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Panic was setting in quickly. He could hear the wail of the prison sirens and the prison wardens screaming about escaped prisoners. The entire corridor suddenly filled with deep booming barks. His eyes grew wide, the whites seem to glow in the dim lighting. There was no way he was going to fight off a pack of dogs. He looked left and right, turning to find some sort of escape hatch to open the door with. But he couldn't find it.

He looked up and an ingenious plan formed in his mind.

"Okay Rodgush, listen to me. I got a plan. You see that hatch up there," he pointed up, his words coming out breathy. "I'm gonna teleport back into my lamp okay, and you're gonna toss it up there. I'll come out, turn the hatch and you'll catch me. You got that?"

The barking was getting louder; the hounds were getting close.

There was no time for confirmation from the orc. Hariq shoved his his precious lamp into the orc's muscular arms and faded into a cloud of smoke. It funneled into through the sprout, the container becoming slightly heavier.

"Now Rodgush!" came the genie's muffled voice.
"Inside your what?" Was all Rogdush had time to ask, before the genie got into his lamp. It took him a second to get the plan, giving a dog the time to come around the corner. He tossed the lamp upwards, just in time for the dog to pounce onto his shoulder, biting it.
He grabbed the dog by the neck and slammed it into the floor with the sound of bones crunching. He looked up in time to see Hariq falling towards him. He reached out with his arms just in time, catching him before he smashed into the floor. Having his arm smashed into the door and getting bitten didn't exactly strengthen it, making him let go with his right arm, which luckily was the arm the genie's feet was in.
His lamp clattered to the floor, kicking up a small cloud of dust. The genie uttered thanks before his feet planted firmly upon the ground. As he glanced at the dog, the corner of his mouth turned up in a sneer. Did he really have to do that to the animal? Then his sympathy evaporated when he spotted the bite marks on Rodgush's shoulder.

"Oh that looks nasty." Hariq shook his head, refocusing. "Okay the hatch's open just gotta - "

Loud growls filled the air. The genie turned around to see the corridor lined with dogs and the wardens, every one of them looking furious. He swallowed hard and muttered to the orc. "You distract or should I?"
"This is gonna hurt like hell, but I'll do it. You get that door open in a hurry!" Rogdush took a step forward, towards the dogs, cracking his knuckles. "I've got no option but to smack a bitch to death with another bitch." He almost growled.
He grabbed the dead dog next to him by it's behind, preparing himself. He was gonna get bit, beaten and stabbed. That much he was sure of. How severe it would be would depend on Hariq.
Rogdush roared loudly at the enemies down the hall, obviously frightening some of them slightly, yet they stood their ground and slowly started advancing on him.
Perhaps it would have been better if Rodgush was the one who was doing the heavy lifting instead of the genie. He gave a very self concious glance at his all too weak arm muscles and wished desperately that they were even half the size of the orc. But no time to dwell about the what ifs, it was time to get the hell out of this place. Spitting into both of his palms, Hariq spread his legs apart at shoulder length and placed his hands at the door. He inhaled and then heaved.

Nothing happened.

"No just wasn't trying hard enough. Lets try this again. One. Two. Three - AAARRRRRGGGHHHH!"

In agony, Hariq felt like he was tearing through every single tendon in his body as he pushed open the door. It rumbled, then grinded open. Blood flushed to his face, his face a vicious snarl. He kept pushing with all his might when a space just big enough for the orc to pass through revealed itself. Hariq turned around, watching the onslaught of dog and man fighting against this hulking green figure.

"C'mon, lets go!" He scooped up his lamp, cradling it like a babe and tore through the opening.
Rogdush was smashing guards and dogs both with their own, his fists and whatever else he could get his hands on. Yet they were damn well attacking him any way they could.
The dogs biting and clawing, while the guards tried their best to run him through with their swords. Yet none of them managed to get a lethal hit on him.
Rogdush could feel his anger building as he fought. His mind started getting clouded, and he almost started enjoying the battle for his life. His eyes started turning red, as yet another dog latched itself to his shoulder.
Suddenly, a shout from behind him snapped him out of it. He grabbed the dog and flung it at the others as he started running backwards. He turned around just in time to see the door that was barely open enough for him and not crashing into it. As Hariq had managed to open it himself, the guards would probably have little problem opening it, so he simply ran after Hariq, clutching his bleeding shoulder.
Hariq was glad for the cover of the night. He knew that he would be blinded instantly if they made their escape in the afternoon; the sun wouldn't be pleasant for him or the orc. The cool breeze along his skin was refreshing and the genie made sure that his first breath outside was a heavy and deep one. However the moment of reprieve was not long for the guards and their dogs were right behind them. All around the prison was a barbed wire fence, and from the sparks issuing from it there was no doubt an electrical current was surging through it. Hissing at their luck, Hariq's eyes scanned along the barrier looking for a power source.

Spotting a black box he tore across the grounds for it, only to be thrown onto his stomach by a large massive dog. He rolled himself over, glanced a mouthful of teeth and then shot a ball of fire into it. The creature howled in pain as third degree burns ravaged his maw. The genie felt a twinge of guilt but the feeling dissipated quickly at the sight of a blood covered Rogdush. Hariq wondered how much of it belonged to him or the guards.

"That black box! You need to get break it!"
Another prison that could not hold him. Yet again, he left corpses in his wake. Just the way he like it.
If it hadn't been for the large fence between him and freedom, and the large dog on top of the genie. Well, the second problem seemed to solve itself, in a fiery fashion. And as the second problem was solved, it apparently had the solution to the second one. The black box.

Rogdush scanned the fence for the black box for a few moments, before he spotted it. Then he "spotted" another dog jumping onto his back and biting him. Rogdush quickly reached his hand back there, yet the damn beast was just our of his reach. "Fucking dogs!" He roared, before tossing himself onto his back, breaking the dog's skull, and pushing his teeth deeper. He rolled onto his stomach, feeling the dogs fangs loosen as he did, making him slam fist into the ground in pain. The orc pushed himself of the ground, and grabbed the dog as he did. He used the canine as a projectile, hurling it towards the black box. The back of the dog hit the fence first, making it crackle for a moment, before the rest of it smacked against the box, severing the circuitry.

"Can I break the fucking fence now?!"
"Do you mind breaking down a barbed wire fence?!" Hariq yelled, pushing himself up.

He sprinted the rest of the way towards Rogdush, fire ball in hand. The cacophony of barks and shouts was deafening and it only added to his adrenaline rush. Placing both of his hands side to side, a pillar of fire shot forth from his palms, melting down the fence. Hariq exhaled deeply - it had been a while since he used his magic and his body protested severely.

The barks and shouts were louder now. He backtracked quickly to retrieve his lamp, incinerating a dog and its master on the spot; their ashes were carried on in the evening breeze. The genie glimpsed the guards, some of who were sparking with their own brand of magic. Wrapping a finger around the handle of his precious lamp, Hariq fled to the hole.

"Go go go!"
"It's better breaking a fence with a ton of small sharp bits that don't penetrate enough to kill me than their swords! But You're idea is even better!"

Rogdush watched for a moment as the genie melted the fence before he ran through the small hole. He slowed down a bit and looked over his shoulder at Hariq burning something. He kept his slow pace until the smaller of the two had caught up with him, before grabbing him around the waist and lifting him up onto his shoulders and picked up his pace, ignoring the pain from the bites and the added weight of Hariq pushing down on them.

"You burn them fuckers, and I'll carry you!" He roared, hoping that if he couldn't stop the guards following him, maybe he could at least slow them down a bit.