In the Name of a Queen

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Nicoli grunted as she left his side, missing her already and half moving to call her back before he realized what Anastasia was doing. "I will endeavor to be the best that I can. As a king, learning everything you say is necessary to be at you side with wisdom, justice, and mercy. As a husband, to protect and love you always and not turn into a stubborn mule whenever we disagree over something. Though that last might take some work," he laughed as she held out the string and he took one from her palm. "And as a man, to know when to lead, when to hold ground, and when to just say "yes dear" and let you do the work."

It was a charade, a game of pretend, but it was so much better than their reality had been so short a time before. And perhaps, Nicoli hoped, they had misunderstood what they had been told and someday it could be real.

He twined the string around her finger, tight enough it wouldn't slip, but loose enough it wouldn't cause her any problems, weaving in the ends with fingers that looked to large for so nimble a task. "So do I take you, Anastasia, to have and to hold, to love and to cherish, in sickness and in heath, in the good times and the bad, no matter what the future brings, from this day forth, as my wife." His grin was a bit cheeky as he released her hand and held out his own, "Now it's your turn to be quick. I'm rather looking forward to that kiss."

It wouldn't last, it couldn't, but he would take every second with her that he could get.
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Her face flushed with the heat of their closeness and the sweet nature of his confessions. There was no resisting him now, no barrier between them via sacred vow or oath that could change her determined mind. Anne tied the little string around his ring finger and chuckled, eyeing how silly it looked laced around his calloused hands. Brightly, she looked up to him. "And you'll be my husband," she grinned, "through sickness and in health, for whatever time I have left on this earth. I will never dishonor you, never put you in a position that would...that would jeopardize your life or your..."

Anne burst into laughter, wrapping her arms around Nicoli's neck and pulling his head gently down to her level. "I do. Kiss the bride already, and we can start our happily ever after."

No matter how short it will be.
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His arms wrapped around her, pulling Anne even closer, marveling at the warmth the spread from her and how perfectly she fit in his arms.

"As long as we both shall live . . ." he purred a moment before claiming that kiss. It was a bit different this time, as his hand drifted to cradle her neck his thumb rubbing against the corner of her jaw. No longer the kiss of an uncertain knight trying to figure out the line, but the lover's caress of a man with the woman he loved determined to express the sentiment without words.

He held her close against him as he drew her away from the mess of glass and liquor on the floor, marveling at how something he had dreamed of so long could both surpass his wildest dream and simultaneously be nothing like them. "I am yours." he spoke against her lips taking a moment to give them both a chance at some air and running little kisses along her jawline between words, "Do with me as you will." And when he returned to her lips his chosen method of expression was somehow deeper and more intense while still maintaining the same sturdy love and compassion that was him.
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It was as if the sun had burst between them. Waves and rays of heat swallowed Nicoli and Anne in the firework of their affections, and each sensation of contact was infinitely better than the last. Nicoli was as gentle as he was sweet, and Anne as generous as she was willing. She pulled his tunic over his head and he slipped her gown from her soft shoulders, and as the silk met the floor an audible sigh escaped his lips. The knight froze in admiration as if he were witnessing a goddess in the flesh, or perhaps he was, there was no clearly-drawn line. The love of a woman was fabled throughout history. It wasn't hard to see why, and it wouldn't surprise him in the slightest if Anne had been divinely blessed in her form. He gently reached to cup the swell of her breast in the roughness of his hands, brushing a thumb gently over the peak, and his trembling sigh was unmistakable.

"Is something the matter?" came Anne's breathy voice, worried she had disappointed him.

"No. Gods no, quite the contrary." Nicoli gave a nervous chuckle, unable to remove his eyes from what she had allowed him to see. "You're beautiful. You're absolutely beautiful, I just...I'm sorry, I don't mean to stare--"

Anne captured his mouth with hers once more, not wanting to hear another word until they were close again. The two fell in a naked tumble atop the vast space of her mattress, giggling and whispering all manner of appropriate and terribly inappropriate things not long to be followed by laughter and teasing from both parties. A symphony of moans and little sighs, chuckles and sweet nothings were the night's music of choice. There were no regrets in the plead for an encore. Nicoli's hands felt as rough as they looked the more he touched her, his lips as generous and pleasing as they felt in a kiss, and Anne was soft and warm and always welcoming to Nicoli's advances and open to an embrace. They remained wrapped up in each other in a heap of territory waiting to be explored completely, until it was almost unbearable, the pounding of their hearts fueling acts of sexual admiration until there was no keeping each other at bay any longer. Nicoli settled himself between Anne's tender thighs, and with a single look to each other all resolve had dissipated.

Giggles became sighs and sighs became moans, and under the light of the moon two bodies became one. The rhythm and the friction of their sexes together created something neither of them could describe, plunging them into an all-consuming plethora of the divine. Little words of love were whispered and Nicoli's name fell off the queen's tongue, each push sending them reeling farther and farther into the depths until neither of them could take much more. They collapsed into a collective ecstasy, Anne first though Nicoli was soon to follow, filling her with his love and his seed. Panting, the queen and her knight kissed lazily for as long as possible without completely exhausting each other, and when the pleasure was spent they cuddled together for endlessly blissful hours, chatting about the ball, telling stories, making jokes, and falling into one of the most peaceful sleeps Nicoli and Anne would ever share.

So this is love, Anne thought as her eyes gently closed.

So, this is love.
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When Nicoli woke the light that filled the room was still the blue haze of twilight and Anastasia's body was curled contentedly against him own. He tried not to shift too much as he woke, unwilling to wake her as well. One of his arms was under the pillow that cradled her head, the other draped across the soft skin of her stomach. Her face bore such a peaceful look that for a moment he wondered what she was dreaming of.

As the fog of early morning lifted from him he begin to realize he was going to have to wake her. They had not discussed a plan to allow him to safely leave her chambers. True, if he were careful getting out of the bed he could dress quietly and leave now. Odds were that at this hour he could sneak out with no one the wiser, but Nicoli was not about to abandon his love to wake alone after the passion and talk they had shared the previous night. To do so, even leaving a note, was far too close to a trick he believed Anton would try. He would not treat her that way. The sight of the string still around both their fingers only served to solidify his resolve. No matter how much time they truly had together there were still a number of things he felt they had to work out. Besides, a look around in the dim light showed him another problem with that scenario. His false leg was across the room lying abandoned next to his small cloths where Anne had tossed both the night before. He would need help to get to it as the sight of the shattered alcohol bottles still on the floor deterred him from wanting to make the attempt himself.

Of course he could contentedly lay beside "his wife" until she stirred on her own. But if she slept too deeply or too long Diana would come eventually and they would be caught. There would be no time to say any of what he both wanted and needed to tell her. If she woke sooner there would be plenty of time to work things out and for Anne to plan an explanation for her maid. Even if he and his things were gone by the time she arrived, Nicoli knew some explanation would have to be made. He had technically come by her request (via Rebecca).

