I like you because...

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Because You cured my Insomnia.
I like you because you always seem to know the right things to say.
I like you because of the "Flying mustache"
I like you because when you laugh it makes me smile!
I like you because you seem to want to keep talking to me DESPITE ALL THE REASONS NOT TO.
I like you because you didn't desert us.
I like you because the murr tells me to~ Also you're friggin' awesome.
I like you cause you'd be good to go drinking with.
I like you for the same reason as you like Zypher. LETS BOOOOOZE!!!
I like you cause
I like you cause you post funny Videos.
I like you cause you drink beer and piss awesome.
I like you cause You Just don't give a F****!
I like you because you have interesting things to talk about. :D
I like you because you don't give up on your rp ideas. You know they're good.
I like you because you have such kind compliments and like to hug me! *Hugs* You're so sweet.
I like you because you're a cool person!

And we share similar interests in food.
...Do I know you?
I like you because you don't know me!
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