Illusion Breaker

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She frowned a bit when that topic came up again, briefly looking away and at the wall. For a moment, the only sound that seemed to make itself present was the ticking of the grandfather clock in the same room. Before long, however, she would eventually speak, presumably after collecting all her thoughts. "I... I can't shy away from this. I don't know what's going on exactly, but it involves me somehow, and I need to see this through to the end. I'm a part of all this. The Holy Grail War, this cross-worldly menace... Whether I like it or not, I'm a part of this situation, and I can't very well hide. I just have to adjust to it all, and I'll be able to catch up," she spoke seriously, pursing her lips, "I expected casualties since the beginning. This is a war after all, or at least, it was. If this persists, it might have to be put on hold. An angry Kirei is something I wouldn't wish even on my worst enemies," Rin continued half-jokingly.

"You talk as though it's no big deal that someone claiming to be from an entirely different world is coming to kill you," Archer said, somewhat contradicting himself as his tone continued to seem somewhat unconcerned, "Is there something I'm missing?"

"It's a long story. I'll explain it later... but that just gave me a thought," Rin replied, looking at Frank again, "Do you think this... might have something to do with the Murder Games?"

She had never been an official Survivor of the Murder Games in the past, but it still partly concerned her. After all, why else would fate decree that she, along with Kirei, arrive at the Coalition Headquarters and meet up with people from other places like Frank? And then there was that "ultimate" game that was supposed to be the end of that Akibahara character, where she and Kirei had fought alongside the Coalition, among their official members like Robin Tact, Frank, Chris Redfield, and many others. They had thought it was over, but they were wrong. Some might even say it was merely the beginning.

But either way, as stated before, if people from other worlds were coming for her, a person whom they shouldn't even know, was this related to the Murder phenomenon in some way? If so, how? It mystified her, and certainly didn't look good.​
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Castle wasn't one to accept help, for the most part. He used to like being alone. Rin had become a light to him, though. A beacon of hope that this old monster could still be human. Frank had never introduced Rin to Lisa... never even told her about the alternate timeline in which he died and his daughter lived. Chances are, he never would. She meant too much to him to present her with the dilemma Lisa's existence presented him. She might have seen the girl around, though. She had been fairly attractive and dressed up similarly to Frank. "Okay. I won't force you to sit back. Just... be ready for what you might see. This isn't going to be like the Holy Grail War, I don't think. This is going to be a straight up war, if those men were involved with our friend the Right. No niceties. No conventions. All the magic in the world won't save you from a well placed sniper. I fought in Vietnam. Made some hard choices. I regret several of them." He paused, recalling his squad encountering more than one seemingly innocent person on the road. He saw several shot. Shot one or two himself. "'War is Hell' is an understatement. I don't want you to see what it's like if you don't have to."

"As for it being related to the Murder Games... maybe. I wouldn't be surprised. Lot of shit has come out of 'em... what's a little more?"

Rin pursed her lip, as though pondering it again for a minute. She knew full well that the world was not pretty, but had never really seen its true horrors firsthand. Sure, she heard stories from Kirei about his job as an Executor, hunting ghouls and Dead Apostles, and his experiences during the Fourth Holy Grail War, among other things. Still, even if things weren't going to be pretty, that was no reason to back down. What kind of person would she be if she simply looked away because she was afraid? No, that would only bring shame to the Tohsaka name. Rin knew she wouldn't be able to look herself in the mirror if she were to let others completely handle a problem that involved her for her.

"I made my choice. I won't turn back. Don't worry; from here on out, I'll be more careful. I've got you and Archer here to protect me should things go awry either way, but as long as no one tries to get the jump on me like that again, I should be fairly capable of taking care of myself," Rin spoke, "Even if it's Hell I'm walking into, all the more reason to look in. After all, no one gets better by letting other people do their work for them."


Archer crossed his arms briefly, chuckling softly. "My, my. Certainly strong-willed, we are. Perhaps that's exactly why you're my Master, Rin. In any case, I suppose I should inquire about these so-called Murder Games later... at a better time."

"Anyway... how can that be though? Arch Demon Akibahara was defeated, so that should be the end of the Murder Games, right? Unless someone else decided to pull the strings in his stead... But I suppose we don't exactly have any leads to go on, and speculating any further will just make my head hurt. Maybe it's a little abrupt, but I suppose for now, the only thing we can do now is rest and prepare for the next day and what might come with it for now. Alright?"
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Frank looked at her quietly through the whole monologue. He didn't contradict her. Didn't tell her she was too young. When she was finished, though, he spoke. "My squad was walking down the road one day. A little boy leading a cart was coming our way. We tried to tell him to stop. When he wouldn't, my Captain put a bullet in his head. Next time, same road, we see a woman. I tell her to stop. She pulls a detonator and kills half of our squad. I was almost among the dead. After that, civvies weren't civvies. Charlie was everywhere. Fucking everywhere, Rin. The trees. The road. The villages. Under your god damn bed. War drew a special fear from me that I'll never forget, Rin." Frank was doing a instructed, moving to the couch. "While I admire your bravery, and while these guys aren't Charlie, believe me when I say you aren't ready for war."