He studied Anne's sleeping form a moment longer as the light slowly began to turn mauve with the first hint of the sun's rising and then with a heavy sigh, for he truly did wish to let her sleep, he resorted to the gentlest method of waking her he could think of. Whispering her name and pressing soft kisses against her lips by turns.

"Anastasia," he hummed, "Anastasia, I'm sorry, but we really do need to figure out what happens next and this may be the only time we have."
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In dreams, she was taken to a better place. In the blessings of the sleeping world she and Nicoli had awoken on their farm after the events of their wedding night, wrapped up in each other with no obligations to hold. It was ReValyan tradition to abstain from work for seven day's time after a wedding, so that the newlywed couple would have a chance to be together unadulterated by the daily stresses of life. Anne liked to imagine that Nicoli would insist they travel, to a cottage in the woods or a little villa by the sea. In her dreams, Nicoli had swept her off her feet and taken her to a three-room log cabin tucked away near a forest glen, surrounded by meadows and circular ponds with leaping koi fish and an enormous weeping willow that draped it's leaves over the nest. There, they would spend the week with no one but each other for company. Anne would teach him how to read and write better while he would teach her how to cook and live off the land. Nicoli would make her a fishing rod and teach her to catch fish, Anne would gift him with a new sword, he would give her a bouquet of wildflowers and neither of them would spend a day without at least three occasions of mad passion in various locations.

It had been the perfect vision, so irresistible that it was impossible to wake, though Anne had a reputation of being resistant to bring to life in the mornings regardless. She let out a rather loud groan at his initial attempt to wake her.

"Mmmmmmm." Anne snuggled closer to Nicoli as if holding him would silence his voice. "The sun...not up..." She yawned, "no sun, no wakey queen." Anne sighed contently, and within moments she had returned back to the gentle breathing patterns of deep sleep.​
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"Oh?" Nicoli grunted as she snuggled closer and her hand brushed across the scar on his pectoral. He felt sure the previous night she had found every single scar he had, but that was hardly the point now. With a groan of effort he turned her over on her side so that her bare back was settled quite firmly against his chest, his arms crossed over her torso.

"If you won't wake to a light nudge it seems I will have to be considerably less gentle." A moment later he had settled in to nuzzling her neck, letting his morning scruff graze across her smooth skin while simultaneously letting one hand run calloused fingers across her stomach.

If she proved resistant to that he had other plans forming in his head. While he didn't want to resort to water in the face, he couldn't get to it for one thing, Nicoli was not above turning this into a full on tickle fight, or nibbling on her ear . . . worse case scenario he could always steel all the covers and watch her react to the cold morning air.

"A few minutes only," Nicoli continued moving so his stubble ran roughly over the hollow behind her ear. "I have a question regarding how long you want me to stay and how I should get out of here without causing too much trouble. After that you can sleep."

His fingers found the bottom edge of her ribs and began ticking up them as his he were counting the placement.
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"Nooo~!" Anne drew in a sharp inhale and giggled, squirming against Nicoli's light touches, laughing as he was relentless in his pursuits. She rolled over to face him, eyes barely open from her exhaustion while her hands pressed against his chest. "Cheater." She drew in a lazy breath and blinked her eyes open further, feeling her heart soar at the sight of him laying at her side, his strong arms wrapped around her petite frame. "That's not at all fair, you know, but I'll forgive you this once." Anne poked his nose. "Just this once." She kissed him multiple time before giving him a devious grin, tracing her finger in random shapes along his chest. "Why do you think my court doesn't start until high noon? The queen needs her sleep. It's miserable getting up before nine-thirty at the earliest.

"But to answer your question," she giggled, pushing him flat on his back so she could straddle him completely at the hips, kissing him long and slow. "I don't ever want to leave this bed. Let me worry about what people do and don't say, I'm their queen. When we're together, all I want to think about is us." She traced his lips lightly with the tips of her fingers, meeting his eyes, and in another moment they were lost. Their kiss was deep and thorough, and Anne felt the roughness of his hands sliding up the curve of her back.

The door suddenly opened and closed.

Oh, gods. Anne's eyes widened and she broke the kiss to hastily cover Nicoli's mouth with her hand, eyeing the young girl that stepped into the room with a plate of breakfast so quietly that none would know she was there. Diana had mastered the art of creeping through the queen's chambers in the early morning lest she wanted to be bombarded with threats and foul insults, and no doubt the handmaiden hadn't knocked in attempt to let her sleeping queen rest, but it had not worked in their favor today. After setting the large breakfast atop the empty desk and glancing down to the shattered glass and armor, Diana followed the chain of strewn clothing and a wooden leg to where Anne and Nicoli were, thankfully under thick blankets, but it was clear from any perspective that Anne was straddling him and that they were both naked as their namedays.

"Hello," Anne said.

Diana screamed.​
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Nicoli grunted in contentment as she pushed him over. Offering no resistance what-so-ever as she straddled him he found he enjoyed this position, the warm weight of her against his chest, the feel of her bare legs against his sides, the way she took control of the kiss . . . So, then, it seemed her answer was that she was going to keep him there as long as she liked and deal with any trouble that came with it personally. So much for discretion. A moment later her words confirmed his conclusion. Not that he had any thought of protesting. Her second kiss drove all thought of that from his mind in favor of other, more pleasurable, things. The feel of the fingers of one hand against his jaw with her other running over his chest sparked in him a rising need and he was only seconds away from flipping their positions in hopes of making it more obviously known to her, when the sound of the door clicking open brought his senses to full alert. He really should have insisted on bolting it.

Then came the sound of the door closing again, and faint footsteps. Nicoli felt Anne's fingers against his lips before a single word could escape them. Even considering frigid night spent out under the stars, Nicoli was certain he had never been so grateful for the cover of a blanket. Present awkwardness of male anatomy aside, he was not entirely comfortable with the idea of being seen unclothed to begin with. Excluding only Anne, he was not fond of giving anyone the chance to gawk openly at his scars, even worse the mangled stub of his leg, and the wide eyed look he sent over her hand said quite plainly he expected Anne to take care of the situation.

A moment later Anne spoke and Diana screamed.

He had no response to make, no good recourse. He hardly thought it appropriate for him to so much as sit up given the present situation, and he could think of nothing to say that would not make the situation worse. Suppressing a groan of irritation, it would have been muffled by Anne's hand anyway, Nicoli brought a hand up to cover his eyes almost as if to say "I told you so."

Captain Richard Oswin was by many accounts a man well past his prime. He did, however, remember his youth and his mind was as sharp as ever. It had not escaped his notice that one of the knights under his command had begun falling for his queen and fighting back the emotions admirably, or that the man in question was struggling even more with the idea of her arranged marriage. He had not missed the young man's veiled question as to the Captain's thoughts on the matter, and he felt sure the knight had understood the answer. Were anything to happen, it must be the queen's idea.

