Идеальная тишина (Perfect Silence)(closed)

Well I do apoligize for my errors but as I have mentioned on my page, I am dyslectic. I can not help my errors. So If you have problems with them I should perhaps not join after all...
Ooooooooo, I'm a grammar nazi myself, but if he can't help it, than the problem should be dismissed.
Thank you. I am doing my best but some times I cant help it. Sorry.
I didn't look at your profile, so I can only assume. I assumed you were not dyslexic. I apologize for this. You're still accepted, go ahead and post.
Yes well your apoligy (Of how one spell it....) is acsepted. Just as a friendly reminder. Take a look at peoples profiles before you try to corect them next time. One never knows and the next person might get uppset if you try to correct him/her.
It is after all a rather known problem that some people have and some of them have deeper dyslectia then I have and might be offended if some one try to correct them. Just a small reminder. ^^
Hmmm.....eh, well, I will check a few people's profiles who have particularly bad grammar, but your's isn't really that bad. You're understandable. I know some who I can literally hardly understand at all.
Yes well we all get a bit irritated at those. But just try to remember that sometimes it is becouse they can not help it.
In my case just forget it all happened and if I am writing something unreadeble then just send me a 'wait what? explain please' and I'll do my best to explain. ^^
Sorry, everyone, but I have to freeze this RP for now. I have a lot of stuff to deal with irl, and won't have the time to get on nearly as often, if at all.
This RP is now unfrozen, for I have returned! If you want to join, go ahead and make a CS, if you changed your mind, sorry to hear, hope you find what you're looking for.
Fine by me. Sorry about the whole dyslexia ordeal, I assume a lot of things I shouldn't. I need to stop doing that.
Its alright. People makes misstakes, thats whats make us human. Or something like that.
Well, I'm declaring this dead. Sorry, folks. Maybe another time.