IN HER DYING EYES-the black embrace

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"Fix the world? fix me!" She expclaimed, waitching the lady steal glances at her massive belly

she sighed rubbing it gently

"But.... how can I stay mad at him? he is sweet...charming....handsome.... well mannered.. -oh I could go on for days

about him.. I have grown quite... fond of the man what can I say?"

She confessed, it was true. Despite the virus Armand had brang a light into her world

the admittedly wasnt there before...

Whether he knew that or not.

She then cleared her throat to get out of the daze she had put herself in

"So... do ... I mean are... people from here aloud to date.. you know.. normal people?"

She didnt want to use that word but it was true

there people were probably regular

but where she was from this was quite irregular

"Just asking." She said with a shrug

and she was just asking right?

Just for the sake of conversation..

"psh.. you... you love him.." she blushed, her hadn cupped over her mouth in disbelief " That overbearign slave-driver of dhamphire?" she said again, starting to laugh.

"He can do whatever eh damn well pleases," she finished, stadnign upright again.

"So anastasia... ever been to the ocean?" she asked, smiling.
love Armand? was that the word for it?

she wanted to protest .. she really did

but she didn't. she was conflicted with herself

however she did laugh at the things she called him

"he isn't that bad..."

and she was glad that she had changed the subject

clearing her throat she slowly stood as well

and after taking a sip of her juice opened her mouth

to answer "well...yes I like the ocean " it was true, she liked

taking pictures of it mostly

but she could use fresh air.
"great,. theres a swimsuite int eh closet, meet me outside in ten minutes. I'll change to!" she giggled, turngin around and leaving swiftly before Anastasia coudl say much.

Helwix had an odd bump and weave sort fof walk, like gravity didn't really matter to her feet. this was such a strange place. even her stomach seemed to wonder what had jsut happened as it gave a troublesome gurgle.
Anastasia was just about to protest when

the lady left out of the room

a swimsuit?? with the way her figure looked right now -she hoped it wasnt a 2 piece.

And to her surprise it wasnt -what luck!

of course when she put it on, it still in her eyes made her look like a whale

at least in the stomach area

but oh well -she wasnt in her world anymore

maybe people were less prone to judge

She immidiatley grabbed a towel hanging on a rack and tied it around her upper body before taking one last look at

herself in the mirror before descending out of the room to wait on her new friend
Helwix was not a small woman. she had more curves than most woman wore with confidence, yet she was in a two piece suite with a shadey hat of straw on her head and an umbrella.

"sweet... lets go!" she laughed, not seemgin to care, or even be aware of the problems going down a long flight of stairs to the beach would be for anastasia.

Once at the beach, she pitched up her umbrella and put down her towel, smilign out at the perfect pristine waves and theclear blue waters of the cove. a few hundred feet away, A small ship was docked at a littel warf with no signs of life on it, save the several flags of red attached to it here and there.

"mm i love the cove." Helwix sighed, lookign over at anastasia. " that looks good on you." she giggled, seeming sincere.
A compliment?

It made Anastasia smile because it seemed she was telling the truth

"Thanks ... and you too" -Helwix was full figured just like Anastasia's mother

she always admired figures like that and thought they weren't appreciated enough in today society.

The beach was beautiful -just as she imagined it would be... and cleaner than the ones from where she was from.

She inhaled the breeze as it blew her hair in ever direction i decided to turn..

and then she turned towards helwix

"So... do you have a boyfriend out here?"

Armand was very handsome and she was sure there was a lot more where that came from

and just for the sake of conversation as well
"UHm well. aheh..." Helwix blushe d alittle and turned her face away from anya. "i.. have a few girlfriends..." she almsot whispered, shifting her weight as she sat down on her towel, hidign her face between her knees in a near-fetal position, staring out upon the waves.

It seemed every sensation was heightened out here, even the ones that the stuff inside her incited. her hunger still knew no bounds, but the virus was only demanding the love of the sunlight right now, acting like a platn absorbing sun to produce chlorophile.

Armand was still toilign away explaining things to foreign elders, and working with the labrats.
at first Anastasia was startled when she said she had a few girlfriends

she didn't look like the type.. but oh well, despite the magic surroundings she had to remember

these people had preferences also.

"really is that so?... psh.. I wish I could say I have a few boyfriends however ..I haven't one"

and it was true.. she had never had time for one what with school and

photography and all... but now with her Condition it seemed she had a lot more time

on her hands ...maybe that was why she had grown so close to Armand

"does..Armand have... a few girlfriends too?" she couldn't help but ask and also

brace for the response. Surely he must...
"pfft that 500 yearold stiff.. hell no.. Even 'I' had my advances on him once upon a time.. nah, girl... he Doesnt care fot the fairer sex. SOme say he's stilla virgin." she added. " Straightest arrow i EVER seen in my life." she added, beginnign to slip into te cooling water. THe beach here was rather hot, and the sand was just hot enought o be comforting to the toes. In the water, Two sea monsters on the other side of th ecove started fighting in a playyful manner. a brotherly squal that was more like a full contact dance than a brawl.

"Come on in, the water is GREAT!" she laughed at anya.
Anastasia couldnt help but laugh at the things she called him

and even though she shouldve felt awkward sense this woman had admitted to having her own advances

she didnt.