It was early, very early, but Oswin had chosen to check the guard. Forth watch was always hardest on the human body and any who had slacked in their place would be caught dozing now, some few minutes before the change. He slipped through the palace halls, nodding to those who were still alert in their duty scolding the single man he came across who was not.

He had just approached Sir Tristen who was slowly easing back into his position as Queen's guard by serving what was also usually the quietest watch, when a scream broke both men from their greeting.

Both swords were drawn though Tristen stayed at his station as the captain strode forward, balanced on the balls of his feet. His hand rose to knock on the door, and though he called out to announce his entrance, the scream had given him more than enough reason not to wait for an answer.

"My Queen? Are you well?"

Oswin stopped short the moment he was through the door, instant understanding painting his face when he saw the situation, the placement of the participants informing him that it was the surprise of an unexpected body in the room and not any actual danger that had led to Diana's scream.

He closed his eyes for a moment and he sighed. "I trust, Your Highness," he started after a moment to collect his thoughts, "That everything I may assumed has happened here has been by your will and that I will not be requested to hang one of my own men?" Another moment saw him sheath his sword and the Captain's shoulders straightened as he relaxed his stance; though he stood as though he were still cloaked in all the authority his position gave him. "I must also ask how long this has been going on under our very noses, whether you are aware of how lucky you are that it was Sir Tristen and myself stationed at your door this morning, and if either of you thought of the complications that might arise should King Anton learn that you have not been faithful to him in your betrothal. Though personally I do not think there is a person of any worth in this country that would care about the last."

The captain didn't know whether he should laugh or cry at this point, and he could only think that maybe he finally had a chance, and reason, to turn the foreigners out of the castle, even if doing so did mean potential war.

"Though I think that perhaps explanations will be best served after you have had a chance to collect and dress yourselves," he finished. His tone was perhaps a bit off what should be used to address royalty, but he did not think any would blame him given the situation.
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Captain Oswin's expression was one she would never forget, laced with annoyance and a humorous touch of passivity. Ser Tristen's, on the other hand, was one of pure horror as if he had just walked in on little Rebecca and a man twice her own age in the same position knight and queen currently found themselves. Anne studied them along with the frozen Diana and within seconds, she was laughing harder than she ever had in her life. The humor was so overwhelming that it brought tears to her eyes, and she wiped them away, continuing into fits of giggles. She waved a dismissive hand to her men. "Turn around, both of you. Diana, can you find my nightgown and robe in this mess? Oh, gods. I can't believe..." The queen let another fit of laughter burst forth, resting her head on her lover's chest to hide how incredibly comical she found the situation. Of all the things, of all the times. There was certainly no hiding it now.

When Oswin and Tristen had turned, Anne lifted her head to look down upon Nicoli and cup his cheeks delicately in her hands. "You're not allowed to move," she told him, still chuckling from her miniature fit. "I'm not done with you yet." She gave him three short kisses on his lips before reluctantly crawling off of him, making sure his modesty was protected by the blanket, but Anne had no shame when it came to Diana. The handmaiden's dark skin was flushed a deep red as she dressed the queen in a nightgown of the same shade, clearly as embarrassed as Anne was amused, and the queen saw no reason why the girl should suffer such foolishness much longer. Anne tied the scarlet robe herself and turned to her handmaiden. "Go on," she chuckled. "Thank you for bringing us breakfast. I'm sorry you had to see that."

"I thought 'e was Anton," Diana admitted, looking down to her shaking hands. "I thought 'e had 'urt you, that I'd been too late or too stupid to think he might try somethin'--"

"Shh, no." Anne smiled affectionately as she curled Diana's hair behind her ears. "It's only Nicoli, and he did quite the opposite of hurt me. Thank for all you did. Would you go pick some flowers from the gardens? Give them to Dotty, she'll see that Anton gets them, and offer my apologies for not being able to break my fast with him this morning. Tell him that I was simply so overwhelmed from the ball that I couldn't bother to get out of bed."

"But--but it's not breakfast time yet--"

"I know." Anne chuckled. "I won't be out of this room until long after it's over."

"Oh. Oh." Diana flushed again. "Flowers. Mkay." She hesitated before picking up her skirts and fleeing quickly from the chambers, closing and locking the door behind her. The mess could be cleaned later. Anne had no intention of letting any maids into the room so long as Nicoli's clothes were strewn every which way, and she didn't intend on helping him redress for several hours yet, either. It could be dealt with. The matter before her was something different entirely. The queen crawled up on the edge of the massive bed beside Nicoli with her legs dangling over the side. She looked at him with endless fondness and admiration before taking his hand in hers and facing the soldiers, clearing her throat and speaking with authority. "You may turn, now."

Ser Tristen was the first to speak. "Are you a complete fool, Nicoli?! What did you think you were doing?! You can't just--"

"Silence." Anne's voice suggested she was not in the mood for scorn. "Don't speak to him that way, it was not purely his choice. It was mine as well." She gave Nicoli's hand a squeeze.

"Apologies, my queen. I simply..."

"Don't know what to say?" Anne chuckled. "It's alright. I know it's a bit of a shock, I certainly hadn't expected you to find out like this, though." She gave a heavy sigh, absentmindedly stroking Nicoli's knuckles with her thumb. "To answer your questions, Captain, last night was the first but I have loved this man far longer. I am aware how lucky it is that two of the three men I trust most with my life were the ones to come at Diana's call, and no, I don't give a damn about being faithful to my betrothal. Half the world knows Anton keeps a mistress and I doubt that will change upon our marriage, if we marry. But you will not hang Nicoli." Her eyes changed from friendly to dangerous in the split of a second. "You will protect him as if he were your king. Any less, and the two of you can consider yourselves out of a job."​
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Nicoli was having a hard time finding anything amusing about the situation. If anything he was annoyed. He had thought that by waking early they would have more time for each other before the opinions of others had to be dealt with. Time to come up with a plan for dealing with those opinions. Still, better Diana had walked in when she had than a few minutes later when they would have been . . . Anne's orders not to move and the promise of more to come did not help him in the slightest. He tried his best not to be too obvious about watching as Diana dressed her, though he did shift slightly so he had a better angle of the room as a whole.

Tristen, however, was in a state somewhat akin to panic. How had he failed that the boy he had trained had ended up like this? Did this mean he had failed as a father too? What of his sons? what of Rebecca? In his head he could hear his wife scolding him for a fool and for jumping directly to the worse case scenario, but he was an elderly man who had but up most of the later part of the night and his first priority had always been to the safety of the royal family. He had served them long and well and was not about to quit now.

He wanted to protest, to turn them both over his knee for a good paddling, to sit them dawn and ask if they truly understood what they had done. Mistress aside Anton could decide he was insulted by this fiasco, could declare war or cause other trouble all because these two had to be so selfish as to share a night of passion after a promise had been made.

Yet while Tristen's old mind was racing and his queen held him to silence, his oldest friend and captain had begun to laugh as well.
"Really, old freind," the man grunted, "you can't tell me you never had an adventure or two in your own youth!"

