IN HER DYING EYES-the black embrace

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Anastasia knew it was quite early to be in a night gown however

just that little bit of running around with helwix had tired her

she was getting weaker.

the word fatal stung harshly as it escaped his lips

she gasped "fatal?...bit Armand I know you wont let anything happen to me..."

she said with a nervous smile half way trying to convince herself now as well

"as for dinner..of course "

how could she refuse ?
" Mmm then i will let you rest, A woman in a nightgown is nothgin to stare at." he smile,d standing up adn bowing. " Same place. seven o clock. i will see you then, Anya." he said, kissign her hand before leaving.

Helwix walked in as he left, she bowed a little and entered the room.

"hmm.. nightgown huh..old fangface finally get some action/" she giggled, staring intently at anya for an answer.
Anastasia felt her chinks burn as he kissed her hand.. she wondered if he meant to do it so delicately

or if thats just how polite he was being

she didnt have much time to think before Helwix entered the room asking questions which made her cheeks burn

even more fiercely

"No, not at all.. he was just comming to check on me.. " She said with a giggle

"Helwix where did these sudden feelings emerge from? one minute I hated the man for this"

She said as she rubbed her stomach gently

"The next Im... acting like a child with a crush"

Though she hadnt known helwix long, she had somewhat confided in her considering the circumstances and the lack of friends.

"By the way.. if you dont mind my asking where did you get that scar?"
she was back in her pirate-like outfit and she smiled a little.

"Armand gave it too me back in 1527" she chuckled. "End of piracy, end of an era... I thought a could take him on... he proved me wrong." she pulled her shirt down to reveal the cut went all the wy past her nipple. she pulled her shirt back up and went over to anya.

Helwix sat next to anya and put her hand on the girls large stomach. " He really is a gentleman you know... no matter how much fun i poke at him." her smiel was genuine, like a little sister talkign about her idol of a sibling.

"I am going to take his place in one of his meetings so he can eat with you tonight." she said, winnking, rubbing in short circles on her sensitive flesh. Suprisingly, Anya woudl feel a little pain as she was touched. Helwix twitched a little.

"Hey, have you been checking your skin?" helwix cocked her head to the side a little. "You might want to see if you have any stretch marks." she added. Anastasia had been gowing for days like this, and her skin was stretching. stretch marks would be forming soon, and the stress on her flesh was the feelgin of pain as they were starting.
"ah...I see" Anastasia said quietly listening to helwix's short story and observing

the wound in great depth.

"pirates huh?...interesting ..." maybe this was why helwix liked the ocean so much

she then looked down at her stomach

"I... I hope I dont have stretch marks.. that would be tragic ...and I do maybe

they'll leave once the virus is gone..."

she reluctantly lifted her shirt to observe her stomach

preparing for the worst and still praying for the best.
"awe, hey those aren't that bad." she smile,d observing four or five littel marks going up to her belly button, and around her waist. she touched them gingerly. they stung ever so slightly.

"I'll get some lotion, go lay on the bed." she said, walking into the bathroom. she returned with a clay jar.


meanwhile, armand was busying himself talkign with his labrats again.
Anastasia looked down at the few stretch marks on her stomach and frowned

"Ugh... okay" she said quietly and lay down slowly on the bed

letting her mind once again drift off to Armand once again

they would be eating together again

probably alone ..which was good because she had things to ask him

"Is this some kind of....magic lotion? -I need a miracle helwix " she laughed

dryly ... however she really did feel as if she was in need of one.
"magic lotion.. hell no." she scoffed. " That stuff smells terrible no matter HOW you make it." she laughed, applying more than a few big globs to her roundness and applying firm pressure in big circles with her hands, sittign on Anya's legs. she worked for abotu ten minutes, lettign ti soak in nicely and illiciting a pleasant warm sensation all over Anastasia.

" there you go, hun." she said, standing up and crackign her back gently. " I'm gonna go get some grub in teh main hall, so I'll probably see you tommmorow." she said, leaving after a few pleasant goodbye's. there was a new selection of clothes hanging in the open closet across the room for her.

Meanwhile, armand had finished his dealings with the labtach's and woudl have a genuine smile on his face. " ah... so good to hear good news." he chuckled, entering the back dinning room and sighing, a little pissed.


" I told them a SMALLER feast in this room tonight..." he siad, looking at the large tbael set before him... it had an extra bowl of fruits, and a large spiral ham instead of a full turkey this time. "I am surrounded by morons."
The lotion was very soothing and she was more than greatfull to helwix for applying it for her..

She had shuddered some when the girl had applied pressure, but she knew it was for the best.

When the girl had left out she immidiatley sat up and went to her new wardrobe apparently picked out to be more

comfortable for her condition

nothing too tight -but also style.


She smiled and picked out a peach blouse and some jeans that werent too tight -but no where near loose either

they had hugged her hips just as she wanted them to, and just after glancing at herself in the mirror she went off to meet Armand in the dining area

they had had Dinner just the other day in.. For some reason she felt nervous about this but why? why should she.

She shouldnt.

She took a semi-deep breath and walked inside, smiling as she did so

"Hey Armand. "
Armand was standing there just as before, right next to her chair with a soft smile on his face. "good evening, Anya." he bowed slightly. He watched her walk across the floor to the chiar with a kind of grace he wouldn't think possible for someone sporting such a rotund middle.Armand did notice her struggling.

