physique of a high tier Olympic athlete.
Weaknesses: Only has this as long as she maintains her pact with Garr, and Garr remains within the same realm as herself.

Ability Name: Devorabit
Description: By sticking Garr into the still bleeding flesh of a creature - living, dead or otherwise - he rips a part of their mass away and absorbs it.
Strengths: The more flesh is absorbed over a period of time, the more physically powerful Garr, and by proxy Vigdis, becomes.
Weaknesses: Vigdis must vocally say the name of the ability for it to take effect. Garr can only absorb roughly 3% of one's body mass at one time, on top of whatever flesh is making physical contact with the blade upon activation. Any further flesh absorbed will require landing another blow. Absorbing flesh brings Garr into his Awakened state, thus beginning to influence Vigdis's state of mind. The more flesh is absorbed, the more susceptible Vigdis is to entering a berserker-like state where she finds friend and foe indistinguishable.

Ability Name: Transformation
Description: From what has been gathered information-wise from Garr, different abilities can manifest depending on the one that he pacts with. In the case of Vigdis, she has the capability of changing Garr's weapon type on the fly.
Strengths: Vigdis can change Garr's appearance at will, such as switching him over from a greatsword to a halberd, thus giving her greater versatility in a fight.
Weaknesses: By default Garr is a serrated greatsword, and Vigdis can only change him upon awakening Garr via absorbing flesh. Garr can only change into bladed weapons, cannot be split into multiple blades (i.e. knives, dual swords, etc.), and cannot exceed his greatsword mass in any given form.
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#242424 Sorin M. Valas
Nickname: S, Doughnut Boy
Codename: Empyrean
Age: 27
Gender: Male
Race: 100% Pure Bred Human
Division: Field Work
Rank: Rookie
Clearance Level: 1


Seeing as he is a Human and therefore having only a singular form I feel it better to just provide a link to a full pic

[fieldbox="PERSONALITY, #242424, solid, 10"]
Sorin is a very soft spoken but determined individual. He is always trying to learn new skills that will further his own ends and so that when the time comes he can have the knowledge needed to get his job done. He prefers to keep situations from escalating but when the going gets tough he is not beyond resorting to force to resolve a situation. Beyond a work stand point Sorin is a very relaxed individual but upon being confined to his new "job" He has had an increasing feeling of anxiety and frustration that he has been pulled into something far beyond his control without his consent. .​

There are few things noteworthy about the land where Sorin grew up beyond the constant threats of the wake that permeates its way into the lives of all who live within the domain. However, even in a land seeped in darkness there are still treasures if one was to look close enough. One of these treasures is called Empyrean Hyanoa. A blade that is said to have the spirit of an ancient and powerful wind spirit sealed within it and has been passed down through the Valas House line for generations.

It is unknown how exactly the Valas family came into possession of the blade but it is said that they are direct descendants of the warrior responsible for sealing the spirit within the blade. What ever the truth is however has always not mattered much to Sorin Valas. His parents had always been so proud to carry on the tradition of guarding the blade despite the fact that the church had, on several occasions, tried to take it into their protection. Why they had never done this was always a mystery to Sorin as he knew they church could be able to protect the blade much better then they and it would relive them of a heavy burden.

Life was simple in the middle of nowhere. Sorin was free to do as he pleased most days while his family attended to the sanctuary. At the time he was to young to begin his training to become the next guardian so he spent his days wandering the compound and the woods beyond. One day while he was in the woods Sorin became lost and unable to find his way. out. For hours he wandered and continued to only become more disoriented. Little did he know at the time but he had managed to cross the thin line between the physical world and the spirit world. The domain he had wandered through belonged to a spirit who took delight in tormenting mortal souls.

From that day on Sorin always found that his luck turned sour at the worst possible times and no matter his families efforts they were unable to lift this strange curse from him. So instead he learned how to use this curse to his advantage and used the misfortune that followed him.