Tristen glowered.

"Well, considering the two of us were primarily responsible for the majority of his education, I must say I am pleasantly surprised to find he did not turn out a complete prude!" The man was outright laughing now. Tristen tried to refrain from grinding his teeth. "Yes I know everything in it's proper time, and some thngs are well worth waiting for. But you cannot throw a tantrum every time you find some one chose a slightly different path from your own."He shook his head a moment longer before returning his attention to the matter at hand and his Queen. Tristen drew a deep breath in the attempt to calm himself.

"You love him?" Oswin reiterated, "and have for a long time . . . And you, Nicoli, I know how long you have felt the same, how long you have struggled to hide it. But I want to hear it from your own lips, boy. Do you love this woman?"

"I do," the knight answered simply.

"And you would marry her if circumstances were other than they are?"


At this it was Tristen's turn to grunt in surprise, finding the words eased both his heart and his conscience as he realized they were true. Hindsight was 20/20 and looking back the old man could see that as hard as they would have been to pick up on, the signs were there. He called himself nine kinds of fool for not seeing this sooner and heading it off. Nicoli could have been transferred to another location. The border camps were always in need of men and there the young knight would have been far removed from distraction and . . . and they both would have ended up miserable. He heaved a sigh as he realized it. There was no help for young love. He himself had felt the same once upon a time, and while his love had grown and changed as he and his wife had grown and changed, he would not trade it for anything.

"It must be hard to kick against the goads," Captain Oswin muttered, running a hand through his hair making it stand on end. A moment later he was shaking his head. "Nothing for it. Consider me your witness."

"What!?" Tristen jerked his head around even as Nicoli had a similar reaction partially sitting up beneath the sheets. "You can't tell me you--" but Oswin held up a hand to silence him.

"By the string around their fingers it seems they have already had a similar conversation, and who am I to disagree with my Queen?" he stated pointedly. "However, Nicoli is a knight and stableman's son, meaning that like it or not Anton outclasses him. The only way to ensure I can protect him as my king, as her highness has ordered, is if he truly were my king. Therefore in my mind he is king. Mind you, until the lady Queen gives him other duties I still expect him to hold watch and pull his share of the barracks chores. And I trust, my lady, that you still wish a certain level of discretion while the guests from Leondeal are here?"

It made sense to him that as long as his queen intended to string Anton along, Nicoli would have to maintain his usual place as well. It would make things more difficult, protecting the man without appearing to do that at all, and he would have to draw up a new watch scheduled with only those he could trust to keep the secret at the Queen's door. Anything less left plenty of opportunity for them to be caught in this charade more than they already were. Oswin did not trust the King's temper and he would give no chance for it to be tested.

"If you have no other orders, My lady, than our silence and cooperation, we with withdraw and leave you to school your companion in royal protocol. Come Tristen. I would have a few words in your ear before I take over the watch." And he started to draw his companion out of the room before realizing that the Queen had locked the door and would have to release them.

"Of course. I'll show you to the door." When Ser Tristen and Captain Oswin had moved from eyesight, Anne offered Nicoli a little wink before slipping off the edge of the bed and following them. She padded delicately across the room and towards the great golden doors confident that they were out of earshot from her lover. Her demeanor changed from playful to serious as quickly as fire is smothered to the wind, and she blocked the door to look directly into the eyes of her two most trusted warriors. There was no more time for humor or games, and she wanted them to know it.

"I wasn't joking." Anne folded her hands in front of her in a signature queenly state. "You will protect him as if he were your king. You will protect him as much as you would protect me. I know he must resume his duties to avoid suspicion, but if we all make it out of this with our heads there will be none other than Nicoli to wear my father's crown. While he is not the king yet, he will be should the gods allow the both of us to live. And the next time either of you wishes to question my personal decisions on matters of the heart, you will be dismissed immediately. I trust you understand?"

"Yes, Your Grace." Ser Tristen turned to the Captain with a look of trepidation before turning his eyes back to the queen. "I'm sorry I spoke out of turn."

"It's alright. I know you worry, but what's done is done. And one more thing before you leave," Anne said, taking a step closer to the two soldiers and hushing her voice. "Any developments on Op-S?"

"Ser Greagor sends word that he is close," Oswin replied, "but that was a few days ago. He should be sending another owl soon, I should think."

"Good. We can't afford to waste anymore time. I want all of it taken care of before the wedding."

"Of course." Oswin gave a final bow and Anne stepped aside to unlock the door and let them pass, waving goodbye, until she noticed Tristen resume his post. "Ser," she said with a glance back into the room, "are you sure you want to stand guard for the next few hours? It won't be pleasant for you."

The knight gave an uncomfortable grunt in realization of what she was suggesting. "Ah. Yes. That." He bowed to his queen and walked off, and Anne, who was thankful to be rid of them both, closed the door and bolted it once more. She stripped of her clothes almost immediately and rounded the corner, pulling back the blankets and straddling Nicoli again, kissing him with such deep fever it was a miracle that either of them could breathe afterward.

"Now," she giggled, "where were we?"

It had all been so incredibly fun. Playing with Lampkin's mind had become one of the highlights of her day, hearing of his secret plans and sharing a few false ones with him. And the sex was well worth the trouble. On more than one occasion Dotty had found herself wondering what life would be like if Lampkin wasn't a nasty, scheming prick who plotted against her queen--she could swear she heard him moan "Anne" during one of their nights together, though that could have been the wine--but every time her thoughts wandered astray she pulled them back to the inevitable point. Lampkin was as evil as Anton in her eyes. Anyone would seek to harm Queen Anne was an enemy in Dotty's eyes, and nothing would change that no matter how well anyone could please her.

Carrying a bouquet of fresh ReValyan carnations in a painted vase, Dotty ascended the stairs and winked at every Leondealan soldier she passed. No doubt she was the object of plenty of their desires, but contrary to most of the women in Anne's employ, she enjoyed using her body and head games to get to the information she needed. She met a lot of men and women that way, learned what they liked, what they didn't. Almost everything she did, she did for the sake of Queen Anne di ReValya, and though her methods were rather unconventional she would justify them to the ends of the earth.

"Present for His Grace," Dotty called in the flirty tone she was known for, knocking on the king's door a few times. When it opened, she flashed a pleasant smile, knowing that seduction wouldn't work as well on Anton as it did on Lampkin, but she would try it all the same. "You look...well," she chuckled. "I have a gift from Queen Anne. She wrote you a note as well, stuffed within the flowers." The maid handed it to the king and smiled inwardly at the irony. He would fake a poem to my queen, it's only fitting that I forge an apology on her behalf. Dotty wondered if he would be able to spot Anne's fake script as easily as she had spotted his. A part of her hoped he would. "She apologizes for the fact that she cannot break her fast with you, for she's rather tired from the ball last night. You don't look tired though, if Your Majesty doesn't mind a little maid saying so."​
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Captain Oswin stopped at the end of the hall that led to the Queen's chambers and leaned against the corner. This was the original position the Queen's guard were supposed to take, one many did take as few desired to accidentally overhear the girl's conferences between Queen Anne and her maid. Tristen had always been an oddity though, ever since he had come to think of the girl almost as his own. No, not girl, woman now, and she had been for some time. Oswin was going to have to get used to that.