Helwix made her feel comfortable, even as she stood and began walking slowly and steadily towards the ocean...

letting the water kiss her feet -It did feel great "Your right" She said with a giggle, finding her way closer to helwix and deeper in the water

it was a nice way to spend the morning

even with Armand missing she supposed.
Helwix parted ways with her around noon, and On her way back in her bathing suite and towel, She woudl meet a weary armand, walkign slowly towards her room with his head hung low and his hands in his pockets. he seeemd somehow...deflated.

"Aie dios mio..." He yawned. "do you know how hard it is to shut up those beaurocratic idiots." he said, looking more like the twenty year old man he died as, less like a 500 yar old lord of a castle.

"I swear those old men have no sense of things anymore. I had to explain what a 'vacation' was to half of them." he sighed, opening the door to her room for her. She had grown over the course of the day, he could see it.

"I don't have much time Anya. maybe three or four hours before my next meeting... I swear to the LORD, the next time i take a vacation, i am STAYING gone." he yawned.
Anastasia couldn't hide that she was glad to see him. "I missed you.." She greeted him as they parted into her room

She laughed at the story he told of the old men "Well Armand they are old men... you cant fault them.. It seemed like you were gone forever.

But as long as your here now thats all that really matters" She said with a shrug as she tightened the towel around her and sat on her bed

"I had fun with Helwix today... even though its early it seems as if we spent an eternity out there" She laughed at the thought

she had noticed herself getting a slight bigger also, but she didnt mind it much -her main focus was Armand right now.

"So.. did you miss me? even the slightest?" She giggled playfully -even though she was quite serious

She had never felt this way up until a few days ago about Armand

and if one didnt know any better they might say she was..

flirting with him?
"I'd rather gaze at you than most things." he smiled, sitting in the chair helwix was in when she awoke. there was a pot of hot tea sitting ont he stand next to it and poured two glasses.

"Honey-chamomile?" he asked. handing her a cup.

"But i would rather be anywhere than with those old crones.. gods, what am i saying most of them are younger than me by at least a century." he said pointedly.

"Most vampires forget how useful beign young at heart is." he added. he smelled of roses and somethgin smokey today. like he ahd been sleeping in a dull potpurri all night. He smiled at her outfit, just now enjoying how it hugged her curves.

"You know i told an aweful lie about why you.. hmm look like a fertility goddess." he said, there was a more familiar tone to his voice every passing minute as of late. it seemed he was rather enjoying HUMAN contact. however, the air of scientific and diabolic nature still exuded from his every undead spanish noble pore.
Yes she knew about the lie -but decided against saying she knew

she didnt want to get helwix in trouble

"Sure" She said, with a bright smile on her face as she took the glass of tea and sipped it


Again he comes with the compliments and despite the way she felt -his words once again proved to make her feel beautiful

"A fertility goddess?.. sounds lovely" And it did... it truly did.

She laughed at the thought of him running about and telling people she had been impregnanted by demons

quite a humorous tale

"Did you lie? but why lie? would they care if they knew the truth?"
"They .. *sigh* they woudl think less of me... until you, these people have been my only friends, family, or conversation partners for over 300 years." he said, taking another sip. " you look a little weary. should i let you rest?" he asked. her legs looked a bit shakey. he did love how well she wore this problem on her hips. An odd tingle hit the back of his skull as a voice told him to be still and just drink his tea.

"I'm not trying to divert the subject .. soryy." he chuckled. it was a good laugh, full of life and content.
Anastasia nodded as she listened to his explanation

"well I'm glad you consider me a friend " she said brightly

truth be told she did feel a bit tired but she hadn't seen

Armand all day and so she decided to fight it

"No...I'm not tired at all" she lied however her smile was

reassuring "your not a disturbance at all Armand"

he was never much of one these days..

in fact he had in some weird way become the best part of the day for her
"well then.. change into somethgin other than that inticing swimwear so i don't have to divert my eyes." he giggled starign at his teacup, then up into her eyes. it was obviously a joke.

Armadn was unsure of why he was like he was. Perhaps his curiosity of not having been with human interaction for so long. He set his empty tea cup down and refilled it, takgin another sip.
Anastasia could tell by the nature of his voice that it had been a joke

still however she blushed at his words and got up, sliding into the bathroom

where she changed into a comfortable night gown which awaited her

she then descended out to the bedroom and back on to her bed

where she also poured more tea for herslef and then sat back

gazing at Armand "so what's the agenda tommorow? "
"more coorporate paperwork. my lawyer is video-conferencing with me for a meeting about one of my subsidies." he began. " but.. I'm rather worried abotu you. at thsi rate, I'm not sure if you'll be able to make it tot eh science lab without a.. without being rolled there." he said, makgina turngin gesture with his pointer finger.

"However, deprivign your body of nutrients coudl prove fatal so.. i guess maintainign a happy medium i skey right now eh? will you be eatign dinner with me again?" he siad, not realizing he might be hitting a picky subject with eth food thing. Armadn was a bit of an idiot sometimes. Impressive. regal.. demandign of respect.. and scatterbrained.