"No one is." With that, he lied down and was silent.​
If doing that means no one will cry, then...

Archer stiffened slightly for an unknown reason as Frank would describe his past experiences of war, as though it clicked something inside him as well, like a memory thought to have been forgotten, though the man tried his best to conceal any notable reactions to Frank's words, simply listening quietly for now, until he would finish talking.

Miracles aren't always what they seem to be...

"Casualties are to be expected in this kind of situation, and I suppose it's to be expected when we're torn between wars, especially some phenomena that is quite clearly called Murder," Archer spoke seriously, "But I doubt whatever will come our way will be like that, Mr. Castle. But I suppose it's too early to deal in certainties. Still, I'll just say that even I believe you're a bit too jaded, but then again, I'd need to hear some more stories from you before I can fully judge."

"In any case... we'll just try our best to prevent anything like that from happening, even though I'm sure it won't be like that. Archer's right; it's too premature to assume these kinds of things. We don't know if the entire world wants war with us, if it's just one organization, how much backing this Fiamma of the Right has..." Rin murmured, slowly standing up now, "Even if worst comes to worst like that... Well, I suppose we'll cross that bridge when we get to it. I've made up my mind, and I'm sure that even if I stumble, I can believe in myself and the path I walk down. I know I won't be wrong when I take this path, even if it'll be hard."

After a brief silence, Archer would clear his throat. "In any case, if that's over with now, as Rin suggested, perhaps some rest would be advisable. Since I'm not exactly a normal human, not anymore anyway, I do not require sleep as long as I have sufficient mana, and I can keep watch over the mansion while you two sleep. Now then, will that be all?"

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Frank looked over from the couch. He smiled at Rin. Despite how much she had already changed him, this wasn't very common. He rarely felt there was anything to smile about. Something about her determination made him happy. "War is always horrific, Rin. No matter how many people are involved or how they fight. No matter how much death there is. One person dead. Ten people. A hundred. A thousand. Makes no difference. War is still war in every package... and it will change you." His smile widened. "... but, if anyone can handle it... I think it's you." His eyes moved over to Archer. "Thank you, Mister Archer... for everything." The old man was genuinely appreciative of the Servant's help. He had saved Rin.​
"Hmph. It was nothing. After all, I was merely doing what any Servant would do. Just my job is all," Archer said modestly, somewhat uncharacteristic of him, as though being praised for doing good was something he was not exactly used to, "In any case, you're at least right that genuine war between giant parties is nothing to scoff at. It jades even the most noble, pure-hearted heroes of justice. But I doubt Rin will have to resort to extortion and murdering infants, or anything crude like that," he spoke with a soft breath.

"A-Anyway!" Rin exclaimed, somewhat flustered by Frank's words, "I'm off to bed. G-Good night, Frank. Archer."

"Ah. Good night, Master."

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"Hmph. It was nothing. After all, I was merely doing what any Servant would do. Just my job is all," Archer said modestly, somewhat uncharacteristic of him, as though being praised for doing good was something he was not exactly used to, "In any case, you're at least right that genuine war between giant parties is nothing to scoff at. It jades even the most noble, pure-hearted heroes of justice. But I doubt Rin will have to resort to extortion and murdering infants, or anything crude like that," he spoke with a soft breath.

"A-Anyway!" Rin exclaimed, somewhat flustered by Frank's words, "I'm off to bed. G-Good night, Frank. Archer."

"Ah. Good night, Master."


His eyes moved over to her. He was glad she was scared. She would need to be ready for the worst.

"Night, Rin." He waited for her to leave. "Don't give me that modesty bullshit, Archer. You deserve recognition as much as any of us. I don't know you well, but, after you saved Rin, I think I can trust you." He paused, then went through his pack, pushing aside a large metal hilt, among other things, to pull out a small flask. Frank usually didn't drink, but it helped with the pain when it just got too much. "I dunno if you're much for drinking, but... here. It's whiskey." The gesture was quite big for the old man.


"Modesty... I've no use for such a thing. Pride, modesty, they are both wastes of time,"
Archer said somewhat distastefully, a sour expression appearing on his face, though he attempted to erase it as he would cross his arms, clearing his throat, "I merely spoke my mind, and what I believed. Though I appreciate the gesture, even if you may think I deserve it, recognition is... something I've forgotten about for a long time. I've gone a long time without it. As far as I can remember, in fact, even if I am uncertain how far that leads," he spoke in a reserved manner, his eyes giving a somewhat distant look, "And I can go longer without it. In any case, if we continue this exchange, we might go around in circles, and I imagine you're not exactly the type that gives out praise so easily."