Tristen took the place on the opposite side, the look on his face akin to an old hound dog that had been left out of the hunt. "Who was on watch last night?" Oswin questioned.

Tristen sighed. "I took over for Sir. Bran at the midnight hour. Saw no one until you approached. Nicoli was supposed to take over for me . . ."

"Happy coincidence indeed," Owsin tried to hide his amusement. Unsuccessfully by the glare he was sent a moment later.

" . . . Then he was to switch with Jorm at noon, and return for third watch at the dinner hour."

"Then by all means let us keep that schedule, save only this. I will take Nicoli's watch now, and he will take my place on forth watch tomorrow."

Tristen's eyebrows about climbed off his forehead. "Giving him that shift as a double-- You're encouraging this?"

"We cannot prevent it and considering the alternative I do not think we should try," Oswin explicated. "Therefore it is our duty to help things go as smoothly as possible. Go home to your wife and children, get some rest, and convince yourself of whatever you need to in order to get over your reservations. All things considered, she chose for herself far better than many would have chosen for her."

Anton looked up from his breakfast when he heard the knock on his door. It was a small meal and he was seated by himself going over what looked like a folder of documents as Lampkin hovered nearby. At the end of the table was an empty place setting that had obviously been meant for Anne.

Lampkin felt a certain thrill as Dotty entered. her liveliness and her bed had long since chased any thought of the queen from his mind, and chased it away so thoroughly that he often wondered what he was thinking. He knew most of what she told him were lies, but then he was hardly honest with her anyway. The King's man was hardly honest with anyone. Perhaps had things been different, but they were not.

Anton raised an eyebrow as she entered and delivered the missive, but took the note and chuckled at its contents.
"Punishing me. No doubt for my manner of proposal, with the silent treatment," he chucked as he handed the note over his shoulder to Lampkin. "Very good forgery by the way, was it your doing?" and his eyes pierced hers over the cup of tea he had raised to his lips. "You could give Lampkin a run for his money if it weren't for the hesitation marks in the "A"s. Very near what I have seen of her hand. Would you care to deliver a note in return for me?" Lampkin barely looked at the note except to admire Dotty's skill. He simply crossed the room and set it aside on the king's writing table, picking up a case of pens and ink that sat there.

Anton snapped his fingers and Lampkin brought over the writing case almost as soon as his lord's hand had returned to the goblet, which the king immediately drained before pulling a bit of clean parchment and beginning his note. "And this time there will be someone to attest to the fact that I did pen it myself." It took a few moments, but eventually the paper had been scrawled over in a fine hand that almost exactly matched the one Lampkin had written, and then signed, folded neatly into thirds, and sealed with wax exactly the color of warm chocolate.

"When she is no longer sore with me ask her to open that, be it days or hours. It's not quite as romantic as Lampkin's work, but I think it will do. Tell me, Lampkin," he chided over his shoulder, "why don't you write all my letters for me? Then it would be possible to avoid the confusion that put me in this mess in the first place."

"You don't pay me enough for that," the man in question muttered dryly.

"And what about all the other favors you do?" Anton questioned, a knowing smirk quirking in the corner of his mouth, "No one pays you for those at all and yet you can clean up a mess quite efficiently. One might almost think you were a professional at it. Why don't you show your friend out. I won't begrudge you a minute, or an hour, if you decide you're in need of a bit of fun before you return."

"If I were a professional you'd be far safer if you were footing the bill," Lampkin muttered under his breath as he led Dotty to the door. A moment later he had plastered a smile over his face and leaned forward to ask Dotty for a kiss. He did not think she had heard him. It was obvious Anton had not.

Leondeal was a bustling city high in the mountains where the light spring chill still felt like an ReValyan winter. Sir Greagor moved through the streets easily though. It had not taken him long to learn the layout. Though built on various levels to accommodate the mountains the city still followed a standard grid. The market district lined the main road, and the royal palace sat on the highest peak. It was the easiest place to gather warm sunlight, and the most defensible during an attack. There were slums of course, hidden in the back corners where visitors would never know to look to see them.

Yet today he was not here to see the sites. He had a mission, a mission he had known he would need to complete since an hour after he had left a recovering Tristen in the care of the man's family and set out on the road again. He was close to completing it too. So close he could almost taste the wine he intended to buy the moment he was back home. He wound his way through the capitol city that shared the name of her country, past the throngs of street sellers hawking their wares, and through the main gate of the royal courtyard. The royal palace may be off limits, but the noblemen's parliament was in session and that was always open to public viewing, though most knew it was a farce . . . or at least it was when Anton personally resided.

The parliament house was set up as a sort of roofed Colosseum. Each ring segregating the classes. The main floor house the nobles who were participating, each settled by house with a desk before them around the edge or, if they chose, a place at a great round table in the center. Through his visits here Greagor had never seen the round table in use, though he had heard stories of how it had been used to sign treaties and solve problems before the coup two generations prior. The second ring housed the families of those presiding and minor nobles. The third ring contained seats for major merchants and prosperous common folk. The fourth ring was for well off shop keepers and those of moderate wealth. The fifth ring contained standing room only, for peasants. Greagor approached the guards and was quickly waved through with directions to the third ring. His fur lined cloak assured him of at least that much. It had been an expensive item, but well worth the extra cost.

Today was no ordinary meeting, however. Today the Queen Dowager, Anton's aunt, widow of the former king and current ruler of Leondeal was in attendance. That too was a farce. All and any power the woman had once held had been stripped of her the day Anton came of age, or so the rumors stated. Perhaps had she truly ruled things would be different, the people whispered a fondness for her, but now she was nothing more than a figurehead. Yet if she was a puppet she was a puppet with a voice, and she made sure she was heard.

"To raise those taxes will put the economy into a downward spiral!" she was . . . not yelling, yelling was too harsh a word, vocalizing strongly to a lord across the room. For all her handsome face, fancy dress, and apparently caring heart the woman was as tough as steel and as prickly as a thorn bush. "I don't care how much you think the roads need repaving, how will they see use if the farmers are unable to even take their goods to market. You take that much and they'll have nothing to sell!"

Greagor smirked as he moved through the isle. He was only half listening, but already it seemed things were as heated as ever. He reached his destination, a support beam in a shadowy corner of the third ring that rose the height of the auditorium, supporting the third ring's railing. Cautiously he knelt down and reached over the edge until he felt the small pocket between the wood and the wall. A bit of feeling around led him the edge of a bit of paper and he drew out a piece of well creased parchment. Standing he moved on until he was well hidden in another corner. Only then did he open the paper and read it. A moment later he had folded the page anew, letting the creases form their own pattern with the letters on the page, and what he saw led to a large grin. Finally, after searching and greasing palms, after consorting with both the lowest imaginable and the highest a reasonable man could reach, he had it. The name.

