I like you because...

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I like you because you think of others before yourself!

(Keep telling me why you like me damnit! MOAR MOAR! *addicted*)
I like you because you are a weeaboo I can stand!


You're also eternally chipper, and you punched a metal wall in a bathroom once. >.>
I like you because you are intelligent, and though we often disagree, you do manage to remain civil.
I like you because you are a cute puppy.
I like you because I'm addicted to your cuteness.
I like you because...Well...I also have this 'thing' for foxes >.>
I like you because you're generally a very mild, easygoing person. You don't really drift to extreme emotions, it's a nice calm.
I like you because your random text messages with song lyrics make me smile. <3
I like you because you're one of the people who first welcomed me here.
I like you because you're a friend to all, and you encourage people to communicate. ^_^

((By the way, it was a metal pipe in the back of the store, not a metal wall. The things that water comes out of when it rains outside ins school? Those. Also, I said I put a dent in it, not a hole. Who told you I put a hole in it? o_o))
I like you cause you are not wierded out by my complete and total fanaticism to the god emperor, blessed be his name insanity.
I like you because your loving and dont smell like feet. (cant line out text sorry)
I like you cause you don't smell like sweaty ballsack.
I like you because you a fast posting and productive roleplaying member of Iwaku! <3
I like you because you've got a cool personality.
I like you because your profile pic is a teddy bear nomming on some dudes head.
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