As Frank would offer the flask, Archer would eye it apprehensively, before reluctantly taking it, looking in and almost chuckling a bit. "Alcohol... I wonder if I had ever resorted to drinking my problems away when I was alive," the white-haired man spoke in a somewhat amused tone, before taking a sip, "Servants, especially ones like myself, do not typically drink or eat. To exist, we simply require the mana that most mages like Rin are able to passively provide, but I suppose I may as well have her conserve her magical energy while I do what I can to replenish mine. As mana can be found in many things, from bodily fluids like blood... among other things, to the nutritional value found in food and drink, perhaps I would do well to have this," he rambled on, taking another sip, "As I do not require sleep, I imagine I do not require food or drink to exist either, nor could I likely get drunk. But... there is a first time for everything," Archer spoke in a somewhat mischievous manner, laid-back as ever, before deciding to end his expository talk of the workings of Heroic Spirits like himself, "In any case, I imagine you often don't get recognition for your... ah, contributions to mankind either though?
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He just nodded. This Archer was oddly different than the one from Frank's last Murder Game.

"No. Recognition is neither something I want, nor do I get. Unless you count being seen as a by-and-large hated and feared individual. Killing thousands of people makes people look at you that way." His eyes moved over to the door. Frank got quiet. "You ever wonder who you were, Archer? Maybe think about trying to get the 'old you' back?"
"Hmph. So I see. I'd ask if your goal was to kill the few to save the many but... I doubt you'd describe the amount of whom you killed as "few." Still, that is another world, and perhaps none of my business, especially if it is in the past," Archer spoke, before crossing his arms again, "Speaking of the past... Well, I do wonder about what my past identity, but it is not my main concern. After all, once the Holy Grail War is over with, it can be presumed that I will disappear with the Grail once it is all over," he said, shrugging a bit, seemingly unbothered by the truth that seemed to dictate that his time here was brief, "Whoever I was in the past is not my concern. If I regain my memories over time, then that will be it. Perhaps if I do though, I would rather spend more time stopping myself from making mistakes I likely regret."
"Saving plays a very small roll in what I do. I tend to come in... after the fact." At Archer's talk of the past, Frank looked up. "Disappear? You mean you won't be a Servant anymore, or just that you're put on a shelf until someone else needs you?"​

"The latter,"
Archer responded, "Most Heroic Spirits, when they aren't busy being Servants in the world of the living, reside within a place outside the space-time continuum known as the Throne of Heroes. An abstract plane of existence known only to a few," he explained.

"I... think I'm different. My memory is still hazy, but I recall traveling through different periods of time, personally witnessing events like the destruction of Pompeii to the War on Terror. So I couldn't even say what time period I am native to,"
he said, crossing his arms, "But in the end, I imagine I shall suffer the same fate as other Servants. Unless we manage to win the Holy Grail and Rin decides that I should be the one to have my wish be granted. But I know not what to wish for, which would be the problem."
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"Wouldn't you wish for freedom? To be a whole being again?" Frank looked at the spirit quietly. "If I had a wish... well. I think my choice is obvious."​
"Who knows? Perhaps that is why I became eligible for a Servant in the first place, and I merely forgot. Unless of course, there happens to be another way to accomplish that. Who knows?" Archer shrugged, before standing up, "In any case, it is quite late. I'd recommend you get some rest, or do whatever it is you normally do in the night. Will that be all, Frank?"
"Yes, that's it. Night, Archer." With that rather simple good night, Frank rolled over and started to fall asleep. Thinking about what might be coming wasn't helping, though. Preparations needed to be made. Rin should learn to shoot, in case things went wrong. Maybe how to wield a knife. These thoughts carried the old man into deep, yet quiet, sleep.​
The next day, early in the morning, roughly an hour before Rin was supposed to wake up and get ready for class, Frank would be woken up by the ringing of the doorbell at the front. Who could it be at this hour?

It was unlikely that it was someone who meant ill will towards Rin, as while they did know where she was, given the earlier raid on her mansion, if someone did come to attack her once again, it would likely have been another ambush, like with Terra of the Left, meaning that this was likely the case, but even so, who might that be?

Rin had few friends to speak of at school, save for a girl named Ayako Mitsuzuri, who really only hung out with Rin at the Archery Club, and Rin's younger sister, with whom she was still in the process of mending her relationship. Thus, it begged the question; just who was at the front door, seeking an audience?​
Frank woke up with a start at the sound. Well... surely Archer wouldn't let any threats through. Still, the annoyed, rather cranky old man tucked a gun into the back of his pants before cracking the door open. "Yeah?"​

At the door seemed to be a young man around Rin's age, wearing what was presumably the males' uniform for her school, judging from the similar beige attire. He seemed quite surprised to see Frank at the door, likely having expected to see Rin instead. He seemed to be holding a small bag in his hand.

"Ah... sorry. Wrong place..." He stammered, beginning to step back, before stopping, deciding to take a breath, "Actually... this is the Tohsaka residence, right?"
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His tone became a little more friendly on seeing he was from the school. "Oh. Yes, it is. Are you a friend of Rin's?" The old man opened the door a little wider. He wondered if the girl was still sleeping. Knowing her, it wouldn't be surprising.​
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