And hour later he stood at the window of the little room he had rented, watching the wings of a bird as it sailed away.

"Don't hold it against them," Nicoli requested as he laced his shirt up as he sat on the edge of the overly large bed. "They only have your best interest at heart, and if you'll remember I had almost the exact same questions." His small cloths and breeches were already on though his stockings, boots, and false leg were still scattered across the room. "Don't think of it as them questioning your judgment, but of them trying to show they care the only way they believe they are allowed to do so." It had been an interesting experiment for him, dressing with only the bed or Anne to lean on. He had asked for his leg first, but she had insisted on helping him instead. He had consented to allow it provided she allow him to return the favor at some point. At the moment he was enjoying the sight of her in her nightgown, though part of him wondered what others she had, which he'd get to see, and if she'd ever allow him the privilege of making a request. "After all there are only so many occasions one can get away with bringing their queen flowers without looking suspicious."

His hair was still slightly damp from the bath they had shared. A fortunate observation on Nicoli's part had led to the comment that the tub would hold them both, a leisurely soak in warm water, a mouthful of bubbles on his part, and the realization that Anne's rooms were far more comfortable than any place he had ever previously stayed. Not only was the tub big enough for two, but her bed was the softest thing he had ever had the pleasure of laying on, and her sheets were heaven against the skin. He only wished there was something he could give her in return. Something besides physical pleasure. Even that came with its own cost. The secrecy. The complications should Anton learn of it. There was the brief thought that flickered across his mind that should he get her with child the possible repercussions would confuse things even more. He did not relish the idea of bringing a child into this world and then spending their life pretending to be a stranger because a foreign king had the official title of husband. But a moment later he realized that future was impossible and the reasons for that impossibility seemed to place a weight on his heart. A curse and death was no future at all.

"Do you think I should shave?" He asked randomly a moment later trying to lighten the mood when Anne came to help him with the cuffs of his shirt, "or do you like the roughness? I'll grow a full beard if you prefer?" he took the opportunity to snitch a kiss before asking boldly, "and how might a man go about earning back his leg?"
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Dotty offered Lampkin a playful kiss, high on the knowledge she had gathered more than enough information for the day from such a small and insignificant encounter. Anton seemed altogether uninterested in romancing Anne, given his reaction of indifference at the forged note and his complete disregard for the flowers. Not that Dotty had expected any different. Lampkin was a pawn and Anton a player, both as sneaky as their games implies. She enjoyed Lampkin's attention but at the end of the day she would rather see him thrown off the edge of the palace walls along with his king. Still, it was not her choice. She supposed she should be thanking the gods that Anne was queen and not her.

"You're a dirty one," she giggled, slipping her tongue between Lampkin's teeth and biting lightly on the end of his lip. "But I'm going to be mean and make you wait. I was with you all night last night, what is my poor family supposed to think?" Dotty winked and turned, making sure to sway her hips in all the ways that were certain to drive him crazy as she walked down the corridor away from her lustful lover. "We'll have to talk later, big man. I've got work to do. But if you're feeling particularly naughty, I'll be alone in the wine cellars dusting from four to five."

She winked, and the lust in his eyes was all she needed. I have him wrapped around my finger, she thought with a giggle, and I will offer him directly to Queen Anne on a silver plate.

The sudden presence was overwhelming. She had awoken countless times during the night, sweating and whimpering with the force of such power, feeling the same as she had on the day her plans had finally set into motion. Only this was different. This time, she could feel them unraveling between her fingers and the stronger her grip became, the faster she lost control. It was only a matter of time before things flipped on it's head and there would be nothing, no spell or potion or incantation that Saurella could conjure that would stop it.

My curse, she panicked in realization. My curse has been broken.

Saurella threw the blankets from the king's bed and dressed herself in the latest Leondeali fashions, though not without haste. There was much work to be done to prevent the inevitable. Ignoring the greetings of those she passed, the sorceress charged through the streets after exiting palace grounds and glared at those who dared to meet her eyes. It was not uncommon knowledge that the king kept a witch to warm his bed, and she was not well-liked among his people for they knew her true face and were right to consider her a threat. But none of it was important. She had given up all notion of becoming Anton's queen--her ambitions were much, much higher than that.

But for success to happen, her curse had to remain in tact. Anton, you fool, you've ruined everything. By bedding her so soon you've jeopardized all of my plans and yours, too. Saurella flocked to the nearest building, an inn called the Snow Cat, and after ensuring none would see her the wicked woman snatched the owner by the collar and dragged him out into the shadowed alley.

"Mercy!" he shouted, but the woman was quick to cover his mouth and press cold steel to his throat. A bird that had been pecking at dropped corn flew away as Saurella made her threats, relentless in her endeavors.

"Quiet," she spat. "You have a job to do."

"I-I do?"

"Yes. And it starts now." Saurella pressed a delicate finger against the forehead of the whimpering landlord, who struggled to fight off the invasion of his mental fortress, yet suddenly his fears dissipated in a single instant, his fight, his will, his life. He stood in silence and the witch chuckled softly at the fruits of centuries worth of labor. "Now," she instructed, "stay still."

A plunge was all it took. Saurella closed her eyes and opened them moments later to the Fade which surrounded her, clouds of gold and violet and orange collectively shrouded in floating souls, trapped in the balance between the afterlife and a darker paradise. She drank in the power granted by such blood magic before reaching softly outward, clutching a glowing orb in her hand and crushing it like glass in her palm. Has Anton done what I instructed him not to? she asked to the voice which begged a question. Has he bedded the queen?

...the king of Leondeal returns... moaned a ghostly reply.

What? Saurella shook her head. That's impossible, he is already--


Her connection was slammed shut accompanied by the wails and shrieks of slaughter, which is precisely what it was. The innkeep fell to the ground dead, his eyes rolled to the back of his head and his skin as violet as colored silk, but Saurella's anger was too deep to notice such folly. The clouds overhead began to thunder an her fists clenched with rage. Another, she thought. Does he haunt me still?

"The King of Leondeal returns," she muttered, looking up to the sun as it was blotted out by the testament to her power. She brushed off the sickness of murder from her arms and dropped the knife from her fingers, thrusting it through the chest of the dead man for good measure.

"Well then," Saurella chuckled as she rose once again. "I suppose I'll have to kill him myself, starting with this nasty little offspring."

The sorceress turned to melt back into the camouflage of market crowds and busy streets, unaware that her ploy was carried out below the window of a man in a fur cloak.