So life went on and Sorin finally began his training that would allow him to become the next guardian of Empyrean Hyanoa though it wouldn't be until much later in his life that Sorin would understand why his family was so insistent on continuing on with its tradition. One night a thief stole into the families compound and snatched the blade from its resting place in the sealed sanctuary where it was stored. What followed was a nightmare that Sorin never wants to relive. For whatever reason, when the blade is drawn by anyone other than his bloodline, the spirit within is released from its prison. The spirit rampaged across the compound and destroyed most everything. It was only after a lengthy battle that Sorin's father was able to reseal the spirit in the blade. The battle left him mortally wounded and before he passed he entrusted the blade to Sorin.

With the Blade now in his possession and with no where to turn to, Sorin has set out into the world to try and find a place he could seal the blade permanently where no one else could reach it ever again. Several days later he was kidnapped by a group of shady individuals and he found himself gang pressed into service for Invictus. The Reason? He just so happened to be passing by their facility with a box of their favorite doughnut brand.

-He requested a transfer from the New York Branch to put soe distance between him and certain individuals.

-He is still fairly new to the organization as a whole having been "inducted" A few months ago.

- While it isn't enough to be considered an actual power Sorin is a rather sturdy individual thanks to his previous training by his family and can take a few more hits before falling but realistically he is just a human being.


[fieldbox="WEAPONS, #242424, solid, 10"]
Fighting Style: MALLA-YUDDHA
Malla-yuddha is a martial arts style developed by the nomads of the
dark lands. It originated as a way to defend oneself using bare hands
against armed attackers. With the passage of time, what began being a
few tricks ended up becoming a very well structured and complex art.
At the present time, the secrets of this martial art are usually transmitted
from family to family as a tradition, so its number of followers is very few.
The style is based on the agile movements of arms and legs, with
the purpose of turning aside or absorbing with ease armed attacks
and finding a hole in the defense of the adversary. On more than one
occasion, an expert swordsman has asked himself how it is possible, with
only the palms of the hands or the fingers, to stop the edge of a sword
in the incredible way the fighters of the Malla-yuddha do.

Weapon: Empyrean Hyanoa a beautifully crafted greatsword that houses a nearly divine spirit of the same name that was trapped centuries ago. The spirit inside the sword freely manipulates wind and electricity being able to conjure storms and direct their fury at those who oppose its wielder. However seeing as Sorin's training with the weapon was incomplete before he was forced from his home he is as of yet incapable of wielding the weapon to its fullest potential and simply holding the hilt in his hands causes him to be shocked by the spirit within so he has to battle through the electrical sensations just to use it.​

Ability Name: Wield The Storm
Description: Sorin has found himself in a situation where his bare hands simply wont cut it and is forced to to rely on Empyrean Hyanoa. Drawing the blade from its sheath he can use it to make attacks based on wind and lightning.
Strengths: The blade of Empyrean Hyanoa becomes super charged with electricity and each swing of the blade generates howling gales that force those around him away. Strikes from the blade become even more deadly as the electricity arcs off the blade and passes through his opponents body.
Weaknesses: The longer that Sorin wields the Empyrean Hyanoa lacking his proper training and spiritual ties to the spirit within the power that courses through the blade will also turn on him. If he relies to much on the sword it has a very real possibility of frying him as well as his opponent.

Ability Name: Blinding Tragedy
Description: Drawing Empyrean Hyanoa Sorin raises the blade into a thrusting stance as the power of the spirit collects into the edges. Once it hits critical mass he thrusts it forward into his opponent who bears the full brunt of the spirits wrath.
Strengths: This ability of the blade works as a gap closer and upon impact all of the stored power is forced upon his opponent causing massive damage.
Weaknesses: The longer that Sorin wields the Empyrean Hyanoa lacking his proper training and spiritual ties to the spirit within the power that courses through the blade will also turn on him. If he relies to much on the sword it has a very real possibility of frying him as well as his opponent.

