I like you because...

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I like you because you share my love for food, and not to mention Pho.
I like you?... No I like you because you always brighten my day in the C-box
I like you because you make (or used to) LPs on youtube.
I used to like you just because you're cool.

But now, I like you because you're fun to be around with. :3
I like you because of your continous effort to be active in the forums. (which indirectly keeps Diana off our backs for a bit)
I like you because you have lots of RP ideas.
I like you cause you attitude says chill, but your avatar says Kick ass!
I like you because your a good spring board for ideas. (lol, but it is true)
I like you because, in your story, you made me totally more kickass than I really am. haha
I like you because you help me bring out my inner nerd.
I like you because you seem to have cool things to say most of the time. ^^
I like you cause you called me Cool in the last three posts.

And for the record, I am. Very cool.
i like you because... i don't know, maybe because you're quite pleasant to talk with.
I like you because you were cool to me when I first joined, making it easier to be part of the community.
I like you because you seem to be about having fun...which closely resmbles my own philosophy.
Oh, you again? :P

Well, I like you 'coz you're creative, tolerant, and you know, all those nicey-schmicey stuff. :3
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