"A full beard!" she laughed. "You--" Anne was cut off by a stolen kiss. She discovered that he so liked to stop her talking with little kisses and gestures of affection, whether it be a peck on the cheek here, a nibble on the neck there, or the pressure of a tickle at her sides. Oh, how she bathed in every moment of it. There was nothing she would deny him so long as he asked with the same gentle politeness that he carried in his every day demeanor. Anne felt another overwhelming wave of emotion swarm through her veins and she kissed him again, cupping his cheeks in her hands, before chuckling against the softness of his lips.

"All you have to do is say please."

Dressing Nicoli had been awkward to say the least. It had never occurred to Anne how much of her dressing she had done standing on two legs, and while she was happy to lend support whenever she could it was a painful reminder of his daily agonies, daily agonies she so longed to take away. Anne wanted nothing more than to invent a potion or a scientific cure that would help him grow back his ailed appendage and crushed bone, bringing back what was lost so that he wouldn't have to bear the weights that cripples bear. We are both cripples in our own way, she thought with a deepening frown that he was sure to see. I can never bear children and he will never walk again. It seems we truly are the perfect pair.

Without a word, Anne suddenly pulled from his hold and padded across the chamber floors, picking up the final evidence of their sin and presenting it to him. The remaining articles of clothing were simple enough to put back in their place, but Anne held the wooden reminder of his deformity in her hands as if it were a weapon, a mace or a sword. I'm sure it is a weapon, one that could lead to his destruction. I should have let him go from the guard a long time ago. But she remembered the day of the tourney with King Anton as vividly as if it were yesterday, the look in her lover's eyes of sheer agony at her reaction to seeing the product of her brother's failure as a leader. This was what Nicoli wanted, and whatever he wanted, she did too.

Carefully, the queen sat on her knees on the cold tile and unbuckled the harnesses on Nicoli's false leg, taking a moment to consider how they should be placed before strapping it around his flesh and tightening it where it required tightening. "There," she spoke after a minute's worth of adjustments, chuckling sadly as she knocked on the wood. "All better."

But it wasn't all better, and it wouldn't be. Their love would never change any facts--Nicoli was a cripple and she was destined to die, and neither of them would live happy lives aside from each other's embrace. She leaned forward and pressed a long kiss to his wounded knee before resting her forehead there, wrapping her left arm around the wood while the other stretched across to loosely hold his other, healthier appendage.

I will stay here until he asks me to stop, she decided, closing her eyes in peace. I won't let him forget how loved he is.
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"Your poor family indeed," Lampkin muttered quietly to himself as he watched Dotty sashay down the hall. He knew well she was a widow and that her only living relatives were a brother with a thriving family of his own, and her mother who lived with him. He'd done his fact checking and that much, at least, was true.

He had a fairly good idea of what she thought of him, and of what she thought of the king, but as she turned out of sight his mind began to spin with "what ifs" What if his job was different? What if they had met under other circumstances? What if he told her the truth?

He shook the thoughts from his head as he turned back into the king's chambers. None of them were possible except the last. And while he was tempted to stay away from the cellar that afternoon just to prove he could, he began to wonder what would happen if he fed her just a hint of what was really in his head. Nothing huge, just a little sliver. Dotty already thought he was entirely hers. He had seen that in her eyes, so if he timed dropping the information just right . . . made it seem like a slip . . . say when they were in the heat of passion? Perhaps he should find her in the cellars, but only to ask her to his own chambers later as a show of faith. He had not let her invited her there yet.

The grin he wore when he returned to Anton made it seem as though he had gotten a great deal more than a single kiss.

Nicoli sat in stunned silence as Anne not only returned his leg but also fastened it on for him. Likewise the kiss and embrace of his limbs were a shock. He stayed there a moment, stroking her hair in tender affection before he gently reached down and drew her upward by the arms until he had her settled across his lap.

"I need you to understand something," he instructed, pressing a kiss against her hair and curling his arms around her so she was cradled against his chest. "Even if I could go back and redo everything leading up to the injury knowing what I do now, I would not change a thing. The status of the missing limb is concealed for security purposes, not because I am ashamed of it. A man should never be ashamed of doing his job."

He sighed but continued, "It is not such a burden when I know what I did was right, and should I ever leave the guard I will not care who knows so long as I have work. That doesn't mean I want my scars on display," he added hurriedly, "What can be seen can be questioned and some questions do drag up painful memories. I will probably always hide the leg within my boot, but I will not mind others knowing it's there . . . after I leave the guard. When you first saw it, I thought you were going to throw me out," he admitted. "That's what I fear. Losing my position based on physical appearance instead of capability or choice."

He held her another long moment before drawing a deep breath. "I should go," he whispered in resignation. "I have a job to do, you have a King who needs to be put in his place, and at some point the mess you made, justifiably, of the liquor bottles needs to be cleaned up. I'll be back," he promised. "I was scheduled for third watch so I'll be at your side from six until midnight if you want me." It wasn't much but it gave them a few hours if she withdrew from the public eye at a reasonable time. He shifted his hold so she could get down when she wanted.

"You should dress as well. If you'd like help I can send a maid to you unless you'd rather take me up on my earlier offer now and spend some time laughing over how little I know about women's clothing?" He was stalling. They both knew it.
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And she would let him stall.

"I love you," she told him, caressing his cheek and kissing him despite how badly she knew he needed to leave, but there was nothing for it. Given the opportunity to keep him close, she would take it each and every time despite the risk of discovery Anton's suspicion. Anne gave him another kiss before sliding off his lap and giggling deviously, throwing open her wardrobe doors and pulling a slip, a corset and a bright green dress from the farthest reaches. Anne reapproached the bed and set the clothing down, shamelessly stripping from her nightgown and throwing on the slip, placing the corset in the proper position and chuckling.

"First lesson," she instructed. "As my husband, it is your duty to help your wife dress in the morning. Lacing a corset is much more complicated than boots or breeches, and while it will feel as if you're crushing my body within the confines of this blasted thing I promise it isn't all that bad." The queen turned her back to Nicoli and gave him the complicated list of patterns and ways to move and tie the various strings about her body. He was extremely reluctant to tighten the corset, expressing complains about her bones and organs, but Anne only rolled her eyes and implored him to continue. "It's not a real corset if it isn't uncomfortable," she chuckled in explanation.

Once she was fully dressed, having to teach various things as she did them herself, the queen placed a crown of pearls atop her gentle head and turned to her lover. "Ta-da!" she giggled, "this dress is one of my favorites, but I'll have a different nightgown for you to take off during your special..."

Sullenly, she stopped. Across the room a chocolate diamond ring glinted in the morning sun, and the queen's heart seemed to visibly sink. Anne hesitated a moment before crossing the distance and picking up the token of Anton's false love, looking between it and the little string on her left ring finger.

"I'm sorry," she said sadly, "but...I have to take it off..."​
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"No you don't," Nicoli answered sliding off the bed and crossing to her. He took her hand in his and kissed her fingers before smoothing the string as flat as it would go and slipping the chocolate diamond over the top. Anton's ring was fortunately a large enough that the string was all but concealed beneath it. "If that is not too uncomfortable," he questioned clasping her smaller hand in both of his. "If anyone asks the ring is simply too large and the string is there to keep it in place."

