I swear I'm not a cat

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Original poster
I swear, not a cat - don't listen to them.
Glad to meet you~
Call me Vinyl, or Creame. I'm a person, and I like to write. I also like belly rubs, and messing with people, and you, because so far you haven't given me a reason not to.
This place seems nice....looking forward to eating every single last forum goer writing with ya all ^ - ^
Hello fellow Non-Cat! *good to see another cat* What? No I didn't say anything. *Fellow cat*
Hello person who is also not a cat! Welcome to the community!
*takes a bow* Many greetings and I hope you have a wonderful time and many adventures here!
@Thatonepossumguy: I swear I'm not a cat say it again and I'll purr. All over your face. With malice and claws and relish.

Thank you all for the welcome! I can't wait to get writing, and to talk to all of you, and to taste all of you. ^ - ^
You must be related to Diana, for her surname is Notacat. How fancy.
Welcome to the site, person who is not a cat. Have fun devouring the masses hanging around the forum. :]
Oh! Well, I don't think I know her, but I'm sure we'll get along just fine as long as we're both honestly not cats.
Is this community mostly active at night? :o
Hello other fellow user~~

...and you shall not eat me... because I shall eat you first. -Eyes you as a move is contemplated.-

Anywho, regardless of being new myself, welcome? xD <3
Please....I must know....is your character constantly compelled to eat himself?
Hahaha. xD Perhaps if I had actually gotten to Roleplay his feral form, then that would be an interesting character trait to give him, wouldn't it? Definitely a thought.

But considering he has a more human based appearance for the one Roleplay he is in, no, he does not. He's screwed up enough mentally though, and with fantastic screwed up genetics and being a slave / experimented on he has some interesting quirks. He is one of my brain children for sure. Has quite a bit of my own flaws in him. His design / coloring is in honor of a deceased pet, so he is very special to me. <3

Sorry for the mini rant. xD Hope you don't mind, Vinyl. :3

Do you have any OCs you are particularly attached to?
@ Michi:
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@Kitty: oooo, I don't mind at all, I can talk about characters for ages. Actually, I might start a huge thread for people to just post and throw around ideas and talk about OCs if it doesn't already exist.

I have. Conversations. With the characters in my head. It's kind of a problem, I love all of them and they love me back I think. Some of them might hate me, actually.
There's my two most recent, Lillian (Lelli) Dewpoint, my quiet victorian mystery gal. And then there's Isabelle Hide, she's - oh dear, gotta go. I'll finish dis doe.
Oh my gosh I know exactly how that is!! XD Some of my characters yell at me quite often, actually... cause of all the crap I put them through. I swear I love them, I do.

XD I think its normal for a Roleplayers to have conversations with their characters, and to feel them react strongly in their heart and mind while reading a response. Or maybe just people like us. -Shifty eyes.-

<3 I look forward to hearing more about them~ I actually have to go now myself. xD
Seeya then. I'll just sit here and look for rps with my human fingers.
Any luck at finding any new RPs thus far? :3
Yeah, it's one about demons...which I'm actually kind of surprised about...I usually hate demon roleplays with intense passion.
Really? I tend to be fine with them, depending on plot. xD I'm pretty open as long as it has a plot I like, haha.
Oops I was tagged in this.
But I may be the only cat on this website.