Ability Name: Ruler Of The Storms
Description: Drawing on Empyrean Hyanoa's latent power Sorin can change the weather to call a storm that envelopes an entire area.
Strengths: This ability allows Sorin to use the Empyrean Hyanoa to generate storms that rage around the area. Bolts of lightning will actively try to strike his opposition and the gales of wind will force them away as well and helping Sorin move freely within the area that the storm occupies.
Weaknesses: The longer that Sorin wields the Empyrean Hyanoa lacking his proper training and spiritual ties to the spirit within the power that courses through the blade will also turn on him. If he relies to much on the sword it has a very real possibility of frying him as well as his opponent.

Additionally this ability only works properly when outdoors. If used in a building or while underground the most that will happen is that the air will simply allow Sorin to move more freely though even then to a lesser extent.

Ability Name: INDIGNATION!
Description: --Partially undoing the seal that contains the spirit Empyrean Hyanoa she manifests herself into the world and grants her power to the Wielder of the blade. When this power is activated the wind kicks up violently around the wielder and the power of storms manifests through them causing untold destruction to the surrounding area as Empyrean Hyanoa's fury is unleashed.
Strengths: This ability doubles the effectiveness of every other ability of Empyrean Hyanoa. The blade is charged to capacity with the power of the spirit and every swing could sunder the ground with the force behind the swings. The area that generated storms is increased and the area within them can be devastated by the howling gales and bolts of lightning that shatter solid objects. The free movement granted by the wind is not restricted in any way and Sorin can more freely through the air as well.
Weaknesses: Sorin doesn't even actually know this ability is possible with his current level of synchronization with Empyrean Hyanoa. Secondly this ability would be extremely taxing on his body and even with proper training once it came to a close he would certainly be put out of commission for a extended amount of time.


#242424 Vivianna Dell'Gatti De Luca
Nickname: Vi, Vivi,
Codename: NA
Age: 21
Gender: Female
Race: Human
Division: Fieldwork || Training (Heading towards Investigation)
Rank: 2
Clearance Level: Rookie Agent

Vivianna is a short, busty Itiallian. Standing at maybe 5'3'', she's got a medium build. Not too skinny, but definitely not too chubby. She likes to eat, but she doesnt like to exercise so she doesnt eat too much. Not to mention, Vegan. She has a few scars where piercings used to be. Her uncle and father finally convinced her to take out all of them, so only scars remain. Eyebrow, nose, lips, etc. Most common places, she had pierced. Only three remain and those are the tongue and hidden others. While her hair is mostly natural, she gets out her creativity by coloring the ends red. Much different than the many shades of all the colors previously. Now, she does wear long sleeves mostly. Her body is covered in tattoos already. Too many to describe them all. There is still much canvas left, but she does her best to hide them. She does work in the same place as her uncle... and he would definitely shoot her if he knew. Or worse, send her to Grandmama.

[fieldbox="PERSONALITY, #242424, solid, 10"]
Vi is a wild card. Sometimes she is loud, obnoxious, hyper and happy. Other times she can be fussy and angry- those are the times its best to let her be. Unless you want to try her temper. Most days, though, she is easy to get along with. Part of this is due to the fact that she does smoke recreationally. Romantically, Vi is just... odd. She tends to friendzone every person she meets. Not as if she's trying to, but she's never really embraced much of a romantic side. Maybe that's due to being raised by men, who knows. Either way, she is incredibly loyal to her friends, unless said friends show weird interest in her uncle. Trust me, she's fought off plenty of people with "daddy issues" on her uncles behalf.​
Vi was mainly raised by her father and uncle, who were partner detectives. They are considered brothers This even went as far as the De Luca family adopting Vivianna, which is why she also carries the De Luca name.
Her mother passed away when Vi was only four, so she doesn't know her well enough to say anything about her. Nor is she sad about the loss. There was never any lack of attention of affection for her. Just... a very different uprising. Rather strict. This eventually lead to a rebellion of sorts on Vi's behalf. Piercings, smoking, drinking, tattoos, aesthetic and hair-- she wen't pretty crazy with it all. A lot of this was snubbed out with time and... we will say "talk"
(but it was much more than that.) She still loves tattoos and her hair coloring. But that is her sacred vice. Well, theres also the weed. She still smokes that too.