He took up her other hand with the first and draped both around his neck before his own hands slipped to her hips and he pulled her close. "I enjoyed dressing you, my wife," he murmured warmly, "but you're right. It was far more complicated then what I have to deal with on my own. I think it will take some practice before I can get everything in its correct place the first time. You may have to quiz me when next there's an opportunity."

Nicoli had taken advantage of the lulls when Anne went to fetch the various confusing items of her own wardrobe and slipped into his armor, one piece at a time, so his embrace now was a bit cold. But his mind was still on the last few minutes instead of the present. Who knew that a woman had to have so many different undergarments. Slips and over-skirts, chemise and corset . . . It seemed to him that such clothing must have been invented by the wealthy just so they could show off how much cloth they could buy. Or by a man attempting to catch a cheating wife. Nicoli had noted that getting Anne into all that stuff would certainly be more difficult than getting her out.
Speaking of getting her out . . .

"Anastasia," he queried tipping his head to the side almost boyishly. "You mentioned something about a different nightgown and something special before you were distracted. I'd like to hear the end of that sentence. If I have to leave you, that's the sort of promise I'd rather hear and remember all day than some comment about another man's ring. Please?"

I'll hear the answer to her question and steal one last kiss, he told himself, And then return to my post.
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Nicoli made her feel more a queen than any crown or birthright. She chuckled and wrapped her arms around his neck at his own bidding, and she kept the string tucked away beneath the ring at Nicoli's behest. It was a brilliant idea to say the least, as she wouldn't be comfortable wearing Anton's ring and not the one of the man she loved. It was a terribly ironic reminder of the difference in status as well--diamonds from a king, thread from a farmboy. But it was obvious which of the two she cherished most of all.

"I was going to say that I'll wear a different nightgown for you tonight. I have plenty, but I have a certain one in mind. Satin or silk?" Anne met his eyes and smiled under his gaze, never able to feel somber when such dark orbs met hers with such affection. "Or, rather, which color would you prefer to see me in? Pink, black, orange, blue, take your pick. I have enough nightgowns for an army."

An army. She supposed that's what she had now, three men on an investigation that would spark a war, and there she stood in the arms of her lover clad in steel while she herself wore a dress that marked her as the general of the battle to come. Anne kept close to Nicoli and rested her forehead against his, the heels of her shoes giving a few inches of added height.

"You will come tonight, won't you?" she inquired. "I'll ask Captain Oswin to adjust the guard postings..."​
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"Hmmm," Nicoli sighed as he held her. "If he hasn't adjusted the shift under his own initiative it'll be better to leave well enough alone or let me ask. Your doing so might look like favoritism. I have third watch already so you will at least have me for a few hours. I'll take my post as normal and you can invite me in to talk whenever you're ready. As for the nightgown . . ." The corner of his mouth crooked in a smile even as the heat raced up the back of his neck as his mind drifted to what sort of thing she might have in mind.

"I have little experience with satin or silk, so I'd say whichever feels the best against your skin. As for color, black is the color of the guard and I think blue might set off your eyes? I'd also like to see you in white or green . . . Surprise me?" He dipped his head low to capture her mouth before his hands left her waist.

"I love you. "

One more kiss and he was forcing himself to leave her chambers. His mind spinning, astonished at all that had happened, his heart filled with joy.

Captain Oswin was waiting for him, looking completely bored as leaned against the wall. "I've been thinking," the man grumped, "I'm getting too old to be taking forth watch, and the recruits are never going to advance if I don't give them a chance at something harder. Since I know you're capable of staying up all night I've decided to give you the double shift of third and forth. 6pm to 6am. That'll take the burden off me and the older knights, and the younglings will have a chance to potentially see something more exciting than torchlight. Think you can handle it?"

Nicoli struggled to keep his face blank. Just in case there were any unwanted ears near by. "Yes, sir."

"I don't care where you choose to position yourself," the older man continued, "if the Queen want to talk, or if you want to stand at the end of the hall, it doesn't matter. Your senior enough to be able to stay on alert and hold a conversation. But I expect you to be on alert with a sword within reach at all times. Our castle may be full of guests, but I don't trust half of them."

"Understood, sir."

"Good," Oswin clapped him on the shoulder, "Then go get some rest while you can. The change in schedule is effective immediately."

Nicoli slipped away back to the barracks and his own tiny room feeling somewhat shell shocked. Oswin had not only ensured him free to spend his nights with Anne, provided he stayed awake, but given him his days free by asking him to serve a double. Amazing what one conversation could lead to. He tried not to think of the sorrow to come, only what joy could be had in the days immediately ahead. He also needed to find a way to thank Diana and Rebecca for all they had done.

He would wait to tell Anne of this turn of events until they could be together. He hoped she would find it a pleasant surprise.

Anton, meanwhile, had arranged for a box of chocolates to be sent to the queen along with a note stating he hoped she was not unwell. He may be indifferent to her actual feelings, but the mob had expectations for the "romantic" couple and he could hardly fail to put on a show.

The king hoped she would catch on and join him for her next available meal.
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Anne gave a great laugh at some ridiculous joke Anton had bored her with, arm laced in his. The day had been spent strolling through the palace gardens accompanied by laughter and a pleasant tea among the flowers. Lampkin and Ser Tristen trailed behind, never making eye contact and remaining silent while king and queen held their conversations. After careful consideration, Tristen had been reinstated as the head of the queensguard to keep Nicoli from any emotionally compromising situations, and Anne as well. Besides, he was the better warrior despite how much she wanted to believe that her lover was. Tristen was the oldest knight in her service yet he was deadliest warrior to the west of the Great Sea. Anne had every confidence that he would protect her from any of Anton's tricks should one arise.

"I'm sorry," she said with a gentle chuckle, "but I fear that the sun has set and I must return to my chambers. So many wedding plans and decrees to write up, letters to reply to, invitations to send..." Anne sighed. "I should be getting back to them. Will you break your fast with me the in the morning, my love? I do so look forward to your company."

Behind them, Ser Tristen sighed in slight irritation.

Dotty sighed, putting the mop up against the wall and brushing off the apron on her gown. It had been long day of work, keeping the castle immaculately cleaned and up to the king's expectations. She had kept long hours away from her family between Lampkin and her duties, but hopefully it would all be over soon. A month, that's what the queen had told her. A month more of this torture.

But it wasn't entirely insufferable. Lampkin was good in bed, rough, precisely how she liked it. He made her laugh with his crude jokes and made her feel an odd sense of protection, though nothing compared to the comforts of Queen Anne's knights. But she supposed it would do.

"Lampkin?" she whispered, knocking on the door she was told was his. She had never seen his chambers before, but they were terribly simple and the hallway was more akin to that of servants than noblemen.

"Lampkin?" she called. "Where are you?"​
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