'I hope she can hold out until tommorow night.' he thouhgt to himself. if she kept up like this, she'd be immobileby dawn if she weren't careful.

He walked around to the other side of the table and sat down amongst all the scent and sensations of thelarge feast around them. the familiar twitch in teh back of her head was back full force already.

"Bon appetite." he smiled, dishing up some food for himself, and slicing off some ham.
Anastasia mouth began to water as she let the scent on the food in front of her invade her nose and every other

sense in her body. Her stomach began to gurgle as if to tell her to get going but still she fought to remain a lady in front of

Armand. Her trembling hands cut off reasonable portions of things she fancied on the table

her mind was being picky however, her stomach didnt discriminate against anything

"Armand can I ask you a question? have you ever been in love?" She spat it out all in one sentence.

She decided not to hesitate -for what? she was already irritable as she tried to hold herself back from consuming the whole table

why not just say whats on her mind and spare herself the un comfortableness?

nothing was wrong with that. It was a simple question.. simple enough.

She then slowly proceeded to letting the taste of the brilliant food which exploded in her mouth with all sorts of flavors. She began to pace herself

not to fast, not to slow.
"A few times i thought i was." he answered, taking a sip of wine. a sweet raspberry cordial. "But it was just a passing fancy. she had the I.Q. of a tibetan housefly mind you though." he chuckled a little.

" Alas, the lord fo this castle ahs known no true love before." he sighed. there was an ounce of cryptic knowledge lingering on the edge of his words.

"you look like your in pin there, Anya... are you alright? Does teh food not please you, I can have somethgin else brought in if you like..." he seemed momentarily oblivious to her hunger... again. a scatterbrained genius.
Anastasia thought about his words

So he had never truly been in love either huh?

She giggled at this "That makes two of us... I always thought I was when I was

little however.. a little hopeless romantic thinking every boy that was 'cute' I was in love with.."

Her words trailed off as she continued eating in small portions..

It was obviously working because Armand seemed to not even suspect she was really, really hungry

and was liable to eat all of this food in a matter of seconds if she didnt restrain herself further

"Oh no.. no its wonderful.. Im just trying to eat.. slow" She confessed, giggling more and gesturing down towards her stomach

"Dont worry about me love.. how is your food?"

She needed to direct the attention off of herself if possible.
"don't take whats off my plate, and We're fine." he said, remembering. " It's all your anya.. and more if you need it." he chuckled. " Tommorow it will all be over, so don;t worry about a little comfort here and there, hmm/" he smiled, leaneing back and taking the wine goblet in hand.

"Here's to new friends, new allies... and your beautiful eyes." he shook his head in disbelief at her beautiful face.
She laughed at his joke. Which put her at ease as she continued eating

He was right, it would all be over tommorow

she probably shouldnt be so nervous but she really was.

What happens after this? do they remain friends or does he dissapear from her life?

His words once again make made her blush wildly..

Her hands trembled as she lifted her goblet "And cheers to you... handsome"

She couldnt help herself

a compliment for a compliment .
Armand set down his empty goblet and finished hs meal in only a few bites. "How woudl you like me to take you tot he tower.. its a full moon night tongiht." he said, moving his plate to the side. " Eat up And i will take there for a well deserved rest hmm?" he offered her. he was curious. a quality that to him, was as natural as questioning the colors of th erainbow. his sense of whimsy was not lost.

He looked into her eyes. "You are before anything, a lady, lovely Anya... do not be embarassed." he whispered hypnotically.
His eyes were hypnotic, they really were, and they made her feel more relaxed then she had felt since she went on this journey to this place with him. She slowly picked up her fork and began cutting into her meat and eating at a slightly faster pace.

She was excited to to go to the tower.. excited to go because Armand would be there, and also they would probably have a really good view from where the tower if it was as big as it sounded

Finally after eating diligently her stomach seemed satisfied and she scooted her plate away

taking a modest sip of her drink

She then smiled standing slowly "lets go."
' my my, she has more self control then i thought.' armand thought to himself, suprised at her ability to hold back. As far as he knew, the virus was ravenous and only wanter more, more, more. perhaps it really was his presence that helped her through not obeying the whims of the gredy goo within her, but he stood up, scooted his chair back in, and went to take her hand, leading her to the secret passage behind th etapestry oncemore. thsi time though, they turned left u a flight of stairs.

"there's a lot of stairs up this way, anya, but i guarantee it's worht it."He smiled, walkgin beside her and stilla dmiring those damn hyponotic eyes.
The stares of course, were hell on earth.

She sighed taking them one by one at a steady pace. Not too fast however not too slow either.

If Armand said that it was worth it she would take his word for it

"Its okay.. I need the excersise right?" She chuckled jokingly as they continued up the stairs

She knew he was staring at her

why did her eyes intrigue him so much?

She never thought of her eyes or seen them the way he obviously did.

However it flattered her, and she continued to blush.

"Do.. you come up here a lot?"
"more often then most of my peers think healthy actually." he stated. Armand helped her up the last stairwell into a small foyer with many kinds of plates and more tapestries. he wiped a few beads of sweat from her brow, helping her sit down on a bench. the moonlight poured in through the wndowless portals all around them. there were four torches int eh room, one in each corner, and the balcony outside went all the way around the room.

"you look rather weary," he said with a little humor in his voice. they HAD just walked up thirty seven floors of stairs. though anya would have lost track rather quickly. the sicknes feeling had been growing with every step again. a reminder that everythgin wasn't perfect in this paradise.