After finding work in a trinket occult shop, Vi eventually came to love voodoo. Which lead to a few other hobbies.
Regardless, this path lead her to make a deal with the Loa. As this story always changes, no one knows the true reasons except for maybe a handful of people. (Vi will tell you she ran out of weed and made a deal for some). Either way, she is now connected directly to the Loa, giving her special abilities through them. To help learn how to deal with this, she was sent to a school-- which then sold her to Invictus-- and now lead her to get transferred to this facility.

-- Vivianna is Vegan, and will probably never change that.
-- She went to college and learned Sanskrit and Latin. While she is still learning, she is pretty knowledgeable with these. She wants to learn more dead languages.
--She has many friends and connection within Invictus as well as outside of the agency.
--No matter how hard anyone has tried to break her of it, Vivianna is a klepto.
--Her mom is haunting Venn.


[fieldbox="WEAPONS, #242424, solid, 10"]
It'd be incredibly sad if Vi didnt know how to use a gun. She does, and can use most hand held pistols. (Her father and Uncle have given her weapons for protection in the past.) She prefers not to use them. Her weapons of choice are all loaded into a pack she generally always carries with her. In there are all sorts of potions, powders, salves, and voodoo crafts that she uses. In her free time, she is often found crafting dolls or potions since she has to control her own stock. As for her dolls, they are her main offense. Those will be explained further in Abilities.​

Ability Name: Mediumship
Description: While Vivianna cannot directly see spirits, she can feel them. (Excluding the Loa, she can see them). She can speak to them, but cannot hear them. Sometimes she can feel what they are trying to say, but it takes a very strong willed spirit to let her feel that.

Ability Name: Voodoo
Description: in the general aspect, Vi is gifted with skills in voodoo. This includes potions, fetishes, dolls, effigies charms, oils, powders, candles, and wards. This is all included with her stockpile. These are the physical items she has, which all must be crafted in particular ways by herself. Which also means she has to obtain the right materials or similar enough to do so. Otherwise, she has extensive knowledge in the realm of voodoo and spirits.

Ability Name: Isle of Dolls
Description: As stated above, voodoo dolls made by Vivianna. Thanks to her connections to the Loa, she can possess the dolls and use them in which way she sees fit. The dolls are easily distinguished by color. Regular Burlap tan- no effect other than she can see through them. Red-- Will follow the target and explode. Blue-- continuously and relentlessly attack physically (usually with a needle or stick of some sort). Yellow-- Create a bright flash. Green (rare)-- Latch onto their target and infect with poison.
Strengths: These dolls do not hurt her when they die.
Weaknesses: Vivianna has to create them herself. If a doll gets destroyed, she has to get the ingredients and craft it again (in a distinct way) to replenish her own stock.

Ability Name: The Pact
Description: More of one of those last ditch abilities, vi can allow the loa that she's dealt with to take over her body. in this form, the immediate area around her (generally a range of about 2OOm) turns dark and her own body becomes something similar to a silhouette. her strength and speed is amplified and she will attack her opponents relentlessly and maliciously.
Strengths: Vi basically goes into a berserk mode. She is stronger and faster, and has no sense of fear or hesitation.
Weaknesses: She is not in control of her body when this happens. The Loa are. She has to make a deal with them and be very specific. The Loa will make her attack whatever she tells them to (she has to give them a specific target or else she might accidentally attack friendlies.) Afterwards, Vivianna is tapped. She will be unconscious for quite some time. There is also a trade each time, she has to give something up. This something is between her and the Loa and she refuses to speak of it.